The Wingham Times, 1897-06-18, Page 2- GRANT'S SECRETIVENESS. PAY OF ACTRESSES. The liesponsibility o MTs >E'ositiotpt reread Alm to Guard lits. L•tteraneee. EN ON THE STAGE RECEiYi=t AS Gruernl t1i Gro P' in The hi am' THIRTY-SIX THOUSAND EVES. A RULE, SMALL SALARIES. paigning With Great," n The Century, .."C+ 1h1 G„ - 1' .1,L i t l U N 18 I "7 'Meati -for long distances, evi4entIrsee• ARCUS OUTPOINTED ing well what la ahetta of him'—New • , Orleans Times-Denlccrat. AN INSECT THAT IS CREDITED WITH Booty UnN, Friend (makingrobust. Do you enjoy good all)—.YOU all liOt looking Verysigh)* scientist” nave l ado &cine Wonderful Pls. health? I �0 AtBIIO har(with a dly ever have a Thera Aron Pew en `rail Aro Dueness nd Libt tivAfter the general had got some miles oover*e4 In This Lino, but They Qive the orally, but Generally the Iiusinass. Is Not Ont on the march from Cold Harbor an. Palin to the common Deacon riy—In- chanes to.—Chicago de ut artily o I':roStabte, and Not Many In. This Coca' . officer of rack joined him, and as they teresting Natural history. try Bayo Made Pentane, rode along began to explaiu a, plan Thirty-six thousand eyes in one head' The origin: of soap is a mystery, but Into a roam in an up town office which hr had aketchec], providing o for phis may appear a little like exaggera- I eihas mentioned. e Many toeces least f it tae antiquity, iil11e: building. there passed at irregular Inter- i the ehments on of stancleirn rear of the line of in- {ion, but it is a fact. Science, backed by Bibs n r name of " a vale. yosung 'women who, eapr having lines hen held b distance to be used in case the microscope, says so, and science iblicorresponding a of "bouth," bouth,"a at sheat dooromthine ensile, reappeaged at tines then y sever stretches the truth. Should it do period iee Ilia and started down the flight of :the army should at any' time want to 10 it would be a science. steps that lead to. the street. This bap- fall back and move toward the JamesArgos lac fa cease ted to to have hundred before Christ'. •he Snow Whore to Go.pened all day, A. line of women was ; and should be attacked while with- • es but Arius would be a very insig- The Boston Traveler recounts afunny continually going in andg,and None of 1 of bis cin r, listene ed totheproposition for. ,tifieant curiosity compared with the incident which took r recounts in safunny l kept on smoking them staid very long, and none glatest discovery in the insect kingdom. court in that city in the trial of one • them left the room with expressions of I a time and tool qui "The narked haso the There are numbers of insects with 100 sou ra A witness, after telling some of astonisheddpofficer, "The army al- ready pulled out from the enemy's front ind even 600 oyes, but when the uum- and is now ou its march to the James." ber of optics allotted to a single insect t he had This is mentioned as an instance of reaches up iuto the thousands the idea how well bis secrets could be kept. He is startling. • had Hover been a secretive man until the Naturalists have recently been engag- ifiiovs of responsibility in which ho '-tl in the study of this most interesting hos subject. Each succeeding day brings was placed compelled him to be chary more marvelous results until the as - in giving expression to his opinions And tounding discovery has been. made that purposes• He then learned the force of the philosopher's maxim that "the un - hawk, common dragon fly, or Mosquito Pha's k, while seemingly possessed of spoken word is a sword in the scabbard, only two visual organs, really has as while the spoken word is a sword in the man as 80,000, each of the two visible hand of one's enemy." In the field there to the ordinary observer being subdivid- everd constant visitors to the camp, ed into 18,000 separatoleuses, each eye - ready to circulate carelessly any inti- let hiving a distinct nerve connecting mations of ofthecommander's valuable movements, it with the brain and acting entirely at the risk of having such in- independent) of its myriads of con- formation reach the enemy. Any en- couraging expression given to an appli- panlons• cant for favors was apt to be tortured Tho theory most generally adopted b scientists is that while far superior says concerning General Grant's secret particular satisfaction. "I don't think there could be any bet- ter warning," said a theatrical man who had ass office opposite the door through which the girls disappeared,a "to women who think of going o the stage than the sight of that string of women. That is a theatrical exchange, and in and out of that office they go ev- ery day. Some of them—the lucky ones —disappear after awhile, and they seem to have found places. But the majority come and gci for a loug time before any- thing is found for them. The best don't eame to the exchanges, you know. Only those who are not well enough known to luau° their services always in demand aro compelled to look for positions through the agents. The others can go to the managers, or, in some rare cases, leave the managers come to them. "There never was a subject about which less was really known than that of the rewards that a life ou the stage bring to a woman. I remember to have seen once an interview with Lotta Crab- tree in The Sun in which she said that the stage gave women Moro than any other profession could. Lotti is oue of the few very rich women of the stage, and 1 am afraid that optimistic opinion was affected more or less by her owu success. If she had uot accumulated $500,000 t more, Lotta might uot look so favorably upon the stage as a means. of livelihood for women. "The ideas that are prevalent about salaries, the geueral idea of the large amounts paid and the prospects for sav- ing money that such occupation affords are all based on very erroucons impres- sions. There are, of course, actors that make large sums, and some that make fortunes. But there are blot many of them. There aro very few people, for instance, 'who would believe that the leading lady cf A prominent New York stock company gets only $100 a week the ,oeftein Bebro's alleged faults, went on • to ie - count an tinpleasau experience 'with the accused a few weeks before _the matter got into court. "I called at his office," said the wit - mess, "to try to compel him to return the money he secured from me by false representation. He ordered mo from his office, and as I didn't care to be assaulted I concluded to obey him. As I was go- ing out he told me to go to"— "And in •consequexie of what he told you to do, what did you do?" inquired Assistant District Attorney Sughrue. "Went straight to police headquar- ters," replied the 'witness. It is needless to add that the solemnity of the court was disturbed for the uext five minutes. 6EYON TEA Your Grocer � SelIs it or Will Get it For You • Lead packages only, 25, 3o, 40, 5o and doc. per ib. Sold by all grocers. The Davidson d= Hay, Ltd., Wholesale Agents, Toronto, ATEI..EPATHtC EXPERIMENT. flow to Demonstrate This Curious Power by a Simple Device. A very interesting experiment in the fascinating science of telepathy, vouch- ed for as being sure to "commit right by such high authority as Hudson, au- thor of "The Law of Psychic Phenom- ena" and other works of the same or - dee, may be tried at any time by our readers. Cue of these very next evenings, when the family are comfortably settled, aft- er diner o3 supper, the experimenter should introduce the subject of mind reading or telepathy, which svill usual- ly create an - interest even in the most inveterate reader of the eveuiug paper or the latest novel devourer, curled up to her favorite corner. Now will bo the tpportunity to become a hero even in c.ne's own household, for we are told that, like a good recipe for cake or what not, i/ directioug given below are strict- ly followed st:Cechd is stere., Let a circle be formed by a few per - sous joining hands, and cue member of the circle be securely blindfolded, that is in each a way that lie will enter iuto a darkness so deuse that it inay "be felt." To secure thi .:'sired trick dark- ness, rkncss, fold a pair of kid gloves into scv- eral thiel- .-;...es el place like a pad oue over ct:.'_i cye, with ail atep1e hand- kerchief bouud tightly over all and around the heed. Now let a card bo set lectecl at raneom 'from a pack, take greet etre, „ , a e,,„ !:T1.:my ctl•er cul.: of the l.-,ck, c';ca ter au instant, then place where all can see it except of course the blind nhati. The rest of the circle must now fix their minds and i gc '? aeon the card with every bit of l�'�/�' `e5' � ee e arx`estuCSS they Bayo in their nature. , If so you cannot find nnywhere a prcpar ation In the meauti ne the bi]ucl• man mixet to equal IR. CHASE'S SYRUP OF LINSEED Ai.D put himself into a qui' t, passive "Bar-' TURPENTINE for the throat and respiratory or - kis iw \;'._=in ' state se. :- se. Tee ;Fill guns. We have hundred of tmt:ntol.ials bout • soon begin to sec (scientific a:1-" 'ii, public speakers, singers,ministers and rt' ors k } T Mtn. a for tills, ren niI.Qi,) inc,i-tinea objects One rev. gentleman r' "I ne:•e_ t'' • of fie -'`n•* i�h the d �•l:ncCe :;can tines w'. y teringt y pulpit t5''ilwat C, sec's Syrup of into a promise, aid the generalnatural- to the eye of higher animal life as re- Love. ly became guarded in his intercourse. gards moving objeots, the power of ob- I "Treddl°'s an awful fool, ain't he?" When questioned beyond the bounds of propriety, his lips closed like a vise, servation of the composite eye is inferior "He's in love, you blow:" and the obtruding party wasleft to sup - The its application to stationary things. ' "What has that to do with his being ply all the subsequent conversation. The reason is this: Tho moving object a fool?" These circamet tuces proclaimed him is first observed by one of the thousands "Don't you inow the definition of a ma)lwb0 studied to be uuoomhnt11h1Ca- of facets, which perceives it for the in- love? 'Two songs with but a single tit•° and gave him A reputation for re - to part cf a second•that it takes thought,' etc." serve which could not fairly be attrib- to get out of the aro of vision of Haat Well?" rated to him. He was called the "Amer - other, lens and pass into that of au- • "That allows Treddlo • just balf n icon Sphivx," "Ulysses the Silent" and other, each movement being separately thought, you see."—New York Sun. the "Great Unspeakable," and was pop- telegraphed to the brain by the facet.ou ularly supposed to move about with 'duty. But with a stationary object it is His Pairing. scaled lips. It is true that he had no different, since for some reason the An English rector fu an agricultural "small talk" introduced merely for lho minor organ fails to focus accurately, parish found his own sermons accepta- sake of talking, and many a one will and so render the object less distinct bee enough to his congregation, but not recollect the emberrassineut of a first than when viewed by eyes of only one t so those of his aNsistaiit.- encoutiter with him resulting from this lens each. i "Why don't yon • come to hear Mr. fart. Bat while, like Shakespeare's sol - the question which continues to puzzle ' Jones?" he said to the -leading farmer. dier, !:e never wore his dagger in his the scientists is whether the animal or "He's au excellent fellow and preaches month, yet in tallying to a small circle insect sees as many inu:gcs of the objects far better then I do." , as he has eyes, oe facets. Fcr iustitnce, • "That may be, sir," was the grave of fricscia upon matters to which he had does the dragon fly fat ey ho is flitting rejoinder, "but ' we've been inquiring r, t c :i : 'i eu<1 consideration his couver- over 46,000 ponds, cr does he sec cxnly and inquiring about your curate, and i;01:1 c g eel telon^I:tful, philosophical ono? Probably rile, fcr the two eyes of we caul find as lie's got any property :s .' c ri, iur;l that Ls f:s,ivated all who a human being in nceee al ccnditlen show and we don't like to be told of our sins lila nc aimage.__ c p by a persongot .tr skeet the year, but single ].,c:,lnes, a elf ficin as hasn't no- --t}nat i ..0 t y the lease a fleet:leg - en 36 at the outside. e� h d I Linseed and Tm•pentirc at mysi,:c." Such in- or maybe . she receives $126 a week. rte Linseed a from the ministry y cide.l S c cola is paid by Ler manager toiti• , .n• . ^ .- `.. •,�; �'rtstal :trim- ;ienter,�It follows that i:':�lialit hnipres- proved that .in a patent lock having lis ...e r,ud s,c Ice 1 t c, ,,,., <,, , .... fidence in Dr. Chase's h:c:lic::x. cine �+!'' art Our us�:t, Life. - - - ._ .< „ educed Mr. 1_•,•••.:.:; 4�:e...,. : east Gi tete troubled with that tickling sore In Spring Time got Pure Blood by using B.B.B. No other remedy possesses such per- feet cleansing, healing, and purifying properties as Burdock Blood Bitters, It not only cleanses internally, but it heals, when applied externally, all sores ulcers, abscesses, scrofulous sores, blotches, eruptions, etc., leaving the skin clean and pure as a babe's. Taken internally it removes all morbid effete or waste matter from the system, and thoroughly regulates all the organs of the body, restoring the stomach, liver, bowels and blood to healthy action. s mid cone' in trout the cyo is —Stroud gig 0=11 the facets toward the The Yale lock Manufacturers have C ^. i%.:: a Hollow sphere pue�ced by perforations Magazine. tc talc el ole - e ' eare, tl:cs d_! r::L'lti. her eostuuare,. but when it happens that takes sions thus forma sll:fk picture, 0. t'to... , "steps, each capable of being r i If you are s are not frequently, and have to "There taro t;:e kinds cf mistakes, sato as it et -ere, each ft.ect rresentint; a in heigTit -20- -dates; do . number •of - e <e cenges::c schen he with:: throat, so common among speakers and the plays I changed fxegneutiv the espouse of flattop, •= cf Tac:::c::t :,:<d trivial etas. slightly different pictt•refrom its neigh- ;changes or co;nbivatious�vill be vv; 2fl0--, 1 } b $ most popular zt, The i :c To make. ]' P h ahole a she mayw vrh t ",� :nee; each seorec a set:, r singers, you will find GR. CHASE'S SYRUP OF tial re. �;, „ a positive and er- e costumes uses up a large prcL.ortiov bf t,:i c:.'' �,r ccs I;ci •t:rd I3o in The ber and the group preseutiug a perfect . LINSEED AND TURPEeTINE p0 p t 1 f ' ' 3 1 Uuc cnbtcd]y _,...1 the do^ :<,il: cf. , :het i lcuce. It salute with the left hand is a I =_ 1 t' t epi+'Cs LINSEED cure. Teaspoonful dose, talopheeas cents.or leading woman in American receives Th o m^ray other animals hos- deadly insult to Mohammedans in the v. - hex •. New c t not r c isin r umbo she •^r v week whenr•aerdiL wet t y 0 nl y $ 12 6 ai f York and an extra $25 on the road. Yet as many of the people at the theaters in which she acts go to see her as go to see the 'star' with whom she's associated. But she's to be a star herself after awhile, and then shot will make enough to repay her for all the time she was building up her popularity, even if she 'was not getting rich. "These women that get the salaries I spoke of are the beat paid in the coun- try. Among all the women on the stage I doubt if there are 50 who receive as Hauch as that. Ono leading lady in a New York theater'';ets only $65 a week. The women who act on the road with stars get usually $75 or $80, and in some cases $100. But, as I said, there are not many of them in the last schedule. The prices range ou down to $80, which is about the smallest salary paid to any woman in a first class company. "When they get to bo stars on their own account, the case is different. Usu- ally the women stars get certain sums every week in salary and certain amounts from the profits. Some of the best paid get $300 n week in salary and one-quarter of the profits. Then they begin to make money. One-quarter of the profits may equal, under favorable circumstances, $2,000. That makes tho salary of the actor engaged on the terms mentioned $800 a week. But only the lucky ones succeed in ever accomplish- ing such saccess as that. Of course there aro others who take tall the money and • merely hire their managers. But they are still fewer in lumber. "Another thing that has to be taken into cc,::sidcrat.ion is the fact that a wo- peen he i only a certain time ou the stage. She must be a genius to last much beyond 40, and she is not likely to become famous much before 30. So her time is rather short. After a certain period the decline begins and salaries begin to go down, just as before the age, say of 4(r, they increased, Think of the few rich or even comfortably off women of the stage. They could be counted on the fingers —Late, Maggie Mitchell, Fanny Davenpdrt and Clara Morris.. There maybe a few others, but they are 3iaighty few. Compare this with the song list of women th.,t irtvo been popu- lar and successful in their youth, and I 'think you will agree with me that the ',mien on the stage aro not as well paid as the aspirants think." --New Fork Sum l..i; Lest st•r:tee wlnieh ct a mend Call are are c:1 to Lerun mint tut •tent ... c: l is to MVO 1 !sh f:cm a sesset o au e. < f oast. t Corm ,tion is eauvr t d trent ono ••"C' Ila io to be F.erxons til its re- •7.1".174 to another all', crit ally, for iu- �•-i;s.Y T:; F.Llah nn net lies true friend- eyes' James Francis Stevens, a noted Composer Tours. sh...;:c, daring the evening incudo sed ship. Let in these day; cf criticism, entomologist, is said to have recorded English suers announce the death, 2,000 such species in Lis garden in ere' r paper's the ten of• c:ir,•uoinds a;pcar:l t::: f a loner illness of Berthold Tours, :,.,die, lz: t, :cit ;; e are app to c' iso everything afternoon, while L'rcncis Pascoe, anoth- after t t, f a5_ nig d.,. . :utl c ; r_•-, l.c:;}, �: e are all too pt to er noted naturalist, counted 80 different the well known musieian•and composer. Study flits i s well worth a {l:al.— ccrrect ii:i:•t: Les which are absolutely s , L' librFr - v ivdet^ Mr. Tours was a Dutchman by birth, L: si::villc t�c;._:.:••ir:.:::. •'-• lei and Hct �� '_fit correcting. And P e^•il'' for lust :ude has laving The cos o a his 5 1 been born in I;,otterdam in 1828. ----, ----- • yet in calling •ttttrticn to them we of- ' The common., - P, ' ' He candied at Lelpsic and Brussels, r r' ` ,. , friends.many eyes scattered iiregulariy over itsGRAY SQU1RREL..1, tea hurt t!:c s, ev""ef ot.rbc--ocu1 body.The lobster has massed together went to England in 1861 and for a ___._... n , l ce us, cave the most gaspoint-- in each orb more than u hundred dis- good many years served es a violinist Bow They Tilde Their sectttereci Stores taxed, lilacs to have his mistakes tiuot eyes, and, unlike human eyes, in Costa's orchestra. For the last 10 ror thio wetter. ed out. We may appear not to mina coo these are set forward, instead cf being years, however, he had occupied the Cray ; ryt)irre]s are winter uci�,lcbc: s, but it and accept nnature then wth smarta smile res ousibio post of reader and editor to but very •shy ones. I have tried to coax but a is Liman nature tofmay be thin inward. Docs the poor lobster see P then: to come into the yard for walnuts ccrxectiou, although ,;cine of us bew things a lhuudredfold? It so, possibly it the great firm of Novelle &: Co., in t cle is in avoiding the 99 imaginary lobster which capacity he did an immense by leaving cat a supply lax er the trees hence feu to conceal alio smart; pots that he stumbles into the real oue. amount of useful work in the retitle- there aura gathering all from other trees, hence the fewer tmistakesbewe call cafe The common house fly has 4,000 eyes, tion" of orchestral scores to their piano- but they were too well supplied with tion to in others the better, the cabbage butterfly 17, 000, the drone forte foxvi. He was also a voluminous nuts iv the wood. T did sa. eeccd in pain ' ta, s "Two-thirds of mistakes we make 1 coin °ser of ivlt their ro:tfidcneo throul'h a lair of r �: P axe initial. Their correction is nvim• tame equierels that had been reined in 1 +' r • L,,. portant. Why then notice them? Yet at the head a cage by a neighbor. I inch -teed the Price so cents per Box, or 6 for $z.5o• At galto hawk, g y his , t.ru,ri i. ts, or Mailed on Receipt of Price by sero people do, and do so constantly. A 86,000 As bis while neighbor tome to set them free, and, apparent - speaks of having done a certain ly to reward nue, they took up their ;. nuLsut;N s: CO., Toronto. f ti insects thing on Thursday, when m reality th to Indeed he � • r„_ Edmnnson, Bates & Co., sole mamlfacturtrs for Canada, 4; Lombard street,'rc.onto. fiy 3 000 the honeybee 0, SCO. But stil of the list stands the mos- quito or dragon fly, withus name suggests, h an o lesmaller , y is o mos ui has so succeeded In terrorizing graceful violin pieces, songs,- hymn tunes, anthems and church services. Law For tiro Poor. TheAid tcciet * Ives legal as- sistance to the Leer cf new York who ettnnot afford law ea s fres. thas ex- isted 20 years, les cared for 80,000 cases and secured ever $500,000 to its needy clients. It is sepperied by voluntary contributions, d 1 it not despising y Legal y g abode in the tall cottonwoods and pop - ^,as done on Wednesday. If no impor- his specialty q lass about the lawn, but more likely be- cause int I e> rho neighbor had no large trees. While they remained an occasional wild squirrel would call or spend tlae day in the great trees with my tame cues. But tart point is involved, why call atten- tion Ile pests that his lifeless form still fills to the exact ay set good does its them with alarm. In localities where da to have the day right? It is mosquitoes are troublesome an effectual a matter of no importance, so why in- sist upon correcting the trivial error? mode of ridding the place of them con - Stanch friendships have often been gists in suspending a dead dragon fly from tho ceiling by a piece of thread. ricked b this needle of useless cell ec- has One cf Milton's Li c graphers says that p, y Those who have tried it say that t nearly 20 years elapsed between the than. It is a great art mi art of learn- never been known to fail. ing to allow others to be mistaken when sketching out of the plan of "Paradise ic_tttke is unimportant Taw learn UP to a certain point these multi- Lost" stud the coMplcticu of that work. them P tudiuous eyes may bo eomrared to win- it, but those who do are among the The actual labor of composition was most comfortable friends one can have.,, glass fitted with ihowcve a are hof f- condensed into three Sears. glass. The paces, however, aro of dif- ferent forms. Some, like those of the There is a smaller percentage of light bee and the ant, iter six sided, remind- gold coins afloat ill Laudon than avy- ing us of the pattern so common to where else in the *Milted Xingdom. tiothic architecture. Some, again, aro - uiamoud shaped and others square. When Schumann was in love, be Another interesting branch of this in-When "I wish I were a smile, that 1 phight play about your cheeks." • In the Iltaoitsmitlt's Shop. "I have seen some pretty hard knocks in my time," begali the anvil in ring- ing tones, when the bellows interrupted him with: "But thins: of the trouble I A Lively Itoman Saneo. Garum, the black green sauce of the Romans, was a species of universal sou- diment, but its principal use was for fish. The recipe is as follows: Let the cook take several fishes, it natters riot retesting subject is the study of the near much which, but mackerel are the best , ,ihd far sighted insects. Johanna Mul- for the purpose. Let him take out their ' '4, r long ago pointed out that the flight entrails and put thein in vinegar and . f insects depends upon their power of leave them there for ten days. Then let vision. This will account for the differ - them be taken out anddried and pow- t,iee in the flights of the common house dered in a mortar with pepper, frumen- fly and the wasp. Tho one confines him- ty, roots of dandelion, mint, thyme, elf to short flights. As his food is til- sago and a little ginger, and well mix- ,nays to be found within a small area, have. There isn't a day that I am not ed, after which the powder must be put he flies in short curves and circles. But hard pressed to rale° the wind."—Can. in jars, together with honey, and left the wasp is remarkably sharp sighted, cinnati 'Enquirer. to ferment during several weeks. When t:'.id the arrangement of the louses shows ready for the table, it must be mixed .,lift his hoc of vision is decidedly for- Margaret, queen of Henry IV, Lint; With Palmitin wine.—New Stork Post. , .:.,;rd. here, again, the dragon fiy is pre- of France, confined in the Louvre, pnr- • :uineut. Ile has well been called the sued very warmly the studies of elegant The principal part of altaflir's re- ' tyrant of the air. He alone is able to liteLnture and composed a very skillful ligion consists in singing and daneiug. 'take Perfectly straight Brice at enormous apology for the irregularities el her con- duct the villaiuous pot hunter and his worth- less cur destroyed my'pets and drove the visitors back to their wild state. The gray squirrel is not as provident as the little ground squirrel, who toils through the long days of summer and 1a11 to provide himself a home and lay up a store for winter use. What little the gray squirrel does lay by for a rainy. day is not stored in his den, but scatter- ed here and there about the woods, like the prudent housewife afraid to put all the eggs in one basket. I learned from any tame squirrels their method of hiding routs. The nut is carried in the mouth, and some time and thought aro given to the selection of a likely place to hide it. When the spot is finally decided upon, a bole the size of the nut is dog in the ground, the nut thrust .in and pushed down hard with the nose, a little earth pressed ant patted clown, and leaves or grass tossed about in the most natural way. After a snowfall their tracks will be found in every clireetion, from the den trees to all parts of the wood, Following these trails, one will And many little laoles in the snow where hidden nuts have been dug rap. ---3. IL Kennedy in Har - per's Magazine. 11 Caveats and Tr•+de•Diarks obtained, and all patent business conducted for MODERATES NEES. My ,.Rice is in the'immediate vial nity of the Patent Office and my facilities for securing patents arc unsurpassed Send model, sketch or photograph of invention, wits de<cripption and statement as to advantages claimed. 1 v tVo rharea io made for ailopinlott as to pote,etabldgt and nv fcc for prosecuting the appiicatia_t rail' trod be called for wit* tho paten;t eflowerb. "lttvnr•rona,Guroa" con- n;ning suit informattonse,tt fres. All Ooina uflL c.,tiond Considereii as tttrlctly ronAdoatlal. RAINS �8�N HIIIINOUGH �" CURE BILIOUSNESS CONSTIP TION SICK HERDRCNE m.o .LLL LiVER TROUBLES