The Wingham Times, 1897-08-13, Page 3y r
■ ar r
Electrifying Results of His New
System of Medicine.
Discases Birg Cured
In the Most Marvelous Manner
by Munyon's Hommopathic
Mr. M. J. Minor, bicycle ma er, with
E. 0. Stearns & Co's Bicycle 1 orks, and
residing at No.166, Borden ti ., Toren/to,
says: "1 suffered intense pa for nearly
three yearn from dyspepsia nd constipa-
tion accompauied by a lo g train of dis-
tressing symptoms. .had no appetite, n
sour stomach: was elf • choly and nerv-
ous. I could not sl e and there was
also eoasiderablea ata iation.One month
ago I decided tot •v Munyou's Rotne-
dies and after unit two bottiee of the
Dyspepsia Cure I was completely cured
and at» to -day in the enjoyment of ex-
cellent health and spirits. 1 ani able'to
eat anything, I consider my cure most
wonderful and cannot endorse Monyon
too highly."
Munyon's Rheumatism Cure' seldom
finis to Ielieve 1n one to three hours and
cures in a few days. Price 25c.
M unyon's Dyspepsia Cure positively
cures all forms ot,icdigestion and stom-
ach trouble. Price 25c.
Munson's Cold (Jure prevents pneu-
monia and breaks up a cold in a few
hours, Price, 25c.
Munyon's Coygh Cure stops coughs,
night sweats, allays soreness, and speedi-
ly heals the lungs. Price, 25c.
Munyon's Kidney On re speedily aurae.
I, pains in the back, loins or groins and n!1
• forms of kidney disease. Price 25e.
dunyon's Headache Cure stops head-
ache in three ID 'notes. Price 25c.
Munyon's Pile Ointment p .sitively
cures all forms of Hiles. Price, 25e.
Munyon's 131oa,liOure eradicates all
impurities of the !Mond. .Price, 330.
in'e Renate Remedios are a
boon toa
blunyon's Asthma Remedies relieve in
3 minutee and cure permanently. Pries,
Munyon's Catarrh Remedies never
fail. The Catarrh Oure -price 35o.-
erad oates the disease from the system,
and the Catarrh Tablets --price 250. -
cleanse and heal the parts.
lel uepee's Nerve Caro is, a wonderful
.nerve tonic. Price, '25c.
fvlunyon's Vitalizer restores gest vigor
Price $1.
A separate cure for each disease. At
all druggitd-t, mostly 25c. a yial.
Perseeft1 Tetters to Prof. Niunyon, 11
Albert, Toronto, answered with
-free medial advice for any disease.
Sound Advice
One would think in this enlighten-
ed day, with so much said in the
public press about blowing out the
gas and fooling with revolvers and
buying goods from itinerant peddlers
that the public at large would be
educated so fully on these natters
that there would be no farther gvie-
tim. But the great public remains
confessedly and doggedly stupid
nevertheless. Again and again
farmers complain that they are taken
in by vendor and they afterwards
discover that similar articles could
have been purchased from .local
dealers at less money. Colston
sense world show people that the
roan who has it shop in their midst,
is a citizen, helps to pay the taxes of
the country and supports the church
and the school, and has a reputation
at strike, is the man who can and
must give the best bargains in jewel-
lery, clothing and every line of
goods. flow long will the .people
remain with their mouths open and
their eyes shut, waiting to be gull-
asy to Take
asy to Operate
Are features peculiar to 'Hood's Pills. Small in
size, tasteless, emelent, thorough. As one man
saki: "Younover know you si
have takona p111 tilt Itis allPIUS
MAL" sse, Lt I. Hand & Co.,
Proprletora, Lowell, Mass.
the °tee pine to take with flood', yatsaparilir►
hjutton Profitable Railway Building in Canada. He Never .tpplaurled
Within the past ten yearsa won.The Canadian Magazine publishes A certain young lady who is
derful progress, has been made in 1 sortie interesting statistics of Cana. plentifully endowed with the choicest.
sheep, due to farmers turning their ; dian railways. On June the 30th
attention to the;.production of mutton sof last year Canada had 16,091 guiles
but sheep are also used" for itnpr'ovf of raihwtiy. To the building of these
ing the soil and for eoustlnaing foodsthe Dominion Government has con.
that no other aninittls will utilize, It I tributed at the rate of $9,369 per
is the young animals tIW.t pay best, I mile constructed, the provincial Gov -
Prof. Curtis, of the Iowa Experiment . ernments, at the rate of $1,8.17, and
Station, states that farmers can pro i the municipalities at the rate of $881
duce mutton, at a less cost than beef, per mile, In a1I the public
and that even during tbo period of has contributed in round num
Lowest prices of wool an extra dollar; hers to railway building, $195,000,-
c.tu be derived front thefleece, The. 000. The proportion of net revenue
feuding of sheep for profit has been'capital' cost is smaller than in any
made the special object at several ;other British colony, excep'ing Tas-
experiruent stations, mud in all cases mania. . In Cape Colony the propor-
sheep surpasses cattle in profit. tion of net revenue to capital is, 5.75
The actual cost of • mutton and %; in India, 4.96%; in South Aire -
lamb can now be almost estini• trailia 4.13% ; in New Sonth Wales,
ated in advance where good breeds 3.46%; in New Zealand. 2.73%; iii
are used. At the Iowa station twelve Quee,lsland 2.13%; in Canada 1.57%;
tots of yearli: gs and lambs +vert' The Dominion statistician thinks that
used, and tall the feed was charged the annual traffic of a railway
to each one at the sante price, while, should be at least ten per cent of its
each pen of ten lambs was ,given cost In 1895, the gross receipts of
credit fur the treat produced. The Canadian] railways amounted to
lambs consumed 7.87 pounds or dry $46,785,487, while the paid up capi•
matter to produce one pound of tai was $864,660,559. Those
tueat, which, at the market price ures indicate that it i$ high time , to
made the meat cost 2.88 cents' go more slowly In railway build -
per pound, which sold from 3,75e to ing.
3.76c per pound. 13y way of com- i
parison, at the same time • a lot of .
high-grade Hereford steers were fed
which consumed 89 pounds of dry . Not a Rumor but an Ascertained
matter for each pound of beef pro : act. What the Reporter Has to
doted, making the cost of the meat' Say About the Case o1 Mrs. D.N.
greater for the cattle than for the' Ostrander.
lambs, which is a very satisfactory , Our reporter called at the. resilience of
Mrs. D. N. Ostrander, '!'renter and
result 1n favor of sheep. During the n'as met at the door by a bright, spright
cold months of January and Febru• ly and energetic lady, who turned out to
ary the daily rations of dry matter be nn less than Mrs Ostrander herself
per thousand pounds live weight of and who told how she had been restorsd
from a life of misery to one of health and
sheep•and cattle were carefully cum- strength by the use of Milburn's Heart
pared. That of the cattle contained and;Nerve P,IIs.
gifts of nature, went to a bosoiu
friend the other day and said :--
•Jlarian, 1 do wish there was some
way to and oat Who among Inc .
young nen of my aegltaintanee are
sincere and honest In what they say
to Inc. '1'hc•y aro all snch flattt'r:re
that I never know wiaat( to believe
what they tell lee, and when not to,
I detest falseho,d above evurwthing,
and it would please rile greatly to
know those mow •my friends who
are really sincere.'
'I will tell you a way,' said Jlitrinn
who was 0 sensible, thoughtful, little
woman. •"i'he next time you have a
number of theta calling upon you, •
stand up and recite a drauoutic p •tau
for them, and tell me what they say .
about it.
The young 1'a4 consented and.
some time afterward, when tire o1
six of her warmest admirers had
gathered in her parlor, she offered to'
give them a recitation, and .she did
She hadn't the slightest idea c,f
e1^cutinn and no draulattc talent
whatever but she went through with
it, and It was very bad, even fur an
A few days later she met her
friend, and she asked her hew her
effort was received. •
'Olt!' she said,. 'they were delight-
ed with ray t•eeitatiun, "!'arra; and
Charlie, and Dick and Harry were
perfectly eutraneed. '1'hry said Sarah
Bernhardt couldn't have equalled it.'
'Did everyone praise you ?' asked
ber friend. -
'AIl brit Jit•. Watson.. • Ile sat hack
in Ids chair :ut never Applauded at
all. After I had Iimished he r,'hi me
emote; moweinellloolle tlnanuneuaWauunmwu
yt aga(6,r, ar
19.6 pounds of dry matter per 1,000 Said Mrs. Ostrr.oder ; "I have been that he was afraid nay rote n „s out
pounds live weight and 29.07 by the a great sufferer for many years with my in the drama tie line.'
sheep per thousand pounds live heart and nerves, and wasin,, almert a coin -the •And nen,' said her friend, 'you
weight. The sheep made a daily house I would get so bad that I would
gain of 3.73 pounds, and the cattle a bare to lie down on the lounge until I
daily gain of 2.14 pounds The would recover my breach. This occurr-
sheep ate 48 per cent more food than enigd shtever1al tcouldimesscarcelduringysleewhen the day. Alt
the cattle, but the daily gain of the I would drop off to sleep would wake up
sheep was nearly 75 per cent. more. with a start, followed by a suffocating
In a comparison of the cost and feeling as if my heart had stoppeed beat
production of lambs and yearlings iforever. I had to have my coat put
the advantage was with the youngin hot water, and hot cloths laid across
my body before 1 could recover, in fact
animals. The yearlings made a, this was almost a nightly occurrence,
gain of one pound for every eleven Pen cannot portray what my feelings
pounds of dry matter consumed, ata ++'ere. 1 got very languid and weak and
eostof 444 cents perpound. The lambs hail no ambition, and thought that every
thing was going wrong with me. I grew
(of choice mutton breeds) made a morbid in mind, lost my appetite and
gain at the ratio of 2 88 cents per had to force myself to ext what little I
or a difference in cost in did, I was almost reduced to a skeleton,
favor pound,of the lambs of 56per cent co;nmweigbenc only 90pounds rt the timo [
commenced using Milbunr's heart and
The lambs also -old at a higher price nerve pills, and I can tell you that I
bringing ! cents per pound and the would have given but little for my
yearlings 4; cents. At thep dorices chacncestors rtattenlivinded g mnae,ucb land I onhger.ave Sevetakeraln
received the lambs gave a large all kinds of proprietary medicines but
know who ie sincere and who is not,'
'Yes, indeed, said the fair girl.
'Your test was a complete success.
I'm going t(; begin studvhi for the
stage right away, and I'll never
speak to that pious lir. !Watson
Qaebec, Aug, 5. -Grasshoppers
are devastating the grain crop 10
Soule of the country parishes in this
Grigson-1r was great tun sitting
there and pessing.remarks upon the
people as 'tLt•y came in.
Sarton-Ah t:liking- c•1' fun, you
should have beard the remarks of
some et the people after you went
tint the Stomachs ardi3osrels of 1
d.�.ci5r':?�..., •yf
Promotes Digestion,Clifeerful-
i ness andRest,Contains neither
Omiuui,Mor Morphine nor Mineral.
A ,r. **Z-
Arise seed .
,e (aid dols •
Man ad -
usibyroco TAW:
Aperfect Remedy for Constipa-
tion, Sour Stotnach,Diarrhoee,
ness ardLOSS OP SLEEP.
la: Simile Signature cf
-0 F -
BOTTT,T-i', OF -i
• ri.�l
rJri^�� iike ' r
i• -
Cautoria is put ? in one-elze l,ottles only. It
is not sold In belle Don't allow anent co cel:
yon anything else on the plea or promise that it
is "jaat as good" and "•mill answer over/ pnr-
poso." +- Sco that you got C-lt-S-T-0-1i,-Ia..
Tim io-
etmllo ,. -�-
eingara „de 2 .a every
o' wrkspo:.
At a recent birthday party in Shep-
profit, which was not the case with without avast. I got at last, a box of herds hush a. young• la(1 v hr'gan 'i
the yearlings. Milburn's heart and nerve pills at
Shurie's drug store, and thought that I song. ,The autiun days have gang.,
would try there as a last resort. The
One Honest :Kan. to
were simple marvellous, I began
to improve from the first few doses, and
Dram Eriecn,-Please inform your noticed a big difrerence before I I -ad
readers that•ff written to confidentially taken the first box. Now I sleep well
I will mail in a sealed letter, particulars of the suffocating feeling is completely
a genuine, honest, home cure, by which I gone. I have splendid strength and my
was permaue'ooly restored to health and appetite is such that I have to restrain
manly vigor, after years of suffering from myself from.eating too much. 1 can eat
nervous debility, sexual weakness, night anything that is set before me and am
losses and weak shrunken parts. I was better now than I have been for years
robbed and swindibd by the quacks until I I am increasing in weight right along,
nearly lost faith in mankind, but thank and feel that lite is worth the living,
heaven, I am now well, vigorousarid strong thanks to Milburn's heart and nerve
and wish to make this certain means of pills. I recommend them to those suffer
cure known to others. I have nothing to ing from heart and nerve trouble as I
sell and want no money, but being a firm 1 did.
believer in the universal brotherhoodd of -4-
rnan, I e,m desirous of helping the unfor-
A Dog Saved A Life.
mate to regain their health and happiness °
I promise you perfect aecreoy. A Poughkeepsie despatch says every
Address with stamp ; dog here upon which a tax $1 is not
Sync. T bluerone, Agents' Supplies, paid byAug.5th is bylaw to be
P. O. Box 50, St. Henri, Que g•
killed. For several days a half
strayed mongrel, homeless and friend -
The ice wagon horse has the sets- le,s, has been wandering through
faction of knowing that the longer he the streets, and it seemd sure that
stands the less he will hove to draw, he would 'end his days in the pound.
and they needn't unload the wagon James Yonng, an immate of the
either. school for the blind at Batavia who
is visiting his father here, attempted
Shortness Of Breath. to cross Main street just at the busi-
est time of the day. Young was nn -
ware of the approach of a trolley car
until he heard the ringing of the
gong. 'Then he stopped in bewil-
derment. The motorman jainmed
his brake down hard, but it was
evident that he could nee,stop the
car before it struck the man.
The old dog which had been grove.
ling in the gutter, seemed to see the
blind man's danger. It jumpted at
Fought With Pitchforks hitt], and, pulling hint by the Coat
sleeve caused hint to step from the
Coshocton, Ohio, Aug. 5.-D. slim track just as the car grazed his
ertsfelder and Marshall Auspaugh, shoulder,
i two farmers, had an altercation I he dog was cheered by the crowd
1 while working on a straw rick for a who had seen the act. Somebody
neighbor who was threshing, which started a collection,andenoutlmoney
resulted in a pitched battle with was raised not only to pay the tax
' pitchforks. Auspaugh was stabbed. on the dog but to buy him a - new
through the abdomen and had both collar, with brass trimming. In ad -
eyes put out. He is still alive, but dition, naming shim Rescue and the
cannot recover. i old dog will now have a good home.
"Since Last year .I have had serious
heart trouble caused by malaria, Short-
ness of breath, smothering spells on re-
tiring, violent palpitation, ate., often
made me gasp forbreatb. On procurtng
Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills 1 found
to my surprise and delight that they
gave almost instant relief. I got healthy
restful sleep, my heart troubles disap•
peered., and I now feel very well indeed
Mr. Hugh Moore, Ingersoll, Ont. makes
this statement for the pubho good.
ten thotaand leaves• at:, tailing'
She began to high. 'Thew thou -
eusand -`screamed, and then :tapped
`Start her at five thousand!' cried an
auctioneer who was present.
Miss Blanc -Oh, ;Mi'. Powers, cn't
you give us some subjects for our
Mr. Powers -How would scene Remit by mail
from the `Courtship of Mik.'i Standish'
do, or something ftom one of Shake-
ltiiss Blanc -Yes, but that would
require costumes; we want something t °
without costumes. - I •
Mr. Powers --Well, then try the
Birth of Venus, or the Temptation
of Eve.
Will pay for the TIMES from now
until the lst of January 1398.
Will be started in next week's issue
and it will be a dandy.
and get the beginning chapters of the
new story.
is a small amount for the read1ng you.
get, The story alone is well worth
the money.
A Quartette of Remedios that aro Effect
Ing Wonderful Cures. '
Dr. Chase's four great remedies are :
Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, Dr. Chase's
Ointment, Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure, and
Dr. Chase's Syrup of Linseed and Tur-
pentine, his latest and greatest discovery
for all throat and lung affections.
" I was, sielt for three years," says
James Simpson, of Newcomb Mills. "I
tried various alleged potent cures and
several, boxes of a certain pill which has
been greatly eracked up. 1 got no re-
lic Then.I tried Dr. Chase's Kidney -
Livor Pills. Since, I have been able to
work every day and feel like a new
roan. Your pills along cured me at a
cost of 25c."
"I have been nubjoct to severe colds
every fall and spring." says Miss Hattie
Delaney, of 174 Crawford street, Toren -
to. " I used many cough medicines, but
none eared me until at a cost. of 25 cents
1 tried Dr. Ohaso'e Syrup of Linseed said
" My 'husband wen troubled with the
worst kind of piles," writes Mrs. .cane
POttn, of Meyorsburg. "Ile was often .
unable to work. Since using your ukase's
Ointment he is eoniple.tely cared. It is
truly worth its 'weight in gold instead
of the >7rie, you iyo Charge, only Go dents."
or call at the office.
essee1. tete mess,,,,•.Yee- ..dcF"••-rr>�ii..'.
usl,.tr;v.•f� ii:•oi:.^ eetee
•th'aIa hAut4Miqu'lo M INtbgeu'hrWioldlO a I ANHb'sMAP41.4,NA 0,01. , e
All description of Book and Job Printing such as:
In fact, every description of Job Work fro n t' e Mammoth
Poster to the small Visitingting
71 bought a box of your Catarrh Cure
for 25 cents at Me. lloyle's drug store
hero," says Henry 11, Nicholls of 170
Rectory street, London, Ont. " I ata
thankful to say it cured mo."
Chase's remedies at all dealers. tat THE TIMES OFFICE.
tpansOn, Bates & Co., mantra., Toronto. ,aa: ,.a:. •