The Wingham Times, 1897-08-20, Page 1, 1M
VOL. XXVI.---NO. 132'x.
—The new sitiewrjk on Centre
cotlploted• r1
etre •t is
A travelling e'gn n•rlgr has been decorating --e Sunday Sphooi nd Chrletian Welter alnduwe of some o our nipcchanta. IT'cUnion Con%ention of lin n County will be bold In
Mr, John Wilson, V. S.; 41 41.0 home on will- Willis' Clu.rdle..Ciinton. n Tuesday an I Wednes•
nee illy evening last ons h : trip through Manitoba day next, 'lho•�.1,tollowi �iscln Wingham will de
and the Northwest ife in 3' now be fount at his liver addret3ca Atha t etinga : Dr. Macirn abf,
�� —Campbell's Headache Wafers uaran- of[tce 88 usual, �,.,ee floe. James liaineton, , Towler and Miss rotere
YY E SELL CH G' fl D teed .- --_- headache. . . �'
—Send Tun Testes tr your friends. Oa• don.
—Turnberry tow ship council will meet ly 25 cents from nom till January 1st Tweut�'-five lbs. of Granulated Sugar
, s. G. ' . ing.
In; 'order to make quick, easy
selling• this warm weather, we have
marked ail our summer goods down,
Special prices in. Dress Goods
Striped Linens,
Cotton Coupons
-Pelim Goods,
Ladies' Vests, "
Blouses,. •
Cuffs & Collars
Special prices in all Summer
T weeds.
Special prices in Millinery in this
Goods are lower than usual every-
thing at cost and under.
A special lot of Hats at 15e. worth
from 75c. to $1.25,
Special prices in men's go -ds,
Ties, Collars, Cutis, Hats and Order-
ed Clothing. Our stock of men and
{boys' Straw Hats is the best in
•town, all the newest style's and the
priees to suit you. •
A few pairs •left yet, of those
ladies` Boots, Shoes and Slippers at
75c. and . $1, which twice what we
are asking for therm. Al=ways special
iriees at the Grocery counter. A
..landsome Folding irl.eft Lawn Chair
given away with Baking Powder.
Seeure one for your lawn - or veran-
dah. The best 25c. Tea in Wing -
• We have a market for every
,,4...._Sherry you have got. We. will buy
ear: ou bring us.
lilarriage Licenses
issued by FRANK PATERSON, No 23, Via-'
boi to street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses
required. .
Place to obtain a thorough business
training is the
A school that properly prepares its
students for business life.
Attendance this year double that of
est year.
Only one kind of business trebling
given to our students and that "Un'
Write for particulars.
• W. , , ELLIOTT, Principal.
•'^'-"1 � Praise which ads just been placed On
R- T T ' ly at home and can be consulted by'
�9 FR1JIr his patrons.
noel best conceived hymnals pubii>;hed.
' ", Itis the work of tl 3 Oxford Press, and Attar the address 1
—Mr. Enefer, F.bangelist, of Lachttte, is printed on fine I .dia paper, like that pleasant evening wad
Quebec. (formerly -t Lonineu, England) used in Oxford 13�blets. The Book of were made by sled
of all kinds will (T). V) hold a series of Ecangeliatic prniae contains el
CHEAPmeetings in a large eat, at the north end Peitlter, and the hyl
P of Centre street, (ppoeite the G. T. R. and enlarged A
at Bluevale on MQ ay next, 1898. for ill Two car load G I; K'
• Everybody goes to Win ham. King's I Mr, Fawatd Smnh, t Hamilton, the gonial —We understand thcr wilt he a gan.e of to.otball
sale is booming, g g telephone inspector, was i town this week, potting played between Rt'ussolP od Whrghan on tvodnes•
in the long distance sec irE y the local office of dap noxi, 4Lth tn• t.; iu i l lh, Blyth having oQered
—Messrs. Pare & Wynn shipped a Car the llell Telephr p (p„ip y, 5'do for the genie to bo played on theta grounds.
These teams are on an c4ual footing, each having
load of cattle to To nto on Monday last. —For ,first-class tailoring and cheap , won ono Came, and no d ubs it will be a very exert•
—Mr, G. A. Ne ton ban decorated the gents furnishings," try Webster & Co. Ing and Interesting gam: The Wingham Lacrosse
front of his harne slop with a fresh coat . Remember the place, in Queen's block. t• am will also y o to 1313 on the same date to plan
ofRoy. bfaurtce J, Good it, a Russian Jew, de- th Cl nton Lean.
]leered a 1ecturo hi St. Pr 1's Church on wodncs• V On Friday las Mr. Robert Hill, of
—The boys an girls of town will be day evening last, on " 10 Jew's Lite in Russia," Walkerton, punches d the Wiegharn op
making ready fo school opening on Mon. Them a as a gory good at adages, and all seemed works from Mr. Wi tam McKenzie. li 4w
day week, to enjoy the lecture,
ii: irlrester4rossitgo
-Mr. Thoma Gregory has decided to ginyre,4gf._naelehs tett •aughlye emeiwtaudr
—Messrs, T. Be & Son announce in
buy grain at open during the coming another column that they have reopeneuai• d 1•
the retail branch or err furniture bG....crbi0. 11'i< understand that
fall and winter. Mr, Hill will have tl: Winghtim works in
I still buyButter,Eggsnese. Parties requir eg an thing in the
and Dried Ap- furniture line will d we to give this firm &tit•class running or er in the course of a
plea. highest prices, ouch or trade. G. a call couple of weeks. 11 will von both the
E. King. '� Walkerton and Win{;1 m works.
—Wedding bell will be ringing in the English Malt in ar is much better
than ardinar.y, n
✓ you can get it from If you doubt aha your neighbors fay 5-I4tf
T+arquh on.
about Ireland &Battun',i prices just cull in
Wars will be give in our next issue.
vicinity of Wingh en next week. Partic- N. A.and see for yourself.V.-70 are please(; to report that Mrs.
—The new sys em of payment through 1v'illitun Robertson, who had an operation
pay oar tasted eef. be, cheo, over the performed for the r 4moval of a tumor in
Grand Trunk R flway s,'st• ., went into her stomach, on Fr day last. is doing nice -
effect on Friday est. ►y, and will soon be able to bo around
Remember th duo fo sale of Household again _
Furniture on he + rket Square, on —The garden pa ty given by the Foot -
Thursday, Aug!. at 2 t, at 3 o'clock. Peter ball Club, on Mrs. Cent's lawn, on Friday
Deans, auotione r. eveninglast, , was a grand success. Re-
freshments were se. ved, ar,d the town band
wee in atterdanc : and rendered several
choice selections.
—Between 90 ani 100 people from town
and vicinity took n the Orangemen's ex-
cuision to Sarnia pad Detroit on Saturday
last. A Kincardine young lady Beograd
—Flex has co monoed to come into the
`,Hingham flax ill. The machinery is all
in shape, and tl e mill commenced running
in full blast on '2 nesday last.
—Work has commenced on the new
sidewalk on Mi inie street. The walk will
be on both sides of the street.,
from Vic-
toria street to 4e Metho
st churcin the gold watch ofrred for the best look -
Your Pickles wo 1 be a •great deal ing lady on the tr .in.
better at,d nicer one with English—In nnothhr co actin Alex. 110f 8, of the
Malt Vinegar from ..A, Fttrgnbureon's' Popular l3ook Ston, advertises a full hoe
—Mr. G.. L. Irel 3 was in Loudon last of the new Presheterian Songs of Praise
week, purohasiag aew hearse for the firm ,Book, and eohoosupplies. Anyone in
of Ireland & Butte e. This firm believe in Tired of anything i . the above lines will do
h - ins the best of everything in their line. well to give Mr. R s a call.
—While engagt I at work on his new . Something new in Canopy -Top Bed -
.house, on Vietoriesestreet, ou Tuesday last, mem suites at IneLANn & BUTTON'S. 5-141f
Mr. Frank Paters •n had the niifortune to —There was a hare number from Kin•
fall over a joist at 3 break o of his ribs sardine andu, few rom intermediate sta.
Bibles and Pre by,erian Book of tions, went to Palrn .rston on Tuesday last
Praise Combined om 75 cents to to witness the bees -hall match between
$2.50 each. at x. Foss'. Kincardine and Vealkerton teams. The
—The man who: -does business without c=arne resulted in fa or of Walkerton bq a
advertising, is con pared to the man who !To of 17 to 5.
wicked •at a prett- girl in the dark; he V ---Ort Monday Bent, while Mr. W. ,T
knew what he was doing, but nob.3dy else Currie was at the 3. T. R. station, with
dirt." bis horse and rig, th belly gurt of the har-
-Rev.. J. H. Ha elwood, of •Pa••is occu- nese broke, and the = orse, being frightened
pied the pulpit of tete Methodist church on of the train, cemme ced kicking, and was
Suuday evening, a td preached a very able
sermon, which wan very much appreciated
by all present.
—The moth ,f July, .1897, will be
in the not of runt ng away when Mr.
Dee ie Dinsley catsrht it and prevented
womb may have been a serious smash opt
Ireland & Bntton has added a delivery
known in bistor ' as the period of the wagon to their business and will deliver
gtends a reasonable distance. 5.14tf
greatest rainfall' the greatest gold die•
covery and the g atest heat wave, as well —The Christi to ttrkers
of town will
as egreat crop oath: ^ntrnenee a seriescamp meetings on
—The Domin- n Post Office Departments 'hnrsday evening nt,. August 20th, on
has issued a ndensed postal guide in prairie behind Itt Ritohie s property
pamphlet form contntnin, he principal '-n Scott street. Mr George E. fisher, of.
regulations em aced in th official postal "rnnto; will have c nrgo of the meetings,
guide, correcte to May 1 , 1897.
mid' be will be asci .ted by Mrs. Fisher,
Miss Bangard and It iss 011y. Tho general
A regular 5o De ribbler and an H. nnblio is cordially it vited to attend these
B. Lead Pencil, 1 for 5o., at Alex. meetings. Entrant to grounds can be•
—A very fine pho o of the Wingham
Junior Lauroe:'e Clu was tat• en by the
Star Photo Gr one y last week. The
photo contains the ictures of the fol-
lowing players : W Farquhareon, cap-
tain ; Joseph TIodg. n, Samuel Elliott,
G. McLauchlan, W. .,obertson, L. Sills.
E. Moore, R. McGr gor, W. McDonagh, .
A. Bell, D. Dinsley Charley Elliott, R.
A. Dinsley, George -'ills and W. Allenby,
For anything in , the line of fruit,
tomatoes, c'icumbers, etc•,o go to Jas. A.
McKelvie, the Star Restaurant.
—A splendid grata) photo of the Wing -
ham Football Club, .tampions of the Mait-
land District, by th; Star Photo Cumpany,
illuminates their sh ,w window. The indi-
vidual -figures are aitbfally le out 1st out,
and it would he d 1))cult to get a better
looking crowd be ore the camera. The
picture contains th following figures: W.
V"7ir:stone, manager A. J. Irwin, treasur-
er, and the followin players: W: Allenby,
captain ; J. FTaril: , L. B. Duff, Charles
Stuart, W. `3tewa , Mac. Messer, C. Mc-
Kinnon, C. Hend •rsan, 0. Hawke, E. S.
Goultes, W. B. M aottagh, E. Bailey and
H. Hamilton.
On Tuesday oft is week, Mr. Robert 1t.
McLeod, who has _en teller in the Bank
of Hamilton fur 1 e 1 est alt years left for
Simcoe where he ill fill a similiarposition
in the bank at tht t latw.e. On Saturday
evening between 1 ate and fif•y of Mr. Mc-
Leod'e friends gat tercel act the Brunswiek
Hotel and present d him with n addrest,
and gold locket and chaitleMr.- 'Phos
Bell made the p esentatio•t, anti Mayvt
1lerten read, the address:
Wingham-, Auguat 14th, 1897.
DEAR Snt, — Torr Wingham friends,
while tendering tet-ir hearty congratula•
tions at your advan :einem iu your morose
stun, cannot allow you to go from their
midst without expt(ssing their regret at
the loss of your ace tety. We shall ieirt-
yonr-compeny in mere than one sense. In
busines you havts el rays been erhane aur.
bland, unaesnming end obliging. In re
creation you have a ways lien e•Surterui-
and congenial, joinii g in our am i"etn•enti
oe9 with that which sta ups a man of good
had by a lane off Ce etre street near cor discernment end d eposition.
—Minister of Pt blio Works Tarte passed . , of Victoria etre® Many of us have 1 ad frequent opportuni-
through town on leoudey morning, on his �J • ties of witnessing ' ur business abf tt; .
way from ,wo town
of to Port Stanley. He . `r nuring the proFess of the wind storm -
and all have appreciated you in privet.
whad been in hoar noi'ort Stauotiug the f e en Saturday after ocn last, the , large life, while in the for ner, your provincewn, •
had tts ins are Mode r way ate the "tnnke•atack at tdr.- 1..7. Chapman's tan- to discover the spurt cos. We unreservedly
harbor in that pleas. eery was blown do sit, In attetnpt�ing to exercise our promo in the latter, and ao-
ttise it on blonde_ morning, sord'cthing cordingly express o tr unanimous oonvic-
-The following -is the resnil. of tete ten• .:eves wayin connect on with the fixtures, tions.
nis match lnyec` between Wingham and May you, in your Mere life, experience
P g and the stack dropp d to the ground and success, and may yin for years to come
I.Lietowel on Satnr_iay last : was pretty badly t't*tshed. In falling, it• look upon that whioe, accompanies this as
Doubles—Kidd and Livingstvr. Lis-
,tenet: Mr. James Leekridge, who was as- a memento of the ve •y best wishes of your
towel, beat Griffi-t and Homuth, Wing eisting int a work, gird badly cut his hand \Hingham friends, i nd alto of your six
haat, 3.5, 6.3, 8.6, Livingstone and Stew. „nd lip pAfter beii g repaired, the stack
art, Listowel, beak MaoLeod and Bastedo, was raised on Tues .ay morning without
Wingham, 0-4, 6-,1. further trouble.
Singles—Kidd, • Listowel, beat Bowles, --The new Pr .sbyterian Rook of
Wingham, 6-4, 6-1,6-4.
Dr. Maedonal is now permanent- rale in Wingham s one of the neatest
years sojourn amon I them. In belie If at
all, I remain, dear s r,
Yot rs very truly,
J. A. Monne.
Mr. McLeod, who11 was totally unaware
of what was going tb take place, made a
shat speech, than ting his Wingham
W. 1.. JOHNS,
cats' Restaurant.
Telephone No. 35. Macdonald.Blook.
ad been read a very
spent, when speeches
rs. J. A. Morton, T.
lections from the Bell, J. H. Stuart.:�istowet ; IL I/. 13e11,
nal itself is revised R•• McKenzie, A. H. t"arr, C. A. Campbell,
ew feature is the' A. J., John It tehie,ll. Kerr, A. G.
sheds, commencing o'clook,
int Friday evening, 20thplacingpiecing of the doth is name after each l Bastedo and Poland Beattie, all of whom
inst., at 8 o'cloand continuing every hsmn, I expressed regret at fir. 81oLeod's depart-,
evening until firth; -r notice.' Sunday's at I oro. Messrs. W. T' Sullivan and J. Ii,
8:80 and 8 p, m. Some of the subjects As Old as Antiquity. I Stuart also contribtred a number of songs,
that will be tak .n up; "Justification," Either by required taint or heredity , and diereses were et ng by all present.
"The Lord's Comi tyre" *ITN. 'Pour Jlidg• those old foes, Scrotu;a and Consumption, I Mr. McLeod was liked by everyone in
monis," "Have t Eternal Life 7" " Sob• must be faced generation after generation ; the town, and it wi 1 be hard to find an-
i stitution," "The'lieh of Go I," enet Ltd. but yon may meet theles: with the odds in other to fill his pea te. Ten Times joins
All are cordially invited. Bring your your favor by the help of Scott's Emul. with his host, of Erie i Is 1•t re in wishing
I Bibles.eion. i him every success is lis new borne.
Your Photo .. .
A repot ter of the' 'I.ree had the pleas. CI Id
ure of a look th ou,gh the large add
commodious boots Ind statiouery store
of s r. Geo, lel Ilion one day this week,.
and was bo'h p!eae%1 and surprised to
see such a palatial tore in our town,
which reflects great credtt on the plunk
and energy of its enir?rprisiug proprietor.
The store Las been �a•eatly enlarged, by
an addition of 32 fee', with a gallery all
around, which mak s a ditiunal space
to the amount of 120 .feet long. T
bus been new shelve plan t�l all ary
the store, andglae= fronts pea
them, which will cep the o�
from dust. In Abe course
weeks, Mr. Masoa in retied u
have a new ret of c
tops, placed in posici
part of the store n
kept and each kind
by itself and number
a matter of a second
their hand on the
Iba on
!s free
a few
'ho would
unters with glass
n. fa the gallery.
the wall paper is
placed in position
d so that it is only
r a person to lay
paper they desire.
a wall paper was
or receiving the.
hese. Wit found
le epa.e of over
feet utilized for
e to bo found in
ook and atilt ion -
carries the lerg-
lies to be found
city. Any one
e book or atntiou-
o gine Mr. Mason
e largest and best
seen in 'R'istern
lost ex::t-1 in ever, pnr.6ieular.
We have the facilities for the produe•
i tion of high class protrature. All our
1 appliances are modern; light unob.
scored and can be regulated to make
perfect fittings, either on bright or
null days. We ube none but the
best of material. A trial solicited.
In Life Size Portratnre we excel.
We guarantee our Bromide, Crayon
and Water Color Portraits. Our
prices are right. Do not be misled
by the 01y -tongued vendor of cheap
trashy work. Our productions last
a century; cheap, trashy, so --Balled
"portraits" fade, There's the differ—
ence. Nothing is el'eap that is not
good and tasting.
Yours 1•Cl' l'Cliribilit.y,
STAR li'1tiOTO CO.
Beaver Block - - - Wingham.
The cellar in which t. Miss T Collins 1
stored is now used after visiting in To
goods and unpacking month.
evely inch of avails
eight hundred square
storing goods which a
a first-class,up-to•data
ery state. Mr. Maso
est stock of school sup
nnye here outside of
wishing an; thine in ti
ery line would do well
a call and see one of t
stores of its kind to b
Wo FI all be Clad to h. a contributions to thi,
rohtnut hum any of oar re ors. It von havPn•iel• or rurpo.e. err n❑ nate vnurro'L drnpin and
tc11 us, or send ne a note L that effect.
Miss nits, of Torot to, is visiting with
friends in town.
on a visit to ft tends
Mrs. John Cornyn i
in New York City.
Mrs Dr Meldrum o
at Dr Macdonald's
Mies McClymont, o
with friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. G. E. King are enjoying a
few days' up the lak
Mr. and Mrs. Wil
with friends in Tee.
Mrs. Scott, of to'
visit to her sister i Orangeville.
Messrs, ,T P Jeflt•ay and G H 'Fulton
of Galt, were in te•wn on Tbursday.
Miss Mime Sohreseder, of Ohesley, is the
guest of Mr. an.t Mj's. John Snllivsn.
Mr. Alex McKie on, of Kincardine., was
in town a day or two during the weclt.
Miss Lillian Soh vab, of Landon, is the
guest of her friend, Miss Maggie Gray.
Mrs G Wright, fit Thomas is spend
ing n few days wt h Win ham frion.ts.
Mr. and Mrs. L Hanson are enjoying
themselves by takft-g a trip up the lakes.
11ir. John Snell, o Goderich, was visiting
hie numerous frien `: s in town this week.
London is a guest
Goderich, is visiting
tam Button Sundayed
%n, has returned from a
.„.,.t . ...w. — ---._--r1, - ., a4r..s: ,.,,.d, wi.e.a.111*►t'
11rs. A. P. Braden, of Blyth, is visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. I J. Bradwin, of town.
1A'is, W. 0. Stus t is at present on a
visit to her son, Art )ur, in Owen Sound.
Mrs. R..1. Melia* has returned home
,,f,ro�m n -month's visit to her sister in Sarnia
\Puttee Florence Prouty, a`r'i asltaire s
visiting the illieses camel. ._ ,,, - .
eii8ses Gralratn, .f Tore/Ito, a. a at pres-
ent visiting their it tole, Mr. T. C. Graham.
lr. T. Dopp leftson M mdity last for In-
gersoll, where lie lees se lure 1 a good situs,
Mr. 1). Sullivt n, of Hamilton.1speut
Sunday in town, he guest of his brother,
Lev. L. G. Wood of Toronto, was calling
Wine -atm his old Winam friends during tl e
Mrs, Jas. and Was McLauchlan spent a
fete days with B ssels friends during tl e
As. Robert Or and illils RA ertson, of
Woodstock, aro p'yin; Win,;ham friends a
Mrs. 11. Iiaris, tad son, Rote - spent a
fow (Ilya visiting "'lends in Itiveradale last
Miss Ida Pelt .n left Wedneeay for
California, a her she will reside for a
is returned home
nto for the past
Miss Page le s r :turned to Mitchell,
after spending some :ime with her parents
in town.
NIr. C. A. Campbel attended the funeral
of Mrs. John T. Gorrin, at St. Helens, on
Mr. Hazelwood, of erlin, has taken Mr.
R. M.•1 eoo's place as eller in the Bank of
Hamilton. - -,-
Mrs. (Rev.) George i . Brown, of Toron-
to, is the guest of It usin, Mrs. John
Mr. Herbert Bowles Orangeville, was
the Ruta of hie brothe r. T. L. Bowleg,
tans sceek. -x
Messrs H 0 Bell al Robb McKenzie
paid a short visit to Baton during the
past week.
Mr. A. M. Robinson has returned from a
hohd,ty :, ret to Tor nto, Hamilton and
lO�r Seville.
'M 1• Hardy Mohd y, of 'Toronto, waft
shaking haucls vith ii Winabati 3rieirda
, t
on Monday.
Mr. Robert Kno , of Luoknowe xVaa
shaking hands with is Wingham - ends
on Feeley lest,
Edger McGuire, o_-'.Vingham, is holiday -
in e
olidayin; at George Roger', Frederick steeeteee
Bruesvls Post.
Mrs J I3 Kelly, r',c Guelph and Mre T
W Thompson, of Fergus, are guests of
Mr J H 13ecmer.,
Master Stuart Batton has returned from
a visit to H•trristor. Ele was accompanied
home by his ooustr. ,
Alt e 1' •a8, who had been visiting with
frien is et time, rssurned to her home in
D:elht•+, Tex.i las week.
,1Ir. Frank Salic ran, of London, was the
gees: o- itis broth.', W. T. Sullivan, fors a
few c'ays during tl a week.
Mrs. K. K. 1111
her i arents, Mr. a
Rev. J. 11. an
family, of Pavia, v
R. McDonald, dur,
Misses Hanna
are visiting frien
Wingbara. Hen
The Misses St
:tee Wingham, visited
d etre. A. C. Scarr, this
Jim. Hazelwood and
sited, his sister, Mrs. A.
ug the week.
Ortwein and Ida Coact
in Brussels, and also in
all Observer.
ill who have been visit-
ing friends in t• wn, returned to their
home in St Mare's on Wednesday
Mr. Al3crt nil Mise Lena Perdue, of
ingham, were .he guests of Sirs. William
arngey on Sun ay.—Gorrie Vidette.
Master L,turia..Reynolas, of this city, is
visiting hie gra td -parents, Mr. and .Mrs.
J. R. Reynold :, of Wingham.—London
Free Press.
Miss Jeanie .Ilendenntng has returned
hone from a visit to friends in Kent
County. She -'as accompanied by her
little niece.
Miss Lottie o ad Master Geo Elliott of
Wingham are tending the holidays with
Mr and Mrs. own, London Boad--Cline
ton Dews Redo d.
Mrs. James etewart of Stoney Mout).
tain, Manitoba. and Atlas Collie of Blue -
vale were the 4 ;Hosts of Mr. and Mrsi
Alex Boss dur-ag the week.
Mr. D. Chaotnran, of Toronto, who liar
been spending r few weeks with friends in
town, left on V ednesday, on his wheel, for
Owen Sound awl other notate.
lire. John iaehaaan, who has been
visiting friends and relatiyes in town for
some timo, rete •ne.d to e'er home in Mooso-
I m•�tc, Manitoba, nn We?es:iay last.
tifMr. J. W. trtucan left on Tuesday to
Mrs. J. Dopp tail child, have gone on take a position in the mechant al depart -
a two weeks visit - 1 i friends in Tees- meat of the Wigham TI3nts.PXhe Tnlxa
water. will find Mr. Duncan a cool meohanfa
Mrs A. G NfoD•.nsTI, of Ocderieh, has and the people 'of Wingbam will Ilk
been spending a ew days with Wingham soon learn that tie 'a quite a Vane vooa
friends. •.Ssaforth 1xpabitor.
„.4 tit