The Advocate, 1887-09-29, Page 1VOL. 1.____ :I.T F.S7141TFR 01•1 I. $ J rweregnes•••...rm.......ss,nearoatomentommegoamemsommearmamoarmansomodr....•••.•••=rdammomammonaBre................a.......romon......m.•••••••• Zto 0,Lu4tv g4gIvogge. Is peblielied..oveey Thureday mornieg., et the office, eorner of - oign-StS - Exeter Ont. TEIL,L9'0? SUASCRIPtiON1 • One dollar a roar if paid n advance; 01.09 If nit 6Q Nfd. Advertising Bates 011 AppiloptIon. No over discontiolioti Mallet) arrearages are riff). AivUeniebts oitlovat speckle directions will be jothiPl1 till l coaltihtioNcluecortlina;y. Llreral diseolut maile fr tr!nro lent advertisements inserted for Iwrir Oerloa.1, 3.1vcry description of 7013 1N0 turt:et- ttt int She Roost 8ty1 t the art Ana rt IlloOttrata rates. C ...loos, money (odors, ,.to, for advt.:titian, Selma-141°os, eta., to im inadepayable to TROs. PASMOR Editor anal'ublisher, • Off OH J)IRCTOflY. ormusi.--ase. 8 1'. Behhisoo, Locum- ' bent. vices, II and 7 p,in ; Sch- . bath to. SaLVAIIOX A 8'1 V.- S'utally services. 7. u, rn •3 1.4.014 . t evert' niunt timing the weelc, =at 8 o'cit,cleH i.1uS4 .1111:30..14 at 11 a rn. on %Maar. ;qrs.:roomy Jamelt., Bev, .1. Graham, pa:dor. e'unday a. In. tool 6..30p, rn. :elabl2,„1 h 2 p. tn. Prayer meeting Thursday qt 7.70, :0A0g hy714.7.--Eav., W. 11. Pascoe, pastor. Sun - “Jay servl•tac, 19.80 a. ni. ami 0.3e p..rn. Eirthinth `3.301., tr Prayer meeting, Thorsday Oven - Ing at /,31. Yourr. peqp1e9 prayer Meeting' Thursday % eve), ing tyrrians Merton 4B.cv. W, M, Martin, Pastor. Sunday sert es, V u. m. and 6.30 po 111 S11111111141 • 001041, U.46 11!.. roung psoples prayer mooting, at ,4 40. low:14-v tveamig, prayer meeting at 13 o'clock. Or he'r pro..tion PonaediatOly niter. 13noi1e4. airlsether .Ciardo. j w. illkONO, 31. C. P, S. .Grad.utt... of -t.O.L./,‘•'..t. University, Oillee a134 residence. liseter, Ont jtme, Da. corms:. kirni1E-AtA177 sTeraiy, Exeter, r6i41r4, opi05f ite Central Betel. Side eat- tranco 011 the eoutit-Junes street leadlogs, to the 1.1cOt ed:st, Cauralt. • • JOBS' filLI,,•bitIDESED AU/MC/NUR. 4.nr A4..tige,allseter, art tho County of Buren. , A a to, Exeter 'ma, Ont. A. JJJ3UU2, LICENSED AticreieNeea. :Per the lownr,1.10 of :ley nod Usborne. All orders .pronir :is sate -that to itseter p.o., Out. T ".1,3A7.1 110LT, LICENSED AUCTIONEER ar (.111)titt .N.1.1,1die4rX:stal Lambton, utile 'rot•osh,psut e'Ophen.smi Bay, All sales prom - t"..1 (A1111.V.0.n1111 communleations to W.. Hom, folec,,Oottarlo. 111, IL COLLTNS, BARRISTER, ,Sol:e'tor of Sol:oats Oetrt of Cntario, CoMmissionor, ,Cor , es t deorto &unwell Lt Pick- ‘ards, Usetxr. Ont. Money to loan at very lowest. rates. 1/301LSON, linrAster,. Solicitor of Supremo Oen.% Nota;y7Puloic, Convoyaneer, Coln- trulosfoLer, 3:c lloney.to Loan. Othcc Frotscm's Moor, Exeter. JL. 140. 1324. -- J Aneui 4 rind; n^ilay imovery month, in John's Block at 8 elc. VI.Iting Brethren Welcoinc, .Jons SPACEMAN, W.11. JOHN Witirn,:Secy. 0.. O. F„ No. 07, EXETER, "rests every 7`tie.aifty ovehing hi John's block. 11. cor- dial welneito xtoraioil to Vi8141. liE01.111.4011. .Tltxj F .1. T. Wssvcarr, B,secy. . _ • 0. P. -NI). )2& mods tic r,econd ani fettr,b Friday of each month, in .hantol ' n..11. at 8 o'olealt p. ni. Visiting Broth - relict rdiat.ly inv.tad. E. Ronr.rm O. It. 13IOKARD, Seo4 mr BILJANGS, Dentist, Exeter. °nice Over Al,. ("Won's Sant.. Nilireus Oxide ens -for ,Peinica; • d. KlitiliMAN, DENTIST, 1_... L S,, ex treets teeth withont pain by gzinrn_:: 1” ,;..1.0)1e "Vu.noi , r usiog the new AMOS. ;thetie h 4 gum. C,o.o Fillings, and all other dental 1,r.; r 1c the host. OOSJ,t, ie. 00010 to Zurich last 'lhtaodr •1,1307 104.44. LAST (4.0 MAIN' eeessea, W. E..OARTWRIOBT, LDS, &la eo Dent „LA- Cote oat:. of the Rope Coil/Isnot Den. tal St..tttet,s 3 eatario. 1flwh,3, f urniShed line den. tal r0010... 1171 Jai, stroot, tv 0 doins east Of •Contral wools.) 1 am prepared to potform :all brancJe ( of s pr.‘fession With Cage and skill. off All.asi„.;, tiOLIMATt.--TERMS, CASIL kTOVN T. WEST.COTT, INS1/, LOAN, 1.1 Iteul ?Wale tnd 31,or.0t.224t Agont. Wealthy and re- liable '1, ire and mit• if.eue.IIIZA: Oligla 71 1 Og neva 3ibfit- 'ed. Any 40 0(1,6ot tooLc. to lean on first class mort- gagss iowe,,, ficS Of In!, reet. General AgentS for iluroa 00, 1.4 W413o08 » Co., ical ostate egts, A.ondon. 'coNve Lino of st,,ato ON represented. tithe- m4( fit,. 'Not, r, Ont. ine.se :sote u6rei mr,y2 Iwo C, hitter Of .. : Imit4F4it711:1) iFIViiSiS ( w......* , We, A rk ltit ilt, and Il3a.12.sl0'an0.0 sewn. , exeter. 1OFFICY.: 'Weld, bide of Mulo-Ottert Hay fa olorr:.1 Mutual Fire r)87,1till ce FAirttes ifikettitto i estlftt 13rrnitat and cliCapeSt LP.intratlel, osveasny fit fhb notefebie, can as ,au by lie/toils:11v, Of' 11 Mall to the tindefraiglieti. 113 0p311,OlttlOOE ntotriptiy at '0131313 tO .A156 seoet for the tVeillna,ton LOrnliaav of Lluoij>1), Aien AL1011.011Ellit fm.'ilii:Catinty of 'Huron. E. 1083ANBEltItYi A00241,zurlalli Ont. ri$1:101:$, .e0rarnOrCial. V Ft, laga'and ,fforseo first -Glass. it'•7POrders left at the Ilawkohew ;louse, or at tho rtable it Ill bo promptly attended IV. 'ut.rElIMS, REASONABLE, ve,m•mmissamotrammlomensvammnvorrBresarsonsmaracnnowig THIS PAPER WILT. fin SENT A.D11201R,EfAIS In the united States or Asncrica, 1FrorRnow to Jam.lst1888, re*. ONLY 25 CENTS. ,'Fubscribe Now. A. MERCHANT I1=ra „ n li LI/119 Westdde Main -St., Exeter. A Good Fit guarant eed Latest Styles 4:)f Goods kept in stock. Call Solicited. finTOOFIAPHS MR. JOSEPH SENIOR having purchased 'the business!of Chas, Senior, wishes to in- form the the public thot he can ibe found At the Old stand Main Street, Exeter. The Fined Cabinets in the coun- ty. Elegant Finish. Copying and Enlarging done on shortest notice - JOB. WHOR. THURSDAY SEPTE..)II3ER. -t8.87' Bugs are •truinp and yoa must play Parie Green if you want to plaice a point. 'PURE PARIS GREEN -,41/6 DOM IN N 1.4.130.R ATOM/ ALSO ilelloboro,and EIy Powder, Always a.full eupplyedl Drags, ,Pyes, .arid FenerGoods. ” Fisliing tackle it specialty. WILLIAM SANDERS AGENT FOB, TILE Commercial 'Union Assurance Ofalrupany ot GflDA 1311,ITAIN., Capital and As8ets, $1.,000,000. can Witfilai, PROPRIETOR. PENNYROYAL. WAFERS,. Prescription of a physician who has lind a lifo long experience in treating female diseases. -bused moutiily with perfect success by over 10,000 /adtes, Pletrant, safe, eaeotual. Ladirn eslt your drug- gist for Pennyroyal Wafers anti tako no substitute, or inclose post- • age for scaled pa,ticulars. Sold by frbi all druggists, $1 _per box. Addreal LIEfEEURDEA. CHEMICAL; CO., Doraorr, Max. Soldin Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggiste everywhere. Out 7 ..NOTE IIEADS, BILL HEADS, ‘STATEMENTS, 'LETTER, HEADS, COUNTER PADS, PARCEL LABELS. Lama -tiro, gin,h181tranCe Oo MANCIIASTIM ENG: $14„600.000.00i, The Ilest and 'most reliable Pliti Ihsur ance Companies in the work. ADVOCATE OFFICE. EXETER. SHIPPING TAGS, BUSINESS CARDS, CIRCULARS. READ TRIS Jas. Oke, of Exeter, and 13, Coughlin, of this piece, shipped three ear loads of' cattle this week for .Montreal and Liver- pool markets. Mr. Moffatt, hotel,keeper of this place, hes taken a holiday trip end gone out West. This is a much needed rest, and we hope be will return 'feeling greatly henititted by the trip, bird in the hendisswerth twtyin the bush" but Jim. .Abboteis still in the bush. apparently a hard bird to catch at preeent. Scott Aet is crowding him close;just now. The .young *people of the Methodist church,t are going to have 66 basket social on Friday evening next at the parsonage. goodttime is.expected. Proceeds to go towards the now ehurch fund. fa— Our Stock Of Printing r,p. Stationery, consisting‘of all Ea- the leading grades of Plain 1:l 120' and Fancy ruled o,nd lun- " ruled papers, Cardseend En- 9&:11; fE?' velopes, is most complete. 901)! Call And get prices at 'CM "THE ADVOCATE" Main - street, - Exeter. The Great Englirla Premeriptios. A successful Medicine Used over 30 years in thousands of cases. Cures Spermatorrhea, Nervous Weakness, Anission.s, Impotency r,nd all diseases caused by abuse. f [IMRE] indiscretion, or over-exertion. [uma] Six packs es Guaranteed to Cure/Menai/others Pea. Asi7.. your Druggist for The Gzmet English PP egertPUOU, take no substitute: One package SI. Six $3, be mail. Write for Pamphlet. Addryas Itureim eitcoloal 00., Dewoit, Mich. Sold in Exeter by Dr. Lutz, and druggists everywhere. Oct 1 7 torresporibence. ....ow•••••••*4 Mr. H. I. Strang, Principal of Goderiah.High School was recently pre- sented with a costly silver service bY the pupils and expupils of the school. While backing his 'horse out:of a barn at Tavistock, Mr, A, Waddel, teamster, of Stratford, Was crowded Against a.post with such force as to break'his left arm. :A...buge black bear, weighing over 400 pounds was killedin Logan Town- ship Wednesday. The bear having made a raicl on Farmer Scott's sheep, the rusty old musket was 'brought into requisition and the bear summarily dis- posed of. This makns two %ears and a cub that have.been shot and captured in that comity during the summer. SALE REGISTER. On Thursday, Oat. Gth on lot 9, eon. 40 Ray et one o'clock p, farm stock, implements etc. E. BossenberrY, auctioneer. joal Bechler, prop. On Wednesday, Oct 5111i, on lot 13, con. 10, Hay, at one &clock p. in., farm stock, implements, etc. Bossen- berry, auctioneer David Schluele- ter proprietor. On Thursday, Septemper 29th, tnIdot .24, Lake Road West, Stanley, at one %o'olock p. farm steak, dm- .plements etc, E. Bossenberry amt. doneer, August 'Oherret proprietor On Saturday, September 24th, on -Lot .27, con., 12, township of Stephen. ,Farin Implements, etc. E. llossmina Rust33, Auct. Prop. On Saturday, October 81h, 11881,, on lot 8, con. 15, Stephen, .at one o'clock p. ri., fitrin stock and imple- tments,&c. Sm. Mrs. Annie McOacin, Lprop. Wm. Holt, Auctioneer. Adare Items. .A false report about Stuarte rasaliage. Messrs. IIodgins and Lewis are busy threshing around here now, all,. Wm. Lee is is busy ploeghing on the Adare Experiniental Farm. number of the young people around here attended the Western Fax. We hear that some of our young men tame nearly being put in the luck up, in London, while at the, fair. Keep out of the poutary shed boys. Mr. P. Curtins fine heavy importal draught Station "Freeman" took. 2/id pyiZe at the 1Veetem fair iii London. Yr. Curtin carries off prizes every year, Centralia The grain state is doing good busi- nen here, Mr, Colwell, of this placef is Inlay ship- ping wood to London, of awry. gdod rod- ity. Mr. James Elliott cattle buyer of this place in Seri/n.18'13/ ill at present, HIS many friamla will be pleased to hear of a. speedy recovery <sow AMew days ago 'Mr. Govier, of ,ihe:base line, lost a splendid'inare, val- ued at over $200. tHe bought a good ane f‘I'VoiMe,.11Wise'T1 ,1o6fMIsha Goclaericnif h township, sold a'team' of heavy draught fillies last week, to an American, tfor the magnifi- cent sum of $500. Mr„ Thomas Far- quhar, of the gravcil road, sold a team, at a good figure. .Mr. Dan Shanahan, of Hullet, lost a 'valuable black mare last week, the last of .tt span for which he refused $500, .a few years ago. Mr. Jas. Reynolds, of the 41111 eon. Hullet sold his splendid sorrel team to Mr. Eli Bateman, 'df Goderich township, for the handsome sunrof $450; Mr. Bateman offered Mr. Reynolds $900 for 4 horses on his farm, but the latter refused it. Mr. Ben Churchill sold a horse to T. Shipley and purchased Another .from John Bayley for $180. 11/1r. Bateman 'offered T. Brown, of $5004fer a team of Boreland Chief,•entire, time year olds, but the offer was Trot accepted. tiountrand General Nam. 1 1 In St. Mary's apples are selling for 1.5e. per bag, and so they were in Lon - 'don Saturday. Adam ;Keay, a Stratford boy, broke kis leg 4n 'two places on Friday while trying. to tmount a bicycle. Think- of it, and say whether we are not justified in asking for reform in this matter. Since his appointment as Poltice Mag- istrate of Huron, Dr. Williams has made oexer seventy convictions for vio- lation of the Scott Act. The Woman's Chritian Temperance Union took jn $900 &ming Pair week at their refreshment booth on Exhibit- ion Ground. the Seaforth Expositor insists the% there are seven or eight cases of typhoid fever at Olinton,but that the New Era .keeps quiet over it A tramp, in Tuckersraith township, with no coat and barefooted, chased two young ladies recently, who only es- caped by entering a farmer's house. Some farmers in Stanley tosynahip have put in seventy-five acres of fall wheat for next season,s crop. They must be Commercil Unionists. There seems to be an "unpleasant- ness" between the editors of .Mitchell Advocate and Goderich Sign al, The fernier calls the latter "a carroty -haired numb soul]. As Neil Kay, of Red Bay, formerly of Kincardine, was returning homefrom a party about 10 o'clock one evening lately he was attacked by a huge bear, which chased him fortover a mile before it gave up hopes of sqeezing him, Fer some time past several of the act ive workers in one of the Oliaton einirches have been receiving anony- Indus letters containing the most scur- rilous language, and criticising very un- justly the motives and actions of the receivea The Other day Jacob McGee. of Ashfield, was brought before Mayor Seager, of Goclerich, on a charge of re- ceiving twe stolen cattle, the property of Win. Moor, et Huila and committed for trial. 'Key -Holes and Latah.Keyo. Latch -keys are §more frequently usekl, in the night than at any other time, The night is very often dark. For 'ix months in the year, on an average, the weatheris cold. If men pertake of stimlunts to ex - .cess it is generally at night when the labors of the day are over, Taking all these .facts into consider- ation, why are the keyholes of latch - locks not placed in,an accessible posit- ion' Why are they not easily discern- ible and easy penetrable We have known latch holes to lid placed immediately under the door knob at about two feet six inches iron) the ground, where a tall man had to bend himself nearly double to get at them. And we have known t'Irem to be placed in immediate justaposition with another and larger keyhole, so that in the ,dark ib was almost impossible to know one from the other. Most latch -holes are obscure little .apertures not easily seen in broad day. light by .apersen with all his faculties at theirskeenest Nov bow must it be onn dark night for a person with his hands beaumbed with cold and more or less confused with the good cheer of rt supper partyl It it simply cruel, brutal and prepos torous to place a person in such a sit- uation, when all trouble) might be easily avoided by placing the hole at the encs of a small cup or funnel of metal and surroueding it with a disc of polished silver;or even with a pllosphorestent nimbus, as could be easily done. Calculate, if you can, the misery, the bickerings, the criminations and ro- od -initiations, that have grown out et the inability to open front doore witk night keyes; the people who have beea rung out of their beds, and the others who have been forced to go to hotels ot walk the streete. On Thursday morning' Mr. P, M. Nichol, Postmaster of St. Mary's, fell down stairs brealcIng his teller bone and two aItis riba, He iS tecoVering as rapidly its call be expected undel the circumstance. —We direct the special attention of the farmers to the advertisement of the Gale Sulky Ilatrow Manufacturing 06 whiOli appears in another column. The agents of this firm has lately come among the fartricira in this vicinity,- but aro 'doing a rushing businesS. They have sold a large number of their ims pieMerltS to farmers in South Ituron4 and by perusing their advertiseinent, can be seen the testimonialof those who have Used the combined Sulk Itarow and Oultivator,