The Wingham Times, 1897-08-13, Page 66 ELE W IJN GH .AM TIMES, AUGUST 13, 1597.
Seraething Like 'Hare, Luck, Table Pbilology, Hungry Higgins—I heard a plea,
eht r say it wile the power to say
'Speaking of hard luck,' said a ; Occasionally one pauses to enquire 'No,'
]Manchester commercial who travel- `: the origin of food nomenclature but Weary Watkins ---When You're
led for a piano fi. In,' 'I believe I can 1 more often his only anxiety is as to , to drink or work?
give you a story that's just a little ! the taste of the article and its physic)•
bit worse than any you've heard this logical effect. A writer in "What to . Physical stren>;th anti enemy contrib-
ute to strength of unitacter, and both
season.' f Eat." has offered the following ex. maybe had by taking Hood's, Sarsitpar-
Of course no one believed him.1 planations: ilia.
but it was known that he had a good 1 Charlotte is a corruption of the
imagination, so he was told to go f old English word charlyt which
ahead. i means a dish of custard, and ehar-
'Some one wbo was fond of a joke I lotto russe is Russian custard,
steered mo against a morose farmer,' I Succotash, is a dish borrowed from
he exclaimed, 'and I undertook to • the Narragansett Indians and called
sell him a piano. I had got pretty ! by them, m'sickquatash.
well warmed up to my subject The sandwich is called
hefot•e I learned that he was a bitch- Earl of Sandwich.
elor, who lived all alone on his farm i Mulligatewney is from an East
and that the whole thing was intend- ;Indian word meanirg pepper water.
ed as a joke on me. I would have I Hominy is from auhutninies, the
given up then if he bad not held out i North American Indian wo rd for
a little hope. parched corn.
'Strange,' he said, 'the trouble Sally Lunn, was a pastry cook,
with hie is that I ain't got no one to who at the close of the eighteenth
play a piano. If you'll get me some century, used to carry the tea -bread
one to play it which bears her name about the
'A wife, for instance?' I suggested. streets of Bath, England.
He intimated pretty strongly in Gooseberry fool is a corruption of
answer to that suggestion that' any gooseberry foule, milled or pressed
self-respecting man with a wife gooseberries.
ought to have a piano, and that he
would get one mighty quick in those
'I know the story,' broke in one of
the listeners. I've heard it before.
Just to show the practical jokers
what you could do you went out and
found a wife,for bim.
`That's what I did,' admitted the
'Well, you'd better get a new
story.' Every sewing -machine agent
who have seen the farm and the lin the country is telling this one, just meat for stuffing.
village kno a that there is an anchor I to show what a cracking fine sales- Gumbo is simply orka soup, gum -
which will hold. man he is.' bo being the name by which orka in
The flow of population from the I 'I guess they're not telling . this the soutt. • Chicken gumbo is soup
farm to the city perhaps cannot be one,' retorted the agent. of orka and chicken.
helped It is going on everywhere 'I
'I guess they are; I've heard it.'
Machinery is discharginghands from l 'Then finish it.'
the farm. I well remember the 'Why, you got him the wife; and
reapers with the sickles, in a row,,sold him the piano.'
the women following to bind up the 'Not on your life. I got him a
sheave, and the automat sound of wife, and found out too late that she
the field. Besides, city exeiteinents already had a piano, and on the
and city stores must draw. Love of 1 strength of that he declined to buy
excitementis the feature of our age. 1 another, That's why I speak of it
But we need not increase the tend- las bard luck.'
eney by a forcing system of educa-
tion Luring boys and girls away from ! '•
Falk It Over.
the farm to college and to city elsi I have learned some things in the
ploy incnt, whe:re•there are too many 1 course of a long business life, and
of them already. Could farming be still have a great many others .to
made more scientifie and thus more learn_
profitable and more interesting at But the chief thing I have leaned
the same time? Could anything be can be condensed into the nuget of
done, socially to brighten country wisdom in these words, Talk it
1e' 1Uub fnni ;_ louts
FRIDAY, .9.tTLIU T 13. 1837.
Ooldwin Smith on Farmers
At Patron picnic ree••ntiv' :it
11 eoi efield, Prof. Goldwin Smith
spoke. dna in part vt his slice MI paid
an eloquent tribute to the farmers.
'We quote an extract which presents
food icer thought:
'Though no farmer myself, I am,
glad to find myself among farmers.
Here, if anywhere, is honest industry
without turners, trusts or getnbi.nes ;
and here are the qualities that attend
it. The city may be the leading
shoot of progress; in the country are
the solid foundations of the State. It
would be an evil day for the country
if the farm decayed. A publie man
at the Cape of Good Hope, brou:;ht
into contact with the gold -grabbing
jingoism there, asked me in a letter
whether Einglish diameter hard hot
changed. English character has
somewhat changed. It has been
losing its sobriety and moderation.
And the reason I take to be in part
the decline of the agricultural inter-
es4. The State at the same titne is
losing its balance, which was main-
tained by the equipoise between
agricultural and manufacturing or
trade. Jingoism comes not from the
homestead, but from the 111u5l0 hall,
In the United States the chief seat of
political dangers is the city, which
alone most travellers see. Those
after the
Miss Elderly—Mr. Suave always
treats mo with much more deference
than he does any of the other girls.
Miss Spriphtly—Ifo has told me
often that be has no use for a man
who fails to respect age.
She—They say the only ones that
appreciate the actors are those in the
top gallery.
He --I shouldn't wonder. You see
they are high enough to see over the
aCENTS w ill pay for the TlMIS
� until January 1st 1808, Subscribe
now and got the first Chapters of our new
'Did't I hear you making a roar
about sometning just now?' asked the
'Well.' admitteii the king of the
Waffle is from wafel a word of . beasts 'I was snaking a bit of
Tuetonie origin meaning honey- � beef.'
moon. I Proudly he pointed toward ch new -
Macaroni is fron the Greek derive- ly slain ox.
tion which means 'the blessed dead' Charitable. Old lady. (to a little
in allusion to the ancient custom of beggar girl)—'There's sumo bread
eating it at feasts for the dead. for you. Its a day or two old, but
Blanchemonge means literally you can tell your mother to take
white food hence choclate blanche— three or four fresh eggs a quart of
mange is something of a minomer. milk, a cup of coffee, some good but-
i'oreenlent is a corruption of the ter and half grated nutmeg and she
French word forcemeat, stuffing, i. e can make aver excellent pucidinh
life? You know far better than I over.
do. If thy business enemy offend thee,
Orchards Are in Bad Shape don't smite him on the cheek. Take
hire by the buttonhole in a friendly
Itlspector Orr, of Fruitlands, Ont., manner and talk it over.
who has been investigating the ' Some one tells you that Smith,
fruit orchards of the Province witha i down the street, has said or done
view to ascertaining the ravages of something to your detriment. Per-
the San Jose scale, reported to file haps he has, and perhaps he has
Minister of Agriculture Monday not. If he has your best policy is to
warning that the state of affairs is prevent his repeating bis remark
much more serious than was at first or deed in the future, If he has not
believed. The pest hes obtained so you don't want to do him aninjustice
strong a foothold in the Pi'uvince even in your own mind.
that ordinary measures for stompingPut on your hat, leave your temper
it out willbe unavailing. Mr, Orr at home go down andmake afriend-
reports that the parasite is to be iv call B l b•1 f
found in orchards alt along the fruit,
belt of Southern Ontario, betwee,l
Chatham and Niagara. It attacks
all varieties of fruit trees and forest
trees as well. The state of ghats is'
growing the more serious since in
addition to attacking the bark and
gradually killing the tree, the scale
also attacks the fruit. Mr. Orr hat -
specimens of green plums which he
found to be covered with the invisible
lice that are brought forth by the
scale. It is a curious fact that
whether attacking the bark or the
fruit itself the scale produces a. pure.
lisit flush at the spots where the
visible scales are deposited. The
appearance on fruit so attacked is
that of an angry scrofulous sore. Ir.
is feared that infected fruit will be
offered for sale this summer,
Econ. John Dryden said Monday
horning that in view of Mr. O.1•'s
reports he was at present undecided
as to what steps should be taken.
The scheme of destruction and tom-
p�ensation would under the eireum-
staances be too expressive to be con
� I.4 i'ire!t, Nervous, sleepless
eaa ncd women—how gratefully they
rite about Flood's Sarsaparilla. Once
less and discouraged, having lost all
ire medicines, now in good health
-We' to do my own toric, r l;eeauiice
'n SerMst,parilla has power to enricll
purify the blood and make the weak
—tale tor experience of a hest of
▪ Pills axe the beat f;:slily ea.
1 liver ikaeidioine. Gentle,
•e nelg 1 or y, snit open.
Tell- hila the truth and ask him for
equal frankness nine hundered and
ninety-nine times out of the thous-
and the whole matter will be explain•
ed and strai;lltened out in five min-
utes and you will part as personal
friend rather than personal enemies.
You will bothfeet better, you will live
side by side in harmony; the earth
will be brighter, and sunsbineelearcr
your own heart lighted and mankind
take on a more friendly aspect.
Dont get mad and rush to your desk
and send a scorching letter; be a man
and a Christian and go yourself.
Talk it over.
VU h.y lie Wouldn't Shoot.
Sponge Puddings
Sponge puddings of various sorts
are justly favorites, and niay be
made with whatever fruit happens to:
be in season. Orange or lemon I
sponge is given, as these fruits may l
be had between seasons; when others
are used, allow a half pint of juice
and proceed as follows: Soak a halt' i
box of gelatine for five minutes in a
half cupful of cold water; stir it in
one pint of boiling water and a half
cupful of sugar; then stir in a half •
pint of orange juice and the grated
yellow rind only of a whole one. 1
Strain into a bright tin dish, as this
cools quickly, and stand in cracked
ice or in a very cold place until the
contents begin to thicken; then whip, •
precisely. like eggs. Now stir in the
whites Of tour eggs beaten stiff, and
beat again; if tart fruit is used, the .
eggs should be sweetened. Those
who have not experimented, may
not know that when gelantine con -
gents until it appears like the white
of an egg,it may be beaten or
whipped to a froth in the same way.
Amateurs who strive to whip tepid
gelatine of comae become discour-
aged because they have not given it
time to "set." These sponges niust
be turned into a mould or basin that
has just had very cold water poured;
out of it, then set aside to stiffen. I
Slip a silver knife around and down
the edges, that they will turn out
very good to look upon. Whipped I
cream, suit eustard, fruit juice or any
liquid sauce is suitable to serve with
these delicious puddings.
An English guardsman the other
day was discussing politics in a
private house on the Edgware roma
with two seedy Hyde Park orators.
'Tell us' they asked him, 'if one
day the downtrodden British work-
men were to revolt, would you fire 'I don't think she knows, sir, I've
on him. I often heard father say that she was
'Never!' away on a visit at the time.'—Brook-
'You. are one of the right sort, you.. len Life.
Must . have tt. drink with us. Three,AKansasfarmel•vvhosimptycouldnot
T O 1
:dor Infante and Children.
'2he fao-
ev 07
71t ;par.
An authority states that the Can-
adian Methodists give on an average
87c. a member for home and foreign
missions. The Methodists • of the
United States give 37e. for the_ same
objects. The' Canadian Presbyterian
Church gives over., 81.50 a member
for these objects, and the Presbyteri-
ans of the United States nearly $2.
Capital, $1,250,000, Rest, 6050,000
President—Jena STUART,
Vice•Presidont—A. G. RAMBAT.
JOAN Peocron, USO, ROAOIr, WU Gtaaotr, P, A. T.
Woos, A. B. Las (Toronto).
Cashier—J, TURNBULL.
Savings Bank—flours, 10 to 3' Saturdays, IQ
1. Deposits of Si and upwards received and tercet
Special Doposits also received at current
rates of it..hest.
Drafts o,, Creat Britain and the United States
bought and sold
A very handsome volutne has been
issued by the Grand Trunk Ry., de—
scriptive of the many attractive
points that can be reached by that
system. It is called the "Gatrways
of Tourists Jurnal" and is a delight-
ful interesting pictorial and literary
representation of the beauty spots of
our Dominion.
A clergyman of Camden, N. J.,
said in his haste that some members
of his congregation were liars, and
the row which was raised bas ail
the evidences of permanence
It is estimated that the foreign dele
gates to the recent Epworth League
convention took home with them
50,000 Canadian coppers as mornen-
toes of their sojourn in Toronto.
Employer—'Were you born in the
Office Boy --'I don't know sir.'
'Then you had better ask your
pints please,get harvest hands put this sign upon
Aft1 h
er t ley a drank the soldier's his fence: ''harvest hands wanted.
health, one of' thein casually asked Hired gt.rl blonde and genial. ORM-
'How many glen like yourself can eat organ music in the evening.
we count on in your barracks,' Pie three times a day. Three spoons
'All the band, they will all net as of sugar with every cup of coffee.
myself. I play ou the big drum pa Ilalnitioaks, featherbeds er leather
know: the guardsman remarked as divans at your option for sleeping.
be finished the contents of his glass. Rising hour 9 n'cloek in the morn.
CENTS p.+ye for the T1atats until tag. Three; hours' rest at noon. i
5 January ist ises. subscribe now Conte one, coin° all."--
•-- Kansas City
and go. the first chapters of our new story. Journal.
Positively cared by these
Little Pills.
They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia,
Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per.
fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi-
ness, Bad Tastein the Mouth, Coated Tongue
Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They
Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Small P f<j. Small Doses,
Small Pi ice.
the fraud of the day.
ce you get Carter's,
Ask for Carter's,
Insist and demand
Carter's Little Liver Pills.
E. L. DICKINSON, Solioitor.
Moneyadvanced on Farmers and llusiness nton on
endorsed not, and collateral.
Moneys remitted by draft to all par of Canada and
tho United States.
Notes and accounts collected on reasonable tonna.
Money to Loan on Notes.
Notes Discounted
Money advanced on Mortgages at 6i pet contwith
privilege of paying at the end of any year. Note
and accounts collected.
Beaver Block Wincham, Ont
Toronto and East
ForTwa:nty-seven Years
Palmerston mixed
London and South
6 50 a. m. 2 40 p. m
3 30p m 10 25 p m
855am 240pm
6 53a m 11 10 a m
330pm 8OOpm
1110am 050am
2 55 p nI 3 30pui
1025pm 830ain
Ing I fl L U UC.
—Ax TRIS--
Snbseriptionprloc, $1 per year, iia Advance
Space 1 1 yr. 10 mo. 1 3 mo.— mo
One Ooluntu 800 00 $40 00 t1z0 00 35.(0
Bali 40 00 20 00 12 (P 0.00
Quarter " 20 00 12 00 7 QJ 8.00
One (nob 6 00 8 00 2 00 1.00
lino for al firstotnstrtion, anddlortpct line' for' each
subsequent in.ortion. Messured by nonpareil seals,.
r.00al notices 10c. per lino for first insertion, and
6o. per line for each subsequent Insertion.
Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations
and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 line
nonpareil, $1 for first month, and 600. for each
subsequent month,
Houses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 lino
41 for that month, 600. per subsequent month.
Larger advertisements in proportion.
These terms will be strictly adhered to
Special rates for larger advertisements, or, r
longer periods.
Advertisements and local notices without speotflo
directions, will he inserted till forbid and charge'
accordingly. Teei sttury advertisements must be
paid in advance
Changes for contract advertisements must be in
the office by Wednesday noon, In, order to appear
that week
Her Majesty's Diamond Subtle°
harries "Queen Victoria, Her Life and Reign,"
i into eyes home. Persons echo never sold books
take orders fnst, Preface the most eloquent of
Lord Duiferhi s ac•idevements. No book so highly
praised We need more canvassers. Easy to make
816 to 830 a week, Books on time. Prospectus free
to can vessel's. A tri .1 will coat ngthing and it may
fill your etc. tv pocket hook. THE BRADLEY-
OARRETSON CO. LID., Toronto, Ont,
I am starting the best thing for
money ,caking y to have soon formauy
a nay. Your name and,ut.Iress wil brines you the
tfOl .en information. it. P. GL i O'rA exon to
$1,800 IVE1AtNV
Private and Company funds to .loan at lowest rat
interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, to
and farm -property bought and sold •
OFFICE—Beaver 'Stook WINOuAa(
1Yt,, Ont.
Office—Meyer Bionic. Whtgham,
1r • G. CAMERON,
Office—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets
opposite Colborne hotel.
In ,nanufactur first-class sets of
"�,:,_.;� teeth as cheap as they can be rhgqd�e�
1 - 'Y'` 13 in tLe Dominion. Teeth extractc'tI
absolutely tvfthou.t path, byhts new
process, guaranteei pertr,tly safe.
OFFICE : In the Baaver Block, Opposite
Brunswick house.
ARTHUR J. IltwIN, D. D. 13., D. S.,
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsyitua t
Dental College
Nora -11111 visit Blyth every Weds"qday.
To persons who t 1 e the greatest
number of words ut of the phrase,
"Patent Attorney Wedderburn." J Oh N amine
For particulars address the National.
Recorder, 'Washington, D. C. 8-15n
• MY. \NMI A tenni' THAI; -'r ^'x: ILL I S
Having purchased the entire business
from Mr. Daniel Showers, 1 am now
prepared to supply the public with
Wood and from Force and
Lift Pumps, Brass atital
Iron Cylinders, G alvaniz
ed 'Iron Tubing. Cisterns,
Water Trouglns, Sinks,
Baths, ripe Fitting, Well
Digging and eve ryth,og in eon-
nection with water supplies.
Galvanized Steel Windmills for power
and pumping water.
Deep well pumps a speciality.
Repairing promptly attended to.
Parties writing for information or
ordering by mail should always state
depth of well.
All work guaranteed or no style.
Bes 140 Winigitam. Ont.
$i.00 per year in Advance.
▪ DEANS, JR., WINo,:Aar,
05' }JORGE*.
Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charge
moderate. ,
Sales of Farrar Stock and Farre Implement?
All orders lett at the Tams office promptly aiten3
od to. Tema reasonable.
S. O _Cp Caledonia, No. 4t1, meet
■ 8, theamfirst and third Monday in
every month, in .he Odd Fellows Dab. Visiting
b,ochroi Woken). .1, Murray, Chief. D Sto' •
art Rer...sre
CULTURED LAD! ES-„cwrenoe0i
in., to earn money, cal learn how to do so in a good
cause, Address JABEZ GALLOWAY, Toronto
NCLIJDTNG books, Pamphlets, Posters, 1311
▪ Heads, Circulars, &c., &e., executed in the beet
style of the art, at moderate prima, and on short
notice. Apply or address
T Mss Moo, \Wal harm.
We aro pl"ased to announce that any nooks or
Magazines lett with us for Binding, will have our
'prompt attention. Prices for BInding in any stria
will be given on application a the Toms Office,
WANTED ---Mon and nonlen wire can work
n hard talking en 1 Writing six
houra a day, for six days a week, and all bo content
with 10 dollars Weekly, Address
NEW IDEAS CO Brantford.
ACC NTS•„ _,New edition of "(peen Victor le'
U1:17 a� now ready, Eniargrd thirty
two lull pore platen added. Bent issue of the Quoe
end tho Victorian Eta published. The only Lan adia
book accepted by lief Majesty. Saks enormous.canvassers knocking the bottom out of all reeorde
Fatly to natio thirty dollars weekly from noir null'.
Uiatnond Jitlbliee, Partfrufars fre.
Bradloy:Gatrottto3 Co. Ltd, Toronto,