The Advocate, 1887-12-22, Page 5ft .1;Ondon Ituren iruee „ NPIst Seesen Divfsibee gctilffIs$P1Ms—e-Ti4V TABLD—Pass'n'r. ale91do4depart...8.10 -ase. 4.25 P.M. 4, /Alban OrbPSing, 9.06 545 ' Clandeboye, 9110 5,15 Cenerelia:, ....„ 0.28' 4,38 'BXETEB. I .9.35 5.45 Heesell .. 9 46 5.53 . 9.51 6.06 Brucefielci,, 9.55 6,15 'Clintop , . —.10.10 6.35. Londesherol.. e:: .10.37 6,55 13lyth ,20.46 7.95 ilelgrave . . . 1 1. Qg 7.20 Wghenn ereive 11.29 7.80 GOING Soierra •Passeeger: Winglia,m,depart. 7.00 teef. 3.05 Sax Belgrave......., 7.17 3.28 BlYth. .. 7,31 ;3,42 Londesboro' , . . '7,40 3,31 Clinton ...,f. 8,00 14,10' Brucefield, &19 4.26 ICippen , 827 4.57 Hensel", 833 4.43 . 8.41 4.57 Centralie.. ... 8.57 Clancleboye ...... 9,10 5.20 Lucan-croes g . 9.20' 5.25 Londeniarrive, . 10,10 '6.00 Local. News. —.741S.Robert Sauelere wen the Geld Medelehe the shootmg ineteh, en Pileirs daY last, —A Man eaanet remember a thitie. by pasting it in hie hat. The pasting does not prevent the Man irem forget, Ong his het, paste and' OM —The.sniallboY inmseareelY thenglit' of his ice skatessthie season yet. • •4ut he uses the other kind peetty freely at the Dominion R.oller-Riek whan ppen. —Rev. J. P. gite;eof Leaden) oanne pied the pelpit o James street Meth- odist church last Sundey Warning, and efening, and PSeached effSptive ser - teens. . -...eSamwell Lis Pialeard we jeat re- ceived a large consm ignerit of good§ di- rect from) Ifriglarid ;Lad whi!ele they are offering at Reels Bettem ?ries. * was Rev. Jainae •Graham who tied,the metrinicalial knot for Mi. jos. Senior and Miss A, 'Woode, and pot Rev, W- S. Pescee, .tee mentioned in 'ourseast keine. • es—We direet the attentions of our ,reedees to the acivertisemeat a E. 'Roberts, which contains something of informati ri to everybody, Read it and act accordingly, • . ,—Mr, Thomas Atkinson, of this village, who has been eaga,eed at Ar. koisa im telegraph operafor, left, ore Tuesday for Winnipeg, o aceept a sim- ilar position in thet eity. —Division Court Was held he on Monday,- when the wages case of R,ob- inson vs. O'Brien, the particulars of which haVe already appeared' in these celumneewas tried, but was dismissed: —New boots and shoes, in endless variety i at Samwell & Pickard's. * —New is a. good time to plant your 'Christmas advertisement in this paper. --Ordered, clothirig a. specialty, a first.c/ass fit gearantetal. Sam well Pickard. .—Scotala F.;nglish and Canadian tWeeds; large variety- at Samwell and Pickard's. —Two cari•eads of pork were ehipped from this staticei hest week by Mr. W.. Bissett. —Stern *Infer, ahd teething short 6 bf will eslease the merchant and business man. • —w: J. Raker, sen of Mr. Baker, of this villtige, is home from Bearaptoii spending hie Xmas holidays.. POon MAN'S LAMANt. • Now is the winter of my discontent— Christmas coming without a cents. —Acton council has provided a stone pile for the tramps who 'nee/visit that 'village this winter. —The mayoralty contest in St. '11Iony's is narrowed doWn :between 'Messrs. j. I). Stanley wadi 1), Itae pert. —A good full line of albums; 'fan- cy goods, top, ;Sm., at E. Searlett's drug store, Exeter. —Mr. Isaac Carlieg, jr., wine taa been attending college, at St. Thorea.s, is at present home spending his Xmas holidays. —The prices quoted at Hamilton's grain market, on Saturday aue as .fol - wheat, 89e; red 'wheat., 81c; barley, 55c.. tcence oats, ' eie ;That is Christi:reel' te teacher asked: And withlook of pleased surprise, An infent prodigy quickly said, ,"Tis &day to.eat mince pies:" —'Tis but three days. to Christmas, and everything betokens the. apeedy earning of the Festiyal--nothinge enore sothan the teagnifizent disple,ye of the storekeepers.. ' —At Osgood e Hall', Toronto, on Friday last 01mm/se of -Hardy vs. Pic& ard, appealed from, the judgmeet of Judge Rose, in favor of the eelaihitiff; was argued, jaelpnent reserved. R. II. Conine, for plaintiff; 1 13. Oster, Q. C., for defendant —Rev, James Graham, pastor of James street Methodisteehurche of this village, preaehed the Educatioeal ser- mon in Rattenbury etreet Methodist church, Clinton, last Sunday and were of the highest order, and were listened to with marked attention by large.aucl. icriees. —.Thi e week we present our rea.ders with, an. elegant Cheiettnas number, will& contains the announcements of some of Eiceeer'e most peonii.nene bus- iness men, and are most artisteally displayed aild mechanically arranged, nod form A leading *attire in the en- terpeise, and a very intereeting: and amusing story. --Next Thursday the iieWe boy will present the readers of the Abv604!i% with his New Year's addrese, when we trest his heart will be gladdened and Ids coutitenance brightened by the re- ception of many silver eallinere" m dollare as the.eaetrmay be. Ilewever, small may Io the effeeleg, it will be thankfully received and Will hi a great degtee Iigbten the burden o 1,1in Oar- er, oy„ as he del i vines hi Weee ly 'budget, of news through wind, rein and snow to his ninny prawns. If he has ,perforined 1n dutice nobly and Well . then revietial lipi leunisotiiely, bet if allot, then rewerdh4eoiaodetlie6ly, —11heapple packieg is over, and it is estimated that at least $100:000 has been paid liy the several buyers to the ferniers of Huron for thie one,pro- duct ef their sreherds during the sea- stm: —The pulpit of Christ Church, Exe- ter, was occupied on Smithey morning and evening laet, by the Rev. Rural Dean Craig, of Clinton, who preaehed two very intelligent and impressive sermons to large congregations. --Ineeitiese towns and incorpotated viqages, the Nide schoore elose on the 22nd of Decern bees and re -open on the .7th of January. In rural sections, the schools close on the 23rd of December; and re -open on the 3rd of January, a. railway fares will he given dqrlug 9,;(1 Piri4t9PaS 4004Y01 eileet ow44* ,—On Saturday a sheeting matOb was held between. 4, her and I. Handford) for $.0 eteideleat eight birds eeela which ressilted in Sheers; beetieg PppOnO,ut by one hied. .,—The id:tooting path held at the Central gotoki ou Thursday laqt was a decided suecees. The cepteins were A, Sheers end .re lialielfertfe tied was for ,a sepper, which was wee. by Hand forcla side. —The aenual meeting of the Steph- en h.- Vsheene 4.gricultural.Sopiety will be held in the Town RA Exeter, en Thursday January 12th, at two, o'cloeir in the afternoon; for the despatch ef importanV 4u4in2si. See motiee ' nether column. —We understand that e shootiog match' has been arranged betsveme Thos. Bissett, of this villege, Huron's awl). ion, and William Sanders; who roves a short distance- west of the village,. for $30 piste, at SO'birds each, the' math to be me Friday ,er Saturdaye which day we have nolelearned, rare troAt, Wait for it. Dent miss it for if you do you will be sorry. The Directors of the Mechanics' Inst- itute, of Exeter, ho.ve completed ar- rangements with the Edinburgh Can- oed ceinpany, tergieteeene.of theee justly celebrated concerts in Drew's Hall, "ou the evening of Friday, Dec. 20th hist, Admission, 25 cents, and 35, cents. Mr. Geo. Spence, with severs or eight noted Scot* vocalists and' Highland daneere, will' give to the people of Exeter and: vicinity 0: rare treat. As this entertainment is under the aus- pices.of the Mechanics' Institute. It should be well patronized, and promis- es to be one of the best ever held in. Exeter. —The annuai meeting: of the Hoard, of the Mechanics' Institute was flotilla, the coorns of the library Monday eves ning, when a full board was represeet- ed, and the work before them for the ensaing yeas was done quickls avid in, ordr. The library is shortly to, 'be nosed to a room, which is to be. pre- pared for 'the same, in the new Zown Ball; and Opt. Xernp, was appointed care.:akefand, librarianat a salmi of dolkos per yeer.. The.1i1ro.ry willsbe open two tiays a weekatseaffind the members the pvivilege of einengieg their' books.. Trwjliikary sFxi a fery lio u riskii eund ition, 00 1) tan ing about two ti and volumes of choice and profitable.- aeading, suitable for all minds,- „As the Board` of management have detekled to0 give an entertainment we. trust the necessary steps have been taken to make the affair a successful one 'Committees should make their arraagement at once for the program- mes, and evety member of the society should feel it their duty to give all the assikance in their power to bring the concert to a successful issue. —As time rolls on, the Older resi- dents weaken aud die. Daring the past 'week a coaple of the pioneers of thieetounty hare passed away, being Mrs. iNLary 1Mitchele.of Stephen, and Mrs, Jaines Eakerl»ook, of this villager their remains were followed tee 'their last resting places Monday by w large cortege of relatives and friends. -e-One o the best preserved ad' gentlemen for his age to be Seca on our .streets .nowadays is nemeses II, of Egypt. He Woke fresh as a daisy after a nseaof,a few thousand years. Ms teeth are slightly disfiguered, which greately spoils his: beauty. What a dizzy old swell. he would be with a new set made by Cearrwarenm, the dentist. The world renowned Vegetable Vapor, for the painless ex- traction of teeth, administered. by OA1tTWAIGIII4 the dentist. —We understand that .the Glee Club, which has contributed iti to ac- ceptable a manner to local entertain- ments, is about to enter upon a more thorough and systematic tours° of traiailig. A number of the newest musical. books have been ordered, and other estrangements made, or proposed,. whieh will enable the members to do themselyes a greater measure of justice. than has hitherto Been possible. They have labored under sotne disadvantages, and tho fact that notwithstanding,' them they have been able todo so well, is a good gimeantee of their in- creasing proficiency in the future, We them success. —CANADIAN 1.11V1.SifOC10 AND F.A.B.1.1 jOURWAL. We have just received the Cozad" an, Li ue-gtacle and farm Journal for December, and as usual it contains much valnable information far the gen eral fawner. It is 110W itt itki fifth year of pulibetioe, and thongh started as a 20-pege monthly it has gone oh stead. ily increasing in matter and intereete as well ea M sea, tintil now it appears. as a SS pa g# nioil tidy. It elate% to have no superior' in t.iny et its dolm- inenR ts—vio.:,Stock aisime, Ta The Vet - The here:, The Deiey, The Poultry, The.Apiary, TJosti1ulturo , and The lloina We'do floe' hesitate to mem-Am-el it to our Patrofis as the leeding farm papru, of its elate ia Call- DAM- The, tilhtialptiOn 1)14C0 is $1 por annum in Advance, Patinas n9tsela scribers aro requested to cell et Our (Alice and eel: it, or to send fee etemple copies to the publiehers, et Hamilten, Oele - We can feenieli it mid oer own 0.aiset together tit 1868, f EX -ETU ,g4.14KE7-Sc ---- White Wheat perique/lel (new) 40 80 tp 40 si Red Wbeid per bushel ..,......4 'Q 80 te e 81 Spring Wbeat 't• • .., 0 80 to 0 gl Barley per bushel, .. „,.,,,,.. 10 08 te.' 0 ed Oats per bushel . , ... ,_ _ ,,.,, 0 $0 to 0 88 (Nos Ppr bushei.,..,„ „...„„ 0 $8 to 0 00 May per ton 8 00 M e 00 Batas per lb , , , „ 0 1.0 tc 0 80 Vggs•per dozen 0 17 0 18 .sti140.T ilb1••••••• • S. •-1 . "...1't 0 00 ..t.0 1 09 Ppiatb1: sa per 0161,1 0 00 .t0 06 Apples Per , ......„PPrk POW 100 nic,,, --•,-,11,er1.174 2,1,111, to.A6 —The Council met pursuant to ad- journment at the Town Hall, Exeter, on 14th inst. All he members prea. ent. The minutes of the previous meeting were read' and confirmed Moved by T.. 1B Carling, seconded by J. Pickard, Ohat orders be granted for the following. sums, viz:—A. Allan, $9.04ler stone; James Oke, $3, sers vieettuetioneer selling lock-up; Jitries Dittman, $03, blaeksmithing; William Treble, $7, labor; Medical Health Offi- cer, $5, services; James °meek 75c, labor..'.James Pickard, $52, charatiee to Mrs. Clack, and Dr. Hyntlinar;. $16, medical attendance, &a to Geo. Ed- tworthy and John Piper.—Carried. leloved by D, Johns, secondecb,laeo, Pickard, that the collector be credited with the following amounts:—$1, error in dog tax, T. Ilandini assessment; John Barnes, $1, do.; Wm, Webster, $1.75, balance of taxes unable to pay, and Mrs, Cann, 82.10, doe—Carried. Mr. Oreedli to furnish woocl'for Town Hall Report of the Board o' Heath was received and fyied on motion of I3iekard, seconded: by 1). Johns: Moved by D. johns, seconded by W, G. nissett, that By -lave No, 9, 1887, be amended by eildiureethesfollowing to elause 34 f said Bealaw, vie:—Milch mews are herebyprOhibited from run - ming at large 'from the 15th Chty of August, uatil the lst day of Novena, her, between the hours of eight o'clock in the evening, end six &deck ie the morning —Carried, Ily-law No. 11, 1887, to amend by-law es itivinTO was duly read and pessed on motion of W. G Biseett, eeemided by .D. Johns. The OOitiiciI atlIonenctl until call of the reeve. M Becittra Clerla DitlEalltas MitenereSe—Its Stephen, on the' Wile filet., Mary Mitthele.in her Nits 5,01t. IlaY 01046 tultori ,a04.4t toirilltuit 4 t? ttc'040 t. TAILOR FITTING tliithing; at ruinous prices/I— A.1w Aix .ItuiDa 'GP .P11,1111111 NO111111] IS REUPTilci0g11 .aeuesee uere,se- w.SOUTR.COTT PSenSt.S9eneerS,SAPS.iile 4o.iy,pay MARK Red Winter, per bps'l White' " SPring: 4i Barley 0. Oats 0. Eggs Butter, Rollie. Butter, Croeks, Hay per ton 75 to 82 75 to 82 75 to 82 65 to 68 32 to 33 20 23 25 to 28 23 o25 5.50tto 12 DO TORN,' T KE .7' 6' 0.76 to 8'080 0.7(3 to 0.80 0.38, to, 0.39 0.50:0 0.61 0.114 to 0.65 12.00 to 18.00 0.20 to. 0.28 0.90 to 1.00 0.18 to 0.21 6.50 to 7.00 Fall Wheat Sprine wheat Oats . Peas Barley Hay per ton Butter Potatoes per bag Eggs per doe Dossed Hogs per 1001 PNOTOCRAPHSI ••,••••••." jOSEPE SENIOR fiaving purchased the business of bes. Senior, wishes to in- form. the the public that he citebe found At theOld stand Mail). Street, Exeter. The Finest Cabinets iw the coun- ty. Elegant Finish. Oopying and Enlarging done on shortest notice. . JOS. SENIOR. UN TS' FURNISHING' GOODS at Panic eirii:es, he wijl get ALL THE TRADE 1N TOWN •R'' St; saye Q,ustomer. •-••—••,•••••••••,, W. Southcott,„ Mainsstreet, Eiceter. joHN. mciNNEs DEA= IN FLOUR and FEED .1[0.•••r aurorn Of An kinds, poopsp5uvER.f.:1:) PlEfOF Breakfastc.:},t,tieFHO:101:1Saadnol (siE,.:00,1y1 s Cakesone Ground Flax and Empire?, , JOHN Mc1NNES,-• MAIN, §T., EXETER. PENIT7ROVAL WAFERS. Prescription of a physician who bas had a life long experience in treating female diseases. Is used monthly with perfect euccess by over 10,0001i:idles. Pleasant, safe. effectual. Ladies ask •5.our drug, gist for Pennyroyal Wafers anik take no substitutkor Inclose post- age for sealed particulars. Sold bp an druagists, $4 per box. Addrem EEIIDLPICit CHEMICAL 1,,O.,,Diro10/X., Sold in gxeter by Dn. Teitz, and druggeists,everywhere. ,Oct 1 7 HAT SAYS SHE IFE OF' a /11\% "s".. ss 11,, MeCiarY? celebrated COr-\K-STO VOR SALE AT BISSETT BROS'. WILL HAVE OF Yon will also nd at their atom The largest & best stock of Ti)t, IV 7-4 Of all kinds,—in town, --and I tell you they Sell Cheap. -- They are now showing a 8eleot tissortment ofi3UILDMG HARM/ARE .r, at prices that have never been equalled .rixeter, Axes '3ust received it large .coneigninent of oe Gross -cut Sawse, Call anti eltarnine their kook, get vices, and you will beewell'renaid, gent * for th0 RAYMOND SEWING 1/1"aohibe ETT B 0 0,11 N-STo •