The Wingham Times, 1897-08-20, Page 44
We are selling
poisoN PADS
P0 ..Y,
• lower than any one else in town,
Heads.clie N't aTtrs sold
in any quantity at.1 guarantee 1 to cure
any headache.
Notice of changes must he left at this
office not tater than Saturday
noon. The copy for changes
must be left not later than Tues-
day evening. Casual advertise-
ments _ accepted up to rn on
Thursday of each week.
ngijam glints
FRIDAY, AUGUST 20, 1897.
THE Postmaster at Goderich has
been dismissed and Mr. Galt, son-in-
law of Mr. M. C Cameron has been
appoin ted.
Mr. J. P. WHITNEY, leader or the
11 11.E Ny ItASt TIAl•
ES„ AUG usT 20, Ibln.
Wm. Iebister, seconded by George 'elerk, and. Signed by the corpore
Kirkby, that the Reeve be instructed '.ate eeal.-Carried.
to pay the =tractor. tut tnenicipal ' j ti. MacKay, Reeve.
drain at a rate of 6070 as, the work 1C. Burros, Clerk
progresses, and that an order be Reid -Johnston -That the yeeve
issued on the Treasurer $100 for be and is hereby appointed to par -
said purpose. -Carried. Meted by chase tram Mr. Geo, Waugh land
Wm. Isbister, seconded by M. Car- autlicient for a deviation of road at
cliff, that the Treasurer's half yearly lot 25 con 8 in accordance with the
statement, as presented, be accepted reeve's report, and employ the town -
anti filed. -Carried. Moved by ship engineer to make a survey 'of
Wm. Isbister, seconded by M. Car- same and that this motion be signed
cliff; that the Treasurer's half yearly by the reeve and clerk and have the
statement, as presented, ne accepted eta elevate seal attached .-Carried.
acid filed. -Carried, Moved by Wrn. 5 II. MACKAY, Reeve.
Ulster, seconded by M. Cardiff, that 0. BUTTON, Clerk.
the Reeve and Treasurer be instruct- Finance Report. -Wm. Heath gra-
ted to borrow $300 to meet current vel, $7.05; Wm. Melvin, repairs on
expenses. -Carried. 13y -laws Nos. 5, culvert $1.50 ; D. McKeggan, gravel
6 and 7 were duly read and passed. $l; H. 'Merchant, gravel, $2,80; Wm,
Accounts were ordered to be paid as Armstrong, road through property,
follows: James Kelly, for ditch, $2 ; $2; R. McKenzie, gravel $1,75 ; 11
John Manning, lumber, $2 88 ; R. McAllister, gravel, $2.35; G. V.
:41eelton, ditch and culvert, $2 50 ; Straus, road through field $1; J.
W. Garness, repairing, $23 ; W. Voison, gravel, $4; J, Repairing cut-
Jacklin, gravelling, $15 60 ; A. Hal- vert, $3.75; A. G. Stewart, printing,
liday, inspecting work, $3; W. i30; George Gehl, for keep of in -
Maunders, gravelling on east bean- valid to August lith, $8. Reid-
dary, $66 ; R. Burns, inspecting and Scutt -That the financial report as
spreading gravel, $10 ; C. Pol- just read, be adopted, and cheques
lard, gravelling on east boundary,
$28 38.; John Casemore, approach
'to culvert, $ee ; J. Messer, gravelling
on north boundary, $29 25; George
Johnston, inspecting and levelling
gravel, $2 ; John Salter, repairing
culvert on west boundary, $12 02 ;
Taylor & Lindsay, gravelling., $28.-
13 ; John .Roland, gravelling, $17 ;
S. Fear, inspecting gravel, $1 ;
.McCall, repairing bridge, $1 ; J.
Bowman, use of scraper, 45 cents ;
William Kelly, inspecting gravel,
$3 75 ; J. Kelly, gravel, $16 80 ; J.
Taman, 75 cents ; A. Cloakey, $6.30 ;
E. Irwin, $6 30; James Timmins,
65 cents; E. Bosnian, $5 30 ; Mrs.
James Gray, $3 50; James Shurrie,
16'1 84 John 13arr, $4 41 ; Wililam
Little, $8 75 ; R. Blair, $2 96 ; Geo.
Ontario Opposition, is to ddress a Kirkby, $3 ; William McArter, 40
meeting in Clintun on Thursday, cents; L. McDonald, $3 75 ; R.
September, 9th. Skelten, $7 65 ; W. Youill, $2 90 ;
THE Hon, J. Lime( Trace was in D. Scott, $10 80; Corporation of
East Wawanosh, $1 25 ; J. Breek-
. Goderich on Saturday last.
enridge, $3 10 ; George Peacock,
jest in visiting there was to look after $8 14 ; G. King, $1 20 ; P. Mc -
the work that is now going- no at the Laren, $2 60; D. Errington}$4 30 ;
breakwater. He was met at .the A. Proctor, $4. 10; George Pollard,tton.s to the Legislative Assemb1y1
depot hV the ttldqran, barld and. a • 0: -32, 4i1 illetien of M. Cardiff, 103 at municipal electlonS only, add-
1ai:0;e fidinbei: ofddielf§. ktawess. iteconded by William Isbister, the 37 at electiOns to the Legislative-As1
ion was formed and marched to the council then adjourned to meet again sembly only. 'Five hundred and
court house where an address of wel. on the 20th of September next. eighty-five persons are qualified to
W .Clerk. serve as jurors. -
come was read. The h( notable
gentleman replied in a few words, •af;-
- thanking the citiznes for their hearty • CULROSS. Apple Crop in .Haron.
welcome. He then drove to the dock Council met in the town hall Tees -
and spent a few hours in viewing water on Aug-. 9th, as per motion
the work. While there he was the of adjournment of last meeting.
guest of M. C. Cameron, M. P. Members all present. The reeve in
MORRIS. The minutes of last meeting were
issued for the payment of the differ-
ent accounts. -Carried.
Scott -Reid - That this council
do now adjourn lo meet again in the
Town Hall, Teeswater, on the 20th
of September, at 10 o'clock a. m. -
• The officers of Culross Star Lodge,
I. 0. G. T., for the current term are
the following : C. T.-Brother.Jas.
McLachlan ; V. T. -Sister S. Mer-
chant; Secretary, Sister M. A. Hem-
mingway ; Assistant Secretary -Sis-
ter C. Marchant; F. S. -Brother W.
Hemmingway•, Treasurer -Sister R.
McNay ; M. -Brother N. McKay;
D. M. -Sister M. Forsyth , Guard -
Brother J. Harkness ; Sentinel -
Brother T. Elliott ; P. C. T. -Brother
T. Ross ; Chaplain -Brother N. Dan -
bar. • •
The voter's lists for the township
of Culross hve been printed and de-
livered to the clerk. The list con•
tains the names of 877 voters. •Of
these, 737 are entitled to 'VOW ,f4
both municipal elections and elec.-
,•;,,,t••.,-.;•i:] •
'•-• --,..,,,,
, read and confirmed.
- c.:•• .Irs. George Hanna, a resident of The reeve then presented a report
township for the past 43 years, re job on 25 sideroad con 8. I went
passed away from time on Thursday to let job on said side road and found
of last week, in her 77th year. Det-- that the money expected to be sell-
_ eeasedu_.,Wlese - maiden -namewas cient would not do anything towards
:::„:„Liitdwood, was born in, tile, improving the roads, as it is a long
.....,...;.e•0 .. -
ty of Monaghan, Ireland, cm hill and in my opinion it would be
Septeinivr 1st, 1.821,-S1De emigrated better tc purchase a piece of land
to this cCinntry in 1837, and made.; before going into the hollow
her homoin ketley toyyskattlpLr..e.dzi: and so go round instead of up the
C.443004".: In 1850 she was united in ! hill. I asked Mr. Waugh what he
marriage to George Hanna, who pre I would sell sufficient land for a road
deceased her about three years ag %, ; for, he said he would sell a half an
A.,)1cD. Allan, of Goderich, says
that while Huron has produced. balf
a million barrels of apples in a single.
season, there is .no likelihood .that
the yield for 1897 will be even so
much as 100,000 barrels. He is of
the opinion that Huron will have
apples for export as usual, but that
they will be Mainly Northern Spies,
of which there are more than of any
other winter varieties, but still not
so much as half the usual crop. He
adds that there will be a good
supply of harvest apples, which
should be ripe in a very short time
now, and of snow apples. Pears; he
has every reason to believe, Will be
a fairly good .crop, and so will
and after living in the township of j acre it's.. 830, and at that fur what -
Elizabethtown fur a time, moved tut wai required he to have the timber, Dairy DIarkets.
Holmesville, Huron County, in 1853 Mr. Waugh's offer be aucepted, he Belleville, Aug. 17, -Twenty-six
- and a year later came to this towri-j boarded 1817 white and
190 colored chesse. Sales 65 white..
at 8 :5-16c, 380 white at 81c, and 200
white at 8 7-16c
Ingersoll, Ont., 17. -Offerings to-
day 2210 boxes. Sales, 225. at 81-c
100at 8 5-1Ge; majority holding fpr
mg her husband to transform Ins fur road through field. for drawing . 85e. Small at'endance. Julys about
farm from a primeval forest to wed gravel for statue labor. -Carried. cleaned in this section.
tilled acres. Mrs. Ila.nna had been Jarvis-Seott-That W Armstrong • Brantford, Aug. 13. --Today
HI since last March, paralysis and I be paid the sum of two dollars tor 2 625 boxes of cheese we b .c1 d
cut the timber this coining
11. MACKAY, Reeve.
Reid-Seott-That the report et
-ship, where they took up land on
the 6th concession, upon which they
y.l.The subject of this notice was an in- be acceptel and acted upon.-Carri-
resided until called to a better land the reeve, re. revibluit can 8, lot 25,
= domitable worker in her earlier ed. Johnston -Jarvis -That G. V.
years and. did. a good share in help Stranes be paid the sum of one dollar
.A.1taigtutt i9th, 1897.
Corrected by P. Deane, Produce Dealer,
Flour per 100 lbs 1 50 to 2 40
Pall Wheat. old - 0 75 to 0 78
Fall Wheat, new.. .... ,0 75 to 0 70
Spring0 Wheat 74 to 0 75
aarsley 0 22 to 0 23
0 25 to 0 80
40 to 0 42
Butte ...................0 11 to 0 12
Eggs per dozen 0 9 to 0 9
Wood per cord, . ,. ,... ..., 1 00 to 1 25
Ray per ton,
Potatoes,per bushel, new. , 10) 50 toto (0i 558
Tallow, per lb , 0 82 t . to0 2
Driedsvool Apples, per lb
19 to 21
111/ BOUM
JoHNSTON.-Iti Lower Wingham . on
ugust 18th, the wife of Mr. W911111111
Johnston of a daughter.'
ANDERSON — PELTON. — In Innerkip,
Ontario, at the residence bf the bride's
parents, by the Rev. A. 13, Miller, Miss
Dora May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Gibson pelton, to D. Grant Anderson, of
Atwood, Ontario.
IVIzotsuaLL.-In Uulross, on August
10th, 1897, Riobard Alexander, son of
Robert and Sarah Marshall, aged 4
ypars, 10 months and 3 days.
Cortrusu.- In Morris, on Saturday,
August 7 tit, 1897, William Corn;sh, aged
51 years, 7 months and 6 daysY
HANNA -In Morris, oa Thursday, Aug-
ust 5th, 1897, Ann Girdwood, relict of
the late George H.annp, aged 76 years, 10
Tonal's and 13 days
V GoaboN.-At St. Helen's, on August
15th, 1897, Jane McDonald, widow of
t e late John E. Gordon, aged S5 years.
JOHNSTON.-In Turnberry, on August
12th, Elizabeth Johnston, aged 26 years,
1 month and 25 days4/
re oat e
heart failure being the cause of road fur drawing through his fields. Atte end August makes. Sales: 100
death. The children are Rev. Will. - Ca rrion. McKay - Johnston - boes at c. 155 at 8 5-iGe,, 950
G. Hanna, 13 A., of Uxbridge ; Mis. That Wm Jarvis have all the jamsof at 8 7-16e, 270 at 8:1.c. •
Hanna, of Morris; Mrs. Colciough, timber has aecuinulated at the 'bridge LIIUC Falis, Aug. 16.-760 large
of Goderich township, and. Mrs Prom the Turnberry boundary to the colored 8e; 444 large white, 7ic: 120
Blair, of this township Tbe funerai ,8th con, removed, and that G. Scott small white, 7e; 1,864 small, 8c; 38
took place on Saturday, Mr. Muldrew have all the timber at the bridges small white, 81e: 1,092 small colored
who is supplying for Rev. John mat: of the 8th con, removed.- 8e; 2,444 small colored 81.e; 32 pack -
Ross, of whose church deceased was Carried. Scott -Jarvis, that as the ages of butter at 14c @ 15.
a member, taking the service. The road opposite lot 25 con 4 has been
pall -bearers were: W. Michie,Joe injured by the taking out of gravel "1 wonder why they call police -
Cook, T. Russell; 1?. Cantlon, Hue', and that Win Reid have Same put in men peelers,' said Tommy. "Oh,
Hanna, and. Hugh Forsythe. a safe state for pablie travel. -Car. 1 guess it's becauee they eat so many
The couneil met according to ad- Heti. Scott -Jarvis -That, a clerk bananas," said Willie, who lives near
journment, in cottncil room, Morris . prepare It by•law to be passed at the a fruit stand.
13, August znd, 1807.. Members all , net protiding, for the levy of
rresent, the Reeve lit the chair, :county and townshipspecial school
Minutee of last meeting read nial rates, and trustees requisition for the
raesed. Mored by Thomas Code, year 1897.-Carr1ed, Scott -Jarvis
Wounded by M. Cardiff, that we pey I -That Win. Reid. sell the timber on
$S to the 13elgrave beat, being state loth side road eons,7 ntide13, also the
uta labor tax colleeted ; also that: timber on the 39th side road, cons 7
$12 ad•ditional be granted to be ex- and 8 a leo the timber on the 38th
ud under she sapervision of tile: consf. 7. 8, 9. and 10, and that this
It*r,---;Carried. Moved by motion be biped by the reeve and
• •
Aunt Sarah (to nephew from the
City)- Is T.Teele Cyrus through milk
ing, Teddy ! Teddy -Not quite.
He's finished two faucets and has
just beghti-on the Other two.
VCENTS wit pay kr the ,Ttsdisk
until January lat 1898. Subscribe
now and got the first chapters of our new
an :immense stook of
ar Cal 1E -A Pa YeK -F11
• Live Stock Markets
Toronto, August 17th. -Receipts
at the western cattle tnarket to -day
werenot so heavy as at last market,
the offerings including about .1,000
hogs, 771 sheep and lambs, and
.about 34 calves, the balance of the
54 car -loads -on the market being
cattle of the different grades. The
bulk a the fatter was of a little
better quality than has appeared on
the market recently, but still too
much inferior stock is being offered.
.1ilepoet cattle - Last market's
prices were fully maintained for
choice, which brought as high as
$4 50 per cwt'... one sample lot of
what is called fair brought $4 40.
Ordinary. shipping cattle were as
low as $4. These would average
.a.b,ut.1,250 lbs. each.
Butchers' cattle - Some inferior
cattle were, left unsold, and prices
were barely steady. What might
tairly. be termed mixed cattle sold
at less than $3 per cwt. Picked lots
brought $3 75 per cwt., but some of
the poor stuff was hard to sell at 2e
and 2ic per Ib.
Bulls --Not many on the market
Good shipping bulls are wanted.
Prices rule generally at froth $3 to
$3 50 per cwt.
Stockers and Feeders -The de-
mand in this line is not brisk. Light
stockers are -worth from $2 50 to
82 80; good stockers, weighing from
850 lbs.upwards, worth $8 to $3 25;
feeders, ri" 3 50 per cWt:
Sheep -Export sheep.zold from 3c
to 3e per Ib. Butchers' sheep
maintained last week's prices, selling
from $2 50 to $3 each.
Lamb -The supply was equal te
the demand, prices ranging • from
•$2 75 to $3 50 each, or from 4,1.,c to
Pe per lb.
Calves -Good veal calves sell well,
many of those offering being light
weight. Prices went all the way
froAntiii131 Cteo$wfsi.
and Springers -Good
springers are in better demand than
rnilch cows, and realize higher prices
comparatively. Quotations rule from
$20 to .935 each.
Hogs -Last week's prices held
steady, at $6 for choice selections.
All sold that offered.
East Buffalo, August 17th. -Cattle
.-Receipts, 15 cars through, and 2
on sale ; market full ; easy for all
kinds ; fair to medium steers, $4 15
to $I 45 ; light to fair heifers, $3 to
$3 36 ; stock bulls, $2 50 to $3';
veals lower than at $4 75 to $6 50 ;
heavy, $3 50 to $4. Hogs -Receipts
-Four cars through and 8 on sale;
market • a shade lower tor light
gradefeand strong for others of good
quality. Sales, Prime Yorkers, $4 35
to $4 37.ti do, medium and heavy;
$4 30; Common, medium, dull at
$4 15 to $4 20 ; roughs, $3 40 to
$3 66. Sheep and lambs -Receipts,
• cars through and 6 ott sale; mar-
ket • steady ; fair to good . lambs,
$.5 10 to $5 35 ; choice, $6 40 to
$650 ; hulls and cotnmon,. $3 50 to
$5; sheep, ea 50 to IR 25; heavy
ewes, $3 40 to $.3 65.
Beg to inform the public that heir retail department has-
been reopened and they no have in stock the finest
lines of
Witt.,tArtleiVesitr4Z/tAt/tb e
• T. BELL & SON,
Main North. WINGHAM...
LONDON, SEPTE1VIBER 9th TO l8th, 1897:.
Canada's Favorite Live Stock and Agricultural Exhibition.
• The most complete Live Stock Buildings in America. More improve- •
ments and extensive additions this year. Every Stockman; Agriculturist, .
-Manufacturer, Dairyman, Artists and Inventors, etc., specially invited.
Entries close Sept. 9th, in all departments. Success assured.
SIE ;LASSEN BEN ALI, The Arab Prince.
tuts been secured to furnish the Stage Attractions. .
Auction Sale ot Booth and Privileges, Aug. 15th, on the grounds at 2 p. m. .
For Prize Lists, Programme and Maps, apply to
LT. COL. F. B. LEYS, President. THOS. A. BROWNE, Secretary, ,
• • ..e.. •
Opposite Queon'a Hotel, Wingham.
For an easy Shave and a First -Class
Hair Cut, give hitn a trial.
Razors Honed.
J 1w
The Poorest'
On Earth
Can Afford to Buy
The richest man can-
. •
not buy anything bet-
Delivered to all parts of the
than Ins other crops. Brow Bros, Co., the 11103
eXtetiSIVU nersel y house 1i C have eacaneb
in this section 11 rite them for tams.
p Toronto, OntariO.
ti A Snap . .
59 For Farmers Who
WINGEAM ramoured'
tetl We have a large quantity of I)
If, Plow Shares for the deading
gj11 ij
ploughs, which we are selling at
30 cents each. Sole Plates and
Steel Land Sides at correspond-
ingly low prices.
1 Our shops continue to turn
out Iron find Brass •
and repair work for Boilers,
Engines- and General Repair
Work, which surprises and
pleases our numerous customers.
Found'ry-Corner ot Victoria end
Minnie Streets,