The Wingham Times, 1897-08-13, Page 1THE WING
VOL. XXVI.---NO. 1321.
In order to make quick, easy
selling this warm weather, we have
marked all our summer goods down.
Special prices in Dress Goods
Striped Linens,
Cotton Coupons
Pelim Goods,
Ladies' Vests,
Cuffs & Collars
it .4
it 44
it 41
it 44
Special prices in all Summer
T weeds,
Special prices in Millinery in this
Goods are lower than usual every-
thing at cost and undm
A special lot of Hats at 16c. worth
from 75c. to $1.25,
Special prices in men's golds,
Ties, Collars, Cuffs, Hats and Order -
e4 Clothing. Our stock of men and
boys' Straw Hats is the best in
'town, all the newest styles and the
prices to suit you.
A. few pairs left yet, of those
ladiesBoots, Shoes and Slippers at
'75c. and St, which twiee what we
aro asking for them. Always special
prices at the Grocery counter. A
handsome Folding Back Lawn Chair
.given away with Baking Powder.
Secure one for your lawn or veran-
dah. The best 25e. Tea in Wing -
.We have a market for every
Cherry you have got. We will buy
all you bring us.
marriage Licenses • •
Issued by FRAU PArnusoN, 'No 23, Vic-.
eela atreet, Wingham, Ont. No wituesees
'lace to obtain a thorough business
training is the
A school that properly prepares its
:students for business life.
Attendance this year doub'e that of
ast year.
Only one kind of business training
given to our students and that "the
I best."
Write for particulars.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
of all kinds
C:ty ReStalltant.
Telephone No, $5. 'Macdonald Block,
411 1. 1]
With a view to largely increasing our
circulation within thenext few weeks, we
have decided to send the TIMES to new eule•
cribers from now till the first of January,
1598 for tbo small sum of 25 cents. With
next week's issue, we will corn-
mence the publication of a, fine
serial. story entitled "The Diamond
Coterie." by L. C. Lynch, which alone
wilt be well worth the money. Call at
office and give us your name and 25 cents
or remit by mail.
-Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran-
teed to cure headache,
-Labor Day. Menclay, September
-The rain on itIonday and Tuesday
gave the farmers at ther serious set back. •
-The road ma bine has beery doing
some excellent w• rte on Viceoria, Street
-Send Tni TIMES to your friends. On-
ly 25 cents from now till January lat,
-Rev. 3. W. Coffin/ of Gerrie, will oc-
cupy the pulpit of the Congregational
Church onSunday u
-The rural &shoo will re -open on Mon-
day next. The tow schoo s will re -open
on the Monday follo vin
Everybody goes, Wingliam. King's
sale is booming.
-The local newseaper is rat ely an ob-
ject of charity. In nine oases out of ten it
gives twenty times as much as it le:dew.
-Press andPrintee.
-Mr. D. J, Ged tos has placed a new
sausage machine i t his butcher shop. He
will now be prepa ed to supply the public
wi It first-class sti,e,go.
f ---Mr Joseph Caerruth left this week for
Elora, where he 1 as secured the centred
of finishing the berniture at the factory in
that place Mr , Carrath will move leis
family to that pinee in o. short time
Something new in Canopy -Top Beds
room suites at IltELAND 4; Btraores. 5-14tf
-Early to bed, ety to rise may once
have made people h lthy, rich and wise.
But at present th e nan who would fain
make his mark has ;ot to hustle till long
after dark.
-Mr. A. G. has taken up his
residence iu the br:'k cottage on the cor-
ner of Victoria am_ Shuter streets and Mr.
Win. Sutton has moved into the place
vacated by Mr. Ba •tedo.
-The druggists, f town have come to an
agreement to close their places of business
each.evening in th week at 9 o'clock, ex.
cept Saturday, on nd after September 1st.
its is a good m e and we see no reason
iviiy every store a town. should not be
closed by 8 o'clom. .
Try a peeikage , ,f Silver Dust Washing
Powder. It kneels soap completely out.
-2IV:e are cries .upon this week to record
the death of Mali 4a Humphreys, beloved
wife of Mr. Jot n I111, which sad event
took place on. turday afternoon last.
Deceased hai,beet suffering for some time
with a tuttlititi an on Saturday last an
operatiorfaa perf rmed from o effects
of which s1� never •ecovere inch sym •
pathy is expressed or Mr. Hill and his
family in their hoe of trouble.
-Flax pulling is in full swing in this
section at present.
-The sound of thtf threshing machine
can bo heard in all e tions of the country
Twenty-five lbs. of ra lated Sugar
for $1. Two car loads. .ii. King.
-Messrs, John Cle tg & Co., hardware
merchar ts, have put a new delivery wagon
ou be road,
Tbe Bronewick louse and Beaver
bleak have been gin Illy beautifier by a
fr sit coat of paint.
- -We aro p1.asedJto state that Mrs. A.
Brishois, who has bejp very ill for the past
week, is improving.
-Reports from - o grape growing sec-
tion, say there will, ki an abundant crop of
that fruit this yeart
-Walkerton fire sten are putting forth
every effort to have a successful demon-
stration on the 20th_
-Rev. Wm. LoWe• and a party of young
• men, ot town, are eteioying the lake breezes
at Bayfield this wee t.
For anything in the line of fruit,
tomatoes, cucumbers, etc., go to Jas. A.
McKelrie, the Star Restaurant.
-& load of furnitire from the Tees -
water furniture facto y, was photographed.
by the Star Photo, C. . on Friaay last.
V -Mr. John Waurr 31y conductor on the
Lcndon Expapss, 110.8 Jen off duty owing
to sicknesiaEd his p: me has been filled by
Conductor Swaub.
-An order went h to effect on the G. T.
R. on Wednesday Inlet, that one man be
laid off each section !ang. This new law
tail leave each section with only two men.
Mr. W, F'. Brock nshire, formerly of
this town has purcha: ad aaphoto business
in London and has gate into businessiete
wielt Mr. Brockenshir every success in his
. new business..
-For first-class -.shoring and chettp•
gents' furnishing% .r'y Webster & Co.
Remember the place, in Queen's block.
'-The High Court o3Ontario for the In -
.dependent Order of rmesters is meeting
tt Brantford this w ek. Mr. John Mc -
Nevin is representing he Winghatn Court
at the meeting. •
-The Petrolia, Ade rtiser was sold by
auction the other day, r. P. W. Wilson
being the pyrchaser a 54.100. Mr. Her-
ered for sale, but
rings hoe -me was also o
fou id no buyers.
-Mr. J. H. Hisco
' clerking in the store o
Bowels for some time,
of last week for Tar
cured an excellent posi
-A dry goods ma
• the Reporter that rea
he purchased from
, Toronto, was, when d
hole, still too large f
town to wear, "and
all to a jeweler to ha
punched in them.
• necessary.
If you doubt what your neighbors say
• about Ireland & Button's prices just call in
an see for yourself. • 5-14tf
aster Oscar Parke' had the misfortune
to severely hurt his fo 't, while returning
from the Methodist S. S. pic-nic, on Thurs-
, day of last week. Ile vas coming down a
bill at the iron bridge, lower Wtngham on
a bicycle. The bioycl overturned and be -
lose he had time to ge out of the way, the
: wheel of a wagon, whi i wgr olose behiud
him passed over Ms fo 4,/
-The annual hary t thanksgiving fes•
tival of tho Salvation rmy is to bo cele-
brated on Saturday. unday and Monday,
Agignst 28th, 29th nd 30th. Captain
Bolter and Lieutena Bonney, the ener-
getic officers in charge and the Salvation-
iitts of the local corp are evidently bent
upon and seem sangui o, of making this
the most successful all past efforts of
tbo kind, and aro erre, ging a programme
of special meetings s itteble for the occa-
pion. Any cause th b will morahzc, re-
form and make tem et -ate dissolute men
and women, should c aim the sympathetic
support of all.
ks, who had been
Messrs. Homuth
eft on Wednesday
, where he has sc-
ion as book-keeper
of Galt informed
ly every ladies' belt
ie manufacturer in
awn up to the last
• the ladies of that
e had to send them
e additional eyelets
Comments are uu•
-Dundee Star: The following problem
is botheriug some sidents ot the west eud:
"A. man wishes to torrow $1,000 for five
years at 6 per ceiii interest, principal and
interest to be retitled in five equal annual
instalments, and the question is, whet
would the amon 1 be?" The would be
borrower says h. is willing to bet that
there isn't a MAI, V0111(111 or child in Dun.
des who can sols the probletenolt looks
easy, but it isn't. Try it.
4111 --Mr At IVindlOonald, flour and feed
tnerchant, of t.iis town, contemplates
making a visit. to Manitoba, and the
North West, wh .re be has a brother and
other relatives lie will be away for
about two thentst4is business will be
carried on as u al during his absence,
and goods deliv red any reasonable die-
tnnee, he bevies secured the services of
Mr John Well'. ood, with his delivery
wagon, for that purpose We hopo Mr
MaeDonald wi u _,, fully enjoy hie well-
ened and wellieserved vacation.
As Olaas Antignity.
Either by acquired taint or heredity
those old foes, Scrofula and Consumption,
must lie faced generation after generation ;
but yon may meet them with the odds in
your favor by the help of Scott's Band.
-The regulareting of. Court lMait-
land, 0, 0. F., w* I be held this (Friday)
I still buy Butter
ples. Highest pric
E. ,Ong.
-Mr. John Smit m
, baggagean at the
0. T. R. station, lia been on the sick list
for the past weekiolleIls place at the station
was filled by Mr. A Burkholder.
VII: Samuel Legge tt has been busily en •
gaged in threshing a Turnberry township
during the past - eek. Ile reports that
fall wheat easi4 average 'JO bushels to
the acro
-Re.v. Father Br-Flwen, of London, has
been appointed 't. the ()bargee of St.
Augustine, Blyth and Wingham, which
were made vacanteby the death of Rev.
Father Quigley. ,-
tIVorclwes rece(ired iu town this week
ri Dr. and Kral rowler and Rev. Mr.
Gordon, saying thp , they bad arrived in
the old country siely, anl they albo re•
port n. very pleasani trip.
Dr. Macdonald is now permanent-
ly at home ana can be consulted by
his patrons.
thr -Mr. Thomas Leile, of town, is in Lis-
towel at present talti-g charge of the buai-
ness of his son-in-lat , Mr. M. lefoD. Flem-
ing. who has gone of a two mouths' visit
to his relatives in the old country.
V -Tho Central hot 1 has again changed
hands. Mr. D. Mii" .lenzie, who has been
proprietor for the p et year, has disposed
of it to Mr. Jacob Kling, of town4Ve
understand that Mr- Kling will take pos-
session at once.
-Myth will have a big day of athletic
sports on Wed owl iy; August 25th The
Standard of this r'eolc announces that
Wingham and Br' ssels clubs will play
football, and a lncr vse match will take
place between W ingliain and Clinton
Mr :1 Ross of the Popular Bo Store,
has received a cent ,t,eitrient • tlio new
Presdyterian Book c/ Pr s The books
used for the Sundae -Sob are sold at 8c
while those for the , hutch use range from
10c to ,',1.25. All tle3 booke are nicely fin-
ished, Mr Ross invites every one to call
and examine them,
-On Thursday net, while returning
from Port Stanley, u the Masonic excur-
sion tritin, a young may of Clinton, loft her
purse in the car, w dal contained $213 or
$25. It is a lady's. corse and the initials
1. )3. were on it. Should anyone be able
n give an inform Akin as to its where-
abouts, they will 1 e liberally rewarded by
leaving same a% Gee Times office.
Ireland & Button has added a delivery
wagon to their business and will deliver
goods a reasonable distance. 5•14tf
-A base bell inittch between the %in-
curable and Welke, ton teams, for $100 a
side, will be play d in Pahnerston next
'Nasally, the 17th leist. There is consider-
able rivalry between these clubs, and it it:
estimated that abut $500 wilt change
heads in bets as a asult of the game, so it
will un doubt be eeeiting. The fare from
Wiugham has been elated at '75 cents for
the round trip, an-. no doubt a number
will go from town see the match.
-Posters wore is. ted from this office an -
flouncing the Nort eWcstern Fair to be
hold here on the 2c :h and 29th of Septem-
ber. Tho spectal tietractions given on the
postai a aro the felt wing tests of speed: -
Free -for -all, purse $00.00 ; Running Rate,
purse $50 00 ; Thr e minute trot or pace,
purse, $5C60 ; Fanners' trot or pace, puree
130.00 . The above list of eyents should bo
the means of drepeng large crowds to the
fair Ole year. Keep the dates in mind.
anil be sure tc areenge things so as to at-
tend the fair. Pi ze lists and email bine
will be issued in ti:' tort time giving fail
particulars of the ttractions at the fair.
gs and Dried Ap-
cash or trade. G.
WingbainSept. 28 and 29.
• Blyth Oct. 5 and 0.
Sept 27 and 28.
Torcm to .... Aug 30 to Sept 11
London Sept 9 to 18.
• Walkerton Sept 15 Allan
• Stratford Sept 23 and 24
Clifford gept 23 and 24
..... . Sept 29 and 30
Brussels...". .... ....Sept 80 and Oct 1
Guelph Sept 15 and 16
Clinton Sept 28 and 29
Seaforth Sept 23 and 24
• Luoltnw '4( pt ao and Oct 1
-Mr Win Clegg di
loads of wheat on
Gregory bas sold liv
-A. young fellow
the other day. He
instead of her sayi
she said, " abou
posed of eight car
iteechte last, Mr T
car loads
1 town was eurprised
posed to a girt and
g, "It is so sudden,"
-Owing to some ..ouble with the var.
Malt at the UM° i Furniture Factory, a
number of finishers and cabinet makers
have been laid off fc: a few do ye,
Just arrived arsether crate of those
"colored cups, sem rs and plates" thattell
as cheap as conme n white goode.
N. A. Feuetritensser.
-Mr Walter Cm Tuthers was brought
home from the Toemto Hospital en Tues-
day evening. We s ee sorry to state that
there is but slight •aiprovement in his con-
- A friendly ga ne of lacrosse will be
played on the tow I park next Monday
• the Young Maple
-and the Sepoys, of
evening, betwee
Leafs, of town,
V -We arasogry 1
Carr, of the Wingl
been indisposed for'
hope that be may s
his nsrial health
t report that Mr John
2.rn Flouring Mills s
he past two week nd
n be around again in
pmns NALS,
we wool be glad to
column from any of our
tors or purpose erring
ten us, or send us a no
have contributions to Me
enders. if you hs.vo ylsi•
way yourself, drop in and
to that effect.
Roy. H. E. el n is .hoildaying at
Grimsby Park.
Mr A. S Crystal of Goderick was in
town this week.
%bliss Marion Gretory is spending "the
week in Liatowelef
Mrs. C. E. Will ens, of New York, is
visiting in town.
Mort Mort m left, on Thursday on his
wheel for Toronto. -
Mrs. H. Braman, )(Kincardine is visit-
ing friends in town.
Mr. M. H. MolnL,tro is holidaying at
Peterboro this week.
Mr. Howard MelLeizie, of Listowel, is
holidaying in town.
MA. Dr. Horsey is visiting under the
parental roof in towr. .
jet! Cora Beckwi i bit returned from a
yisit to Clinton frie
Iilr F Augus spe , a few days in Kin-
cardine daring the t eck
Miss Lottie Wells of Detroit, is visiting
under the parental i of.
Mrs. W. Barro,nd s visiting her parents
in Listowel this weel
Mr. John Kerney, Brussels, visited his
brother, Frank, this eek.
Miss Parker, af D rham, is visiting her
cousin, Miss Ella D Ate.
Miss Campbell of .1.istowel is the guest
of her sister Mrs. BS,
Miss Alice Bell of Lonkeeboro' visited
Wingham friends th s week
Mr. W. G. Wright 1 Hawkesbury spent
a, few days in town t ,is week.
Mr. Geo. Good of Itipley spent a few
days in town during he week.
Miss Maggie MeLe:Chlan is spending a
few days with Seafor i friends
Miss May Olaf vial .ed relatives in Wing -
hem, last week. -Sea °rill Sun.
'rile nattier nthly meeting of tbe
School Bourd ms held on Tuesday
evening last M tnbers present, -Messrs
Bel!, Moore, Bu ton, 0 rillin and Abra-
ham. Minutes 1 last, meeting read and
Moved by W Linni Button, seconded
by William Mo that seats be pur-
chased for the fo firth department of the
Moved by 0 11/4 Griffin, seconded by
Thomas A.brabar, that, the teachers'
and °Mews' Sale ies for the month of
July be paid -lied
• The board the adjourned.,
25 CENTS,.pays for 111;1'8'1c7e until
and ge. the find chapters ef our new story.
‘,/mre. Mason, of Lot
visit to her son, Mr.
Mr. Thomas King
his brother, 0. E. Ki
Mr, W. F. Dultuag
running races at Deti
Mr. W. T. SOH
days with his parents
Mrs. D. Melnuis nhd Miss Stewart are
l•oliclaying with frien is in Tiverton.
Mrs. John Allenby, of Buffalo, is on a
visit to heafrieuds metil relatives in town.
Mr. Harry Sellory; of Kincardine is the
guest or his friend, :art• Care Vanstone,
Mr. Fred Kinsman who has been visit-
ing in Detroit, return'ed home last week.
\ottlre. C. Knetoliel aed children are visit-
Wither parents near-S,uelcnow at presenetst
Cornyn of4Tapility3.,,apent Satur-
day and Sunday • eieterrneffatie
MrP, J. Button and Mt a. Scott, of Tees -
water, were vieiting ringhaba Wends last
Wire. John Jolinstor and son, Freddie, of
Gederich, are visitin0friends in town this
Mrs. Cutler, of Lendon, is spending a
few days with 1friir acquaintances in
Mrs. G.Idorntyre a id children are holi-
daying with friends i! Ltekeow and Ash.
blisa Lottie Orr, of Wroxeler, wheeled 1,
on South, is on 0,
eo. Mason,/
of Toronto, visited
g, this week.
was taking in the
it this week.
an is spending a few
in Flesherton.
Your Photo . .
Should excel in .every parvicular.
We have the facilities for the produc-
tion of high class protrature. All our
appliances are modern; light unob-
scured and can be regulated to make
perfect sittings, either on bright or
null days. We use none but the
best of' material. .A. trial solicited.
In Life Size I'ortrature we excel.
We guarantee our Bromide, Crayon.
and Water Color Portraits. Our
prices are right. Do not be misled
by the oily-tongqied vendor of cheap
trashy work:. Our productions 104
a century; cheap, trashy, se -called
"portraits" fade. There's the differ-
ence. Nothing is cheap that is not
good and lasting.
Yours for reliability,
Beaver Block - - - WinghanL
town on Saturday 141, rernaiaing in town,
for a few days.
Miss Clara 2eito4 of Wineham, was the
guest of Mrs, E. 1 Moore last week.-
Teeswator News.
Mr T A Reid, #f Owen Sound is spend-
ing part of his vaMtion with his parents.
near Wingharn.
Mrs W J Bh tdeld. and children of
Black Horse, are the guests of her sister
Mrs IV 3 Hain
Miss Nellie Watson of Hamilton is spend
ing a few days ir -town, being the guest of
Mrs. John Mien et.
Misses H. anft E. Smith, of St. Marys,
wero the uest4 of their cousin, Miss L.
Harris, this we, k.
Bilge Clark, ho has been visiting Miss
Good of town, eturned to her home' in
Clinton on Fri Ay.
Mr and Mrs A. Roe are expected home
this week from Chicago, where they have
spending 11. shot time
Mr. Walter Scott, barrister, of Waxs,-
bade, Texas, is the guest of his aunt, Mrs.
S. 13. Webb, of this town.
Mr. Percy a -d Miss Lena Hill, of Walk-
erton, were sr -ending a few days with.
friends in town this week.
s Mary Carruthers, who was see n'ing
a short time 'Lb her parents in town re-
turned to Detr it, Tuesday./
Mi SS Jessie lteKclLsr, of Belgrave, was.
visiting her si ers, Mrs. S. McGee and
Mrs. Joseph Gr , this week.
Mrs. 301111 M vat is in Bellevile this
week attending ti e Grand Lodge methn
of the Daughters -of Rebecka.
Vlieses Maggie and Emma, Tipling o
Ohio, are visiting- their brother, Mr. A.
Tipling 01 1110 Blaevale, RoadAse
11.1iee Tedford, 910 has been the guest of
Miss l'autitone fc- some time, left for her
home in Blenbeiraon Saturday.
Miss Thompsot ireturned to her home in
Godurich 011 Frid ey last, after spending a
short time with Ponds in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Lanklater and Mee A
Elliott. are yield' n friends in 1W.
and vicinity.-Clibrd Express.
Mr. A. GalbraL of the Canada 1.31iNess•
College. Chathat , accompanied by his
wife, are visiting lends in town.
Mr. M. Morden, of the Bank of
ton, left on Mond last on a three week's
driving trip throe h the country;
Mrs R Carr, of rbona, Ottspend-
ing a few days ith old fri \it'iti town,
r P1,4,5
being the guest of lirs Wm
VIre E. Elilolt nd daughter, "Pet," of
Ingersoll, are spe ding a couple of. weeks •..j
with friends anddatives in town.
:kir George Viay, who lrlB been resid-
ing in New Yor for the past three years
is spending a fm holidays in town
Mrs. R. Herdst an was called to Brant-
ford, owing to th • severe illness of Garde,
the young daug r 01 Mr. T. Pilgrim.
Mra. Mamie • it of Wingham and Miss
McLatichlin of ow York visited at Mr. D.
C. Vergusons's 1.1 week.-Teeswater News.
Mr. Wallace • ugh, is in Belleville thie..
week represent' g, Maitland Lodge, 1. 0.-
0. F. at the me ing of the, Grand Lodge.'
Mr. Lawrence Of Welland, formerly of •
tlio dem of T wrence & Gracey, of '114.
town, was in to n a few days during tile
Messrs. W. Lebertson and Bobt. %Vat
left on Moncla;_ on their wheels for
ton, where the will spend a few days
Dr, J. A. Croke)" an wife, of
haeie, Texas, are the Pheat3 0L43,0,;QA1.
Mrs, S. Otto' / arid Mrs. P. B.
this town,