The Advocate, 1887-11-17, Page 4E1414QT griLTOT, AARAT§TE443, Solicitors, OPoYePuleers, &c, lie!gler ti)lsos4 LO &MOT, gLLIOT, The Exeter Advq9__ THOUS P AMOR E AZID Main Street,. gooier, THURSDAY,. NOV.. 17th, 8.87. PAY UP ? —NOTICEe--Pleale paylour sub, mription for the ADVOCATS. We have * large number of subscriber& names on our book* who are in arrears,, ancl tee earnestly entreat all sue4 to call ear emu and pay the same. We have in - coned a large _expense in the purchase of new type, ornaments and stationery,. together with the many disadvantages lonnected with, starting le new paper,, makes it doubly necessary that allavho erfve u; either for newspaper or job ac- count, should pay up., ,As this is our int appeal to, delinquents,. and we past have money to relieve our liabili- Alert we hope it will meet withan im, *White and hearty response:. Fifty dente to each onein arrears, all over the county, is not much, but in theaig- grekate it means many hundreds of siollare to us. Our office expenses are heavy, the wife and little ones have to be fed and clothed, the butcher and. baker have to be rid, whilethe dry - goods man, tailor, `grocer, and cobbler, each alike are looking for their money, and "the workman is worthy of his Illire,wand in order that we may meet these necessarienpf life and fulfil the Divine command "owe no man any - 'king," we urgently request A.LL to pay tip. Please remit at once. Taos. PASMOHE, publisher, ML JOEN MADDONALD, Toronto, has been appointed to the Derail:lion Senate in succeesion to the late Hon. m. Mark If the lseta and fAcIPliaistr4tioll ef the N9rthWeSt were What theY 0.9910 it Would not nee ci RIP ig*ion ogootk to colqtp 1)ril4o ,pePple to Settle tlAer4 The American NorthweSt Ws; no OPilt uP by any BR eh Process. :Natural ad- vantages always ,advertise thesl§elvPs, but When these are offset by artificial drawbecks, all the advertising end booming in/the world wilt he camper, atively ineffectual. .TnerAMINTHENT of John Macdon- ald to the vacant Ontario senatorship 18 coritrary to the usual (insteps of the Goverament, Mae Macdona.l's politice being oppose d le) thoes.of the AcIminis- trors tte,. Doubtless Ate John reisoned that liras Hew full; ofZhis subservient creatures one more Oepositieraist would wake no practical differencei while the nomination would gairAina credit for liberality: Mr. Macdoitald i so,much superior to the genergrun of Senator; that to speak of the appointment as a fitting one, or an honor to the recipient seems almost libelee; Such appoint- ments are aot likely to be sufficiently numerous to change the character of that body,,if that wero desirable. ••••••••=•••• Is is rumored, that Hon. Edward Blakewill. shortly be elected for. ten Irish constitutiency, having inviews* promised seat in the Imperial, Cabinet. as.soon. as the Liberal party retorns to power. In the British. Rouge of; Com- mons, if. the rumor prove true, he will make a brilliant figure, and, we doubt if a..more thoroughcebinot minister could be found to support Gladstone.. With such a close and powerful mind, and with the eyes of the British people Upon him, Mr. Blake would be so then. onghly prepared.for the facts, and'cle- tails that he woeld astohish the whole race of Britishers. If Mr. Blake should enter British politics, ;the. Canadian people wilLwatch his career with inter- est and pride, and his. successes will be cherished in this country,as, one of. Canada's greatest eons. eter,. •11........1•••••••••••••=.•••ii•1•1•1111, l'AUCTION. SALE MAY02 novae:ND having announced 1 Of a Valuable and desirable FREE -116:41/ PROPERTY, —IN THE— h. is not a candidatefor a third :terse, Toronto seems to be terribly •exercised as to who shall be his successor. This leads an outsider, to reflect that a city may possess a good many men and gtill not have a _seat Luau, TAT US not 'be too hard on our Yan- kee neighbors. So, far as theyeepan retch them, they appear to be deter- mined to,let no political; or money 'in- fluence Prat nishing their hoodlers; whereas in and bribers are taken to the ``r" .*. Minister' e bosom and givee offices of emolument. Witness the •manner in Walter Jones, of Walpole,, the sonfessed Halaimancl briber, ig being ?rota if public expense., ViLLAGErg EXETER Under an assignment for the benefit of Creditors, made by George Willis to:the vendonahere Will be sold by puhko auct- ion on the premieee, on Saturday, the 3rd day of December, 887, at the later of 2 o'clock in the after - by John Gill, electioneer, the foll- owtii arable land and premises:—Being part ei stuwey ot part of •Lot number fifte.*ain the first concessioe of the township '.•-fteettsbcu•ne . consisting of use and threat elatel'y owned awl esidAbw George Willis, in 'be Ulm propertyes able one, occupying one of the fines1 si eS in the thrivosg villege of F.xetereend consiste of, over an etre of isud,on which are erected a good storey and al.mlf brick house with kitehen and woodshed additiouf and a good frame stable. There is good hard exclsoft water on the premise; also a number of excelleutifruit trees. ' 'offered for sele oc, or in eel -cols to suit pur- chasers, and will be so ‘et to a re- served bit. There will.be ;Ilea sold at tie e time i.i place, the following thattel erty: eeor stoves and pipes; 1 glassed Dard 1 eaten= and steel; 1 centre 'tk le. and ,nei kook in the Exeter Salt w kr: Can') alif‘number of' other artic s. of Sale. Chette opertY h arni•the reale e- tle ditto 10 pe et. of th AVieretee_ema.,shiVney on the day o Le, and the lialliffeWiti one imolai there& For furtherj..ticdarS and conditions of sale, apply to coteee SAAWeera Assi- gnee, L. LLIEDI d Ja.steS Robesoo, inspectors, Or to JOIN GILL, I, COLLINS, Auctieueca. S icieor for Assigieete Exeter, Nov, 10th, 1 —2ie IltcHARLE6 TOPflut been re- ,Alecti4. for Cumberland, N, by a largO iilp'eritY, The Liberals AO Tupjjja earnest request th *Tumid h e DO opposition, a strengthen'', 's hands as Fish e's' Com salesioner, bu disgrim or,y, said lbOlboi, a Prhibiti rated of run - ;sing, of corse vies beeten. The Liber- als generally did not vote, and 1,900 fewer VOte9 were polled than wee Tog,. ilterett in February, it IS announced that the. Dominion doveinment hag, adopted a Pew policy tor the eneouragement of imMigration to the Northu4st. It is going to gond home al agents farrneta who 'have had practical experience of life in that regiens wires instead of de1,iver:1;g pub- lic. lectures? Will go reund arriong the Ad eountry farmers and quietly talk up the eountr, Mit whatever measure al gni-easel:pay attend this new depart- iwalt rot* very little difibeente se long iiiike*ouht )1.660 irriMigratits in ittlIsienftelnere get the hoe. • ,$Txtygp,. Str,700.ftcw-tImPr,Pli.A0A,9f• the sell, ricribV4 ):4 13, 04,.. 11, towo4Op, of' : step)? 1.4%7JAng, ,$o)Y. with , tnb.t4i1`.4114 .o Og( r1o$:-.4o AP4ei • AAY• Pers son Ovipft;HP.IWA :i2.1fQ#41,41P4s. iU lead lie .recovery ef the Aedne w41.eeit- ;My l'pwgr(.W', ilgeWnMaTUT Crediton • •-• • ea .• •-• • a ...see, , F'0„17,0 fo1e_by Ausctlen;., Tbu'utworsigue.4114e-mei.17e.C, ipktmet, •ieentoerell by Fablie Auetieti, on tha prerrrisee, object to .0, eesery,ed hid, on Wdneaday, Neyernber 244,_ at 1 4194 theestate of ThotnitA Situ, beirig Lee 18. corr. 10; Teweship of Seepheri, :ceeteining•100. ;Acres. • Theeterms Will he •made linOWn on day of sale, 'Vor' further 'particulars apply to "W.Imivis,Marergge, Anetieneer. Oroditou „ The bergherg he1d'e7,sa, carniVal at 13tatiUord the otherht, and etittr- , ed three storett, froin Ali,111. they real - ted about $160. Jones.as-In ITsborne, on Ili iriet., John 'i/ones, 'aged 38 years, Eteteri on Oth Inst., the wifo of W, 3, °titling, of Tiq's Oppo A G OD PIT GUARANI")) j. STRIACOMBE erchlint Side of Main Street,. EXETER, te the new English Church. La et Styles of Goods kept in,. STOCK. " CALL SOLICITED. J,. Smallicornbe. Yew, PrernisesVF tflW Gtoa rt,c' Respe Cus tlly reminds 113 many nors.. and the public rally that'll° has re -- moved to . ES IN • ---NpxT.T0s 11---- j `1.- .rgiVrt" Olttoroati. mqn greet, ,EXETER. Wher he has ,just received, ASSORTED' STOCK OF REAR,' MADE---- 7-1m----BOOTS e6SHOES• , ALSO Handade work Of thebighest Class.. A4aI Solicited, and Satilfaction Guaranteed DEL MANSON; • omv•••••••iirrommcmwromnsxmorwaterarrmsargnona........ KILE9, THERE Ro4vE ts; ANDREW'S , IA A WA C For B Hoe of 1887: citolber,. ., Another a II of weather I Wet- in the eas L Terrible cateetrophe in Ne e York I 53 people suc- cumb t base ball fever, Police orderedr out to keep back the crowd . row our Wareroorus ; Soveralseriously jammed. N ovemer. Look out fr snow,- Fathers with eligible daughters, unhang the , front gt e, and beyone of our cosy sois, Warranted to bring the moi4 bitshful young -man in the clx try to time in short order 3ed3, Spring trattresseee, Lounge etc., etc., in endlcso variety. i)e4re tabor; Change in,' the, moon, andmore weathei, trioliLstie"slli eili ell.,fseloltsg7, Clo-rtles, Hobos and Trimmings, Ara 'unexcelled. %Warned lindertidiere, alino Ringo, no 'Cliques, we bee all ke. Our Oleos We govern ourselves, and ea !mist feenle know they Itr13 very- tnederate ;Wil.nrideratand, and Make a epeelalty or this part or out hustuo8s. cmil mid sbo•biihirci you. lees (Von day, And night. RZIYIEMBER!lie PLACZ. .. ritews, olds tand,--one 'door. 'north Di MolSotOs Ban c. •Aowe & Andreive.,. SA I f• 'Having this 'eeeson puecheeed' most of' met etoelt 4ireet, troo; nqp.unfacturerW in Er)glAp4 ard PerfoaPy, to 49 s ve h4d to give ,t,ttt Orders.' very Parity in the Agagonr op.ct as the prospeet4 looked wellWe bought largel.fe the goods 1!.45-e. now erriyed and we find that hard timeare casing a great depeessitth trade, we have therefore clecicle'd tCY Poet tbe tithes by mariong 11 go9cis afo HARD w PAN PRICES as to inserts a, speedy clearance, therefore we would ineite all intending par/ chasers To Call and Inspect our. Stock: and note Prices of all New Goods, including. Ladies' Dolmans, Jackets, Ulsters, Misses' and Maids' Ulst E s, all sizes. Mad. & Colored Siljo SA.TIN Dress goods in all'the newest colors and styles. Flain and Fancy' PlusheseScarlets, and Plain and FanoysHosiery and Gloves. Alm a, fulldiate of .MEN'S YOUTHS' and BOYS'. itritalt IviaDE CLOTHItiiGt1 H ATS grid All of whieh will lie sold at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICIE: ri s ti Co m rn...exciat .UVERY. • •••eie eV`tc.V.,.STA4te Rigs and Ecrses Est -class.. zr orders left at the HawkahawcHouse, or at the gable will be promptly attended to. apasoil ABLE. GET.TIM.1 BIEITST . TRE WESTERN 11) V ERT I S ER OF LONDON, O'NT. restly improved, illustrated Artioles1 All the NeWs1 Popular Departments i;'y' • Homo Reading.' 12 Pages Regularly Balance of 1887 Free To all now subscribing fax the year. 1888, at the low price of ...v. - .... .... .....1...„. ,....... == f 1 PER A CI) 1\14.5-LV1 Talmage's and other Sermons. Excellent niusicalSelecti0116.:,„ International Stnday L$'s. 'THE HOLLY QUEEN.' A limitecl nurober":of • this Beautiful premium: picture is oared sub- • scribers for 10 ,dents extra. THE WESTERN ALYVERTISER AND PREY. $1.10 Agents wanted everyWhera Twenty- Ve valeable prizes to be awarded over ander:116Y°, the cash ebrnmigsion to the most successful agents. Regietered lettere conie at our risk. For free sample papers, terms to agents, ette, address, Advertiser Printing Co.,. Lorsclon, Ont. F ES EELUSAMIC And tile proofot the pudding i in the' eatingeand if you are not already a customer of A. E. ROSEN.BERGER,, become one and prove for yourself:that he has the best bread and confec- tionery in towns eddirt:0" CarkeS. A Specialty. A:: E. ROSENBERGER: Two)doere. north Drew's Opera House,. Main -street - Exeter.. WILLIAM SAit AGENT,' FOR THE Commercial Union Assurancw ' Company ot GREAT BRITAIN. Capital and Assets, $21,000,000, —AND THE -- Lancashire Fire Insurance MANCHESTER, _ENG. • The AD700ATES Olnbbing Offer. Yoii'nolin have The Western Adver- tiser and it beautifill Premium, togeth or With the Al5VOOkr11for 1888; for only $1,75 by addressing T., Passion, Exeter's, Ont. , CAPITAL, - • $14,600.000.bo.. Tho best,and most reliable Fire Insure' anceCompanies in the world. ADVOCATE OFFICEi. EXETER. BUGS! BUG'! BUGS t! • Bugsare trop and you •Muste play; en ay Faris Green if you want to 'make a point. PURE: PARIS GREEN, Irlie'Greitt Eingeliiili PreedriPtiOstO. ' . A. tudeeaAfril -Meditind ti,Sett Over. ' SO yeais in 1.110t1Skiia. ,of 'd:tiefi, Orme Stiefnitztotrhed,, . Are-nolo* WOakitit.A. Eirliblotb, bitliotelloy • mid 'alldinen,nen oPbeed by atiiine: framing] eidiseretiot, oieever-escoseee. rialto SIrt On ekagen Chrin'Onteert to Our'e inlion tilt other4 . Fail, Ask yOtir Orngint 'for Imo Oriisit ErnrIteh PreeeilotIoni triltei. no nrinatltnte. brie ptiOlttign 'S't. Sti SS, by tali Write Or Paniphint; Addres.s Etitirekli•:Clittaiiittil Co., DetrOitf MICLiti . soia ..iii: lilkttili. bit .D-1.. Litt- and , 1 ,. Artigglas..ovol-wiitio.. , Qt 1, 7 THE— POMINIONLABORIA,TORT ALSO Relleboro, and Fl.Y, Nthr; Always aefell supply, of Drug;; Dye; , wed, Feeicy Goods. miffig: taeido a specialty:, J1 W9Eit PROritiBrOP,'.