The Wingham Times, 1897-08-20, Page 7PH NOLI NE NM EDI ES Taking the lead everywhere. We are working day and night t c supply the demand. Oar correspondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds of poor sufferers are being restored to _health and happi- ness daily. TRY RHEUMATID SPECIFIC OR KIDNEY AND LIVER PILLS They are absolutely pure and Healthful. Guaranteed to cure Rheumatism, Sciatica, ° Neura•lgia, Lumbago and an forms of Kidney and Liver troubles. BEWARE or SPURIOUS IMITATIONS Sold in Wingbam, only by Gordon & Co THE PUB UE WXNt mmAM TIMES AUGUST 20 18 7. DO YOU Lel To Read a.'ood IF SO Story? Do NOT FAIL TO READ THE CHAPTERS 4y-F� /•� Taut me and'bitn has lots of tun, C�dAP 1 ERS OF i tie's such a tunny num, I dance for bins and brush his hair, vo • And loves him•all I can. .. I cans him Anjrow-that's his name— And he says 1 ean't talk, And then ho puts my pinddie on, And takes me for a walk. I tells bins forty thousand times, But 'taint a bit of ute He always says a man's a' mon,' ' A.nd calls a hove a ` booso.' NTG� T8 SCOTC$ „anarTdl'J 4A lav gratt'pa is a funny man, ).le's Scotch es he can be, I tries to teach him all is eats, But, he can't talk like me, I've told bits forty thousand tunes, Out 'taint ah ttft tat use, 11e always says a man's a' mon,' And culls a bouse a' hoose.' Re plays with me most ov'ry day, An' rides me ou his knee, Re took my to a picnic once,. .And dressed up just lilac me, He says I am a' bonnie bairn,' And kisses me, and svhon 1 ask biro why he can't t'tlk right, Ile says' I cltnna hen. Our New Story The W t gham Pianint Mills are now runnit again in full blast— Parties we ling to have Lumber Dressed or a thin in the planing mill business s eh . s— can— —SASH, --D00 ' S, ---BL's DS -- t1.SINGS, IOULD1NGS; can are them on short notice and at _'west possible price . I have ale added a number of n = w mach s which will enable a to do rk cheaper and:better tha ever. S. BENNETT, Successor to WATT & SO MELTON'S IJ M PS Will stand wear and tear for 3 ears. No better proof can be given of their durability than is shown by the feet that some of these pumps put in wells 2.5 years ago are still working. IRON and roRCE PUIVIPS Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended to. SHOP—Diagonal Sr,. opposite Beattie's Livery. JOHN PELTO`, tWVingham, Ont (Miss 'ardour,) .tie Diamond nye Vkf 1.7 Ey LAWRENCE L. LYNCH, Author of "A Toman's Grime," "Jolla Arthur's Ward," "A Slender Clue," "Dangerous Ground," Etc. 00.00 This story is ive11 written, the situa- tions are dratnatio, and the interest well sustained from the first to the last. lir. Lynch is an able detective and a good writer. We can recommend it to all our readers who like a good lively story. • Look for the opening chapters in this paper . Thi EOE, SUMER E SU i S Made in the LATEST STYLES Go to`. Hove Black Men Endure Pain. A Makua, whose foot had been amputated, was found the day after the operation out of bed on the hos- pital flour, using the stump for, .pro• gression. This, to a doctor fresh rrom Europe, and mindful of white patients under similar circumstarices, unable to bear the bedclothes on the limb, and crying out if even the. bed were jolted, was a revelation of the; black man as a patient, -As • ease after ease presents 'itself, one be- comes aware of the great diteerenee in the materiel under hand, in reac- tion to disease and to interference with the normal modes of life --a difference as great -as that between the color of the twwo. vices. A Yea, who lied had three dam- aged fingers removed, stole away' head. She tsnw a young face white the next morning to go on a maohila land drawn with pity, and two ten- 'j,turney of some weeks, using the' der eyes looking upon her through id:;niaged hand freely. 1.sympathetic tears,. There was a So, too, the expeditions of 1895 I moments hush, and then a great sob brought to light many instances of broke the etil tness of the room. Vile callowness, Shells fired into a. 1 Oh, child site said, and then stockade .unfortunately do not dis- with a quick motion she laid her I ceirninate between men, Women and i head on Ethel's shoulder and shed ?children. They wound all alike. 'those blessed tears which bring re - 'At Mlozi's, women mortally woundedllief to hearts which have readied were to be seen going ebout picking' the limit of endurance. up firewood, drawing water and at -I • Not a word had the young girl tending to their physical wants, k pouch to Indeecomfd, she by was m • eans wise women who the next day were dead. of speech. But as those Who fol - A little girl whose leg was €impu- lowed the footsteps of the Man of tilted made her way toa pool,'where Nazareth found healing, i.. the mere she sat with the stump dangling in ; IN of His garments, so her lowing, dd tit r rliich. she aa.t presence and evinpttthctfc touch had splashing The Touelc of sympathy. When the heart Is full of siem- pattiy, some .of it is bound to over. flow. It may not manifest itself in words, to be sure, but it will find some equally effective way of timer- ing or consoling;. Some years ago a widow who was spending the sum. trier in a.little town in New Ramp shire, received word of the death of her only son, a young man of great ,promise, who -at the time was travel. ling in Europe. - The bereaved mother shut herself into. her room with her sorrow, and the fancily with whom she had been boarding for several. ,ret• ks, eoneeted on the piazza, and talked over the shocking news. What can we do for her, poor' soul ?" said the head of the house, casting a pitying; glance' toward the. closed mom within which a heart was -breaking. - "I don't sce that we can do any thing," replied his wife. e I'm sure I don't know what to say to her And besides, 1: don't believe she is the sort of person. that likes to hear expressions of sympathy." " I'm almost sure she would like to feel that some one was near who was sorry for her," said Ethel, a girl of sixteen. "And unless ,you think I'd better not, I'm going into her room." She was very pale as sbjt entered the house and knocked at the closed door, but . when she received no answer, she boldly pushed it ajar, and en`.ered. • Dlhe mother was ly- ing upon the bed, her face stern and set, and her hands clenched. She took no notice of Ethel, even when the girl knelt beside her and began to stroke her tense fingers with a gentle, soothing touch. After a time the muscles relaxed slightly, and the woman. turned her EBS ER"S QUEEN'S l3LOC.Ii~, VirISGIIAM •.klif33 riAr..i'V Ax.1-0W AR1 JF. •� ak some axonal GIVING AM IDEA OF THE vAs-ranee OF ITS WORK. General Booth of the Salvation Arcnv Irian appeal the other day fta 450,000 to carry on and extendthem , tbe manifold and varied work of the organization at home and abroad, states that there are now ,3;978 corps of the Salvation. Army in various; parts of the world with 1-1,613 offs- cers. In the United l ,ingdotu atone there are 1,231 corps under the leadership of $,051 oificera, the social woik is represented at home, 142, and abroad by _289 shelters,_: slum posts, reserve homes, labor 1 bureaus, factories and farm colonies' 1,499 fallen females, were received , OOLIC, CHOLE1�A, �6 °I-E€i?M in the English rescue homes, • of; IN0tIBUS, GIAA d j 0E4 1 which 1,224 turned out well. • In'the' DYSENTERY, senna petted a,33i,767, nab=•its And aU SU iiii1EE3 r3�IZF.,t'•i6fd,T$ et were supplied .`tt rho ebeap food Childress or Adults. depots, while shelter was offered for 1 ;IRIiG�avra t:at itfitatioiiee 1,207,110 persons ; 07,030 meeting', were held weekly in buildings, on the highways wherever Salvationist corps exist, and were attended by .5;000,-1; 000 people ; 50,000,000 newspapers, and. other publications belonging to n The modern stand - the army were used. The organiz- , and Family Needi- ation holds. freehold and leasehold . a property iti,the United Kingdom oftrl cine Cures the a present eetitnated vafue of £5f12,- 818 4s' 3d. Investments and loans' amount • to £184,853 las 8d, By' self-denial efforts the members of the Salvation army—almost entirely poor people—have been able to raise an. nuttily 460,000 Baby Was Cured Dear Sirs, -1 can hinbly recommend Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw. berry. It cured my baby of diarrhoea after ail other means failed, so I give it great praise. It is excellent, forali bowel cowplatnts. MRS. CHAS. BOTT, Harlow, Ont. A Long -Headed Cobbler. A Scotch cobbler,.deseribed on the police. books, as a `notorious offender, was sentenced by n. Forfar magistrate If a •et•own or i to pay a fined ha n default twenty-four hours bard labor if he chose the latter lie would be taken to ,j..il at Perth, 'Then I'll go - to jail at Perth, be said, •for I `r:..e. some business there,' An official conveyed him to Perth, but when the cobblor reached the jail he said.' he. werilc pa:- the fine. 'I'm -governor found he would have t . e it. 'And now' said the cobbler, I avant my fare home.' The governor demurred bet discovered there was no alterna- tive; the prisoner must be sent at the mu y cynic expense to the place he had over it with her hands, I been as a bunts of ennselatton toe p p h singing ail the Gime as though troth! bruised and broken spirit.--Selected.been brought -from. So the canny ing were amiss.— British Central Scot got the 2 shillings 8l pence + Iioan's Iiitl� y Pills •I wine]) represented his fare, and did Africa Gazette. I his bnsiness and went _tome triumph Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid - rem O'er• ]e ifty hi: earns. N OLD AND NV.OLL'Titt ED REMLDY-- l n,. ti'ti inslow's Soothing Syrup has; bt't:u useel fur oyer fifty yours by mil- t lions of mothers for their chiidren while • teetIvng, with perfentsuccess.. it soothes, the ehil1, softens the gums, allays all ,pain, tires wind polio, and is the best te'a„'Jy for. diarrhoea. Is pleabant to ti.t, taste. Sold by druggists in every of the world. Twenty-tive cants a tjntt.les. Its value is incalu..ble. Be sure ate. i ask for Mrs. 1'Vinslow's • Soothing S; rep, and take no other kind Ca112BINFS 'flf fl BEST OF .ILLI. DICINES, SLO N S WAN TWO OTIiiI1Ft es Cures Erysipelas, Rheum, E ze erup e A Marvel Sloan's I County Scrofula, Salt and all other in Diseases. Cure for Erysipelas by diad Tonic, in Lampton. ConeRaA, JutY 40. Dams Shas,--i received the medicine nil right and mu touch obliged for it. I had Erveinelasevery sum- mer for fire ;t oars, sometimes so itad my Mee, arms and Ledv would sweii to an enormous sits slid roti ryes would shut for days at a time. I tried two deo. tors but they did me un good, and I o ren went for change et climate, tint all to no avail until I got your TOMO. After taking one bottle the swellinr ceased, and I Iu,proved every day and aur now • entirely cured. Youts very fruit , MRS, 1. J. poaraat. Pieice $1 a bottle, 6 for $5. .&'i druggists Or by express. Send fry m'tt Iteev book of wonderful curie. Pree by mall. THE SLD `< -ElICRIE CO. OF HAMILTON, LIMITED. T. 0, Drawer I.. .xa .< ton, Successors to I3urtalt .Eros, d; Co. Be Had Nothing to Say. Fere is something that happened at a LaSalle avenue house. It mere- ly goes to show, There are three young; 'women at ti -e house, and oho night this week •four young then straggled in, ono at a time, to " call." As soon as the seven were together the conversation started briskly, but one young man, Mr. Morgan, kept silent. The small talk raged around him, but he said nothing. The members of' the company told tales of strangf•e adventures, of accidents, of meeting; old friends, and so on, and soon they became enthusiastic in comparing cxperienees. Mr. Morgan sat and listened patiently.' Once in a while a wan smile lighted up his face, and then he relapsed into gloom. It seemed as if he tried to appear in - Wrested, but it was an effort. The others were so engrossed in convet-- sation that they did not look at hum I�'inalts>, about half -past ten, one of the young women turned• to hits and said Why, Mr, Morgan, I don't be- lieve you have said a word all even- ing," "No," be replied, sadly, "I don't ride the wheel." nays; bladder and urinary ori,*ans nnly. ant—`x pence half penny and a mil - They euro backaches, went; back. thou- way ridethe better for htsoih'ence.This a Scottish American. • othor diseases arising frotr wrong action • of i.he,ki'lneti s end hl adder. '�'P`—' ------ • "1 was troubled with a pain in the Avoid Trifling Disputes. back for months, and after trying se.er- all retxtedies without effect, thought I A woman whose goodness and tvould nee 1Iagyard's Yellow Oil, I iter tenderness make her loved b all glad to any that after usiand oa bottles. • Y I a•as completely wured, attd cannot re• who know how, since said to an im- commend this excellent remedy too patient girt friend : " 11y dear, learn highly. to allow others to be mistaken. It Miss Arhete CaAri nlAhv, is a difficult les -ort to a.e uire but it South fifvor,Unt. matism., diabetes, oongesction, tottarntna- beats the old `saxpense' story.— tion ravel, Bright's cheeses and all al common day 1." of humanity. Li TgACtt 0 MARIA our cart Sir age' Or have you- palpitation, throbbing or irregular beating, dizziness; short breath, smothering or choking sensation, pain in,• the breast or heart. If so, your heart is affected and will its turn affect your. nerves, causing ncrsiousnass, sleepless. ness, 'morbid anxious furling, debility.. Plats Cure all these cbmpinints by regulating the heart's action and building- up the nervous land muscular syst.rtn to pe fhct health and strength. Price Loc. per boa: or 6 boxes for $3.5o. At ail druggists. Caveats and Trsd•.2.fatiel obtained. and :tlkpatent business conducted for Itlht3Lt$,•fi•; FRES. ', My office is in the itnmodiate vicinity of the Patent05 ce and a,y facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed Send model. sketch or photograph of invention,witl description and statemsntas toadvac,taga, claimed. la -aro Chart tt {s awaele for ft dtpinion trs to 2tateattut':iU..i and toy fee for prosecuting the apphicat+nn trig Igoe les vetted for until 117,03 ptttctx r ai1txded. •'Ixva,.roas'.Gvtntt." nub, mining hurt information serif fres. AIt gonnn0:• eafiocrs Ornsidereel ate btrien). fonudentta... FRA Kg.!74 H. HOUGH eVn k' S. a•L+ttYn 117/1nrrzs'6Y�F" roN. IIR. Y?. is one that will make you. and all There are yet some places in l+'•ng- who come in contact with you hap- , land where tbe geographical know - pier." ! ledge of Canada is somewhat limit The wise advice often oceurs to ed. Yesterday a letter was received me while listening to discussions and at the Department of Agriculture, heated arguments upon utterly un.. from Stafford, England, bearing the important matters. following address: "The Secretary, Nobody likes to he told tbat he is Department ofAgriculture, Ontario, wrong, and few of ustwill believe it United States. This, however, is of ourselves when we are told of it. not as had as one that came from When there is no principle involved, the United States some tune ago. It it is wiser, gentler and kinder to let was addressed to The Agricultural a trifling error pass unnoticed. If a Department, Tomato, Canada." friend bas bought the material for a Peterborough, October 22, 1898. portiere, acid bas had the curtain To Messrs. Edmanson, Bates ee Co., Tor. made by a seamstress under the Onto, fond conviction that she had saved Gentlemen,• --T take great pleaenre in testifying to the merits of Dr. Chase s money by so doing, why tell her H. and L. Pills, They prove themselves that she 'Could have bought a pair of to be just what they are recommended ready-made portieres for what she for, and aro one of the best selling pills has paid for the material and the that 1 neve ever handled. • maltingof one? It will only lessen S. D. Tette, lirulrgist,• her enjoyment In her pc'operty, and It is reported that another charge do neither her nor you any good. has been Iaid against Mr. Charles When a mistake is made and past Shut . ot Mildmay in connection 'Changing, let it alone. It is a great undertaking to try to right the world, and those whose temerity per- mits them to attempt teiie task should be careful that the so called righting is not in itself a mistake. Scurfy Rettd. If a obild's head is sourly, do not l comb the hair, whi•:h is apt to Scratch rind irritate the scapi, but brush evntly. Atter washing the h rel thoroughly, dry R it, and apply Dr. Chard's Ointment. 25 3ETw18fo9r . hesnTasrbb annotiw and t o . the first ell ttvters of our new story Vr•E3ksE BILIOUSNESS CU STIPA ITE1 SICK, RFABA` IiE t►rott ALL LIVER I UEL ES As laxative, one pill acts perfectly, and if -a stronger action is desired a cathartic effect is produced by two pills. In obstinate cares, where a purgative is necessary, three pills will be found sufficient. Theses pills leave no unpleasant after effc' t. One pill taken each, night during thirty days will cure constipation. ~ timet eta, Oh 5 r•Qat trt.ea with the Capriole Financial Co., and that the preliniinay Hearing; will take plac t in Walkerton on the 19th inst. Wf1 NTEC_Arentgfor "(lulus Vlotoria, 1•lar iil� tJ heirs and Diamond Jtibaeo. Overflowing with latest and richest pictures. Cow tains the en•ters••d blo.•raphy of .tier Majesty, with authontio titetcty of her remarkable coign, anti httl acooant.e? the Diamond Jubilee. Only A1,1*. lila _ _ book 'tramand• tut demand. fonanaa for agents, (�, V .• Memmibaion. SO per rent. Credit 0.1i' . Yttlith' pard, tltirt'it'T free. butt' "M. write for nutfl' CORES COUSHS ABB mid torritbry. THEDO/AMNtel/ COMPAltY, Dept, i CORES COUSHS 7, Ali Dearborn fit., Chola ge, bit WOOD'S NORWA PINE ta . t