The Wingham Times, 1897-06-25, Page 3JEJBILE t 11.L NN'INO IES JUNE r i. i =,. i.:1.. The. rl'ttront'a World,. I:) the i ii j ' utile,;,, +,r;; in for this race, and, tiny i i ��- -" . inutlees ,iitt,ent u.tt. iu .14:1110 shall I:e 4. 'decmad oft elel, 0 .A SPRITS T I1 OtitTo.Ro mO 14. Cbairnlen (1f Districts. are re - TO 0tI ,.41'.1.•cludStad to appoint umpires, judges and diners at ah places where nee- tOF wItr•EI.NIFIX TO Breit; WEER ossatry, &W..) oX JUStil Ai. Mr. II. 11.:itenxtilar;a•, is chair- lnan of Lhe Cleveland -World Relay Tito 'World, ever Le the dire in the UCC (committee, with, address, The Reid of. harvest, ;tinct•:cisalt, hat enderlo `Purunto World. ifirtiini• the i)aiere,r, and cause of rur.L 11.t'LAltrrs wVANTED,. 112E1. t IVli()YI'.' RII - .._. _ ..... LAURIER. GETS L. L, D,. J. A Barnard ims inado..tww•o bus, (.iaii. u Imp Ura1Tee.tity I'lorior 0 S - —^ Iles% trips re liarrltatun this week, Canedi n. Premier and.Prese 1 nuurmrc,m+•nrr.tuuw+u,utxuuu:ur,:u:ua•m R. Black was in Arthur Tuesday, IIim Wtth it Di:rtdta; utsl,od W111 Armour of Wiugllani MIS in Degree. town Tuesday. J. Hoyden fro111 Toronto, made rt e eolttnittl prer)lers rtrrdvcr.l in i his nsnnl calls here on rl'ueiday. London Julie 17th from :lianelreater I Mr, John Barnard ItM`; it 11W lIy- Lord Aml'lthill repr•esetltiilg the (Arlon t Glop wets, which really outshines lits. Seert'tllry. Right lion. Joseph; anything in sight, Chamberlain, asset the party and est -1 \fir>.eter is getting it nand: fertile tenth:a a cordial greeting. The eeee lienee of tale snorts held here, Wender and Mrs, Lawler ir1'e very good roads, its well to draw the As the principal object of tilts Last SatLrtlav'e gnaws were no ex. well. ' attf'r•dtfun to the ':' w:1• that :the 'OW4— r( ht) is LO collect evidence, ttllit . ception. to the generai rule, and a). It is more than probable that 11r, . alio,( 1i'heelalea;' .1ssd,c;htat'ica,n'ri mina. draw tlttuntd<rn to the class and t,tatc�: though Wroxeter fix,thall team sstifferLaurier will lateral a meeting OCome the s meet. will be held ut Mathew on of the roads throughout the prot'inee ed defeat at the hands of Winghaul, colonial party in the house of Co ,a July 1, 2, :1, has entered into tL emu- the committee are requested to send; yet the day was a great success. mons to tu•ar. an :address to Premier I petition to sidle a relay rare 'from in a full and •eoneiee repuit of all the Mrs. George Dane of Hamilton, Seddon of Australia. lia, I Toronto to i:hatir:a al, (,ver .two roads in their distr'tet.. All the re aceotllpnded by Ivey sister, Miss Mare Mr. Laurier proceeded• to Gain separate routes, agltinet the H A. ports will be 'compiled and fwrwaed-.Saiiclersort, are visiting at •tile parent- bridgt on Thursday, where t,{e hue- a Lazier Co., Toronto, eel to the loe.il legislature, gal ileum here. 1•al'y degree (1t' L, I,. 1). wad ldoUfer- i Tice racer will start !mill "Toronto Chairine a •of saidstricts are request Aire. 1i,. 1.)ieksou huts returne cd upon him and others. His teecp• : 'on -Saturday ,June • 111, %at..5 :t. meand I cd to send in as seen a3 possible tit: P • r'is. tics Was most flattering, loud .eheers Tail's Well the last ((.1a1 shouldar- what p1u•Lit111IIC point, oli.e`t relay NT•1113 t'('ie;l; We reccli•.1 tiro cletttls.f L'eeting Canada's Premier 101 1113 rive in Chatham, et 7 e'eloc:, ill the will start rand finish, MA •sv1lere the; Mrs. J. 1:J, Stott, •died Saturday being present(41, t .evening, tett:het will be .e rehaatged. morning and Ad-AMMorrowon Arrangements are being made to The route chosen by the Cleve- It is estimated that from begin. Sunday*evening. As there WAS •a have a combined t.earn of Colonials • :land is tate north o;!ne, which goes Hing to end of this great relay 1.1100, very 1;1{,1(1: circle of friends in both compete I3ritith volunteer ;artillery act through Ueor;etowtt, (attielpil, .Acton there will be nearly 500 - people ,i Case? the f nerals were largely act- the Shoeburyness meeting, hcf the London and on to •lh .astn) th• engaged in hurrying the 1ne3s 1:;0 • ten'detl Mrs, a , The southern r(1tate will -lie•tile one 'forward to its destination iuetudui Bev.M•.Kibl,un has been moved CdiondaiC Chamberlain, wife 1 Secretary, held ail At a •ridden by 1110 World representatives jltdnes, timers, refereo.1 utnprre , by' the Methodist stationing cunlaltt- Hoole" tu•day to 1eelive those oithe and goes through Hamilton, Brant- riders, and trainers. tee to Oottaarn 0s.,t. 'Ino pastor for Ladies el the Colonial Premiers' par - ford, SVoodstoek, :.orxfou, and on to Every ew•c.lis' should vernembe.r the next year is Rev, Kennedy, t, ii ho had not gone to Cambridge. Chant 1m. • 1 that one of the objects of the race is clan route Will t:ie•di idod i:ntc 251 to inereasre the interest in the annual rely fs and `) distrlers. - meet, winch will be held at Chat't-` EVERYONE \ANt'A-DOGE LOADS. 1111111 011 J'iily 1, 2), 3, ,an the iueet's With the assistance and the co. success is the Canadian dian Wheelute•u' operation of the wha;ttnlen u€ Ontari() A35t)Ci:lt'tlitl's Vo(:G;ll'$, which is the p , el•.d:lISIS ofit. Su. o)'s, lie. rata for At should prowl, Ciui,r. ;1 i'itctx)1' in good Relay a• ' Good Reads, roads. reform th (utt ;'id) It the povinee the Relati Raeo.1t 1.(1 Goc,ocl Reads, and should tend fereibly to bring before the notice of our different ;legislatures tate state and econditi($ of the roads. of Ontario, atnel •it is the World's intention to get And pub- lish the different reports -on •culnple• tion of the race. It is aie the ideal to show; th11•, the btd w, ll is no aongt.'r • a toy, or vehicle for pleasure ;aline, but an important factor as a, means .of n)udern locomotion 11-15(1't) Sha :c the c0rreet riding distances .between the different places, as well As the anost defirble ro id for tim b els of ' those who are looking kir short trips awbeel this summer. The following rules for r.hc Cleve- lend 1V,)'lt.l Jubilee itlsfa1W - Raee Nave been agt•ee.(1 ripen b' • ti:'w; ,Joint 1.,e sufficient to macadamize cvciy representatives Of bund parties inter-' mile or road in the Province- 111 e5ted : I order to ubaain the best. results it • z t Lai. RULES OF 'Tktlr i t` •� ., � that a proper sys- 1. ' hit, t ut ,C ..Sl wasloll.P b 1. 1'1,0311 relay ,haul c) kits of tww,) t tem of road construction be decided riders, the courier, who shall xl•rry 1 upon and faithi'ul'r carried out. +11 laaessame • 11nd th'e trailt t'• I The council of each municipality • TiutaI Troche', Cured "1 useu lit•• L:rtifdse'e Syrup of 3.,anelseed3 and Turpentine fur .severe thrust troruble. 00( prayed mostt•elteed:l e."' writes hiss. •tJop.t11114, `.1.'tdlaat(•LO. I regard it a13 ono of the best rlousehtaldi remedies there is. It• is allay Hud ploas.1,,1 to take told drives out 1.(e cold with tiur.prlaiug celerity." GOOD ROADS. A. 11. I. Caniphell, provincial road instructor, says that in Ontario, the'•e. were expanded in roads each year, over a million hours statute labor, and three and a half million dollars in looney, an -expenditure he claimed, if properly utilized, would A Tl:•irumuil won "Before taking I3oau'y Kidney Pills I felt that diabetes had its (;rip upon me. , Now 1 know that it has been t1 et and j two eagles, above the united brutes .del'e*ted. I ha.vt� used the pills ror sole" 1 military aec,sdenly :tt West Point the time and new •enjoy good health. I shill I other d;t3•. The two birds Carse 10- alway:a be glad to testify to the merits or t;•etl:eg with g'rc•at tiwrt: r For fully ,hie triumphant mediu.ue. ilt'toen 011(lnte9 11)1' et)nBlCi waged 11.11 Signed, IYiti'•IARD Ir41fA�. I n St. John, N Ii ceasinglw•, It,ound after round the birds Clawed end peeked at each,. Stray I, other, and then soared. 1i11•ny ;;.rain , A -`ray Deer. 1 for 11. moment before renewing the Mr. Dan McIntyre while plough- 11 At, The smaller of the winged in,, in a field neer the bush one day combatants, eented t., have the bet - was surprised to see a deer come out ter of the fl;;•Ilt for 3(13110 time, but as of the trees, jump the fence, into the field, and look around. 'The animal did not seem to be very much frightened and after atime hopped over the fence into the bush again, There is no deer now in the town- ship of Eldersli, and this one 1111161 have Strayed down from the penin- sula. Its appearance recalls • the Dattlo Desween Eaelea. A fierce battle occurred between, • 4 n '1 E 'e#C(lh' x ep . t' /1 tr rr :'slit, t F a! . r,f ,l 1' e' L.1. the. t. i. ,a :.„ ..+.• I,, I i:., , a.�K.,.a , . - r. retr::ICS 1Dx eslioilrlinerrUl' 1 ,eeete i 1. nn " Y1t: 1 t5 iieitl',cx' r a7. A 9izim,Morpitinee+.-norp11ki:iie al 1; i `'• le i.. .� w?...� ` 0'`."7'' CI ) 11 .i'^it#r,Trsn u- S'cv:y: :Jae ,7 t cwrrvt F'. i. ✓do ..res- t.i•r ,4.r ,.. Aver" tT' m•v-Iy forc isfino- tiitt, uta".,. , :?ach,tT i"ariilcea °1e;; res,Cceeruleiota ,a c w•eriSh- ;:..:s.^.+ cud I, d`w+„�•1$ ,S-`.'' vL 1..331". , _.,:.ii: S a tore C= 3.0 :',' YORK. .•••$, 3 C lar 4 w wr' ax C tyi tar aa� T.•••717" /w•- s reth C::ytcri:, is p ..t t p ; •; t ties oily. Tt f.; r ,;' 10 not Weil 1: 1.'.,..'.. .! :•,r-1» do Id. yea a,4 1rr1A elan Oal - i:1 C,^ „.OS.ise that 11 i "dn t ea ce-Nl t r..11"...-.11 otarger :;ad+ry tut - .. i :+:• $ ° f;lt n .w q_T- Gx�.t s' :FY of w4 RP PPER. to+ax Gt t , e7•"; „ r - is es fi `tip '"Tear'!.., •• /....�r.%,r' i.e,'?� arc�9 1, of wrrppe:.• e. ,wt if enraged at his plight, the big eagle :)nide a furi,)us onslaught %� '� v� liVtiA v W ''�" A''�' ' ''� against its weaker foe, and the Iattcr fell into the Hudson, erimsouing the water' where 1t struck. Its a few moments it ascended again ho vorer while the victor'soared away. Old Dave Lyons, the Hudson Riv5r boat- man declares the ivoundecl eagle . has time when deer were plentiful in been around Oro' Nest and vicinity the township, and venison was no for a century,. and is tniowil to all more of a treat than beef is today. Hudson .River fishermen. An old 'settler of the township infor- med us.that one winter an Indian and squaw pitched their .wigwa in on his faro), and rarely :returned after a day's hunt without a deer on hisbacic Poor Lo at the time informed him 2. Trailers are to start one a•il should Le held 1 esponsible for the 'that Burin;; that winter. he bad bag- • shall the trailer precccd or : id0 iae 1 and carrying oat of the plans for destruction rapidly exterminated side,eotiriei' 113 trail:. • , improvement, and. the Sec14•etion of the herds. of • these beautiful 3. Couriers have • right of W1ty competent overseers to superintend creatures, and. led to the rigid game laws which ere row in force. --_Idvucat•, _ over all traders. rs. 4. Ate 1ch tulay there f5 t) be at least ogre judge and date tinter. and direct operations. The councils should else tilt the grade to be foilow ed, deterulir.e the class of ' Material 5. Eaen men ui' every relay 'd iaai � to be used, and the width and depth is to weal. :t+I.tti,t•stivu bulge. which ut'same to be laid down the .various shall b3 p,' 13 teal e. •)ai. alt thin 1,a of . eh)sses of weds. lie classified rondo district, -- - uuder•three diw'isions, First Ieading G: Couriers on the northern or: road, For these be would recozn Cleveland route, :hell wear a purple mend a width of twenty-four feet for badge ; trailers cn this rare shall grade. Seconal; neighboring or feed wear a green badge. ing roads. For these he would Couriers on waitron OI, World recommend a ggrade pf twenty feet route, shallwear a red hhdge, t1. a wide. and chiral, division roads, used ers, On this mute shall wear white only by a few farms. For these a badge. • - grade of eighteen feet would be Riders in all caves to confine sutheient. These should be crowned themselves to the roadway, and in (b rise of one inch in the foot no case to use the side walk. 8. Timers, will set their watches by standard time - (x. 'I'. I . 0, Nau►es of riders. Should be in the hands of the committee seven .days prior to the race, with the re- ' lay each teani will ride. - 10. In case of sickness or accident which may prevent regular entry from starting, a substitute may take • 1415 place, providing the chairman of the district be notified before emu• rneneelllent of race. 11. Dace to start at 5 a. in. from cornet',. King and Yo"go t;itreets. A ; 1..: Rules of the, 0. W. A. and '` Century Road Club to govern any point not covered by the foregoing, MPS -JIB, orsatangsaa GRIEF AN WORRY l':1CSis� HE:111r 'Lemuel, ES A well end favorably known Jae}, pf hlitebelt gives an account of her sutfer- inl'li: 'Grief at the death of near :a d dear friends a few years ago ca'_sed nervous trouble and general debility. Prior to that time I was in excellent health, quite stout and very strong. With • my said bereavements I became excessively nerv- ous, my appetite fallen, I lust flesh and strength. and my mind and nerves .were Committed for •Trials. 1n such a state that I found It :l:nost im- On Monday last Albert 11ai't was possible did drto op to sham' ber mpost) nivselt z v,oeu d chargee, before the Police Magistrate wake up in a short time ta•anlbline wio at Guderieb with attemptingto shoot lently and in a cold perspiration, .:n.1.. Frank Ruseeli. After hearing the could not get to sleep again that night, evidence the case was dismissed with nr memory became clouded. and li•silid. I hack great psi❑ throush my t lnpies, costs. Russell was brought up on a and my heart frequently srerned to atop charge of assaulting Miss IIart. Itis its pulsations. Theo again I bad faint - Worship remanded the defendant ing spells so that Iny friends thougot I was a hypochondriac, Fortunately 1 until Tuesday, with the intirnati<,n prooureri a bo c of Mitbur(I's Iieart nnd that he would then be committed. Nerve Pills from S. A. Hodge, druggi t On being brought tip on remand hp of this place, and commenced takin1 was fully c.minitted for trial. The them last spring, TO my gratitude they y tL rlsperformed a eorepletecure_ My appetite Where necessary the drains should case is likely to be a sensational one, is now Hood, and I have gained in flesh, be placed at the bottom of the ditch and it is intimated by more than health and strength, and feet cheerful On the leading roast at width of eight one witness that the complainant and happy. I sleep well. and have now feet and a depth of twelve inches of was spirited away from llonle with a v troubleo ev,with a IA or m a greatcure go 1.d gravel should be spread and view of making away with her, for heart and nerve iroublea as. well .0 a thoroughly compacted by the use of while others state that stteh a Conten splendid tunic for t•ho entire system, and roller. When no roller is available, tion is without any basis of truth. I am very glad to recommend therm to the gravel should all sufferers from similar complaints.,t?c' kept well sal: -- — ----- Signed) Miss W Mi: serschnaidt, Mitch - ed up until thoroughly compacted lironohltls cared • Messrs T Milburn & Cu, Toronto, DE:wtt 1.3rl:s,-1 ,cavo used liagyard's Yellow Coil for Bronchitis and always asy'o Pi of i'0 asy to eta° peYate n , ills. Sritali 1 peculiar to Hood s 1 QCl 6110 features ri man 6110, t<49tO1CSS, Cit10ICrit, t110r0nr•11, As ono ril'L i by passing wheels Por neighboring roads, a nth:1th of seven feet and a depto of ten inches of gravel would I be sufficient, Any gravel contain• with great success. 4. use it always for • sore throat, and can say there is nate ing a large percentage of soil should t ing to equal it as a sure euro, be regected. It was wisdom to use MRS JAMES O'BRIEN, only clean hard material, What- Huntsville. Ont. ever was done should be clone with - .� view to durability.Field stone Woken to a cube of about 2 inches, made a most durable material. A depth of ten incises thoroughly emi- t acted made a road equal to one of send stone, No road beat should be less than from three to live utiles in length, This enabled patbmasters ,. roads construction file (.ellStruCt101 r Ad(' oder t �,a ut' a durable eharaoter, The path- -cake andthe lighterkinds of des. misters (•should be selected from the, w(1rt. beett avail -tide Hien in the township. . 1 and their po5itioa i.hd,ald he per rune", The apiary interests of Ontario (int. 1 included 305,000 hives in 1893 200,- 000 la .,((0 and 173,000 in 95, valued To find when the oven is right heat, try it with a piece of white paper ; if to hot the paper will black en or blaze up. I1 it becomes a light brown, it isjust right for •past this floret door a storm door; it sI1't ry; 1f It becomes a dark yellow, is . tL storm floor, jest right for bread and the heavier ,Tercet 001'. jt wait a minute, old. kinds of cake; if it becomes a light man ; Hwy wife always meets )tae r sponge , U1 s ready f ' 1C, 1 g Vi)15 the oven p ,•. ON . C11 3 Yellow, _�. v 1 {heti. , Tal 14 1:c1 L 311 O u't LaxaTnivor Pubs oures coustipiticn, biliousness, and'siek headache; 25.. Yni-ah, said Rev. Mr, Wilgus, as he looked over the scanty missionary collection; I asked this congregation to aid in the iilurllination of the be. nighted human mind. A.ncl 1 must say that melt a lot of light givers it has never before been illy experience to meet,—Indianapolis Journal. Hewitt -4 don't see why you call 7 my;yitt 4444 bs''1.; real '� i and at . • We do neat work in the Job Printtnt, business � prices as low as the lowest. If you are in need cif any- 0 thing such as LErEIt HEADS, NOTE HEADS, BILL rkr:A1)s, 6 ENVELOPS, POSTERS, DODGERS, 1$Ui 1NESS CARDS, 0 Or anythino• in the line of Printing, call or write to the old reliable TIMES Office, Wingham. 14• ^ 1 -Vy.'�•�tlY•"•.�. r•` i( e•YY Y'I s alke Lite LY L'. J•r SG: 1'J4ii+•*`.D' I'VIA:. b said: "'You never know you havetakotla pill tin ttisall Si 'pho concis, ode of thtj 11001)1 w in ICoocl`d I aC 1,163,000, 1,052,000 and d3;IJ,000 and a handle bar down 1') tl.e over." orso.C,11 ell, CO, 1..araapa;illa by (loo to its ttnparelled t respectively, I repair shop, /be omy pt, Lowell, will s, !! �h® olrirrpyllstotlLkewvtW Ilnod'_ :'aY8R7Artli� record of vtundurfal cures. 4.s • I will give Fifty Dollars to any person Watch or Clock I cannot repair and make or better than ever. George, 1 wviell you would '•Pave this IBOOJo package at the exprees ufii.ce. 111e carry a bundle ? 1 {Wes nct .Besides I have got to lug my tiers a: .w i.i) will bring me to run Es 1° e 11 Es, HALSEY PARK, Shaw Block. 000 6414 ® a (9Oib013 Jelief for GTrozzbles � /�- „: i XII SIO : 31 50 R ONS Flt 131d)N nue on ORM' o ID[iaE_t.St5, t3i'ITT`5:'i+ti or utoon, 0 OE APPETITE,Q!wa'd QSCHe LOAM � MN:tri theo uea-e:las of O a vttese;areletbatmtut.fest. ay tios nh.tof'rot,"•1).u111."iuut)slnn,1have ,*.ot 410 rid ora ils 1)u:l cough vela. L laud troubled mo for iv over e w'. tand lttiva gained considerably Lw weegh0 1(ImeaawtulouindtnnskWlIcaill" 6 sit. wntaiLt3i, C,11.,lontrell, 0 roe. and St ror Bottle 0 DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Lts.,141ORt'REAL e • 00*0 0'A 094111 Josephine St., Wingham PYNY m pECT6RAL Positively Cures COUGHS and COLDS in a surprisingly short tithe. It's a sci- entifre certainty, tried and true, soothing and healt..g in its effects. \V. C. AlcCoranSlt 1.•c Sox < IIen1H e tC u., , • rout to s T tt•er that Pyuy.Pecteral, ,.l :rw• d. Gan•tudof sa001.3told in want - ''..�a tub.41 and also rated NV. G. 1101.:11.111:t .1' a 1ong.stsud u 1CL). . tta. J It 1 o—olr, CHe•'siot, , 5•••" fonge St., Tort• J. writes: "its •ran.Fra100,04 end lungsyrup Trevi Pectoral is a Vast invaluable preparation rt est satisfaction t l i r 1.3 las given the atm15spoken .1 w 1 Lavo it*trt4, , edfro 11 is st to n'o r l ie'. ha Itis sat dewed from Ito ., b• tag their I .5' t I It is Mato. 1 far old 0 yonn!!• b• tag nlcl _ •n, to Elm mat,; 113satow;tL1n0las1) as N.attoa, arch I tax trailrawly. rerne.' in as 8 cora i1!.d rc0ablu cattail m¢d ,int " large 51.0itle, 25 t'te. DAVIS & LAWRENCE co., Lrn. Sale Proprictote hlovre tAr, t1.