The Advocate, 1887-10-06, Page 4• The Exeter Advocate. THOMAS PASMOR; EpITOltsan r.OPRIETOr. OFAICE: ?Street, L'aleter. 7'uuRsD4Y.1 Dar. Oa, 1887 JQIIIk B. FINCH, a United States Temperance lecture, is dead: Some state that he died from no.turdieanaes, but we presume that, he departed this. uncertain life for the want of breath;•° TxtE Law passed at the lastsession ,a the Ontario Legislature, abolishing in most cases the power of thelandlord o distrain for rent,. went into opera. tion last Saturday,. The process a &s - tress is still retained, but it is restrict- ed by liberal .exemptfons which ; in the case of most poer men, will cover all or nearly all of their goals:. The land- lord's power for seizing has been great- ly abused, as arbitrary power ia..always apt to be, and has been productive of great hardships aniong• the poor. The people of Ontario are to be congratu- lated that the scanclalous• wales often witnessed of a family being7dispossess- ed of their household effects under a landlord's warrant; will' no loager be possible, A CoNaltovEnsY is in progress th the party newspapers as to the responsibil- ity of tho Provincial Government for the lack of acoomodation for lunatics,, and the consequent crowding of our jails with this unfortunate class. There seems very little room for discussion.. It is clearly the duty of the Local Gov-. ernment to make proviSion for lunatics, and a disgrace to the Province that they should be herded with vagrants and criminals in the county jail. We hope that the attentioinnow being giv- en it will help to increase the asylum accommodation. It will add tothe ex- penses of administration of course, but if ordinary economy is exercised in the outlay no reasonable minded person will grumble at expenditure for such a necessary purpose. MONOPOLY is am death blow to the trade of any eommunity or country. The Sugar Ring has 'been broken and so has the monopoly in the Undertak- ing business. Some years ago 'an or- ganization was formed to monopolize the trade in undertaking by fixing a high standard rate on all these go ods, and one of the conditions of this gigan- tic monopoly was, that no dealer in un- ertaking. could, or catylfdRitf%kwein- ''ety without the coal' of thiee of his consequent- ly Messrs. Rowe & And'i:ew , village, were not admitted into the ring, but were boyeotted'in every form, and the monopolists aremaking their eustomers pay dearly ter their goods, fliih must be had for thedisposal of the dead. However, two, firras:were atarted, Onelat Toronto and. the: other t London, for the manufacture of. all ti a.kinxmaterial. and. to .ftireish the s r lower figures than,can be had from tonopoly. Messrs. Rowe & Andrews a advantage of the situation are able kish all their customers and the public4 r- ally at far ItiwSr rates than can.be o tained froni any. monnpoly or body of inotopolists. This scandalous system of boyeottirig retailers whee will, not knuckle down to certaiu fixed' pries, is &great injury to any line of aild is calculated to make the riub_ lie pity an exorbitant pride. The nat, Anil tendency of all combinations is to take adVantage Of the dOthliine'against, that is, the general p.ublie, That a cOtribination shotild exist between the manufacturera arid the retail Men is simply abominable and is. a dise,rttee to any country, /t is a l'ilOSt• irtiqUithtlA thing and`is tui attack upon the public: tire and simple. corOner's jury in the dit§o Joseph Priestream, aVlicitc Mysterious death at ParkdalehatidatiSed so inUell exciternefit, have rettlined a verdict di "Wilful nuirder by the halide a party par a!) till know n, " TrabcrP.O. 0011n4 0ouneil wet PA the lst of Oct. pur- suant to adjournment. All Os members present. Minutes of previena meeting: ,were read and signed, , Moved by J, 11•41s, seconded' by W. Kydd that Ey-Laws Nes. 4 and 5 f4 1887, 48 now, read bepassecL Oar ried. Moved by T. Shierecended by T. Cameron that the Clerk he and is -here- by instructed to eompletethe collocorts' Roll for 1887 and deliver the same to the duly appointed:Collector on or be- fore the 15t1 ins, Carried,: 111 oved V 5. Halls, seconded by W. Kydd that the Collector's Bond foil' 188/ be accepted, the same being satis- factory, Carried. Moved by J. Shier, seconded by J. Halls that Mr. E. Stone has notified this Council to take away T. Bennet on, indigent,. Mr, T. Cameron be re- quested to saeuee a place .for him, and make to best arrangtnent poSsible. Carried. Moved by W. Kydd, seconded by J. Halls that T, Brimacornbe be paid $4 for keeping A. Carmichael an indigent, Carried. Moved by T. Campton, seconded by j: Shier that Mr, E. Stone hepaid $7,- 20 being the amount due him for board of T. 13ennett. Carried, Moved W Eydd, seconded by T. Camerbn that orders be granted for the foll6wing amounts viz. T. Brima combo, $4;T. Veal;$14; S. Hicks, $4;T. May, $5;. R. Coward, $4; J. McDonald, 50, ets.; T. Squires .$25; J. Ballantyne, $1.50; E. Hewitt; 6275; S. jacques, $2 Hern $250; W. Broek, $5 S. }km, .$2; S. Martin $4; E, Stone, $7.20;.W. ';Horton,.$9;11:f. Sam well; $13; G.. Pollen, $1.25; Abray and Edwards, $30" Carl- ried. The Clnon acljourned.to meet again the first Saturday in November at 11 o'elock a. in, GEO. •W..IIOLat'AN, clerk: The names of the two pupils in etch of the advanced el -asses, of S. S. No. 5 Usborne, who obtained the largest' number of perfect' l'essons for the Month of September, are as follows: 5th class; -1st, Ida Kydd; 2n8; bert. Hodgson.. 4th class; -1K Wellington Clark, 2nd,,Gertrude Mcaord-: Sr. 3rd class;lst, Chas. Harris, 2nd' Edith Westcottt. Jr.. 3rd ' Elizabeth Prout, 2nd, Chas. Shute., 2nd classhlst", Alanche-Westcoa, 2nd, Violet Russell. GREGORY H. Tom, Teaoher.. St 011411: 06111101 The Com) oil 'met' on 3rd Mgt.. All members ptesent. Mibuter of' last meeting read and confirmed: Ifoved by IL Eilber,seconded by C. Eilber, that Mi Stonehouse's offer to put up window blinds intheliallifor $20 be accepted; ResolVed tbat the Olerkproctiteirom 'V.atonto necessary blank books—also thitfterk accompany Engineer (4p- pointed1644eake survey at Bond) to 1vt1t Either; seconded by p.. French that a by-law he drafted, trans- ferring the sum of. $819 59, from the general funds of the township to the ()Tavel road sinking fund: After passing the following orders the council acljo necl to meet again oni third Moo in vembere— G. Or t,m, $14. grading 14th ton' N. McI fla.n lvert 14th eon.' T. Carey„ 18,SI, grading 14th con.; A. Murrc.n, $12.10, grading 14th con.; M. Ri eh, $5, work C. R.; L. Kroft; $3; R culvert; S. M. Neil, $10.20,. gradin 14.th con; J Hodgins, 50cts, rep. pie :Michael, $68,50, engineer nstrum S, Jones, $2, culvert, 9th A. iSherdam, $19, grading 2nd licbann,n, $22,51, lumber; thers, $70.40, ditching; J. °Tavel. S: 11; P.. Either GOdsave, $30, pt, con„ Krouse 1 Rollins, $4 , $16.80, ditchilk Centralia 3rd S. 1 Ali. Wine, $6,30, (.ravel and lumber' j '1110Eacherh $5. "s grayel .rd 8. R; 1 White', $1, rep. bridge; A. Heist, $5, ditching. ard S. , R.; toy Roflins, $2.12," watching.gap; '0, Klause and others, $4, culvert 4th eon.; .1, Wind, $6, culvert 7th con.; J.' MeNeile $1,25, culvert; Mrs. Ranaorn; relief/ 0. PROTJTY, Clerk. " • ' lleter. Council. The Council. met -by order of the Reeve, tit the Market House, Exeteri September 27th 1887, All the Members present. The raintites of the previous meeting were read and tenfirtned, Moved by J, Pickard; seconded by D. thatraluss 4 Taylor h� grant- cr, ed $5GO, estimate on material and boilding 'Iowa Hall.—aarrlad, Wyed by T. 13: Carling, seconded .by D. Johns, that the Road Com- missioner be instructed to put la cul- vert on A ndtew street at Urea:Pinches, and cut down a tree in the street — Carried, Messrs, johns and- °alibis,* were ap- pointed to see to water muses at MP, Griggs, and Sam well &Piekards. The clerk to ascertain prices of Nook and Ladder trucka faonv any firm he knowe of, and also to write to John 'Johnston in reference to going to his people. Mrs, Morgan applied for assistance to maintain an idietic child, The mat- ter 'was referred to the Reeve' on mo -- tion of D. Johns seconded J, -Pickard The i'ront of Town Hall to be plant- -ed and certain filling up and gravelling to be attended to at once. Moved by J., Pickard, secomfed by - T, R Carl ing,,th at this Oouneil adopn for three Wedas.---Carried, M. EACRETT, Clerk.. Big timesat, the Bachelor's Hall of late. At Mr, W. Neils threshing a quarrel en- sued between the two bachelois, Afidy stabbing Jaynes with a pitch fork in the linee, and if it bad not been fur .Mr. Neil who is a ray skill& hand in a case of that Mud, applied at once, some home- made salve, which, no doubt, prevented the leg from havingto be amputated. The bachelois not being on good terms since, Andy who is rather high toned col- lected a crowd a, few nights alter and pro- ceeded to the hall with the intentions of having a dance, but James who is the proprietor, was laying in a %rely low state on account ofhitcleg, was unable to dance told Andy ancthis crowd to get, but Andy who had a fiddler engaged for.the evening. said he was not quite ready to leaveyet, and told James he had better keep quiet or he would ilnd a way of making in with, him, with this James drew a seven shoot- er and told him again to leave or he would shoot him, Andy made a bolt for the door which happened to be locked he then turned and jumped through the 'window leaving nothing but his crowd whielasoen followed leaying.James alone, 1TI0E'TO CREDITORS.. The creditors. of Thome s Holloway, gentleman. late of the village of Centralia in the county eflInron, who d ied on or about the sixth day of April, 1887, are hereby requesterlit,Pserid by post prepaid to I.C.Hielis and Thomas Mitchell, Cen- tralia post office, executors for Thomas Hol limey; on or before the first day of jinni- ary 1888; their christian and surnames addresses and descriptions with full par- ticulars and a,prool,uf'their claims and a statement of their securities (if miy) held by them, and nutite is hereby given that ater the•said fil.at day of January,: 1688, the Mitt eXPeuters will proceed to distri- ,bute the assatts of the deceased among the parties entitled. thereto, having regard only to the claims of those whom they shall thenlave notices ,rnd the said ex- eeittors not,be liable for the said, as - setts, or any part thereof, to any person ,or persons or whose claim or claims they 'shall not have aitice tit'the • time 'of' sue h distribution. Ittonann 1-ItOks; Tun. MOdia,r,n, 9Executors,1 Centralia., •Sept..114th, 1887,-3in. aws.O.NOIEIAMOT•101•10•10 •.1 14, 110112, 1 -laving this season purchaSed inost of oirr Stock direct from manufacturera in England and Geimany, to do so we had to give our ordera very early in the season, and,as the prospects lookedlirell we bought largely, the goods have now arrived and we find that hard times are causing a great clepreSSiOn in trade, we have therefore (Melded tb Meet the times by maikiug all goods at . A RD PAN PRICES as te insure a speedy eleardde'e, VlierefOre we WcUld invite all intending pur, 'crlasere To Call aild Inspect our Stock and note Prices of p.11 New Good'e, including Ladies' Dohnans, Jackets, & Ulsters;. Misses' and Maids' . 1.11stets, all sizes. latk Cobra .Siiiks SATIN 1)1.ess: goods in all the newest scars ood styles, Plain aud. sp-74ney Ilushes, Scarli4S, and Plain and Fancy Hosiery ,s.ed Goes Alo a Nil line- ,1-'- ot• MEN'S, YOUTHS' and „BOYS' Rritalt •• MADE CLOTHING HATS and CAPS, All of. which will be sold at the LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICE. REMEMBER oun SATURIYY & MONIYY. OCT. 8-10.. Be sure andeall and inspect our stock and get* prices; it will be It.;‘, grand exhibition and we feel confident it will pay, you. 4e, • CLA!RE.E is thankful for ' pot patronage and will continue' tb conduct his business as hereto- fOre with equal favors to all. A: continuation of patronage is kin' - l' solicited! • iieinalistnimatk" TQ, THE' FARMERS OP HURON 001LINTY4, • E;T.Stgalt-E3S CULTIVATOR AND SEEDER. re' respectfelly call 'per, attentiop a f ew testimonials which the,C4ale Slay, Harrow Manufacturing • any, of Windsor, Ontario, have receiVed fron-i some of their patrOns, • Beery one who has purchased the luipleudent pronounce it b. grand success, and tin Iinpletnent every farther 81101.11d illruRr,onlitoeyfujint.Nyljg is in. charge oftweentpany of'Ineti arid tight WagoilS,.at Exeter, .and is doing thriiPing busin* i • est Credlteff, Sept. SaelflaSt' date Sidkey Jlarrow Co. VOlitgOl'i Gentlemen -4 tairelifised one of yritir 1-terroWs and Seeders and limit: thoroughly tested It !t.'51, all kinds of ground, and aftersoeing tho h•Orit It Nvill do, hate tte hesitation' in reeonnitetitiliip,, it to toy rumor friends as the best Implement tit the inarket, • tonte truly, Centralia; Septi Nth, 1887 Gate SalkeyrJIar,oui Co, :Triodo.o: . . Dear Sirs --.1 bought ebb Of .yOur Shllty 'Ant) SeederS and 'roust say' Wit I Kilt well-plakeOd whit the Ni.,tty it does it IVOrlr,'f,•prepareil and sowed -vvIteat lo 'very rough linnhy flaht Where It was iiiipoesible t5 utie MS' dnfl, 1 n146' Ohrl kV) dittpatbict anti after- WsvJtpretkrel tti,d seWod the 00114 gerriy4116',4 plowing, and I on eonvIneed that the tittle' ts beet and, most usefitt linplerheitt etet Thirodneett tif the' fartuerti of Huron tottitty,.. Reapectfully yoUrS NOILLIAM ANDERSON, Stephen tp, Saroptat Sept, .240 1587. Gate Iteieredo Co. irtadeof 00)1'0..4 LaVe Lought, atd toited obtkpt yOtit 'rows and Seeders, and think it fit 'jun What every farmer it6ecls IOW it will do all svue tigebt itinints for it geapeethilly, • it1,ifig'1,0 FOSTInt. Gate WillitioP, IS to -certify that the obinlifned itorentie purelthSed front our agent Into given entire Fifitiadd4011 Mid 1 considor it the host implottietit the kinO`eVer 1i:tredve:1 fit tau. riefithWhotid, 1 fit'epared rrty potbte ki,otitid for *heat Without ploW, • tit and I Can. tAy that the Machine does alt your ' agent clal hied f dr It, and ter.14. Aeltiettr:ItarliyiTt:tefs!,onutisnbetti iarl It to iny father friends 58 the best, Your,, &e, e. Itixtiter; Sopt 5tIt 1887 01.5/60!uslkdfiLtilcilt'v6rostiiu CI lie; litl`ii;i44tdtoSetf v, lout 800a6t, bo up!, t; Itrction litiV that it (lees thavorl: better,easier and with loin' hiber than airy iinpleinent 1 ever saW, 1 Will also 5tate-tit:1'kt have a goodvivid, hitt think that broad. tastlng as done by the Gale is the any to sow grain 10 gOt 010 bent tetIdt§, 1 have Werked ton acres of wheat stubble ‘Vitti the chlttratel' Vithont plohditti and' It doe's the Wert:: to pm-foot:hat.,