The Wingham Times, 1897-08-06, Page 4KY
PQM Pp_s
D -
lower than any one else in town.
evening. "Whale the matter with
Wingbam? Why 81103 all right.'
' "Who's at the head (' the Leanene?
4 „ .
Winghand Winglieml" And similar
esies •tehl us about eleven o'clock
, that Wingham was "Ali Right."
I Five Bluevale boys are in theWing
ham team and we are pleased with
their suceess;
Mr. Will Grey of Dunnville is visit-
ing under the parental roof.
Mr. Will Scott,. of Stanley was
visiting at Mr. F. B. Scott's last
1 week.
I The juror football team of Wing -
I ham, came over on Saturday evening
to play with our juniors aud stewed -
ed iu scoring two while our boys
scored nothing.
Rev. W. J. West is visiting his
old home at Woodstock.
The Salvation Armv held a meet-
ing in the Forester's hall last Mon-
dity evening.
4 Mr. Joseph PugiVas bought out
Mr. Hugh Johnston's livery business
There VMS a terrible sudden
death occurred in this townshipleon
Sunday evening last. Mr. Rol ert
Campbell, of lot 15, con. 1 liassed
peacefully away. Mr. Campbell ate
his tea on. Sunday evening about 5
o'clock, and shortly afterwards took
a stroll out into the orchard, where
he was seized with a vomitting fit.
Membeesenf-thesfamilyenatire7-71v Tat
inte-the-heuserwhen medical aid was
summoned, but he died in a few
minutes. Destefteede-had - .= Leen
fee "•ve,•ell-4fer-seasest. •ineemet-eteetbe
itsf-a'''' ibileue-nature_ancl_beert
ulipa d Mr. Campbell was in
in his 69th year, being one of the
oldest settlers in the township, and
was highly respected. Ihe funeral
on-W-ednetelsty-esereehg was conduct-
ed by the Wingham L. 0. L. of
which deceased had been a member
for a great manv years. Mr. Camp-
bell leaves a widow and a family ot
eh' dren to mourn his sudden
demis , who have the heartfdt
sympathy of the community.
Dr uggist.
tz,--.:-'Campbeli's Headache Wafters sold
in any quantity and guaranteed to cure
any headache.
. .
Tim right of the provinces to
make Qtmen's counsel has been un -
held. by the British Privy Connell.
IT looks as if canada was at last
an the high road to genuine and
lasting prosperity. -Toronto World,
CANADA.'S prcferenatial trade with
Great Eritain will go on. The Can-
adian opposition schemed, talked,
worked against it, and even sent Sir
Charles Tupper to England to curse
it, but failure' has been their lot,
A Wait MAP o't. the Dominion t.f
Canada is in process of preparation.
It will show all the roads, bridges,
towns, villages, farms, blacksmith's
shops and stoles. Such a map has
never been prepared in this country,
but should be kept up, as is done
elsewhere, that at headquarters any
force could be directed with full
knowledge of conditions likely to
meet them in erossing the country.
l'ilLc. W11\61.1..A.M. AtiGUST 6, 169i•
40/14611.414...WOMF '11111.0.••••••••••••••••0••••••••••••••••••1
Winghain, ,A.ttgast 3th, 1807.
Corrected by P. Deans, Produce Dealer.
SHIP BANOS HINt41-3,F. Flour per 100 lbs 1 50 to 2 00
Fan Wheat
;fames Brown, ot the 13 concession • Spring Wheat
Hullett, came to a tragic and sad LaIsisly
end early last Saturday morning.
Ile had been ailing fer some months, . .....
but bore up with Christian resign- 3-'•ggs Per "zon
0 70 to 0 70
0 70 to 0 70
.. 0 20 to 0 22 t
0 20 to 0 30
0 40 to 0 40
At the recent public school leaving
examination, Miss Alice Duff secured
950 marks, the highest in East
Huron, and second in Huron County.
Mr. Alex Brians, of Morris, has
raised a pup in a very unusual man
Ler. Berm e the pup's eyes were
opened, its mother was run over and
killed, so Mr. Brians fitted a nipple
on to a large bottle filled with milk,
and proceed to bring the puppie up
"by hand." like "Pip" in the "Great
Expectations." If left alone with
his bottle, sometimes he would gorge
himself until he couldn't move, and
if the children would take the bottle
away, he would cry after it like a
real baby.
Master Milton Leech, of Detroit, is
spending the holidays with his grand
parents Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Jack-
son of Morris.
The fallowing is taken from EWed
nesday's Globe which refers to a
brother of Mr. J. S. Timmins, form
erly of this place: "Amobg the mul
titude of delegates to the great
Epworth Convention was Mr. R.
S. Timtnins, of the City of Fargo,
North Dakota. He has been residing
in Fargo for sixteen years, where he.
accumulated a fortune' and is now
visiting his brother, J. S. Timmins,
46 Lumsden avenue. He is so pleas
set with Toronto and its surround
Ings that he intends taking up his
permanent residence here.
Mrs. Joseph Breckenridge, of
the boundry cast of the village set a
turkey on a nest of eggs and
the gobbler came along and
gathered seven of the eggs to hine-elf
and sat on them closely for a few
days when he -was discovered and
shut out. We wish the old fellow
had been allowed to sit to see what
Ittek he would have had.
Miss Edna Dennis, of Brussels is
visiting the Misses Putland.
-Mr. Teriff of Lancing Michigan
was visiting at iffr. R. G' Casemores
last week,
Re -v. W. 3. We -at, has started a
°Medan Endeavor Society in con -
neck with the Presbyterian
About one hungered spectors drove
eve?' frost Wingham to. witness the
football match between ',Thigh= and
Brustrals at Drusseis last Friday
ation and he was quite cheerful on eiviaood poerstcooned
.... 0 11 to 0 12
0 9 to 0 1)
1 00 to 1 25
7 00 to 7 00 lb
0 20 to 0 25
0 3 to 0
0 2 to 0 2i
19 to 21
Friday. In fact ho had been assist- Poges, per bushel,
ing more or less with the harvest Tallow, per ib
work up to that time. Of late heApples, per lb
has been unable to sleep well and Dried
occasionally rose during the night
and took a walk and then would
secure sleep. Mrs Brown heard Wei
rise during the fatal night beard nim
go out the door, and again fell asleep.
When she rose in the morning about
5.30 she was not surprised. at Mr.
Brown not being in bed because she
wasnccustomed to be the first up.:She
dressed and came down stairs, put
on the fire, went down the cellar
and. skimmed the milk, and was tak-
ing it to the calves. When passing
the stable door she was horffied to
find. her husband. banging from a
rope tied. to the beam. His feet
were three or four inches from the
floor and a box steed dose by, on
which.he tallest have stood to commit
the terrible deed. The tie rope had
been first passed aroundthe beam tied
with a slip knot, the e id hanging
down; It slip knot was made on the
other end and passed ever the head
and tightened, when he must have
stepped or jumpted of the box.
Mrs. Brown dropped the milk
sharply,rushed to her beloved partner
grasped the end of the rope hanging
from the beam and pulled for lite.
It lossened its death grip and the
unfortunate man, who was cold and
stiff in death, fell and lunged toward
one of the stalls. Immediately the
frantic woman alarmed the neigh•
bors,at times beccening prostrate with
grief. The deceased was well- to-do
farmer a devoted Presbyterian, and
very highly respected. No cause
except- his illness caa be assigned
for the taking of his own life. An
inquest was demanded by the relat-
ives c.f the deceased Coroner Milne
held one on Monday before the fun-
eral when the evIdence of several
witnesses was taken and the jury
returned a verdict that the deeeased
deliberatily committed suicide.
On Wednesday evening of last
week and interesting game of foot-
ball was played in the agricultural
grounds between the Brussels and
Blyth junior team', resulting in fav-
or of the home team, 3 to 2.
Our civic holiday was observed
here on Thursday. A large number
took in the Masonic excursion to Port
Mrs. Dr. Sloan of Toronto is the
guest of N. H. Young, Esq., at pre-
Mrs. E. Watson is spending a few
days with Reeve and Mrs. Kennedy,
of Clinton.
For some time past workmen have
been engaged laying pipe from the
creek to Sims' blacksmith shop, for
the purpose of.better flz e protection.
and the use of less hose, which if it
proves satisfactory would cost much
less than the hose. On Friday even-
ing company r as out and
tested ie and it proved most satisfac-
tory. There is no doubt that another
year the council will extend it up to
thc market square.
On Monday the regular sitting of
the 12th Division Court was held in
the Industry hall, before his Honor
Judge Doyle. Four cases were
brought forward and disposed of.
On Tuesday evening a meeting of
the congregrtion of Trinity Church
was held in the church for the pur-
pose ca' taking into consideration the
holding of the anual harvest home
s: rvice.
Goki find in Goderieh Township.
For s me time there has been
intense excitement over the immense
gold finds throughout the Dominion
but there was no suspicion of grid
being discovered in Goderich town-
ship. One day last week a residen-
tial farmer who was milking the cows
discovered a rich find the precious'
metal being a gold wedding ring
presented his wife sonic fifteen years
or more since. The lady had lost
the ring about the time of ber mar-
riage and the find of gold has doubt-
less re eived many happy recollections
Mr. Samuel Sturdy was the lucky
11 nder.
• .•:-
WANTED- for. :1OtKen Vteltoat, yer
num and Diamond Jubilee.
Oactflowing with latest and richest pietmes. Von.
tains the endorsed biography of Her Majesty, a ith
authentic theory rd her remarkable reign, and full
cont of the Diamond Jubilee. Only a1,30. Big
Trememl us demand. Bonanza Mr uz nts„
(log.tni,kjonO pr eent, Credits given. . Freight
ra.d. Outfit *mi. Duly pall. Write for (mot
rani territory, Tint IP/MINION COMPANY. Dept,
7, 94 Dearborn. tit., Chicago,
e wilihave so*
hing s
COOK -In Wingham on Aug, 3, the
wife of Mr. Chae. Cook; a daughter.
Methodist church, Clinton, by Rev. B.
Clement, John Green, formerly of God -
°rich, te Aunie, only daughter of Win
CAMPBELL -In OUIrOSS, on August lst
Robert Campbell, aged 68 years 1 month
21 days.
Baty -In Wroxeter. on August let,
John Wilson, son of -Mr, John Bray,aged
1 years and 5 months.
14 Lakratmr-In Wingham, on August
3rd, Mary Euphimea. wifeof Mr, James
Langley, aged 24 years.
DuNoAu-At Glenannan, on July 29th,
Gladys, M. daughter or Mr, and Mrs.
David Duncan, aged 4 years and 4
GRIFFIN -la Howiok, at the residence
of her brother, D. S. Milne, on Monday,
July Oth 1807, Mrs. Peter G-iffin,
aged 37 years and 3 monts.
Toronto, Aug,, 2. -Dread of
smallpox has taken possession of this
city, and at present a smallpox is at
the Isolation Hospital, and the steam
er Passport is quarantined in the
Toronto Harbor, her eighty passen-
gers and crew being isolated for fear
of the terrible disease spreading.
Thanks to the Medical Health Officer
Sheard and the cordial co-operation
of the Richelieu & Ontario Naviga-
tion Company, Toronto has been res-
cued from an awful danger.
At 10.30 on Saturday night, Dr.
Shea.rd received a message from
Belleville, informing him that a man
who was suspected of having small-
pox had escaped teem the authorities
there and had boa 1 ded the steamer
Passport., of the Rienelieu & Ontario
NavigatIon Company, bound for
Toronto. Instantly the doctor real-
ized the necessity fur pit/14e action.,
Professor Shuttleworth was summon
ed and soon every officer of the
Health Department was on the jump
Steam Disenfector Hawthorne and. an
assistant were despatched to the iso-
ation hospital to make all necessary
arrangements for the reception of a
smallox patient, should one be
found on the steawer.
The next thing to be done was to
make provision to prevent the steam-
er from landing her passengers
Or in any way make infec-
tion possible. A tug was secured
and the officers and assistants went
out to met the Passport.
R. II, Whitney, about 30 yeats of
age just out from Glasgow was the
victim, and Dr. Sheard had him re
moved from the Passport, which was
at the eastern entrance to the Hale
bor, to the isolation hospital. The
Unfortunate man's head was overed
with pox marks, and he was in a
high fever. •
The steamer was disinfected and
the passengers vaceinated by Prof.
The Passport will betakes off the
line for the remainder dale season.
. . , , • • • . - • . .
Live Etaelc lYiterkets
East Buffalo August 4. -Cattle -
Steady on light receipts ; calves 15
and 26e lower. Hogs --11 cars ;
quiet ; not materially unchanged.
Yorkers and selected pigs, $4.20 to
l4.30; mixed, $4.10 to $4 15; med-
ttims, $4.05 to $4.10 ; heavy, $4, to
$4.05 ; roughse$3.15 to $3.25. Sheep
and lambs -Enough offered to make
a market.
11.1oronto,Ont.,8Aug 4.-A coesidere.
able amou.nt of business was done at
the Western Cattle market this
-morning, there being a lerge amount
of stock with brisk sales at good
pt ices. The stock was chiefly cettle
out of sixty-two carloads placed
their being only 835 sheep and lambs
30 calves and about 700 hogs. Last
weeks prices were fully realized.
The offerings in export cattle made a
fair run and extra choice lots sold
We higher than at last market, go-
ing up to $4.60 per cwt. The gen-
eral ruling however was $4 to $4.50.
In butchers' cattle the bulk of the
sales ruled $2.75 to $3.50 per ewe
choice lots bringing as much as $4,
There were a few stockers on the
market and the ruling prices were
from $3 to $3.26 ; a few choice ones
bringing as much as $3 30 . The
ruling price in bulls was $.3 to $3.50
but a few good exports brought $3.
75. Good 'Mich cows were scarce
and brought from ;$25 to $35 each
The offerings in sheep were light;
Good export sold at from $3 to 3.25
per ewt. Butchers' sheep sold at
from $3, to $3.50 each and bucks at per Th. The supply of lambs
was insufficient for the demand ad
last week's prices were maintained
The calves on sale were light and
ruled from $2, to $7 each according
to weight.
Death of Mrs. G'rieVee
Stratford Aug., 3. -Mrs. 'Grieve,
wife of Mr. James Grieve, ek4.1...Pe
for North Perth, now Canadian I'm
migration agent in Michigan, died at
the home of friends in Galt yester-
day afternoon. Mrs. Grieve was one
of the three daughters of Mr. Hatch -
'eon of Crosshill, and was married to
Mr. Grieve about sixteen years ago.
Her father is dead, but her mother,
Mrs. Bnrbour, of Crosshill, who was
married twice, till survives. There
are also two sisters, Mrs. Brownlee
of Woodstock, and Mrs. Robt. Grieve
of Harriston, and a half-brother,
Mr, Gavin Barbour of Crosshill.
Previous- to her marriage, Mrs.
Grieve taught school at Crosshill and
Baden, and was regarded as a Pain-
staking and efficient -teacher. Her
husband and a family of three child-
ren, to gills, Jennie and Jessie, and
a little boy, are left, to mourn her
Mrs. James Wilson lost her canary
A Winnipeg dispatch says 0. P. bird. bv death, one day last week.
R. land sales are still blooming. The Mrs. Wilson had. the bird. in her pos-
cotnpany sold 17,000 acres last session for 15 years. This is consid.
In nth for $50,000, which is three ered a long time for a bird of this
times the quantity sold last year kind to live, as the average age 610
during the same month. (years.
ecial to my
next week
Still leads In find g c • rico positions for grad.
We have bocn pl cif an average of two per
week. Forty-one w g laced between January 1st
and May 1st, four n ths.
The following is an extract from a letter just re•
ceived from one of the older American Colleges: -
"We must make a change of teacher in our Bost.
ness Department. Could you recom•nend a young
man to take charge?
We are continually receiving such requests iron
other Business Colleges and also from business
16 pays to graduate from a school whose students
aro in demand. College re•opons September let
For Catalogue, address,
D. AloLACHLAN 0o.,
Chatham, Ont.
Having left on business for a time, T
have placed my practice in the hands of
G-. D. Fortune, V. S., a graduate of the
Ontario Veterinary College,
Calls by night and day will be prompt-
ly attended to at the office,
6-llo JOHN WILSON V. 5.
is more profitable
to the farmer ,Ow
than his other crops. Brown Bros. Co., the most
extensive nersery house in Canada, have vacanu
in this section Write them for terms.
Toronto, Ontario.
Before Purchasing Your'
They are certainly the newest out.
The latest designs from both
and have nJ equal in town.
Remember the place, next door to
the I3runswiek Hotel, Wingbam.
Notice is hereby. iven t. t I have transmitted or
delivered to the ners• s cottoned in Sections 6 or
of the Ontario Voters 4 tet Acb, 1550, the copies
lequired by said Reel' s be so transminteri and
delivered of the List edo rsuent to the said Act
of all persons appe Inn by t last revised Assess.
ment Roll ef. tit said Manic. ality, at Eleotions
for members to to Legislative ssembly and at
Municipal Ele 0148 and that the 'd 1',t was first
ported up,at ty odic° itt 131nevalo P. on thu 29th
day of Jul • 807, and romaine there for ' spedtion,
Elector aro called upon to examine th, -aid list,
and If a omissions or any other errors a ound
therein o take immediate proceedings to ha the
said e or s corrected according to law.
Clerk of Turnberry.
ated this 20th day of July, 1807. 7-30b
since last ye
call and se
me an account
save expense if they
eoi 10th of August
t my old
as 1 nee the money an
book quared up.
Opposite Queen's Hotel, Wingham.
For an easy Shave and a First -Class
Hat Cat, give him a trial.
Razors Hoped.
To lay aside your soiled or faded
suits or overcoats!, but take them
to:the Wingham Cleantng and Dy
ing Woiks, and have them clean-
ed, dyed and repaired to look like
WE 71.AEsK.
41-41 KUShed With WorI irrl
ail' _,,,-,•,..-4. LA
LO -AT 71IE--
dllt ill: :01N11AM FOUNDRY
,,_, till our s lops are running over
j nin order to keep up with fe
oilo. ttirepairing edemdnolfade upon ns in
the ril.r.
Ry: i
0 _. •••611.... * 0
e, We have special facilities for at-
[:ari tending tp such work and your Ir
tii ifm.rtvesit elbbe uctiu.p taro vitt:- rii.i
f -fro,
bll',1„/ ItTk'dat;St.01;; Fr=
usjin time.
Repairs for leading machines ft
?J /
IIJ kApt in stock, also a large stock of
Plow Repairs.
if yon r mower goes back on you '
A when you start to cut, come and q
't see our celebrated new mower, v
which is a regular Jim Slick with Fi
Roller Bearings.
IfIrDo not fail to call while at
the Wingbam Races.
Foundry -Corner of Victoria and
Minnie Streets,