The Advocate, 1887-11-17, Page 1VOL. L.
F Zito dgettr tiverente,
publioxed every Thursday incaming,
tat the office,
4.11te dollar a year it paid In advance; 81,58 If not so
Advertising Pate; on Application.
No paper diseoniinued until all arrearages ere paid.
;Advertisements without specific directions will be
'published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal
'discount m ids tor truns lent atlyeitisoments inserted
' tor long mriods, Every description of JOB PRINT,
'a NG turned out in the beet style f the art and at,
•rnioderate rete;;. Cheques, money orders, de. for
,advertleing, oubsoriptims, etc., to be madepayable to
Editor Mid Publisher,
Eptaorcmt, Catiacit,-Rev. 8, ,,F,,Robintion, %cum.
Omit. dittulas Services, n a, ni,, and? p, m ;, Sub-
, Scheel, 230 p. tu.
SALVATION --81111(111.y services, 7. A. m.,3 p, in,
and 8 p. ra., services ovi3 ry nightduring the week,
.at 8 o'clock. firmness meeting 0111 a. m. on SullrlaY,
51emo:0 Ctioncit..-James at., Rev. J. Graham,
pastor. Sunday sei vices, 10,50 a. In. and 8,50 e.
Sabbath school, a p.a. Prayer -meeting Thursday
,evening at
Gaut "W. U. Pascoe, pastor, sun-.
day servires, 4;20 R. nit and 0bt p. ni, swath
-school, 2.88 p. n,Ti.aye* meeting, Thursday Oven -
Mg at 7,80. Young peoples prayer meeting Thursday
,eveuing at
Paxaircriudas euttevirealteelv. M. Martin, Paator.
Sunday services, 1 a. tn. and 680 p.m ',Sabbath
tichool, 0,41 a. in. "Young peoplos prayer meeting, at
548. Thursday evening, prayer'tneetingatIm'clock.
'Choir puttee Immediately after.°
Business and otiher Cards.
W. mtowtatio, M. D. M. 0. P, 8.
fe., •
Cradisate.of Victoria University, Office and residence-
Dorniniou laboratory, Exeter, Ont. J un a, 9,17.
Rews FromHoms and Fields
of Huron County Farmers.
Items of Interest From
• e
Feedterd ref all .vents-teeaths,,
fleneovals, Flres, Sales,
'and Aboidents.
• Adare Items.
Mr. W111ianz Cover left for California
lest ,week,
ilietter-e-On Noveinb 8th1 et Adare,
the Wife of James Lewis, of a 'daughter.
Lottie Thompson has 'been visiting
Needs in Parkhill for tho few days,
eleesre. Joeeph Whelin and •Pateiele
Carey, left but Thursday for Bay City,
• tit„ r
Bayfield Notes.
. D', 00-1,V1i:11. OFFICE--.1iAlli STREET, Exeter,
up stairs, opposite Central Dote'. Side ent-
rance On the south--4anies street leading'to the Meth 'V
)dist Church.
TOUN GILL, elowaseti eetteenoerete. el
For the Village .of Exeter, and the Ociunty of "lure% e
All orders promptly attended to. tExeter Ike., Ont.
N. ' '' 5
---- _, 0
For tho Towosliiiia of flay and litiborne. All ornetir 4,
erompey et:ended to Neoteep.o., Ont.. e
IV tor letuliTtel'alid igildgeSEcieTadUrLin°b1.7toFf,i RaSioiS
the ereensbee a Stephen. and Nay. All sales prom- c
ptly attended to. Addrcsfrall communications to W. .
Ilotr, Khiva.poetottice, Ontario. 2
Solicitor of supreme Court of Ontario, Commissioner,
Oenveyriicer, Atc., 011itie,-NeXt adore) semweli ,a Pick -
arils, Exeter, Ont. tioney to loan at,rery lowest rutin,. li
I' H. DICKSON, Barrister, Solleitor of Supreme 4
Ji...i. Cella, Notary Public, Conveyameer, Coni, \
7nissioner, fee Money to ;Arm. I
Offietg'-. h'anson's Block, Exeter. C
L0. L. NO. 024. <
:meets tirst•FrIdgy In every month, in John's Week.
fat 8 o'clock. Visiting Ilretbron Velconte.
•Jout4 SeAmcsi AN, W. M. ,JOIIN WHITE, 8007.
T 0. o. N., No.. 0I, EIETER.
2eiets every Tuesdiet evening in John's block. A cor-
.dial welt:mite extended to Visiting brethren.
.Abstsity Ttlitit, N. O .1. T. WII$TC6141`i. M•SCOY. I
T o. F. NO. 122.
igi. .-----
;gteet.ii the FeCotta and fourth Friday of each nionth, 1
fa Pitmen's RalL at 8 o'Clock p. to. visiting Bretli-, 1
yen cordially invited,
E. RODRILTO, 0. it 6 .a. Ficitaine,.see. .
IT ,
Defilleal 'Ertel'.
'Office over 'O'Neils 13ank, Exeter, Ont.
Nereus, oeirto Gas 'for priinlesS 'ex traction.
.'ti n.. :Kiri SNI:41.1c, DENTIST,
XI t.)• 1), -S., tXtrttotti 'teeth without pain
liy giving Vogetable Vapor, or Using the new Ames.
tthetic 000, 10 eeees. makes Gold Fillings, and.ill other
dental work the hest puesible. Goes to .Enrieh last
.4Thursday in each 'month .
. ,
=5%&,1 W. Fir. 0A11,TWEIGIII LDS,
, Sttieg eon Den trst;
0 rittittate of Um Ittiyal Cnnese of Den..
ttal Surgeons of Ontario,• lieving furnished rine den!
.1a1 rooms, next door 16 Trebl o's Harness shop, Main,
streetFacter,Ont., whore I ant prepared 10 perform
'all branolms a the profession Witlititse and skill.
‘Iteal Estate and,Stoambo,d Agent. • Wealthy and re-
liable Fire and tdo timiirance Companies Represent-
ed. Any aineont of inonoV to loitivon drat Class mort-
gages at IbiVest i-ates of Interest. General Agenta foe
Huron Co.,fot A. E. Williams 8, Co., reel estate age,
London, lica \dr Line of Steainere represented.
Ofilec--JaniaS St,. EXOtOri Ode. in0.87
'(ii.k 10411'AG'": ottli, t r.
a ...,, ill..nwo,.• .
1 I i 20, A60(161)titt0i i kite IntiuratiW agent.
•AssiCat Weal, Sidtimf Idein-street ' Exeter.
.Hay Farmers' Otitnal Piro
inturanoo. Company,
1EGT0.tffiUgE 'tet
And elioapeAL inseteriee coeleitly In tee uominion,
'oan,,do Selby applying persourety, or 'by In to the
Itridereigned, Allappileations prenaptly attended to.
Alai) agent for the Wellington Lortipsny Of Guelph.
sue AtIO'rkettaInt tor the netinty et Hansa.
Mr. Hynclinan,‘-7—of Ayrshire, Scotla,ne,
as visiting ex -Reeve Essen last week.
Mrs. Laird, of Sfeenley, has beenvisiting
ith her brother; Dr. Armstrong, in,Bruss
Winchels'ea Echos,
Through some eauee or other, our ;re -
pollee hag neglected his hosiness of 'late,
consequently mealy valuable scraps of
bews beve almost lost their sweetness.
eet,fr. R. ltobinscia has neeily completed
hia new briek seep. It is a two storey
•steuctureeend will add greatly to the ap-
pearance (if Mr little burg. Mr. It 18 to
be copgmtulated on the erection of such
a counnoeioue buildjUg.- •
Mr. J. Hell, an eld an1 rO8peOte1 resi-
dent of this Retie hamlet, has been wizen-
ed to his house and bed .for some dine
through illuess of a iieriOttsnature, A
few days ago several of his feiencla met at
Mr. 0. Heyw000dei bush and mit;tplit and
drew home a lag° quahtity of wood—the
winter and summer supply. In this ex -
'pression dtkinduese, Mt. 'Hall and his
good lady 'feel vevy. !grateful and 'wish
through the paper 'to publicly thaelc all
those who sotheartily turned tut to help'
them, not forgetting Mr. Heywood, who
se kindly gave the wood free of charge,
Mr. James Thompson's grit and saw
ill and contort/es *ere destroyed by fire
n Sunday Morning lest. The loss allele
unknown, will be a great one to Mr.
hompsbn and the community.
Mr, Hemilton Hunter who resided on a
nu here for a,bout ten years and until
ome four yeas ago, when he removed to
undon, where he taught ache& twenty-
ve years duce, died in that dty a:, eew
ays aro, He first settled in. Lontionee40
ears ago, and at the timelof his death was
6 years (doge. He was twice married
nd leaves a family of four by his first
ifeehis second wife and their two daogla
ere also eurvive, Deceased was a !Maya
f County Antrini, Ireland, and was a
lose adherent of the Episcopal Ohurch.
Zurich 'Jottings.
Quite a number .of tabbitt have been
hot lately.
Snow fell to the depth of ari iech on
humility last.
efris. G. Melick, who has •been livihg
ere for the pest few years, has removed
o Branford, to live -with parenta,
• Service was held in the Baptist church
ast Taesday by the Rev. I. Year, of Hell -
en. It will be continued every Tuesday
ight, service to commence at 7 o'clock.
Last week a -fire stated about a mile
outh of the Zurieh road in the big marsh
TA1 burnt northward. about three miles.
The ferment had to keep wateli over their
fences, to keep them from burning,
Last Friday a trendier of our young
people spent, a pleasant evening at the
residence of Mr. H. Happle, It seeme
they had a good time, butat-e. Won't 'arty
what time they went home, because one of
our boys was out, and he isnot very often
so late.
Orediton Briefs.
A few weeks ago a /age ritunher 'el' the
numeroieefriende of Mesas. F. J.
Godbolt and 'families, took posseggion of
the resideuce of the former for the purp-
ase:of biaain011e.111 gooa bye, and \Visit-
ing them prosperity and happiness in their
new lunnee Calffernia, whither. they
go a few days. During the evening
the heads of the families were made the
recipients -of an address, eceompanied by
a handaonneeilver butter cooler for each.
Both made :very appropriate replies, after
which Rev.' Wm. Penhale offered. up
prayer. Thig ceremony being over the
ladies proceeded to unpack the numerous
baskets and laid their contents on the
table in the most tenapting manner. After
all had done ampl e justice to replenishing
the inner mate, a few heats veep paned in
pleasant chat and innocent sport, end at a
reasonable hour repaered to their
Offa Sunbeams.
We aremuch pleated to learn that Mr.
John Hall jr„ who hes been very,. ill for
the lpeet ee weeks if redoyerirtga
Miss leate,Neville; *of Lohdon and the
Misses. Mary .and Ellen Ryan, of'Detroit,
are visiting friends ea this 'vicinity.
Mr. Deluge,' Meier:az left for Saginaw,
Miele, on Wednesday last. We under-
stand thats number of our young men
intend Tollowieg his example, ,
Coneiderable sickness in and around
the village.
'thee are a goodly nunebet of ealet itt
thie section this fall.
A Thanksgiving service is to be held'
this Thursday evening (Thanksgiving day)
in the Methodist Church.
We can report Kogress in this Uniting
village. Business pi.goutli all the depart
Meets seem to be doiug a fair share of
Bible Society Meeting was held on the
evenine, of the 151h inst., in the German
Oluireli, The Society's agent *as present
the Ito*. fr. Wing,
An exteneive Kilo 14 advertised by the
firm II. Switecr, Song ea Co.; to take
place on the 25th ifise Sale to consist of
ilax knee, horsee, Ote.
One of nut enterprising young inerCh..
ants has built a vetyefine hotiee this sunant
er. It is to say the least of it, ono of the
best inehe village. He hag witely tkkeu
juasioi, BOINSBNBeillai Amen'. to himself a Wife, and. 13 1101 hying tem,,
Zarkk4 OM. iottable in the new heel%
TAPOPn, hleknki 1.fiee.:
eressrs, etowo e Andrews,
Gen ts.—Yours rated ooeteras noted, meSsre.
Scion -ions eould wit supply you until your i\PPlien\lon
was, reeeivesd, and a iarorable iuniwor reeelVed from
ins.Executive Ooriiinittee. n vou ronow. out the
iratrustaes igave you, it will nut calm you any do -
lay, understood yen' t,O say 1000 ad plenty of stuff
to go on alai until yourapplication was put through.
the Sigeal (Ace withopt a pass, the
•office being olesecl so far as his duties
is concerned, l3ecituse of enustial de-
lay in the =rival at her destination of
a steamer on which he was a passengei,
he evae triable to report in persOn for
luty on the mormug of July 5th, but
dicl report by telegraph. On the ebb,
helper then present, he pima to ha"
his absence on the 5th applied. against
the days leave still (hie hint. The
chief Signal Officer held, however, that
his leave expired on the end of 'Jule,
extended his leave to include July 3rd
4th and 5th, two days of which to be
without pny. The employe, in his
letter teethe Secretary of War, respect -
folly enbneitted teat, in the absence of
any app,lication from him for an "ex..
tension, the Signal Office was not
warranted in creating one for him; that
the office had no right to assume his
inability to perform Oevernuient set -
vice on two days when he woold not
have been permitted to enter its
r°.°13nerla. direction of the Secretary t)f
Wale however, the action of the Chief;
Signal Officer was sustained, and the;
employe informed that in a similar ertee"•!
:the Secretary of War decided that foe
short absences, in which Sunday does
not occur, Sunday should not be con-
sidered, and that, therefore, desultory
absence, of one day or less., should be
estimated by reckoning seven hours as
the day; but for any leave during
which Sunday occurs the Sunday
should be counted in the leave. The
same rule will apply to holidays occur-
ing during an absence, and therefore
July 3t.d and 4th were properly charg-
ed in this ease. Mreny clerks who
weee aware of the circumstances of the
case were interested, ead they
urge the employe in queetion to sue
the Governimenkfar the amulet chat -Li-
ed, deetnin,g the action of the War
Department an injustice from which
they are all liable to suffer.
The Fiftieth Congress will be a re-
markatee one in the number Of its new,
members who have never beeu in a
legislative body before. In the absera
ce of any postive data, the best esti-
mate is that neaely one-half are new
members: There was a terrible slangli
ter by nominating, conventions and et
last election of innocents in the. Forty-
ninth Congress. The Deneocratic tua-
jority in the House is not so large as
usual. The latest figures front tho
office of the clerk of the House, puts
the Dernoceatie strength of the next
House,at,efiempieede akof the Rep*
limns afe152geWei Oho
will not go into tie' eefeee
party,) Theraevillebe 325 the
in the next house. • ••
A. sight which of late has • become
quite familiar to those who travel over
the Tennallytown road et unfo.shion-
able hours is that of the gasiderit and
'Mrs. Cleveland in a highle,ep eiggy
driving along absorbed in conversation
quite uneonscious Of the curious and
admiring glances directed towards the
pretty young matron hoe:141%0r reins
Ocwisionally the President faking tho
reins into his own hands for a lorig
stretch of level road, makes the chust-
net mare show her speed. After a
i h t t 0 k Vie Mrs Cleve -
Send es your wanes at once as to save time and C
"try Ill, tio Secretary. Yours truly,
Joson FitlinilgSW.
In the ineautime we had inquired. into.
the nature of the '"Rine," and tete to what
thence we had in a fie& against them, the
result of which was tve iidopted for 'our
platform "No Cernbination." Messrs.
Giclley speak about the practice of "solicit
ing orders &ca." retying thee it is %refi-
t:mown thet this hae been resorted to. We
were not'. aware that this practice had been
*resorted to, as encl. thitigs are not spoken
•of down our end of ei,t. own, the etate-
meets we presume being confined to the
teeth of us, but we sincerely trust this
heartless act hi hot been practieed, we
woeld intimate, however, that Messrs.
Girlie), seem quite familiar with the idea.
Niesars Gidley invite all aud sundry to
examine their by-laws, and as we would
not heve the solitude of their surroundings
disturbed by the inquisitive publio, we
will publish certain uf thee° by-laws free
gratis. First, we would eall attention to
two sentences found on a card, between
the 1.4th and 15th pages of the byelaws.
The card is intended for all Undertakers
ealtside ot' the ring, and is signed by the
Secretary, :first coaxing them to join, then
'boasting of their despotic power, end then
threatening what they will do. This is the
exact wording of these sentences. "We
have a meuabmehip of over three hundred
Mit of four hundred and eighty Under-
tekere in Ontario, and are now prepared
to deal with would be Undertakers who
are trying to start business and cut off
our patronage all over the country. We
have the inettmf in our power to prevent
it hnd shall net be slow to use there,"
Messrs Gidley state they can buy goods
outside of the ring if they wislaewhat then
is the meaning of this by-law, page 13,
article 28, Members of this .e.ssociation
shall uut purchase 'Undertakers supplies
from Jobbers or from those who du not
belong to the Burial Case Association."
The Burial Case .Association is the term
the riug manufacturers apply to therneel-
yes. We would also emit attention to art-
icle 10, page 12. ''Each and every party
or parties who may idler this date start
business as 'Unclertalsers within the juris-
diction of 'this Atsocietion may become
members by malting application to the
seaetary and pay Lug the aem of twenty-five
dollars; and be approved by at leaat
three erred four of the nearest members
of this Associatiou in good staeding to the
applieants proposed place of business, and
receiving the approval of the Ex. Com-
mittee.' "We have the means in our
power to prevent it, and we ehall not be
slow to use theta." Moser& Gidley say
WO WTI got all the goods we want, and we
know we. can, but it was only a few weeks
ago that they were boasting that we could
not get goods, because we could not get
into the "ring,," they thought they had us
choaked to death, but thanes to Manufact-
uring Opposition whieli ilea lately started
we are ilidepeeditat ot them alai the pub-
lic is not at their mercy. We will deal
with the price list in the future; we have
forseen ell diffieulties and have informae•
ion on every point, and we think by the
time we are through with this "ring," we
wdl make Messrs. Gidley ashamed of the
manner in which they have "combined"
against the customere, whom they boast
have supported theta for thirty years.
We are gaining the support of the public,
by our efforts to break down this mono-
poly, and we will thew that our stand ix
eliciting praise from all over the country.
Yours truly,
low a eee ANnazers.
The carpenters have finishecl their work
on the Roman Catholic Church for this
season, and have returned home to Strath
roy. Great creclit is clue them fa the
excellent work they have done on the
church. While here they merle many
fast friends for themselves, who will al-
ways he happy to welcome them beck to
our village.
On Tuesday- 8th nista a large number
of young people repaired to Mount Car-
mel Church to witness the marriage of
Mr, Richard O'Rourke, of Khiva, and
Miss Kate Ryan, of this place. The bride
was elegantly attired In crimson satin,
trimmed with deep erimsoh plush. After
the ceremony had been performed by the
Rev. Fatheilelly, all the guests proceed-
ed to the reeiclence of the bride'g mother,
where a delicious repast awaited than
After doing ample justice to the gond
things provided, the whole pra•ty drove
to Parkhill where a very enjoyable time
was spent. They then returned home to
spend the evening in merry -making,. The
progam of the evening consisted of dancing
and music, beat yocal and instrumental.
Among, the guests were friends and rel-
atives of the bride front London, Ont,,
Detroit, Mich., and St. Thomas, Dakota.
The wedding was in every) respect, a
wand affair, as Mr. O'Rourke, or los em-
ittble lady never does anything by halves.
All their friends wish them long life,
happiness and proeperity.
To the Editor of the AdvOcate.
Seet—The attempt of Messrs. Gidley to
blunt the foree of our contention of the
erd inst., ig total failure. We do not
believe Mr. Ferguson made the et aternentg
'Mr. Hoyle imputes to him, and if he did,
we deny that we called. on him at London
or anywhere else, and stated that we wish-
ed to joht the Mame:Alen. Our Mr.
Rowe called On Mr. Fergnseit at London,
to sell him a carlead of Itunber, ant iti
the emiree of doikireitation Mr, Ferguson
Stated. that he would bring our tiatnes be-
fore the neitt meetilig of the Aesoceation,
but Me Rowe told him that he need ilot
, •
bottler about the mattet, that We did not
wish to join them at all. With -regard to
Mr. Deew having applied, Mt. Hoyle
etates bimoir that he applied before hand
Mg. over his besinees. lere write solicited
to join long after that, by the Piesident
liiineelf and wine permed speedy admitt,
Shea if ive: Would only send in our appli-
Cation, to prove which, wo publish the.
Preeidente own letter, which was *kitten
io answer to one of ears, &Wee( en tea
Planation of tho "bonott,"
Our Washinoton Letter'
(From our o*ri (Jeri -upend -eat.)
A question of Interest to all Gov-
ernment employes in Connection with
the animal 'leave of absence hag been
decided by the Seeretary of Wen A
civilian employe of the Sigrial Office
recently sent a communication to the
Secretary complaining, that he had been
unjustly treated in having the 'Fourth
of July and the preceeding day, Sun-
day; oharged against hint for abeetee
from duty, requesting that the two
days' pay so deducted be refunded,
He stated that on June 21st, 1887, lie
had been greeted sixteen days four end
a half hours leave Of absence with pay
for 1887, entitling his to thirteen days
two hours to Make up full thitty days
leave With pay for the year, which it is
the custom of the War Department to
grant. On the day Mentioned above
he received frbm the Signal Office
twelve days leave of absence with pay,
to eitpikt on the teemed Of Jnly, lea*.
itig stili due A day and a iraetien af
leave. July ard Was Sunday Ana July
4th was a publie holiday, Ana On neith
or Or thou) daya tit -ettured
. e
n g t epen a a w
land frequently drives the President
into the city and up to the White
House portico. Of late Mrs. Cleve-
land has often &elven out about noon
to Oak View and upon these occasions
as the President has been unable to
leave his official duties and join how,-•
she has been itccompanied by thee sable
dignite.q, Albert Hawkins. .6. favor-
ite dregs wora by Mrs. Cleveland upon drives ig a close littiog suit of
green cloth slid a picturesque Geines-
borough with a rich cluster of ostrith
tips. .•
A giok Ma Kills Thmself by Out-
tilk Hill Thrtlat•
Alinut o'elOck Friday rnorniagi
tbuis Grottier, who lives rn tile neighbdthoocl of Sebringville, eornmitted
ratioide by etittieg his throatfle heti
been ailieg foe Solite them ansI with tit
tended by Dr. Shaver, of Stratford',
Last night the doctor had sOlne grothd
for alarm in his syteptonie reed charged
his brother to keep a....lose Wateh,
Overearne by fatigue, , however, tho
trothor fell asleep in MS evatch, anti
the deed Was done. Dettasotl was 27
yr a a itgt.