The Wingham Times, 1897-08-06, Page 3yi •t4 Ie TE PIHRENOLINE REMEDIES Taking the lead everywhere. We are working day and ntght t) supply the demand. Our correspondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds of poor ,.sufferers are being restored to health and happi- ness daily. TRY OUR c RHEUMATIC SPECIFIC OR KIDNEY AND LIVER PILLS They aro absolutely pure and healthful. Guaranteed to cure Rheumatism, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Lumbago and all forms of Kidney and Liver troubles. BEW:h.R': OF SP URIOUS IMITATIONS Sold in Wingham, only by Gorden & Co TO T E PUBLIC .''The Wingham Planing Mills are now running again in full blast— Parties wishing to have Lumber Dressed or anything in the planing mill business such. as- -SASa, —DOORS, —BLINDS, —CASINGS, —MOULDINGS, can have them on short notice and at lowest passible prices. I have also added a number of o or - a ines which will enable me to do work cheaper and better than ever. S. BENNETT, Successor to WATT Si, SON EL TO N S U Ali PS Will stand wear and tear for 3 ears. No better proof can bo given of their durabili ty than is shown by the fact that some of these pumps put in wells 25 years ago are still working. IRON and FORCE PUMPS Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended to. SHOP—Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's Livery. JOHN PELTON, Wingham, Ont THE WIN G BAM 'TIMES, AUGUST 6, 1897. Ji i 1 , , i., .111...tau.J+ , a„ .1 a ikit. til + • t t s WVs IT PAYS TO CANADA D?dSI ESS COLLEGE CHATHAM, ON T. Still co'Itinues its successful work of pla gni; stud• outs in chnioe pnAltIons. Between ian, 1st and May let. four months, 40 of our pupils secured choice sli•n.ttlmis as Iitokkeepers Stenographer• and Poachers in other Bodiless Col. Iaaes. Three reborn have secured places, one tocmnmenre next week, alot.har the following meek and the third aborta June 15 h !fere i9 where ;tradnatns of this soliooi have n decided ndt•antace over those tiradu:.red from the average hn9inoss r0lle'se. If interested write for rataloene and a complete list of whose students have boon placed. For Oatalogue, address; D. dfoLACFILAN ' Co., Chatham, tint FOR Cy�� SUMPIR SITS Made in the,. L? T ESQ' STYLES Go JBST R':3 QUEEN'S BLOCK, WINGHall T., the Madden Yeast Co., London, Ort. Genti.•meu.--We get Quicker and better results from using dhs. Madden's Yeast than any other we hays lace, and highly recommend rt. DEAN BRCS., Baketa THE :SADDEN YEAST CO., London. Sloan's Indian T COMBS INDIGES'rXO'V', _ DYS PBPSIA. HABITUAL 001‘17.' - PATION, BILIOUS DIAE- B.HO,.,. If yon are troubled with any of the,.t cnmpl:•inta the persistent line of ti111AN'a INn1AN TONt:, i1le:nrn9 a vm•t�. A weil.it'towa Woodstock 21Ta t Ct r: d. Keedstock, Oct., lfav End. 1,,J% This 1•t t) ca"rt1f3 that, 1, James it.taa tolt': • keop.w, of tits tow 1 bf tvoodatork. •ons . have her, a sufferer fro i• initlzeatioll and a veru wee etnnYn•l fot a 111Mih'1• el rears and have tried a creat nl •n. 1011101.)? •il.t.r,,nt ki104 1,,1` c.ul I n•1'v net: i tnintore,ry rn'i•rl for It filled 1.ln1 t. hat ttf :••r .i i 1.1 ono 1•+t',ln hf 1 ,1t' 9 tVet k`t t 'ue Ira ted rn,•oat :'•, a great difi•'rovic. My in,ll; stlml It• 14 h • .t.' • a I 111y 131:411111'.1 Inv% 9trooaae titin 11):W.,.1,1 t if ,1 ,1 I hid ashen e.:e•Irtl p lun,1'i I I bras, w•t•Ir., t :v very weAk anti thin in flesh lnf Ira. F t1,aII' 1 et... i nine or t t' hittlei in all, a id I nm 1111, 1, 1111 t'lt• Pamphlet of Curee, man, but still I do not w.t•1t t) h 1 •x1.:111, t) Free nledirloe in the house mid I eve t• It'.h'a1ly r •n r.t Prloe e1 per Mottle, 6 for $6, the same tom . e !laln Send for By Mail, mend 9141.14'9 iNntAtN TONE' to others 4.1if ,rim: h„ n a 1 . At all bruagiott' or from Laboratory. JAMWI Rosa, T:l'ga'.r Ree 1 r THE SLOPi MEDICINE CO. OF HAMILTON! LIMITED. 0. Drawer 3:3 :I t'nilton. Successors to Burtch rtes. & Co. Some Picnic Cakes Among The Poultry. COOII`IEs—Beat together thorough- ly ono egg and three cups of sugar,, then mix or chop together five cups of flour. one cup of butter and one teaspoonful of soda, add half a cup of milk; and lastly put in the beaten sugar and egg. Flavor wjth a teas• poonful of essence of lemon or van - 'ilia, or with a tablespoonful of cara- way seeds. Roll out moderately thin and bake. JUMBLES —I3eat together until well creamed three cups of sugar and two of butter, add three eggs, \\ ell beaten, nine cups of flour, one teaspoonful of RAI, two of cream of tartar, and a, grated nutmeg. After they are cut out ready for cooking wet the top with water and sprinkle with gran. ulated sugar. GINGER SNAPS—Cream together half a pound of butter and one pint of sugar, add ono pint of molasses two tablespoonfuls of ground ginger„ one teaspoonful of soda, oneteaspoon- ful of ground cloves, one apd a half teaspoonfuls of cinnamon, one nut- meg grated, one and a half pounds of sifted flour. Beat the lnixtui'e thoroughly. Roll out thin and bake. MOLASSES COOKIES. --Two cupfuls cf molasses, one cupful of sugar, one cupful of butter, one cupful ofmilk, two eggs, half a teaspoonfuf of saler- atus. Beat the hatter and sugar to a cream, add the eggs well beaten, then the molasses, milk and saleratus, and lastly stir in' floor enough to snake it stiff enough to drop on tins. iir•.RMITs.—Cream together a cup- ful of butter and a cupful and a half of sugar;, then add three well. beaten eggs, one cupful of chopped raisins, ono cupful of currants, one teaspoonful of cinnamon, one tea- spoonful of ground cloves, one tea- spoonful of soda, flour enough to stir in with a spoon as stiff as possible. Dt'op teaspoonfuls of the mixture upon greased tins and bake till blow n. DROP CAICER—Cream three-quart- ers of a pound of sugar with halt a pound of butter; add five eggs with the yelps and whites beaten separ- ately, a teaspoonful of vanilla essence, and lastly a pound of flour. Drop on pans and bake in a quick Oren. CANTERBURY OmKES–Mix together one pound of fiour•and a half a pour d '1f butter, then stir in one pound of sugar, two tablespoonfuls of cinnam- on, one tablespoonful of cloves, two tablespoonfuls of nutmeg and mace. Mix the whole into a paste by means of three well -beaten eggs. Roll it out thin, cut it into cookies, and ice with sugar or chocolate icing. WALNUT` MACAROONS—Pound fine :t cupful of walnut meats, add one cupful of sugar, one large spoonful of flour and two well -beaten eggs. Mix the whole thoroughly, then drop on tin sheets and bake in a quick oven. • Dying Man Grasps fit a Straw Dr. Agnew's Cure for the heart has dine so much for me that I feel 1 owe it to suffering hcrnanity to give testimony For years I had smothering spells, pairs in my loft side, and swelled ankles When [ took the first dose of Dr. Agnetv'scuro for the heart, my friends thought I was dving, it gave me almost instant relief alas six bottles entirely our$d me. --Mrs. h Lumsden, Scranton, Pa . Tho apple crop 'in Ontario will likely be a fair one. No such big yield is expected from the orchards in this province as was expetiencecl last year. There has been a sat of blight in sorne of the orchards in the Niagara district, such as has played havoc this season among the trees on the island of Montreal, where fruit has fallen off the trees in large quantities. Advices from the West- ern States speak of a good average crop. For Over Fifty Years, AN COLD AND WELL-TRIRD REMEDY— Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil- lions of mothers for their children while 'cloth; ni', with perfect success. It soothes rho child, softens the gums, allays all pain, curds wind colic, and is the best emedy for diarrhoea. Is *wait to rhe taste, Sold by druggists in every •part of the world. Twenty-five eents a bottle. Its value is inealu,ihle. lie sure and molt for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind At the seashore—Mrs. Mrs. Comeyns--- Mabel, why is it you never want to put on your bathing snit and go to 'the beach? Miss Comcyns—Ilumpf! T d:hn't . believe there's a roan within twenty miles of this detestable place! Deep water where the ducks can f help themselves while eating. The freshest eggs are always the best for hatching. Geese and turkeys will not thrive if closely confined. Peking are the best breed of ducks! to raise without water. When the hens have the scours' feed chalk in the soft feed. When the hens are confined they should haze plenty of good clear water. Always fed ehiekens before giving the feed in the morning', Froin new on, the best place for . spring turkeys, is on the range. By having low roosts the fowls will be more comfortabe, and bumble I Ifoot may be avoided. Dig up a part of the poultry yard and give the fowls an opportunity to exercise. Ducks can live in water all day, but must have dry quarters at night Removing to waren dry quarters will fight the biggest part of anv disease. Hens that are over fed are not healthy and do not lay regalarly. Good thrift will give the best results Eggs should be cleaned as soon as gathered, if soiled, especially those you intend to store away. Burn up the old nest materials, as soon as the hen comes off with her brood, and replace it by new. Boiling the milk given to hens will increase its value and lessen the risk of its producing disease. Fowls that have a good variety of food do not need artificial stimulants or condiments to make them lay or keep them in good health. If you breed the fowls to short Legs, you gain by having more meat on the body. If geese are kept at the lowest cost it is essential that they have good water and good pasturage. Loss of feathers is usually caused by want of green food or want of a dust bath or boot. Pullets should be kept for laying but a sufficient number of the best old hens should bo kept for laying eggs for hatching. In some eases late broods may be made profitable, but it rather the exception than the rule. Pain in the Back. "I was troubled with a pain in the back forinoothe, and after trying miter - al remedies without effect, thought I would use Iiagyard's Yellow Oil, I am glad to say that atter using two bottles. I was completely cured, and cannot re- commend this excellent remedy too highly. MIss ANNA CHA1'arAN, South River, Ont. The Jubilee Stamps The following explanation is for the benefit of those who are disap- pointed in not being able to purchase half cent and six -cent stamps : The number of low price stamps issued was as follows : Half cent, 15,000 ; 8,000,000 ones; 20,000,000 threes, and 150,000 sixes. For a fortnight before June 19, the date set for placing on sale of the jubilee stamp,, attempts were made in all parts of the Dominion to corner the halves and the sixes, because if certain parties could buy up these they would very soon have the control of the market. The demand was so systematic that the suspicion of the authorities was aroused, and it was finally decided that these stamps would be sold only to those who purchase complete sets of all denom- ination, which costs iv16.211 each. The only way, therefore, for collect• ors to secure either of these grades is to parchase the complete sets. Of the other stamps enough were issued to supply the market for three months. At the Athletic: Games—She— What a wonderful jumper that man is! But why do they keep ringing that big gong while he is making his jumps ? Ile—That's Jerohtmon; he,s from Brooklyn, and 11e can't do his best unless he imagine3 he is getting out of the way of a trolley ear. dAh yif•'4 �^ n-Adenta for "Queen Victoria, Iter 1 -neuro and Diamond Jubilee. t v • Penile. 0lth latest and richest pletnrms. Von - mini the unilma.'d biearaphy or I1, r Majesty, wife a tthautta itt,torr of her rep!'k0b'e feign 0nd .nll m',Anaet the Di:t.nend •luhilen t),ir,t'.,10. nix hook. 'Crem•n t..us demand. if ),anal for n rents. (',ommit:Ma) Ge per emit. Credit urn. terdght pa 1+ Outlet free. hof.. mil. write 'rr cuts: s rt terdtt.•y, '7133 DoMMtON COMPANY, Dept 7, 2.e3 Daarborn Ft., Chicago aesaeametemselllillied HE WAS. RIG l AN OLD YARMI171t ANI) HIS HORSE: SCR. PBRO:o ORTROI'r'.^'. SIVEf.I, I:4 eons It was in the height of the sleigh• ing carnival 00 Cass avenue, Three or four abreast the clipped trotters and pacers, gaudily trapped out and hauling highly polished cutters, dashed, titre and again over the course. The pace they in;ule was 13 rattler and admirers of horse flesh lined the sidewalks, says the Detroit Free Pres. Up and down jogged the long haired long-legged equine over which a farmer in rough clothes held the rusty lines. The brute's ears lopped forward and his head drooped. The rural sleigh looked as though it had served eleven months of the year for a her, roost. The box was filled with straw that protruded in a ragged fringe over the edges. The fast drivers guyed the farmer and his turnout. They suggested that he get a move on, that he set a stake to see whether his nag really did move, that he touch a match to the straw to keep the horse from freezing to death, and expressed a curiosity to know whether he was going any place, Finally the old farmer was at the upper turn when the racers whirrled and sprang away for another dash. Then there was a startling transfer. mason scene. The granger humped on his rickety seat. Isis eyes glis- tened and the lines were rapped about his hands The uncurred horse's head went up like a through• bred's. His tail stood out in a line, with his projecting backbone. His driver let out a yell that caused some of the war veterans to jump the fence, and they were off, Down the avenue the country horse went like a runaway phantom. Flying snow marked his trail like the tail of a comet. He went faster than a tele- gram and each one of those terrific yells seemed to give him greater motive power. He was jogging slowly back again and met the fancy racers on the way. His grin was maddening and the city men with their trotters realized that they had enough. They dropped out of sight by side streets and the farmer felt hurt because he couldn't have another brush or two before he went home to do the chores. Provhdonoe Thanked. It is with pleasure that I remain ne 1 B. B. B. for the cure of indigestion and impure blood. I bad tried maty medi- cine* but received no benefit untii.tl' ank Providence. I was advised to use B. B.B. and it resulted la a perfectcure. Mas. WM, Lome. Oshawa, Ont. { • . I He Wanted a Wheel "Well, my son,' said the editor to his son, who wanted a wheel, 'you'll find one in the front end of that wheelbarrow, and there is a big pile of coal ashes back of the house that will have to be moved. The handle bars of white ash and are adjustable, so that y u can get any style of hump on that suits your fancy. It is regulated largely by the load you pat on. The bigger the load, the more yon have to hump yourself. Be careful and don't mar the enamel on the frame and keep the ball bear- ings well oiled, so they won't cut into the canes. The tire is absolutely punetureless, so you won't have to take a pump and repair kit with you. • I3y the time you have removed that pile of ashes I think you will have tnadc a century run; also the prespiration. You'd better come into dinner now.' Eczema And Scald Bead, Infants and young children are pecul- iar to this terrible disorder and if not promptly cured will eventually become chronic. Dr. Chase made especial study of Eczema and disease of the skin, and we can crnfidentoly rocotnmeed Dr. Chase's Ofnt(uont, to cure all skin dig eases. The first application soothes tho irritation, and puts the little sufferer to rc at. . The following clever device is the way in which the nativas of Liberia, in West Africa, who have no clocks tell the time. They take the kernels from the nuts of the candle tree and wash and string them on the rib of a palm leaf. The first or top kernel is then lighted. All of the kernels is then lighted. All of the Kernels aro of the same size substance and each will burn a cersain number of minutes and set fire to the one next below. MMIES COLIIC, C ;OLEN1 , C sOLECA. !l7©14i�3Elt lE2O1EA) inSENTEhili, And all SU TPhi I C0Fr:l:LL3I'd'FS of Children or Aduitc. PRICE, 35c. Deware of Imitations; ONE GIVES PELIEP. 11.• i P•A•*; •S T l:^ 1_2o'' er:1 r .. and Family I.rcG.I- ciao : Cures the 1` common cvery-day ills of n .Inanity. CURE BILIOUSNESS CONSTIPATION SICK HEADACHE AHD ALL LIVER TROUBLES, AS a laxative, one pill acts perfectly, and if a stronger action is desired a cathartic effect is produced by two pills. In obstinate cases, where a purgative is necessary, three pills will be found sufficient. These pills leave no unpleasant after effect. One pill taken each night during thirty days will cure constipation. PRICK 25C. OR 5 FOR 51.00 s <r n : r rt g? `r 11 ( t' Or have you palpitation, throbbing or irregular beating, dizziness, short breath, smothering or choking sensation, pain in the breast or heart. If so, your heart is affected and will in turn affect your nerves, causing nervousness, sleepless- ness, morbid anxious feeling, debility. art mierwe Cure all these coin l:+fiats by regulating the heart's aetinit and b1 ildi up the nervous and muscular system to perfect health and strength. Price 6oa. per box or 6 boles for $2.5o. At all t;ruggists. ilt.ur, meat- ^r% '• 71•.ro' ,bt:.i. i ell 3 atent business re.t...•: 4 f'r MODEL. • Fl 'i. 33y -fficeit; intt.t':.-hene•`i3''i•laityrfl!.ci':.tent ( ce end no: t .ci.itirs fJrse•'I.' :.,t pato'' are unsurpassed Send i+c dc1. sketch or 3 o4..4gray.a. ,r inveutien,wits! tlescritlir:tl net Smtetne.•t es 1a,.. to".e, claimed. Cif -.Ye rhos,•: is rn•=•fe f..,-,. ..r.ittintt al to I,atcoeitt-:)t.yj. sed r v f e t•.. t 1•.•.ecutirt; the appticat• es win. Pel . n r.rlf'.. f„• WW1 tho q,ratott, 1 •aifr,1prd."I , r.• t . c t;utuC," cat. fairing ":11 in6.rntation c• -.t t'ee. ' ;`' Miran*. tettoat. CcASNercd e: Sfnlctt, ur.3cle311RI. FRE.: 'I 14. a-1aw 13E1 so 3' f1. 1.444,1* 15.8 ::° Heti:•1i;Ur. St. Ca Di \&10 0.011 41, y SYRU CURES COUGHS RHO OROS