The Wingham Times, 1897-08-13, Page 8H. M°INDOO' UR LOW PRICES for August makes ??�i t business brisk from Mon- i' day until Saturday and fi these special prices. for Sa°fuelay, Bargain Day are Wended to bring enough?? business to enable us to aS sill on a very small proiit.l SATURDAY. 50 pair Ladies' Fine Button'and Lace Shoes, regular$1.40 and - t $1.50, Saturday 1L10. 30 pair Ladies' Oxford Shoes, regular $1.50, Saturday $1.35 I 6 dozen Gent's fine Linen Cut-«, Lars, regular 20c., Sat. 121c. 10 pairs Shirt and Drawers, ki summer weight, regular 50c., Sgtturday 37e. !1 i • i) 25 Boys' `2 piece Suits, extra:, rt good, reg. 43,50, Sat. $2.50. (5 20 Men's Suits, light or dark, ?il regular $7.50 Saturday 45. ' 50 Stiff and Soft hats, regular $2.25 Saturday $1.50. 20 pieces fancy Dress Goods reg. 35c, and 40e. Saturday 25c. �, 5 pieces fancy Print, regular'. 12c. Saturday 7 e. i? 20 doz. children's Fast Black Hose, reg. 10c. Saturday 5c. >; 10 pieces black and cream Lace reg, 10 and 12j,c. Sat. 5c. 1u pieces Shaker Flannel, reg. ), 8c. Satnrday 5c. 6 doz. Clothes Pins, Saturday, for 50, 2 Wash Boards for 25c. -o- SPECIAL PRICES ON SUITS MADE TO ORDER. MAKE GUAR- ANTEED NO. 1. Ea'Ask for a 425 Card, good j for 1 doz. No. 1 Cabinets at the Star Photo Co. Shop early at > M. H. McINDOO'S. i 1 .DD1[TIUONA.G LOCA LS. Just a little toddler, Just a little pole, Just a little apple - Bless his little soul. Just a little ginger, .lust a little bed, Just a title tod.tler Wishing he were dead. LITERARY NOTES. i?or a quarter of a century the Canada Presbyterian, which was founded by Mr. Blackett .Robinson and brought to a place of much influence by his exertions, has been one of the foremost religious weeklies of the Dominion. The Westminster, a 1 tf.li WZNUIIA,M TIMES AUGUST 13, L897. Bank of Hamilton, Wiugbam, are given below F. Holloway, 25o ; J. B. Johnson. $1.12 ; \Vm. Mullen, 10o \Vin. Paybu, $5.50; A. Turner, 40e; R. Frer.er, ;10.70 ; 3. P. Dlolndoo,' 930; E. F, Black, 85o ; Wm. Robertson, 450 ; Wm. Diamond, 13o ; Johnson & Turner, $4.83 ; cricket club, 5o ; R. Cornyn, 350 ; W. McDonald, l50 ; I''. Billingsley, 740 ; E. F. Custer, 75o ; George Kerr, 80 ; Tyner Brothers, 35o ; A. P. Be*, 35o ; A. J. Webster, 44o ; Soott Brothers, $1.66 ; C. A. Scott, $1 ; A. L. Gibson, lc , G. S. Lay & Company, 20o ; R. Mc- Indoo, treasurer, $2.74 ; J. Sanderson, $1,40 ; M. G. Smith, $1.49 ; T. reams❑, 110 ; John Johnston, 30c ; \Vin. Clegg, assignee, 5c ; Watt & Little. $9.50; C. Nash, $1 ; 3. J. Anderson, Co ; H. Mo. Intyre, 50c ; J. Mollwam, $2.50 ; J, Neelands, assignee, $3.52 ; Richard Mit- chell, $80.21 ; James Jeffery, in trust, $17.50 ; Charles Heath, in trust, $5.26. CCONVENTION PROGRAMME. The following is the programme of the annual conventions of the Huron County Sabbath School Association and Christian Endeavor Union, to be held in Willis' Church, Clinton, on Tuesday and Wednes- day, August 24th and 25th: sARRA•:n SCHOOL 'PROGRAMME. Trtso.v ,--Morning -9.30, prayer and prai:;e service, Rev. R. Millyard, Clinton ; " Why am I here?" the President; " The place of t* lesson help," Rev. J. Hlamil- ton, Wingham ; discussion ; " The proper place of the blackboard," .Dr. Towler, Wingham ; discussion ; " The Sabbath school worker and his Bible,.' .Rev. W. Muir. Brucefield; discussion. Afternoon - 1:30, opening exercises and reports ; " The exercise of authority in the school," G. F. Blair, Brussels ; discussion ; " Home de- partment," Mr. A. Day, Provincial Secre- tary ; " The importance of reverence in the Sabbath school," Rev. W. E. Kerr, Hensall ; discussion ; "Association claims," Mr. Alfred Day ; " The character of the teacher," Miss Bond, Seaforth ; discussion ; " Reap what you sow," Alex. Saunders, Goderich ; discussion. Evening - 7.30, service of song ; " Doors of oppertunity," Dr. McDonald, M. P., Wingham ; singing and collection ; " Tho teacher's master key," Mc. Alfred Day. CIHRIS'TIAN ENDEAVOR PROGnaatun. WEDNESDAY, -Morning ---0:30 to 7:30, sun- rise prayer meeting, led by Rev, F. J Oatem, Belgraye ; 9:30, prayer and praise service ; address. "Line up," Ed. Wanless, Varna ; discussion ; " Christian Endeavor and proportionate giving," R. B. McGowan, Blyth ; discussion; "Christian Endeavor in temperance reform," J.A. Gregory, Exeter; discussion ; Treasur'er's report ; Secre- tary's report. Afternoon -1:30, service of praise ; " The power of personality," E. F. Armstrong, Goderich ; discussion : " Soul winning," or " The end we keep in view," Miss Robertson, Wingham ; " World win- ning," or " Missions," Miss J. Wilson, Clinton ; " Nation winning," or "Christian citizenship," Rev. J. S. Henderson, Hen - sail ; discussion ; " The essentials of Chris- tia.r Endeavor," Mrs. Pentland, Dungan- non ; " An up-to-date Endeavorer," C. L. Fisher, llolmesyille ; discussion ; special exercises by juniors of the county ; address on junior work, Miss M. S. Washington, Clinton ; discussion. Evening -7:30. ser- vice of song ; " The progress of young peo• ple's societies in Canada," Rev.' Joseph Edge, Goderich ; singing and collection , " Christian Endeavor and proportionate monthly established a little over a year I Christianity," Dr. Meldrum, St. Paul; ago by Rev. J. A. Macdonald, has already consecration service. made a permanent place for itself as a journal of religious thoutht. The an- nouncement that the two publications are to be consolidated, and that the Westmin- ster, the name chosen for the new paper, is to be published hereafter weekly, with one issue a month in magazine form, will be received with pleasure by all lovers of good reading. Tho West ninster and Presby- terian have in the past given a healthy fogieal tone to Ws religious press, which '*a was needed at a time when one-eided and partial views are so commonly held, The new journal may bo expected to continue along this line. UNCLAIMED BALANCES. A report of diyidends remaining un- paid and of Unclaimed balance3 in char- tered banks of the Dominion or Canada for five years and upwards, prior to De- cember 31st, 1896, has been compiled by N. S. Garland, F. S. S , IF- S. A., clerk of gnancial atatisci:s, Ottawa. The state- ment has been issued in conformity with an set respecting banks and banking, 18 Vie., chapter 31, section 88, and re- 1 to moneys is respect to which no mations have taken place or upon Huh no interest has been paid for five and upwards. In case of moneys tad for a fixed period, the five., tee reckoned from the termination patio& bout Canada, at the close of unclaimed balances amounted and the unpaid dividends hila at the clone of 1805 to $30'1,4.08.37 and $6,- 7. tfiaig,>e titre names of all ug in some cases a for over SO years, elf their money in the t BLUEVALE. Mr. Fowlie, assistant to Rev. Mr. Ballantyne, of Molesworth, preached in the Presbyterian church here, last Sabbath, Rev. W. J. West preached in �4felesworth. llrs. Joseph Pugh was very ill last week, but we are glad to say now improved Miss Jamieson, of the post office, is spending a week with her family at Ford with. Mr. A. McEwrn's driving mare was killed by lightning during the storm on Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs Fred. McCracken, of Brussels, spent Sunday with her parents, Dir. and Mrs. John Gard. incr. vJr. Walter Rutherford still con tinnes very ill and his recovery is doubtful. Mr and Mrs. John T. Currie, of Wawanosll, spent Sunday at Mr. Magnus Sper'ce's. In June of this year the . uevale Cheese and Butter Company paid to its patrons 53,900, a cons[l erable in crease over„2,200 paid i une, 1896 !Flax pulling is in full Ada. Parcels of laundry 1 y be left at the Bluevale hot n'. to 6 p, m., 'Tuesday. They wi be taken to IIuton Steam L, u dry, Winghene by Aft., 1ti'.Brallle , baker, who will return same following Friday. Laundry lists may bo had at the hotel. 25 t I'N't't3 will pay Ion the 1'rsrr::t until �G lautlnry let 1H a3, Subscribe now to got the tire, chaplets of out new story. EAST WAWANOSH. \busses L. Morton and M. Mel3ur- nev.returned Saturday, after spend In; a month with friends at Cass Cityyr W. T, and II. I3. Scott visited friends near Benmiller this week. W. Sowler had a steel shingle roof put on his dwelling house last +eek. Misses Annie and Janet McGowan are spending their holidays with their grandfather, W. Scott. Several of the young men here will leave for Manitoba on Tuesday of next week. J. ,sgnew and sister, Mary, spent Sabbath at J. `Taylor's. The hum of the thresher is again heard in our midst. T. Nicol returned from Hamilton on Thursday. Revs. Fish and Calder of Clays- ville, Ohio have been spending a short time visiting at tic residence of Mr. George Tervit. They came all the distance on their wheels Mr. and Mrs Calder of Menlburo, Tenn., are at present visiting their uncle, Mr. George Tervit. A.valuable cow belonging to Mr. David Taylor, was struek by light ening on Monday evening last and was instantly killed. Mr. 'l homes Jamieson, spent Sun. day at Mr. Peter King's. On Saturday last, as Mr. John Menzies was fixing something about his hay -rack, his foot caught in a chain on the rack, and he fell to the barn floor, breaking his arm. It was a very severe accident, and Mr. Menzies will be laid up for some time. Mr. John Hodgson of this town• ship left this week for Pondike gold 111 i nes, Mr. John Bone, medical student of Toronto, is spen-ling this vacation under the parental roof, LLSTO\\•'EL. The Piano Company ate busy preparing for the Toronto and Lon- don expositions. Their exhibit this year will be especially attractive and representative. Misses Watson and Gibbs, millin- ers, Main street, have dissolved part- nership. Miss Gibbs will continue the business and Miss Watson in- tends leaving town. Fred Selwood, B. A., Who was re- cently appointed science master in the Orangeville High School, which he accepted conditionally, has 1 e - signed and accepted the position of science master in the Kingston Col- legiate Institute. George Draper, of Toronto, is spending a couple of weeks' holidays at his home here. Miss Grieve, of Sc. Catharines, is the guest of Mrs. J. Livingstone, Main street. Rev. Mr. Moffat, of London, occu- pied the pulpit of Knox church on Sunday. Rev. Mr. Cooper is in Toronto. The Milverton and Listowel foot ball teams played a friendly mate in the Rink park grounds on Frida evening, the home team wincing b 1 goal to 0. Mrs. J. W. Scott and her father John Livingstone, sr., returned las week from the Pacific Coast. Mi Livingstone has been away since las fall, and Mrs. Scott since the spring In compliance with demands o the Fire Underwriter's Association, sleeping apartments f'or two firemen have beep fixe; up over the fire hall. Mrs, Pringle, of Toronto, is Visit,- ing Mrs. P. W. Hay.. The English Church Sunday School held their annual picnic in McJCeever's grove, Wallace, last Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Godfrey are epend- ng a couple of weeks' holidays in New York State. The granolithic sidewalks on Dodds street are nearly completed. It is likely a new walk will also be put on Penelope street. Miss Duncan, of Tara, is the guest of Miss Maggie Roy. hiss Macfarlane, of Stratford, and Miss Erniatinger, of St. Thomas, were the guests of Mrs. J. W, Scott for a couple of days last week. They were en route to Southampton. L. MaeDonald and W. MacDonald spent ,Sunday .at Pike Lake, near Mount Forest. They wheeled over. It is no doubt a g= od idea to blow the flee whistle occassionally, to keep it from getting rusty, but would not some utlier time than 7 o'clock a. m.' answer the purpose just as wen?' Say 6 or 7 o'clock p. m. If who I lever is responsible for the blowing of the whistle were to make this ' change, we have no doubt he would be meeting the views of a large majority of the citizens, A little Ulan about 40 inches high,, and having the appearance of being between 40 and 50 years old, who is " travelling on his shape," arrived in town Monday, and is •the centre of attraction wherever he appears. WROXETER, Mr. J, Barnard has sold three new b cycles already this week. The Messrs. Sanderson Bros. &,.Co. have opened out with a brand ,new stock of goods (general store) i:/ the Henfphill lock. We wish the boys succe,. Messrs. Thomas Smith and tndrew Brown are making very mudh need- ed repairs to our sidewalks.... - Mr. Ct W. Andrews paid Et visit to IIarristori on Saturday., This week friends ii !town be- moan the death of \WVrti. 111c1)analcl, well and fa.-orably k,ohh here. Mr. John ouglas i5 ih Belleville this week as delegato tcf the G arnd Lodge, I. 0. 0.41?. Mr. George Amerpreseating the Knox, Morgan d C of Hamilton •Sundayed in town. On Monday afternoon. at Goderich a G. T. R. traintf ale len cars, in some manner l$'oke loose, ran dt,wn a steep grade with immense velosity and dashed into a buffer, The dam- age done a `unted to about , G.000 The Strati rd wrecking'•train clear ed away.T he debris. J\ is stated that tlhkcause was neglect on the part of> re company to Jeep the switchy eading to the barbol',properly locked. 1 - t SLBI3ATH SERVICES.' 1 t, 'Mi•.1'HODIST-Rev. Dr. Pascoe, as tor. Services at 11 a rz, and 7 p rn. N. PRP.•SBYTERIaN-Rev. D. Perste, pastor. Services at 11 a to and 7 p tn. EPISCOPAL, St. Paul's -Rev. Wm. Lowe, rector. Services at 11 a as and 7 p m. BAPTIST -Rev. Jas. Hamilton, -pas- tor. Services at 11 a m and 7 p m CONGREGATIONAL -Rev. H. E. Mason, pastor. Services at 11 a m and 7p m. SALVATION ARMY -Capt. Barker and Lteut. Burney in command. Ser- vices at11am,3pmand 8pm, CHRISTIAN WORKERS - Misses Outram Mad Lock in command, Services at 3 p mand 8pm. In each of the above named churches Sabbath School is held at :?.30 p ro. AUG �10 c SA - OF- HO►SEHOLD FURN TURE -ON- Satarc= y, Aug. 14th, . t 3 p. m. Consisti of Upright P ano, by Dur- ham of Nen York, as goo as new, Par- lor Choirs, .cfa, Easy Chairs, Rattan and other ckers, edroom• Suites, Bureaus, Bee -tends, ud Washstands, M trasses, Dining Chairs, lixt^.nsi,u ' z,1 Falling Leaf Dining Tables., L, �'g Walnut Sideboard hand carved and t -lied, cost 845, Hall rack, Secretary an J3ookCase combined Pictures, Oilcloth: ❑d Carpets, Hand- some Radient ho ie .al Stove, doubts heater, latest it, lrov 1 duplex grate as guod as new, c, et $33 Double Heater \Vood Stove, ucw lo .t season, Large Model Cook Love, in irst class condi tion, Dining wont Stoc , large Bath, Child's Cot Lawn Move Garden Tools Crokenole :oared, China Crockery ano Glasswar. hanging'' mps, Stand Lamps, swing Machin;. Eight Day Clock, S t of Harnesr', Sto 'o Pipes and- othor a id`s,lunlorou. to mention. `The land til: l Ball Ot elle t it paint""-': r1'fl) b: offered subject to a 'aei'v0 � Teak:, -Four months cred • on sums 8f b' and over on furnisbint•• approved not: •, 0 turni,`ure is now on new up st re, next Sia, ith & Pethicke, 1 'irdware S re. Any artlf. le may be p chased p ivutely up till des of sale. Seperate W n b y t f IDTEp, DEANS. GEO. 0 D. Auctioneer. Prop .tor. WOODS 7c>Y3OSP3 04lUI14 %• 'kite Great English rllemedr. Six rad:agesGuaranteed to 1 promptly and permanently cure an tortes of remotes ri'cakncss, p4 ttttaions,5perttr atorrhea, Impotency and aU erects of AbuAe or Pommes, Methal Wor•r y, excessive USG Before and After. 0/ Tobacco, Oplutn or Stimu- lants, which soots rend to In. ll n,ity,Insanity, Consumption and an early bravo. Ras been prescribed over 35 years la thousands of eases; is the onto I:citable and honest Dtedteinte knotetz. Askdrugglsttor Wood's 1I'r.oephodlnc; It he otters demo worthless Medicine la place of this, !noles° price In letter, and wo will send by return I malt, Price, ono package, 61; biz, C15. Ona will please, sir wia sure. ?semphlota tree to anyaddress, I The Wool! Company, Windsor, Out., Ganda, Sold in Wingham and everywher: by responsible druggists, LAST CHANCE' -FROM US TOR --.---- -CHEAP GOODS We have decided to retire from-----, BUSINESS ,--and so during the next----, THIRTYsv DAYS. We will give you SLAUGHTER.. pRICES. every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY nights, com- mencing at 7 o'clock. We will hold a , SPECIAL SALE To clear out Job Lines, at prices that will interest you, Come = early -and get first choice. You may expect MEg fIt INT as our Stock is still large and well assorted. 'All outstanding accounts must be settled before that date, if you want to save trouble; after that date our affairs will be placed in other hands for settlement.. A word to the wise is sufficient. • cINTYR MACDONALD BLOCK. Before Purchasing Your--- SUIT our--- SUIT CALL AND SEE W. BA RANDS aoomS They. are certainly the newest out. The latest designs from both ENGLISH AND CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS W INGFIAM. iA. t{l : C Maga 'Are You -1r RUPTURED ? If so it is your advantage to call on Gordon & Co.'s Drug Store, Wingham. They are the agents for the celebrated Wetmore Truss. W.HY THE WETMORE IS THE ONE FOR YOU • 1. Because it is dangerous to be .a moment without one, 2. It will raver rust and is conse- quently durable. �3. A person wearing a Wetmcre does not find it a bother. We will guarantee to hold in position any reducible rupture. This truss cannot possibly move after adjustment, Some of our townspeople can testify to its merits. 7. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. 4. and have n,, equal in town. Remember the place, next door to 5' the Brunswick Hotel, Wingbam. 6. GORDON & CO. f'TIT, \ T ' - i •,are and Undortaking Storo -fl -- wrinENTturaitinknot iruland & l3utton 111.6 putting in a 0OMpic:1 Stock of Furniture and Undertaking consisting of BE,"ROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, MUM SUITES, TABLES and Cl:`AIitS of all kinds. SIDEBOARDS, LOUNGES, SPRING BED 1:ATTRESSES, CURTAIN POLES, PICTURES, PICTURE 'PRAXES, MOUNDINGS, MIRRORS, Ete., in fact everything that is kept in a. FIRST=� LASS FURNITURE STORE , A complete stock Undertaking kept on hand and prices reason - able. race, Ireland's old store, opposite the Mae- tarRemember the p. .onsite the foundry. donald I3lock, (Residence ul IRELAND & BUTTON. t 1