The Wingham Times, 1897-08-20, Page 34
RlininliSM, Catarrh, Dyspepsia
and Mel Aliments Cured
hy the Use of His
Vtiontierfui Litfto
Mr. George L. Ackerman, carriage
trunrnor for George A. Rudd & Co., re-
' \• raiding at No. 10 Alice St., Toronto, says :
"I was troubled for a yoar with dyspep-
sia, And at times suffered extreme pain.
wee also suffering from liver trouble,
whioh gave me considerable uneasiness.
After using a Guinn vial each of Mun-
yon's Dyspepsia and Liver Cures 1 ain
now feeling all right and well once
again. T. have also used Munyon's
Cough and Cold Cures for our little girl
with splendid results. I have great
faith in dunyon."
Muuyou's Rheumatism Cure seldom
fails to relieve in one to three hours and
cures in a few days. Price 25o.
Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure pusitively
cures all forrns of indigestion and stom-
ach trouble. Price 25o.
..Munyon's Cold. Cure prevents pneu-
amnia and literate up a oold in lt few
hours. Price, 25c.
Munyon's Cough Cure stops ooughs,
night sweats, allays soreness, and speedi•
ly heels tho lungs. Price, 25c.
unyon's Kidney (lure speedily cures.
pains ia the back, loins or groins and all
forms tf kidney diseaee. Price 25e.
Munyon's Headache Cure stops head.
aohe in three minutes. Price 2.10.
Met*on's Pile Ointment p,,sitively
curet; all forms of piles. Price, Mo.
Muuyon's Blood eradicates all
icripu ,:c Price, 25e.
Munyon's Female Remedies are a
boon to all women.
iM u us on's Asth ma Remedies relieve in
3,tinioutes and cure permanently. Price,
Munyen's Catarrh Remedies never
fail. The Catarrh (Jure-prioe 25o. -
era(' wiles the disease en= the system,
and the Catarrh Tablets -price 25e. -
cleanse and heal the parts.
unyon's Nerve Cure is a wonderful
tekrvetoeic, Price, 25c.
• ;.tilinyon'..1 Vitalizer res6,tes bet vigor
Priee Z;1.
A oparate cure for each disease. At
all druggists, mostly 25e. a yial
Pereeetil letters to Prof. Niunyon, 11
Albert St., Teronto, answered with
free inedizal advice for any disease.
Build, In August!
We are now in the best building
month of the year To those who
are contemplating additions to 'their
present poultry establishments, or to
those who are thinking a starting a
plant we would say, do not delay
any longer. August is the best month
in which to dry out new additions or
new buildings. Again it is the mid-
'eason just after the breeding time
and just before show thne. More leis-
ure therefore is at hand in . whioh
to =Wally to superintend all im-
provenien ts.
It is also the hest time in the whole
year to make neeessary repairs for
protection in winter R of s can be 1
examined, leaks made whole, rat-hole:A
turned up, the glass put in the bork-
en windows. Fie* may be rt. -gulled I
and alt olltsidetiXturCs whiCh,coniutili
contact with the weather earefully1
gone over. •
Too many put bfr this aintuit in-
ventory of defeete arid structuras.
until tater in the season when the
stock rquires all one s attention.
Then everything cotnes in, and the
k necessary repairs,. are reataal along
or negleeteLr andiorgetteh. -
In the bassf pout try rn an'a life there
should be a time for everything and
a regular.. system adopted, and it
be well if tho month of Augnat were
set apart in geperal sepias.
Causes fully half dm sickness In the world. It
retains tho digested food too long in tho bowels
and prodtlees biliousness, torpid liver,
paean, bad taste, coal
longue, sick headache, in-
somnia, et4 floocPs Pills
sure aonstliation and all Its
risults, easily and thorotIghly. 26e. AUduggIst3.
trod by 0, 1. flood & Co.. Lowell, Mast.
Pali Pills US take with Bleotrieaseaaarilla,
• 111.E 'W INGRAM. l'IM46, AUG UST 201
Science Of Saying "Igo" I OUR CMISESE INDuswaY. Some Hints On,.
WILL AND slam •co SAY TIDO unix Trade I3tillet1n, August 14th.-- (4n to some place where them i,, ' .4'2')?564211/1191301111111111111MENPRZINIMINIMMIN
WORD AS AN AOCOXPLISRMENT OLP Whatever the recent advance la the suffielent water. There is ro ire in
• trying to SWIM, in dew or a heavy
Procure a bathing suit. If you
were. to bathe in your store clothes or
dress suit you would be considered
eecentrie.-and justly so.
Procure an instructor. A pretty
girl makes the best instructor for
young man and a good looking youth
for a young and timid girl.
Enter he • water boldly if 3ou are
a Dian timindly if vote are a girl.
These are eonventional antics, Jt is
safe betting that the girl is more
familiar with water than the mart
but that dosen't want.
If yoit are of the male persuasion
remain as close as possibls to the side
of your dear teacher; if of the female
pursaasion remain closer.
Remark "that the water is rather
wet to day." to show that you can he
witty and'origlind under the most
trying circumstances.
Shriek and -yell in order to furnish
sortie excitement for the ,spectators.
Itis by sueli thoughtfulness at this
that we endear ourselves to others.
Now throw out your hands throw
back your head as though you had
the spinal meningitis draw ap voile
legs (if a girl, I mesa limbs, of course)
take a. good.long breath (it !naybe
:a heavy increase in the exports of iyo ,r last), and strila outajnst as they
the United States, and a large make I told you in thatbook your were study..
lin progress, both in the United ing the night before.
States and Canada, it does certainly Make a bold effort,. Kkk strinstrie
'appear paradoxical that the market scream for help, swallow a gallon of
}should develop such great strength.: water and say your prayers hurried -
There u t. 13 a 1 • i
017ARAOTER, price of cheese may mean to the
middle men who handle the product
We are told that the comic actors; from the makers to consumers, it is a
of Italy sometimes amuse their pat- good thing for producers,. who, up to
roils by exploiting the syllable "oh" the present tifne have found a mar -
Out of a word that is only a single ket for the largest make of ehecae
vowel sound they can create sarpris- that was ever experienced in than
ing effects by a trick of articulation. 'ad; and at good remunerative prices
waving the key, velum, accent, length from the commencement of the sea -
emphasis and accompanying Man son, The manufacture of cheese
nor and facial expression through this year is conducted upon a lower
the whole gamut of different mean- ;basis of cost than ever before -known,
lugs. When they are done their and hence the fanners and factory
auditors have heard them pronunee .men have had the double advantage
ell twenty different ways. 'or cheaper manufacture and higher
The feat of comedians have ser- 'value of the- goods turned out.
1011.3 suggestion in it. There are There are, therefore, few indii3tries
several different ways ofsaying "No," ,in Canada today that are as flour
though it can never have but one ; ishing as that of cheese; bat wheth-
moaning. 'Pile mother of late Mr, ,er not it will retrain so to the end of
Allen Throndike Race, long the well- , the season, has to be proved. Last
known editor of the North Allteriean.; week the shipments from Blontreal
Review, found oeeasion for a series amounted to 63,757 boxes, against
of vocal lessons in that word, in Itis 70,222 boxes for the same week last
early life, for which he was always year, which is such a small decrease
grateful, • [that it scarcely , cotiris • ;when it is
When a school boy he had a weak- ; considered that the :total exports of.
ness for making sudden friendshihs, the season up to. the close of last
and, naturrally some of his hasty ri week were 896,179 bozes, as coal -
intimacies were unlikely to be.of any , pared with 689,8.07 ,boxes -for thel
Moral advantage to .him. His talent- corresponding p4riod in 1896, show-
ed mother did not trust eveiything in the large increase of 206,872
to his general knoviledge of right and ; b2xes. And in the face of this, and j
wrong, but sought by an original and
pleasant method to Strengthen him
where he was weakest.
She practiced him with a list dif-
ferent questions that required no for
an answer until she had tought him
inflect the syllable according to the
All the range of negativesa come
into the carious drill froin the no. of
hult dissent to the no of indignant
rejection. and he learned all the pro -
taw iteeentS-of playing reproof, of
cautious mistrust, of heroic defiance
-in short he learned the sience of
refusal thoroughly. • And be never
forgot it.
Tu decline a "shady" invitation
wits always easier for him because he
knew Zelta.etlyhow to use the resisting
wont. Ilts tempters understood hire
at once.
Both principle and politeness are
essential ro relinded manhood and
wornanhool, The will and the skill
to say no gent1,3' but firinly are
ain'ing the bit accomplishment of
hantan clatracter.-YoutlaN Compan-
1 • al s e greatdealmore Y.Grabyou' nstra tar anywhere
than short sales to account for the i but about the neck it possible and
i persistent advance in prices, in face hang on tight. Choke him or her if
'of the enormous supplies past, pres- i possible, At all everts pull same of
ent and prospective. The pant- his or her hair to remember the occa-
mount cause of the firm and advanc-'sion by. 1
in market is no doubt the unprece-i If you are not drowned thank
!dented'English demand which up to • year instructor kindly for saving . -
the present has been able to cope ' year tits --a He tiler, was wwthless
with the exceptionally big production until that Moment but whieli you
on this side of the Atlantic, coupled i will endeavor to make worthy and
with the effect of last year's shortage an OD. •
in the English make. It is important I If yoI1 are drowned
to remember that this season's in- omitted
creased demand in Great Britain set I • • ----- •
in with smaller' supplies than have. I A man who recently drowued
been known for years past, and con-! himself at Mehtnend, Euglantl, was 1
sequently the auamentation in pro- i the sixth of his. family to cammit
c osmosis este isualleesSeseuisssouso,,,,...
174.1 iril..0 -SIMILE
I k . assasessata,..a.a ....... ..-. ... , ..... ,,,
liVegetablePzeparationfor.ks- I;
similating th2FoodaNillegula- 1:..
1 v.p.,,1 the Stmarls andBowels of I l ,,, .
- .
. &..,Mr'iW, -.-r-A-4a41W.u.,1116.;:':
PrOMOteS DigeStiOn,Cheerr6.
• ttess andliestkontains neitkr
0 aug,Ivierphine 'nor 'Mineral La(
1.4.4k7a c °Tic,
.82 arbonal.."..alzy.
jaws Sced
• Aperred Remedy for Conslipa-
tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea,
1 Worms ,Convulsions,Feverish-
tatss andLoss OF SLEEP.
lac Simile Signature of
this may be
1 la
duction on this side has apparently suicide. Ilis grandma her hanged
been • needed to (la up the void herself, his grandfather endtd his
created by the large deficit in 1st life by a shut, one uncle hanged
-year's English make. But whena himself in Hyde Park, titiottler threw1
once the demand is satisfied, and himself into a well at Hastings, and
stocks commence to lop over and at the same plaee L.11 aunt jumped
accumulate, a different condition of over the cliffs. Th6 family uudoubt-
Bride 104; Bridegroom 98.
things may transpire. At the mo. etily was an Unhappy one.
At Atment, however, it is not in sight.
lanta ., last .Wednesda
Dan Wingfield and Mary Kidd Were
i Mr. Jaseph Lavergne, who nspre-
married by Judge Landrum., ...The - He La Go 'the Painter. - Isented Drummond and Aethabasea
groom 98 andthe. bride 104. They . * ! in tile 'lease of Conanons, has been
certainly presented the appearance Every sailor has his story of the a apaiated a . Jude t,f the Superior
of great age and both were known mistakes which land lubbers make Court of Quebec fur the Ottawa
as grown pedOle by even the oldest lover the names of things at sen,tdistrict.
inhabitants. - 'which seems to be exactly the oppo-
'Do you love that tvomanDan? askjsite of what they are on land. A 1 Ou Monday, Jas .Tenkins, of Col -
ed the magistate as he looked at the I new boy had come on board a -West borne, threshed from fifteen acres of
lincensu the old man had taken • put !India ship, upon which a painter fall wheat, 613 buekeis ot a splendid
his pocket and then turned and faeed : had also been employed to paint the , aatugle of grain. Good for '97.
the bride. Iship's side. . The painter W9.8 at! -
,I does sits,' was the quiet reply I work upon a staging snspended from . Curate's Litsle Girl -My ben has
straigthened himself up to his full 'the ships stern. The captain, who laid an egg. 'V 'ear's Little Girl --
Kidd. who wits , uttlehoiG1 ha's brat two Bishop's
height, still bolding the arm of Mary ; had just got ibto a- boat alongside, qy
;called out to the new boy, ha -Tha c's nothing ; my
'anti Mary, do you love Dan?' in- ;leaning over the rail : " Let go the ' father has laid e' foundation tone.
Little Ma
quired the judge. I pain ter.'' . rgie's father was a sales
'Oh, yes,' said the old woman, and Everybody should know that the man fur a larga baking ;wader firm,
she looked. at her aged lover ' anti:boats painter is the rope which 't" one night 'Ilti "le"rilig(1 her
mother , by prayii,g, " Dear Lord,
smiled. makes it, fast, bat the boy did not please make tue ;aria, pure and sure,
know it. He ran att and let go the like baking powder."
ropes by. which the painter'i staging
was held. Meantime the captain - --- - ---____.was wearied with waiting. to be east ,
Health and Hygone.
l3athe the eves in cold water at
night before retiring, and they will
do better work the following day.
A cough may be
drinking at bed time half a teaCi1p.
Cul of hot milk, in. .sylneh two tett-
spoonfuls of glycerine have been dis-
A doctor says that persons who
attain their 30th year without suffer-
ing from any disease, aro likely, all
things being equal, 'to live till they
are at least 73 years of age.
After each meal a house should be
aired, if but for live minutes, One
remaining in the house does not
notice the close, heavy air, but a
guest coming in will be unpleasantly
impressed as he enters the door.
Washing the hands in a little
musterd water and then rinsing them,
well, is excellent tbrcleansing them
after handling substances with an
unpleasant odor. Knives and cook-
ing vessels may also be readily freed!
from odor by being treated in like
'off. " You rascal !" he called, " why 1
don't you let go the painter ?"
" Ife,s gone sir, said the boy briskly ; What His Researchiiave Done for the
, All successful and
distinguished men
hdve imitators, and
Dr., Chase, the. well-
knolvn% author of
Chase's Recipe Book,
proved no exception
to the. rule, Dr.
Chase's . discoveries
have many pretend-
ed rivals, but no
" He's gone, pots, brushes' and all." .
• - _ •
What must be the condition of the
marital mortals of the State of Ohio!
be when the divorce statistics for Orel
Year ending June the 30th last are
• of stash a startling nature ? The
I Sc.lretary of State gives them as fol
'lows : Whole number of divorces ,
granted, 2,727; to husbands 785', to'
, . ; es 188. For deser
'bands 213 to wiv s‘. Loargscilentfee,
reaearehes produced
1,vives, 1,992 ; For adultry,-To hu- Dn. CnAsa,
1 tlOIV-TO husbands 76; to wives, 4,1. alraint, the. firstta ceiritain cure for
Pills and bliase's
glimse's flidney-Liver
to wives 186. For fraud -To bus- lute specific for chrollic and offensive
lra dad:x.1111%1
For drunkeness- To husbands 12 ;
eltti damaaes. Among his other &waver -
bands, 10 ; to wives, 16. 1Veiseellan- fee wero Chase's Catarrh Cure and Clatee's
leaus eattses-To husbands 14 to wivea pall! rind Turpontaio sor colds bad
r , 'Via It". 1 SO3 the Canadian man-
, 54. There were 6,762 divorce eases " 14
[pending during the year; decrees ufacturera, Edinanaon, Bates & Co., 45
ing. From the whole of Canada, "u"
!....plalvd street, Tiputo,,goalazayLIvr:or
!refused, 1,070, and 2,965 still pond-
, this year, there was only one divor ce And11.11)1.,Iiii:At(lill re A °SA Illh13111,7 081 ChansIs Oint-
• Oar.,0 to bo adjudicated on. to
return they brought preyed
bow meth they wera epptecieted. The
-1 .-. ---- ----- IP! continued during 1800. Those - at •
bttInA free distributim of aemplee vrill
rm CINTS pays for the Maas Ito i dlotaato should enclose a 5 -cant stamp
.C.0 January lat 1808. Subsoribe i.ow And elan receive a shoat of the latest
' and go i tho !Int chapters of our news Ory music Is :attire.
Ingersoll jubilee celebration cost
002.50 and therceelpts wore070.2
Csstoria is put u2 in one-aize bottles only, It
~4,4\is not sold in balk. Don't anyone so sell
you anything else on tho.plea or promise that it
is "just as goodfl and "will answer every pur.
poso.” 4Sr Bee that you get 0.1 -5 -T -0,-R-14.
The ho-
4,7/24. 0134
let j
Will pay for the TIMES from now
until the ist of January l38.
Will be start,d iii next week's issue
and it will be a eitIndy.
• V.61,612.01•2•1.11.101.
and get the lxginning chapters of the
strew story.
JN iRs'4.
is a small amount for the reading you
get. The story alone is well worth
the mop_ey.
' Remit by mail or call at the office-. Address,
; 0
GT •
All description of Book and Job Printing such as" c7--
[ In fact, every description of Job Work frotn the Mammoth..
Poster to the small Visiting Card,
kil• ifIE TIMES OFP1,04.