The Advocate, 1887-09-08, Page 1,
A •
„ • •
i,, s4,41/0plig.
Is peblished every 'Thursday mornino
Tit ti16 °Ince, Center of
lain nod Ifithrst$ , Bxeter Ont
;ne dollar a, yenr Iif paid in falvapee; Op if net po
' Overt0110.8etes on A ppecalloo,
No Ivor discontinued million a'irearagos are ;nal.
idvertisetnents without, specific diveetkins will be
itibiished till forbid and charged aemAlitigly, Libenal
liscoutit made for tram tont advertisements insert8i4
'or. lung periods, Ever,v doseription of.,30/1 PRIM -
NO turned out in the finest style of tho ort end p.t
noderate rates, Cheques, money orders, '"&e, 'for
(Irel.'tlablif, ettbscriptione, ot., to be madepayablo' to
.11'1080 PAS111011.0,
,Editer and.Pubilsher,
emscoriv0 Cututorf.-Itey, S. F. Robinson, 'nom.
bent, Surilay Services, 11 a, In., and T ll, In ; Sab-
bath SellooP3:549 P. In,
filkr,VATIO$ Asart.-Sunday services, T. 00111,8 p. M.
and 8 p.iqn., services every night during the week,
at, 8,o'elehlt. Holiness Ineottntr at 11 o. in, on Bundy,
11.fernonna Cunnott.--Jeroes - et,„ Rey. 3, Graheror
pastor. Sunday -sets -Ices, 1.0.30ia. In. and 6.39 p. t88.
sabbathchout, 2 p, in. N.I.VTtrtnectIngThursday
evening at 7.30. . , .
lil.tot ftrantiv.-Rey, 'IV( H. Pascoe, pastor: Sun.
day servites, 10,30a. ..m. and 0,30 p. m. Sabbath
sthool, 2.30 p.n. ,Prayer mooting, Thursday even-
ing et 7.30. Toting peoples prayer meeting Thursday
evening at 744. *
PessaymfaxiCifinion.-Ilev,W. 01. Vartin Pastor.
Sunday service'', , 11 a. tn. arid WO u, in. 'Sabbath
schooL DA a. tn. Young peoples preyer meeting, at
0 45. Thursday evening, prayeomeeting at 8 o'clock.
O)IOir practice immediately after.
• Basinoss And other Cards.
j W. DROWEMG, EL ,D„ •I,L C. P, S.
---- .
Graduate Of Ineterio, University. Office and residence-
1:.nnitaion I•aboratorY, Exeter, Ont, June, 9-57,
'OR. cov,1;v: oFFICE--MAIN STREET, kixeter,
up stairs, opealte Central Hotel. Side ent•
..LP up
on the so Ith-James street leading to the Meth
*dist Church.
FM' the Tillago of Exeter, and the County of Huron.
.A11 orders promptIy ,ttended th. Exeter pot., Ont,
For the Towrshipx Of Hay and ITSbOTOO. Al! orders
, promptly attended to Exeter p.o., Ont.
'4S'nlieitor of Supreme Court 'of Ontario, Commissioner,
• Conveyr. ;11tr, &o, OflIN---Nextrloorto Saniivell &Pick -
`aria; Doter, Ont. Honey to loan at very !*wet rates,
T 11. DICKSON, Earrister, Solicitor ot &trireme
.11.J; Court, Notary Public. Conveyancer, Com-
missioner, c afoney to Loan.
Odiee-•Vatistn's Bloalt,'EXeter.
. 924. 4
ill. —
• meets first Friday in oven, month, in John's Sleek
at 8 o'clock, Visiting Brethren Welcome.
...70.11X S1ACE1AN, W. M. Joun`Witint, Secy.
- —
-[ 0, O. F., No: 67, EXETER.
mete every Tuesday evening ill John's block. A cor-
dial weleothe extendoil to visitin_g brOthrell.
0. F. NO. 123.
a. ----
inects the second and fourth Friday of each month,
In l'imson's'Itall, int 8 o'clobitli, in. 'Slating Breth,
renoordially invited.
'E. Roatirrs, a a, 1, Irimisini, Sec.
TT L. ETLLINGS, Dentist, Exeter, Office over
.LL. O'Nell's Brink. Nitrons Oxide Gas for
painless 11>tEraction. ,
T. D, 8., -extracts teeth without. pain
by giving Vegetable Vapor, or using the now Aims.
%Odic °nu htl gime. AU; es Gold killings, and fill other
dental work the best po;nnble. Ones to Zurich last
.Thursday in each month.
1 —
le, , Stercle3Ori Dentist,
- see erattuate of theRoya I 001)170 01 Den -
dal Surgeons o' Ontario. Having furnished fine den-
tal teem° on James -street, two doors cast, nf Central
lintel, Exeter, Ont., where 8010 prepared to -perform
:all brarithea Of Tho profession 11411 MC Ellti Skill,
.0 --
Itml Estate and Stennibefit Agent. Wealthy and TO-
)1Eb10 erre reei eare resurense CoMpiinies Represent.
, ed. O..t.y annunit of mown) Ration first °Wattled-,
Orogen at lowestrates of interest. 41enet81 Agents for
.18011018 08., tor A.11. Williams & CO., mid 'vitae figte,
Londtu. Beaver Lino ofillostnerm reprebented,
' O91te0-j3u81e8 St,. Iinfeter, Ont JtID-87
OA Sit/ Zr 310a." :1414 2-4.0
Isetier of
K 11 Iiiiilirt00.1 lifiliTIE 0)
Life, Arcliteilt, anti Fire insereede epee
enesime west, Side of Mein -street . Eiteter•
10 -
- .
ay F , . •.1- atmers' Mutual Fire
. Insuranoe . .ompany,
•••••4,.... .,.-. . .
--,---- . .
rand cheapest isseteas thesesee le ills teenieicee
•6481 do so by applying personally; Or by emit to the
tluleriOgued.. An applications primiptly attended to.
Alsti egoist rot,the weningtha Couiptio, rq Gitielph.
.Also AuOTIONamt for thoOotinty,ot Thiroe.
.iturke.9..St ,,,,, zurisa, out.
ris tie's Oommercial
LTvz. rty.
• Rigs atIct llorse4 $.rstsolnge,
Orders left at the Hawkshaw uouse, or at
the rtable will be proMptly attended. to,
1511414 BE exxit,
TO .4%;Tk1ir ...4131;0ass
In the United States or Anted*,
From ndw to Jan .1st 1888,
Subscribe Now,
A. j. Snell,
West side Main-st,, Exeter,
A Good Fit
.gruntrant e e cli
Latest Styles of Goode kept in
A Gall ;Solicited.
4. 44. SNELL
%eying purchased the business of
Senioe, wiehes to in-
forin the the public that
lie can be efound
At the Old stand
Mein. Street, Exeter.
'The Finest Cabinda ill the come.
• ty. Elegant Finish.
Copying and Enlarging
&elm on shortest notice,
- .2-04P0,1
.TWIRSD.417 •SE.PTE.MIIER. 8, 188.7
. , .
Afr, James Oke, of Exeter, ehipped a
carload of fine eettle from this etetioe oi
Soorea.—A weird iWaid.of the peeeoe-
ege fend, Heesall North, was held at the
parsonage on Friday evening last. Tebles
were set ot . the lawn, 'and after !the Meer
man was fully satisfied, an eiegati was
brought en the lawn, and a fine musical
entertainment followed. There being a
large amount of provisions left, it was
announced that another sociaPevould be
held on Monday night, whereanother good
•time was spent. The proceeds remounted
to plot thirty dollars.
Mr. J, Zehee is very 1�w with •ma-
larial fever.
• Mr. Richard Neiltslittle boy fell out
of the buggy one day recently Med die -
located his arm.
Our popular school teacher, Mr. H.
JaLaigeon has had to •give up duties
from congestion df the lungs• .
Thirty-one sheep 'were,leilled by dogs
theother night on the farms of Messrs
Holgiris and Owens. One of the dogs
was shot but the other escaped to •the
Mr. •Tohn Krien opened 'his ader rhifl
on the 11th een., Stephen, on Satnrday
lest. The season is not preinising, 884
eider apples are not,very plentiful in this
On Thursday last, 'Mr. E. Vilhelm's old
house, which is used l'or a ;kitchen, and
is sittutted just behind ths towhees°, took
fire. Fortunately it was soon noticed,
and the flames put mit. Five minutes
more and ell umst have been lost.
Commercial 1JuionAssurance
cotnpany ot
Capital and. Assets, $21,000,000.
LancaShire tire Insurance Co,
CAPITAL, 444,600,000.0a
The beet and niest reliable Fire insur-
wide Oenipanies ih the world,
'The farmers i11 this section are com-
plaining that the fruit orchards are not
allowed to rest clurieg the night, and as
there is too much name in the day iime,
they are in a worn out condition. If this
is continued, the ()pollards cermet be ex-
peeted to make a good yield, a W. 311. ;Morris, of Miechell, threatees
the AtZpoatte with a $3000 libel 'sea.
We 'hold no ill will towarda' the efilvo-
ZInich.° vac, but when Morris secures his
clarnaees we hope he will settle an
Last Thursday we Luba heavy shower uepard account at this 'office, which we
of rain,
Our dressinakers returned hoine seeing
the dressmaking season has opeued.
• A number of our townsmen went to the
Clinton races. Be all accounts 'they had
a rough time of -it.
A large qbantity 'of fruit is being
brought into town of late. Peaches are
quite plentiful this year.
Rev. S. Mach accompanied by' hie
brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. P. Ffanch
are away visiting Buffalo.
Mrs. R, 33usevell, of Goderich, has been
vieiting her friends and relatives in this
place and the Par lige. She wil/ return
home ore Wednesday.
Remember all, next Thersday and Fri-
day the first Agricultural fair of the season
will be held here. Quite a crowd is et-
pected. Our grounds are now under re-
pairs ancl wheti finished will have abetter
The names Of the tweepepils•in egole
cif the advencOeclesses a S. S. No. 5,
Usborne, who obtained the largest n u
'nor of ,perfect leseoneefor the month of
Aug. are rislollows;
FTemu eleesee—lsteWeeley Harvey;
'21id .Ida Kydcl.
FOURTH •Tory.;
2nd, A.PIIA Megord.
Samoa THIRD OLASE.--1st8 Thomas
/tweet]; 2nd, Chas. Harris and Edith
Weetoott .
juleten THIRD 0e4ss.0eeLizZie Prout
.2nd, 1)tb Westoott and Je.;:va Oke equal.
SECOND CILASe.-4.---1s18, ViDlet Russell;
2n4, 131anolie W'estoott.
kGegeotee H, Tose Teacher.
'Connty and General News.
Clinton want e aebwitte factory, ne-
garlactory and a pork packing astab
lishment. •
011 Sunday horse belonging.tb Mr.
•Jas. Churchill, 'of the Bayfidid road,
Goderieh township, droppetl deal
• Mr, George MeGowanedrew a loa d
of flax weighing 2,240 pounds to the ,
1314th flax; mill one day last Week. •
—The Presbyterian Church, Coilbett
is being erected is being roofed,
Froin appeaeanoes it will be a first,elass
—The Orangemen 'Of Greenevey are
erecting a beautifullerick hall IN ben
finished will be a neat:hall and a credit
to that body.
—The new R. C. Church, Lintel*,
IS progressing eicely, and when 'finish-
ed will be 'me of the best churehes to
be ,found in Huron. cotent,,y.
Mr, W, Robinson, of the Iron road,
sold a three year old ,gehling to J. Spell
of Exeter, for I. he sum of $220; for
a gelding such e prioe is unusual.
On -Saturday last Mr. ;T. Manila%
of the Hayfield reed, •Goclerfolz town-
ship, last a three year-old Tontine colt,
for which liehad refused the sum of
Clinton Atm Eree---We notice that
thP qouxci'Were jgOrliT qt Of this de-
sign, the Judge explained that it was
so arranged thet whee u, lady sat, dawn
on it it played ffGod Save the .Qtteee.*
While A. McGloughlin was plough-
ing one of his fathers' fields in Green-
aveleY receetly met with 'rather a
novel acetdent. It appears that ri
largteawarre of bees attacked his horsee
end •When he came to their rescue the
beee coveted him 'from •head to .foele
geed left Mervin smolt a dilapidated state
that even his`besCfriends woulcl be un-
:idele`toiclistinguiSh him from Barnum's
-fat man.
Reaman was Passing
threugh the main exhibition building,
ilon Thursdey afternoon, A large
piece of plank thet a carpenter werk-
ing on the roof had just sewed off fell,
and struck him oa the face, ,just miss -
lee his temple ond cutting a big gash.
inis !heart.
Exeter North.
Mr. E. Fellick has taken the Contract
to carry the mail from here to the gegen.
It is reported that John Vanderbilt, our
North End millionaire has inyested heavy
in railroad attack.
What's happened the edam' of the
Times? It is reportedthat ho has invest -
e(1 iri a new hat. Wonder if he has anoth
er fat government job frent John A. of
urinting vetet's list.
On 'Saturday evening testae a painter,
whose name is not known, slipped and
telt through ilerge plate glass at the Met-
ropolitan llotise, but ite the landlord is a
joviargood minted man nb row took
We cen hear scores of people sey that
the AnyoeArn 19 the best paper ever print
ed. in Exeter,. I would also say that every
level heeded man, woman or dhild read it
i f they would. like to know the latest news
bet, the AnvoaAte has it,
We. should has=e state 'protection On
A few ducks, Which Are odcassionally fright
teed away from Pickcied's peed,: by ohm
of our sports firing their annuntiOn OVer
theth, unless they are allowed td frighten
Weil t aohtti, Which would be cruel.
Usberne Council
• • Council met $aturday Sept. 3r4 pur-
suant to •adjournment0 'All 0membore
present. Minutes of previous meeting
read and siened.
Moved by J.Halls ,seconded V.
kycld that one and four tenths mills
on the dollar be 'levied on the ratable
property a the municipality in •order
to raise $2,927.00 for local purposes
-for the eurrent year—Carried.
Moved by W. Itycld seconded by T,
,Cameron that one and eighteeeight one
hundredths mills on the dollat be iv-
ied on the retable property of the melte
icipality to raise $3,930.28 for Couuty
Rate and Leeitiniate School •Equival-
ent for the current year—Carried.
Moved by T. Carneroneeernidecl by
J, Shier that fifty-eigh elle hundredths
of a mill be levied on the Tatfkblo pre-
perey of the municipetity to raise $1,-
-214.62 for Interest and Weirg Fund
to redeem •debentures issued in favor
of the L. and B. R. for the current
lareved by W. Kyda seconded 'by
T. Cameron that$125. 43 be mem' by
epecial rate on lot 4. 5. E 6 On. 4,
.and. lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, con 5 as per
Schedule prepared for that purpose, to
provide for Interest and Sinking Fund
to redeem aellenture issued in favor of
L. .14.. and B. R. aecount—carried.
Moved by J, Shier Seconded by J.
Balls that the sums legally required
by the trustees for the different school
sectionfor school purposes for the eur-
reut year be levied and enterecl,cm the
Collectors Roll and collected with the
other rates—carried.
IVIovect by T, Cameron .seconcled J.
'Shier that a By -Law be drafted legal-
izing the levying of the afotesaicl ratee
*rferlioccvl:ed by J. Hans seconded by W.
ltydd that the Clerk notify Mr. Wm,
Routley Collector to prepare his bonde
4,nd lay the same before the Cormeil
for their examination at the nexteneee-
Moved by J. Shier seconded by W.
Icydel that the Reeve and Treasuree
be' aothorized to borrow for two months
the sum of $300 to meet current ex-
penses of municipelity—carried.
Moved by T. Oameron seconded by
J. Halls that T. Brinacombe receive
$5 for board of A, Carmichael an indi-
gent --carried.
Moved by J. Shier, seconded by W.
Xycid that E. Stone be paid $16.20 for
nine weeks board for T. Bennett, -
Carried. •
Moved by J, Shier, seconded by T.
(Imam], that orders hetante foel the
following oanomi ts, vizi—J 01111 .1\!to.1 n,
$4.50; George Kycld, Aug. 11, $300,00;
Itichard Itunter, $6; Joint lelycld, $10;
Jaa Giiig $10,62; Geo. Webe 00;
Geo. Weir $20; 'Francis Cornish, $24;
111, Sainevell, $264 George Polan; &jots;
iL Hearitt, $67; John •Hewitt, $2; 11.
Brown, $2.60; T. Swale; $1.21n, Thos.
Brinitteoinbe $5; E. Stone, $16.20—
On rilotien a J. Halls, eeeotuled by
1.; Cametote. the catalog acljettra •to
tneet on the first Saturday in Cote at
11 o'clock a. ID, --Ourit,d,
G., W. Illotelets; aerie,
811.11t 1EGI8TElt
Ors Saturcley, September 2412h, on Let
27) con., 12, township of Stephen.
Farm Implements, etc.
BeSetNetAnyti,o, t, ThJWJO
are afraid, is riot, worth the paper it is
written OD.
What promised, to be a nice little
elopement between a handsome tensor-,
ittl artist, and apiece of sweet sixteen
feminity, to corne off Saturday • morn-
ing, got nipped in the bud. The
young lady's fattier it seenis objected
te the' artist as a ion -in-law, but this
did nob dampen the fire that was rag-
ing in hisbreast. Love laughe at lock-
smiths hut the lady's father is not •
locksmith. Filial •preparations were
all made, arid the gentlemanly sliuger
of the creamy lather wrote her a letter
replete with love end final instruction
and entrusted it to a friend a milkman
to deliver it This he failed tegaile
With his eocustomecl catition, rincl The
father got it, with the reeulb that the
artist, in his own expreesive langeage
is"out two faces and a le-ifeeP
On Tuesday of last week a meeting
of representitive agriculturists from
different parts of the'eounty, was held
8812 Clineou to consider the advisability
of holding a public: meeting for the
diecussion of the question of Commerc-
ial tnicni, Me. S. Smilie, of Tucker -
entitle in the their, Mt G. Waldron,of
Stanley, acting as Secretary. 112 was
decided to hold a meeting en Clinton,
at whatever date could he arranged for
speakers, and the Executive Commit-
tee :Were authorized to eorrespond with
'Messrs Goldwiti Smith, of Torento,
J. E. Shaw, Editor Canadian Live
Stock journal, and Mr, V. E. Fuller,
of IfAmilton, and sodure their sertices
for the occasion, If the engagement
of either Messrs Wiman, of Neer York,
or Butterworth, of Ohio, will perniit,
an effort will also be entitle to secure
the services of one of thew gentleman,
but it is feared that they have already
too many etigegemente ahead.
During the heating of a snit in tett-
den, relating to a patent liesim-
prover"—eeiriteonly eidied the bustle -
the ,l,,tidge, eTtagie, itsfublltel,
eee the style tat e an