The Wingham Times, 1897-06-18, Page 5THE` WING M TIMES, JUNE 18, 1597.
Stylish X Dress X Pabric+s
special, itioa Ds
res ate Goods, brocaded very
Congo Black Henrietta, beautiful finish
42 inches wide, acid proof, 40c.
Congo Black Cashmere Sorge, goods that
will give every satisfaction all wool,
very special 50o.
Congo Black Henrietta, in blue or jet
black, as good as usually sold for 03c,
but price is now 50e.
Congo 131aek Soliel, well finished and
makes a beautiful costume, 50o.
Neat patterns in figured goods, elegant
effects in Lustres, etc., 50o.
a Black
oods in
wthe better aken qualities, special attention
is called to the linos at 75o.
$lack Birratz Cloth. a splendid style
of goods, finished on both sides. one
side is a ford and the other a silk fin-
ished Henrietta, price 85c.
In Black Silk Grdoediue, we have some
natty goods. pri'•e 75, 83 and OOo
The Black Goods we show in still better
- lines are marvels of the weaver's girt
price $1. and 81`23..
0 --- o
ocn O'tiw 71
al PelA
y G. PI c b
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01, cn N �o a
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Colored Dress Goods
People often wonder why their nerves su
so weak; why they get tired so easily;
why they start at every alight but
sudden sound; why they do not sleep
naturally; why they have frequent
Fanuy Figured (foods in popular colors
25 and 30ota.
Fancy Mixed Meets, in beautiful color-
ings 400,
We always strive to secure a large var-
iety as well as stylish goods, to sell at
Half -a -Dollar 's
. Special lines in Tweed effects and mix-
tures or plain goods 50e.
Shot Effects very stylish goods and
make handsome costumes, in dress'
lengths, no two alike OOc.
Silk and Linen Goods, a new fabric and
makes a very pretty dress 75c.
Some pretty goods and very stylish iro
rough makes 80e.
Some Elegant Dress Stuffs in newest
shades, 85c.
Why pay particular attention to Silk
Chiffon, Gimps sad Jet Trimmings, 'by
the yard and in the ornament. Turb4lar
braid and everything necessary for a
Stylish Dress may be procured here.
!that as the Township ,auditors have
reported that James Moffatt has not
been charged any special school rate
on the north half lot 26, con, 8, that
the clerk bill him with the amount
requesting payment. ---Carried.
Moved by Reid, seconded by John-
ston that the clerk be instructed to
headaches, indigestion and nervous '
!notify Lachlan McKay to .expend
Dyspep la
The explanation is simple. It is found in
that impure blood which is cont:n-
natty feeding the nerves upon refuse
Instead of the elements of strength and
vigor. In such condition opiate and
Verve compounds simply deaden and
do not Dura. Ilood's tiarsapariila feeds
the nerves pure, rich, red blood; gives
natural sleep, perfect digestion, is the
true remedy for all nervous troubles.
Bii rT1r
t7'flu2 —ri—��uu�i='-J�� vyc,-G,- ,021 6,, --rat i'�4' % :s1'J
o -o -o -o -o -o -o -o
We are prepared to give you
14Summer Suitings and of excellent
0lonly First-class Work.
k-iGive us a call before purchasing.
51.0„�r� 5r -i`': r7c'-0 7T.:7r'. r�..,-• 5F0.�ir ir,.sra7>"
51` I Spell it any way you wish, either
1 I is correct a ad the correct place to get
0- a correct plow at a correct price is at
t, . the
something nobby >�
Value. We turn out NI
I one days statute labor to open ditch
on road opposite lot 24-, con. 5, as
said ditch is filled in so as to inter-
fere with the water run. --Carried,
Moved by Johnston, seconded by
Jarvis, that the Reeve when he finds
it necessary in the interest of the
Township shall take such legal advice
as he may find judicious and wise in
all difficult basiness.—Carried,
Moved by Reid, seconded by Jar-
vis, that Messrs, Scott and Johnston
inspect the bridge on the 10th con.
and report at next sitting of Council,
Is the One True Blood Purifier, $1 per bottle.
Prepared only by C. I.
LAWLESS INP�'W.�!' f . ;
Filiutg Oattle Near Duck ta'1 s,.
Ln un -official despatch from Regina
stated that Indians yesterday killed
all the cattle on the fa"m of Mr
Grudon, near Duck Lake, and then
went to another farm where they
contented themselves with threats.
In consequence of these reports,
eight pollee and a corporal, left
Regina to proceed to the spot, where
they will join a small detachment re,
ccntly sent to Duck Lake and an offi-
dial report from Regina received at
an early hour this morning says
that later news about the Indians
up north is to that effect ; It
is not positively known that
Moved by Jarvis, seconded by 1 zny cattle were kilted,
Reid, that the Clerk notify all the it is highly probable. The
rrno4Ec{o..Lonvell,Alass. parties interested in the opening of Indians belong to the reserve where
core river Ills; eBay to I boundary between Culross and Kin-Alrnie•hty Voice was living. They
Hood's Pi115 take, easy tooporitte. 250.
According to motion of adjourn -
loss from the fourth concession to the complained they did not receive ra-
seoond concession. That application ` tions and had no food. Therefore
will be made at next sitting of Colin they left the reservation to dig foots
cit which will be held on Saturday tad it is believed they did not heal
the 12th di7 of .lure, 1897. tate to kill cattle. These facts were
ment of last meeting. The Council Moved by Jarvis, seconded by I telegraphed by Commissioner Ilerch�
met as a Court of Revision and
Reid. that this board do niw adjourn telegraphed
N -W. bis P•, to Cioner Newel -.
Appeal, in the Town Hall, Teeswat I g Forget. p
on May 31st, 1897.
The following appeals were laid
to meet again on Saturday the t Inspector Nilson at Duck
of June at the hour of 2 o'clock. in flake has been instructed by wire .
the Town Ball, Teeswater -Carred.Ulla; the police will endeavor to -
on the table: Mrs. Kirkland's, Geo.! Finance Report—Geo. C,cland
Irvin's old Stand. -,,T, qi��
Armstrong's and Joseph Waddell a.
The appeals of t hope present were
considered. when it was moved by
Graham Scott, seconded by Wm.
Reid that this Court be adjourned
•I persuade the Inctiaus to go back to
work on gravel road in winter $1.25, ' the reserve,
Peter Gaunt for building culvert and
repairing bridge, $$8.5O; George Day, BI;LG1i:1V L.
putting plank on bridge, 50e ; Cul -1 Brussels baseball team came oyer"
toss share of work on boundary ,
on Tuesday last, in response to an
until 2 o'clock.—Carried. 1 Kinloss 50e.; Henry McEver s salary invitation from our boys; a good
The Council then proceeded with ' as assessor 1897 $GO; II. McEver s game was played, the result being in
general business. box for assessment roll 95. favor of the Brussels team by a score
The minutes of last meeting of CHAS. BUTTON, Clerk. of 21 to 11,
Co d.
were: res
Moved by Reid, seconded by Scott NOW PEACE IS ASSURED. I Croquet has been revived Isere,
that the minutes of last meeting be --- and our Croquet Club would like to
amended by making the expenditure THE FINAL RATIFICATION OF THE aerange a match with some of the
on the gravel road, read $29 on the BOUNDARY TREATY BETWEEN neighboring village clubs. Address
south of the village and a 1; .3o v Aon GT, l31w -' VENEZUELA.
C leClelland, Sec.
the north of the village for keeping EXCHANGED. ' 1 VGeorge Proctor's barn raising, a
the road open in the winter of 1897, Washington, June, 14.—Tlie tins; short distance east of flies..;sir+
and that the minute, as amended be ratification of the boundary treaty came off on Friday. The barn
adopted.—Carried. is a very large one. J. Coulters
p between Great Britain and Venez- and G. Nicholson were captains. •
Moved by Reid, seconded by Jar-' uela was exchanged at the state de the former, winning' by half the
vis, that as a culvert is lot 32, on partment to -day. There were res rafters ; during the race
comes:ioa 10 and 11, lot 32, that ant, Sir, Julian Panncefute, Senor afterBlack fell a distance of 25 feet, Henryen a
Graham Scott have it attended as he Andrade, the Venezuelan Minister brace loose Ile bled consider
thinks best.—Unified• • and his secretary of Legation Acting ably,raand beingis left footandd consider
Moved by Scott, seconded by Reid, Secretary elf State William S. Day
that the Clerk write. Lane Bros., re and Assistant Secretary, 'Pho:lias W. badly sprained and was considerably
the cominunication received from Cridler,who has been instrumental in shaken up, but is around'ag n- anti
will soon be elf"right
them as to having culvert and bridge framing'the various treaties, procto- ,
cols and other writings connected
with the treaty. What remained to
be done to day was to exchange the
copies of the treaties held by each
party and to sign what is known as
proctocols. For this purpose, Senor
Andrade, brought along the same
magnificent gold penholder, with its
eagle quill and its diamond studded
heart, that had been used last Feb-
ruary to sign the original drafts of
the treaty, This pen is the property
of the brother of the minister, and
was made for this particular purpose
It will be sent to Venezuela, now
formed its functions,
timber on hand, that their request
SMOKE will be complied with if the Connell
should require anything in that line.
Moved by Jarvis, seconded by
Johnston,. that the Reeve have the
culvert opposite lots 19, con. 6 and 7
put in proper condition before the
statute labor is commenced.—Car-
Moved by Scott, seconded by
Johnston, that as Andrew Freiburger
and others has petitioned this Coun-
cil to have a grant made for repair-
ing the road in beat No. 53, that a
grant of $i0 be made to be expended
under the supervision of the Path-
Moved by Johnston, seconded
lot 28
Reid that the road opste
of T. II. Ross. They say times are
very, very hard and no doubt they
are. I can make them a little easier
for you if you buy your Implements
here. I have a few slightly soiled
plows I will sell for $10, payable
October '97. I have plows with
111 American Soft Centro, Crucia•b)e
Cast Steel, will clean in any kind of
soil, which I will sell from now till
1st of June at from $9.00 up. Come
in and get one.
Bring your Woo] to us and. get the
highest price for it. -
Buy your Dry Goods here and get the
lowest prices. -
A full line of Dress Goods, Clothing, Hats
and Caps, etc.
I have tons and. tons ot—�v
made from broken car wheels and
canister, hard and tough and can fit
any plow. Will sell them in lots of
6 Qr 12 for 35 gots spot cash,
I still continue to handle the
Boots and Shoes, Groceries and every-
thing new and up-to-date.
I can save you from $50 to $100
if you deal with me and give you
just as good as you can get from
those city plug -hat dudes. Patronize
your own town and don't forget your
bumble servant
Mr. and Mrs. William Bone have
just r'etur'ned from a visit to friends
in Londesboro'and Hullett.
Miss Lizzie Cunningham of S. S.
No. 13, McKillop, spent Sunday • at
Mr. James, Agnew, of the Phila-
delphia Dental College, is practising
with Dentist Irwin of iYinghain.
Mr. J. R. Bone of Toronto Univer-
sity has passed his second exzirnrn-
ations with his usual success, having
succeeded in winning two scholar -
that it per orm shi �s.
not to be used again, but to be per- ,A number of the young people of
served as a relic. When -the signing Belg•rave spent a pleasant evening at
was over. and each of the parties'Mr.av Ills Welsh's one night last
and from that west on the 12th con. oheld the' exchange copies of the meek.
is in need of repair, that a grantof
treaties there. was a mutual congrat On Saturday* evening r a friendly.
520 be made to repair the same, to ulatiuns.
be e�•pended under the supervision
of Graham Scott.—Carries.
Moved by Johnston, seconded by
Reid, that a grant of $10 be made
•epair the first sideroad between
baseball match took place between
MORRIS. , the boys of the -ninth, • and those of the
VMr. Broomfield of Pe ylvania sixth. The game Lok part on the
a few farm of Mr. W. Scott, and iestil!cd.
who bought the Martin far
weeks ago, has moved thereon and in a victory for the sixth boy'.
the first and second concession to be commenced operations. That girl is a peach.
expended under the supervision of i bliss Mable Mason i3 visiting at her 1
Yes, but sire think she is a whole
Wm. Jarvis.--Carried.,sisters, Mrs. J. G. Fyfe, 1 orchard.
Moved by Johnston, seconded by A few days ago some of the farm- 1
Jarvis, that as the water is backed ers, on the first line were visited by ---
up on lot 35, con. 7 by the road bed a peculiar individual in the shape o f
being builtI up preventing the water a tramp. The boys not liking his Your anxiety is for your
from getting away, that Mr. Reid movements, concluded to give him'
have a surface culvert put in.- -Car- I the run, and dismissed him according- i delicate child ; the child
tied.1 that in spite of all your care–
11loved by Reid, seconded by Scot',
I fug over -watching, beeps.
t as I A rT 1Ci-ING 'mini thi
withdjourrng lots
• we consider t too high
--Good Organs and one other case Zdrawn
ines, Needles, Oils and Repairs and tlrF, other being nor, appealed in
g p p g child 7.
atrva.ys in stock and at right time, that the Court of Revision be I rosy is s reading' with alantin 1
prices. T. H• R. I now closed.�Ctrrried, rapidity in the islands. Formerly
fined almost to the natives ; edicine but .s
that M's Kirkland's assessor
l a r .
reduced $ 2 on lot 11, concession 7,
on comparison a
he assessment
P. S. 0 Sexing
mach. 1 being Witt
w1IITEs IN rawAil• seems to weaken her a.nd.
San Francisco, June 15,—Private food fails to nourish. That
advices from Honolulu say that lap needs Scott's Emulsion.
n and pale. Exercise:
it, with the Hypophosphites---
Moved by ,larvts, seconded by I v� as con not as a medicine, ; „J
--- Scott, that Joseph Johnston employ but now many whites are fallin
t the ditch I;vietims to it Gideon West for many a food containing all the
1 d 15 don 10, •ts�yeara
.-.•-F'RU�'i 'TTI: ---
sortie person to clean ou
on grave roe atlot� chants, who is 75 years old, recently
rt is filled in,—Carried. means rich blood, strong
Moved by Scott, seconded by Reid , developed leprosy, and was removed f
1 rr to i\Iololeai, the pest island. His 1 bones, healthy nerves, sound.
1 Township En• lulu, has also been taken pleasant and palatable.
Moved by Reid, seconded by Scott, will be held at Berlin on Oct, 11, ,
that a b j -lain be drawn up minding mr,
the appointment of Nelson Ritchie as wife died broken hearted a taw days digestion. No child refuses •
Township Engineer and that a by..after. George Bueurs, an employe ,
law be drawn up nppointing James of the telephone companyto Molokai. no- Scotts Emulsion. It is;
. Marshall of Kinloss,
one of Hawaii's leading mer- ;'elements of growth. It
n•i d ' An international leprosy conference
SCOTT & SOWNB, Belleville, Ont.