The Wingham Times, 1897-08-20, Page 51111 ea'r
1, • ' . 1
Blood means souud health. With pure,
rich, healthy blood, the stomach and di-
gestive organs will bo vigorous, and there
will be no dyspepsia. Rheumatism and
Neuralgia will be unknown. Scrofula aud
'Salt Rheum will disappear. With pure
This "ad." is all about Dress Goods. It's been a wonder-
ful Dress Goods season with us. Sold more goods—made
more new customers—more friends than during any previous
year. We're continually planing, and one of our plans now is
to get rid of all our Summer Dress Goods at their present
worth. This is the time when we "Let Go." Every piece of
light colored Dregs Goods will be marked at prices that will'
clear them during the next ten days.
. . . .
5 pieces Satin Soliel well finished, pretty effeets in fawns and greens, sold
every place at 50c., but our price to clear is 30c.
7 pieces Henrietta Cloth 44 inches wide, good shades in garnet, fawn and
green, worth from 50 to 60e. will be sold for 30e.
8 pieces special of Congo black Dress Goods, Those goods are fast colors
itad will not stain with acid, double fold, neat brocade patterns,
marked down to 30e.
.............. . .
In the above lot tbere are 20 pieces and such values we
have never attempted before. It will do you good to see
these pods and even if yoi . do not want to buy them, it
will be a chance to test the worth of our "ads,"
A general reduction in all lines of summer Dress Goods, including
Prints, Zephyrs, Duck, Crinkles, etc. These goods are the newest
materials and up-to-date patterns, some of them are worth 12a, 14,
15, 18 and 20c. a yard, but we now make a "Big Cut" and. you
may have your choice for
We've made a study of this clearing problem. It's clear to us to sell
—we hope to make it clear to you. to buy. We have put our conscience in
this as in all other dealings with the people, and the growth of this business
is proof that it wins every time.
All kinds of rough and dressed
kept constantly on hand and deliver-
ed on shortest notice.
Call and get prices as we are
determined not to be undersold.
Your nerves will be strong, and yoas
sleep sound, sweet and refreshing
Hood's Sarsaparilla makes pure blood..
That is why it cures so many diseases.
That is why so many thousands take it
to euro disease, retain good health, pre-
vent sickness and suffering. Remember
Is the Os.a True Blood Purifier. $1 per bottle.
cure Liver Ills; easy 16
riood's Pills
take. easy to oyerate. 964
School opened on Monday. Chil-
dren sorry but parents glad.
Our pea harvest is about finished.
On the lowlands the peas are much
damaged, but on the highlands they
are good.
The re building of a sawmill by a
bonus is much talked of. We hope
it will he successful. '
Mr. Karstadth, our tinsmith and
grocer sold out, and intends going to
Hepworth to start hotel.
Miss Selina Tracy of Wingham,
who has been visiting her friend,
Miss Rosanna Doyle, during the
past three weeks returned home Mon
day accompanied by her friend.
Mrs. N. J. Kenney, and children•
of Denver, Cul., formerly of • Eden
Grove, after a protracted visit to her Greenock and Wawanosh
• returned home.
Many of our young ladies visiteu
Southampton with. the last G. T.
cite:m.81,n_ They speak in the most
complimentary terms of the kind
Miss Jean Radcliffe leaves this
month on a visit to her sister Mrs. A.
Cullis, of Michigan.—Miss Maud
Hanna and Master John Young of
Winghana Misses ciara, and Maud
Bissett of Goderich, and Benson and
Arthur Straug.han, of Benmiller,
have returned to their respective
holmes after spending their vacation
at the residence of Thomas S'zaugh-
Mrs. Anthony Orr, of North Dum-
fries was foully murdered and. buried
in a (oro field on. Monday last.
Mr. 'Matthew Ramage, of Chesley.
has been appointed bailiff of the
Twelfth Division Court of Bruce,
vice James E. CUSS resigned.
The earning of the G. T. R. for
the week ending Aug. 7, are $346,287
as against $331,353 for 1896 increase
of $12,934.
is offering to his customers.
Soho o 1 Bx am s xn 1898.
Gentlemen,—I have the honor to in.,
foam you that for the academie year
i1897 98 tits following modifications
'are made in the Revised Regul-
1 ations.
The examination will be conduct -
'eta in 1898 by the High School Board
of Examiners, and on the same course
of study and under the same regul-
ations as in 1897. Botany will,
therefore, net be required, and Phy-
siology and Temperance will, as
formerly, be one of the subjects of
examination. High Schools pupilslot,
are not eligible to wi ite at this exam 0
This examination, a hich is open
to all pupils, will be conducted as
herefore embracing Reading, Writing
and Book-keeping, Drawihg, Geogra-
phy and Botany. First From cert-
ificatea, will have the same qualifying
value< ot Teachers' certificates as
Public School Leaving certificates.
Regulation 46 is amended so as to
allow the Form 111 examination for
Junior Leaving the following options;
(a)French and Greek.
(b) German and Greek.
(c) French, Qernlan and Chemis-
Ir y,
(d) German, Physics and Chemis-
(e) German, Physics and Chemis-
(f) Botany, Physics and Chemis-
The obligatory subjects of Form
111, for Junior Leaving are as al-
ready: prescribed, viz, :—English
Com pesition , English. Literature,
Ancient History, Algebra, Geotnetry
and Latin.
Regulation 47 is amended so as to
allow at the Form IV, examination
for Senior Leaving the following
manner in which they were received.
by Mrs. II. Prime and children.; 'Who (o)' French and Greek.
are staying of the lake for: a,.f "(by.German and Greek.
week(s. at •: ta ; ( a Freneh •-tni i German.
. t . `
• /
French and Chemistry.
LONDES130RO. ..., , .
• .4-4 -4-•-• 4.-4.4-4^
1300K 01P PRAISE....
Largest Assortment n town t
choose from.
Prices from 8 cents up.
We have a nice line with limp cov-
er for 10 cents.
We can supply Sunday Schools
and Chairi at very low cost.
Still Headquarters
Give us a call before purchasing e:sewhere.
Opposite Queen's Hotel.
(e) Garman and Chemistry. • LXII, the canebottomed Choi' BELGRAVE.
(f) Biology and Chemistry. ',XVII, The Hanging of The Game;
The obligatory subjects of Form Barbara Freitchie LXXIX, The The East Wawanosh Fall Show__
EV, for Senior Leaving are already Lord of Burleigh, LXXXI, The "Rev will be held in this place on Tuesday •
prescribed, viz,:--Englishand Friday opt 23nd and 24th.
Cornposit- enge."
The highest mark • in Entrance Prizes lists will be issued in a few
days. Keep the date in your mind 'aaa
and make it a point to attend the
shoMwrs. Samuel Fells,' who resided
with her family on a farm on the 7th
concession of East Wawanosb, died
this last spring. During her illness
she was waited on by a neighbor
lady. Mrs. David Scott. • Shortly
before she. did she said to Mrs. Scott. ---
that if she died not recover, she wish-
ed her, Mrs. Scott, to take good care
of her petticoat which was hanging
on the wall of the room in which she
was. Mrs. Scott never thought much •
more of the occurrence, and the state-
ment of the dying woman had almost
passed from her mind, until she
learned that a woman had been em-
ployed to wash at Mr. Feels'. This
was some time after the death and
funeral. On hearing this she thought
of what Mrs Fells had said al 'ii the
petticoat. She went to Mr. eell
residence, and secured the ganneat
before it had been placed. n the
washtub and. on making an examin-
ation of it, much to her surprise,
found the sum of $1,600 sewed sectts
ely in the garment bet ween the lining
and the outside covering.She of con4e
handed the money to Mr. Feliea who a
was eve a more supriSedthanalsefind- , •
er of the money, asnlie had,- no idea
that his deceaarid'Wlfaltridaiatiti pb4s-
well to drop in and look through my immense stock of revery from Consumption.,
Candidates entering the Notatial intends returning te Ontario.
Miss L Reid of Winaliam ; the
guest of her cousins Dr.' and Miss
Miss Alitad and Minnie Andrews
took in the excursion to Somalia aon
Mrs. R. Brigham, and 'Miss Alice
of Clinton are visiting triendsain this
vial nity
Miss Lou. Ouimette returned bottle.
hist Friday atter spending a week
with auburn friends.
Miss Anderson of 'Myth was in stn
village on Tuesday, trying to get up
a mutiie class.
Miss Mary Agnew, of Beleative,
ions, English, Literature, Algebra,
Trigonometry, English
and Ancient FIistory, Physics and
Lati . •
Candi.dates, for Junior and Senior
leaving standing will be required to
'o make 50% 'of the aggregate marks
allowed in the subjects prescribed in
each of the Forms or parts of Forms
as well one-third in each subject;
4.7% of the aggregate will be reqnir-
eit for honors.
is visiting. her hrothee, Do. Aznew.
Mr and Mrs. R. (I, \vet), were • The examinations in Botany a.nd
Biology in Forms III and IV will be
holidaying at Bayfield this week.
A. limn, equal in difficulty as near as may be
Alessi's. 0. Cuanninga
and E. to. the examinions in the languages
den, J. Mountain, T. Cale
crawf,erd, ion; no wednesday npa ot which Botany and Biology are tak-
ingen as options.
an. Manitoba.
There jou) be a gland la wn snelaild Thesedmodification, it will be um-
. •
stoo , make no change in the
on the lawn of Mr. E. AleVitiaa, at.
course or the percentages required
the 7th of September. by the. University for matrieula-
aliss Minnie Jones who bar; nevt, „
visiting her cousin Mrs. R. Crawford "on
returned to Stratford list week.
The temporary provisions defined
At Seaforth on Mondav the T wit,
Circular 5 for obtaining specialists'
!City Lacrosse Club 13erlin defes
a scm.e. or 5 a, non professional standing will be
ed the local letint b
• continued in 1898 to those who are
candidates under tho regain tionsatit
Messrs Will and Jack Gardiner
of the Huron distriet. forth in the circular. For all other
went to 'Manitoba on the excursion
candidatea for provisions ei the Revis.
will this week. Jack will go to Rat
Keep- up hope. There are ed Regulations (salaam 51)
4, thus wintung the can mmonsIn p
history sbould have been 71 instead
of 51 as given in list formerly pub-
Mr. E. W. Bruce, M. A., Principal
of Huron Street School, Toronto, has
wheeled his way up to our village
and is spending a week or sca among
his many friends. He is accompan-
ied by Mr.. Wm. Kerr of Inspector
Hugh's office Toronto. Mr. Bruce
is an old. Huron boy and was princi-
pal of our school here some sixteen
years ago. Mrs. Bruce and children
are also in Bluevale enjoying the
country air.
We are sorry to hear that little
friary King has scarlet fever.
Miss Ruby Imrie of Toronto niece
of Mr. John Irmie, the Scottish poet,
is visiting her aunt, Mrs. W. Isbister
of Morris. She and Miss Nina Isbis-
ter, Sundayed at Mr. F. B. Scott in
the village.
Thomas King, V. S., of Cincinati
Ohio, is home visiting his mother
and sisters and brothers.
Portage and if he likes it, will re
Now that the harvest is commeneing and the people want to buy all govern, remain all winter and proceed. to
the goods they can in a short space of time and for little money, it would be thousand.s o .1
f cases where re-NORIMAL CbLLEGE British Columbia 'in the spring. Will
R. N. Doff went to Hensall on a aroni' a af-- a ,ti 0 • • ii • • • t, •
eseed ok}f 1:111,1y atin:04,e.A . \a_elras,ilaL(..,11a: „tviv;',aes
Organdy Lavvns, Dotted. Ituslins, Linenettes, Scotch Ging- has been complete. Plenty College in October of this year or Mr
. . • , a • . •
ished body will check the f. 1 1 i m 1 1. , ' g , thallsi'l,'Ntay' N.:;;9;1.1.1;.., qt" 'tave.iqy -
I artve also a large stock of' DRESS GOODS, at prices never offered to pre tr, ta te t ie eotirsai n et IN $ Miss Jennie .aiturioria thia,week..! • ..,,e:a.lisacvi a= i f ?.i'.:, ,
all Lines are Complete. ' tritious foods arewell in their
for the Normal Collage.'1:4 6*°10i'l?ei'P9Dilificit: Ii4s110:!iPtelY41"
§),‘ a•
bii time Cn.rtains, Cal pets, Rats mid Caps, BoOt.4 and g11003 . December. 1897, eVery Ca 11(lida '0 Thoratortl.vacitta0eDetroitvai $2.itnir .
_ those writing atthe h nal taatininotion Friday on business. 14 60ki
hauls and.Prints in endless variety. of fresh air and a- well-nour
in December of this year, may it they Miss Knox of Auburn was visiting ; ,.).;
the people at this .season of the year. progress of the disease. Nu- sat fort C head r £UP.;er mrs , „; ata itaa2a! aecniatulanedine
to'de anth'it ia La,
1 haVe just another full line of LADIES' WRAPPERS and -SHIRT way, but the best food of all will be required ra rake the regular .,.Mrrialnaart-i.: Jobn:Merionald.,,of
course of training la that institution. ,Istioknow,.aaanat, Sand alit' Mt.:" John ,,teridd 'War*, aa
WAISTS .i.vhieh I can give yon bargains in. is Cod-liver Oil. When
GEO IV: 'Rat:diner's, • : cO,
Do you wrtnt a nice SUMMER Sii4wL in White, Black and Red. i partly digested, as in Scott's . Of, laincation. t t ' - , . .W4A a,,taida...taa a.
beat 414'0 k Ion) ,A0ccuec1;,..)Sall
• turb the stomach and. tlie,;.,!,t,;,::1::1),"1:0tit(),.,.0,144,'...glid4.,181;7!•-• .,Post011iet,Icispettors.rartiontion ahe ivtia h
1 >ekq iNlin a' 144sbLk.nd
have some bettaties. EMUIS1011, it does not dis- E•44,,,!dyit , , , Londotit Ont 13. Mr. I amal Sry; ietiNes b ,
• • ' '• • 'ca. a waY,Oit. Witt illa la '••," knlv.11
o ,wee ays.. s"
.olitout iiritafilliA XXVII 1 he Cotter's it, opiVrder ,and, ip!f]. eery
ou .1',110 Tors `ofile ttv6ib
Suits /fade to Order and Fits Guaranteed.
T. A.
I ,
body secures the wh9104e-1 Knlish ,t,b84 k,eloa „vf r'Sfrr
t 1.. hal arnoA stotn)gs,
fit of the arRi4 I. • • • ,"-
prc,vr,it;d p1,,-, ,,it.
'1.• .41
JRPTOK9)101' '---
i59i3: XV M. Rao was Past Grand Master of.thelrlas-tdOthellL 3..
,;.zatot( g • . oc y •
T ' f • • • • • • "" ".
. SC , fit ilfrati14A,
• ' 4 C61"11)"81' XJfL '11'°'13'11$14"'°f 10 Jatmary iiciwz Year 16 n°* bald to be 2‘81245-i
b.ghs LI, 1101111111A; L1V, My Kake;
%no g.1 ihs ibsons of our newoory. btishels.