The Wingham Times, 1897-08-06, Page 8N r . It 11.A. 1 TIMES, AUGUST 6, i897R.
rue the guest td :Yr. and MrY. S. Oracey their own so far as play went, but VICTORIA °OUii NOBLE QUEEN" 1 rMirl
dtuing the week finally they scored. .Still they man-- BY FsAivu noAcl,
• Gtr. PQM Korman, of Gnelph, has been aged the field for a while, but some ' -- !
in town for a few doys,shakiug hands with time before the game was finished Reign on! Our gr:wious Qneen, . i
his utd friends. Winghani seemed to awaken fron) x';tttd lit ouranthem ring
O'er laud and sea, long may we sing i
Miss Ems Gordon is enjoying the lake the legarthy into whieh they had ,tied save! tins save! Our noble Qneen.
breezes, being the gust of the Misses Die- fallen and put up some first ball,
May Thou in levels increase,
m Innis, of itillley, corning dangerously erously near a score ,
�hy armament be Peace,
t Mics Alice Wallace has returned to Wing- several times, but they didn't
1' t do it, Thy sword a etntle, long may we sing,
�1 ham after spending her bolids.)s at home Time was called, thus leaving the God ease! Ged sate! Our noble Queen.
i--uloderich Star. score 1 to 1 and giving Wingham ; Thy cap non's thunder tone,
Masters Scott and !toy Gordon, are the championship of the league.• , Bid war and strife "Begone,"
spending part of their vacation with : May Thou be blest, long may we sing,
�p g 1 F1;ATURMI OF THE GAME. , God save! God save! Our noble Queen.
There is notncertain sound ;�
at;.r,' t't;. Saturday Bargains at
tide •ewe.
i' are hewed so close too
tte c .s; hne that every article
Dews:'►e e bargain of the most
nr+u: •,Traci! nature.
I3it_ ire; for spot cash in the
S Mase seerkets, enable us to sell
good • it prices that ander or•
dinar- e,:nditiot.s would be im•
20 d •z. Children's Hose, reg.
10ce.., SAM rday 3c.
10 pIrrt+•1 Shaker Flannel, reg.
• 8?. S:ttardav 5e.
10 pi.u.•es W!titr. Cotton and un-
bl••:t';hed, regular 7c. Sat. 5c.!
10 pieces plain or fancy Dress t3
Go )d3, very fine, regular 50c. {t
and 60e. for 35c.
U) pieces plain or fancy, regu-?j
lar 25, 30 and 35e. Sat. 19e.
5 pieces light and dark Tweed,
regular 60e. Saturday 19e.
120 pair laced and buttoned
Shoes, just opened, regular'
$1.50 fur $1.10.
S 30 Straw Hats at about halt
10 light Coats and Vests, regu-
las 3 75, Saturday $2.50.
20 Boys' Suits, light or dark,
regniar „3.50 Saturday $2.•15
,,,,s 1 Ribbons le., Needles le., Pins
'I) lc. Bargains in Lace Embroid-
ery, Cuffs and Collars, Shirt
ae Waists.
Everything new and up to lj
ditte at about s less than regu- ?j
lar price for the next 30 days.)
M. .- MeiN « O®.
mends to Ltstowe .
Mr. Clare 4anstono, of Hamilton, is Above all -Stops by Wee, Allendy , Thy Union Jack unfurled,
in goal. 1 Waves proudly round•the world
spending part of his vacation under the High lteadurs by Charley Sallar's, Thy people's p ride. Lona may we Ring,
parental roof in town. God save! God save! Our noble Queen.
Miss Lillian Halstead, who has been
Brussels centre -half,
1 Absence, except in a few instances, may He. the "Prince of Love,"
residing in the Southern States is visiting Of rough playing. ; Thy earthly cares remove,
her friends and relatives in town. I Pretty work b Hugh Hamilton Thy strength renew. Long may we sing
Mr. Robert Collier of Buffalo, formerly the Outside left, y a God save! God save! Our noble Queen.
of the Advance, is shaking hands with his : The NECK of the referee.
numerous friends in town this week.
1 Long throws in by McKinnon. is Mr. John 13alkwill. of Fullerton
Miss mina Watson, of Dioosejaty, N. W. ; The capttal drops from little i has a goose which he values more
T., has been calling on her old friends in , "Jimmey" `rbompson who plays On 1 than any cow on his farm. She is.
to7u, bring tate guest of her uncle, Ur. D. ; Brussels' right wing. I thirty-four years old and blind,
Stewart. 1 COMING HOM]f. I nevertheless she hatched twice this
Miss Ella Leary and Miss Hannah Camp- ; The loudest blasts of the bazoo
year. Mr. Balk will brought the
bell who have bean spending a short time fell far short of expressing the hap- i' fowl from England some thirty years
with their parents in town left on T'u,.sday j age
i 1 piness of the \'4ringhamites as they
f Taranto. I •,• _ _ _ .:,------,-=f sir. John Neelands, who has been drove home that night in a process• -
! pending the week in Toronto, .returned ion of a hal f dozen rigs. Quite i __ I �,, ,5 _ �,,
frequently some interrogation mark ,
home on Wednesday, accompanier! by !vire.: q y ,?� ':'7,,
Neelands, who had been spending some would anxiously inquire as to what
I was the matter with Wingham, to ;
I time in Toronto/
f which a•scoro or More lusty voices !HOU?EHCtLD FURNITURE•I
FOOTBALL. would firmly and decidedly reply I that "she was all right." and so she -ON-
'• 1 Saturday, Aug. 10th, at 3 p. i1.
The Wingham Football Team has c When the art} reached Wingham ; Consisting of Upright Pineo, by Dur -
won the land Leaguecafte a neckof the
nd nett : an hnprompta decoration of the larnt7F,f► r ,w oet.,, ]6 eyucCtss,i seRattan
race against Atwood and. Brussels, , vehicles with flags took place and as , and otner, Reiter, I3oclraon) Suites,
but they ea.meout ahead even if the ;it was dangerously near the time I Bureaux. Bedetoncla, and \Vashstnnt1 ,
win was only by two points. Two . when the electric lights go out they ; eI>erate \\'ire A1uttr,ta Din Lear
pointsgoodas 200.Wing- deemed it advisable to manufacture :Dining ab!epsion and Falling L_
are as Dining; 7'ablee,La,•ue Walnut Sideboard
haul heads the list with a total of 27 .lights of their own, which they ac- ' hand unrvebtl „nd Hniehed, cost S15, t3a11
points to their favor, Atssood looms cordingiy did, making them from ! rack,
SeertOilcloths? 31nk Carpe ets,mbined .
hand -
1 next with i5 and Brussels next brooms saturated with coal oil. ;some 1.ndient home r.o:d Store, double
with 22, Listowol takes the foot or . They now proeeec1F�d. up Josephine i t,eater, latest improved duplex grate as i
the class with only 10 points, being Street allliid more noise than music i,,.,,rd as nary, (1)‘01. $33, Double Heater!
5 below Wroxeter, whom we a edit and more delight than light. Here I Wood
tote, );etv Int Reason, Largo
i with 15. and there a fair figure night ! Model Cook Stove, in first class condi
a two. Dining Rusocu Stove, largo Bath,
1 THE MATCH AT BRUSSELS. . • be. seen, clad in a lobe de ehambre, Child's Oot, Lawn Mower, Garden Tools
! clapping a welcome to the boys who Orokenole Board, China, Crockery ants
Friday last, the day of the match, ;hadtwon the medals. Glassware, Banging Latnpe, Stand
although in the morning, clear and Lamps, Sewing Machine, Eight Day
mossy grew cloudy and dark on FOOT -BALL CHAT. Clock. Set of harness. Store Pipes fnaci
I towards noon. About one o'clock i r••
• other articles ton numerous to mention.
I 1V in ham has won the most,
rain began to fall, which continued i g "SiThe piar:o.aud one of the nil paintings
i 'Who was it said, Sx for a guar- will be offered subject to a reserve bid.
regularly- u; til after three. At :ter �„ Teams -Pour our months credit on sums
Itich time it faired somewhat only' of S5 and over on furnishing approved
, darken again and rain about five! Monday's Globe speaks of the notes.
clock. As might be guessed this match. The ftr,u€tare is now on clow upstairs, noxt Smith & Pethicks,Hardwars
nded to dampen the ardor, also the 1 Brusselites turned out well to see Store. Any article may ha purchsed
iothes of those out in the shower, I the match. privately up till day of este.
some eighty or more sports who -
two Will he gIal to mare contributions to this
column from any of nor readers. If ton have visi-
tors or purpose 2niu:t away yourself, drop in and
tell us, or rend us a note to that effect.
,Judge ,Hasson of Goderich was in town
on Wednesday.
Bir. Fred Diamond, of Toronto is spend
tip bis vacation in town.
NI 111r. 11 S. Parker, of tow), is spending a
few . ti:sys in Kincardine.
\I s. L\'Ern. Ilele was visitibg Clinton
friends during the week.
Miss e a;"Fisher of Paisley, is visiting
her a Postmaster Fisher.
4 NEt.,•s LoeaShaw is spending a short
tithe with friends in Goderich.'tif
Mise Mary Boss of Brumfield is the guest
of Ler cousin, Miss Nellie Boss.
Miss Nora Bentley, of Clinton, is visit-
ing friends and relativesin town.
Mrs. Geo. Allen, of London, is visiting
her friends and relatives in town.
Mr. Alex'litchie is apendieg his holidays
with his parents ne:.r Teesttater.
Mr s. D. Pringle, of St. Mary's has been
visitirig friends and relatives in town.
.Principml. Cameron, of the 13ruseels
Public school was in town Wednesday.
Miss Danny Rogers of Praise's, is visit-
ing at the reddens() of Mr. Jas. McGuire.
'.JAfaster rimy Patterson is spending a
short time with his grand parents in Listo
Mrs. John McDonald, and Mand of Lis-
towel were visiting in town during the
Mr, k'rauk Forester, of Toronto is spend
i,ng his holidays under the parental roof,in
!bliss Alice Johns, of Toronto, is spend-
ing a time with her friends and relatives
in town.
Attester Rollie, end :ttk.s Lillie Smith of
Toronto, are visiting friends and relatives
it tom
Carole Fa quharson, left on Satur-
' a j toot +fin a tsto weeks visit to friends in
-- r litaron
Att. Walter and Mies Marq;ficott, of Lis•
o visiting friends in Wingham
Ks sod Me iiarebie, of Myth
€ Bluevale made a noble turnout for PETER, DEANS,
,journey ed to Brussels to see what a little burg.
promised to be one of the finest The Wintiham kickers had their I
matches of the league. The clerk of c'picters took," on Saturday.
the weather seemed to repent of his
evil actions during the afternoon, as Wroxeter lost the fewest number
he now ordered old Sol. out, who I of goals during the season.
changed the scene in an exceedingly- ! Wingilam citizens were oat in full
short time, so at six o'clock, when force the day of the match.
the teams lined up the evening was Atwood defeated Wroxeter on
as beautiful as any one could desire. Saturday itt Attwood. by 1 to 0.
Ferguson blew the whistle at ten The secretary is trying to arrange
a few more matches before the sea-
son closes.
minutes to six and play began. The
teams being represented by the fol-
lowing list of players:
Armstrong, Goal Allenby,
McKinley, 1Beeks S Coultes,
Sample, ) Stuart,
Ferguson, 1 Stewart,
Sitters, }•Half Backs M'Kinnon
Jackson, J Hawke,
Thompson Duff,
Stewart, I Messer,
Clennand, - Forwards Bailey,
McCrae, ( I M'Donogh
Gerry, Lilamilton.
Brussels made an onslough on the
Winghain goal, the ball went to our
half -backs, was captured by Brus-
, sele and back again it went, but
Coultes relieved by a long drive.
Now the play changed, our half-
backs fed the forwards liberally,
who in return made some excellent
- rushes on their opponents goal, in
about fifteen minutes they succeeded
in scorring. Brussels claimed off
side and the referee disallowed the
goal. The game was very even
from this until half time, some good
combination being shown on both,
however, the Brussels combination
generally ended in a goal kick or an -
open kick by our backs. Wingham's
story may be written ditto, but ler
one exception, that time Hamilton
crossed from left field and Bailey
scored by a neat shot from centre.
The second half of the game was
characterized in the proceeding port
by rust; after rush by 13ru.sels for-
ward line and by a great many
beautiful shots on goal. but Allenby
fisted then). out as cooly and collect-
ively as if he were playing marbles.
It looked as if Brussels were going
to lose a garlic that was decidedly
It did not" rain much, but the
Brussels people found some mud
to throw.
McKinley another Seaforthite
played back with Tony Sample.They
make a good pair.
The Brussels band enlivened the
proceedings, by choice music at inter
vats during the game.
"There'll come a ball some day,
Coulter can kick away,
We'll have no ball then to play
From day to day."
Listowel has one of the strongest
if not the strongest teams in the
league. Their bad angel has follow
ed. them almost incessantly.
When Wynn of Attwood pro-
posed three cheers for the winners of
the league, which the crowd took up
in a most uproarious manner.
Wingham is spelt with a. big "W"
and a big "I" and all the rest of the
letters as big as you can print 'em
and as loud as you can holler'em.
Speaking of McKinley; how's this
for deductive reasoning : McKinley
passed the 11IeKinley Bili; Hamilton
passed McKinley, therefore Hamilton
could pass the McKinley I3i11.
Charley Sillars has a heart as big
rootlet Jr.
the .balane of the season
rr will eke big redue-
Saits. Ve have a fine
litlli'O 1TE ID
.V( 4TE DS, ETC.
s lett from, ley are flew
ds of the mo stylish pat-
ter ns and.colors. .Ve aim to
h, ve the best in he market.
so nubby
.11I1J Jc:61'
lellTRNINES' New S.
----FROM US I{ G R---- .
We have decided to retire from-
- and so during the next---,
We will give you
every TUESDAY, THURSDAY and SATURDAY nights, com-
mencing at 7 o'clock.
We will hold a
To clear out Job Lines, at prices that svi!I interest you. Come
• early and get first choice. You may expect'
.tom .
a- PtsT
as our Stock is still large and well assorted.
"All outstanding accounts must be settled before that date, if
you wont to save trouble; after that date our affairs will be placed -a0�,
in other hands for settlement, A word to the wise is sufficient,. a
.Are You
If so it is your
call on Gordon & Co.'5 Drug
Store, Wingham. - They
are the agents for the
celebrated Wetmore
RUPTURED ? Chap e of Business
advantage to
1. Because it is dangerous. to be a
moment without one.
2. It will never rust and is conse-
quently durable.
3. A person wearing a Wetncre does
not find it a bother.
4. We. will guarantee to hold in
position'any reducible rupture.
5. This truss cannot possibly move
after adjustment,
6. Some of our townspeople can
testify to its merits.
7. Satisfaetion guaranteed or money
GORDON & 00.
Opposite Qneen's T.o+:r•1, lV'inghan
Cook's Cotton Root Compound
Is the only safe, reliable
monthly medicine on which
ladies can depend in the
hour and time of need
Ts prepared in two degrees
as himself and?that trays quite a bit of strength.
He gave the boys it hearty handy No. 1 for ordinary cases
is b far the best dollar medicine known
shake as he extrema his Cnu rani- -sold by druggists, one Dollar per box.
latinns and bade farewell to the boys. No. 2 for special cases--ro degrees
as theystronger-sold by druggists. One box,
were leaving. box, hive T>oliars.
Cock Company,
Three Donate ;
Kendall who plays left half for No. x, or No. 2, trailed on receipt of
Brussels, eni account of a wound Vico and two g-twocent etaniesns.
received in a junior match in Blyth Thi
did not play. Isis place was taken
by Jackson of $eafortb, an old Sold in Wingham And every where
member of the Hurons, by responsible druggists.
Windsor, Ontario.
Having purchased from
D. E. McDonald his
Butchering Business, I am
now in a position to supply
. the public with
at lowest prices and earn-
estly scgiitt a share of the
patio na *fthis cornmun-
ity. We=' 'ill always keep
on hand the best meats -
hat can be got for money
McDonald s od stand.
Furniture and Undertaking Stare
Ireland & Button are putting in a complete Stook of Furniture and
Undertaking consisting of
everything that is kept in a
A complete stock of Undertaking kept cn !land and prices reason-
' Block, (Residence opposite the foundry.
Remember the place, Ireland's old store, opposite ths3 Mac -
t. ULA Nfl & BUTTON.