The Wingham Times, 1897-08-13, Page 51
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This "ad." is all about Dress Goods. It's been a wonder-
ful Dress Goods season with us. Sold more goods—made
more new customers—more friends than during any previous
year. We're continually planing, and one of our plans ttow is
to get rid of all our Sinniner Dress Goods at their present
worth. This is the time when we "Let Go." Every piece of
light colored Dress Goods will be marked at prices that will
clear them during the next ten days.
5 pieces Satin Soliel well finished, pretty effects in awns and greens, sold
every place at 50c., but our price to Clear is Oc.
7 pines Henrietta Cloth 44 inches wide, god s ades in garnet, fawn and
green, worth from 50 to 60c. will be s d or 30e.
8 pieces special of Congo black Dress Goo Those goods are fast colors
al.d will not stain with acid, d le fold, neat brocade patterns,
marked down to 30c.
In the above lot there are,20 pieces and such values we
have never attempted before. It will do yoregood to see
these goods and even if yoa do not want to buy them, it
will be a chance to test the worth of our "ads."
A general reduction in all lines of summer Dress Goods, including
Prints, Zephyrs, Duck, Crinkles, etc. These goods are the newest
materials and up-to,date patterns, some of them are worth 14,14,
15, 18 and 20c. a yard, but we now make a "Big Cut" and you
may have your choice for
We've made a study of this clearing problem. It's clear to us to sell
—we hope to make it clear to you to buy. We have put our conscience in
this as in all other dealings with the people, and the growth of this business
isproof that it wins every time.
All kinds of rough and dressed
—WOOD, -
kept constantly on hand and deliver-
ed on shortest notiee.
Call and get prices as we are
determined not to, be undersold.
is offering to his
/1188 414INA "WY' TELL4 �l? jCouncil meaccording to adiOur
r;le Inent on Aug. 2nd, members a
mcss AND SITSSEQUENT present. Minute; of last meetin
sza.miErr win SHOULD DE READ read and approved.
Tor vertv GIRL IN casaipa.
Treasurers' statement for th
A. E'rivate liauk's Affairs.
n' Considerable surprise iS 110W being ervous
11 expressed in the town of Fergus over paepia eases Imago -way war norm arc
g the insolvency of the estate of the 00 ,000k; why tlisy get tired so easily;
estate of the late John. Beattie; ,,f wily tboy atoll at every slight but
e that place which took place last
nay f
sudden sound; why they do nOt Slee
' March. Mr. 13eattie had been a iiii-
turally; why therequent
' uncial and insurance agent, 4riti alheadaches, indigestion and
io i
onth of July rec'd and tiled, bat
Miss Amina Kelly, well knoavn ance on hand, $234.96 ; The esti
and much esteemed young lady liv. mates for the year were then made
ling at Maplewood, N. 1.3„ writes:—"I amounting to $1960 ; the rates wer
condsider it nay duty to let you.know struck at county, 2 niill4 on the $
what your ws•nclerful medicine has and township, 1 8/10 mills on th
handled estates, He- was besales
e county clerk, poor house inspe :tor
done for inc In April 1896, 1 began
to lose flesh and color; my appetite
failed and, on going upstairs I would
be so tired I would. have to rest. I
continued in this condition for three
months when 1 was taking suddenly
illsancl not able to go about, Our
family doetor was called in and he
pronounced my illness chlorosis,
(poverty of the blood.) At first is
treatment appeared to do me ood,
but only for a time, andI th' began
to grow worse. I contin taking
his medicine for three nths when
I was discouraged at ot regaining
my health that dec ed taking any
longer, I then. frio , a liquid medic -
brushing, cons 6 and 7, $2 ; Wm
inc advertised • re cases like mine :sCook 1 day shovelling gravel, 75e;
but did not obl, n the slignte'st bene- Jacob Miller radin
8. The followinesebeques were las-
ued, McDonald, culverts,
cleaning ditches, grading, $18.67 ;
C. Rintottl, crating hill, and gradingE.
E. boundary $13; G. Mobray, cutting
hill on E. boundary$8.75: Jas. Moore
cutting hill on boundary, 10,50 ;
C. Ilintoul, hal on job lot 26, con 9 ,
56e ; J. Mipatrick, grading, graved.
ing, etc., $86.10 ; R Purvis, repair-
ing wall under T. P. hall, $3 50 ;
James Donnelly, grading. gravelling
etc., 8101,80 less $50 paid last Meet
ing, $61.00 ; Sam Clark, 2 days
gravelling sidewalk, Manehester,
$1.50, nails 50c, $1.75 ; Ed Craig
fit. I had become terribly emaciat- and ditching;$22,98 ; J. Elliott in -
ed and weak. There was a constant specting job on cons 2 and 3 $1
terrible roaring noise in my bead; my A. E. McRoberts 2 days shovelling
feet and ankles swollen and I was gravel $1.50: Moses Champion 47
as pale as a corpse. One day while gravel at 7e, $3.29, damages, $1,
in this condition my father brought 84.29.
home a bo X ot Dr. *Williams' Pink The reeve and treasurer were em -
Pills and asked me to try them. In powered to borrow the sum of $400
less then a week I could sit up, and for four months for township pur-
in a couple of weeks I could walk poses, Council then adjourned. to
quite a distance with out being tired. meet again on Tuesday Oct., 6th at
My appetite returned, the roaring in 10 a. m.
my bead ceased, I began to gain flesh
W. S. McCrtosTns, Clerk.
and color, and before I bad used a
half dozen boxei I was as healthy as
I had ever been in myWALKERTON. life. My•
friends did not expect me to recover
and are now rejoicing at the wonder.
This part of the country was vis-
ful change Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ited by a severe storm of lightning
and rain early Tuesday morning.
wrought in me. If my statement
will be the means of helping seine which did considerable datna,ge. The
other discouraged sufferer you are barn of John Wilter,towlinslliipogf
at perfect liberty to publish it. • Garrick,: was struck bygitnin
The above statement was sworn and destroyed, together. with its con-
before'me at Maplewood, 'York Co., tents, consisting of forty tons of hay,
some wheat, all his implements, and.
Tmio -w N..13., this 14 day of May, 1897.
..•NV. SMITH, J.P.
several calves and pigs. Insured
To ensuregetting genuine ask al- for $1,700 in a local company.
ways for Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Alex. Thompson, of 9rencels, also
for Pale People, and refuse subsitutes lost his barn and contents. Insur-
and nostrums alleged to be "eat as
since not known. The barn of Thos.
good. Coatts, nf Brant, was struck and
badly damaged. This is the, third
ST. HELENS.. it tune Mr. Coatts has suffered froni
John E. Gordon a proeiment and lightning, his barn on one, ocaasion
much respected citizen of this place being destroyed, at nd himself and
died on Saturday morning after an barn at another time being injured.
illness of six days from Canadian Three or four other farmers in the
cholera. Mr. Gordon had been vicinity of. Walkerton suffered the
troubled greatly with his stomach loss of stock killed in the fields. All
and weakness of the bowels The these losses occurred within a circle
apparent suddeness of his death, of six or seven miles of the town.
came as shock to the community. Ile
had only been back about two weeks SEAFORT.H.
frdm Manitoba where he had spent
about two menths, expeeting it would On Sunday afternoon the barns of
William Lockhart of McKillop town-
timehelp WM recuperate, and during that
ship neat town were -stack by light -
attended the general assembly
destroycd •cd with
of the Presbyterian Church, in Win- n ng and tota3S
all contents. Insured in the Mc-
nipeg belies a representative elder
from Maitland Presbytery and an Killop Mutual.
elder from St, Helen's Church almost Owing to the severe competition
since its inception. He was also sup- and long continued hard times, the
erintendent of its Sabbath School for firm of J. C. Smith & Co., private
over thirty years. In polities lie was bankers, haye found it necessary to
a pronounced Liberal. Mr. Gordon assign for the benefit of the creditors.
was a native of Forfar, Scot:and, There n.eed be no uneasiness on the
where he was born the 31th day of part of the creditors, as we, under -
January, 1827. Corning to Canada ; stand they will 'be paid in full. Much
just after the rebellion of 1837, helsympathy is felt for Mr Smith in
settled with the rest of the family at the community.
Bayside, Whitby. Men are busily engaged digging
In the fall of 1850 he settled in the cellar for Mr. Jas. Graves' new
. \Vest Wawanosb, in the the wilder-
ness on the farm on which he died. Mr, A. E Forbes bas started a fish
Ile is named for by a sympathizing emporium in the old Sun office.,
customers. community, where every person look-
ed up to him as a standard of apright-
ness and, one whose place will be
hard to fill as well. Ile leaves a
widow, four sons and six daughters
William T. of St. Helen's, Dr. Duncan
M. of Lueknow, Joinia of Rounth-
waite Man., Dr. James K. M. of Rip-
ley, Mrs. Thomas Sanders of West
Wawanoeh, Mrs. Gaunt of Sault Ste
Mraie, Miss Christina 1., professional
nurse, Miss Jaines Ingles of Rounth.
mite Man, Mrs. John a Medonald ot'
Brandou Man. ad Miss Victoria E.,
it home
Now that the harvest is commeneing and the people want to, buy all
the goods they can in a short space of time and for little money, it would be
well to drop in and look through my immense stock of
Organdy _Lawns, Dotted. Muslims, Linenettes, Scotch Gang -
hams and Prints in endless variety.
t have also a, large stock of DRESS GOODS, at prices never offered to
the people at this season of the year.
Iii Lace Curtains, Cal pets, Hats land Caps, Boots anti Shoes
all Lines are Compete.
1 have just another full line of LADIES' WRAPPERS and SHIRT
WAISTS which I can give you bargains in. -
Do you want a nice SUMMER SHAWL in White, Black and Red.
have some beatatieS. 1
M. Meridians a Lindsay shoe deal.
r fell dead on the steamer Garden
City tit Port Hope on Thursday.
kart disease aggravated by hurry -
ng to catch the boat wag the tanse.
and secretary treasurer of the
Mutual Fire Insurance CO. The
liabilities amount to $e4,086.77 arid
the assets to $51,944„37, The actual
deposits of money are said not to be
over $10,000, the balance of the
liabilities being made up of moneys
which Mr Beattie bandledfor invest-
ment. Some of the losses are serious
and may result in litigation. in the
management of the Ferrier estate, of•
which Mr, Beattie was executor, the
sum of $18,500 seems to have (Uwe.
peared. Mrs, Charlotte Hamilton, a
widow and her son W. A. Hamilton
who is at present an offieer in the
army in Indite 11111 also be heavy
losers, Mrs. Hamilton will be a
creditor to the extent of $11,000„and
her son, $6,000, There will probab
ly be 75 claims in all. Claims will
have to be filed by August N.
News Notes,
Dr. Griffin, Medical Health Officer
and physieian, of Brantford is
Arrangements. are under way for
-starting a new bicycle factory in Lon
don. •
Mrs. Strenaman charssed • with
murdering her husband, has arrived
at Cayuga jall.from Buffalo.
Rev. Alexander''Grant, of •Winni
peg was drowned in the body was
not recovered until- Wednesday. •
.Mr. John Munro, a school Prineip-
al: of -Ottawa and President ' of the
Provincial Teaohers'• • Association,
died at the Toronto General Hospital
on Saturday.
• -The Canadian Pacific- Railway
Conipany has declared. a dividend of
2 per cent, on the preference and 1,1
per cent on the common stock for the
half year ended June 80th last, pay-
able October 1st.
FrankeSmith, the colored man who
slashed David aferriman, also color-
ed, at Weaner's Hotel while, the
races were on at the Hamilton Jock-
ey Club track, was sentenced by
Magistrate Jelfs to Kingston Peni
tentiary for three years.
A 3 -year-old child of Robert
Roney was killed on the railway
track about three miles from Strat-
ford on Thursday evening. The
little tot wondered off alone. The
engineer saw the ehild, but before
he ceuld slack up the engine, struck
'and killed it on the spot.
A. C. Attwood, of Vanneck, has
travelled through, McGillivrasaLon-
don; Bibdulph, East Williams, Ade-
laide, Metcalfe, Carodoc, Westmin-
and Lobo Townships, and says that
in passing along the road ' be has
not seen an orchard bearing enough
apples to pay for the picking.
The Centennial hotel, Hainan, for
many years conducted by James
Coxworth has been leased to Alex.
Robinson of Goderich, for a term of
ten years, at a rental of $500 per an
num, the new leese to take possession
of the hotel as soon as the license can
be transferred. Mr. Robinson kept
hotel at the station at Goderich.
Mr. N, T. Cluff is clerking for Mary McGraw, the unfortunate
girl who is in the Middlesex county
jaol charged with murdering her
Miss Batton, of Detroit, is in town
infant, is an orphan. She is u (laugh
tBheeagutticest of hoe sister, Mrs. J. W.
ter of the late John McGraw, but
both her parents died when she was
Miss Effie McLeod, of Woodstock, I
is home on a visit. very young, and she was brought up
in the Mount Hope Orphanage. She
Mr. Ed, Latimer left last week for has a younger sister living in Lon -
an extended trip to Oahawa and
Montreal, don,
Mayor Scott, of Rossland, arrived
at his hotne in Galt Friday night.
He was met at the C. P. R. station
by the Musical Society Band and
many old friends, who escorted him
to the Imperial hotel, from the steps
of which he addressed the erowd by
this time grown to hundreds. Ile
stated that he believed that British
- Columbia was the eotning chief
• the Dominion. He Will
kgents for Num Victoria Her province 4Dr
ernowing with latest and richest pictures. Cow b
Olen nod Diamond Jubilee. / tell/kill with his family here for a
Salta Made to Order and IOUs Guaranteed, tains the endorsed hioeraphy of rter blalesty, with couple Of Weeidi,
authoulio history of her remarkable reign And full
I amount of th t Diamond Jubilee. t,5O. hia 25 CENTS wil
' book. Tremend. us demand. lionanta for agelltd, 1 pay for the Tunasbook,
camentation ae per trent. evedit siren. Ifrtight Unfit January let 1898. Subscribe
tlisd'taattp ryi.* Vritnatifirstsd'u:SANT, oUtfli 40
• 7, Si Deobors 66., Chloe**. gel the first chapters 0: 0ar new
Willie the eleven -year-old son of
A. S. McKay, of West Zorra, and
nephew of the celebrated Rev, Geo.
Leslie McKay missionary in Formosa
is certainly a natural genius. Last
autumn the little fellow constructed a
machine for threshing beans with
carriers all comlpete, which does the
work perfaetly. Last fall he not
only threshed all the beans grown
on his father's farm, but moved the
Machine to a neighbor's barn and.
threshed his beans.
The Stratford Turf Associationtas
disbanded. Each. of the members
Avs0 voted $25 an4 the bilanee cf icit iala at ,5t, tomtit aaal thiXt sy At *1404
1$200 was left in the treasurer's ha. cl scorr a, DOWNS, laters4114
I for future disposal.
The explanation is simple. It is found
that impure blood which. to contin-
ually feeding the nerves upon refuse
instead of the elements ot strength and
vigor. In such condition opiate and
iserye compounds simply de%den and
do not wire. Hood's Sarsaparilla feeds
the nerves pure, Ault, red 11100d.; gives
• natural aleep, perfect digestion, Is the
true remedy for all nervous troubles.
• Sarsaparilla
the`One True Blood Purifier. el per bottle -
Prepared only bye:1.1160..4 co., Lessee, moss.
g cer Iver ill; easy to
Hood 9- Pihs eia'syto operate. 25o.
Rebekah Assembly.
The Ribekal: Assembly of Ontar
met in Bolleville nn Tuesday morn
incr. There was )1. targe attendance.
The Presidene.s report +o the Re-
bekah Assembly .. shoved .that seven
new lodges:_were .instituted. during
the year, and that. the membership
is about 8,00() The receipta during
the year were $8.,8111).74. The, Aill-
cers werei--,P.e.Sidenk yrs.
tuse,om be, SarniI ,..i.Viee•President,
NIrs. 13r111, , Guelph -.Secretary -`Miss
Maggie Waddell, St. Thinnas;
nrer, Miss Nellie Dobson, Chatham.
The nominations for 1898 are : Pres':;
Went, Mrs. Luscomhe,
President, Mrs. leVatson.
Mrs. Miller, Deseronto ; 3.1r4.
Oshawa ; Mrs. Ackland, Brownsville;
Mrs. Patterson, Brantford ; 'Secre-
tary, Miss Waddell, St. Thomas.
Chased a Man Seven Years,
New York, Aug. 8 --After a pur-
suit lastiag for se' en years, in which
the fugitive led hs pursu TS a chase.
trom Canada, through ale United.
States, to Brazil and ha f a dozen
South American Republ cs, Alexand
er Matthews McRae,. a Canadian de
Muller, was arrested in Mount Kisco._
N. Y.; ori Friday night, and. yester-
day morning lie was arrainged be-
fore United States commissioner
Shields and held. for examination on
the application for his extradition,
hick has been in readiness for six
McRae was treasurer of the
Securty Loan and Savings Co. of St.
Catharines, Canada. in 1890, and
had held the position for several
years. He was looked upon as one
of the most trustworthy men, finan-
cially in that city. In that year he
suddenly disappeared, leaving his
wife and two children, me seven
and the other two years otd.Another --
baby came in a month or two after '
his departure, but the deserred - wife
who still clings lo him and
tried to protect him, had nts
word from her husbaud ea. nearly
four years.
After he had gone it was finial
that $12,000 were litissit/g from the
funds of the Company.
The offielals of both tt:e G. T. P.,
and C. P. R. roads state that flue e
no less than 1,500 tramps oe tee
move between, Montreal and the St.
Clair Tunnel. Numerous freight -cars
have been broken into and goods
Scott's Emulsion of Cod-
liver Oil with Hypphos-
phites brings back the ruddy
glow of life to pale chees,
the lips become red, the ears
lose their transparency, the
step is quick and elastic, work
is no longer a burden, exer-
cise is not followed by ex-
haustion; and it does this be-
cause it furnishes the body -
with .a needed food and
changes diseased action to
healthy. With a better cir-
culation and improved nu.
trition, the rest follow.