The Advocate, 1887-09-29, Page 5••••• • •1•••••,.. • •••1. 194404 Euton srupe Railway. Northern Div isipri Norait-J.4:AB:Taene----Pass'inr. Leaden, depart.. .8.10',ast 4,go taw) Crossing,. 9.35 0.45- Claadeboye 9.101 5,15' Centralia 5,03 EXETER.. 9.35 5.45• Heasall , .. 9 46J 5.53 Kippen aa. , . 9.51, 6.06: Brumfield:. • , 9.55' 6.15 Clintoa . „ „10.10 6.35 Leadeabare,', . .10.371 5.55 Blyth...... , . -20.46./ .7.05 4elgrave.. . 7.20 Wiagham, arrive . 11.20 73O Geiteo Sounre Passenger', Wieghanadeparta 7.09 .A:ro 3,05 Pal 7;17 3.28 131Yth, . a 7:31. 3.42 Londesboroi.a. .• 7.40i 1.51 Clintor) . „ ,•. _• 8,00•' 4,10 Brueefield. , . ,.• 8:19' 426' Kipper),. , . 8..27; 457 Hensalla.........833 1 4.43( Exeter , 847. 4.57 Centralia , 8.571 5.07' Clandeboye _I, 9.104 a.20 Lucan-cross'g ; 9,20' 5.25 Loadozaarrive . 10.10 5.00 Local News., Fair on Monday 'mid Theachly -Autumn leaf collectors are pow hunting up old books to' be u'secl aa leaf presser. -The mesons are pushine'aleng the Vrick work 0 the THvite Memorial church very rapidly. • -Scotch,. English and Clanadian faree.ds; large variety. at Samwell and • :Pickard's. -.A. heavy frost visited this locality.' early Intonda.y morning, and the "water in someplaces congeiled ao the thick- ness of nearly half an ine,ha -The lecture given by Rev. 'Father Chiniquy in Calera Church last= Fri- day evening -wan numecously'attended, well received and ably given. -Afr.• Harry Hart, formerly a cattle dealer and resident of this place, but now of Michigan, is at preserit visiting friends in and around Exeter: -The' new' verandah in, front of Samwell & Piekard's has been complet- ed. The material was furnished by Mr. H. SpaekMa.n, aeon hardware met - chant. -Mr. Riviere, of Detroit, / Was la town on Monaay. He is travell- jag agent for the Eureka Chemical Co. of Detroit, Mich. See theiacard in, :mother coluania. .-,.-'Those wishing to atted eUetiOri sales should read the Sale Register which is published weekly in this pap, er, If you do .Oet take it, send 25cts and get it till Jailuary 1at, 1886. --From the nember of stoves that ere leavieg the tiewere establishment of Messre. Bissatt Bros., we believe they are deieg a rushing business: It will repay all te give there a cell and see their large and elegant stock of stoves, tinware etc., which is marked down to the lowesa -In depouncieg the evils which.the human family are subject and hecome addicted to, such as whiskey, tobacco,' dress, jewellery and a hest of ether thiegs, the captain 0. the Salvation Array irr his Sunday afternoon's dis- course forgot to mention that partiera- lar acquirement, "the bestle." --The semi-annual meeting of the North Huron Teachers'. Institute will be held in the Central School, Brussels Ort October 13th and 14tliacommeecing at ten o'clock' a. ni. Dr, MeLeani will address the meeting on that important aubjecaof interest to the profession, and wdelivelea• public lecture on Tuesday., eyeeinge -In an advertisement by a railway company of some mina -lied for goods, the letter. 4‘ 1" had dropped hem the word lawfali and. it r ead:-People to whom tb'eaa'paokages are directed, are requested no come forwareland pay the awful charges of the same." The word is quite appropriate, for although the charges are lawful, they are neverthe- less, "awful" in most instances, ,-Orderecl elotbieg a epecialty, a first-clus fit gtreeenteeti, Seamen & giekard. , * , ,--New boots and shoes, hi eralleas "rietY, at Satawell 4 Pieltarat's. * --The followiag is taken from the (Motor, New Eraa-a-"Farraers 'lave beee 80 oftea imposed upon by strewn. ersathat some of thein are growing desperate, and are' determined no stranger shall come within their gates, if, itis possible to prevent it. The ether day asceatain farmea; who had recently lost eotne propertrby a atrang era was meditating on bia less, and feelieg just mad enough to °do anything when he saw a. stranger coming on the place. Going out, he ordered him off, without asking his business, but the stranger refused toleavea The farm- er told him that if, he didn't 11gie he would knock4hini over.- Still the fell, ow refused, and it was.pot until the fame): had raised a mansard over the stranger's eye, that he acted on the' advice:. Thi a may not he the best' way in the world, still we have' often wondered farmers belle not resorted to force before, for they have so frequent- ly extended their hospitality to strang- ers, who have only awaited ar, oppor- tunity to swindle then iasome waye lit that it has been enou $1,to teat the patience of tho mos c'‘ly farmer. Anyway, person "1 refuses to leave another's promisee,- after being ordei.ed off, leaves himself liable to •summary punishment," --NOTICE OF REDI0VAL,..-011 and after Oatalst, the offic.e of -the Exeter, Anvocams can be found two' doors' north 0 the post -office, on West side of Main -street, in the store lately Wee upied by J. W. Broderick. 'We shall' be pleased tonhave a call from all our• friends, and those wantieg printing done on the shortest node, end at reasor able rates, are especially request- ed to call. Remember the place: Two doors north of the pest office. -Sonnwell re,. Pickard will • geve a grand exhibition of millinery mid diar goods on Monday, and" Thesday, Oct. 3rd and 4th. • --Next week the South aliuron fall Fair will be opened in Exeter, and merchants end' citizens should employ the thee ia adorning and beautifYing their premises. The towneshould be put in perfect -order, houses and stores decorated, and all4made as attractive as possible. If the weather proves favorable, there will be a large number 0 visitors here, aad the town should be made so "beautiful as tir impress all 'strangers 'favorably. Now is the time te subscribelor tXETUR ativocamB,one 0 the best local papers in Huron, only 25 tents from xfow until 'Jim. ist: 1888a -The' merenry is up to a 111,0' again; the dryweather has resumed con- tiel; the dust on the streets and public reds and uncovered faces is outrage- ously deep, and the 'water -melon 'trade booming. -A Philadelphia' barber drspliyi'aa sign which announces that he is "prop., rider 0 facial decorating saloon, toe • sorial artist, physiognomical hair dress- er and 'facial operator, cranium manipT Water, capillary: 'abridger, ete." Soarlett's Tel„egfaph 011 is aivreciated as a household remedy. G1reit trial,-Sold only at E. Soarlotes Drug Stord,',Exeter.:` -There is a•religioue, editor tfie- °Minty Of Balton, whoa publishes in- ventive scurrility fee newsn. There -is another not fat around wild" bids far tn take away the preminai from him. Hoping that he will,• anieride, we not glee lie name, '• -1-'friends" said eaTemperineee lecturer; lowering his vOide'--to an Ini pteSsiVe whisper,- "1f all the grog -Shops were at the bottom of 'the sea, what would be the result'l" And the aim - Wer odrave "Lots 0 people would teat dieneneed 1" -The blackberry crop failed tit then carne the news that We had 'got. te take Mir, turkey without', cranbeery sauce, and now life ie to loge half 'its sweethess by a reported failure M the backwheat crop, What will the stiffet. lag public do foe breakfast this Winterl -You ' probably • find mane thinga ii year home papers 'yea cau tot enderso Even thee Bible is rather plain. and WS Setae hard licka, Ifyou Were to get end and bane your Bible the handreds ofrosses woald still go Oji printing them, 'arid if you' Stop' -yob. paper and eall the( edam:, all torts of ugly naynes, the paper would atilt he published. ,And what is m Ore yofi Will sukak around and beftokV,4 copy idgularly frofn peer hotghbour. It is ovuell betteetinkeep Veer vest ptilloti -That matrimony is on the decline' among the more intelligent °lessee id' undeniable. The greater' proportion women'who remain unmarried aretleise' who have gone to work when girls and become more Or, less iedependeet in business -or profession. 'The successful busineseor prefessional woman. ie not so reedy' to hamper herself and 'curtail hen freedom ofiaction by marriage as the girl whoselife interest centers a- round some mannreffeetion anti in her hole°. Love,' m arriage, maternity. may come to the woman of business or pro- fasgion, hut not the necessity for her contentment'as it 'is not f6r the or to to whom these' things constitute theasu ma total., of woman's eeistence. Neither iretha young man of Moderate means kept from" marriage eolelye be• muscled cannot find a sacrifieing, preal: ent wife. The young man otto-day is not eager to limit his individual expen- ses, deprivettiruself. of. the 'pleasiires and luxueiee he can peevide for hirneelf alone upon his income ie order to stip- pert a wife. He mu.st be very inubli in love, indeed, whohe will -jump out of the 'frying 'pan of" bachelorhood" at $1,000, $1,500 or even $2,000 a year into.the fire of inatriniony at the same amount. When lin conteinplates .the winsome ereatere whdime touched his heart g thinks 0 wedded life he a vague, faraway "When -I -get -a -raise" style. tie is even more reluctant' in hi reesoning to assume thierespoesibil- iny of marriage than the gial.-Chibago News.- -Sailintrelt 1.Tic1ard have pet re- ceived a large coesignment of goods di- rect from England. and which they are offering at Rock Bottom Prices. * -,The early fell of treeleavee and the arrival:of an antumnal "Cold wave" has suggested to the minds of mealy a prospective early -winter. it doe's not necessarly follow. The leaves are fell- ing about a month ahead of thein' time becaese 0 the extreme thlought'whiche prevailed during the summer` months and the marked re-acticin from the re- centnnprevalent hot weather is likely' to be but temporary:' Tim 'wave 'origi- nated in the NorthWeet and. North- western States, where the theentometer • on Wednesday registered }tory near down to the freezing. point for several hours. Followieg the' storm moving' last over the lakes whirl was one of h , ereetniolence and attended with loss of life, the "Wave" has nose reftched this latitude. But even now a xreact- ion has taken, nip ce die North-west, end the late crops have not suffered by.' unfit)* September froetin - It is un- likely that the cold spell will last for any length ontimein this pant 0 the conntry, and we may expeet to have good genial fall weather aline -the r fair eeasoe, and for some time after- wards. naSwindlersnare Wienn, new,nrail, and interested partiee•will' do well to cut out and paste in thait hats the fon lowine. which -i taken from an ex- changtn We are informed that parties tire travelling through the (reentry re- preseetieg .themselves to be Ontario gev ern tn o ffi en al s nariVare viatilniaa in owners • of threshiug. machibes. They assert that a law was passed lad year providing that all petsons tvifkiti tile province having charge 0- or ope- rating any steam boiler or other de- vices under st6art presstrd,""Shall 1,0 OR- amined and licensed before assuming' or attempting t� operate a 'device of any kind under pressure (:)f steam, and they claim to bave leen appointed ex- amineit'With power to licenee any pev- son when) they' may demi competent and froin whothy TOCOiVO the deshe ed foe,' 1'01' '016 infOrtlitttiOil 0 thoae direotly 10U:rested wo may ay that .such a Bill NVetS {Arab -160d in the legis - "'attire last session, but IV WAS- net nest- od, therefore all preaons eirthain.e; to bait been appointed eearnireste It8 above rire trends, and Skala te heeded dine -wand yoov subaotipaiaa paid ala oveinte eoeetablen toe safe kneeing The trait erop hi thetowaship of Steeley is yei.y pain --Rev ;Ten Graham will prearell aeniversary sermons on the l3ryaneton Occult next Sunday, -Read Mr, Ed, Tte-berts adVertiee- Meat dila week, he advertises the goods every" lady Want, -Iteva'H'. W. Craws, of Brartaatan circuit,will preach- in Jaime Street 111 etliodist churoh aeXt Sunday norping aud eiening, he will take paarge orthe l3ible class M the afternoon. -The large number of' people froni this section who returned last Satiita day from attending the Western fair at Lender), expressed theraselvea higIP 11, pleased with, the Exhibition and being thebest.' they ever'saw. -Qnsatertlay evenni the barn and contents tifInfr: Gee.' Blatehford, near Exeter Ninth; we're totally destroyed by fire. Cense of fire supposed to be tramps. Boss ahoat onethorisand era. A Mower, horse- rake end hay leader was burnt Per some time pest,. several of the active workers in one of the Clinten churches, have been reeeiving anonya- mou's letters alsntaining the mast,,sear- rilon's langaage, and criticising very unjustly Jlie motives and actiots.' a the receiners. The stespieion is, that the letters arensfritten by an attend- ant of the churbh in quektion, who for some reeson has becenie jee.nus of the others, and 'has 'taken this method' of giving expression to his feelings. -Don't forget, but try and retnem- bet; "Cantata" "'Crider the Palms" to be girl:dill 3Drew's Opera. 1-Iouse',Maia street; • next Tuesday evening, com- mencing se-veh °VOA. The enter- thinment Wig • bis given nncler the aus- pices of the cbcar and will be composed of upwards of seventy: voices: Those' who do not attend will miss the'cappor, tunity 0 listening to the best imisiaal entertain men ' ever given in' Exeter, Every body an go; aciMission'only 25c, Distress for Rent; Twoehort'Acts passed by the"Onta laic) Legisrature last session are creel - mg a great deal 0 discussion and spec - elation at the present time. These are he Acts Acts respecting' distress for rent ind that providing for the exemption if certain goods from seizure on, ex - rutin. Each Act is the conapliment if the other and will come hitopera- ion Ma October lst. aarn important change brought about D y the Act for distress is that which exempts the goods 0 lodgers from be - 'ng seized foe rent due the landlord by the tenant. The goods seized must be- long to 'the tenant. If the ' tenant makes a general assignmentto his cred- itors, the landlord can only collect the arrears of rent due' frorn the time 0 he assignmelliP The goods 'of a ten - nit are exempt Voin seizuie upon cer- ain condition. For example, a tenant in arrears for rent and at the same imerrefuses to vacate the house when ferried to do so by the landlord, his !was arannot' eietript heal. seizure, letpurport of the Act is to 'glee Fro- ection to those tenants who will do i„glanntheintelvee by complying with the onditienal clauses of the Act If a enant is, say, two months behind in ant, theelandloren When chooses, can fiee him fifteerndaye notieento leave. Vat the end of that period' the tenant laves, his goods are exempt from sein' ire; but if he does not do•so the' land - ltd fits the power to distrain goods rid chattels as by foridee Acts, • and eply the 'InOneyto'ntlie payment of he rent and' the cant 0 the seizure. The good's exempt from seixufb pro - (ding the' tenant 'complies with the 1,w, are aefollowsnen The bed, 4reddieg and -bedsteads in rdinaty uee by the debttir • and his Cookingtmily. etcrveneith`'pipes, arid film- ,. things, 1 'other heating Stove, 1 crane ad its appendaaes; f • pair andirons, %et cooking utensils, 1 pair' 0 tongs nd shovel, 1 'coal skuttle, 1 lamp, 6 hairs, '1:washstand, 6 towels 1 look- iga &Ste, .1 hair' brush, 1 con;1), 1 bit - Me, I olothet-preSa 1 clock, I carpet, ibreeten 1 cupboard, 12 knives, 12 irks, 12 plates, '12 teacups, 12 saucer's, sugar bowl, 1 railk jug, 1 teapot, 12 iaspoone. • Two pails, 1 washboard, 1 washtub, ectubbieg brualies, 3 smoothing irons, il sphining whole and weaving looms deinestie use, 1 sewing machine and ttachretrits, 3O volurtins 0 'booke, 1 xe, 1 Saw, 1 gun, 6 trdps, sth dshing Et8 and Seinta as are in cotnro6n use, Tho at1ClC in the above aeb-clivi- On mast not 'exceed MA) in eiduin All fuel', moat, fiala flour and vee,et- elan are not to bxteed" 'q40 in vrilue. Orie cow, 6 elicep, 4 hogs 12heas, 11 of Which Mutt, not eXeeed • $75 in 'duo: atal impletheitts.te-the i$100, -Hints on Courtin g. -Select the girl. Agree with the girl's, father in polities and the mother in religion. If you heve a rival keep an eye on him. Don't swear to the -girl that no one ever heard you snore in your sleep. Don't put too nnieh -sweet stuff on pa- per. If you do you n ill hear it read in after years, when your wife has some special purpose in inflioting upon you the most severe punishment known to a married man. Go hbme at a reaeon- 'able hour in the evening.' Don't wait 'until the girl throws her whole soul in, to a yawn that she can't cover with both hands. A thing like that may cause a little coolness at the be: ginning 0 the game. RI cool weather you should finish saying good night in the house, and tot strentatt all the way to thefronb gate and thus lay the foundation.for future niseases, such as atthma, bronchitis,' iieuraligia and chronic catarrh to help you 'Worry the girl after you have married here Donn He about your financialeondition.Ili - iS very annoying fon.a bride wlso has pictured for herself n life of hixitry your ancestral halls to learn tdo late that you (raped her 'to' 6..* her grey - headed parents to take her in' out on the cold. Don't make yourself soft by sayiai "those little 'handshall never do a Ariake of work when 'they are mine, and you shall'ha nothing to do but sitatal chirp to the 'banaries," as if any sensible woman could be happy wasting tithe 111 s'ath a inabtet, hfid if the girl has ft fine retentive rneemey for soft things and silly proaliaes. Oc- casiorialy, 111 aftet yea's, When she le sowing On your buttons or inthaifig the wost old of your trousers, she will re- mind yoo of thew 10:' •saruastio tont'. 1 VAVII ..••••,,•••t MA-WW.V,P, SAMagae-TataMialaaaa-A:te, sTeMes street" " MetliedietnTanecerage, on Sept, 14th; by the Reta Jas, Graham,' Thos. F. Semipro to Minnie Caro- ' nee Louise Triebriera both of the' township 0 Stephen, Usborne, on the 2fith Theta, the wife 0 Mr. S. xenpy, SOD. ROVE,-Tn Stephera RP the 19th frist, the wife of' AK Win, Rowe, 0 a- son. , .asantaf-In. Usberne, . on the 19th wen . • the Wife 0 /Win'Ar41. goeq, of deinghter, Inr.F.,11C12 Davlosoni:-In Exeter; on the 22nd inst, Alda'Dorentre,infant daught, er ofjohn. and, Xessie Davidson, en aged 8 'moaths d 12 days: e. J'keines.---Iii Exeter, on the 21st inst Cora, inNneditughtet of Mr. and Mrs. R Jjaynes, ae(1 27 4iT3,1. EXETER', )IIARKETA: 'White Wheat per bushel (uew) *0 76 to tteti Wheat per husbel........, 0 76 to 9 77-",, Spring Wheat t. ..' ..,0 71 , Barley per bushel. ...... .,.„. 0 40 to 0 Oats per bushel .. . . . ;,,.„.. 0 25 tp 0 ga, ,. Peas Per bushel.. .. . . ,..,.. „ t 0,471.W, 0 50 . , ., IDLY Per trki, „., ... .. ... . . .4' 800 to 8 00'. Butter per lb..., . „ . „ .. „ ..., 0 16 to nee Eggs per dozen., . , 0 ' Salt per bbl..., .• , • ... ... . .. ,0 00 to 1 00 , Potatoes per bushel... „. . . . , - ' 0 60 to Apples per bushel., ; ... .,,,, , ' o is to 0 20' Pork per 700 lbs ,,,, ' 800 to 800 Bacon nor lb . ,. 0 00 to ..10 Cte LONDON 11141?IfETS, • Red Winter, per bee', Waite' " Spring ret 13drley • Oats ro• Eggs Butter, Rolls Butter, Crooke" Hay per ton $'• 61 t� 6,3 61 to 03 61 to 133 54 to 56' ' 32 to 33' lb to 17 . 24 to 26' 20 to 22 9.:50 to' 1.1 i TORONTb * *MARKETS. - $. Alf IVIlliat A '0:81. • - C 0.79. to a Spring wheat" 0. , a9"a a- 0.81. Oats 0'.3ar 't6 Peas 0:55' to Barley Cf.54 to Hay per tO'n" 12.00 to Butter 0.25 to Potatoes per bag' 0.90 to Eggs per doz , 016 to Dressed Hogs per 100 6.50 to FALL FAIRS. Somn 11uno1T; EX'srash, South Perth, St. Marysn• Blanshard, Kfrkton, North Perth, South Oxford, Ingersoll, - South Dorchester, Belmonf, East Nissouri, Kintore, 0,3en 0.541 o.65 14.00' 0,28 • 1.00f 0.17 7,00' URIC NOTICE Ig-HEE:EBY GIVEN TUAT UNLESS W. SOUTTICOTT DESISTS PAPS SELLINO mo TAILOR -RUING ClothinG at rainouit prices, AND ALL XINDS OP GENTS" FURNISIIING GOODS at panic viten hir will get ALLIRE TRADE IN TOWN P4 85 'say Cluetomer.`. W. Southeott, Maientreet, - • Exeter. JOHN • bentia FLOUR ' rap Of ell 'kiede, Vitekfarit Corals; 011 Clakeer• Otound‘ Flax atd Empire Cattle FileinAahvays one pboDg pi'Ll'iskt;rRtt nee pitgioEt. JOHN MfoNNES, • tikiN ST.) itXrAt.#4,