The Wingham Times, 1897-06-18, Page 44 !;'UL{, W1N(a..1.AivI TI.NIE , JUNE 18, 18K Just arrived atm 1 CAMPBELL'S RUG STOW} a large lot of good TOILET SOAPS which we are selling at JO O T$ A BOX This soap has been selling at 10 cents a cake. Call and get what you want before it is all gone. COLIN A. CAI'IPBBLL, Druggist - 2 doors S. of P. O. Wingituni, MT am gimes FRIDAY, JUNE 18, 1897 EDITORIAL NOTES. Acooitnixo to th e Montreal herald the late Conservative Government in Quebec, sold Government bonds for 105, and within eleven months bought them back for, 110.66. We do not wonder that in the bye•elec- tions the new Government has with one exception, --that of err. Duffy in Brome—been re-elected without a contest, Mr. Duffy would have been re-elected too if he had consented to aid in preventing theo protesting of a Conservative, M. P. P.'s seat, which is attacked. Tito Globe says: --'Who talks of benighted Africa? 'Electricity" apaches for the story that the introduction of the telephone into Alabama is believed Joy the farmers to have depreciated the price of cotton The Georgia & Alabama Company have been obliged to appeal to the courts to protect their lines from the rage of the natives. The poles have .,,,,As,,eie.,„14,e,tadttrateararantany places, and one aggrieved individual spent his wrath in dragging at ti:' tail 'af his waggon seven miles of wire he had first cut. • Tim benefits of cold storage were never better exemplified than in the case of apples. Last year, owing to the enormous crop, apples were "dirt cheap," but some dealers had faithin a late demand, and they kept a con- siderable quantity in cold storage. These apples are now being market ed. Five dollars per barrel has been paid: for spies and russets. For ten barrel lots $4.50 bas been refused. Cold storage promises to supply good fruit all the year round for those willing to pay a fair price for it. increase of area of leaf tobacco in Essex county is likely to result from the recent alteration in the tariff on leaf, • We have ascertained front a well informed correspondent in that eounty that the floorage in the leaf is Essex will probably be about double what it was. is 1896. The Hiram Walker concern, which lead 114 acres in tobacco last year, will grow a larger area, say about 125 acres, this year; The adjoining county of rent, too, it may be pre- dicted, will show activity in growth of the leaf." A DEFENSIVE ATTITUDE. Hon Mr. Fielding, in the Dominion House of Commons last night, made a very important announcement, He said the Government would ask Parliament for power to impose export duties Moon sawlogs, pulp- wood, and certain ores, The inten- tion is not t impose duties on logs and pulpwood immediately, it not being the desire of the Government to prejudice business in any way. Bat it is deemed wive, in view of the hostile attitude of the United States Congress to our lumber trade, and the proposal to impose Leavy -taxes ora wood mainly imported from this country, to be in a position to take the defensive measures outlined by the Finance'idiuister. Oar Govern- ment takes this step in .no spirit of hostility to the United States, but solely out of regard for the interests ot Canada, If the final decision of the United States Congress is . such that there will be no occasion to impose export duties, so much the better; but if not on the export duties will go. The present situation is not without its compensations, Not a little of our lumber is bought by the United States dealers, who act as mitidlenien, shipping the products of Canadian forests to foreign countries. If the United States restrictive policy promotes direet shipment to other countries, it will benefit our shipping in forests, • • CANADA FIRST. . The news which has just been scceived regarding the recept- ion which is being accorded to the Hon. \Ir. Laurier, tails to mind the appsition taken among the Imperial federationists at 'attataltalaefaligii me?thigs by Mr. Alex McNeill M. P., one of their most. distinguished .lead- ers. Mr. McNeill always maintained that Canada's vote always meant something more than that of any single one of the Australian colonies and he proposed, previous to 'the meeting of the Ottawa conference, that'step3 ought to 'be taken to se- cure the Proper voting power, to which the was entitled in that body His fellow federationists, however, ignored his representation, and it has been reserved fa,. Sir Donald Smith to secure from the Colonial Office for the Premier of Canada the honors and the precedence that the represent ative of a Dominion whieh is some- thing more than a colony can fairly chin1. Nat only has /his been settled, but Mr, Laurier was received in Liver. pool by the Duke of Devonshire, the Earl ot Derby and many other die• tinguished Englishmen. A Laurier "bootie' is in progress in England, and the "heather i s on fire" in Scot land. There are to be official re- eeptions for him in Edinburgh and Glasgow, and a special train to take hint to London, wher, the highest. honors await hien. If, with all this, Mr. Laurier's head is not turned, it will be because it is well poised and firmly set, and because he will be the first to acknowledge that the honors are paid to the Dominion as well as to her Prime Minister, and that they mean simply "Canada first." There was a time when this cry bad a very selfish significance, but we have changed all that, The Dominion now possesses the hege- mony of the outer Empire, and the sceentaetion of its Government has made it the leader ot the movement for closer British union.. "4"i"hat is now wanted 13 to strike the Iron while hot, to tate advantage of the present favorable condition of public opinion in Erlg'la+tel for laying rho first foundation stone of an Imperial Tis Bobeitygean Independent thus jollies the old land;--" Hullo, there, John Ball! What's the matter with you ? A team of our city dudes ac- tually knocking the tar out of your regulars. Say, John, you need to shake yourself and wake up, for we have a whole regiment as good as that team, and we could get up a dozen regiments, if it were a necessity, to which those Toronto highlanders would not be a circum- stances. it is all very well to do a, little blowing about the teams we send over to the old sod and carry away the laurels in their sports but all the same it is not a pleasant thought that the father of the nation is getting- so old and effete that we oolonial kids can ettff him awned his own yard with owe of our Bands tied." L'IF.v>~;xamavT, a leading Quebec newsptsper, referring to the culture of tauacco in Canada, says: "The ehanges made in the laws have in - of 13ac o in the to pure to e d the cu crease Southern enmities of Ontario. In eertaiA counties in Quebec, tobacco growing 15 carried on on a largo scale, and will, no doubt, be aug'- utentated in a few years." The Monet.rry',pitnes, referring' to the same subject, says: "It has al- ready been stated that a considerable commercial union. The United Em- pire Trade League in London has wade the first move in dining the Australian Premiers and eliciting their sentiments. We ought soon to hear from the 13ritish Empire League also, both in London and in Toronto, With respect to such anticipated action, we hope it may be "Canada first".—World $kug CCii;.TLI� 'Tier EAT. TRE STATEMENT OE A LAM' woo WAS A DYSPEPTIC. AFFLICTED WITH PAINS IN THE sTo7JAQlt, NAUSEA AND VOMITING— CONSTIPATION, OMITING— CONSTIt' TION, HEADACHES AND OTHER DISTRESSING SXMPTerrs LOWItD. Fre* L3 So.,lols, Sorel, Quo , Dyspepsia and kindred disorders et the digestive organs are beeoming alarmingly prevalent among the people of all classes, and it is safe to sat that there are .few ills afiiieting znankind• produetiva of more real misery than indigestion. It is said that happiness and a good digestion go hand in hand, and the statement contains more truth than has been generally admitted. It may be safely said therefore, that the medieine. that will cure dyspepsia is .a blessing to maiiikind, a promotor of human happiness, whose g'lod work cannot be too widely known. Such is the opinion of Mrs. l?, Lasater of Sorel, Que., and 'it is because of this that she gave the following state- ment to a. representative of Le Sorelois. "For some time past", she said "I had been suffering from .a malady that at first I could not define, but which proved to be a severe attack of dyspepsia.. After each meal I felt a sensation of over j fullness, even when I had eaten most sparingly. This feeling was accompanied by severe' pains in the' region of the stomach,and frequently t by nausea, and sometimes vomiting. 1 Constipation followed, which • added to my misery. In the interval II suffered front tever and slight head- ache, and became generally- indispos- ed. ndispos ed. At times the pain in the stomach, was less' severe. My appetite was leaving roe, I had no taste for any- thing and at this stage my son, Alfred assistant manager of of "Le Sorelois" urged me to try Dr: Williams' Pink Pills, at the same time ;� znie" io read an a�t'iele Lia' that paper which bt3:Ai:'`�o the cure • of a person JIsimiiarly afflicted. I was skeptical and did not believe the pills would help me, but a few days later I re -read the article and decided. that I would try this inedi'cirae and I have much reason to be glad that I did so. I took a couple of Dr. Williams Pink Pills after each meal and little by l'_ They Run Easy for Vears s CLEVELAN FR$75ANo$1OO. BECAUSE THE THOUSAND PARTS ARE CONSTRUCTED TO LESS THAN A HAIR BREDTH FOR EACH OTHER THUS FORMING ONE STRONG COMPACT OF ARTISTIC MACHINERY. PROBYCAI;D STRONG HOME GUARANTEE,= DO NOT CONFOUND CLEVEL.A.NDS WITH CHEAP BICY- • CLES THROWN TOGETHER BY TINKERS. O 1L ' 4C�• TQ± O]YTTO J. CLEGG . CO., AGENTS WINGHAM, MABEE REPORTS. zxorrtal. ' 'a gham Juno 17th. 1897. _,.t;&wattly' 'Deans, Produce Dealer. 1+"lour per 100 lbs • 1 50 to 2 00 Fall Wheat 0 00 to 0 07 Spring Wheat 0 00 to 0 67 Oats, 0 18 to 0 20 Barley 0 20 to 0 30 Peas ' 0 $7 to 0 37 Butter,.,-.• ,.....,. 0 10 to '0 12 Eggs per dozen........ .... 0 8 to 0 10 Wood per cord........ 1 00 •to 1 2.5 Ray per ton, .... 7 00 to- 7 AO Potatoes, per bushel, 0 10 to 0 15 0 3 to 0 3 0 2to02i 19to 21 J allow, per to Dried Apples, per 1b Woo little perceived that my'iligeation was' becoming more easy. I continued Woo ' the use of the pills -for a little more s than a month, and have pleasure in Kathy of the whole community. stating .that my :cure is complete.' On Friday a' baseball match be - At my ae (66 years) one greatly . ttviceu Belgrave and Blyth is to be appreciates being able to enjoy one's played in the new agricultural meals, and I bless the day I began • grounds. to ase Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, and I This town will be well 'represented I heartily recommend thein to other, atthe.Ilub on Jubilee day 'If the sufferers. weather only proves favourable. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure ( The members- of the L, O, L. No. 96,3 heid the regular meeting in the indigestion, rheumatism,1 I neuralgia, ia: S. Vitus' dance Orange hall on Monday evening. nervous headache and prostration, diseases of IA he blood, such as scrofula chronic erysipelas,. and restores pale and sallow cotnplexionseto the glow of health. They are a specific for all the troables peculiar to the female sex, and in men cure all cases arising from worry, overwork, or.excesses. Sold by all chemists and by Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brocltville,. Ont., at 50c per box or six boxes for °2,50.. There are imitation pills colored pink against which the public ore warned. '1'he genuine pilts are put up in boxes, the wrapper around which bears the full trade mark, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pitl, for Pale People." Take nothing else. BLYTII Mr, J, i1IeCaughoy of the Queen's hotel has disposed of his business to air, Robinson of Godorieh. On Sunday afternoon about 20 members cf 0, O. F. No. 89 drove over to Londesboro to attend the • late I3r . Geo.Coek- fttnc•i•att of theft 1. tc, o, erlisi. it was at very large funeral. The leneaina were buried in the illyth t nton Cemetery. On Monday the remains of the yonngest child of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. l;tsmbea, rwhlch died rather suddenly, tva3 burled in the Union Cemetery. Tho; bereaved ones have the syln.. • On Monday evening a special meet Ing of oui' town daddies was held in Industry hall. • Live Steels markets Montreal, Que., June 16. ---There were about 350 head of butchers' cattle, 150 calves and 300 sheep and lambs offered for sale at the east end abattoir to -day. A large number of butchers were present, and with a good demand and small supplies prices advanced all round, and es- pecially was this the case with prime beeves, which were more than one. quarter of scent per lb, higher to -day than on last Thursday. There seem- ed. to be a brisk demand for anything fat for shipment to great Britain, and up to 41e per iii, was in sorne cases paid. Large fat cows sold at about 4e per lb, Pretty good animals sold at from 31e 4e, and the com- mon half fatted beasts at from 2.,i;e ne per ib. There was an active demand and higher prices paid for good calves, prices ranging from $5 n' ;~7 each. Common calves sold at ; $4 each. Shippers are paying about 4e per lb. for good large sheep, Lambs sold at from .$2.50 Of; $3,50 each. Pat frogs are seam, and no sales were reported. Prices are quoted at front 5 i ® 51e per lb, RUIT.CULTURE 1e tarwer,owtble to the former now than his Other crops, Blown Br Co., Lha most- exten• sled nersery house in Canada, have a vncar,cyin this section. Write them t, r their terms. nato5t' NUMERIC. Toren Ontario. NOTICE. Having left on' business for a time, 1 have placed my practice in the hands of G. D. leortune, V. S., a grade ate of the Ontario Veterinary College, Chile by night and day will be prompt- ly attet,ded to at the office. 6.110 Jour/ WTLsoN,y'..e1. s Strayed from th undersigned, on the 1 and white tow, no 1 color, star in fore rather straight giving inform will be suit d, ‘all rllsize. en`asto he y rewarded.' THos. STE . Biu miles . of the of May, a red spots of either ears old, horns Any person whereabouts T, ale, int. IT'S, NOT NECESSARY.... To lay asrde'your soiled or faded suits or overcoats, but take them to the Wingbara Cleaning and Dy ing Works, and have theca clean- ed, dyed and repaired to look like new. J. W. SNELL. Proprietor. Messrs. Ifrydone and Rand will sail from New York on the 30th inst. for Britain and will visit interesting points in England, Scotland and Paris, illi'. Brewer of the Maisons Bank expects to leave Montreal for England-oti July 7th. --Clinton New Ea, Never before have the streets in Clinton presented Belt a clean and tidy appearance. Citizens should as far as possible assist the Committee in their commendable m ork. The long grass should be crit and all boles idled and the water tables kept clear.—Clinton New W1NGHAM SAW MILL, • kept constantly on Mind and deliver-. ed on shortest notice. Call and . get . prices as we -are• determined not to be undersold. McLEAN & SON. WINGHAIVL. 'All kinds of rough and dressedt —LUMBER, --.SRINGLES, ---LATli4 —WOOD, —BARRELS, —CEDAR 1'OSTS, Eta. WYNC3I3dM STEA'M. PUMP ORKS; Having purchased the entire business, from Mr. Daniel Showers, 1 am now prepared to supply the public with Wood laid Iron. .Forte and Lift Futaelt*, Ileasss and Aron Cylinders, Galvaniz- ed 1Ct.•on Tubing, Cisterns, Water Tvougbal, Sinks, 1llatlis, ll'ipe Fitting, Well Digging and everything in con- nection with water tuppiles. Galvanized Steel Windmills for power .> and pumping water. 'Dec well pumps s n i ate tJ Repairing promptly attended to. Parties writing for information or ordering try toad should always state depth of well, MI work guaranteed or no sale. C. MORNINGSTAR. Ira, :Box 140 Winglram, On.