The Advocate, 1887-10-06, Page 1• VOL I. -- f'ellIC ' aki44(fttr dA.M.Citg. Ia priblislta every Thursday morning fit the ollice, corner Of . „ . rein. and: Illain-sts - Exeter, Ont. TglueS OF SUBSCRIPTION : me dollar a year if paid ingelvance; $1.40 U act so Paid. Advert/slog flees on Roplloation. No paper discontinued until all arrearages are PnW. itivertkentents without •speville dlroctioSS will te .411/11$11(4 till forbid and elvirged neS'OnailigiY, I.liblIKJa I i4InntnIE In vlo fur trans lent advectionichts inserted ur long periods. livery description df ',TOO PRINT - NU turned out in the linest style of the art and at noderate rates. 'Clicencs, money orders, &c, for 411:aidin8', subscriptions, etc., to be madepayable 1.0 Tki.o.$. 2 ASI‘I QB. E, L;ditor and. pubileber. . . . '011U2?0II DIRECTORY, „ Briscovne elinaC41.—Itev, S. P. Itohinselt, Inemn- )ent. Sunday Services, 1,1 a. ni., and 7 p,st lath Schou', s;:to A in, fin.vArtos A an v.-.Sunelny services, 7, u. m ,3 p. 're. Ind 8 p, ni., .serviers , 6 very :light during the Week: it $ e"cloek, lioliness meeting at, 11 e. in. on sunday. .Mtrrtrolusr Cuunen... James . st., Rev, J. Graham, tor, sonde). services, 10.a a. 01. tont (I 31/,v. 01. 111)batIl ,.;nboril, 2 p. iii. Prayer Ineaing Thlivalay ivenine At 7.80. MAIN STlinar.—tiCY. W. If, Pascoe, pastor. Sim. ,lay serviees, 10,30 a, in. and .6.2O p. m. Sabbath iehool, 2,30 p in. Prayer meeting, Thursday eveit, 1I lit at 7.811. Voting peoples pr.ter meeting 2,1mrstlay n'ening at. 7.30. Pnastrorsaux Onrann.—Itev.'W M. Martin, I:v.:Ur% 811101LS Serrices, 11 Il. In. allei.0:30 p. in Salm:MI 1011.)..1, 4h.jr, a. in. Yopng ,Iteopks prayer meeting, 44G :. in. '1 li a kiniar 10.11141,1f4f, ,prayor meeting at 8 o'ulock. (Moir practice imnictliately niter. .4 M4.44.......e.... ••••••”.....“...mookokarwrilognur .... Business and .other Cards. T W. BROWNING, M. 1).,M. C. P, S. — t.) . Graduate of Victoria University. Office and residence. Dominion Laboratory, Exeter, Ont, June, 0-87, 31.i1t. COWE'. OFFICE—MAIN STREET, Exeter, If up stairs, Opposite Central Ilutel. hide ent- rance on 010 MAIO—hum street leading to the :Meth odist ()hunch. . . , ----• 1 LULN C ILL, [nog...N.:sem AnoriovEs..a.. el l'or the Village of 'Exeter' and the County of iduron. Ail orderernompuly atteiided to. Exeter p.o., Ont. , . t BISIIOP, LICENSED. AUCTICNEER. . -- !For the Township:4 of Day and Usborne. All orders (promptly attended to Exeter p.o., Ont. Ilrutil'ol'e01,titic'eLsT(., (i',. 11' luilfl TeSsExParilttlitUillEnE, Rai(7:1S the 'rOwnstips of Stephen anAlsty. All gales prom - „pity attended to. Address all communications to .W. ,flutr, Shiva postollice, Ontario. 71-) H. COLLINS, BARRISTER, PO • — !Solicitorof Supreme Court of Ontario, commissioner, Conveyancer, Sat, Oflice—Next dourtu Same ell .04 Plea. •,ards. Exeter, Ont. Money to loan at even? lowest, rates. .-1- u. DICKSON, Barrister; Sollehoy of Supreme ..I.J. Court, Notary Public, Conveyancer, Coin. !it:isgoner, am Money to Loan. Othee—Fanson's Bluek, Exeter. T 0. L. NO: 024. — _LA. inieets first Friday in every month, in John's Block at 8 o'eltn..k. Visiting Ili ethren Welcome. 011:4 SrAOKMAN, W. M. J011:41 WHITE, Sony, T 0. O. F., No. 67.„ EXETER. , . . Meets every Tuesday evening in john's block. A con . dial welcome extended to visiting brethren.. ,iitantiri Fran, N. G .1.11'. VIGSTCOTT, R-Sany. 1 0. F. NO. 123. Meets the second and fourth Friday ,of each reoiith, in Funson's lIrill,,at 8 o'cloak,p. en. Visiting Breth- ren cordially invited. E. ROBERTS, C. it. 1. l'icsann,See. Ty L. hil.muos, Dentist, Exeter. ontee over XL . O'Nell's Bank. Nitrous Oxide 011.4 for 4:ail:less extraction. 11. KINSMAN, I)BNTIST# :jiii,-.4,:. &dim D. D. ft, extracts teeth withont pain by giving Vegetable Vapor, or Using the now Ames- ithetio out he giunS. Makes Cold Finings, and all other •dental weak the beet possible. . Goes to Zurich lest 'Thursday in each month. EAST SIDE UF MAIN STREET, EXETER. ---- W. t. CARIWRIOHT, ... .1111.-, • Surges:5n Dentist, --stastalk Ciraugate,Of the Royal Collegb of Don - tai Surgeons Of Ontario. tHavIng,furnished floe don- •tal roones,on.Jatnes.street, twe deers east of ,.Central „. hotel, Exeter, Ont., whore 1 am prepared to perform 411 bra:1611es of the professitn with ease and skill, . CIIARGIES, MODERA.TE--TERMS, °Asa JoiiN • T. WESTC017, INSURANCE, LOAN; , 'Wei Etitate and Steambo.tt Agent. WealthyAnd re. liable, Flee and Life Imo:rake Companies ReProsent- wa. Any amountmoney to ban on arst owe molt - gages at leweetintos Of .intercst: General Agents fer 11.,—,.. i,,, 1.,... A. inWilli...teak: el,. ,...1 nutnta4 !art', London. Beaver line of Steamers represented. Office—James St,. Exeter, Out jnft.sy cIZrey issuer of (34 ARRIAilk LICENSES, I .............._ L Pe, Accident, and Ike Instiraiico agent. Dolor:west Side of Main. treet Exeter. Ray Farmers' Mutual Fire nsuran ce Company. pARTIES DESIEtING TO INSURE IN tilr. BEST and cheapest Insurance Conmany in the Doh:Mien, can do 430 by applying personally, or by mail .to the jnt18rslgltad Afl appneotions promptly attended to. ,Also agent Mr the wellington Con:KOS' et Also AUCTIONEER for the County of iitirom BOSSENBlatRY; AUSsr:. igne. 0-87,‘ Zurob1 chit, EXETER ONT., THURSDAY OCTOBER 6, 1887 18 risti e's Commercial LIVER Y., tT.`,1,, STA ca Rigs and Horses first,olass. VT Orders left tut the ITaWkshew Nom, or at tile rtab'e witibe,promptly-attenden to. truitms, REAseNABLE,.. THIS PAPER 114 tams? tft.A.D 130 1111,4:1S,. itt Aka united States or Amet lea, From ncyv to J .Ist 1888,, ;FOE ONLY 25 CENTS,. Subscribe Now. A. -J. Snell, MERCHANT TAILOR, West side Main-st., Exeter. A Good Fit guaranteed Latest Styles of Goods kept in stodk, A Call Solicited. A 4. SNELL. PNOTOCFIAPHS ' MR. JOSEPH SENIOR 'having purchrieed the business of Obas. Senior, wishes to 'in- form the the public that he can be found At the Old stand Main ‘Street, Exeter. The Finest Cabinets, in theicoun- ty. Elegant Finish. • Copying and Enlarging done on shortest notice. JOS, SENIOR BUGS .!BUGS BUGS ! . . . 3t.i.g.s are trump Arid .you must play 'Paris Green if .yeo want to make a point. ,Continued from last page. best for eadh variety. This season would advise:—In the first week of October shin ell 20 -ounce, Ribstons and Blenheim; follow with, Kings; Messrs. Me4rt1iur 4 Ball have opened out a stock of tinware and hardware, in the store recently occupied by R. and M. Hall, as a millinery store, As they are. both enterprising energetic young men, there is no donlit'but what they Will soc- send some laldwins and (..4reeniligs ceed, t iroug ovember and Deeem er, ishing shipments of these kinds in Jan- uary, Thediret Spies ,should be ship- DOMI N.ION LABORATORY pet]. in December and corrtieued through PI3RE 1)'-k_RIS GREEN I N b ji ALso Hellebore and .Fly Powder. ,A.lways a full supply of •Drugs, Dyes, and Fancy Goods. Fislitog tackle a specialty.. iV WNINGN rROPRIFITOE. PENNYROYAL WAFERS., Prescription or a physician whc has had a life long experience in treating female diseases. bused monthly with perfect success by over lopoiadies. Pleasant, safe, effectual. Ladies .ask_your drug- gist for Pennyroyal 'Wafers and take no substitute, or inclose post- age for sealed particulars. Sold by all druggists, $l per box. AdAress; HE EUREKA CHEMICAL CO, Dwrnorr. mice. Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere. Oct 1 '(/ 45.4P'7'4' ttif4:;;;fit..° 3.4 Job p, „rit.n WILLAIM SANDERS AGENT FOR TILE NOTE HEADS, • BILL HEADS, STATEMENTS. LETTER HEADS, COUNTER PADS PARCEL LABELS. January into February. Ontario and Wagner will ase lso cover the same a - son, Holdthe Russets until Mareb Zurich. Harris, of Walkerton, is the guest of Mrs. Geo, Buchanan. We have had a heavy slower of rain for the last three or key days, if possible, along with Mann, and sEnd Mr. G. l-lelick slnpped. five or six horses lip to Sault Ste Marie last week. them forward as demand arisea, taking Mr, Robt. Buswell, •of Goderich, has care against decay or shrinkage. it is 'been visiting. Zurich and Ticinity, for the 'invariably a Aood time to ship e,tra last week. large and fine specimens about the first of December, as to get the ()twist- mas markefi It pays to store long keepers here than to ship early, as they will realise much Iletter priees, besides ..keepine.e better in this dry climate than in the damp and -clammy winters of Britain, The apple etop of the -United •Kingdom will not exceed that of 1886, with quality and size of apples inferior. British apples are mostly cookers; it is rare to find an apple grown there corn, billing cooking and 'dessert qualities, This important point they readily con- ceed to Canada. In France the quan- tity of apples is yearly 'less important. It is said that the shade of the apple trees is' injurions to the vines amongst which they grow, and when the trees die out they are not generally replaced. For many years ,past there has been a dearth of home-grown apples in Brit- ain, in consequence of inclemette weath- er in the autumn preventing the ma- turing of the wood and keen frosts in late spring destroying the blossom. Apple growing in Britain is rapidly waning, and there are some like indic- ations th,roughout Europe. In the Western.States the apple crop is con- siderably under the average. In New York there will be'abont 'half a crop with Newtons scarce, and in. the East- ern Stakes the crop is scarcely any bet- ter. Altogether apples for export from the States will ,be considerably under last year The Nova Scotia crop is hard- ly up to a half. Our own crop for expo4 will be under that of last year, but the sample of fruit will be better. • There is 'an absence of the fungas spot the leading grades of Plain '1351 even the Fameuse is •perfectly ()lean, ria' and Fancy ruled and un- `r.11 and samples will be fully up in size, rnlethpapers, Cardsiancl En- -Ca SHIPPING TAGS, BUSINESS CARDS, ' • CIRCULAR'S. .0olumereid Union Assurance Company of GREAT BRITAIN:. Ob,pita and Mao* $21,000,000. AND. LaneaShire Fire Jnsurailee• Co MANCHASTER, ENO. CAPITAL, $14,600.000,00, READ THIS ? • Ear Steclg of Printing qZ14 IICZA” Stationery-, Censisting of all -a Mr. Fred Schuettler has had an ad- ditioi built to bis house, which gives it a very neat appearance. A tea meeting was held at the Method- ist church at the lake last Monday the rdin prevented quite a few from going. The hunter is beginning to roam the big marsh again. Quite a number of part- ridges have been shot these last few weeks. • Deer season ,begins the llth of this month. Dichert, Weaver and Rev, Mr. Strempher have taken in the excursion to Cleveland. Paring bees are all the go now. Last week one was held at Mr. McKee's of the Bronson Line. All present enjoyed them- selves splendidly. • The best and most reliable Fire Insur- ance Companies in the world, ADVOCATE °Hat LXETEft. 441.1a velopes, s most complete. 1Zall Odli and get ,prices ,,at `a 'THE ADVOCATE" Main - street, - Exeter. The Great English Prescription. A successful Medicine used over So years in thousands of eases, Cures Spertnatorrhea, Nervous Weakness, Emissions, Impotency nod all diseases caused by abuse. i5esoax3 indiscretion, -or over-exertion. [Alma] six packages Guaranteed to Cure when all others Fall. Ask your Druggist for The Great nglIh P both's, take no substitute. One pnekage 81. Six $5, by mail. write for Pamphlet. Address Eureka Chemical Co., Detroit, Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz,, and .druggists everywhere. Oet 1 7 A blind man lost his way and wand- ered into the Maitland river near Man- chester, and wile nearly drowned. Wm. Dodds packed twentjr-one thous- and eggs in twenty-five barrele in four 4ours1 one der last week, at Winglsam. Six thousand dollars were paid fo farmers in the vicinity of Blyth lase week. for fat cattle, by Messrs, Watson and Freernan, local cattle dealers. SALE REGISTER, On Thursday, Oct, Oth on flet 9, on 10 Hay at one o'clock p. m., farm stock, implements etc. E. J3ossenberry, auctioneer. JOal Bechtel., prop. On Saturday, October 8t1i., 1887, on lot 8, eon. 15, Stephen, at one o'elock p. n, farm stock and imple- ments 4te. 40. Mrs. Annie McOacin, prop. Wm. Holt, Auctioneer. On Monday October lOth, on lot 7, concession 15, township of Step len, farni stock and implements. Thomas 8a.Stard, proprietor. 'Wm. Holt, auetitnicer, On Saturday, Oct. 15th, the fern stoek and itaplernents of John 13arty1 la 8, con. 13, Stephen, at 1 o'elock p. re, 8Vtp, Holt, atfctioneer. rt with superb coloring. (torresponoence. Elimville. MT, E. Liddicott is around again. Mr. R. Herdman is adding a front to his house. eTe. Tho reyiew serviee on Sabbath last pass- ed off quite successfully. Seyeralfrom. this township attended the Seott Act Convention in Clinton last w Mr. R. Wileock's new house is nearing eorepletfon, and presents a very neat ap- pearance. Of •those who heard Rev. Sam. .Tones in Loudon some were, greatly delighted, others less. , The anxieusly expected rain has come on the evil as well as the good. Plough- ing will go. somewhat easier. Mr. Thomas &nide hits had. new siding put on his house and has also had it re - shingled, it now presents a very neat ap- pearances. If there has not been a sufficient num- ber:enrolled to form a "gaping choir" for James street church, the, recruiting officer shaud come back to Elimville some fine Sunday evening and secure volunteers. We can spare several. Adare, Mr. H. Stewart who has been laid up withis \cold for the past week is able to be around again. We bear that Mr. Thomas Lewis and family are about to leave town. Mr. L. has bought a house on Sheens' Lane in Thigtown Some of our young men attended the basket social at Oen tralie last Friday even- ing, They returned home feeling highly pleased with the evening** enjoyment. • 6 Intended for last week. The woods are putting oa their fall glory, and so are the maidens. Large quantities of apples are being dried, cider and apples aro being made, It is reported that potatoes are a poor crop, being small and only it few in a hill. Fall ploughing is ab it standatilL owing to the long dry spell, the ground is too hard, and the farmers have been waiting for more rain. Mr. Frank Detrick, formerly of the Ilth concesSson of Stephen, left 1a41 Week for Michigan, Where having taken up land he will make )118 home. All wish him success. Hensall Heavy frOst on Sunday night last. Mr. .1. P. Marshall's new store 10 pro- gressing rapidly. A great amount of ra1It is daily ileitts brought to the Village, Where the highest ptiee is being paid, Avery pleaSant Lime was spent on the School grounds of S. S. No. 10 Hay, ad, joining this village, OR Satrt rd ay afternoo.t hot, whore the voting people of this pliwe and the surrounding Country met for an afternoon's enjoyment,..which conshited in football, quoits, throwing the Store, jump- ing, rnnuing &e, C. MO 4 y Uentralia, Mr. J. R. Parton's house has been re- painted and looks quite new again. The highest Pried paid for barley and other kinds ofloain hi thii:place. The remains of the infant etsild of Adol- phus Hooper, of Stephen' -was imteirei itt the burying ground here Monday last. We regret to hear of the serious illness of Mrs: McLeod, the mother of Mrs. T, Hodgins, of this village, and of Robt. McLeod, of. Liman. Mrs. James Elliott presided at the or- gan in tho chtirch here on Sundaylast ow- ing to the, illness of Miss Carrie Hicks, the organist. Mrs. Dutton and lter gratiddanghter Miss. Blanche Shepperd, of C3linton, who have beeu the guests alley. E. Kershaw, returned home on Saturday last. Another retired farmer in the person of Mr. 'George Brown,of Stephen, hu d come to end his ai ys n this nleasent and hospitable village, having boughs the house front Mr. Luker, which was former- ly occupied. by- Mr. Bloomfield. "Wel- come George" and don't forget to take the AD VO0A.9211, • The yomult ladies of the Methodist chin ch held their basket social on Friday • •• evening, last, and considering that it was the first, it passed of quite sitecessfully the demand being greater than the Fop - ply . One of the most pleasing features of the evening wits the 'setting Off ihen by stroeker,"ail eejoyed thethselveS. County and General News, Snow fell tt Goderieh one day last week. • Mrs. Robe. Proudfoot, of Goderich, is dead and buried. Mr, Bennet; of Blyth, has been eon- ' vieted of -violation of thti Scott Act A corrotpoetient siva there iS a new moon "about two Weeks old" neat the village of LondeSboro: A clerk in a hardware Atom in Blyth while displaying, some revolvers accid- ently discharged One and shot himself through the hand, A