The Wingham Times, 1897-06-25, Page 5SAME
Imagine that an advertisement is it scheme to deceive the public, True in
some oases --Dot many. Doesn't take long to learn the quality of a firm's induce -
mints. If'Sou react our weekly announcements which appear in some of the
principal papers in the county, you will learn rough about this store and its style
of acing business. This is a store where you are not importuned to buy, A store
where you cite get pour money back if not satisfied with your purchase. A store
which ich auppltes goods of Staudard quality at as tow tt price as possible. C,uYeq ofRheumatism, wherepatientswereun
Prove tits merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla—post.
flue, perfect, permanent Cures.
CureS of scrofula in severest forms, like
goitre, swelled neck, raping sores, hip
disease, sores In the eyes.
Cures of halt llhettm, with its intense itching
And burning, scald head, tetter, etc.
Cures at Boils, Pimples, and all other crap.
ttons due to impure blood.
Cures of Dyspepsia and,otlter troubles where
a good stomach tome was needed.
W •.
Woman's Slipyers, Leather. extra value, 50e,.
Women's carpet Slippers, extra value, 25o.
Women's Pebble Leather Boots worth al 25 for $1.
Special lines of Oxfords at 850101, $1 25, $1 50, $I 75 and td2.
Ladies' hose, very special, 4 pair for ;5c.
Ladies' Hose, strong and heavy, 2 pair for 250,
Better lines at 20c.. 25c., 40c.. 45o. and 50o. in plain or fancy ribbed.
Lace Mitts and Gloves at 15c. 20c.,25c., 35e., 40o, and 50c. in Fawn
BlsOk and Cream.
Shirt Waists all styles. Prices start at 45c., better kinds at 50e., 0504
75o. and Toil. z. flood Si Co„ Lowell, owoit, Mass.
Ill. able
to work or walk for weeks,
Cures of Catarrh by expelling the hnpnrlties
which cause and sustain the disease.
Cures of Nervousness by properly toning and
feeding the nerves upon pure blood.
Cures 01 That Tired Feeling by restoring
streugth. Send for book of cures by
Corn 5c. a can. 5 dozen Clothes Pins for 50.
Circle Brand Tea is one you will Lind all right. It is put up
in air tight Oannisters at 25o., 40a, and 50e, a pound.
We are not in business for fun.
cKinnon & Co.
t aro the best after -.timer
MOWS OOd'S PIUS pills, aid 4igestani. 250.
ilk Came Xn Whfea Gone;rtrreeet Was- ..1e.
afoot Ove$b owl by Anout.
rive or six years ago all astute
Weai. Mr.. ;lantuei Storey, with charac-
teristio wariness, very nearly au t
the government of the day tripping.
had been "left speaking" on n Tuesday
night in Juno and announced his in-
tention to continue his remarks on A
rather exhaustive scale upon the MUM.
jug Thursday, when the dclwate was to
be resumed. This was just what s num-
ber of unionist gentlemen rvltuted, for
it happened that a little "event" known
es the Gold Cup was to be decided that
afternoon at Ascot, and, much us it
grieved them to mins the eloquence •of
Mr. Storey, they were bound to choose
between the two attractions, So ---possi-
bly with grieved hearts, and also poasi,
bly not• --•they hied them to the royal
heath in comfort and contentment.
On returning they "looked in" to the
house of coiumons to see everything
was all right and found that everything
bad been all wrong. For t;he sagacious
Sunderland Radical, having glanced
around hive and beheld the poverty of
the land, thought that his own words
might be silvern; but a division would
be golden. Accordingly he stated his
intention. not to indulge in further crit-
icism, and before the few Unionists
could recover from their amazement or
put up a man to talk against time until.
the Ascot visitors. returned a division
was called.
A few of the "early birds," having
Missed the last race in order to reaeh
Westminster as speedily as possible,
drove into Paliteo yard as the leather
lunged policemen were shouting " 'Vi-
sion!" The dread word, borne on the
S .ell it anyway you wish, either snmmer breeze, told its ow» tale. Into
1 Y the loltby they rushed like Headmen,
+r (n •fin •, . ..^,. ...'y ,yn....u {y'( ry, } t Tips t!h p--•- ,•,. RiSrt
l`II$TIVESSING MES'!,+ S- 7OX 8,, 1V ESSNP AND ' ,:l t ,,e,1„ A1 I)r..,
DY, OU' FZIalliti, TiiE VICTI,U-- 1 HAM TO HAY: 00N211R11 Tio,1971 R.\ irun.
Y.onr the Fergus Nene Record, j A sensational trial is promised as
Nearly every parson in this. 2L result t) made tf the arrestmade In the
tion is acquainted. with Mt•. David t little town of Myth, June 18, the 3.
lileliardy, the popular leader of the t ehargc bon, to defritud
St, Andrews church choir, i.+ergtis, I ereditol s.
Our reporter called upon Air. Ate- After an investigation of several
Hardy at his home in upper Nfehol months into a failure which took
recently, and from hull and lits esti- place in .November of last year, S.,
triable wife a tale of terrible suffer Jessop, his wife, Milesia Jessop, anti
ing was elicited, suffering' that has M. John McElroy were trrresic'd
brought a once exeeptioeally strong in. Blyth by Detective Patrick Heffer
And exceptionally healthy uhiid to Ilan and conveyed to .Goderich Jail
the verge of the grave. The so.,
ol) w;iere they will be brought before
jeet of the sketch, Lena McHardy, is Police Magistrate Seager or Goder-
fotarteen years of age, and her p tr • ich acting under instructions front
ents say she lite; not grown any Crown Attorney Lewis. The prison -
since her illness l.,'gan some twoard ars will be remanded for a week or
a half years ago.1 ler terrible suffering two before being brought up for`
dates from the time of bei• vaccination trial, number
in June 1894, and what she hassince of witnesses to be called, and 'T'we'e are a huge numbar
undergone has aroused the deepest trial ingpromises to bo decidedly inter.
sympathy of the entire fl.nlily. In est'.
conversation with Mr, MCHardy and CREDITORS SUSPICICLiS•
his estimable wife the following facts
were elicited:—"Two years ago last The history of the investigation.
June" said the father, ' Lena was bas its curious features, Mrs. Mil --
vaccinated by a doctor in Fergus, esia Jessop, tradirg under the name-
the arta was very sore and swollen of Jessop St Cu., ran a general store -
all summer, and became so bad that i at Blyth, Jessop himself .had previ-
itwas a mass of sores from the elbow i ously been in business: on his own•
is eorreet and the correct place to get just in tune to save the government to the shoulder. In. October 1894, a account, but had failed and the
a correct plow at a correct price is at from au awkward defeat Mr. Storey, large lump appeared on her back business had been taken over Tay lis
sweetly. He had been done by "only a who vaccinated her, treated her all 1 ember last, and the estate was n
I though not a sporting roan, smiled over one of her lungs, The doctor 1 wife. She also had assigned in Nov-
•calling fre uently, but I such bad eondatlor, that the creditors
31:37-41)(1r11-1. IGO afar
I short head." .And he would have actu-
_ horse...., racing , ,..e, a summa! very 9 ,
the medicine he gave her did her no became suspicious that everything
any won li u dozen a„v.u„ .
abjured Westminster for the pleasant good, and she was growing weaker was not right. They thought thaw
plain of Berkshire. 'pleas was Mr. Stor, and weaker. When the lump broke , there should have been more goods
L ^,1i; _t^; 4- L^iai}t G"^,1 j_j-rad^a,, t oc 3i "u` uu ;?!si 4 r strw; ey prevented from bringing ofZ a glori- out on her back another doctor was i in sight than the statement showed,
' ons triumph
of his own side of politics lead not also
1 consulted who said that she was
+ a
a • and there were rumors also that the
Tho moral of the tale is the fallibil-.I very bad state of health. Her eon- . firm had been cutting prices ext n••
ity of htuuan nature—even Radical hn-
roan nature. "The Cup" begat Mr,
s'itution was completely undermined' lively. A short time previous to the
Storey's fearful hope of "n coup," and land her appetite had completely l failure, Jessop endeavored to our -
he very iicarly succeeded in bringing it • failed. The last doctor called in chase heavily in Toronto, but even .
off. Since that time the party "whips" gave some outward appiieations, and 1 then some local wholesale houses
i u I sell him although Hamel
give the patient any benefit. Nine ton houses were willing to give him
such gatherings have appeared since credit. ' At the first meeting of
that titne, but each broke and the creditors held at the office of
disappeared of its own accord, only Richard Tew, Toronto, the assignee,
however to be followed by another. the assets were shown to he only
The child became very puny and $1,174.96, while the liabilities ,then
amounted to $8,650,75.
When it was finally decided to inves
tigate the failure, Detective Patrick
Heffernan, who had previously
brought to a successful.: close the
once but to no avail, and she was Bradley -Clarke conspiracy' ease, was
slowly but surely sinking. Friends glven charge of the matter, and for
advised a treatment with Williams' the past four months has been quiet.
Pink Pills and as a. last resort the ly working on the ease. The affair
pills were tried. To the surprise of reached a climax on Thursday,when
both parents and friends Lena began 1 Heffernan, acting under search war
to improve soon after beginning the I rants, searched the residence of Dire.
John McElroy, Jessop's mother in
law, and the residence of Jessop
himself. The search was successful
ed. The sores have not yet left her in both instances. .At the residence
back and arm, but her constitution of 'Mrs. John McElroy, were fund
is being so very much improved- . goods of every kind, situiliar to those
[f-1 3 U \4 NI i 1) I 1 I 1 G of T. Ii. Ross. They say tunes circ
E J V 1 8✓ r- very, very hard and no doubt they
[, ' are. I can make them a Rifle easier
r o—o—o—o--o—o—o—o A for,oyou if you buy your Implements
l" here. 1 have a few slightly soiled
We are prepared to give you something nobby in plows I will sell for $10, payable
u Summer Suitings and of excellent Value, We turn out October '97. I have plows with
li ()lily First-class Work. L oAl;rDy
L; 1111ttDII DB
'T '. )
Cr , rUA1tA,41 Its. >l
Ca -Give us a call before purchasing.
W. T. SU LLIVAN. , Ameriean Soft Centre, Cruci:it,h
Irvin's old Stand.
,,_ Cast Steel, will clean in any kind of
7r' .: . 7.4_sr ti t_ gisg,9-g,v4Earf let ofwhieh I will sell June at from $9f00 upno Come
in and get one.
kR9t.9h.Cariltuprc-:¢i,• •3:::s
Bring your Wool to us and get the
highest price for it.
Buy your Dry Goods here and get the
lowest prices.
I have tons and tons of ---p
A full line of Dress Goods, Clothing,H ats
and Caps, etc,
tretr,.MY'yte, M. •'
made from broken ear wheels iird
canister, hard and tough and ens. tit
any plow. Will sett them in tote of
t; or 12 for 35 cents spot cash.
have inarkrd the Ascot 'Thursday with lanced the gathering, but it did not refused to
a black mark and taken heed unto their
By way of revenge it was the Ascot
Friday -- Which nobcciy troubled to
think about—that rained the Bosebery
government in 1805. Men went away
to see the racing, and on returning to
town found, when dining nt the club, little or no food would remain en
that an ardent band of astute diplomat- i her stomach. At night she would
ists had skillfully toppled over r rain- n- li fairly rave with pain in her back
xy Campbell-iiaieuerinau, the war mij and arm, and consequently her
ester, on the comparatively insignificant i trouble was aggravated by a loss of
question of cordite. It is a hard thing, >'
after a "black" week in backing horses, slee She had the best of attend -
for a 1-cor legislator to find himself face
to face with the terrors of a general
election. --London Telegraph.
I still continue to handle the
I can save you from $50 to $101.1
if ycu deal with me and give r en
just as good as you can get l'r'•tn
those city plug -hat dudes. Pa n oli;z:•
your own town and don't forget year
hutnble servant
P. S. --Good Organs, Sewing \iae1•-
tnes, Needles, Oils and Reim.,,
always in stock and at right
prices. T. H. R.
Boots and Shoes, Groceries: and every-
thing new and up-to-date,
Scott's Emulsion is Cod-
liver Oil prepared as a food
At the same time, it is a
blood Maker, a nerve tonic
and an up -builder. But
principally it is a ,food for
tired and weak digestions;
for those who are not getting
the fat they should from
their ordinary food; for chil-
hi-dren whom nothing seems
to nourish; for all who are
fat -starved and thin.
It is pleasant to 'take; at
least, it is not unpleasant,
Children like it and,ask for
Sema drug sts have a "lust as goad"kind• isn't
it= Mll ot ers try to e4uoa gCori anaugh for you to
The Rinds of Currency That Are used. by
I oreign Countries.
The 13ank of England note is 5 inches
by 8 in dimensions and is printed in
black ink on Irish linen water lined pa-
per, plain white, with ragged edges.
The notes of the Banque do France are
made of white water lined paper, print•
ed in blue and black., with numerous
mythological and allegorical pictures,
and running in dencneivatiou from the
25 franc note to the 1,000 franc. South
American currency, in most countries,
is about the size and appearance of
American bills, except that cinnamon
brown and slate blue are the prevailing
colors and that Spanish and Portuguese
are the prevailing languages engraved
on the face.
The German currency is rather ar-
tistic. Tho bills are printed in green
and black. They run in denominations
from 5 to 1,000 marks. 'These latter
bills are printed on silk fiber paper.
The Chinese paper currency is in red,
whitb and yellow, with gilt lettering
and gorgeous little hand drawn devices.
The bilis, to the ordinary financier,
might pass for washing bills, but they
are worth goal utcuey in the Flowery
Kingdom. Italian notes are of all sizes,
shapes and colors. The smaller bills, 5
and 10 lire notes, are printed on white
paper in pink, carmine inks
and oriiamented ith aue c finely engraved
vignette of .King Humbert.
The 100 ruble note of Russia is barred
from top to bottom with all the colors
• of the rainbow, blended as when shown
through a prism. In the center, in bold
relief, stands a large, finely executed
vignette of the Empress Catherine I.
This is in black. The other engraving is
not at all intricate or elaborate, but is
well done in dark and light brown and
black inks. The Australian bill isprint•
ed on light colored thick paper which
shows none of the silk liber marks or
geometria lines used in American cur-
rent)* as a protection against counter-
feiting.—Golden Days.
use of the •pills. Her appetite re-
turned, she became much stronger
and her general health improv -
under the treatment of Dr. Williams
Pink Pills that her parents are look-
ing for a complete recovery. Mr. concession 8, township of Morris. A
and Mrs. Melardy thank Pink Pills lot of the goods 'were in the original
for the present improved condition packages. At Jessop's place in
of their child, as they have done Blyth, other goods we~e also dis-
her more good than the scores of covered. The mcreliandise compris-
bottles of doctors medicines which es dry good, blankets, dress goods
she took. boots, hosiery, shawls, glassware,
Dr. Williams' Pink fills are china, groceries, silverware, g•I t e-,
blond builders and nerve restorers. furs, carpets, lamps buena a n 4l o tier
they supply the blood with its life artiles. In fact there was r , il;t lent
and health giving properties, thus to store a sample room at the Queens
driving disease from the system. hotel Blyth. Jessup bad purchased
there are numerous pink colored a ticket for Toronto onTuesd'ty last
imitations against whish the publie but returned to Blyth, and he with
are warned. The genuine Pink his wife and Mrs. McElroy were
Pills can be had only in boxes, the arrested. The McElroys own three
wrapper around which bears the full large farms in the neighborhood; of
trade mark, "Dr. Williams' Pink Blyth. 'Mr. J. R. Shaw of Smellie
Pills for Pale People. Refuse all , Shaw, Toronto, will conduct the
sold at the store of Jessop Sc Co.
MeElrov's house is situated at lot 13
one pound of learning require* ten
pounds of common sense to apply it.--
ileassiau Proverb. • • •
others. trial on behalf of the creditors.
Other goods are supposed to be miss-
BI,UEVALE. ing, and it is thought that these may
have been carted across the country
'Ir. Walter Ruthorford is impriv to Wingltam, and shipped from there
ing, to Manitoba. A permit will be asked
Two hundred excursion tickets of the Canadian Pa eifie officials to
were sold here 'Monday* morning. examine ti e books at Wine -bane
Miss Mary Little of Orono, is here
tending the wedding of Miss Mag-
gie Burgess.
Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Pah attend-
ed the Sons of Scotlatld ttc nitre in
'gingham an jubilee Bight.
On'1onday evening Miss Daisy Moss
zi as presented with a dressing dace
by her Sabbath School class of little
es Lillie Oliver of Clinton and
Annie Oliver of Toronto attended the
wedding. of Miss Maggie Burgess and
Mr, Will Frazer on Wednesday.
Veil on its T'aee
While assisting in erecting an
arch in Scnforth, for June 22nd,
David Stewart met with tan acei
dent, which, happily resulted
in nothing worse than a severe
shaking rip and the hiss of
several al teeth. The accident e as dtig
to the giving away of a board, caus-
ing lair. Starvart to blit a distance of
twenty•fiv-e feet on his face.