The Wingham Times, 1897-08-13, Page 7,a THE WINGJHL&M TIMES, .AU'GLJST 13, 1597., T H E. . ,, \ PH RENOLINE REMEDIES. Taking the lead everywhere. We are working day and night t'1 supply the demand. Our correspondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds of poor sufferers are being restored to health and happi- ness daily, TRY OUR RHEUMATIC SPECIFIC OR KiDPEY AND LIVER PILLS They are absolutely pure and healthful, Guaranteed to cure Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lumbago and all forms of Kidney and Liver troubles, r3EWARM OF SPURIOUS IMITATION'S Sold in Wingham, only by Gordon & Co TO THE PUBLIC The Wingham Planing Mills are now running again in full blast— Parties wishing to bave Lumber Dressed or anything in the planing mill business such as— —SASH, —DOORS, —BLINDS, —CASINGS, —MOULDINGS, can have them on short notice and at lowest passible prices. I have also add:. a number of new mach ines which will enable me to do work cheaper and better than ever. S. BENNETT, Successor to WATT & SON EL TO N S UMPS Will stand wear and tear for 3 ears. No better proof can be given of their durability than is shown by the fact that some of these pumps. put in wells 25 years ago are still working. IRON and FORCE PUMPS Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended to. SHOP—Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's Livery. JOHN PELTON, Wingham, Ont Str tford eaeou:—"A. middle I Rejection anReerirnrnatzon, Reidy 'Weather I?ressrxrg. Two maidens were sitting in a cora fectwnary store the ether night. They were sipping ice cream. The girl with the languid bine eyes was thoughtful. "I've been thinking' she said at length—knitting bar beautiful brows 'my skirts need proteetion in rainy weather, my umbrella protects only head and shoulders.' 'That's right,' admitted the girl with the merry brown cyee, ' as her lips kissed the happy ice cream. 'An umbrella won't keep a skirt from getting wet and muddy,' 'And this one I have on, looks like a fright and feels like a fright too,' f ail the blue eyed maid •Of course,' essonted the" brown eyed girl, :But then every one knows that. The girl with tho blue eyes didu't answer till she bad swallowed ten spoonfuls .of ice cream. Then she said : 'I'm trying to decide what to get.' 'What to get replied the brown eyed girl. `Certainly, it's quite a problem, aged �al.lice lady drove to the city yesterday with two large baskets of produce. She deposited the, baskets at the corner of the market building opposite Mr. Johnston's butcher shop, and wondering why no buyers made their appearance she crossed over to Wellington street where she was confronted by a well'kuown eitizen by whom she was aequainted said that she would find little sale for her pro duce as it was Sunday and tbe citi- zens of the classic city where very law-abiding. The lady had mistaken. the day. She had thought that it was Saturday morning and did not realize her mistake until it was pointed out that the crowds on the streets were church goers and not marketers.',' AND A • 'WE CLAIM there is only one preparation in Canada to -day that is guaranteed to cure BRONCHITIS, and that is DR. CHASE'S SYRUP OF LINSEED AND TURPENTINE: It is MOTH. ER'S cure for her child when it is all stuffed up with CROUP and coughing its little lungs out with WHOOPING COUGH. One small dose inintediateiy stops that cough. By loosening the phlegm, puts the little one to sleep and rest. Dr. Chase compounded this valuable syrup so as to take away the un- pleasant taste of turpentine and linseed. WE OFFER to refund the price if Dr. Chase's Syrup will not do all that it is claimed to do. Sold on aguarantee at all dealers, or Edman. son, Bates &Co., 45 Lombard St. Price, ase. ke,rt• nrw65,0`5s•^•5e'n't a‹set y.. tea= SO'SP V'V SilVi.9 5/°44 ITS Made in the LATEST STYLES Go WEBSTER'S QUEEN'S BLOCK, WINGHAM To the Madden Yeast Co., Landon, Ont. Gentlemen,—We get quicker and hotter results from using Alts. biadden'a Yeaat than any other i. awe uacl,au.lhh,htyreeommendIt. DEANBROS.7accrc THE MADDEN YEAST CO., London. Si *•r en's I :. • Ian. L o Uc CURES INDIGESTION, DYS PEPSZA, HABITUAL CONSTI- P&TION, BILIOUS DSAR.- 1tHOEA If yon aro troubled withanp of these enmnlaints the persistent use otSt•tas'$ INDIAN Tom insurea a euro. .A. We11•Known Woodstock Man Cured. Woodstock, Oct., iday :Ind, 11-110 This is to notify that I, James Ross, tolicate• keeper, of the town of Woodstock. Ont., have hien a sufferer iron: indigestion and a very wea t:te n^ch for a number of pears and hare tried a great many medicines of different kinds but count only obtain temporary relief for it short time, Int niter wing one bottle of SwTh't s NMas Ts n tbetter udert ave a great difference, My n s my stomach much stronger than before, and 1fnimd I bad gained several pounds in ilea 1, w'^rte 1 teas very weak and thin in flesh before. I think I trued nine or tin hottles in nil, and I am now a tteatthy Send for Pamphlet of Cures, manbut still I do not want to be without the Free By 11Rali. medicine In the house. and I can truthfully re••^not mend SLokN's Was to others suffering front Prloe1 per Bottle, f3 fn : a$g, the sante complaint. At allDru;f:i t• :r from Laboratory. JAM1.IRoss,Tollgate lte:1pe ...n. r,w� .w� •ten. r.r.r THE SLCTT;"''iDICINE CO. OF HAMILTON, LIMITED. P. 0. Drawer 33, Hamilton. Successors o ur c r He—You refuse to marry the ? :She—Well, I guess yes. Ile—Woman, you have a marble tdeart. She—Oh 1 go toll your woes to the police. He (firmly)—So be it, There are others, She—Yes, I don't think, Ile—Just as good as you. She—Nit. Ile --You are not the only pebble on the beech. She—Oh, I don't know. lie --You are not t'ie only bargain on the counter. She—And you are not the only nickel in the slot. • He (angrily) --You are not the only oyster in the stew. She—You are not tbe only actor in distress. Ho—You are not the only fish in the sea. She—You are not the only bone in the fish. He—You are not the only (Enter her father excitedly.) Her `father -Young man, I refer to my boot when I say that you are not the only young man who is up against it. (Acts accordingly. Exit young man hurridly by the window) —The Yellow Kid Magazine. What Tommy Said Uncle John—Well, what do you mean to he when yot get to be a man ? Little Tommy (promptly)—••A doctor, liken pa. Uncle John (quizzically)—Indeed; and which do you attend to be, an allopath or a homoeopath. Little Tommy—I„ don't know what them awful big words mean.UueleJohn; but that don't make no difference, 'cause I ain't going to be either of them. I'm just gotn' to be a family doctor and give all my patients Hood's Sarsaparilla, 'cause my pa says that if bo is a doctor he's'tinged to sawn up that Hood's Sar- saparilla is tbe best family medicine he ever saw in his life. Victoria's Rings. Queen Victoria's left hand shows two rings that she has worn for fifty six years. One is her Majesty,s engagement ring and the other is her wedding ring. The latter was placed on the second finger as all the world knows on the morning of Feb. 10th, 1840, by Prince Albei t. Botit rings are plain gold bands and is set with a few rare diem - ends of great brilliancy. There are far more costly than rings worn in NewlYork today. For many years it has been an im- possibility to remove either of these rings except by first cutting them _to pieces and unless the queen couser is to such means she must wear thein to the end. In order to indulge in the very pretty sentiment of wear- ing this simple article of jewelry for a lifetime, the queen has been oblig- ed to suffer much inconvenience and not a little actual physicai pain. Souris, Man., Sept., 21, 1896. Edrnanson, Bates & Co. Dear Sirs, --I and your goo•ls taking remarkably well with my customers and they appear to give every satisfaction, as indicated by the fact of our having sold ono -half gross of your Chase's Kidney - Liver Pills alone during the month of August. S. S. Srs1TU, Souris, Man Methodist Church. Progress. Rev. G. H. Cornish, general con- ference statiscian has issued the following statement of the present standing of the membership in vari- ous conferences of the church in Canada aed Newfoundland: Coassesr:cr.. Mamma. 1890 1807 Toronto 40,734 42,379 London .. 46,119 47,476 Hamilton 45,125 45,507 Bay of Quinte 39,910 40,395 Montreal.., 37,345 37,387 Nova Scotia 15,361 16,809 New:Brunswick and Prince Edward Island 13,064 13,365 Newfoundland .. . 11,814 11,877 Manitoba and North west 16,131 16,653 Briti lI Columbia 4,652 4.850 Japan 2,137 2,279 Then we have first repott from Che ntu China,.. 9 Totals 272,392 278,136 This shows a net inerease of Ise. 1,645 1,357 442 485 42 638 what would .you advise. 'Get a long mackintosh, of course' 'I guessl will,' replied the blue eyed maid, although sometimes I think a pair of silk stockings better, when it comes to keeping the skirts out of the mud.' `No.' Said the girl with the brown eyes, decidedly. 'That does all right sometimes, but the summer is too far advanced and it will be getting dark early in a few weeks now. For Over Fifty Years. AN COLD AND WELL-TRIBD REMEDY— Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil- lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes tbe child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best toniedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cants a bottle. Its value is incaluuble. Be sure and ask for Ars. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind Which Style Suits You. To suit a long narrow face, the hair should be dressed round, and it is always best to show a coil or so from behind the ears, also endeavor to fill up the nape ot the neck as much as possible. For a sharp featured face always avoid dressing the hair high on the top of the crown in a line with the nose, as this accentuates the severe outlines. Dress the hair low down or else quite on the top to meet the ringc. For a round face narrow dress- ings are becoming, and can be taken well down the neck. For a broad face narrow dressings are preferable, but should be kent high. • Exceedingly tall people should keep the hair dressed low and decidedly ronncl. Very short women, should have their hair dressed high, as it gives addition to their stature. It is veru rarely that we find pure white hair, it is usually a gra3•ish white, and with this latter no colors are so suitable as, dark greens, browns, ambers, purple tints, deep cream and warm shades of dark blue. Roan's Kidney PSIis Doan't, Kidney Pills act on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure backaches, woak back, rheu- matism, diabetes, congestion, inflamma- tion, gravel, Bright's disease and ail other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and bladder. Physicians are warning people against the habit of wetting a lead pencil in the mouth. Whoever has 301 the habit runs considerable risk, for u5 he may, while in a bank 'or some other public. place, involuntarily 632 moisten a pencil that has re.ently x42 been in the mouth of a person Suffer- ing from an infections disease. 9 6744 108,- 1103, members since the union in 1808. Baby Was Cured Dear Sirs, --I can highly recommend Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berr. It cured my iarrluva afteYall other moans failed, so of dI give it great praise. It is excellent for alt bowel I complaints. MRS. CIIAS. BO'VT, Harlow, Ont, Two heavily laden eat?, on tilt) Niagara Gorge Railway, Collided Friday and twenty pec•ple, many of theta from Toronto, were injured. 2CIt.,uyS psayo, thSuounnotiwl and go the filet tempters Of nor nAw story. Listowel, Sept, 22, 18i.6. Edmanson, Bates & Co. C#sNTLT.AIEN,-1 have pleasure in say-. ing that Dr. Chase's Ointment, Pi118, Catarrh Cure and Linseed and Turpen- tine are selling well, and are gio ing every satisfaction. Many of my customers halo spoken highly in their praise. Yours truly, J. A. Thelma. Retcenstin—tae Organ. Tl.e more devout of the parishion- era of Sr. Marys Catholie Church, Forty -Sixth street,Lawredeeville,who attez.dcd the vespers on Sunday evening bad special musical treat in store for them. As Mrs. Charles Mitebel, the organ ist, took her seat at the organ, and began to play one of the vesper psalms a strange quartet resounded not in the solemn strains of the Georgian ehaat, but "Mew, nlew, mew." The whole choir was dumfounded. There was no feline musicians in sight still the mewing kept time to the strains of the orgam. In a few minutes a large eat crawled out from under the pedals, much to the dismay of the organist wito had lter feet on the pedals at the time, and the glaring fire in the eyes ot the ferocious feline mother. in a way ex- plained who the new musicians wel'e Ho -.sever no - effort was made to fled them until after vespers, but then a serch was made under the direction of Father Tobin. Deep in ; the bowels of tate organ were found four little kittens about two hours old. They could not have been any older as they were surely not there as high mass was sung and played in the morning. The mother was allowed to return to herr' young who was not disturbed as they were very comfortably quartered in the new $4,500 organ. Ram In the Sack. "I was troubled with a pain in the back for months, and after trying se.er- alremedies oitbout effect, thought I would use Ilagyard's Yellow Oil, I aha glad to pay that after using two bottles. . I was completely cured, and cannot re- commend this excellent remedy too highly. ISS AN\A CILAPAsAN, South River, Out. Poultry 1°Totes. August the midsummer month is a very inlport'tnt period for the young stock. Sotne are half grown and others are beginning to mature. Plenty of fresh air et night and abundant shade during the day, mean strong vigorous growth from now until maturity. Pure sweet grain, and plenty of it, fresh clean water and grit where it is accessible are very necessary Free range is absolutely indiepen- able, if you. want large specimens. Inc old stock must not be neglect- ed. Molting is beginning, and gen- erous feeding. roust assistgin this -try- ing period. Clean houses, clean nests, and fresh water muni be the order of the day. Kerosene your roosts upper and under sides every wee k. Scald drinking fountains and renew nest litter frequently. Keep lice clown during the hot sultry daye. Separate your males from the fe- males. It benefits them both and makes the males more vigorous ,for the next breeding season. Cull out all your useless specimens among your breeding birds, and keep only the best during the fall and winter. it is not tut early to select yoiir specimens for the fall fairs—having an e;e nhs') to the later fall exhibi- tions. Providence Thanked. It is wi' h plr?asuro that I recommnecl 13. Ii. IL, for the cure of indigestion and impure' bl.>•od. I had tried malty mecli- cine. Ltit. received no benefit until.tbank Providence. I twee vivise,l to use B. B.B. and It resu'ted i.i a perfecteure. Jt re. Wltf, Lome. Oshawa, Ont. A teacher ;vas once telling her class the story of the white ship and finished by telling them that after hearing of his eons death, Ring Henry. never smiled again. One little girl ane hearing this said, ."What did he �do when they tickled him ?"—Answers. Ilorseless carriages are getting to be quite common in the east now.' 'Yes but they are as numerous as the voiceless opera singers.' Weary Watkins—Say, what is moracur'age anyway. It is said we shall all pass away as a tale that is told. That sounds all right; but the tales that are told don't pass away, they are forever being tali over again.— Chicago record. Ir o tttvt.'s Medic.: 0. Natured Medicine for constipation, Liver cotuplaint, tic.: he rdao1m , bilious- ness, jaundice end s•ilo•v complexion is • Laza Liver Pilla, 1 bee are n perfect laxative, never grlpir(3 or causin„ pilo. One pill snob n ght toy 3b clayswill cure constipation, .''t„ EIAE1Y WAS CURED. {+ DEAR Snts..�-I -ran highly rccom- 4+ 4 mond Dr. bowler's Extract of Will -r+ Strawberry It cured my baby of 4 diarrhmaafter All nthermeans falled, .1. so I give it great praise. It is excel- 4. 4. lent for all bowel con:plaints. 4- 4* MRS. CHAS. nOTT, Barlow, Ont. ,F 4. THE. ytEAO MASTER 4. + 'I` GFItTueimFN,—I have found great 4' + satisfaction in the use of Dr. Fowler's 'I' T. Extract of \Viii'. Stra+vberryy, and 000. 'p' 7 skier it invaluable In all cases of "1" diarrhoea andgsurntner ttomptaint. '_- 3' 4' It is a pleasure to me to recommend 'r ▪ it to Lite public. 4" ,, ▪ R. B. MASTERTON, Principal, ,p High School, laver Cbarlo, N.B. '1.444..P i'.1.4*. 4.4444+ 4 444.4 e , ONE, G1 V ES RELIEF. R•I'P-A'N'S The modern stand - and Fancily Medi - eine : Cures the common every -day ills of humanity. Ady6 tigc dut This is an advertisement which tells the truth about Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills. PELDPLE WHO SUFFER from sleeplessness, dizziness, shortness of breath, smothering. feeling, palpita- lion of the heart, pains through the breast an d heart, anxious, morbid con- dition of the mind, grounc?;tss fears of coining danger, ana;mia or impoverished blood, after effects of la grippe, general debility, etc., should TRY THESE MIAs as they cure these complain--;;. Every box is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded through the party from whom the pills were purchased, and we authorize than to do sa on the strength of the above statement. This. offer is limited to the first box used by any one person. T. MILBURN & CO., Toronto, ;aveatsand Trtc'e.II.arky obtaine:t. Ind all parent ausincss ccnd,:.:tc:h for IIOD8tt 1 e: FEES- My office is in the'hnmetiLtte vicinity of the Patent 011ier and n:y facilities for sent, ogpatents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch or paotograph of invention, wit description and statement as toadr:irtages claimed. . '14o etaarro cre. opinion, aa to paterttabita,,i, and rtv fee for prosecuting the application :rill plod So called for aurid ti e paten; t ei'law c3. "Ivvrsroas'•Goinc," taming roti information sent free. All Correa 1. cation;. teesrderod as Strictly Coulideetta,. FR ' 3Ea-i'3J Gia E4°UGH ea- lr in «ectI, 'ay. tax--saraxirmra. a►. C. • "'TRAE MARii yr IF HA E WEAK BACK, 6-AWiI BACK, BACKACHE, LUMBAGO OR RHEUMAT1Saf1, ®loft's g BaEY PiLLS WILL CUM: YOU. DO YOUR HANDS OR PEET SWELL? iP SO YOU IIA VU WEAK KIDNtYS. DOAN'S PILLS WILL STRENGTHEN THEM. IIAVE YOU DROPSY, KIDNEY OR URI- NARY TROUBLES OP ANY KIND? IP S00 DOAN'S PULLS WILL CURE YOU. SOMETHI O WORTH HOWL HEADACHES, DIZZIr035S, PRIOHTTUL DRLAr1$, DISTURBED SLEEP, DROWSI• NESS, PORGETPULNEIS, COLD CHILLS. NERVOUSNESS, ETC., ARE OFTEN CAUSED EY DISORDERIib KItNSY.wi. Evem 12 YOUR ril:rtORY IS DLrne1Civa YOU SY,0ULD ALWAYS anrt>wtvnntt THAT DOAN'S PILLS CURE, ALL KIDNEY TROU- BLES, AND EVERY DOSE HELPS THE CURE'. SOLD AT ALL DRUG STORES. Tilt) earnings of the 3-.T. IR.for the week ending July 31 are aa165,620 as Driblet tati3.i,i?t,8 i11189ir. Ineeras° 3::, 331•. a 1iNTS will puty f,.r the 'runs until January 1„t 1,168. Subs.;ribs now and get the first chapters of our now story.