The Advocate, 1887-10-06, Page 8.•••••••*•loo••• „Trees liern in 5 tl'eat Car me walked over te the door end listen- ed iatently, The noise ceased and On Thursday night aboet 8 o'eloek tkoro was perfect oiliness, Thinking ei yeung colored woman horded that bc beim deceived by a; &OAT! Yong e street Or at Adeleide street) " leather Sheehan went beck to bed eeed got ofF A.lexander etreete She aeain and lit the lamp. Then he heard appeared to he ill and euflaring aud aemocing ncdso again, He .se14 in a Very much agitated. She tried a door jniula voice: , of olio of the stores and finding it leek- eff there is anybody there yen ibed fel reel put into the street again apd once more boarded the eel' which had better, go away or I will shoot you," been stopped to allow the other passen- He wee replied to by 9. low voice r „ to alieyhtIn sitting dow1,,, which said, "Open the door, or we will ge+e . n ee" break it open.V This was followed by slipped and fell on the floor, where she gavebirtb to a (..hila of obony e gruff voice saying, "We demand your money ' pees. The conducter wrapped the instantly! baby up in his overcoat, which, with Father Sheehan walked over to the door and struek it with his fist, and the mother, was takera to doctor, said: "I will shoot the first man that Pesth mother and child are sad to be doing wellconies into this room." Then he walk- ed to the baek a the ecione, ,and ecipg • -••••••---..--- the &ion cocked bile revolver and held With a Iliad Engineer. it ready for ,ection. Scarcely had he done this than the men threw their Fireman Roberts, of the Wabash ‘eeight spinet the door and forced it Iroad, arrived on Thursday on Ms train, : nel tells a thrilline story of his exper- °41' ItA" s 41.:*1:nge4' Then cemmencedum scS ienee with a madeneineer. When ralrge Father heeman sent a`" shot at the doorway, where he could thertnein drew out of Des Moines, Ia. efuesday night, Engineer Botsworth dimly see (le figures a tw° men' Tw'' shots reply, but neither tippeared all right, but before they hadhots were fired e gone far, Roberts noticed that his com- of them took effect. The burglars )einioe acted queerly. At Harvey he seemed disinclined to make a, further ehould have stopped for water, and the advance hut called on F4ther 'Sheehan fireman backed the tin down to the 0 surrelaCier• The PhickY clergelnan proper place, whiee the engineer acted made several attempts to use his revel - in a dazed mariner, Once on the road ver again, bet found to his dismay that l3otsworth began to travel faster, itwonld not work. Then he made a -.until the train was running 50 miles dash for his gun' but quickly reinein- a a hour Then Roberts realized that beung itnic‘aotwit ‘svvhaischunml,oaasdneodw, tubritsi eodn yo Boteworth was deraneed, and grasped the lever and saved the train from ghope of escapeHe threw open the n- iug through an open switch. Faster sash and, while a third shot was fired.' flew the ergine, Botsseerth standing by heleaped out into the clarkness and fell a distance of twenty feet. Fortugately with a dazed look, aud as they thund- he alighted on his feet and sustained ered through Bacon, the maniac gave a yell and started to spring from the cab no iejury beyond a severe shock. It took a few seconds for him to remise window. The wabchful fireman caught him by the legs. While he balanced er, and when he did so he could see him on the window ledge, he managed that there eves a light at the kitchee to stop the train with his feet. Tile door, which had been left open. While, he was staggering towards the light conductor helped to get Botsworth two men rushed out and brushe d past back to the baggage car, where he was ie carefully guarded, until the train reach., him. They made off rapidly the di- redion of the village :street, /:14141 that, Id Ottumwa, when he was heeded over to the authorities there. It is believed was the lase Father Sheehan saw of the burglars,. Nearly all the rooms had to be paralysis of the brain that ails been ransacked in search of money. Apparently nothing had been take and the burglars had all their trouble Hanged Himself, for nothing. Duncan Campbell, one of the widest 'known of Southwold farmers, was sus- pended from a rafter in his brother's barn on the Union road, Southwold, -Monday morning, having been dead for sotne time. A man of great stature lie was known as "Big Dune" Camp- bell to distinguish him trom the many sithers of the same liama throughout West Elgin. For severe' years he rep- resented Southwold tosvniehiessese. ,first ,deputy reeve in the,weregia County.. 'C"ncfle had liken despond.ent for Itwopeteiree years past, and this de- nidency was accelerated by the death esesee' of his wife About six months ago. Lately he hacrmade his home with his .father-in-law, Mr, Damen Walker, and on Tuesday went to spend a few days wish his brother Jame, Qn Thurs- day evening he disappeared, bid as it wee thought he had returned to Mr. Walker's his absence created no uneasi- emss among the members of the family. The first uneasiness was felt on Sunday when it was learned that Mr. Walker had not seen the missing man, whom the Walker family supposed was still Jarnee Campbell's. Monday morn- ing the barn on James Campbell's place was earched, end the lifeless form was found suspend.ed by a rope not more than three feet in length, from one of the rafters. His feet were about a pot from- the oat straw, with which Ole mo.v was filled, and several sheaves had been thrown aside to prevezet the attempt being foiled. Dee,easd was ia his 47th year, and Paves 0. little girl. - ele A Leap for Life Toronte, Sept 22—Burglars are holding high carnival in the unprotect- ed county villages sereoundine Toren. 1;05. The robbery at Rev. Father Egan's reeiaence at Thornhill wee followed oil Ontario Fruit Growers' A.s,sociation, At the annual meeting of the Ont- ario Fruit Growers' Association at Grimsby the President, Mr, A. Ma/ .A.11an, of Goderiele in his address dealt with the question of markets for Cane adian apples. Mr. Allan spent four inoiiths in the Old Country last sum mer, ieterviewing orchardists, brokers, buyers, steamship owners and others 'interested in handling Oanadian fruits. Hi § empression was confirmed that eeeeeefe, in avow the fineet ap.pie.in- the woad -Lilo leappe‘snetliu in in mate and soil producing the highest exeellence in flayor, florin end colter. Our apples have taken British buyers' by storm, and consumers will not pur- chase any others as long as they can ob- taiii a suitable article from us. Gen- erally speaking, it is a mistake to ship on consignment to any but the three great distributing centres of trade, Lon- don, Liverpool agd Glaegow. Fruit shipped direct Se Lendon is liable to more than when shipped vie. Liverpool and thence by rail to Lenelen, This plan ,of shipping by Liverpool gives an extra market, for it the consienee finds he tan sell to an edvantage 'by stop- ping the cargo and desposieg of it he will do so. A very fine line of busi- ness was opened lest year with buyers forallorway, Sweden and Denmark, and by care in selecting and packing, this trade can be largely increased. A good trade can be established with these countries in dried.fruits as well as canned goods, Then with fast steamships on the Pacific Ocean con- neeting with or Canadian Pacific rail- way our apples will iind a profitable market for our apples in the far East. The trade, in or own Northwest has already cieseineel wonderful pi opoi tions, with this desirable feature, that NVednesday night by a daring but un- it is a market for our early and fall successful atteck upon Rev. Father apples that would otherwise be of coin - Sher= at Pickeeieg, Rev. Father peratively little value, If the British, Shelan's house eomewhat isohited Belgium tied German crepe are short, from othet dwellings, occupyine a se- our fall apples will eompiend about eluded spot. Pickering is a quiet little the same pewee lit Britain that winter Jlge about 22 miles east of Torontosorts bring. Nearly all the kin& Father Sheehan retired on Wechies- grnwn in Belgium and aermaey arc day night about 10 p'elock. There what we would call fall cookers, with was nobody in the house but himself, little or no color, and of insipid htwor, He alvveys has a table beside his bed With a lamp on it ready to be lighted peid a loaded revelver. The.weapea 32 calibre and had not been used. for years. About midnight he was await - 'cried by the noise of somebody picking tit the lock of his room, The door was. secured by a latch leek, but it ewes fattened eoghtit iteetild not be opeeed from the outside. He immediately sot out of hie bed, grabbed hig revOlv- 80 tiltt6 they cannot find profitable sale against our winter fruit. fallOevarz- , „ ties our Gravenstein is sure of ready sate at highest prices, This eaeon it has told as high ae $6 per bereel, St. Lawrence has outdo $4.20 and Oolvert $4;05 for geed samples, 'Shippers Shetilci provide good stottiese se that Varieties could be setit forWatcl in peo- pee season -when the market demand is Continued on first page: filiffEll AND EliGS Wanted. J Matheson EXETER. NOATII, Our Stock is well „aasorted fctr the seasou'A Lqw rg ices still maintain. GROCERIES :-16 lbesugar for $1,00 ; 13 lbs, white sugar for $1.00. Wo ean'tibe underoold in Teas from gee tp par Pools 4 Shoes(all Styles) At lew pricks. A plegii assorted otock of 4313:014114%.21 FORE'S, SCYTHES and CLASS „ all sizps,(ebettp.) nest Machine 011, w ek.yur aI. +al Oil as low ,as the lowest, a nice Tea Sett of 44 pieces, $215. 08, A, cirgdo:111:1 glutriliii.1111010•;019040:1031011,4 'tor Our Dress Goods are rri ark, ed dovvp to the lowest OOTTON—c12°014,y1:1's, for $1,00. A heusg and lot, also a farm for sale, Apply. to • • JOHN MATHESON, Hay postuAice. e ---GO TO— A, 1-TASTING'S, Central • XIXIllX Fon Afisic Shavirg, Hair Cutt'ng, Shampooin g Hair Dyeing, etc., etc. Ladies' Work a Speciality. 8AT1SFACTIONDo , *IGUARVNTEED. ranson's Block, EXETER, Opt. • 4-4 eb r o , „.1 • V), r"' ..tsr 0,0stvita:.+,1j, " :24 (1) .1•4 73.34 1)1 a) g cf) 4-1 u) 0,4 An co A 0 • PC14) F..%) 4> rri 4-) ct peg C4.4 ›. i•-4 Qogoo „,(1) 0 "c-ci • p 0-) w ct hor--1 szu mi Ni# • r..1 F o (15 as s • .4 cn am -1 c„ -cid) r.▪ 4' c.) t)f) .(1) IP 4"-j Ct CtS •' ti) 1g CD 1'S Cr+ q) 0 (1) 'elt1C'51 Z.74 '64(""Ip•4 ^ L., 0 0 0 1-4 ' bp cp 7 -en' .r#14 o uf cu tf2 0-0 43 .2 ai,(Ts 1-4 cz .4 r• o 0 cis P ci) A,40 P"'"(.,...4 • 0 +jtz,, co'• .4"° -+-1 /44 C13 Cn (1) 1.4 c.11 (eee cip CD' °dee( g tri4 g H e7e--1 En .F-4 "cn CZS ;-4 P-1 en 0 ew Premise ?J .NEW GO0138„ ▪ MANii(E)N Respectfelly ren iids hie many ,Oustomers and the pnblie ,generally that he has re- moved ;to ES HIV STAID, VIM* *MO** Main Street, EXETER. WhAtro he lia,s just received —A— WELL ASSORTED STOCK OP READY-MADE--- —130011 & SHOE. ALSO Hand -made work of the highest • Class. A. Trial Solicited, and SatisfactiOn Guarallteed GEO. MANSON, Exeter. HELLO THERE! ROWE ANDREW'S (ALMANAC,), For Balance of 1887. feer, Ire Drizzly or pleasent1 Invisible eclipse of the moon 1 Work like furv or yee'll 'lever get throueli „ in time to smile ons ref those ex- traordinary bargains, that we are offeiing. Furpiture of every dee sciiption at redeced prices, (October-. Another spell of Weather ! Wer the east ! Terrible catastrophe in New Voils ! 53 people see- cumb in base ball fever. Police ereened out to keep back 'the crowd from our Warerooms Seveval seriously jammed - :No em114--r. Look out fur now. Fathers with eligible daughters, melon, the frout gete, and buy one trif owr cosy sofas, wncrall Led to hi ing the mot,t hathltil young Wall 14 the eeuntry to time in short order Beds, Spriug Meares:we, Lownees, etc., ewe ineedlese variety. )ecerna.ber. Chauge in the moon, and more Weather, Under .1111(i.ingt Str.cik t+f %ars and Tiinimings, are nue:welled. Ilotonnad undertakers, no ilinvs, no Olinuao, e use (.thr prices we govi•rn minalv es, and t.s mast people know they aro vory moderate wo understand, and make a quantity.° tills part .of ur business. tome and see before you buy, Open day and night. REMEMBER the PLACE Drew's old seand,—one door noeth of Molson's Bank. Rowe & Andrews,. \Ai HAT YOU GET . EVERY TIME'! NEW TEAS. SUGARS, I OOFFEE'S. SPICES. . CHIN.AW ARE. A GRA.NITEwARg . SQUARE DEAL Baking Powder, o IN Fancy Cups and with present. EVERY LINE. Saucers. , t -esseeesesse-ess ,, • 7 ---orAsswmAirgi. tamp Goods. 1 VASES, General Groceries. That so? If you want to find out*the Truth of this Statement e GIVE US A Tatat+ And if you are not satisfied we will REFUND TOUR MONET. That's a square offer I SN'T IT? k"Etrrtler' Produce 3-Cxcharifirecl; ED. R(313ERTS' FANSON'S BLOCK, MAIN-S,TREET, EXETER, -HA)PWAltE • CUT NAILs, Both Steel end Iron; PAINTS and OILS, SPADES and SHOVELS. Barbed Wire Fencing, Plain Twist Wire Fencing, Woven Wire Pencil.% and Galvanized Wire Fencing—A11 boeg,ht before the recent advance in prices, and will be sold at LOWEST FIGURES. AN EXCELLENT STOCK OE LAMP GOODS Alvvszys on TINWARE OF ALL KINDS KEPT IN STOCIC. Agents for the RAYMOND Sewing Machine. BISSITT BROTHERS, MAW STREET., - EXETER' ,rew. 11.