The Wingham Times, 1897-06-18, Page 8llil+ WIN IAM TIMES JUNE 18. 1897. H. PtP1NaQQ � A BIC DAY SkIT'URDAY levelling. The entertainers were Messrs. Gracey and: Brown of Wing. hare, the Gorrie orchestra and the Methodist chore.—A union picnic, be- tween the Methodist and Presbyter- ian Sabbath Schools will be held on Friday July 9th on Air. Andrew's Grey's flat. A large committee has the affair in charge and it is hoped the picnic will be as enjoyable as the one held last year in the same place. —Mr. Wesley West returned home to Woodstock on Monday, after visit- ing at the manse.—Mrs. A. Ross and Mrs. G. Good of Winghanl were visiting in the village on Friday.— Mrs, Cowden of Winghain spent Sunday witk her sister Mrs. Seymour Thornton.—Miss Annie Rurherford is home on a visit from Toronto.— On going to the Barn early Wednes- day morning to get hay for the horses, Master John Coultes came on three tramps, who greeted him kindly, and told him that they had. slept well.Thcse tramps were decent ly dressed, well fed looking fellows, who perhaps have run away from their homes. Johnnie is pretty scar- ed of the barn now. Any of these items are Wiper._ taut enongh to create a sensa- tion. Otte mention is enough to sell the entire lot. These goods will l,n on stile Saturday morn - log at 8 o'nlecl:.. to 20 duz cbtldrens' fast black ho e regular,'Se and 10e for.. 3e, 20 doz. ladies' fast black hose, reg. 15e for Oe 10 Pieces heavy shaker flan- nel reg. 8e Saturday5c. 10 Pieces towelling, reg 8e. Saturday 5c. 10 Pieces fancy crepons muslin reg. 18e for .12 c 10 Pieces fancy dress goods reg 50e for 35e. 5 Pieces fancy dress goods reg 25G for 15c 10 Spring & summer capes reg $1.50 for 09c. 24 Boy's snits, reg $3.50 for $2.50 tl Men's Suits to order at special 1f • priees en Saturday. t, 50 Pair ladies fine shoes, reg 5 • $1.60 Saturday $1.25> 36 Pair men's fine shoes reg 42.50 for $1.75 ''•'"izZgy m- , Special ail weed; in Ties, Straw Hats, Felt Hats Collars and Shirts. _0_, Big Sale of Ladies' Fine B1aek Hose less than regular whole- sale prices. 1 -i ---,'SHOP EARLY. —o— y TURNBERRY. e I1r. Herbert Ile nninglwho has been on the sicklist is able to be out again.Wm. Gemmill, who has pur- ehased a wheel from Mr. Hemphill of Wroxeter, is able to handle it in good shape now.—Alec McDougall son of Mr. Hugh McDougall has re- turned from Calumet, Michigan, to Detroit where he has obtained a situation as book keeper fora large firm.—Mins Mary Hooey spent a few days with rrlrs. James Wylie this week.—Since most of -the farmers have their sheep shorn and their turnips sown, road work will soon begin.—There is to be a barn raise ing at Mr. Seines Orr's next Wednes day afternoon, --The beef ring is r.ow in operation. Mr, Herbert Benning does the butchering for the company.—Arthur Bickerstaff bas returned to the 6th concession.—Miss �? 1Iaggie Hooey is helping Mrs. Wm. Gemmill until the latter can secure Ithe services of some one else.—Me, Paul Powell is renewing. some lire insurance policies this week besides and if you do not provide it, chances Corcoran , Mr. Wendell Both of Guelph taking out some new ones.—Mr. Hugh \1eDan2.ld had a new roof put I are that he will sot reptitiously bor- t ortk Catharine, Culross,',/ dauuhter of Mr, D. Me - on his house last week.—Mrs. 14fe row trashy papers from some neigh- !! !Donald and Mrs. Weir visited bor's boy. You do not want him to'V McDoNALD—FIOTdoTA— On 'Tuesday taw up, with a taste for stage rob- June 15th at the residence of the bride's friends near Manchester last week.— bins and piracy, ind a Bred al or parents by the P,ev. James: Hamilton, I Mrs. Hodgson is visiting in the vici-r t, ` p TI c nips 1. McDonald of Wingharn, to ity of Mt. Forest thisweek. and 1.1r. two, and other home attractions will .Mary J. daughter of Mr. W. Homuth of Hodgson is obliged tv keep batch.— be a'small price to pay for guiding Turn berry. Mrs. J. S. McTavish was visiting Mrs hull past S,wh Shoals. DZZD STORE WILL BE CLOSED JUNE 22nd DIAMOND JUBILEE DAY —y— M. H. McINDOO'S. ADDLTIONAL LOCA LS. W. C. T. U. FOR Tilly TiOTilEfS. WHERE'S BOTHER, Bursting in from School or play, This is what the children say ; Trooping, crowding, big and smart, On the threshold, in the hall, Joining in the constant pry Ever as the days go by— "Where's mother ?" From the weary bed of pain, This seine question comes again Prom the boy with sparkling eyes Bearing home his earliest prize ; From the bronzed and bearded son, Perils past and honors won— "Where's mother ?" Burdened with a lonely task, One cavy we may vainly ask For the comfort of herface, For the rest of her embrace ; Let us love her while we may— Well for us th.it we can say: "Where's mother ?" SOUTH HURON LIBERM. S.. The Liberals of South Huron as constituted for provincial • purposes, met in convention at llensall. The convention was ono of the largest, most enthusiastic and harmonious, ever held in the county. Over 140 delegates registered their mimes, the polling subdivisions being fully re. presented. Mr. Mc)wen, president of the association presided, and Mr, Thomas Fraer of Stanleys' acted as secretary. On the first ballot the convention was practically unanimous for the present member, Mr. M. Y. McLean he having received all the N ctes, but five or six. The nomination was made unanimous by a standing vote, Mr, McLean, in a brief speech, ac- cepted the nomination, thanking the committee for the unanmity with which they approved of his course and conduct as their representative. Your mother --she is a dear, noble, heroic soul ; but mother herself is but a spark that sprang out of the bosom of God. * * !c Blessed is the child that is brought up at the mother's knee, which is God's Altar on earth. • * * t� bad woman is the worst thing in this world, and a good woman is the best thing in this world. �c * The name, inuther is the watch- word—the talisman of life. Indeed it is the very object almost of prayer when the mother is translated. As the Catholic devoutly prays through Virgin 1V[i ry, so you and I pray, de- voutly through our mother; not be- cause; we really believe she is a medi- ator, but because we want ' to have some sense of sympathy up there, and the rnether has it. We get a hold,on the beyond through her. * THAT BOY Iv YOUR 11O'ME. Does your boy show an inclination to read ? If so, provide him with the best periodical you can procure even though you have to strain a point on something else to obtain the 'necessary subscription price. Ile is bound to get reading, somewhere Barney Barnato Died. London, June 14.—(Midnight.)—A special despatch from Funchal, Island off Madeira, off the .west cost of Morocco, says that on the arrival there to day of the British steamship Scot, which left Table Bay (Capetown) on June 2, for Southampton, it was announced that Barney Barnato, the South African "Kaffir King," who was among the passengers. had com- mitted suicicic by Leaping. overboard His body was reeovered. A couple of weeks ago the cable despatches' reported that Mr. Barnato was ill --one report said he suffered from fever, another that he had become subject to dementia, and had to be taken care of by friends. He was placed on board steamer r'or England, and the above despatch tells the rest. t • BORN. REm---In Turnberry, on the 13th inst. e wife of Mr. John Retd; a daughter/' MAcrneasoN—In Wing harn on the 15th inst., the wife of Mr. Duncan Mac- pherson; a daugltterV II AMBLED ROW •—Mo0.)a TreK—It,'Teeswater on Wednesday June 16th, by P.ov. Father roc Encarira e vour children to bring JADAnts—In Lower Wiu;haui, on th their playmates home occasionally 1121n lest, Annie Hazel, youngest dau:,h• D. Frazer, last week. g e andg ive them time and issist them ter of Mr. rind Mrs. W. Adams, aged 1 10 th d tf PERSONALS' • Will Dane, o( Gorrie, Sundayed in town. Percy Hill, Walkerton, was in town on Sunday. M. Kirby Gifford, Te:swater, was in town Sunday. Mr. Andy McDonald wheeled to Ripley on Saturday. Mrs. Clough is visiting her sister, Mrs. (Ray.) Perrie. Morley Park, Gerrie, spent Sunday at his hone here. Miss Aggie Rose, of Brucefield, is visiting fri_ndsin town. Wallace Johnston, of Teeswater, spent Su iday in town. Mr. and Mrs. Elugh Hamilton were in Goierich Sunday. Mr. Jas. Oliver, of Toronto, is visiting at Mr. Geo. Wade's. Mr. Andrew Barnett, of Kurtsville, was in town on Friday last. Miss Hornell, of Lucknow, spent Sunday with her sister, Mrs. McKechnie. Mr. Wirt Farquharson and Miss Farqu- arson were in 'Teeswater on Tuesday( Mrs. Flemming and her littleboy of Lis- towel are visiting at her father's, Mr. T. Leslie. Mrs. Anderson, of Dresden, Ont. is visiting at her father=in-law,s, W. S. And- erson's. Mr, Gordon Williams, of the Bank of Hamilton, has gone to New York for his vacation. Miss Adams, who has been with Mrs. Green, during the Millinery season, has gone to Guelpn. Mr. John Hessian, of the Gendron Bicycle Mfg. Co,, Toronto, is spending his holidays at home. CLINTON Mils. Alice Grattan sister of Mrs. Robert Holmes cried at the residence in having pleasant social gatherings year, mon 's,, ays. it may be a little bother, but it will enable you to keep on a more of lir. Holmes in Clinton on Thurs.familiar footing with. them, and to know their associates. In short, en - day evening last. She was well known here having visited here on ter into their interests, and convince several occasions, and lastSeptember them that home is the most pleasant she came here in delicate health, and kn-twing that she hal consumption, and that there could be but one re - a few choice shrubs and vines to sult of her ailment, and she calmly clamber along the fence, or hedge and over the unsightly places. Cover the porches with honey- suckles, or roses or wisterias, and i have a good assortment of Willis, to I' start the procession of flower in the spring, and anemones and cbrysan- few minutes before she passed awa themntns, to lenghten it out in the She had no particular pin and der fall.. Perhaps. you thing your child- ren do not care for such things, but Mr. and Mrs. P. Gray, and son of Lan- sing, Mich., are visiting at his father's. Mr. Mark Gray's. blesers. Arthur Wade and Chas. Gentles of Kincardine, wheeled to town ea Satur. day, returning Sunday evening. ttB•1rs, J. E. Johnsen, nee Fannie McOcu- w eel, of Fargo, N. Dak., is visiting Mrs, Peter Deans, and renewing manywith old :agouaintances in town. spot on earth. If your place consists of only a small village lot, make the most of it in the way of flowers.Have suth.nitted to the inevitable without the slightest murmur. For the past five months she kept her bed, grad- ually wasting away, and while her death was looked for r,t any time, it carne unexpectedly, she was conver- sing with a member of the family a BLU EWALL. 'iRev, W. J. West`Lassisted at the laying of the corner stone of Moles• worthPresbyterian chnreh on Tues. day,gA very large nunaber of people attf.i►tded the jubilee social, ander the strOpicres of the Methodist church, at liff. WWI 'thorn's, last Tuesday only suffering. was on the last day of her existence when she complained of a shortness of breath. She was left a widow about 12 years ago, without family, and at her own re- quest was buried beside her late husband in the St. Catharines ceme- tery, on Sstutday. A short service was held at the house here, by the Rev, Mr. Newcombe, on F'r'iday, a number in town showing their smy- pathy by attending the same. She was the second daughter of the late E 5 Leavenworth; of St, Catharines, a member of the Baptist church and had she lived until Sunday she would have been 3G years of age. The base ball match between the Organ factory team was played on the Seaforth grounds last Friday and resulted in Clinton winning by 12 to 4 in G innings they do. Beauty is a prime factor i in every child's life, and it goes a a long i:'eay toward strengthening . the home ties. If possible have a row or two of current bushes and astr•aw- berry bed and some raspberry and blackberry vines, and if you live on a farm give each one of the children a plot of ground, to cultivate and have the proeeed.s of. By the time the boys arc of age, they will feel like independent peat - cal farmers, and may have little de- t sire to change their calling. Do not let your mind dwell to much on banks and increasing acres. Make your home and its surroundings attractive, buy books and music for your children, and give them the best possible edneation your means will allow. Both you and the child - The following from the Soo, Mieh, ren will derive more pleasure from Democrat, refers to 11ir J. W. Triter, formerly of Clinton :—"Miter & Hamilton succeed George Teskey as proprietors of the Teskey House bar. Mr. Riter has had hard luck during the last year, having been burned out twice, last August during the big fire and the second time when the Iroquois went up in smoke. It is to be hoped that his new venture will be a suceess," money spent in this way, than if it were allowed to lie in • bank vaults, or broadened fields, to he be, queathed to them or to somebody else in the very indefinite future. Two thousand five hundred cab drivers in Loudon own the cabs they drive. Altogether there are about 15,000 cab drivers in London. Cha f Business Having purchased from D. E. McDonald his Butchering Business, I am now in a position to -supply the public with C I EATS at lowest prices a,icl earn- estly solicit a share .of the patronage of this cornmun- ity. We will always keeP on hand the best meats that can be got for money J. D. GEDDES. McDonald s old stand. [/r. C 155, Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the only safe, reliable monthly medicine ou which ladies can depend in th.t hour and time of need, Is preparedintwo degrees of strength, No. 1 for ordinary eases is by far the best dollar 'medicine known —sold by drurats, one Dollar per box. No. 2 foeeial cases—xo degrees stronger --s by druggists. One box,. Three Dollars; two boxes, hive Dollars. No. 1, or O. 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 3 -cent statnps. The Cook Company, Windsor, batado. teg&S"lMSr02M EXCITEMENT MeINTYRES THIS WEEK A FLUTTER IN LACES Having picked up a special job line, we are going to Sacrifice. Don't fail to see them. A HUSTLE IN DRESS GOODS CASHMERE, SERGES AND FANCY EFFECTS, with trimmings to match, at prices lower than the lowest. WE HAVE EXTRA VALUE Ladies' Vests, Something Special, also a full range of Women and Children's Cashmere and Cotton Hose. MEN'S HATS A SPECIALTY OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT Needs no mention, all Goods Fresh and Sea- sonable. Try our Specie] JAPAN TEA AT 25 CENTS. cIN`PY MACDONALD BLOCK. ieel &5'.. E. W ING P•Ald , Sold its Wingiassu add everywhere by all resile netlrle drafter's re 1!•714.7,w- CHOICE ''iw —' � .. Furnitaro _ I_ . i 41 .1 St —IN— WIT144arli-alf Da Ireland & Button are putting, in a complete Stock of Furniture and Undertaking consisting of BEDROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, DINING SUITES, TABLES and CHAIRS of all kinds. SIDEBOARDS, LOUNGES, SPRING BED MATTRESSES, CURTAIN POLES, PICTURES, PICTURE FRA1VIES, MOUNDINGS, MIRRORS, Ete., in fact everything that is kept in a FIRST- CLAS FURNITURE STORE , A complete stock of Undertaking kept en hand and prices reason- able. l 'Remember the place, Ireland's old store, opposite the Mac- donald'Block, (Residence opposite the foundry. IRELAND e BUTTUN �► ��0 ®9g. �Qi�r�letelb ltv'6'/iiiQNB" 1v'®�' 41/110'W169 Are Yau z--,. _ SIM Eft SUITS RUPTURED ? When purchasing your Summer 'Suit of clothes remember G. Carr keeps in stock the largest as- sortment of new designs in Canadian and imported TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, SERGESj Fancy Vestings, Also the most up-to-date' %,&.,,, GENTS � INGS FU RNI S We can give you the best of Workmanship. GEO, CARR, Opposite Queen's Hotel, Winghatt, If so it is your advantage to call on Gordon & Co.'s Drug Store, Wingham. They are the agents for the celebrated Wetmore Truss. WHY THE WETMORE IS THE ONE FOR YOU 1. Becau..G e it is dangerous to be a rte g moment witiiorit one. 2. It will never rust and is copse- que'tly durable. 3, A person wearing a Wetmcre does not find it a bother. I. We willguarantee to hold in ppsition any reducible rupture, 5. This truss cannot possibly move after adjustment, G. 'Sonne of our townspeople elan testify to its merits. 7. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. GORDON 8 00 1