The Wingham Times, 1897-06-25, Page 1VOL. XXV'I,_„NO, 1314. [INGIIAM TIMES WXNGIUAAM, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. JUNE a ,189s . $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE ` HOMW?H & aow�s, WE SELL CHEAP A special eounter of Boots and Shies. We will give you the choice ot 150 pairs of LadiesSlippers, But- ton and laced Shoes, Misses Button and laced Shoes in Dongola Kid and Polished Calf for The., t'ie4 were never made for the money. Another lot of Ladies' Button and Laced Boots Polished Calf and Don- gola, J our -pick for $1, they are well worth from $1.50 to $2.25, but they must all go. Ladies' fail size well shaped Blaek Cotton Hose at 5e. a pair, regular 1.0e We have got the best Factory Cotton; 3U inehes wide, in Wingham, at 5e. a yard. Special prices in Parasols and Ladies' Blouses. A line of boys' odd. Tweed Pants for 50c., 55e. and 60e„ cheaper than you can make thenal, . Mens Cotton Half Hose for 5e, a pair, regularly sold at 10e. Mens black ail wool Cashmere half base for 35e. regular price 502. ,A special line of Ties, Four•in-hand and Knots at 25e. , We will make to your order a ?rst class Tweed Suit for $10 and $11, guaranteed to please you, the best value in Wingham. Our Grocery counter has always Special attractions and prices. The Onest Tea you ever drank, 25e. alb. We are paying 12e. for Butter and '4@c, for Eggs. WE SELL CHEAP. ' 01i1iUTH & BOWIES Marriage Licensor tees ed• by • FRAInt PA'FEuS0N, No 23, Vic- •sortna'�'t"ttceet,Wingham, Ont. No witnesses requited. NOTHING SHORT OF is through courses, superior instruction, nompiete equipments find perfect facili- ties should satisfy you, C NTFAUBUSINESS COLLEGE, STRATFORD. - ONT. excels in every way. It in now recog- nized as the best scho,sl of training in Canada. Students highly room -mend it; and it is strongly endorsed by busi- ness men. Remember thio fact --you will attend a business school but once— Why not nttond the best? Write for particulars. W. J. ELLIOTT* Principal. LOCAL NEWS. —Campbell's Headache Wafers ,.guaran- teed to cure headache, —Prost Sunday night. —Wingham races July 21 and 22.. Mr, Thomas Woodcock left with us a stalk of rye which measures 0 feet 2 inches. —The Premier is now "The Right Hon- orable Sir Wilfred Laurier, G, C. M, G.” •—We are pleased to see our old towns- man, Mr. O. E. Wiitiams in our midst Anmore, Mte A little grandson of Mr. Wesley Gray, who is stopping with Mr. Cray, is very ill with an attack of scarlet fever.' —Wingham Company Volunteers will go into Camp at London on Monday, Capt. Williams will have charge of the boys. —Messrs. Currie and< Riutoul shipped a fine lot of horses on Wednesday. Mr. ,John Moore crosses the ocean in charge of them. -• Rev. D. Perrie and Mr, G, McIntyre who had been in attendance at the General Assembly, Winnipeg, arrived hone Thurs- day night. —Mr, Norman Farqultarson captured a. small tarantula on a bunch of bananas on Wednesday and has the gent on exhibition i a fruit jar. —We are pleased to note that Dr. h'sho1n is able to be around t u and attend to his duties again, The elmotor has been weyy ill for the past weeks —Master Robb Watson, oMoe boy for Mi John Ritnhic, received a bat in the nasal appendage while playing ball which frac- tared the bones thereof.V —Dr. Crandall, of Clifford, was offered $05 for the foal of Belle Roe, and sired by Occult. The mare was formerly the prop- erty of A. Roe Of this town. —On Wednesday June 30th, the sixth application of preparatione for the destruct tion of insecticides and fungicides will be made at Mr. Geo Moffatt's orchard at two o'clock. —We are in receipt of a program for a concert at Ripley on the night of Tuesday, June 23, in.vrhteh Prof. Snlhvan. and, his company of Wingham were announced to take pert. —The Entrance and Pablic School ex- aminations begin on Monday <Tune 28th. The Primary will commence the following Monday. Promotion examinations are in progress this week. —The Sawyer•Massey road making ma - tibiae seems to be the favorite machine all around. On Monday the Council of Turn• berry purchased one and one was purchas- ed in Lueknow last week. —On account of Dominion Day coining on Thursday we go to press a day earlier than anal next week. Correspondents and advertisers please take note. Changes of advertisements must be in not later than Tuesday, ..-Many bicyclists habitually leave their wheels where'they will be exposed to strong sunlight. This will soon take alt the life and elasticity out of a tire, and do it more damage than many thousand miles of bard ri nig would. —Master .Toe Nixon is confined to hi bed with a serious attack of pneumonia It will be exceedingly hard for Baster Joe to stay in the house as he is always such a playful boy, but we hope to see him with Mit playmates again ere long. While helping to arrange the pyramid for the bonfire, dr. John Murray was struck by a barrel which fell while it was being raised to the top of the large pole in the centre of the nazis, We are pleeseel to 4. ow thee be was not seriously hurt. V y 'STRAWBERRIES, TOMATOES Rev. Wm. Lowe was tnken seriousl ill on Saturday with inflamntion of the bowels. Mrs. Lowe wito was at her home l Blrs. F. II. Tierney is visiting in tit. in Waterford was tient for and arrived i Ir trys, hot -ie on ilLond,ty accompanied by her tiI 1l I:t oft of lugeraoit spent Tuesday V i ' t t that I town.f✓ —Quite en l i e excitement 1 ce t took a at he north end of the town on Wednesday even. nglast when it was found that a young son of Mr, Wm. Sheridan, was missing. It was thought at first he had fallen into the river and the alarm was soon spread and in a few minutes a large crowd gathered to help hunt for the missing one. ale was Hound by Cbief Vannormau sleeping between two loge' in Button and Peasant's milt yard V ---What sort of information makes a man "well informed"? According to the Cen- tury it is the "general knowledge" which giyes interest to the conversation of a man of the world," Tho Century competition is apparently an- opportunity for people to find one how much cif this sort of know- ledge they have, or how much they can acquire in a certain time The idea is original enough, and a first prize of $500 ought to develop a good deal of aotieity among the quickwittod brothers and sisters for the Century Co. offer to send the printed gaestions, without charge- to ap- plicants. —Another old paper comes. to our notice, this. time it is not so old in years but is interesting as being a specimen of what the Wrson at Txims was in the early days of its inception. The paper to whieh we refer is No. 20 of volume 5 and bears the date of October 10, 1870, Mr. Jonathan Ellis, being the editor and preprietor. In thecolumns we e a few dv :t'si u ns nolle names of buslnes' men who have stood the ups and downs of business life and are still with ns, while by far'the greater num• ber have gone. Of those still in Wingham we notice the names of D. Stewart, Wm, Gannett, T A Mills, Mrs. Herdsman. Thos. Leslie, Thos. Bell, J J Homuth and Thos. Holmes. Mr. Homuth haat at that time jest moved into his own block, There is also a notice of dissolution of partnership 'of Messrs, McGuire and Hutton' and an account of daring burglary of the railway station, —The managing committee•of the Turn - berry Agricultural Society are wearing ex- ceedingly broad smiles this week over the great success of tbeir excursion to the Royal City and Model Farm, on Monday last; and little wonder when it is consider- ed that about 1200 tickets were sold, which will be exceedingly helpful to the financial standing of the society. President Mills in a very pleasing manner welcomed the visitors to the farm. After they had par- taken of a leech they were condncted over the grounds, the farm and the buildings. The dairy department was a great attrac- tion, an interesting feature being the work. ing of the Thistle Milking machine which was operated quite saceessfully in the evening. Profs. Zavitz and Deans and W Rennie with other members of the College staff did everything to make their visitors feel at home. Alt seemed quite satisfied with what they had seen and learned. They were a tired but satisfied party when they reached home Tuesday evening. TOURNAMENT AT PJ;TROLIA. Petrone, Bremen and band have advertis• ed a grand, tournament on July 1 and 2, whieh should draw crowds to the oil town An extensive programme has been issued, July the first there will be a grand parade addresses of welcome, baloon ascension parasohute desicent, hose reel race, baud contest, fireworks, band concert, etc. July 2nd,-Praotical exhibition new water works open air concerts by bands, grand pstrane, base ball "St. Clair," Michigan, vs. Petrol - is, hook and ladder race, drill competition, 300•yd race. tug of war, bandsmen's race, You will miss it if you don't go to Petrolea on the lst and 2nd PE1RSOatALS• Mr, Prank Caesar is home from College, 1 Miss Wallace dpont J ubilee clay in Clio- ton. Dr. AS_dohald is expected home this week. mother, t o aro p eaecc to repo • 1at + it Me. Lowe is able to bo out again\/ IV—Mr. anal Mrs. Robb. Currie left on 1 Morley Park, of Gerrie, was in tolvu on Ween sd:ty for a three mouths trip in tot• I Tuesday. westnf 'J't,eir first stop off will be made at Al.atti BrcTTay, Teeswater, spent Tees- Ottawa, Tuesday 012 a. tn., (11,12 a. nt. Winnipeg.y coast spending some time at New Denver, Miss Lile Anderson of Belmore is 'nein gracious and touching message, this morn - where they have two sons living. Mr. ing at D. Rush's ant received, shall be immediately made Currin will also make a tour of a part of .J. C. Martin teacher of St. Helens was known throughout the Dominion and will stir afresh hearts already full. On this memorial day we offer the glad tribute of loyal devotion and affectionate homage. God save and bless the Qoeen. Signed, Anruunnx, Governor General. 1 e m PINEAPPLES, A rg Nm ORANGES, .0 m K 0 feed a LEMONS, ae 0 ',d a' BANANAS of Prime Tomato and Cabbage pants for sale�ar i° �) tl ♦..t:. ,ir,./ J;�S leek phsotte Na. 3J. A, G.S rCo.gve sen e e ca Photo C of Star P o spent a few days in Chatham this week, Wm. Robertson teacher in '<Vawanosit 4 ear Dungannon was in town Tuesday, Messrs, Hugh Hamilton and Will Camp - ell spent the Jubilee at the picnic in Town water f Bir, Manley Morden, of the Bank of Hamilton spent Tuesday M his home in Hamilton. .4. SNAKE IN Titg BZD On. Tuesday evening of last week the little home of Mr. and Mrs Henry Toll, in East Wawanosh, was one of unusual activity. Mrs. Toll went to the bedroom to prepare the bed for retiring, and while in the act of raising one of the pillows, her band touched something cold and slimy, She gave a scream and rosin. from the room. Toll procured a lamp and went to investigate the trouble. To leis surprise at the head of the bed was a snake cooly coiled and apparently enjoying 5 snug berth, FIe instantly secured a stick knocked it off the bed and killed it It was a common garter snake, three feet long. Bow the reptile managed to get into the house and then to the bedroom and afterwards on to the bed without being noticed isa mystery. It could not get to the bedroom without first crossing the room ocoupled by Mt' and Mrs. Toll all evening. Another theory is that it may have crawled up the stde of the house and through the bedroom. window, which has been open during the day. It took Mrs Toll sever days to recover from the fright eff u az�x r� lf, xc1v. sP x�r � A friendly match of baseball was played in Blyth on Friday last between the club of that town and ]3elgrave Club. The score reminds us of the good old days when we used to play "rouuttere" being 16 to 10 in favor of L3elgrave. Now that the Football Club has got fair- ly noder way, why should not theist inter- eated in baseball Bustle a good club to, gether and get organized, Wing' -am should have a geed baseball club. Get a move on. The base ball snatch on the recreation grounds between Clinton and Seaforth, re- sulted in a victoc•y for Clinton by n score of 12 to 4. The Seaforth playet a were some what crippled by a couple of their players being laid off for repairs, but show- ed considerable improvement in thetrplay. ing, and before the season is out we may expect to near good reports of them, Dur. ing the progress of the game. Hayden 'Williams had the end of One of his fingers smashed, --Expositor. The :first lacrosse mitten of the season was played here on the recreation grounds Seaforth on Wednesday afternoon, between the Twin City team from Berlin and Wan e1•Ioo and the I3eavers of tins town. A. fair ly large crowd were on the grounds to root On tLle home team, and they were most undoubtedly pleasantly disappointed at tate excellent game which the home team put up. The game was a hot one from start to finish and every loch of the game Iwas a fight. Berlin etarted the scoring but the Beavers presently counted, and again Berlinnead away only to be again tied, JUI3XLEF3 DAX This ended the scoring, two to two. Both • teams put ups good game, but despite the Jubilee Day in the early stages passe d meet amount of practice which our boys off comparatively quietly. With'»tlie ex- I have had this year, they out shone their ception of the ubiquitous small boy and his !o pponents and delighted everybody with fire crackers tnero was no stir in the town t their excellent playing, Jost keep it going until the Sons of Scotland martialled their boys, it means the championship at theeud forces in the evening. The sporting clubs 1 o he year. --:Expositor. were nearly all out of town, the results of their playing being given in another col, The Listowel football team played the umn, and with fishing parties, private and, Wingham team lass Saturdp,y suffering public picnics and sports 'of different a defeat by a score of 2 to 0. The visiting kinds in alt the surrounding towns, our i team played a good game superior in many town put on a kind of a:;abbatical appear. ,points to that played by Wingham, but ante. On the hili, opposite Mr. T. A. for some reason trey were not able to Mill's property, the Sons of Scotia were guide the ball throngh file goal, it was busy getting things in readiness for the their hard luck, A return match was evening. At 7 o'clock Camp Caledonia played iu Listowel nil Tceeclay . iu which assembled at their rooms and, beaded by • the score was reversed. Listowel played the pipers, marched up John's street to the . an excellent terns and Wio;hatn did poor place of rendezvous. A platform had been ' work; adding to this the fact that the prepared and the following short but Listowel tou.h line man was markedly un- meritorious program was gone through: fair to Wingham and it is not surp'isiug Selection, on pipes by Dave McDonald; that the result was 2 to 0 . against Wing - ham. "God save the Queen," by the audience led On the sighs day Brussels beet by G. W. Clint. Address, Rev. .lames Attwood 3 to 0. The next garde to be Hamilton; song, Miss Stewart, recitation, played by Wingbaui will beat Atwood on Master John Murray; song, "The High- . July 1st. Iandman's Toast," S. G. Brown: address, I The Young Maple Leaf Lacrosse Club Arch Hislop, of Grey: song, Mr. li'yfe; went to Kincardine uu Tuesday to play an exhibition game with the home team of that place, A dispute arose at the Wing - ham defence end of the field and lVingiiarn scored but as the referee was a Kincardine man land did not call titu:i they did not aoknowtedge the goal on account of }he dispute at the outer end of the field, The game was called for one hour ana lasted till Kincardine scored whieh was five minutes overtime. The referee acted as field captain for the Kinctrdi'te team for a time. Considering the old players 'the boys had to play against they put up a good game. The boys say they were aced 0. K, A. return match is expected soon. recitation, blaster Duncan BlcGiilivray; song, "The Maple Leaf," G W Cline; ad- dress, ikfr. Musgrove; address, Mr. Graney, closed by all singing, God Save the Queen, and Auld Lang Syne. The metcli was then torched to the pyramid of barrels and boxes by Mr, Jas. Cochrane and soon there was presented a most beautiful spectacle. The Sone of Scotland are to be congratu- lated on the success of the bonfire demon- stration as are also those who went to so much trouble in decorating so artistically their places of busines and their homes. One feature might here be mentioned, which is worthy cf note viz , that while flags ware floatingfrom all the private 'lag staffs in the towh, t'iere was • The second race of the Winghare Bicycle none ou the town hall flag staff. Club for the Club Bond Ikace Trophy was TIM QUEEN. � run on Thursday, June 17th, resulting as anrri:rit,e" i sou 7u Qu follows: 'The following message was sent out AC FAL along all the lines by This Honor Lieuten- rats. ant Governor and was received at Wing- ; 1 Henderson C. 22.28 ham in the morning. ! 2 Csrr A, H, 22.33 !4 3 Bell H. n• erste Government House, Ottawa. 4 Buff L. B. ,,Iris To HIe Home LIt u'r•Oovaiu mn, Toronte. 1 5 hteiien2iC ht. `211.25 Rideau Hall, Ottawa, 0.20 a, in.—Best : 0:islls Clore 23:118 prcetinge. I have just received the follow -i 7,wlintt(:ee, 10.25 ingfrom Backinglenn Palace, London: ! 3 Mcleod lt.. hens r, 0 (+R1�F0..th 1t, wile' CI ovornor-(lettca el of Canada, 10 )l acme Jno. 24 43 Ottawa. 11.7 a ii . from nay heart 1 thank i ti ci ber M W. •:•2,1.47 i 47 my beloved people. May Cod bless them."is eieliib:,on ty. 2,U Signed, Vrannut 11. & 1, 14 lhobinar:t A 11 27.40 The following is a copy of the reply now 15 roeock Jae, 25.50 lout to the Queen. 17 L0 0s .las, 27.51 � 17 fiords Thos, t7,5t To Tlns Q1ttm , London. i 15 Johns W A 27,22 1'ho will then proceed to the day in town. Greenwich time) The Queen's most Washington and 1lontana where he has fth town Saturday. many old friends living. V'Perry Btadwin tool in the Jubilee cele. 4—There died in Hamilton ,.21 Monday bratio'i at Clintons/ June 21, Mrs. Glary Andrus, relict of the The Misses Beck, of Uarriaton, aro the late Or'senhus Andrus, who was formerly a guests of Miss Park. R. J. Perkins of Gotrie spout Saturday and Sunday in town.- Mr. own.Mr. and Mrs. John Neelaude were in Toronto for the ,Jubilee. harness maker in Wingham. Mrs. And - ens was a sister of Mrs. John Green, of Lower Wingham. The body was brought to \Vingtiani for burial on Wednesday ea- sttuipanied by a son of the deceased and the funeral took place from the G. T. 1t. W. I. Chapman is expected home from statiohr, the setvices being : ronduoted by Denver, Col., on Friday. . d' din Wiughsm on the gist Deo. 1884, ing at r. `Phos. Holmes'. 08 Friday, while Mr. X. elc1tenzie, Bars. Buggies of Deliver Col. is visiting of Cripple Creek, Cot,, driving down her sister, Mrs. Creek, Cot., was diving down her sister, Mrs. 3,,Dinsiey. one of the steep Bills in the Alps, the horse W. T. Sullivan heard the oratorio, Satn- beealne unmanageable and ran away son, in London Tuesday night throwing the occupants, including Dir. and _Mr, P. Y3eck of 1larristoti, former. of Mrs, lltclienzie and child, out of the rig+. SVin haul was 'town last week. y The buggy was overturned and the Windt g pierced the horse's side entering behind the ,firs. Goo. R 11 and sort Erskine spent front leg. The home is the property of R. the forepart of e week in London. Getnmmiit of town and is now doing well Wm. Paterson and Airs. Patterson spent under the care of ?r,1+'ortune. 14Mt', Mid Jubilee with his brother at Kint:ardino. f II". G. A. CtiTord, Ph. D. Mr. Andrus Mrs Lir )Holmes of Walkerton, is visit - 1 " ty I Ostaulftiitt, , Mrs. Ms1 enzle had lust arrived rota Col' Mr. Pease, of Boston, Muse., is here oracle and rc'�ro going out to his old Iioin , ith is friend Mr 0 E Williams. in +Culross Maodosaid ]flock TI3.E DECLARA TION OP INVD.EPEND EN(lE SAVEIDBY.s. WOMAN In an historical article recalling the destrthction of our National capital by the British forces in 1814, Clifford Howard in the July tidies' Home Journal will show that Dotty Madison, the most belov- ed and popular woman of het day, was courageous and fearless in the face of grave danger. In the mead stampede from Wash• ington, that preceded the invasion by the British troops, Dolly Madison was the last to seek ettfoty in flight, and her final act before quitting she White (louse, as the enemy advance.., teas to seize the Declare. tics of Independence and carry it with her to a place of safety, As the White house was immediately afterward looted and' burned by the .British, Mr. Iloward de- clares that but for brave Dolly Madison the priceless parchment weal have been de. atroyed. it 2XDIOA" ALLMVR9. 5.00 OA0 0.00 3.00 0,30 4.00 s^rntah 2,00 2.00 co 400 1,33 502 703 5,00 1 45 0,00 5,00 eBSALTr 0i1015er- sn Tom. 1 min. 17,28 17.311 18,10 1 thin. 15.50 13.55 1 ruin, 10 00 10.25 10,37 1 min, 10,40 111110, 19.43 1047 10.4? 20 2.3 20 4,r 1 min. 20.50 21 13 21 51 1 nein. 22,22 Mr. Bastedo of the Bank IiahiiiPtq , was in Ltucknow Wednesday and Thurs- day, ' hurs-day,) etieving Manager Niobolt who was abient attending the marriage of his eis-er, —There was groat demand for jubilee stamps at all the post offices. The umber and denominations issued are; 130.003 ; cent atampq ; 8,000,000 1 cent ; 2,+100,000 2 cent' 20,000,000 3 cent ; 700,000 5 cent; 75 000 ti cent ; 200,000 8 cent ;150,000 10eent ; 100,000 15 -cent; 100.000 '20•cent; 100,000 60 -cent; 25,000 $1; 2.5,000 02; 25,000 $3; 25.000 $4; 25,000 $1 and 7.000,000 1 -cent post cards, Total value of one stemp of hien lnnd $1G 31.1 50 soots o'5 tits total cumber of stamps mentioned in the sebednts is issued the plates from wirich they will heve been etr- graved will be tlestroyed in the preseuoo of the head end two officers of the depart. ment, 1f this Jubilee issue were to wholly displace the ordinary Wanly it would sup- ply the ordinary wants of the country for between two and three 'Inutile, but as the use of the oe tt'i t�'y et tete will Ie._3)10d concurrently with that of lite Jubilee stamlie, it exlraetecl the Jubilee st+imp supply wilt lent beyond the three tnoutlis NkBWt3 NOTES Patrick Lynce, aged 28 fell into' a creek at Chatham, while drunk and was drowned. The Royal Victoria Hospital was dad'. Slated at Barrie, in oonetnetnoration of the diamond jr bilee. The corner atone or the central Metho- dist church at St. Thomas was :Ml by Rev r,. B. Griffith. A Pit Qu'Appelle b'renchman named Galarneau tried to swim across the Lake while temporarily insane and was drown- ed Charles Guy, a ecnductor os the Ham- ilton Radial Railway, foll from a- oar, was run over and died at the hospital from bis injuries. Mrs, McDonald endeavored to get off a moving train at St. Thomas, and fell under the wheels which cut off one of her feet. The Millard House at Carrot, Mau., was struck by lightning and Alex Nelson of B andon, who was in the house, had mese his clothingtorn offwas badly of or and burned. Duringthe public demonstration le bin Ottawa ord Aberdeen read the message received from the Queen and Ms reply to it. The feature at the capital was the electric illumination, Mr. John Freeman, an old resident of St. Thomas was crossing a railway bridge north of the city when an express train came along and one of the coaches struck a basket in Mr. Freeman's hand: He was thrown to the creek below and instantly killed. --.-A. Lawn Social will be hald on the grounds of T, E. Bowles, Esq, under the auspices of the Bicycle and Orchestral Clubs. on Wednesday evening next. .A, full vocal and inatrumenust program will he given with the usual summer refresh. menta. The Jubilee Stamps. There was an immense crush of buyers of Jubilee postage stamps at the postoffice all day on Saturday, and the receipts must have been enormous. The purchasers bought all denominations of the stamps and many t,.ok a whole set. The specula- tors were there in full force. and by energetic work secured a good ..stock in trade. It was estimated tout: the issue would last for three nit ,ths but if the sale keeps up as at present, ono week will be sufficient to clear it all out. The crush was not confined to the general postoffice. At all of the branch offices where the supply was _ small the demand was so great that . the stamps were speedily disposed of and many would-be purchasers went away disappointed. Several policemen had their hands full in keeping the crowd in line at the postoffice during the morning. -- World. BUSINESS LOCALS. 1V.txT>♦n—A good general servant girl Apply at this office. Something new In Canopy -Top Bed- room suites at InenAxn tE BUTTON'S. ti-14.tf 'Try a can: of Heinz Bayked Beans, they sale at. A. FAngniisnsov's Go to Mrs. Green's, opposite 13aok of minutia:, for cheap and stylish millinery Pine Apples, 10c each ;Bananas, (.?ranges Lctnnns, Strawberries, Tomatoes and Cucumbers, at J. McKeivies. If you doubt what your neighbors say ahnet Ireland &Button's prime just cell in and see for yourself. a-1•itf Always good bargains in millinery at M •a, Green's, opposite Bank of Hamilton Ireland & Button has added a delivery settees; to their business and will deliver goods a reasonable distance. 5.14tf —For first-class tailoring and cheap gents' furnishinge, try Webster & Co. Remember the place, in Queen's block. Strawberries, hot .e gro •n, will soon be on the.ntarket and • ' have tlieni from the same growers a: retofore. Therearo none better and , . th can equal them. Leave your or • early a N. A. FAnerIiosmt's. Tomato plants reduced to 50c a hun- dred at the Iron Bridge Green House Low. er Wingham. T. C. GnAl.An, VlAxxnn:--..Eggs. 10 per cent higher than the combination. Tub Butter 130. Prices being well maintained under ,heavy offer• inge—an unusual feature rine prodnee market, 1 buy Batter. Bggs anti Woo;. Highest prices cash or trade. G.11.1 nee. are simply delicious, NOT fi11A'(' li 1Nll 1 Scottie Emulsion does not debilitate I the stomach as ether cough medWithe do; but on the contrary, it i.tnprtiresf digestion and strengthens the stomach. Ila effects gro immediate and pronouns ' ed. ,r;