The Wingham Times, 1897-08-20, Page 6eirttrarr
esetlins.V, rl.11(1IIST 20. 11397.
"I'Iill', 'taTn.?,1.++sx.0 4x X'ORESTRY.
T'!(11a,414 /rImits., AUGUST 20, Wt3)7.
Nu more useful anal instructive
public Ii,reuunedte ave been issued
by tilt t)nt(rrie Uoveruruent than the
anneal repents of the B1trocttt of For-
estry, which have done excellent
set•viet� to nesting a strong public
opinion in fever of woodland preser-
vation and tree -planting. The re-
port of the Clc;t•k of forestry just re-
ceived, i5 iu, mitt; eo Imertlly tt$
sante or hs predecessors, owing CO
the; fact thin its author is engaged
on the work of the Forestry Com-
mission appointed to consider the
(potion of replanting the waste
Jamie. that being the most important
phase of the problem, nevertheless it
is full of interest and comprises .an
up•tu•dltte view of the present shoe:- adopted by her owner.
tion, embodying the latest scientific , Of the many expedients employed
coneIttsions and ninth practical in- try the human being in this. contest,
turmatnun for farmers and others in- two have been patented to the inven
terested in tree culture, tor, by the Jnited States Govern -
•The report emphasizes the fact, ment, and may not be used by the
now thoroughly established by obs exasperated public without proper
servation and experience, that when licetine front the patentees. .
pine forests have been cleared a ,.'1<'.he first patent was granted to a
second growth of pine will spring citizen of La Crosse, Wis., in 1887,
up, provided tltc •la,iid is not subject- so.has seven years yet to run. The
ed to the rava; 3` The reason inventor proposes to lay a flat coil of
why the contrary view has been so stout Wire in the nest having at
widely held that it has almost been intervals sharp points. Ile states
accepted as an axiom, is that in under oath that besides driving the
newly all eases fire has followed the hen off the nest, it will, operating in
axe, destroying the seeds and seed: a manner described in the patent, in -
Rugs. Tee solution of the forestry stantly dint rt • tilp . hen from • any
problem lies in the prevention of the desire or disposition to set. Not only
devastating forest tires which have will it do thin, theoretically-, it will
. proved no deatru:tie in the past, so effectually banish all_ recollection
and in permitting the land not of pl;evlons intent nn the part of the
adapted for settlement to isecome r'e; - party of the second part that shewill
• fuiested. if this were done " and' forthwith resume her ordinary' de -
greater judgment shown by iumber-
men in cutting only well -matured
trees, leathering would hec.ame a
permanent and settled industry, and
the timber supply f e tide future
nreuld be assured.
Investigations undertaken by the
Bureau during the pest a.Cea r with
the object of aseert•tining the total
Iumber cut of the Province have
brought out some facts not generally
known as to the extent tsf�the supply
of timber obtained frons land. occu-
pied by farmers. So far as statistics
could be obtained fruit 1,500 lumber
mills, it appeared that: the ae'trl;egate
cut. of pine on lands owned bytar-
eters, amounted to 365,000,000 feet,
board measure. Thisis in addition
to wood sold for other,purposes. The
report points out Elie ; increasing
volne of wood of maty" kinds, owing
to its growing sears ty;,and urges
upon farmers the neet:t of" maintain.
IIENta FROM Sx rTl to.
One of the unsolved problems of
the ages bas been tc1 discover an ar-
guttrent for dissuading the setting
hen from following the natural bent.
of lies• Maternal instincts and induce
her to resume her else -laying von -
The average poultry raiser thinks
he is defrauded unless he can secure
one egg per diem for seven or eight
months from each hen. W hexa,there
tore, a ben stops laying in -the early
summer, and vehemently asserts }Ser
intention to remain on the hest all
day without adequate rental of the
owner, the trouble begins. •
It is a battle royal between bulnan
intellect and ingenuity and animal
instinct, the hen usually coming off
with the honors, unless she sacrifices
her life to often too drastic treasures
cleaner and begin laying eggs again
It reads like a. fairy" tale, but the came before Sir William R. Meredith'
originator of the idea doubtless and a jury, but by an arrangement Wine
never had experience with hens so between council, the company aban- astern
fertile in resourse and'indomiable in dened the charge ot fraud, and the
will power as those with which the jury being dispensed with judgment
writer bad personal experience in was given for_the plaintiff for the
his youtb. full amount of $10,000 and costs.
The secLud patent has just been Not satisfied, the Company appeal-
- granted to a titan residing in Healed to the Court of Appeals of On•
Roxtown, Texas, and has given to a tario, which court divided, the Chief*
great deal of amusement on• the pat t Justice and Judge Burton, favoring
of the patent otlicials. The man who the company and the other two
made the drawing, in, order to play claimant, so that the original judge
a joke on the officials,; showed the ment, stood. •
•f -the
d then appealed to h
v b i s fi..tene The company de ic., n pair of I ncjel • _ co p y pp
to the head of a lordly . eiltlnttcleer, Privy Coune hand the newly appoint
and in this form it was published. ed Judge Strong, delivered judg-
Ti1e examiner who had charge of merit allowing the company,s apeal
the case has been bantered se ,tnjieil and diminishing the plaintiff's action
that he now asserts that the fowl is with costs.
really a hen, but of a French br:eetd
ht.ving no distinction between the
Sexes 37ature's Mediclno.
:laver AQ YOU P9r"Y' 4!>wl'1 i.fl'3, 1iF-
RAaOE Iazetlr,
�e���T>�. �lsz�vzca�s.
M r,,� �� ��
1 HO DIST- Res. 11•r. Paseo', pas
NOTES GIVEN To set MARKT NOT Goof PIMSIBYT'ERI*N---.Rev. i). Perri, Vv* I N G I-1 11.M.
r,P.ESCf?%'AL, bt. Insure -Rev, Wm. Cupitul, 1,�50.UUit. Rest, &ft 0,G00
A ease of importance to all people Lowe, rector. Serrteee at te. apd''•.'pzrald-i t JouG ru4aT.
p 1n, ti Vive.Preeldont-••A. U. Row.
e • Ce. � 1.
tor, Services at it a in and 7 p m.
patter. Services at 11 it m and 7 n in
• •
in��aw� Cita*
-at PVOL1S11161)
carrying insurance or abo?t to pla 7 BAPTIST -Rev, das, gatnnttou, pets malts OP'i'10t Joseetttntx SrRfGr
insuranee on their lives, as W01t as tor. Services at ll n'ailed ll
7 to
the different conipacltes doing busie I oQNUR1'lGt .TIONAles-blot'.
1 ason, paster. Serviups at it Jt to and
ness in Ontario, watt settled by a 7 p tet,
judgment of the Privy Council Wed ( SALVr.'.i'ION d,R d�IY--Capt. Harker I nesday, which finally decided that and Lieut. l3nrney in command. n er-
unless the prerniunis is paid either vices at 11 a m, i P,04 and $ 11 tel,
b cash or b ' a a er to the Com I of 1.ISTIAN 4'SKERd -- Misses
y y p p collect. ' Outi le and Look in cl:lti nand, Services
pany the insurance cannot be col ee . at a p lu Send 8 p tu,
ed, Notes given personally to an In each ot the abov.e named eh urohes
agent, are not sutileient payment for: Sabbath School is lielil at 2.30 pet.
a premium according to this impor- -- --- -.--
tont decision.'Profits in Ferments
The original notion was brought - •
by Jean Flemming as..administratrix The profits that Ile within tate
of the estate of her son Jaynes, upon . reach of the Canadian farmer Who
whose life an insnrance of $10.,000 farms with his brains, are indteated
D 1tc'rcUS
Joss I'aooT4a. ONO. tt.Moll, wit 0U» O , 1', a. T.
acus, .A:. U. LSO (Toronto).
Cashier --J. TURNBULL.
'Sc,Vi:,,7 . Uannt--•trocars, 10 to 3• Saturdays, 10
De('osits of ffi and upwards received nod Sorest
allow ti.
13p+teist,I 1zerortto also . received at current
rotas gf ti ..teat.
Drnal`te on Groat Unbolt& Inti the (Jutted States
hoagie anti sold
Sv. COtIBOULD, A exe
E. L. t.tfotrINSON, Solicitor.
A. line SMITH
was effected in November 1894, by ; by the experience of a young Ontario
W. II. White; the then agent farmer who was in . Montreal the
of , the London and . Lancashire ; other day, says the Ilernld: en .route
Life Insurance Company., The first; for Glasgow with a °mare -of; cattle,
and only premium was not paid In l which he fed during the winter.•This
cash, but notes -ere given for the spring they carne out in fine condi-
amount to. White personally. These; tion, And a few weeks ago he "sold.
notes, White discounted with Bark I them, realizing a net profit of' $1,850
Grabam, bankers. In settling -his; or nearly $40 per head. In count -
account with. the London and Lances- , intng'the cost, the value of the proven-
hireCompany at the end of• the year der was not cluciecl, as by feeding
189.1, White sent his own • note, ,re - lit on the farm the productive power's
ptesensing the balance due from bis of the land were. preserved. This is
agency, which note ho asked . the ;n0 doubt an exception case,' but it
company to hold, until the cash was ;shows what:the possibilities of Intelli Notes iSOOT 'f'Itesd
remitted, I gent farming are. Stook raising,
- One of the notes given by Flem• cheese and butter making, Jtro bring AT RE A..SON.z3 BL RATES
ming carne .due and was renewed. ing foreign- money into Ontario and LVloney advau4. d on Mortgages 't 63 frac c:nntwlth
eh -en it and the other note came slue Quebec, and the businesJ wilt deve- p;,d alououn s oollc,tielthe end lit any year. Nota
and were unpaid . when Flemming t lope vastly, if the farriers get out of •
died: illi 1895, being still in the bands 1 the rut,, and adapt of Burk Si. Graham. The mother the new conditions.
then started an action against the
company which set out as a plea the
GENERAL 13AiI:k7.lve BU811 25 TRAi ti-
Moneyadvanoed ou Farmers and Business were en
endorsed note and collateral.
Moneys remitted by draft to all per • of Catuda-and
' the United states.
Notes and accounts collected on reasonable terms.
Money co .' Loan on
Slabs►' l stain rs•lae, el per ltps.r, to AfAvaiiOe
space 1 1 yr. 1 tl t30. 1 8 +no, -• me'
one Oolufuu $00 00 10e 00 $102 co rso 0RHnII"f000200120000nue evh 20 00= 12t 7 0d3 00
�_o 2 00100
Legal and other casual a ver aoments, Se. per
line for first 'nsertlon, and Se per lino for each
subsequent insertion. tr0. ured by nonpareil scale,
s.0aat notices 10e. per line for first insert! n, and
Se, per line for each subeeyucut :nsorticr.
Ailvcrtisonnouts of Lost, Found, strayed,5Itttattous
and Bueinoss Chances Wanted, not exceeding.8 line
nonparoll, $1 for first month, and 50e. for each
subsequent month.
'Jousts) and rearms for Sale, not axeegdin2 8 line*
g1 for fi:8t month, 53o, • per subsequent. month
Lar^•er advertisements in proportion.
rtne5peotalErates 'for gla ger strictly
dvertisements, or
longer periods,
Advertisements and Weal directions, will be inserted till notices
forbid landut°hu ileo
accordingly. Traoattery advertisements must be
paid it advance
t u utogueiry Wednesday ay noon, order to app ar
that w4ek
e in
If. 5, ICLLIOTT, #
Puoriptxroa ase PU3t18hon,
\BARRISTER, but ICXcoa, Eta. r"
Privatti and Company funds to Igen at lou est rat
interest. No commiasten charged. Mortgagee, to
and farm propene bought and sold
OFFICE.•-.BoavorBlock ii'if:outk
• n o33'r. Stator DOC.
b d i old d pt themselves to Seaver Block tFinrham, Ont
oboe a facts and also endeavored -to ,b•" %'•• '
show that at the time of his death,' sees
Flemming had a diseased lung from' .
whieh he afterwards died. The ease br:refasten ant. chi
ing their wood lots and, the desire. The patent says, 'When a hen is
bllity of planting wake. ,lands with provided with one of these impr oved
good timber trees as;a fu"tore source hoods, she :can neither see to the.
of profit._ Valuable aartletes, by idr.• right nor left nor upw: rdly,and thus
Alex. Kirkwood on tdie, th.anllf:+eture is prevented, from flying to any elevat
of •charcoal, and by '.i)t J3reclie, the 1 ed position. ' All nests in the modern
noted entomologist, u iinsects injuri• construction of henneries are con- CULItCSo.
coos to trees are lnciuded in the strutted at an .c'evation ram the
Nature's Medicine for constipation,
Liver complaint, sick headache, bilious-
ness, jaundice and sallow complexion is
taxa Liver Pills, They are a perfect
lhicativs, never griping or can ing pain.
One p111 each night for 30 days will cure
volume, which also tetintstins an ap- ground, and a fowl will never fly in
pendix showing the pttoportion of a direction in.wbieh it cannot first
forest to cleared 1 it'd iii the town• look, the hen will thus be prevented
ships ; of the settles 'partien of On. from flying, up into the nest,'
tario. Any persorr desirous of ab• As the hen can see directly before
tanning a copy of t1ie; repent can do her, however, it does not appear how
."so by sending -hi 'riaiiio,aind address she is to be prevented from focaliz-
to Mr. Thomas S,,�Sett%forth, 13uread ing her efforts to hatching a brood of
of Forestry, 1'aliarirent l3unldings, chickens from Such bits •of broken
• ` ` crockery as she can scratch into; a
r - corner of the aforesaid hennery.
S11oupG519 Breath.
"Since last year 1 have had serious Always Felt Tired.
heart trouble illused by malaria, Short-
ness of breath,intotherinn spells on re- "I suffered with Were headache and
tiring, yiolenV-tpalpitation, etc, often 'ass of appetite and I always felt tired.
milds me gaspfbrbreath.:tie procuring' 1 concluded to try Hood's Sarsaparilla,
Milburn's Heaft and NervePille,I found autl after ticking one bottle my bead -
to my surprise and delight that they ache disappeared. 1 continued taking
gave niftiest instant relief. I got healthy it until now I ate tracer troubled with
restful steel(, my heart troubles dieap. headache and my appetite is good,"
geared, and 1 now feel very well indeed L-An11A GAnteun, 247 Claremont Street,
Nir. Hugh Moore, Ingersoll, Out. makes Porcine a, Ont.
this statement for the public good.
loot's Pfl,ns act easily and promptly
An alntissin incident occur red in 'n the liver and bowels. Cure sick
g headache.
a Methodist church in Clinton on a
recent Sunday. While the miinis-
ter was making the usaxl announce-- Dungannon public school for the
relents, one of the faitthfol who is years 1896 and 1897 carried off the
noted for his hearty respontae4,eaused paha nv its:students obtaining the
a smile to pass over manytaces when highest number ot marks in the
a response came at a moment, when County of Iluron at the examinations.
no one expected it. "Our* quarterly In 1896 Miss 13'rank. McLean obtained
services will' be held two wreelta f ern the highest number, and in 1807,
f` to day," said the pastor, "Praisg:. the Katie Swan won the same honors.
?' Lord," responded the good 'brother. ,This greatly redounds to the credit
"Instead of the Usual love feast at, of the prineipal, T. G. Allen, and the
tem o'1;11ock," continued the pastor, i two eandidates. The female pupils
"oar service will eminence at 111 have left the mules in the back.
and we will not •have any ser- ground.
mon," "Parise the Lord" was again l
Economy and strength are combined
tho very hearty response, andit was in 7iood's Sarsaparilla. Every bottle
gotta minutes before the mrsister re -1 contains 100 doses and will average to
tse�ssefdd„ ' toile a mallett,
The' directors of the Culross Mut-
ual Fire Insurance Company, met in
the Town hall, Teeswater, on July 31
ae per motion of adjournment. Mem-
bers all present except President Alli•
Clarke-McKague-That in the
absense of the president, Mr. John
Mei ague act in his piece. -Carried.
IlicKague-Clarke-That the min
utes of last meeting as just read be
adopted. -Carried.
McKague--RReid--That all appli-
cations for insurance taken since last
meeting by the different agents, be
laid before the directors for examin-
ation. -Carried •
McRagae- Reid--- That' having
examined twenty-three applicants for
insurance and founi them satisfae-
tory the president and secretary
issue policies for same, with the ex•
ception of one to be held back until.
arears are paid, and secretary notify
said party. ---Carried.
Moffatt- MoKague--- That this
board do now adjourn, to met in the
Town ball Teewater, at the call of
the president;
Davin Moiwrosu,
Seer'etaryTre8 surer.
4 ri se Tey ?with
On July 14th, 1837 Samuel Fisher
and Sarah Baillie were unwired in the
City of Glasgow, Seotlitnd by the
Rev. 3Ir. Garrett, Wesleyan ininister.
They are now living with their
daughter, Mrs, J. C. Magee,. in
Arthur, and on the 14th of July com-.
Pieced. the 60th year of their married
Zile. They are in good health • and -
spirits and although an octcgenerian
'Jnr. Fisher still holds the position and
discharges the duties of sexton in the
Methodist church in Arthur and very
seldom fails tb be present at all the
services. They are the p
Rev, J. S. Fisher. of • Gorrie.
Toronto and utast• 6 60 a. lit. 2 40 p. m
.3 80p u1 10 2.i p m
Palmerston Mixed 8 55 tr to 240 p m
Lautouttud South 0 50 to in 11 10 a ase
3 30 p car 8 (JO p
ILincar liue, " 11 10 a n1 0 50 a ni
'255pm i330pIla
i0 26.p m 8 30 a n1
Her Majesty's Dia:11041
(lorries "Queen Victoria, tier L'fe and Reign,"
into 'very home. persons a •ho never sold books
take order,, less, Preto( e the mast elt.quent 'of
Lord Dufferi,'s achievements. No book as highly
ppraised• wo n,rc+i pore eezty scrs. Easy to make
516 toxo a week, Ileeks"on time.: Prospectus free
to oalnvessers. ,1 trt.1 wit 1(wst hs thing; and it umy
Bit your c,n, y pocket nock. Tiff. S:1DL1 Y.
GA1ttt8T8J O. Cu. L•ro.,, Ont.
�S`�(g�+ I'atn sterttng tl•a best thiter for
6 61i I �9 snouuy making you have assn formauy
a say. Your num( and,.ddro s wil bringyou the intor:nutio.,. • .t; P. Ut, t.i. i• i .V '.r nun to '
agents .of;
$7 Q GIVEft
idolise Thanked,
It is with pleasure that 1 recommitted
11.13 for the eure of indigestion-
$ o c a
impure blood. I had ttied any media
oinet, but received no benefit natil,thank
Providence, I was advised to use 33, 13.11,
anti rt resulted in a perfectcure.
;?tips, Wtt, Lome.
Oshawa, Ont..
kJLENTS will pay ter the Tots until
January 1st 1808. Subscribe new
ttna get tins tirAS chapters of our new etorV.
Positively cured by tie
Little Pills.
They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia,
indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per-
fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi-
ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue
Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They
Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Ss a61 Pill. Small Dose:
Small Prices
the fraud of the day.
See you get Carter's,
Ask for Cartez',s,
Insist and deliand
Carter's Little ;Liver Pills.
.orTvrimrt leve ears
THECOOKSBESlT FRIEND.Shoo per year in Advance,
Latedeetat S11I,ier tie a:?Jb IOVAtir.
To persons who make the greatest
number of words out of the phrase,
"Patent Attorney Wedderburn."
l"or particulars address the National
Recorder, Washington, D. 0. 8.1513
Having purchased the entire business
from Mr. Daniel Showers, I ate now
prepared to supply the public with
Wood and Iron Force and
Lift rumps, Brass and
iron Cylinders, Galvaniz-
ed iron Tubing. Cisterns,
Water 'I.'>i`bngilns, Sinks,
>ntlnss, Pipe Fitting, Well
Digging and everything in con-
nection with water Suppties.
Galvanized Steel Windmills for power
and pumping water.
Deep well pumps speciality.
Repairing 'promptly attended to.
Pantos writing for information or
ordering by mail should always state
depth of well.
All work goarantoed or an stile.
Ilox 140 Winghan, Out.
tyh.,aant, Oac.
E. L. DICKINSON, st.{ '
ltdrifII:TON. tfONBY
OIBoo_-Moyer Elonk,. ti'inghau,,
0, oAME110N,1:
Office -Corner IfI Oton and St. Andrew,btreete
opposite Colborne I btel.31,
aoDaatoa, `- ONTARIO. .
BNTISTi J. $.1J811021 Z., L. D. S,,Wnsoa�j 1
4.A.-‘,,(1.4`,4", .. la o auufactur Brst.olass sets " t
teeth as (:heap as they can bo mad .
in the Dominion. Teeth extracted
absolutely without pain, by b1e no
process, aranteod parle.tly safe.
aFFII : 1n the Beaver Block, opposite
'Brunet k
s lienee.
#TIIL'R J. IRWIN, D. D. if., D. s.,
Penne '1r. a
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the
Dental College
News. -trill visit Blyth every W'edn••adny.
GENERAL f's1Jki c3 A0ba t
2. DEANS, Ja., u't.yodAM,'
LICENSED AU0T1UB' iUJ 0115ER t0N. 1•'t0h ,r1E COUNTY'
Sales attendid h1 any part of the Co. Charge
JOHN CU1,I(IE, Wixonnnt, ONT.,
Sales of Farm Stook'aud Varsn•,.lmplomect?
All orders left at the Turas °dice promptly atton..f
ed to. Torrff reasonable.
��11 R1 Camp Caledonia, No. 40, moot
�7i Ur . 61,0 first and. third Monday in
every montib, in .he Odd Follows ilah, Visittsg
brethren mane?. J. Murray, phief. D Stet, .•
art lion. -Sea•
CULTURED LADIES--V,a a ter°Hood_
ins to earn money, ca, learn how to d ) so in a good
cause, Address JAIME G1.ULOw AY, Toronto
INULUbtNG Books, Pamphlets, fosters, 1.311.
Roads, Cirouiars, nuc., &a., executed in the best
style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short
notice. Apply or address
II, R. Pt.t tOTT,
T etas 0Blce, Winslow.
Wo are pranged to announce that any nookt or
Magazines left with us for Binding, will have our
prompt attention, Prices ter Binding In Any style:
will be given on application o the Teams settee,
rj��+t}'—Men and woman who can work
6� F LF hard talking n
t t and writing i
4 g sx
house a day, for six .days a week, and wit be content.
With 10 dollars weekly. Acblrens
NEW IDEAS Co Brantford,
AGENTS .NearcdTottiadyon of "Quoon'4iettoria`
Y 1 nov . Enlarged -thirty
two full ateplates added. BeatImmo of the Quee
and the Victorian Era published, The only Can Witt
book aeceptod by Her Majesty. Sties enormous,
canvassers kne eking the bottom out of all records.
Easy to make thirty dollars weekly franc nota line'.
1)islno5d Jubilee, Particulars free.
litstllepQsrri ion 00. Ltd. Toronto,