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The Wingham Times, 1897-06-18, Page 7
THE WIN(tRAM TIMES, JUNE 18, .1507, uiraiMingl 612 .2121MR,1 Oream We make a specialty of Ice Cream and arc pre- pared to supply it, in large or small quantities. RI and of any flavor desired lu to families, pie nicing parties or by the dish. We have a good fountain and also supply Cream Soda of any flavor. ir7 Give us a please you. e' JAS, Inc ALPINE, BANANAS, PINE APPLES and Fruit and Confectionary of all kinds. trial and we can Central Restaurant. r L' .r Cr fL� TH.E� PHRENOLi�NE REMEDIES Taking the lead everywhere. We are working day and night t 1 supply the demand. Our eorrespondence shows that hundreds upon hundreds of poor sufferers are being restored to health and happi- . ness daily. TRY RHEUMATIC. SPECIFIC OR KIDNEY AND LIVER PILLS They are absolutely pure and healthful, Guaranteed to cure Rheutnatislu, Sciatica, Neuralgia., Lumbago and all fortes of Kidney and Liver troubles. BEWARE OF SPURIOUS IMITATIONS. Sold in Wingbam, only by Gordon & Co TO THE PUBLIC The Wingham Planing Mills are now running again in full blast— Parties wishing to have Lutuber Dressed or anything in the planing mill business such as- -SASII, —DOORS, —BLINDS, —CASINGS, —MOULDINGS, can have thein on short notice and at lowest possible prices. I have also added a number of new mach- ines which will enable me to do work cheaper and better than ever. $. BENNETT, Successor to WATT & SON PELTO NS UMPS Will stand wear and tear for t ears. No better proof can be given of their durability than is shown by the fact that some of these pumps! put in wells 25. years ago are ;still working. IIOWICI. As the Queen's Diamond Jubilee will be generally observed in Canada it would appear appropriate ,and desirable that on Sunday, June 20th the Goth anniversary of her accession to the throne of the British Empire some recognition and acknowlege- went should be made of the Divine favor manifested to the nation during the long and beneficient reign. I enclose and subjoin a national song ©f Thanksgiving, which will I believe be sung in several English churches and might be considered appropriate on that occasion to be used in our own. • the Mel len Yeast Co., London, Ont. OAntl•,n••n.—'•t'e;:r•ton`^ker nn,1 better results front use,g '•., nd lon•x i clot thou any r' h r a•n have • V.' .t. : recommend it. PFA EROS., Bakers 1'EI :T Co., London. IRON and FORCE PUMPS Supplied to Qrder. Repairing promptly attended to. Snot= -Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's Livery. JOHN PELTON, Wingham, On t WANTED . . + + + TO REPAIR CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE + + + AT Z 11E CHATHAM, OBIT. still continues its successful work of placing stud- Ingham tud- �t iyyp ,pa cuts to choice positions. I n a I euiI •L isers IcBetween ce post and May 1st, four months, 40 of our Stenos raphereu Os t and Teache�sred choice ,i n other Businons us ess Col• Ions. Throe others have secured places, ono to commence next week, another the following week and the third about .Tune 15`h. here *is where graduates of this school have a decided advantage over those graduared from the average business college. listfof,rhereod write for students have been placed.ue and complete For Catalogue, address, D. iticLAC11LA Cha them, 0 DR. CHASI3'S Catarrh Cure CURES. CATA-tRH,RRAY FEVER, ROSE FEVER, AHD ALL HEAR Coos . CIVE OSE SLOW WITH THE COWER AND THE P^WOER IS DIFFUSED, MAKING A SURE AND PERMANENT CURE PRICE WITH BLOWER 25 CENT3 IT PAYS TO TUNE--AUREI,IA Now join we all, thanksgiving, With heart and voice to raise, On this great day of gladness, The song of prayer and praise, To Him, who, by His mercy, And lovinp.kindness shewn, Has thus preserved Victoria, And guarded well her throne. For sixty years of ruling, So wisely and so well, This Empire on whose bosom No setting son shall dwell; This day our prayers and praises 'Within thy courts we bring, All climes and creeds uniting In one thanksgiving hymn. Oh ! Nation highly favoured, Above all others blessed. The word of God thy greatness Throughout the World confessed; Th' Eternal God—thy refuge,— The heavens for thee doth ride, His mighty arms are ever Thy sure defence and guide. And so, our Church uniting, With State to swell the strain, This day, with joyful accents, Sends up the loud acclaim; While many distant countries, And countless Isles of Sea, Canadian shores to India's Join in thie Jubilee. Oh! May this mighty nation In righteousness abound, Prosperity Within her, • With grace her gates be crowned, Till all this wonderous Empire Has Thy Salvation seen. Give long life, health, and blessing, Save and defend odr Queen. ,- LETTER FRtONI N.R, JAS, of 1,500 feet above the surrounding I , county, or 2 0�0 feet above the seri level.. The fact that the country DICStON. y, i5 l We•have rel;efvcd.from 111r, ;Jii4. lot asdensely t:sopalated as thi Dickson. P. L. S., who is surveying natality of the land would vrarrauta townships in the vicinity of,Dauphin strikes the traveller ,as soon as be the following interesting description• leaves Portage La Prairie, but• we of the district: I have not far to go to look for the The viliege of Dauphin is located ,reason of this. Each• township -has on section 10, township 25, range 191a n area of 23,040 acres, Of this, west of the first mercdian, on the j one half 11,520 acres of mof,t .choice Lake Manitoba Railway Sc Cama 1 belongs to the 0, P. R. Two sections Op.'s line, and is at a distance of 84 1,280, acres are set aside for school; miles in a northwesterly direction j The Hudson Bay Company 'owns from the town of Gladstone on the ;section, 1,120 acres, so that of the Manitoba raid Northwestern tailwly., ; total area of each township only or 120 miles from Portage la Prairie, 9,120 acres is at the disposal of the It is bounded on the north-west by i Government for actual settlers free the Vermilion river, a stream of of charge, and it is; too much to ex about one chain in width, Large; peet the poor immigrant to pay for as the country is, it seems too small land when he can get equally as for this river, so it has to twist and ( good in the adjoining township free turn towards nearly all points of I and can thereby use the money which the compass in order to find room. for + he would have to pay for the land ire its length. I one section to make improvements The town plot was only surveyed, i on his tree grant in the other. ,,?'his and the first building erected, in ! is rather a nice arrangement for the October last, and there -is already a l company. Their lance now is and fixed population of four hundred. will continue to he for some years longer, entirely free from taxation, while the land of the actual settler is subject to taxation, and every dollar laid out in roadmaking, erecting demeanour of the congregations, schools churches or other improve I attended twice last Sabbath, the ments enchances the value of the people are a CGod•fearinfr and calm'', the lands of the company. We arc cd community. It has been fee- being constantly reminded of the lar quently remarked that the pioneers mense value the C. P, R, is to the of new countries are nearly always country, and we would be sorry to made up of the rougher elements of' belittle its advantages one iota. but society, people who may be styled'.I this is one phase in the deal which is seldom referred to, one bequest which the government at Ottawa, which we in Ontario failto see in its to Dauphin, for the people without; true light until we visit this vast exception seem composed of the better country and see for ourselves. elements of the various classes to which they belong. Since my arrival here the other day I could have hired men enough to make up five or six parties, and I have not met a single individual who, judging from app.,arances, I would hesitate to engage. There are four hotels, or, rather, temperance houses, for as yet there are no liquor licenses;, and con- sequently no drinking, and if the Grandview, the one of which I am a guest, is a fair specimen, they are all first class. To show the rapid ridden oor whirled nr whizzed down progress the village has made let the toboggan slide in T3yde say that there already five general Park, and -• moreover are said The Presbyterian, Anglicans, Methodists and Baptists are all represented by resident clergymen, and judging fron the size and Other.- Fail—It Cures DEAR Srns,—From toy own experence I can confidently say that Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry possesses true merit. It was the means of saving my little girl's life last summer. She was teething and Yacht violent diarrhoea. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw- berry owed her, and I feel that I cannot say enough in its favor. Mas. WM• Ari'1llrn, four agricultural implement ware- will risk their necks for the cheap Teeteryille, Ont• g houses, two tailors, two shoemakers, glory of boasting about it will drop three barbers, one drug store, one down the slide, until some day some atchntaker, two doctcrs, one baker, one will be maimed or have his few two restaurants, one veterinary brains dashed out. This can be pre surgeon, two stationers, two lumber vented it one way only by tearing yards, one newspaper, the "Dauphin down the slide, and the city officials Press," four disciples of Blackstone, would prabably save a life or two one photograph gallery, two private by removing the structure -with as 1 banks, one livery stable, and last, but much speed as the scorcher would 1 not least, two Chinese laundries, exhibit in riding down it.—Woild presided over by two sons of the celestial empire. All seem to be do Always felt Tired ing a thriving trade, and from the "I suffered with severe headache and competition in every line of business, loss of appetite and 1 always felt tired. charges are very moderate. Besides 1 concluded to try Huod3 Sarsaparilla and er aking al. mhadache the above enumerated branches of dislpaftpeaetd. 1 continnoonehed taarn;y eit tilt true patriots," because they left theft; country for their country's good. But this will not hold good in respect iVI I�..•_. has opt,t shop, NewO MACHINE HOP1 dIIIN;.. 15 RAY I'd fltr#.,a i1'. V1 inaeriiile orimPly . ccluii)ped with a• t &.C%iury ncluding Lathes et ed to do pairing Mach x'ery fitti r�,. a spec 6}111 kinds c u Iron Planer, nd is now prepar- neral line: of re - wine •incl Mill fairing and pipe lt.y.. . shafting, gear - iron and '•ooden'pulleys, rasa and iron $,•castings sup.- dried on shortes'ttonotice. Prompt, Pleasant Perfect Norway Pine Syrup is a prompt, plea- sant and perfect cure for coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, hoarseness, sore throat, pain in the chest, croup, whoop - log cough, quinsy, influenza and all throat and lu ng troubles. 25 and 50 cents at all drug stores. JOHN AID RAY. Tear Down The Slide. Two wheelmen with more brava• do than sense, are .eported to have All kinds of Fresh and Cured IVleats, including Beef, Veal, Lamb, F cesh Pork, CU RED HA M, I3ACO)i\T, 130 (3GNA, SAUSAGE in season T. WALKER, . Central Butcher Shop, -1V ingham. stores, three, harness shops, three blacksmiths, three hardware stores, three dressmakers, three butchers, to have enjoyed the sensation. her• niitators of this foolhardy feat may be expected, and young men who The Oil Boom. The oil boom which bas been re• cently been revived at Bothwell bids fair to extend over the whole field from Bothwell to Oil Springs. The wells which are being struck almost every day now in the vicinity of Bothwell are not in the same district as the old wells, the position of the wells are now to the south of the town. There are now seine eighty or ninety wells in the immediate neighborhood which are averaging about 80 barrels each per day and this gives employment to some 85 or 100 then, and as a result Both- well is a much busier town. IN UNLIIMIITED NUMBERS —MOWERS, —BINDERS, —THRESHERS —ENGINES and all kinds of Machinery Bring them right along and if you prefer a new machine rather than repairing the old, we can exchange with you. Iron and 1.31'ass Castings, Forgings Bridge Iron ets supplied while you Wait. Pipe and Pipe Fittings Carried in Stock. All kinds of lathe and machine work promptly and neatly done. Foundry and Machine shop corner Of Victoria and Mittni.t streets. ,' 1°' T I., & Co. 1'roprietors.QUEEN'S BLOCK, SUMMER SUITS Made in the LATEST STYLES Go to"-- WEBSTER'S industry, carpenters, builders and now I am never troubled with headache plasterers are also well represented. and my appetite is good" LtURA GAR - The obiquitous bicycle may also be LAND, 247 Claremont Street, Toronto. seen, but not heard, at; almost any Hood's Pills act easily and promptly hour of the day. The Lake Manitoba on the liver and bowels. Cure sick head• Railway, which is completed to Sifton ache. in township 27, range 20 west, sixteen miles further north, passes through the village with a semi- weekly service, There is yet only a weekly snail, but a daily service is anticipated in the near future. The country immediately- around Dae• g c a lost at a phin may be said to1n dead level. It has a beautiful park• like appearance, interspersed with clumps of shrubbery and scrub,while a belt of heavy timber,. elm, oak, I maple, willow and white wood, ex tends alfng the river bottom. First class water can bo had in abund• once all round. by sinking to a depth of from 12 to 15 feet beneath • it Positively cured by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from t Dyspepsia, indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per- fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi- ness, 13ac1 Taste in the Mouth, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels, Purely Vegetable. Small P6t%. amain Dosoo email Price. Substitution the fraud of the day. 5cc you get Carter's, Ask for Carter's, insist and detna.nd the surface, The quality of the so cannot be surpassed, It is a deep, friable black clay, on which neither heavy rains or prolonged drouths can have much effeet, such land as How few of us stop to count good health as a great blessing? We are so busy grumbling over some finan- cial wrong that we forget that all the money in the world would profit us but little if we were invalids. f FLORIDA WATER THE SWEETEST /MOST FRAGRANT' MOST REFRESHING AND ENDURtlrtr OF ALL PERFUMES FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF TOILET OR BATj ALL DRUGGISTS, PERFUMERS AB DEIERAL DEALERS. ".I bought a box of Chase's Catarrh Cure at the drug store of Mr. Boyle here. I am thankful to say it has proved most effective. I have also tried your Kidney Liver Pills and found them ex- cellent'."—Renry R Nicholls, rectory, London. I hear you were mixed up in a rather shady transaction last week. I cannot tell c lie—I was. I bought a couple of blinds for the kitchen windows. An Antidote for Asthma the liausbandman is justified in ex- LVIr. Albert Reid, Angus, Ont., was for pectin( to yield him at least a fair over two years a sufferer from Asthma, return for his labor each returning A half Dottie of Yellowiilcured that him year. To the south and south east) completely, and although troubled wAR metime ithbaso be h the tn same copla nt, been o at a distance of from twenty to twenty five miles, lie the hiding mountains, The view is magnificent. Ridge after Ridge rises grandly in gentle slopes one above the other. No rocks but fine rich arable land. A few patches of white, on the highest ridges indicate the presence still of some of last winters snow. A dense Igrowth of poplar, alternating with fine groves of spruce, spreads over NVINGIIAM Carter':: Little L....iver Pills. all, the whole reaching art elevatio ONE 1IVES RELIEF. P.•I•n•1� :i•:-� 1 The incc'cr:i stand - arc; ' amity eine ; Cares the COMM o1? every -day ills of :manity. n Harry, you had better at part of the evening on my right side and part of it on my left side. Cupids ghost' What's that for ? I don't want people to be saying you got curvature of the spine onmy I account. I What ITood's Sarsaparilla has done also Sarsaparilla ouresall blood you, id's diseases. t incEO. tC ic, race tette, Sciatic n::ias, Neuralgic Pains, (") Pain in the Side, ete. Tromptly Relieved and Cured by The "D. & L." Menthol Plaster having used your D. b` L. Menthol Plaster for severe pain in the back and lumbago, I nuhesltatingly recommend nano as a safe. tuugla —/L LA.roINTe,�Ellzabethk W' Onto Trico 050. DAVIS & LA ums:e t CO., L•ra. Proprietors, MONTREAL, nneliitaAn pain- ilier0 (Penny °AvIs'.) A Sure and ti'ito Remedy in every case and every ki'ed of Bowel Complaint is Pain -Killer. This is gtooeth be masronmpaai It is a simple, sato ttnd quick cure for Cramps, Cougit, 1Theitmatletn. Colic, Colds, Neuralgia, Diarrhoea, Croup, Toothache. TWO SIZES, 25c. and 500.