The Wingham Times, 1897-06-18, Page 61 ;t • THE WINU.FIAS1 TIMES, JUNE 18, 1897. M; N` t yt% r 11.1111,Snell- llf einnis,----That the moth n ll".1rx1, g fiat tt''i litre of Jannuary session, doing; *tally with the $3,000 grant to the bound- ary lines bo reeinded, and that the FtIDz1.Y, dLTII; 18, 1897 • HURON usual grant of $3.000 be made. Re. /erred to the road and bridge corrn- n)jttee. COU?QTY PARLIA Stewart— Patterson —That two MHNT, Valuators be appointed to value the (CONTINUED FROM LAST WIsEK.) Wednesday, June Red.—'Tie counelt 'net at the appointed hour and passed a resolution to. the effect that. in the event of an appeal from entb- of the assessment the equalization alis council, the final equalization be left to the e;Ionty judge Mr, Musgroveof Wingham address ed the ;ouucil in refereueo to the continuation of class work in the public sehoole, and asked that the council make a grant for such work. The council adjourned until ten o'clock Thursday, so as to permit the equalization and other coiutnittees to proceed. THURSDAY. The council met et the appointed hour. An application from Mrs. Freneli matron of the House of Refuge, for an inereese of salary, was referred to the executive committee. - EQUALIZATION REPORT. various municipalities in the County for the year 1898, said valuation to be a basic for feture equalizatiull Referred to special committee. Ttl:. REPORT OF EDUCATION., The following report of the educe - ion. committee was submitted. and beingcommittee O1I'inll considered in after consiC 14 of the whole was finally adopters witbot.t amendment. large deputation appeared be before the committee requesting n grant from the county coon Cil for continuation classes for the public schools of the county, taking up Public School Leaving and En trance Examination work. Reeom- mended that a grant equal to the grant paid by the Legislature of On tario, be given by the county coup cil. A delegation front the township of Hay also appeared before the committee, protesting against an award made by an arbitration be- tween parts of the township of Hay and the village of Hensall, on the 15 th day of May 1897, and requesting that the council grant a new arbitra- tion on said matter. 'Recommended that the prayer of the petition be granted and also that the following, persons be appointed arbitrators : Messrs. Archibald Bishop, Matthew Lockhart and G. E. Cresswell. A petition presented from a number of The report of the equalization committee was read, and after being considered in committee of the whole, the committee reported that the report be adopted. except in the matter of the personal property of McKillop which was changed from $400 to $4,000. The report was ratepayers of the township of Greta water or steam, the.. gaols regnire3 Letter accommodation, and I would retolninend•that another story be added to his residence, ani the build- ing be properly drained and ventil- ated. Mr. Aikens, deputy inpector, ro• ported: The county of Huron claims a re• putat'on as a banner county in the Province, Its gaol however has no right tosuch distinction, very little can be said 1 fit other than it is bet- ter than none at all, It needs a thorough over hauling, and modern- ising, particularly in its sanitary ar- rangements, plutnbing, drainage, etc the gaoler's a ftpartlnents should also be raised u to story higher. They are neither wholesome or comfortable at present. With a site on the bank of ;t river some thirty or forty feet above the water line, the council are still content to allow the sewerage to drain iota cars pools which the gaoler says are rarely or never cleaned out. Nature has given such perfect drainage facilities, there can be no reason, why advantage should not be taken of them. I made a thorough tour of the building and found its appartnlent$ as well kept as possible Tho management of the gaol is good, otherwise it would be in a worse state than It is. FRIDAY. then finally adopted as ammend.ed. The concensus of the report is as • follows: Division, No 1—Ashfield Goder- lettown, Colborne,—some as last, year. Division No 2—Goderieh town- ship, Clinton and Hullett,—same as last year. . Division No 3 —Stanley and Bay- field,—sarne as last year; Hay reduc ed I. per acre, and personal proper- ty placed at, $10,000. Division No 4 --Stephen Usborne and Exeter,—the same as last year. Division No 5—Tuckersmith, Mc- Killop and Seaforth,—same as last year. Division No 6—Grey, Morris and • Brusspl_s,=—sar>ae as last year. Division No 7_L -tet and West Wawanosh, I3Iyth and Wingham.— sameas last year. Division No 8—IIowick, Turn - berry and Wroxeter,—same as last year. Hensall equalized at, $125,000, of which $10,000 is personal. FINANCE REPORT. with a deputation representing said petition was before the committee asking for the formation of a school section to be taken from sectional 3 1 and 6 in said township, alto a df'• putation from said section protesting against any action being taken it the natter. Itis recommended • that no action be taken. - SPECIAL COMMITTEE. The report of finance committe 'was read: In addition to the recommending the payment of a large number of accounts, the committee reported finding that the latest assessed values of the properties bonded to the coun- ty by the treasurer, for the due per- formance of his duties is $23,950,and that mortgages to the amount of $35,000 on said property are in pos- session of the county clerk. The committee also recommended the passing of a by-law authorising the treasurer and warden to borrow $30,000 for current expenses. The committee also find the the estimated expenditure for the year to $49,052 less receipts, $700, making net ex- penditure, $18,352, with a total equalized assessment, for the county of, 32,285,082, requiring a rate of one and a half mills on the dollar. The report was adopted, Holt—Rollins,—That in view of the recent resignation of Mr. Dick- son, for upwards of twenty years governor of the county gaol, this council place on record its appreci ation of the very able and satisfac- tory manner be has performed his duties, both with satisfaction to the county and credit to himself, and this council trusts that he may be spared to enjoy a long and well earn- ed rest and that it be referred to the executive committee to recommend some suitable retiring allowance to Mr, Dickson. Referred. to the ex- eutive committee. Milner- Ooalc-----That this council meiuoralize the Dominion Parliament to compel the several railway companies, to provide suitable cattle guards on railways, as a large nain- ber of guards now in position are quite inadequate to prevent cattle from straying on these railways, the matter should be umnediatef• Referred to the road attd bridge remedied, Tho gaol should be lie f ttomftilttee. ed with a f•irnactl arrangers for hot, $2 per acre,—Lost, McI+awen— McTnnia — That the Ilouse of Refuge Committee be in- structed to see that the House of Re. Fuge horse and rig be used on Sun- days to convey the clergymen who conduct the services at the House to and from the institution.—Carried, Hyslop—McLean—That a commit- tee be composed of Messrs Rollins, McEwen and Mooney to enquire in- to and report to this council at next meeting the average salary of coun- ty clerks throughout the Province, and their duties generally. --Carried.. The clerk was instrueted to have 200 copies of the bylaw and governing, regul- ations of Re. the House fuge, printed for distribution. McEwen—Snell—That the warden and clerk be instructed to procure twenty 32pound weights for the pur pose of making hard labor for the prisoners at the gaol, in carrying them from one side of the yard to the other, Work to continue eight hours each day.—Carried. The tinaace committee's report, recommending the rate of taxation was adopted. A number of by laws were read and passed, and the coun- cil prorogued at 10 o'clock to sheet at the next call of the warden. The first order of business, was the further consideration of the -county property committee report. The portion referring to the sanitary con- dition of the gaol was made to read as follows: But ifit is found to be ab- solutely: necessary that the sanitary condition of the gaol be attended to, The report of the special commit tee was read: The committee reported that re. action be taken on the subject of the communication of the county clerk in Wentworth, in reference to • muni• cipal auditors, as the legislature hns now appointed a provincial auditor: the same recommendation in refer- ence to the cnmmanication tn tww county clerk of Welland •respecting certain amendments to the Jurors' act ; respecting the memorial fires the county of Silneoe, regarding the Victoria industrial school it is recom- mended that thewarden and clerk join in' ,petitioning the Legislative Assembly of Ontario in this platter it is recommended that the motion of Messrs Cook and Miller respecting cattle guards be adopted; also that no action be taken on the motion el Messrs Stewart and Patterson fur the appointment of county valuators. The report was partially adopted, and the remainder left for feta e consideration. REPORT OF THE COUNTY PROPERTY COMMITTEE. The following report of the county property committee was read. The following is the substance: Have examined the gaol a Id found it neat clean and seemingly well kept ; also that an old man i., the gaol be sent to the House of Re- fuge, and a young man who is insane to the asylum. Sundr r repairs and improvements were recommended ell the gaol and court house, and refer ence was made to the gaol Inspect or's report as to the sanitary con- dition of the gaol. GAOL INSPECTOR'S REPORt. The following is the report of the gaol Inspector. Inspector Chamberlain says I made inspection of the Goderich gaol on the 6th of May. As regards cleanliness and order I found the premises in a satisfactory condition, but as I have pointed out in previoua reports, the gaol requires remodeling The cella and corridors and very in•' conveniently arranged, and are bel- ly tint of repair, The water closet. which are in the corridors, are not sufficiently flushed to keep them it proper order. The drain cunni;]:, under the building into the gardmi to a cess pool, is dangerotts tt) tis• health of the inmates, the cess-paoi beim fail and the content -i oozing t • the surface of tate ground instead t. being absorbed. Good drainage c, be hid It very little expense. an 4 that the warden's committee, with the engineer be empowered to act, Money in tele matter. The report as amend ••. A number of gentlemen interested. Tobaceo aeart GENTLEAIEN—lily heart troubled me with violent palpitation, shortness of breath and sleeplessne.s. This was caused, my physician advised me, by ex- cessive use of tobacco. Since taking vlilburn's Heart and Nerve Pills the distrossing symptoms have entirely dis- appeared. They have cured ine, and I am thankful to testify to their good effects. W. J. JUDUSON, St. Thomas, Ont. BANK of HAMILTON ClItatingljantEialts WINGHAIVI. Capital, 91,250,000. Prealdent—•J0UN $TUART, Vlee•PreSidont—A. 0. RAM0Ax, Beat, $050,000 putatoroats JOHN PaolnoWoo °A. B.tLee (Toronto). WM i', A. T. Cashier—J. TURNBULL.. Savings Bank—Flours, 10 to 8; Saturday's, 10 1. Deposita of $1 and upwards received and torest allowed. Deposits also received at currant rates of tr..,est. Dr Drafts on Great Britain and the United States bought and Bold BMW, RNs B T N. CO 0LI R , AO B. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. DEPART FOR ARRIVE FfO)i Toronto ar>rd East 0:50 a.m. 1:15 p.m, 3:30 p. m. --via Clinton Palmerston Mixed 5:30 " 10:40 a.m London and South 6:50 a,m. 11:10 " 3;30 p.m. Hineardine 11:10 a.m, 1:15 p tn. 8 8:00 p.m. 6:50 a.m. 3:30 p.m 5:30 " k E. SMITH BANKER, ININGEIAM GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANS- ACTED. Moneyadvanced on Farmers and Business mon on endorsed notes and collateral. FARMERS SALE NOTES CASHED. Moneys remitted by draft to all par of Canada and the United States. Notes and accounts collected on re,so, ablo terms. LUCKNOW. ed was adopted. • in mining came into Wabigoon yes- R).iD t D BRIDGE COMMIT PEE' REPORT tt21-day, and stayed over until this • The report of the road and bridge morning, when they left for the committee was read. mining convention at Rat Portage Regarding the request of the Col- The party consisted of Dr. Elliott borne and Ashfield counsels aking and Messrs. McLean and McKenzie for a grant of $200 to each township of Lucknow, and Mr. Jas. Warren, for the purpose of keeping the lake D. L. S., who is mining engineer for shore road in repair, it is recom- the company. They are interested mended that no action be taken; that in the Sawbill country on Hog bay, the bylaw of the township of Hullett and after the convention they wilt go to close up and sell a road allowance down by canoe route to that district be' confirmed. That the usual grant of three thousand dollars be made in aid of boundary lines as asked for by Messrs. Smith and McInnis. The report was then adopted with- out amendment. ECECUTIVE COMNITTEE REPOR1', The executive committee's report was again taken up and adopted. It is in substance as follows: On reference to the motion of Messrs. Hays and McLean to grant 25e per• day to the volunteers while attending their yearly drill,- recom- mended that no action be taken. In reference to the motion of Messrs. Mooney and Smith, that the Inspect - of the House of Refuge, be placed on tie pay list while attending the Meetings of the commit- tee, It recommended that he boe place ad on the pay list, while attending any meeting of the House of Refuge eoinulittee, this to take effect from t' e first of Jannuary 1897. It is rt et msiended that the supe of $20 b granted to the Great Northwest - et n Exhib'tion for the year 1897; that the salary of Mrs. French mat - ren bf the Ilouse of refuge be in- cl cased 825 per year, The amounts to be paid to the several Collegiate litstitutes, as found to be as follows. Staaforth $2,391; Clinton, $1,8L7; Lkderich, $1,955; and it is mom - mended that thele sums be paid by the Treasurer. In reference to the claims of the estate of the late Regis- ter]. Dickson for m )Rey alleged to have beeu over paid to the county it is recommended that no action be taken; The same deliverance was also made with reference to the' on the stalks as they are put in the silo it finer eases the fermentation and thus makes the ensilage more sour than,it naturally would be. to Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE 'RATES Money advanced on Mortgages at 51 pet eentwlth privilege of paying at the end of any year. Note and accounts collected. IIOBT. HoIND 00. Beaver Block Wingham, Ont —Is PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING —Ale 'TIM-- TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINK STRET WINGHAM, ONTARIO. Subscription prion, si per year, In advanse ADVERT/SING RATES: S;lace.__ 1 1 yr, I 0mo, 13ine. I 1mo, One Column $00 00 $40 00 I $20 00 8.00 um( .,40 00 20 00 12 00 00 Quarter '" 20 00 12 00 7 00 0 One (( n •r l E. Sao 8 Q0 I 2 00 1 00 Le rag r) , and other n n of east ). s 1 adv rt •, , E rbWllCil is 8c, oc litfor first 39 11 insertion, t 1 , loo and l 8a per lhiu for each subsequent insertion, 'Measured by nonpareil scale, t,ocal notices 10c. per line for first insertion, and 5o. per line for each subsequent tnsertia:. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situatio ■ and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 lino nonpareil, $1 for first month, and 50c. for ea subsequent month, IIousoe and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 lino $1 for first month, 50e, per subsequent month. Larger advertisements in proportion. These terms will be strictly adhered to Special rates for larger advertisements, or for longer periods, Advertisements aid local notices without specific directions, will be inserted till forbid and charggd accordingly. Transrtary• advertisements must be paid lu advance Changes for contract advertisement? must be the (Mice by Wednesday noon, m order to that week Her Aiijesty'J Diamond. Jubilee - Carries "Queen Victoria, Her Life and Reign,' into every home. Persons eho never sold books tak c orders fast, Prefece the utast eloquent of Lord Dufferie s achievements. No book so highly from Bonheur. They will 111 all U15is $aote need wore a week, Books onva,aers Prospecttus make e probability stay in this part of the to cnnvrescrs. A t-! 1 ill cohodcst nothi gHE nditmY- gold country, either going or return- OAR!tET emptyour O, LTR., Toronto, Ortt, ing from the Sawbill. They are very much pleased with this country, and will in all likelihood invest in some of the Wabigoon re it estate.—Wabi- goon Star. The merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla Is literally written in blood It is traced in the vital fluid Of millions of the human race. Its positive medical merit And curative power is written Upon the hears, and graven upon The minds of thousands Of people whom it has cured And given good health When there seemed nothing before Them but, darkness anddespair. It cures all diseases arising From or promoted by impure Blood by its intrinsic merit as The One True Blood I'urilier. Corn Fodder Ensilage. The corn to be used for growing fodder cured dry or for ensilage ought always to be sown in May. It is not too -late to do it in June but the late planted corn will have less nutrition than that which makes a longer growth. It will also probab ly have poorer weather to be cured in or brought to the silo. While it is true that wet corn stalks can be preserved in the silo they make very disagreeable work in handling and the water thus put in is an injury to the products. A few pails of water thrown on the stalks in the silo .help to expel the air and. diminish the fermentation but when the water 1s claim of Mr, J. T. Dickson. Rollins—McLean—That in the event any inmate of the House of ,teflxge absconding, the matter of re c:lrning such. inmate to the House be left to the management and dis- cretion of the inspector of the House —Carried. McLean—Iolt—That the question of painting; the outside of the court House be referred to the engineer, to report as to the advisability of slaving the work done and the esti• hated eost.---Carried. Holt- ••McLoan----••-That the equal. ization of the county of Morris and Wcst Wuwano.sil be reduced one J. G. F. Catarrh Cared For 25 Cents Neglect cold in the head and you will sorely have catarrh. Neglect nasal ca- tarrh and you will as surely induce pul- monary diseases or catarrh of the stom- ach with its disgusting attendants, foul breath, hawking, spitting, blowing etc. Stop it by using Dr. Chase's Catarrh Cure. 25 cents a box cures. A perfect blower eneloeed with each box. AGENTS I mu starting the best thing for money malting you have seen formany a gay. Yonr Rant and address Wil bring you the gel ten information. It. P. Gr ti.. )W roc to ACENTSNeir edition of "Queen Victoria" moa' ready. Enlarged—thirty• two full pate plates added. Best issue of the Queen and the Victorian Era published. The only Cnr) diau book accepted by ller Majesty. Sales enorinous; canvassers knocking the bottom out of all records. Easy to make thirty dollars weekly from now nnril 'Diamond Jubilee, Particulare free. Bradley Oarrotsoa Co. Ltd. ,Toronto Ont CATARRH CURED NO PAY ASYEiO UNTIL SIICCESSFUL. The Qarinicido Inhaler cures Catarrh and Oatarrhal Deafness. It is prompt, pleasant and permanent. It is easy to use and easy to buy. You take no chances with this remedy. , The price is $3, to be paid only when the remedy is successful, not before. Poor or rich can cull on our representative in Wfnghain, Campbell, and procure this grand remedy without having to pay one cent in advance. Apply without ielay. Those who cannot call 1 on our representative can have a Germicide their homes, by addressing the Medical In - Inhaler, with full directions for use. sent to .1 halation Co., Ltd.. Toronto, Ont. Just think . of being cured of 0,tarrlt for $4 and that on ll<; such reasonable terms. YOUNG PEOPLE'S UNION. Y. P. S. C. E.—Meeting in basement of Presbyterian church every Friday evening. B. Y. P. U.—Meeting every Tuesday evening in the Baptist church. EPWORTH LEAGUE—Meeting every Thursday evening in the Methodist church. ForTwAtty=seven. Years 'When you are absorbed in your business cares down town to today, Herbert, you will forget your little dollar per acre, and that the report wife entirely. of the equalization committee be so No, darling. That steak you amended,—Lost. cooked, for me with your own sweet r McMcLean -••-- McInnis — That the hands this morninhrr for breakfast equaliz ttion of the townships of Us• 5 will keep you in nay memory every borne and Tuckersinith be redueed f minute of the day. ., IIx...: ... DUNN'S BAK1NC POWLR THE OWS' BEST FRIEND LARGnSV SAIF_ IN CANADA. ivtiNli 3s , f1:3-4 Y Or Infant!, ani. 1✓ rc ','ln0 fan. tisane stszattrat ni S, 0. RROWN, PRQrIt.tICTOB. AND PUBLIen DR MACDONALD, QJ CENTRE STREr•:T WIN GIZAII, Oxr.a10 re VANSTONE, L BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc., Private nd ro interest. Ncommission charged.tXorfunds to loan tgagt ee, tr and farm property bought and sold OFFICE—BeaverBlook WINonAIM A, MORTON, BARRISTER, &o., Wingharn, Ont. E. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. SOLICITOR TO BANE OF IIAALTS,TON. 11101111E LOAN. Office—Meyer Block. Wingham. If • 0, CAMERON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &a Ofl►ce—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets opposite Colborne Hotel. Gorenucir, eNTAEte. DENTISTRY.—J. S. J..t'•)51 -a. D. S., Wiseman, le nlanufactur. 0rst•class sets of ` 4 teeth as cheapas they can bo maile in the Dominion. Teeth extracctfe d absolutely without pain, by his Ilbw process, guaranteed perfectly safe. OFFICE: In the Beaver Biook, opposite Brunswick House. +fiat, .i ARTML•R J. IRwIN, D. D. i., D. S., Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pcnnsyltioi Dental College •FFIOa.--MANONALO CLOOK. Nerx—h i11 visit Jlyth every Wedn••nday. JOHN RIT0111E4 GENERAL INSUitANOE AGENT WINaaAa , 0:(rARt PDEANS, Ja„ WalloNAY, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOh ,RIE COUNTY OF ENRON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charge Moderate. J O11N CURIRIE, WINOUAS, ONT., LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stook and Farm Implements specialty. All orders left at Oho Tutee otRoe promptly aiten.i ed to. Terme reasonable. CULTURED LADIES—with force o character, need ing to earn money, can learn how to do so in a good cause, Address JA RE% GALLOWAY;Toronto JOB PRINTING, INCLUDING Books, Pamphlets, Postero, B It Bends, Circulars, &n, &o„ executed in the best Style of the art,at moderato prices, and on short t notice. Apply or address S.0 BROWN, T aces Office, Wingham, BOOKBINDING. We are pleased to announce that any BeokS Magazines left with us for Binding, will have our prompt attention. Prices for Binding in any styl will be given on application o the Trsns Office. Men and women who can work SANTEDtnllang and writing six hours a day, for six days a week, and wit bo content with 10 d^nareIveekly, Address NEW MDEAS CO Brantford, SOCIETY MEETINGS. WTa LACamp Caledonia, No. 49 Mee ye S. O. S.`-"tbo first end third Monday iD 5`=- 04lrp ev,r month, in she Odd hollows Nati. Visiting %TOW.. brethren welc.D" J. Murray, Chief. D Stow art Ran: 500 s:1 01 We make a Iee Cream a pa largored ortO smt and of any 1 sIto families parties or b; We have also supply l 1?Y flavor. BANANAS. tFn all rust kindsat pleaseGive yousu. p JAS, '1 TO T The Wingh now running Parties wish Dressed or an mill business —SASH —D001 —BLIN —CAST —MOU can have the at lowest pc also added a ines which work cheape PE Will 3 ear. be g' than that ir.w Still IRON a Su Repairin SHOP -=Dia Liver - JD --11I( --131 --TI —E and ringall prefer a repairin with you Iron a Bridge I wait. Pipe a All work 1 I oan of "Fiero