The Advocate, 1887-10-20, Page 8aU-iQOiTUFI'eU Int9 Peak T0,10, Tile Northern Ohio To§14.00 Akvirolo . Newburg, seven mile§ from Cleve - hand, waa bora last Wednesday even - Of; the PeeaSi.On of the weekdy duce which it is PustoliarY to glYe attendants and the less violent patients, a cry of "fire was raised. The chapel in which the ball was held, waa filled at the time witla $50 almest IM/pleaa patients. The flames started in the lauriary, ainall briek-building adjoin- ih4g .14he wing iii vVhich ohffel is IQ- cated; mid before their ,fliaeoVerY had ebtained,sach headway- as to be practi- 00)1' beyond "control. 'Flames and smoke, •poured into the ballroom, ing and dazing the peor inmates and fr stampede was the result. The physa, ,cian and attendants, although bewild- ered by the saddenness of thecatas- trophe, sett° work heroically to reacam the nofortunates, but many were arse phyielated and„burned before they could be ,reached. The fireman arrived" prOiriptly and worked manfully, euc- xeecling in saving the.greater portion of %the building, - 4s soon as the flames were ex- 4inguishecl the work of recovering the dead conmenced. Two of those recoy- ,ered cannot be recognized • Twenty- four bodies qf ineane women have -been taken out, and three more were ;found -to be alive, but seriously injured. te.4 The oatmeal millers of Canada have' ;been in common with.the,flour niHers art.nd the saw millers and half a dozen .other legitimate Canadian manufactur- hie-e industries landed in the most un- . comfortable position by the National Policy. Their ability to sell their ..goods in a foreign market has been al- anost deseroyed and they are able to manefacture about,fpur times as much oatmeal as this country can possibly consume. The results are a glutted aoafket, stagnation:in the oatmeal ing,industry, is a serioas loss of money to the millers.' The millers have pet ,the coping op thi a edifice of the effects 4f protectionbyfOrthing a "combine" .and fixing a price. The oatmeal mill- ers did not, like the cotton lords, bring ;these rnisfqrtunes upon thernselVes, but wec cOrepelled to submit to the •pro - tee ive kindaess df a paternal Govern- ment, and they think that they have ;tql.pe excuse forcombining and clecid- ince to take it out of the peapl,e yhose :fault ibis that they have lest their .foreign market. However good their ,excuses may be, their prospects are, ,p4 the best of making the Canadian Iperiple pay there,a profit' on their idle machinery. Thcre are too raatiy of them for one:thing,amcl there are many 'sniall men among •them ./or ;another. Experience shows that it is iimpoasible to w,er* a tccombirie unless ithe goods are sold exclusively through agents, and the different establish- ments are practically controlled by raanagers who are directly interested ,in,contiurking, the pool. Some of the ,oatmeal millers will begin to "cut" in ,order to square an account with , the bank, get a.head of a competitor, or achieve some other ,needful end, 'and the °anneal combine will -vanish. ',What the oatmeal millers want, is the ,ab,olitien of the Natienal ,Policy, and Of the artificial dearness caused by it, .so that they may again do.a. p,r94table „export business. r • to, • As las .been anticipated for some •thpe, ,Si', 'Tupper','has been unseated, owing , to the prevalence of corrupt practiees, in lits' constituency. That ,Sir Tupper is :a. thoroughly corrupt jpelitician, and willing to resort to ,any peens to keep his party in power, &era subsidies ruaning high into the millions to provinces,and corporations, down to; baying doubtful votes at a couple a d011ars a bead, every one knew before. It is impossible by any revelations of election co,urts te damage his character. His own party will think none tlm, wiarse of him, a,a they haverep,eatedly sliewn themselves ready to condone, if not absolutely te approve, of. the use of inoney in elections. He will merely i>itt the country to the trouble anc?. pence of ,finding him another seat--- away an'easy matter to a Govern- , . mcnt candidate, , ,Mr. 116:ander Rosso of Tuckersmithc bas purcb4ed.,320 acres of land from Mr. W. Murray, jr., in the Algoma di. triet, near4Port Finlay, for the sum of . $1000., Mr. ROSS intends the land for his son, as he is one of our wealthiest and most thrifty farmers. We wish 11Ie. Bess and his son abundant suocess, • '.1/1o.16i. White, cif S. Marys, has baa,n appointed to the vacant postmast 0.'04 of th4 atene to*In STON MAN waohnloArtma'4'olveler, TIENSALI4 QNT VAteloce5., .Clock, Silver and Plated Jewelery. -And. Musical Iustmraents. A.I.0ER SPECTACLES T 404' LAZARUs, ,k..ttY,AqovED • SPECTACLES! 'SPECTACLES" +Or tqairing a Specialty. :Satisfaction Guaranteed. J. C. "STONEMAN, HENSALL, ONT. GET THE BEST1. THE WESTERN ADVERTISER OF LONDON, ONT. Vastly Improved I Illustrated Articles? All the NewsPopular Departments ,Home Reading 1 12 Pages Regularly Balance of 1887 Free. To all now subscribing fel' the' year 1887, at the low price of $ t .PER ANNUM St Talmage's and other Sermons, Excellent .mugical Selections. International Sunday Si Ls'. 'THEliOLLY,QUEEN.' A Airoited number of 'this beautiful premium picture is offered sub- scribers for 10 cents .extra. ." THE WESTERN ADVERTISER AND e§Ep. $,/. Agents wanted everywhere. Twenty- five valuable prizes to be awarded over and above the cash commission to the most sueeessful sients. Registered letters .corne,at or risk. , For free sample papers, terms to agents, ete., address, ,Advertiser Printing Co., London, Ont. The APVOCATES Clubbing Offer, You can have The Western Adver- tiser and its beautiful Premium, togeth er with the AVV,OCATE for 1888, for only 0.75 by addressing T, Panto,aa, Exeter, 'Ont. Job Printia NOTE HEADS, • BELL HEADS, STATEMENTS, LETTER HEADS, COUNTER PADS, PARCEL LABELS. SHIPPING TAGS, BUSINESS 'CARDS, CIRCULARS. READ THIS? Our Stock. of 'Printing 49C2 Stationery, consisting of all the leading grades of Plain V:ZI tar and Fancy ruled and un- 'ran kOr ruled papers, Cards and En.- agir velopee, is most complete. ?la! Inr Call and get prices at Nte7M "THE ADVOCATE" I*sin street -, Exeter, 11E1E11 AND Eli(IS W4UiPitit • J. Matlaeson,, 'EXETER NORTH, eer ock moll, assorted for .tho, sougo.4,0 „trade, Lo w prico tfl 43-ROOEBJES1-46'1bugar for $1.004 xa:1us,..volite.s4gox for $1;00 in Teas, from ,pu to apor lb. faets 4 Shees,(411 Styles) at low prices. p1cely assorted stook of =Axil* ievaxc, !FORKS, SCYTHES and GLASS all sizes (cheap.) Best Machine 011, ti0e, per gal. Cosl 011 as low au the lowest, sa,nice To Sett of.44 pieces, 82.75. A good.;suit oi Ticatly7.made Clothing for �. OrderCd Sults got.up to good etyle. Dress Goods are ar a rac- ed down to, the lov,veet notch. 0OTTON-20 yds, for 11.00. A house and lot, also a farm for sale, Apply ,to d'OliN MAT H ESO N Hay postollioe. -700 TO-e- IIASTING'S, Central A S 6 FOB. .Arlisfc Shavirg, Hair Cuttin, Shampooing Hair Dyeing„ - Ladies' *Work a SpepiaMy,..... SATISFACTIONI>c, oGLJJ•1 RVN1"EE D. onson".6. EXETER, Ont. '4 a C,00 r• 4 th, . 0 'V ) • ,-- (/) ct e CI) (1) .c 4 PCS E4—e b ori 4-) cu (cla7)4 rCi "4: Z1 Ct f4"4 0 CI) .4°C)CCI2 c.)(Dgwo'0 ct •,-( tziy0 C11°--4 .,S) '14 sa) -„:t (-) 4:1 0 ,..4C1) al 49 CCS ci) CI) C111•••4 F", C.) .1"4 ,..., „CI) floi 76 P-1 ct 0P". P' -0-- ..,0.4-• .d k.r, ea 2:4 cn (1)7z, 0 • P'c,"d4 4j' 0 cfC • *; z :41 a.),-(9,.. Un" 0-60 g 4-4 p, 0 't 4' al ct a .4s 0 ctl,g • Cl , 4-4 4.5 0 al en P7'' '65 g 'ED) 71( a) rc:I it,744 ,51 • 1•4t 11 WoOld talte.thm iethod of retnrning'ithanks. forpast .support ana .a)§0 inYitPts AUm ttentioo of geasral ?Olio to '4is new FOt p•o 00.. ci. Wi4tor $opqmigilig ..A.B.r.st#010ass.stook of:Furs cloisszsmin PERSIAN LAMBS, BEAVER AND MIN, FOR WEICII BE IN - TEE CAREFUL 'INSPECTION OF OLD ou-sr.romRns .AND ALL OTHERS Wt.110 ARE TLEASED TO CALL t.,, eg*..A. First-class stock of 13o.ots & SHOES, RUBBER•WERSBOES, len Ladies, Gents and Childreng; comprising all the different kinds. —ALSO AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF -- CROCKERY CHINA& GLASSIVAT ALSO A GOOD SELECTION OF Flannels andWincpys, plain an check; 72 inchwool $11etip.fr, Zejiyy all wool 'Blankets, White an Grey Hoods, Tamoshantere, Wool Jackets; An exceil.nt assortment of Hosiery. GROCERIES AS HERETOPO:RE. 3E.X.M2P' A.,GOOD SUPPLY OF ALL STAPLES, AS REQUIRED Ti le"E VERY HOME -a ALIAX,av Er0 30.1662r..". 11472M, • IS WHAT YOU GET EVERY TIME! NEW TEAS. 'SUGARS. i COFFEES. SPICES. , .. . .. i 0 IIINAV/ ARE. '' - A • GRANITEWARA " —,--SQUARE DEAL ' Baking Powder, IN Fancy Cups arid with present. EVERY LINE. Saucers. 01,4ASS WARE, Lainp Goods, i 'VASES. General Groceries. That so ? V you want to find out the Truth of this Statement 'GIVE US A 'rata And if you are not satisfiea we will REFUND TOUR MO IX. Tb.at's a square offer • ISN'T IT? Farmers' 1.3roduce xelirtilged; ED. ROBERTS' FlaNSON'S BLOCK, MAIN -S TREET, EXETER, IIARPWAR E.! CUT NAILS, Both Steel and Iron; PAINTS and OILS, SPADES and 81-10VELS. • Barbed Wire Fencing, Plain Twist Wire Fencing, Woven Wire Pench hi,' and Galvanized Wire Fencing—All bought before the recent arivance in prices; and will be sold at LOWEST FIGURES. AN EXCELLENT STOCK OE LAMP GOODS AA -ways -on Ilaatid, TINWARE OF ALL KINDS 3EPT IN STOCK, _Agents. for the RA.YMOND Sewing Machine. BISSITT BROTHERS; MAPSTIZEgirc oxtrE,R.