The Advocate, 1887-10-06, Page 5••• •••• • c Zgiglon Iluron & Bruce Railway. NortisemsD foist on flOnitl NORTIl,a-Train LipLE-Pftss'n'r. London, depart...8.10 a•m, 4.25 e.si. isucan Crossing.. 9.35 5.45 Clancleboye.. . . ., 9,10 5,15 Centralia - . - . a 9.28 5.33 9.35 , 5,45 llensall .... , „ , , 9 46 Kippen „ 9,51 6.06 Brucefield. . ... _ 9,55 6 14 , . ... Clinton . , • - , .,10.10 6,35 . Londesboro' - - .10.37 6.55 • Blyth . . .. .. . . . .20.46 7.051 Bolgrave. _ „ ...1'1.00 7.20 Wingliamsariive,11,20 7.36' 001 lt(li SOu'rn. Pas.setger. Wireaharn,clepart. 7,00&M. 3,05 ijail Belgrave. , , , ., 7.17 0,28 3.42. 3".51 4.10 4.26 4,57 4.43 4.57 5:1;7 5.20 5.25 6.00 Blyth , 7.31 Londesboro', . • . , 7.40 Clintot . ,. 8.00 Brecefield ,. 8.19 ippen . . 8.27 • Hensel] . 8:83' Exeter 8:47 Central la • , 8.57 Clandeboye . 9.10 Lucan-cross'g' . „ 9.20 Loridonayrive., .10.10 Local News. s' --The 1.7th of Noiseinher has been se4cted for Thanksgiving Day. -Mr. F. Dosvn, of London; is at present visiting friends its town. -New boots and shoes, in endless Variety, at Samsvell & Pickard's. * -...Mr., A. Cottle is doing. a large business in the cider line this season. -Mr. Fred. Brown, wile is employ- ed at St. Themes was home attending the fair. -Mrs, George Knight, of Ethel, is at present visitieselriends and relatiV- es in town. -Scotch; English and Canadian tweeds; large variety at Semwell and Pickard's. -Mrs. Henry Morrell, of St. Marys, 5.4er spending a pleasant time here with her friends returned' home. -Miss. Florence Oke, wlio has beet visiting her sister at 13roekvil1nfor the past month, returned home on Satur- day evening last. -A Godeeich correspondent says:- -Inspector Torn while in town lust Week put several of the'classes thialugh the calisthenic drill. ---Mr• George Mace, of Qttalva, is P eildiug 0. fes days in town, e-sOrdered elothiOg Pt sPeciA1t7i A 1 tirst-olnss fit guaranteed, &unwell 44 Pickard. --ssOn Wedhescley last, Me, P. Tins Mel, an American buyer shipped a car loacl of fine horses to the United .Stetes. -We notiee in last weeks ,E4ositor, in the Exeter correspondence, that there is a couple of screeh owls on Hu- ron street. Wonder if they cannot be caught. Scarlett's Telegraph Oil is highly appreoiatele4 ee household remedy, Give it e; triaL-Sold only at E. Soarlett's Drug Store, Exeter. -Through the (Alba of a fall frons step-tadder last Wednesday, gr. B. seidon was unable to attend to the du- ties devolving uponihim at the store of Messrs, SpanWelt tis Pickarcl's for a few days, but is now able to bo around again. -Ono of the principhs up tOwn at- tractiolis eh Fair d4 was the display of a handsome China dinner set, com- prising one hundred and twelve pleces, in. the window of Messrs. Barnwell & Pickard. This hantisoine set of dishes was importe'cl direct by the firm. Tho clinch bugeats the'farmers grain the bee moth spoils his honey, the becr bug fills him full of' pain, the humbug scoops his money. Now is the time to'subscribe fel. the :ExETErt anvooams,one' of the best iota] papers in .EIuron, only, 25 cents from now until' jinn 1st, 1888., -The Clinton New Era and Seaforth Expostior are having a wrangle over typlibid fever in the former town. Wonder if they are not both "feyeeish:" -A Blyth correspondent. says: - Miss Herd,- of:Exeter, has retuned to town to take charge of the millinery department of, Messrs Anderson and Elder. --The naughty man who runs the Mitchell Adverliser is Mean enough' to eay in his last paper, that Me. Verits, of Exeter, visited' his "friend" here on Sunday last. -The days are on the wane, and the beautiful eolors surrounding all na- ture but precede the cold blasts, and warn us to prepare for winter. The storm windows and doors .must be ad- justed, the banking raised, and all Made snug to entice Comfort to remain Within the home. -Merchants and business men re quirieg bills, posters, circulars, or any other kind of job work, are informed the Anvocaass facilities for turning' out hrst class work, either' ploin or fancical, is second to none in the coun- ty. A.11 orders executed with neat: ness and despatch. -The tim'e will arrive shortly when you will put up' your stoves for the winter. Before y-otts do this make' a thorough exaMination of your chim- neys,. and places where pipes pass through partitions. A little time spent this way may saVe you an expen- sive conflagration. -The semi-annualmeeting of the ..,Tortli Huron Teaehers' Institute 11411 be held in the Central School, Brussels on October lith and 14th. commencing rat ten o'clock a. m, Dr. McLean will address the meeting on that important subjectof. interest to the pSofession, drid•willdeliver a public lecture on .Tuesday corning, Conten, of: this Nillage,. hae one of the finest horse colts to be form& in the county of Huron. It is a heavy draughts and is a descendant of the "Hadda" stbck.. -Sam well & Pickard have just' re- eeived a large consignment of goodrdis feet from England and which they are Offering at Rock Bottom Prices:. *' -For hand made work Mr a W. Ho Parsons, general blacksmith. of this village, has succeeded in 'carrying off liSst prizes for horse shoos at Straforth and EXeter 'annual exhibitions, -Those wishingto. attend auction sales should read the Salo Register which is published weekly in, this pap- er. If you do not take its send 25cts and get it till january 1st, 1888. -It has leeked out who tore delati and csrried off the signs, but, we will keep rime? for a -The bakers of •Toronto base ad- vanced the'price of the four -pound loaf to eleven cents, an inereese of one ceet. yonng OSwallow” has put in en appearance at the residence of Mr. J. S. SWellow, .Tolni-street, IVA a boy. -Mr, Frank Tom received first prize over all competitors at Exeter fall show for the first sample of his pencil drawing. .-.Mrs , Harry Cowen, of this yl - a, is spending a few weeks at the home of her mother in the town of Gode!ich. ---.pesTPoNzn.-On account Of the unfa.vorable weather the sacred canta- ta announced to be given in Drew's Hall on the evening of the fourth inst, has been postponed until further no- tice. --The races in the Roller rink,. on Tuesday evening, were a grand suecess in every way, and was very keen and exciting. Mr. John Vail won the one mile race, J-Earper, of London, the two mis raee, and Vail winning the three mile, for $25 aside andthe charepitih- ship of Western Ontario. The prop- rietors should be' complimented for securing such attractions as those. -The new clock has been placedin the tower of thenew Town Hall and strikes the hoar of the day the salve as a house clocks, excepting on Sundays when it is allowed+to rest from the' toils of the' past week. This is too sancti-, rnoniouS for'anytliing and we presnine the Divine law is' more than fulfilled: Acting on this principle all clocks should be stopped and church, bells nroald•be allowed to rest in theirlseeep les. Omy Omyl -Owingt7 the unfavorable state' . "'nese are' twenty vacant horkee in 13luevale.;11' St r says a' cotrespond- ent Just move them down to Exeter :and they will be tenanted withins a week. To get a house to retie in this town is simply out of the, apiestion. Those having money at, theia disposal oannot do, better than invett it in the erection.ofieemfortable dwelling hous- es, and nelargerincome conld' be ob- tallied' than by the rental reoeived up- on then! investments . --aSamwell & Pickard will, give p. grand exhibition of millinery and dry goods on Monday and, Tuesday, Oct. 3rd'and 4th. -The published list of convictions by magistrates of the' eettity, for the. quarter ending. Sept 18th, numbered' 108. Of this • number 6'8 weft by Police Magistratir.WiIliarns, for viola- tion of the Scott Aefs and three ethers by isiassistrates Wailes ahd McKay, for the same offente. Taking ' these out oftIie list, the timber:of potivic) tibias for vasious, alms' offeeceS ot number 37; the smallest list retueteil by the Clerk of the Peace for A.MttrilkIr Of years.. PO' Whitt tiii8 redtictioit. is dud We ofeer no opihiblis but We believe ,that if there had been ealarge'inerease rn the setUrnes the opponenti would havepolated to- if as an evidence of the thilufe'ottfie Act. -Our meet:bents are' now all ready for the fall trade, and in order to enJ sure cosuccessful season, they should' let the pobli know what they have, through the columns of the .A.EVoCATE -Mr, WM/ DolVe rilet with a pain- ful accident last. Wednesday by having 6 the tops of two of the fingers of his ,• tight hand cut, off while operating a • circular' saw at Mr. John Gould's saw and planing mill, sjihose who live three months king - de Will haVe a ptivile,ge v filch will neVer °Cour te theitragitini ; Of one tiger° dime times in the date �f then e letter's. It will be 111 stoats liefore it will Octur jdu assYss. -Messre. Trick ‘cr, Cerrelley are sell- ing out and retirine from business, J. W. Broderick has disposed of all his bankrupt stook to a firin in Ridgetown for a good figure. -WatiTED-ImmEnfATELv, asmug' girl to do light housesverk, Apply te Mfrs. Taos, Passsfons, or at TUE, AD- VOCATE OffiP07 Exeter. -Bev, WH. Crews, of Brydol), delivered two ably and impressive ser-' vices last Sabbath in James -street Methodist churcleth lenge andienees, The annual thanksgiving serviees in connection with. Christ church, Exeter, last Sunday, were' cotchibted by Rev, J. Downie, of Luca; who delivered two very able and.appropriate sermone. The interior of, the chutch was beatitit fully decorated 1th i.vafiodk kinds of' 'rain fruit' slid flowers and on the Walls were hung befitting mottoes, all, ofwhich,' will remain until after next' Sunday, thus affording Rd opportunity for all,po see it. The collections were good. The Ikulies deserve praise for their skill in arranging the display. of the weather a large number of ladies was unable to examine our fine 4is131ay of Millinery and Fancy goods; we have, therefore, decided to have a 're -opening: on Saturday and Monday, Oct. atb. & 10th,,when, all are invitecl toiinspeot our goods; Sanwa& Piolcardi -Hip, Hip, Hurralfl-An enter- tainment will be given•in the Rink to- morrow (Friday) evening under the auspices of the Independent Ostler of Foresters, when a public installiition of officers will takeplace, conducted by Dr. Ototiliyasekha, who will also ad- dress the meeting on the Rise, Pre; gross and Advantage of the Order. Admission terecentsa Oysters and re- freshments will be furnished to all' de- siring them: Everybody invited, sd all come: -Neatly.one" lomdred clollitra were the gate' receipts of tho Exeter' fall,fair asid over twelve hundred dollars were paid out in prizes. The Directoreto did alt•in their powers to' advance the 'fhtereats of the society's they *Worked hard and nobly and* the clerk. or the weather had been instructedsto furnish favorable weather, the fall show dridee the auspices of the South Illison Agri- cultural Society; would have been the largest and moat ,successful ever held in the Conaty of Huron. -The Reform cause itf Exeter' is gromul apace. During: tlie past week three young Reformers have .coafe'tce reside on John street. It is 'wondetfuI to notice how the ceutteh- ances. of the' Reformers are beetling witlildelight at their recent success, and, if John. A. does not feel like granting a handsome bonus to the pas - Sethi faeulty of Joh/I.-street for the' it - crease and support °fa Standing -Army, then QueeroVictoria ought to be com- municated With regarding the scheme: SENC 11 -The following re-. fess tb printing, from an exchange,- Evei y town ()Wes, it to itself to support its own institutions. If the hardware dealer sends out of town for his grocer- ies', the groter cannot be blamed, if he inaturn Sonds elsewhere for hie hard- ware. It both these dealer's send away for their dry goods, the dry goods mer- chant will begin to inquire whether he cermet get his hard vase or erectries a. little cheaper by beying elsewhere, Now, if these dealers begin to boycott each alms in this way, the town will suffer from it: Common Sense teaches tho'beSt ietreests of the toana require that every person living in tho town 81161.11d get his goods of the local deal- ers, These meis are fixture. They oWn. prepetty, pay tees fiafd ate inter- ekted th whatever' pertains to the well. being of the control:shay. Every dello sent away takes SO 1-1111C11 out of dyad- ntin ansl causes more Or less stringers cy in the musket, .Aside ftore this, it gives the profit le the outside hosises, -After twelve yearset continued servibe, Arr. Thames 'Gregory, of this lias been engaged for the thir- teeuth year as peincipal of Exeter Pub- lic, school. We can safely say that Mr Gregoty cannot' be ex -belled and during the past twelve'yeard'has the honor of passing more pnpils• in the different grades of Education than any other teacher io tlib county or Heron. A number of his' .pdpils are ab present holding responsible petitions as teach- ers in this county and.in other places. Mr. 'Gregory's associaties were pupils of hi 's and have been engaged as teach. ers for the different apartments for another year.. -'While one of the aggrieved part- ies, who had his sign destroyed last, Sunday eight,. was describing the facul- ties. and parentage of those persons who are guilty of such mean and con- temptible tricks, the language was too' strong mild.' iiii.pressive for dne of the parties whd happened' tO' be within hearing, ansPthe'"§liee"fit hire so well Mat he became serneWhat wrathy and hisauger getting the better of his judgment, he' termed Queen's eVidence and told the' whole proceedings. We understand his. two accomplices are Men in business and hold responsible positions. However, if the pestle's sign referied to is paid for, in all pro-. bability the matter will be dropped,, otherwise' the same will be sifted through tho sieves of the law, when startling revelations may be expected. -About' Midnight or' early Sunday morning a gang•ef some' three or four Miserable, ignorant, theekoheaded and brainless Whelps, whc,. have no more brainir thait•money,stsjoyed themselves by fearing' down a number of signs, an& pulling alp the sign posts of a nuns, ber of business men on Main -street. It is a branad•disgrace upon the char- acter of any One to be girilty of such contemptible tricks, and the require-, meets for such' a mean business are simply an uneducated ninny °said a brainleas noddle. Three Of these night prowiers'avere seen hothe act of demol- ithing a sign near E. Scatlett's drug store 'and, one of them is known, hti1 ftn the sake of the well-being of' the boy's friends, nothing has yet been done in the matter. Itis aasere trial for re- specto.ble parents tO ta-.0e such proyok-- ablo misdeeds chronicled' against their children, yet for the boys my n good and the safety of the public, these Ms should'berarrested and Made' examples of and Oheir actions' the's' exposed Wetrld'act as aadeterent upon the deeds of others. -Low Anveansiao.-The method of lettering the sidewalks with chalked, advertisements is such a novel and startling thing that it has set people thinking, Among others the advert's- 'ing fakir has been stimulated, and the result is tho deadlopment of \dab threatens th be a regular system of steneil busibeSs on the sidewalks. It is absurd to soppose that some peeple wilt be able to this without others foltoitg tlerestunple. And, if stam- en is to be allowed, why not tho paint banish, or the exubetant cliserno-litho- graph manipulated 11.,y the lightning bill-,poSter 1 The rainbow -hued' ail- nouncements of, baking -powders and ci- gars ept e. f ni14n theniSeIVOS tinsiidit- ly, may' 1:astir:Aerated as specimens of what Met Of nerve car, do, but another step in this advertising business must result in ealatnity cethet to the adver- ‘tisers et to the publie, It is high time that gneh a method of mlvertising should be stopped Give ep sidewalk ad vet tising, pult (low)) the ttlra '11%1114011 P' ltd rel ill:01110BL the A tWOChtt$ mid you will not only reap ten.t'old,btit yen will help to suppoTt yom. lot7ttl roper, .„. PPUN, 4 2 the fe.i lrewHi. 0%. 121,?..7 Passion:roe-It Exeter!! ,,Q11 - the wife'of .Thos, Eastoro„ „editor' ..ef. this paper; ofn son,. - • '.041471TKOWA-I4 -04 1St the wife et W, E. QartwAglAt, ,of on 1St inst., the - wife .of Richard Seldon„ of a son. Farquhar,, on Oct, 1st,.th wife ()VW.. 11, ItYers of n daughter. •••••, lgA.1:111,IE D. lis:SEEIWILLE.-ANDERsON. - At OW residence of the bride's mother, Creditor), on Wednesday Oct. rith, by the Rev. S, F. Robinson, Rect., , or of Christ Church, Mr. Samar. I. Baskerville, of Centralia, tol4laggio` daegliter of' the late Robert Anti-' erson, Esq., of Stephen. DiFarri? Kesmn Biddulph, on the 27til, inst. Edgar A. Kestle, aged 3 yrs. and 11 days. 13.,ENNINGTON.-In Pail a nrs oft the 25t1 ult., Jennie, the beloVed wife of W. Gs Pennington, of. London,,. and sister of Mrs. E. H. Fish, of Exeter, aged 27 years. EXETER MARKETS. Wh'ite Wheat per bushel (new) $0 70 to $0 75' Red 'Wheat Per. bushel 0-70 to 0 Spring' Wheat Barley per bushel. Oats per bushel., . .„.„ Peas Per bushel llay per ton Butter per lb Egos per dozen Salt per bbl,... Potatoes per bushel. Apple., per bushel Pork per 100 lbs.' Bacon per lb' 0 70 to $0 7 0 40 to e11) 0 25 to OiiT 0 48 to O0 8 00 to 30'P 010 to 0t10 018 027 000 to 2 01 o 00 to ss o 15 to o 8 00 tn ,8 no 0 00 to 10 00" 10.1.;TDON MARKETS. Red Winter, per bus'i $ Sti to 83, W h (4, 80 to 83 Spring: Barley. Oat§ Eggs Butter, Rolls Butter, Crocks Hay per ton It 80 to 83- 48 to 50` 30 to 32' 1,6 to 18: 24 to 2tl' 20 to 22; 9:50 to 11 504 TORONTO MARKETS. . . Fall Wheat Spring- wheat. Oats Peas Earley Hay per eel' But ter Potatoes per ba' Eggs per doz 036 to DiessedHogsperlOT , 6.50 to " $.0.79 to $ an to 0.81. a85 to 03sir, e 0.05 to 0.56 6.54 to 0.65 i2.00 to 14.01' 0.25 to 0 2 r 0.911 to ].0'_0.1 7AV EXETER. FALL FAIR,-(iwifig to the most unfavorable weather, the annual fall exhibition under the isespites of the South Huron and Stephen andkiss borne agriculttiral society held at Ex- eter last 'Holiday and Tuesday was not as suecessild as it won Id °them i have been. But notwithstanding tho incessant rain there was a good show of stock, roJts, agricultural implements, garden psodece, and ladies' umk. number of local merchants made a fine display of their varices weeds and goods, among the mote prominent ex- hibitors being -Bissett Btos., whose exhibit of tin, stoves and eopperwnse wtts most o'iceellent, securing many 6 rst prizeS, lie es,hibit of Messrs Rowe & Andrews Was worthy of k place firming the Art exhibition§ of our large cities, This firm is already well kbown, .fms turtling out a very superioe astiele, and le Carrying Off all first 1)1+40,, their line; they sustain their rep tatine, andn.he fitteit with 'which theis goods was viewed Wag denionstrated h3r the ft that nearly all their display oe exhihitio1 wis§ sold, Mr. J. A. reeVe, biij iii a sideboatA awl i‘lis iletten, of Usboitic' tiparior se to. PUBLIC NOTICE IS IIEBEBY GIVEN. TuAT UNLESS W. SOUTHCOTT ntsrSTS vaosasusearso sus. TAILOR -FITTING ClothinG at ruinous prices, A2i13 ALL XXICOS OF GENTS r FURNISHING N.•••••••••:Wi.,h.n.".••• •'•••"-,";:"."4•••••/...A4 GOODS at panic prices, he Will get AL.. THE MADE IN TOWN P' So Says W. Scu thoot.,. Alsin .st reef: - • Eseter. -- j t. 2 M°INN 11 DEALIIIt FLOUR, atai FEED . . Of all kinds, CeralS, • oil dakes, Groutel Flax and Empire Cattle Feed always One hand. p0,61;8 E pt.la Cie it A P\ 8gr JOHN. MIcNNES, ItirSt 4