The Wingham Times, 1897-08-06, Page 26 . t W I iii U AM TIMES, AUGUST 6, ib97. C 1T LROSa " ! i4 tt �ulreiltnet� in the town all, 1 e SEA FORT e~water'July 1,1th, as per ad- journment of last meeting. Members all present. The reeve in the chair. The minutes of last meeting were �"' read and confirmed. 1 Johnston—Jarvis—That Levi G. At tae 1'it'at Pieriti) terian Chureh Erb be paid the sum of $ti for keep on glut: •d:ty, July 27th, Rev. Neil of indigent and trouble therewith, 11ielette•• .•,•, al` LI. 11 , r a ser of and that a cheque be issued for the St. Piati':i 1, . tai. t. L. Ulla ul.t.: L, Is a€tnle - Carrie IIem'iton, anti 1s:tbel, daughter of Report of the reeve re County Liverpool and Glasgow, but these Street car Rev. Matthew i>irr of Seaforth, were grant and equivalent: As instructed eggswire careful selection and Elevator unittel l•; mar; :arc. The ceremony I met the the county commissioners require cuts' ive to should be good size weighing about Cuffs performed at 1 0 dock by Rev,anti the Carrick repro 15 lbs to the long hundered. The Conductor D. .11}' r, eDaziald, a�slsted by the father consider where it would be best to time is now commencing for the best Wheat of t'Ie bride. The bride was attired expend the equivalent to the county eggs of the year fresh August stock Corn in tien••ed c:•euln silk, with bridal grant and Mr. Thompson i"tformed bean the most suitable of any fol Pigs feet veil and orange blossoms. The us that we could only expend the the lgnglish market as hens then live Candy bl ide!�u);tris were the two sinters of equivalent when and how the county the bride, Misses Jennie and Maggie commissioners pleased and that we principally on grain scattered in the b harvest fields, and the eggs are con. Undershirt Export Egg Trade, The Difference Of Names. The trade Bulletin remarks that The English do not eall things by prices in the English markets are be- the same names as we know them, ginning to reach the point which is 13clow are named a few articles in more profitable for Canadian ship- both American and English styles: encs, and this appears to correspond American English to with advices received from the West- Bowl ern and Monteral exporters several Donkey good sized sales having been made Shoes by the later during the past few Boot days on the basis of 5s 4d to 6s 6d Druggist pre long hundeied of 10 dozen e. i, f, Ale • had no sap In the expenn,tnre w at Hash It would be well for those contemn- ing a trip to England to keep these few common terms in mind. There are hundreds of others.—Pittsburg •r, hiss J( nide wore a dtcss of setluently of a more dile and meaty Ba: organdie over blue, and Miss Maggie ever, 1 request therefore to be reliev- consistency. Even in eggs England was gowned in white organdie over !ed from any farther responsibility in wants the best and and will pay a pink, and ea rrietl a large bouquet of the matter. I consider that the t enliulu for thorn over common Thu recur was assisted by ' County Council should attend to its pock Basin illokc Boots Blunehers Chemist Bitter Beer' Tram Lift Wrists Guard Corn Maize Trotters Sweets Sweet- meat Lolly Vest Mince roses.. r, t - Rel•. T. D. :McCullough, Pali., of own legitimate affairs, as the roads Atresent the raisin and feedingDespatch. Die'den '111e church was prettily' are under the jurisdiction of the of hods is by far the best paying i decorated with flowers and plants,1 townships and they are responsible dusty for the fanners Ontario. In . and the bride stood under a large l for all accidents thereon and it also the days when peas were selling at bell composed of a rich profusion of ' causes en unexpected expenditure by 60c p S et bushel and barley r at 75a. roses, daises and smilax: After the i township municipalities on certain wedding ceremony a reception was roads to the injury of the other to ,1 the farmer thought $6 per cwt, held at the residence of Mr, Barr. aprice for dressed roads that may need it worse and itgoodhogs.Sure- 'I he bridal couple left by the after- I leaves the doer open for all kinds of ly, then it must be a bonanza when noon train on an extended trip to the log rolling and injustice to the town- peas cats 26c., witre down toh 5egsBarley 2$5, Atlantic coast. The bride is a par- ships and takes men from a distance 75 live weight and veru likely soon ticulariv intelligent and highly- to expend money on roads that they to worth $6 and over. - In this i.n- 1 but at R greater dustry • th f• rmers have a veritable educated young - lady, and is ems know not ung about g us 1 y e a gently fitted for the position she will I expense for the same that can be old mine if theyonlysee to it and occupy as the wife of the pastor of done by local rnen acquainted with g • I raise the right kind of hogs and feed one of the Leading congregations in the circumstances and needs of the thein on pease and barely, which our 1i •I and L her limey friends Will municipality. But as we have to of Canadian pork is greater than the .u11 tun, I t 1 fee other grants I recommend country is adapted for. The demand extend to her their best wishes for P' J the fat are. Let Our Dairymen Beware. harming says that Secretary Wil- son, the new head of the Departtnent I supplements thereto, but the county of Agriculture at Wash'tngston, is , should be held responsible if any After a Severe Cold. making a deteruiained eifot•t to Idamage i caused by them. Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured me of a scrofula. I was weak and debiliated and promote interests of United States Johnston—Jarvis—That the re• goods Sarsaparilla built me up and made dairy products in Great Britian. port of the reeve re the expenditure me strong and well. After a severe cold, I al d our Cadadian fanners, and especially our agricultural author- ities at Ottawa sh' end be on the look- out to see that this new and sorne- what unexpected competition Is met with increased vigilance on our ride of the line, so that enterprise fore- thought be not lost. We have been :'a long used to inertia and indifiet•- ence on the part of the American authorities with regard to the Brit- ish market, that we perhaps had come to the conculusion that they were no real competitors of ours, and that our only competition would come from Denmark, Sweden, Switz• erland, Normandy, Ireland, and so on. Bat if Secretary Wilson's vigil- ant activity be continued as it has be- • gun, we shall soon find out that cur biggest competitor in the British markets, even for our very best class of prodltets, will be the American Trodlteer. Secreta/ y Wilson's latest move is to enforce the carrying oat of the provisions of the American law in regard to filled cheese. 13y this law, which, however, has hitherto been a dead letter, every cheese not wholly made fur the product of the. cow (cotton seed oil for example, is often used) shall be branded four times on its side and once on its face in two inch back face letters with the words "filled cheese." As this law has been ever successfully evaded, the result has been that the English consumer has been bitten again and again by so•called American cheese product has so fallen of 50 per cent and bids fair to ehas.e altogether. "the place once occupied by Aineri• can cat ese," to quote Secertry Wil- son's own word, " being now occu- pied by Canadian cheese," Secretary 'Wilson is taking steps that the law shall not in future be evaded in the least, and he hopes to be able to re- store American made cheese to its former place of honor in the consider - ration of the English consumer. that the equivalent asked for by the supply,and English and Scotch de• county be granted but that no coma b missioner be sent from this Council eters tell us that it will still grow as the county hat appointed commis- greater if we only keep on as we stoners to expend the grants and have begun, of the equivalent to the county grant had catarrhal fever. I again resorted to and as this council did not under -Hood's Sarsaparilla which accomplished a completecure. SA.Ra.11 E. stand the conditions when appointing Annapolis, Nova Scotia. DEVAY. commissioners that the appointments be cancelled, hut this council is of Hood's Pills are the „f,worite family 1 cathartic, easy to take, ea'y to operate. the opinion that as the funds for maintaining r township roads has to '' ; Words. be provided by the township the ex- penditure ought to be under their A child's respect for its parent is control, so that the money. may be not secured by over -leniency any expended where most required.— more than by over -severity. Carried. A daughter should never seek nor Scott—Jarvis---That Mr. Stephens be allowed to "oladress" her mother. proposal be accepted Carried, In every family the mother should Scott—Jarvis—That as Greenock be the best -dressed member. Council has granted $10, being an equivalent to a grant made by this Council to be expended at lot 33, Con. 15, on boundary of Greenock dignified in the presence and one and Culross. That Joseph Johnston whosee old clothes he is wearing and expends the total amount of grant, a mother should at all times $20, according to the request of Greenock Council—Carried. preserve her dignity before her Reid—Johnston—That as the hill children. The mother who never on the 6th con. at lot 25 and 26 is in loses her queenliness will never lose need of repair that Henry McKay I her) crown. . has same repaired as he sees fit. Preventable misfortunes consist, Jarvis—Scott--That the ' finance' ehiefly 0f manifold things, little to do report as follows be adopted and butrimmense things to have done. cheques issued for playntent of the E he Ulan who earns one dollar and same: Levi Erb, keep of an India.- spends two; and the man who spends en t, $6; W. 11cI"vers, building cul• one and snakes two, stands on either vert, lot 13, cue. 8, a5; 0, McKee,side -of the hair line between disere gravelling tut, 30 and :11, 0011 6, tion and heedlesnesa of ruin and 6.72 ; Munieipnlity of Kinloss, Cul. safety russ share, 83; M. Kufl'er, 65 yards Parents generally receive that gravel at 5e., $3.'? r: W. Richardson, measure of filial respect that they deserve—not always perhaps but very generally. When a mother•allows her daugh ter to appropriate her wraps, gloves, veils and other articles of personal attire, she begins a familiarity which sooner or later breeds contempt. A ASTO, IA For Infante, an?. Children. Me tae- timile Signature 3e 10 or ,ry 47..,„4,e,„4".7s aa. We Have All Eeen Them. BANK of HAMILTON, t zn jam tics WINGHAM, Capital, 01,260,000. Prooldent-,JOIIN STUART. Viee•Prosidetlt—A. U. RAMSAY. Bett, 15G70,0CJ I rozzCrORS 4o5N PROCTOR, 050. ROACH. WM GIBSON, 1', A. T. WOOD, A. B. Lan (Toronto). Cashier—J. TURNBULL. Savings Bank-Iloure,10 to s- Saturdays,10 1. Deposits of $1 and upwards received and Serest allowed Special Deposita also received at current rates of ti .-i est. Drafts on Great Britain and the United States bought and cold W. COBBOULD, Amara B. L. DIC KIN SON, Solioitor. People who are proud of their hu - inanity. People who talk all the time never say much. People who never say much yet speak volumes. People who say a great deal do veru little, People who look like giants behave like grasshoppers. People who look like grasshoppers an dbehave like giants. People who have good clothes, but very ragged morals. People who have an idea they are religious. People who wouldn't kill a chick- en with a hatchet, but who try their best to kill their neighbors with their tongue.—Ram's Horn. The discarded finery of a daught- er should never constitute a mother's ,wardrope. No one feels especially and and and and A. E. SMITH BANKER, 1/VINGRAM GENERAL BANEING BUSINE3S TRABt3- ACTED. Moneyadvanced on Farmers and Business mon on endorsed note and collateral. • FARMERS SALE NOTES CASHED. Moneys remitted by draft to all p «r of Canada and the United States. Notes and accounts collected on reasonable terms. Thousands Celebrate With thankfulness their restoration to health, by the use of Hood's :arsapa- illa. Think of the vast army who havebeen cured by Iiood'e Same Derain. Dien, women and children who have ettfrered the consequences of impure blo,d, who have boon the victims serofu'.II sores. oruptiona, dyspet.si nerVJu•:.,ess; and steep"es:;nces, They r:v)tnolo, other inedieintel an 66 yds gravel, „':3.30; Jas Gaunt, eerier fur culvert on boundary of Kinloss and Cnlross, $2.48; henry Pennell,) building• culvert., lot 32, con. 10, 13.75; Peter 1Kt•oetc11, glove►, $2.50, lumber, $,'1,02, $4.52 ; Geo. V. Strans, 87 yds gravel, 13.1.35; V ltettill er, 1'J yds. gravel, $9,62 ; respect for ones belongings my -eerier II ihaitlenbt , gravelling, 53 30; V. a respeet for their possessor. 1ettinger, road through field, $2; W. Henderson, 70 yds. gravel, $3.40; J. Button, 80 yards gravel, $4; John Latimer, 16 yards gravel, 80e„ con - treat gravelling, $10, $10.80; Ed. Wall, 25 yards gravel, $1.25, Cul- ross share of grant on Kinloss bound- ary, con. 14, $3,50; Peter A. Malley, contract $1.32, gravel, 43 yds, $2.15, $8.47; II McKay, inspecting roll, $2; J. Johnston, inspecting roll, $2; A. Thompson, 102 yds gravel, $5.10; Patrick Lynott, spreading gravel, $3.50. Connell adjourned to meet on the Money cc? Loan on Notes. --111 PuBL+ISU$D ETE.I1Y FRIDAY MORNING —AT T1114— "TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE ETF.ET .WINGHAM, ONTARIO, Subscription price, $1 per year, in advance Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES btoney advanced on Mortg urea at 5i p0, contwith privilege of paying at the on 1 nt any year. Note and accounts collo :0'1. XtOBP. 1401' Dt)O. Beaver Block Wingham, Ont There are so many berries being shipped from South Essex that the railroads are unable to handle them. The Economical Insuranoe Co. has had over $30,000 lest fire losses during the past six months than it had during the sante period in 1896. Doan's Kidney Pills Doan's Kidney Pills act on the kid- neys, bladder and urinary organs only. They cure backaches, weak baek, rheu- matism, diabetes, congestion, intlamma- :ion, gravel, Bright's disease and all other diseases arising from wrong action of the kidneys and t,Iadder. 'Dosen't it make you sad when you think of the poor?" 'Why, no, not particulary. It makes me mad though, when I think of the rich.' ,Ile is good-natured, is he?' 'Good-natured! Why, I have have failed to obtain relief, They tried 9111 day of August at 9 a. m. in the known that marl to we ar a smiling Hood's Sarsaparilla and it did thein good 1 town hall, Tee3water. face when he is spenktrg of taking 'They perssvero1 u1 its we ;trd it Lc Oir.I:i. BUTTON, Clerk. off a porous 1)lawter!' complished permanent cures. 1)o you iia,#tire llfediclno. wonder that they prase., at.d recommendtlatare's Medicine for constipation, NV/man Of the world (to youthful it to you. Livor complaint, sick headache, admirer) --Yon 300131 to know a ir... Hclnileek---11''llat maws you nese, jaundice and tallow complexion in great deal about married life, .Are talk so much in your sleep Joseph? Lata Livor l'l}lp, f hey aro a perfect 1 v ,u In lured? Henpeck•• --(;treat Scott, Maria!fo It'ng laxative, never right or causing came r Youthful Admirer (with a ba: e air) One pili each night for 30 days will cure `• tte only ela'ttrre I ever get. -constipation, 1-. 1t. o; but My father is. v AUF:� S 8TTLE '` lett ELLS SIEW• •Positively cured by these Little rills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per feet remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi. ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. Small Small Do e1 Small Pri•no. Substitution tho fraud of the day. Sec you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, :>,si;t and demand Carter's Little Liver Pills. ADVERTISING RATES Space 11 yr, 1 0 nio. 1 8 leo..- I. m. One Oolu.un 800 0)' VI 50 8:0 0U i' p0 Half " 40 00 20 00 12 00 041 Quarter " 20 90 12 00 7 08 5,0. Uno Inch 6 00 s 00 2_00 1,00 Legal and other casual advertisements, Se. per line for first rsortion, and to per line for er^h subsequent insertion. Measured by nonpareil scats, ,.00al notices loc. per line for first insertion, and 50. per line for each subsequent mantic r. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed,SJtuatfona and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 line nonpareil, 81 for first month, and 50o. for each subsequent month. Souses and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 line• el for tl,st month, 60c. per subsequent month Larger advertisements in proportion. These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for larger advertisements, ori r longer periods. Advertisements and and local notices without speolfto directions, will be inserted till forbid and charge • accordingly. Transltury advertisements must be paid iu advance Changes for oontraot advertisements must be In the office by Wednesday noon, in order to appear that week GRAND TRUNK RAIL -WAY. DEPART ARNIVA Toro'tto and East 1J 511 a. tn. 2 40 1'. m 3:30pDI1025pm Palmerston mixed 8 55 a to a 40 p m London and South 0 53 a m 11 10 a m 330pn, 800pm Kincardine 11 10 a m 6 50 a In 255pm 330pni 1025p rn 830ainn Her AI iesty's Diamond Jut lee Cnrries "Queen 1'ictr•ria, }ler L;fs amt Mein,,' into every honk. Persons who never Bald hooks take ordersfnF(, Preface the tuner eloquent of of Lord DuRerhi a achievements. roto t no highly praised. We need n ore canvassers. Easy to make Ste to ildo a week. Rooks en time. Prospectus free to can erasers. Arid -Iw0IOnot,'.thin and it may fill your empty pn •krt hn0t(. 9I1IC I;1tADLE Y• GAIIRETSON (O. 1nn., Torado, Ont. ForTw4uty-seven Years DIJNN'S BAKINO c v• POWIER THECOOK'SBEST FRIEND I.ARG1EBV SA1 C I N GM4ADA. AGENTS Ir. B. ELLIOTT, PROYDILTOR AND POBLIRIIBR R■ VANSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc.. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rat interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, to and farm property bought and sold OFFICFrrteat er Block !VIZ:OWL I ale stn. tills the beat t111'•'10 for money inaki mt. you h 990 4,+on 1.),many a .,ay. Yo it nam" ani 1I h•••,1 H•II b•'ims yon rho ttol•um information. :. P. W. \i 1 4 •y G,' in to YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION. Y. P. S. C. E.—Meeting in basement of Presbyterian church every Friday evening. B. Y. P. U.– -Meeting every Tuesday evening in the Baptist church. EPWORTH LEAGUE—Meeting every Thursday evening in the Methodist church. i7fII IaTG'rIi A1�lI STEAM PUMP WORKS €14 Al4TE0 J.' A. NORTON, BARRISTER, &¢„ Ont. E ■ L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. sotter1On TO BANIr Or IC/WILTON. IIONBY Lour. Office—Loser Block. Wingham. M • CI. CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &o Odice—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew stroott opposite Colborne Ilotel. 9 GoDRRho II, ONTARIO. IENTISTRY.—J. S.iJEROSI E, L. D. S.,WINOHAs. 1,,uanufactur first-class sets of R v teeth as cheap as they can bo made in the Vonliuion. Teeth extracts!! absolutely without pain, by his r process, guaranteed perle.tly safe. OFFICE: L, tho Bearer Block, opposite Brunswick House. Having purchased the entire business from Mr. Daniel Showers, I ant now prepared to supply the public with Woad and )iron Force and Lilt Pumps, 3trass aiul Ilron Cylinders, Galvaanie- ed Iron Tubing, Cisterns, "Water Treesg11s, Sinks, Baths, Pipe Fitting, WeI1 Digging and everything in con- nection with water supplies. Galvanized Steel Windmills for power and pumping water. Deep well pumps a notciality. Itepiairing promptly attended to. Partue writing for information or or lering by mail should always slate doi,th of well. All work guaranteed oraU sale. 0. MORNINGSTAR u Laos 110 "4Vt h' m. Ont. a TX'JIE WINGIIAM TIMES, $i,00 per year in Advance. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. B., D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Ponnsylrut 1 Dental College OFFIOE•--MAODONALD DLOOK. NoT1I-11f11 vfsitBlyth every'Wedu•wday. JOHN SUTCIIIE'• GENERAL INSURANCE AOI.NT W INOMAY, ONTAR f. DEANS, JR., 4t'too ui, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOh .dE COUNTY OF IIURON. Sales attended in any .part of the Co. Charge ]Moderate. JOBN CTJRRIE, WlNanAnl, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implement,=, specialty. Alt orders loft at the TIMES office promptly atton,J, od to. Torn., reasonable. SOCIETY M.EETING-S.S . ■ Ofy Camp Caledonia, No. at, moot, . S.—the first rind third Monday iu every month, in .be Odd Follows 1Ja,, Visiting brethren welcetu* J. 3lurrav, Chief. D Stove art Iten.See COCULTURED pp RED I DIES— with force a C. i Ulla a..�± P1�AD s7 Charartor, noodl ins to 0 t•,1 111 „ ley'. ea learn how to do so In a go 4 cause, Address ABBE OALLOII AY, Toronto JOB PRINITiNG, INCLUDING Books, Pamphlets, Posters, 1111 Heads, Circulars, &0., &o., executed in the bent style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice, Apply or address 11, B. ELLIOTT. 7 Mss Office, Wingham; BOOKBINDING. We are pleased to announc0 that env ►looks or Magazines left with ns for Minding, will have out prompt attontion. Prices for Binding in any styli will be given Ort applie,.tion a the 7344x4 Office. r,' g� p��t Tien and 100)4103) 4411., ran w•or Pf�IiIT�lt9_._“hard talking nod writing si hours a day, Par six days a wcek,and e'ii bo content with 10 dollars weel(y', Addreas NI W 11'I:AS 00 Brentford, New edition 0f +y:,0 -u C10 nr lr' fitllin14, now ready. 1 uta ,.d 1141' w0 ,n.1 14.. ,• ; lates added. M,41 frsiu ' •e sig • Qe* e r,. I 1,0) u t .inn ata aTill! 01 I (• a ad. dpublished.i ,d A J 10o s.,,oi,,,14y licr Mak tty N1,A1+ rturn•ous an l'••-(-1.1. 1.:.' eLing the Loth n1 1,411 (1 all records 1 ns.• to in::!” thirty dollars weekly frnin Loy' nor 1 nano al Ju. ileo, Particulate tree. diey-Oarretoon Co. I,td. Tctorto,