The Wingham Times, 1897-06-18, Page 3risno.44*
"111E NV till M '11 SI HS JUNE 18, 8H7,
•Ir •-•%--44`..r,"".
Wm His Imyolei Honmilth.
lc Roadies Has One For
The People et Ganda,
Trims et Resod Invalids an
Sufferers FH Nair Gial
Mrs. James Grant, 'Toronto, says: 'My
daughter was so b i with dyspenbla t115
for several weeks at, a tima s,le eouid
eat no food tied was oulteed ste.;14
on liquide. She had a ;sour eel", •tubsa
the roue could not ye est mei I At ter
-using two bottles o Mu eyon'a d.speo.iia
Cure elle has uumpletely recovered mid
Call CO .Y Oat, ;toy LiIu Wuo el:osier
her cure wonderful. We have also used
1V1unyon'e allot) metisin Cure wite the
best results. No earson need sutler
from disease whoa Ludy ue.) ueueie
Munyon's Belem -lies
Munyon Rheumatism Cure seldom
fade to telleve ui tete to three (lours mid
cures in a few dap,. Price
MUIThli3.13 lhepepaiii Cure pusitively
cures all forme of mei stom-
ach trouble. Priee 25e,
Moppt's Cold Cure prevents pneu-
monia and o, Its up meet to a tow
hours Price, 2a.
M.nuyoll's Cough Cure stops ).t1.41) a,
night sweats, Litho s ;soreness, ?eel „,e44,,j1
V heals the leugs. Pi me,
M unyun's Kidney 4lure Soot', tlly t1 res.
pains in the hilt•ki, loins ur eruiu: Mai all
forms of kidney disease. Prie.5.25.:.
nyon's lleadauhe Cure stope head-
ache in three minutes. Price 2 el„
Munyou's P1e Ointtneet p sitively
cures all forms or pilots. Prior'.
Munyon'e Mood (etre eradientes all
impurities of the blood. Pi•tee. 2,e;
M nyun's leetnaie Remedies ars a
bOOn to a 1 5,5s)lm1n.
Munyon's Asti -11/M 1110d193 rt.
13 minutes and cure, permaue.n Li)... Price,
Munyon's Catarrh flemedies never
fail. The (lateral Ours - price 250.-
erad:cates the disease fruit' the s.5 stem,
and the Catarrh 'Tablets -pique 25e. -
cleanse and heal the parts. • • -
Mu nyon's Nerve Oure is a won lerful
nerve tonic. Price, 23u. •
„. M.unvou's Vitalizer restores lest vigor
Price el.
A separate (lure for each dies. At,
all druggists, most ly 25e. vie]. A well tind favorably known lady; of
Personal letters to Prof. Munyou, 11 Meemall givee a4 4UuUb ut our stiffer- -
.Albert St., Toronto, answered with 12e4'•':
d -Grief at the death uf near stud dear
A Ileal tNelle Fitog TBE ran WEST.
Great. Flails, Mont., June 16-01d.
matt Vance, aged 7 t years, living Onut
Loggiug Creek, aho„ 32 nailes from
here, who, for years has been a
pauper, hasjuat received word that
the Septette Court of North Caroliett
I 44• yet d e.ett decision in a suit
brought by his mother (now dead)
N ears ago, in favor if Airs, Vaoce,
ILIulit4gelown to him as next of kits
an estate valued at about four million
dtllars. Dariog meat illneis tie
was Caved fur by Mies Alice ()cosi.
man, the 16 -year-old daughter of a
I Montana .section bus. Upon receipt
of the news he proposed marriage to
the girl, who accepted, and to morrow
they will be married.-
11,,70101NO—OUltim 14>1,00.T.1 Ali'RICAN
suffered untold misery for over three
months front uearalgia of the stomach.
Pie, siciens did their best to help me, hut
all el tempts were heed el. 1 saw South
A inerteen 151..ervine advertised and resolved
to try it. 'Ube first bottle gave me great
and deter I had used six bottles I
w .45 complteely cured his of tdreadful dis-
t:1414." Wiu. Davi heel, Thedfo:d, Ont,
Sold at Chisholui'a .Drug Store.
I - u nviets Convicted
' Kingston, June 14 -John Doe, for
assaulting a guard in the Penitent-
iary; 'was • today sentenced to two
3•eara' imprisonment, but it was to
run concurrent with his present
sentence of . 25 years. Doe was
attacked by another cenvict, and in
defe'nee assaulted beth convict and
W. Angus McDonald escaped in
Ostoher, 1891; live months later he
' i•eturiled fur another crime. Be
trice ti -da r for his escape, and
got two years additienal to his present
tei in,
free ined cal a v ce rot tiny 11155445e
For the Fourth Ye
The wany friends IX the Rev.
H. Hill, will be pleased to lel Ill 11456
he has for- t.ho rutrill year- leeei
pointed by Culifei•etice to the Ar.ifijeld
circuit. Mr. Hall has ',eon see os
thetiost successful pastel's chat has
ever presided over that ,'it and
the people el Ash fluid are to he eon.
gratulated on having hint sten, back
for the fourth t ear. The Rev. 1. 13.
Wallwin, B. A • gods b n' the
third year to Lucknow; Bev. B. is
Mutton goes t, I Danga,i and
David Swan to Ripley.
They are Go id
Mr. Jas. 11Ltl,n, the wHil-known
alderman of Ic-5(t4ptville. says:
"For some years 1 have eeett gr, at ly
troubled with p tin :meets toy beck
Urinary troubles 4211.11,) I -me 144 (11414 loee
Of sleep, and 1 8U frr):11 a tired
worn out teethe:. leein'a Kidney Pills
gaye me relief in a short time rite peiu
in my back has disappeared, and I. feel
that I would be tieing wrong out to
recommend them to others sittferine es 1
did. They ate the best n edieino 1 hale
ever used."
Barr take Burned
Comber, Oat., lime 11 -Staples,
'village six miles south of neve, was i THE LATE
visited by fire last night. The Sal-
vation Army loarrachs, a blacksmith
shop and a butcher shop, were con.
umed. The villagers, by hard work,
kept the fire from spreading further.
The rain which fsIl j lir before ths,
fire broke out assisted, too, in keeping
it ftsen sp.e.tdins. Origin is un-
known. No particulars as to insur-
ance can be learned.
friends a few years ago ciiesed nervous
trouble and general debility. Prior to
that 11010 1 4449 144 excellent health, quite
stout and very strong. With ray said
bereavements .1 became excessively nerv-
ous, my appetite failed, 1 lest flesh and
straugili. aud raj, mindsad nerves wart
Lo such a state that 1 found it 44118031 811
possible to tempos° myself to sleep.
'nen 1 did drop tato slumber 1 woleu
wake up in a short, time trembling vii
and in a culd perspiration, and.
rums uot get to sleep tigain that night
My meinery oecame clouded and tiokle.
1 114,1:treat, pain through my tetztples.
and my heart freqttently Seemed to stor
its puisatiome Thou again 1 had fillet-
ing spells so that my friends thougtt I
was a uy pot:hotel-rime Fortuuately 1
pe toe red e sox of Miluurn's Ileart anu
Nerve Pills trona S. A. 11 else, drui.mkt
of this eilace,amtl colndieuced taltio2*
them last spring. ,To my gratitude they
perfortne 1 a complete cure. My appetite
is now good, and I have gained in flesh.
health and strength, end feel cheerful
and happy. I sleep well, and have now
tie 1r twee witero •ny bout or nerves
whAtever. Thneo pills are a great cure
for 'a aerl. atel.terve trouoles as 58011 as a
tunic for the entire system, anl
l▪ a.-. te:ey glad to reeenneeniti them to_
from si:uilar camelaiute.
(S• igned) Miss W Misserschtnidt, Mitch-
ell, Out.
Luxe f.:ver Pills cures constipation,
bi Isness, an 1 sick headache;
Brussels playa foot nail at Atwood
Jubilee .day,
it) esssta town bapd has been en.
gaged te play at Seaforth on Tues-
day, 22nd inst. at the Jubilees stele.
bra tion.
On Wednesday Mr. Kerney while
handling a bunch of bananas in the
store discovered a large tarantula in
the .bitich and after an exciting
ehase eaptured it, It is 110%, on ex-
hibition 111 a glass bottle.
The Canadian Order of Foresters
in Brussels have decided to divide
the surplus accurnmulatecl to the
credit of the Sick Benefit Fund
among its members as the majority
haVe taken benefits now in. the High
Court. There is about $800 on
Ayoung man named Hogate was
brought before A Hunter, J. P„ by
Secretary Irvin, of a horse syndicate
charged with obtaining security in
.the shape of a note from said syndas-
ate ander misrepresentation. Law-
yers Blair and Morphy represented
plaintiff and defendant respectively.
The ease was dismissed.
H at LE FT Si1l<300
Liver Ills
Like biliousness, dyspepsia., headache, consti,
pillion, sour stomach, Indigestion are promptly
cured by Hood's Pills, They do their work
easily and thoroughly.
13est after dinner OM
25 cents. All druggists.
Prepared by O. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
The oule Pill to take with Xfood's Sarsaparilla,
For over Fifty Years.
M N. IV Ds 1055 '8 Soothing Syrup has
Leo used for over fifty years by mil-
lions of mothers fir their children while
teeth; op-, with perfect SUCCOSS. 11 soothes
the child, softens the guese, allays all
pain, cures wind colic, and is the best
emedy for diarrhoea. Is pleasant to
the taste, Sold by druggists in every
part of the world. Tweuty-tive cents a
bottle, Its value is incalueble Be sure
and ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
Syrup, and take no other kind
The bassball club will have a
smoker ne).2 Friday night.
Arran,eentents have heen made to
reproduce H. M. S. Pinafore, Dom-
inion Day.
The Goderieh Musical Soziety on
Monday received their first donation
a; the hands of the publics in the
shape of two new marches from Mr.
It is rumored that Capt. Babb will
move his part of the bathing house
away unless_a_ decent sidewalk is
tdJi5iinect-it With the Harbor
There was a very pretty wedding
at the residence of JanteSsp!tewart, of
Sc. Ueoisse's Ward, co o=7.. .5,4
The contracting parties were Edith
3tewari,uf Goderieh and Benson W.
Cox, of Leamington. Rev. Joseph
Edge was the officiating minister.
Frank Russell, the man charged
with a serioua assault, and who was
remanded last week by the Y. 'AL,
was brought up en Monday, and
again remanded for a weak. The
ease is now somewhat complicated, as
[lessen has charged tie brother of
the girl whom he is alleged to have
assaulted with attempting to shoot
Many of the farmers are complain -
of the wire worm destroying the
grain crop on, the old sod.
The Exeter Fire Brigade will hold
their annual picnic at .Grand Bend on '
June 17th.
Congratulations are due W. T1
Clarke, son ;of .J. P. Clarke, en pass-
ing his second medical examination
at the Toronto University.
Mr. John Granger, !lead sawyer
at the If xeter saw mill, met with a
very Miran' accident. on Thursday
last by having a. large niece (if flesh
knocked off one of his hands. He
was off work for a few days but is
again on duty.
James Lang, of Manitoba, is visit-
ing his son, R. S. Lang, and other
relatives and friends here. Mr. Lang
looks hale and hearty and is greeted
by hosts of friends here.
While playing lacrosse at Parkhill
on Monday, Frank• Willis sustained
severe injery to his forehead from a
lacrosse stick in the hnnds of one of
the Parkhill players. Several stitches
were required to close the wound.
Some mean person entered A.
Bagshaw's garden on Thursday
night last and carried of about
tewnty 'fine tomato plants, which had
just been set out. The same night
they made a raid on Mr. Jas Snell's
garden and stole a large quantity of,
groen onions.
On Friday morning a large and
joyous company of 'relatives and
friends assembled at the residence of -
Airs. John Gould to witness the
solemnization of the euptiah, of Dr.
R. Y. Ferguson, of Caledonia, Minn.,
a former resident of Exeter, and. Miss
Eda, twin daughter of the late John
— .•
As.) FY 11 UT 3015E tFit 5844 DREW WAS AN EXCIMIC.
MS TALONS CIS 1114 r144441-SOUTII .b.5(44arc
7.11111111.5e1C 0411444 424414011141.5 11E14 1114034 Mit
"For fifteen year I had boon troubled
with rheumatism. It had settled in my
back. times the pain was so severe as
to entirely lay me up fur weeks at a time. I
5`.• slit aboat discouraged mid had given
h..5pc wlum I was reesittnielelea to tn.,
South American Rheumatic cure, I did so.
The first bottle enabled inc to leave my bed,
and in One week (r)m the tune 1 commence
ed its use I WWI completely cured. It is
entieebtedly the best medicine in the
world for rheematism." Mr..John Beate
!vont, Elora. Sold at Chisholm's Drug
WILL • Mr. John Ferguson, of Lanes, put..
chased a Leieestcr ram from Messrs.
E. Gaunt & son, of St Helens, some
time ago and the other day he had
the animal sheared. The wool
measured 113 inches in length and
the fleece weighed 17 pounds. Who
can beat it?
Tho late Major Baldwin's will was
tiled recently. He left $75,396.73, el
which $72,350 which is in real estate
as follows: one-seventh interest in
lot 2 south side of King, west of
Yonge, $19,000; part of the same lot
fsonting on Yonge street, $3,000;
one seventh interest in lots 6 and
on the north side of King, west of
Yonge, $39,250; and a one-seventli
interest in lot 7 on the south side of
Adelaide street, 6 l 1,150.
The widow is to have the house-
hold goods and half the net .annual
income, and in case site mai ries her
income is to be $500. The other
hall of the income Is to go to the
education of the children, and when
they reach the age of 25 is to be
shared anima' them. The wife's half
15 10 be ;lady(' to he other at hot'
ldu th.
Any child disputing the trUstee3' 31,11 tor: Cu: all 1 art in the
>4024>43 424>4 YEEED TILE rxlsONan —IT lin
1 hie is to certify that after taking six
bottle» of Smith American Kidney Care 1
am completely cured of stricture and gavel
haviag suffered from these complaints fir
over tat years, I felt relief almost immed-
iately, and after taking three bottles felt
g-eatly improver'. 1 continued its use until
1 was satisfied I was perfectly cured."
Wilib Goff, Chippewa. Ont. Sold at
Chieholin's Drug Store.
He Turned Up After Many Day3.
-.q-jury sittings of the
Eligh Court en-u*stiseelasld in Walk.
erton, last week, Dr. Rae of Pallner.
sem was confirmed in the possession
cr farm of 71 acres on Con. 11,
Huron. w Inch wasalleged to have
been in possession of George Thomp.
son, since 1883. At that time Rae
Thompson were studeu's together at
Agricultural College Guelph. Rae
had this property and he gave it in.
to the keeping of Thompson. Years
went by and all trace of Rae was
lost.: Tnompon ptaced a snort
gage of $800 on the farm, John
Gentles being the mortgagee. Mr.
Quinn advanced the money to pay
off this mortgage and took a most
gage of $700. Becoming dubious
about his title, Mr. Quinn took steps
to secure it under the Quieting Titles
Act. To do so it was necessary to.
asecrtain, whether Rac was still in
existence. In response to the adver-
tisement, Rac turned up at Palmer
sten and immediately took steps to
confirm his claim to the farm. He
did so with but little trouble. Some
yearago, Thompson had two men
in Huron charged with stealing tim.
ber of the farm, In his evidence at
trial, Thompson swore that he was
agent for Rae. That affidavit was
produced by. Mr. Hohnan of Toronto
who was counsel for Rae and Justice
Armour decided the case at once. By
this decision the mortgages given by
Thompson are invalid. Mr. Quinn
loses over $700 by it, and Mr Hodg-
kinson, who held a second mortgage
loses $200. Mr. Delamere of Toronto
was counsel for Thompson.
One Honest Man.
DEAR E rIT015,—P101180 inform year
readers that if written t conlicltutiAlly
I will mail in a sealed letter, particulars of
A genuine, honest, home cure, by which I
was permanently restored to leen li end
manly vigor, after years of suffering from
nervous debility, sexual 'weakness, night
losses and Weak shrunken parts. I was
robbed and swindled by the quacks until I
nearly lost faith in mankind, but thank
heaven, I am now well, vigorous end strong
and wish to make this certain means of
cure known to others. nave nothing to
sell and want no money, bat being a firm
believer in the universal brotherhood(' of
man, I ani desirous of helping the unfor-
unate to regain their health and happilleSS
PrOM1S1 you pvilect seemey.
1W55r. T M111.1'0110, Agents' 'Supplies, seem to want me to spend eternity
5.•• • W7 "I" •0,••••
• LI • Wri
ewe. e".:1 0, s'..ear•,e1OMIOMISIIIIIIIMOMMOSOMSONSOlOro •
• ;';
I:Vegetable Preparation for A 3
Prorr.ote$Digestion,Cheerful- q
fieSandilzst.Contsins neither
einuni,Morphirte Dor }11.11eIeli.
21-nve of 6%1 .1'?•,..7,7=1,117-=:7
74;4, -
.41.57.'Scrinq •
Allooletlx ;,7t;
ippErrma t
CruZional,;::.1.2. •
Sea -
relizfi;qi Svc., .
WittAyrcca. T.5z
Aperrsc: P.ernsdy for constipa-
tion, Sour 3toulach,Dierrhoce,
asss and LOsse; OF SLEEP.
s-istite:igi:I.,,,e4rswcr3TEW ige",
••••' • •
ti .-.. •;+1
t•• '4
; e ,
4 ll
- : : •
oestox is r's rp c -”5-5i2 'bottles only:
nct s-'14 b- ,cr,ns
posc." ;::at yla
tha too- er.e..stver=4300,
neater COPY c5F %MAPPER. /1 T,7„.44..
Salt Rheum Cured
GENTLE1511011,—YODF Burdock Blood
Bitters cured me of salt rheum three
years ago. ft was so bad that I lost my
linger nails, and I can truly say that I
know of no more valuable medicine in
the world than 13, t. B. I Pave bad no
return of salt rheum since.
Etnerson, Man.
Mr. Ca'iting-Go to -a quite un-
mentiOnable hot tIla,ce.,
Mrs. Cutting-DeIighted, my dear,
at such an evidence of your affection.
Mr. Cutting -You seem to tlink it
Mrs. Cutting -Wasn't it, when you
Address with stamp •
I?. 0. o 50, ht. Henri, Que with you.
"Ze War ISe,51,1,11+.00'4,4:1, eye&
4.4 '.--.:'-'
.1. 6 r
W17, a
We do neat work in the Job Prin2 • ;.usiness and at
If you i• • .11 need of any- 0
prices as low as the lowest.
thing such as
Or anything in the line of Printing, call or write to the
old reliable TIMES Office, Winghain.
Loviik•siwils-sil•w5-4/6.1106,6x6,‘ 6,414
I will give Fifty Dollars to any person who will bring me
Watch or Clock I cannot repair and make to run z,s v (11 s,
or better than ever.
Josephine St., Winghain
Shaw Block.
• • • • • • • • • • 0_41
•_Relie,f. for
:Lung •
.Troubles •
• •
• ,,e, e
• A :/. ENKSION.
In coxsualrmicat sad all tixivo
tonnamOrrX, the ttenents ertsis
• article are most manifest.
nytucaid of The "31 L." Emulsion. 41,400 got
co ea of a hacking cough Ithiell had troubled 01)0 101
over a year, and hove /mined considerably DI
Ziigtale "9 81111
• T. 11. C.E.,Moutrool,
500. 140(t1 et ear Bottle
• • • 6 0 • • • • • • 01
umpoPip•P, ••••••••••••••••21
Positively Cures
in a surprisingly short time, It's a sci-
entific certai:Lty, tried and true, soothing
and healing in its effects.
W. C, McColnua Son(
,Hain:Ilig5:112(fitexietscelei:yortlri oinb:riogv:iee:argol:13:1, 1\11°1:7.. u:e:G ..rm:helluiceesurtnst:ottne:Calcal:nlot Cdem-(!nire:i1:118a1.4
Peetoral is a vest invaluable reparation, 10
Lias given the utmost satisfaction to all (4it)
lave tried it many liming spoken to me onho
ibmeilts derived tram 114 MO in their,ilioe,
it,Wa,012104a. blI61s1.°0rrlooli5Wriothatt 'birg:717i!rfuti).
;era 4ern always rteronmend it 00 (4 cif') and
turge Dottle, 25 (Is.
sellibla zacelieine,L
DAVIS fitsToyle‘p‘cRoEpr,NieCtoRra00., 1.,1;15.