The Advocate, 1887-08-11, Page 8rar4,444.1,
• p4ro.ity of Water. I The Parkhill ratepayers fir% tolate
by-law to, raise $14,0Q0 for Water
All over the ecmatry at present therework purposes shortly.
isat dearth of \voter, and Stock of ell Peter Mawen, of ,NleGillivray, has
kinds are suffering. r.rite fliffereat 1He1committed to Jai) 'for '!"-1 lloninl,Y-
Atrearris ere dried up, and ill several I tmilv 0; P P-4cott A-Ot fig%
places farmers leave to thaeo their Thonuta Stephenson, :a young man
.tokbelonging to North Witkegeld, was ;VI"-
adong 1.yay to supply thew with
•water. 'When a long distance has to R.(1 th de4t11 last )Yeek.
the traversed the cattle, bv the extra °well WI's"' Listowel, fm.meriv
resideat of Woodstedk, was stabbed
aexertion awl the heatingof the system at the commercial Hotel the other day.
;ire abollt '1$ thiraty as when they
started 011G. This scareiby of water
and poor, dried-up gress has so mime -
The proprietors of the Qacen's Hotel
Clifton House and Westeott House,
Premien, have been finial for violating
(id tho systems of miteli, eOws that not. the Scott Apt,
amly ipiantity of milk reeeiv-; Cleo. Smith, the Chatham township
,ed, tlut.' this of. poor quality., ' To a ilmr,alar, 'had his trial efore F•rodg,013011
Teyarticle w 4, e militia] , , 'JosT gi4OCK , I the other -day, and was .seet to the
r:toes s (II Centralior 25 months.
for the want .of proppr.syAkal seg-
,rittptireu AA. tlie oeraniaers who
ing " "P•P1Y4/4 141.011. 2 4.4114i"g the recelitlY araVki Mr04,itobtt 'hove left
IVianipeg for ltirandea and I.1";0 have
been seat to Lake •Wtintfipeg,, Fraser, orMiteliell, was fitted
$1 and 'epsts at the Stratford Police
'Court, for throwing. Acid of some kind,
on a dog that. was Chtoing her cat,
Three graves ill the Bothwell ceme-
tery were injured by -vandals o few
days ago, who pulled up the flowers by
the roots and committed other depre-
tiialvation Army aro building a
new Clotaley, and the,eor,
aer stone was laid 14y Mr. J. Melittin,
on. Tuesday last, 'The ll.arildieg is to
be of brick.
Wheat harvestino•'''hateeoinmeneed in
Portage distriet, Up to the end of
july twelve thousand three linedred
and seveti immigrants arrived iii the
city of Winnipege
Miss Sarah Dixon, in the employ of
tnglis& Arnistroeg Woollen Mills,
Wiughain, Was unfortunate enough to
Cailit4.111 -Now5 iotes. get her hands seriously 'mangled hi the
machinery last wetik.
hot montlis•of .july.and August was
poiuted opt, tlja" a little :eNttli work
'every twiner ean box° n pitiful sup -
1)1Y Of igreealeed, •no matter how dry
the season i.rtaly be. ,So with water;
:by the exereise ,of a ;tittle ,conimou
aense and a few -dollars .every atelier
wan have a snifricient and thatatly,supply
w tor all the year round.
iug cisterns the annual rainfall etaight
.frotn our builditigs and drains will give
on abeedant supply. Not only should
tanks and cisterns bo built to Meet,
emergencies, but for convenience sake,
+veil though plenty of water could be
had at somealisanee on the 'farm. A
;.good stuiply of wate.r nem' farm Wild-.
fogs is just atebenetioia1 in wiuter as:
in summer. As droughts may be ex..
attected moue or less .every season, let'
awery •farAor ,provide 'against this scar-
.tity of Water 'V. -bedding pepper recep-
tacles la the :shape .ef tanks and .cis,
Crops on Manitoulin island and tlte
North Shore have not been so good for
Behan, the Biddelph 'hotel keeper,,
paid his irat fine last Friday, aud was
,released. J ohn White, the deaf mute, who
The Govornmont has caned for now was -struck by an engine on the London
s for itly e, servi,he,. branch of tho G. T. R,, tette St. Marys
tweet? England and Canada. . last week, seems to be eettirte.
arrr r.
pretty Well. Already' nearly $100 has
been collected in aid of the family.
T. F. Young, o± Port Albert, and
Charlie 1.3yers, of Brussels, who have
been confined as dangerous lunatics in
Goderich jail for some time past, have
been sent to the London asylum.
The..double track is being :laid with
all posgible diatch on tee Grnnd
'Trunk Railway be -wat>o Tatonto and
Montreal. ,
The new $8,0p, hotel to be built at
Wiarton dui -trio -The present season, is
-new a settled alfair and work fa to be,
commenced at •once,
The Manitoba -Government are mak-
ing arrangements for the iminediate
4.x...tension of -I:lie Red River 'Valley
Railway into Winnipeg.
At 3 o'clock Sunday mOrning the
house of H. T. Cummilig, Chatham,
-was injured by.a dynamite •cartridge,
placed on the front door step by un-
known parties. It blew out the front
.door and shattered the windows. lsro
r(me was hurt. Two men have been
arrested on suspieion. 4
',flat 74 Toronto saloon keepers who
have lest their licenses aroapparently
,determined not to submit without
Istruggle. Applicationwill be trade, to.
The court for a mandamus ordering:the
City Couucil to show ea.use w1-6141ie,
'Fleming by-law, ueder which they lost
their license. should not be quashed .as
Dig Ilretr has paced the list of his
leo:limits in tho bonds of the in-
etruttor of the reserve on which he and
hia son reside, which, if filled, would
stock an extensive farm with cattle
end impleinenta.• He was .inforree'd
tkt befOresuch an 'Order could be fill-
ed he atul 1ii illustrienS" Son must ac -
ti a ire . more lad habits and
preve.hy their eend:Pythat.they mean
latsindaa with ivq.)0.A to agrieulteral
, .
Te#0,0•elif°,01.1t`W$ WI: the following two men who had done him out of $'18.
distregaini; story Of.the 'hardships they Ur: Eessant tells his story like this t—
undergoilt; iirtli6wortii west They He came to "toWn Friday, and stopped
claimed to belong: to a patty of forty- at the City, Hotel: A Ole lookieg
five, bronglit to this country tud 'gent- old man with grey motAtieho mode
ed in M.einiteba by tm alleged charitable himself agrocahle, and after tea invited
lady of Hackney, Toondoul; England, Mt..11ensant to tak a Ws:1k. DOWti
,leeord iug to ti e if; statemen t they paid near McFarlane's' Hotel the stranger
,.,g.7 each for their passage to her, and was aecosted by another young man,
in additfoit c011eeted my fm
ooerowhom lie addressed -as Mr. Williams,
charitable•disposed peufins in England and informed that "all the goods:were
to assist in the •establishnient of a deaf- shipped," After the itsual palaver
nate colony. Vilien they arrived in about payment of the freight, the tradi-
ntnitoba some of, the party went to timed cheque was milled out; but thewomk
N.:01.k for 'farniets,vbat Altered severely other feliow wanted eaSh, and the up
itoring the winter from cold, several. Shot was that Mr. Bessant wes induced:
havthg. to be soot to the hospital - in to lend his.tbspeetable eereptiniou a$18
,Tkey, farther state that a tOr au halt or to with time bogus
preVieng party of twenty-two were inthegoo forsoeurity, Ile wont `back td
ducted to..conifile their peeket.ornoney, tho hotel, but strange to say, the
nom $300y to their suppeted benefaet- stranger failed to fetttri Mr Bossant
"W110 has .S0 far failed to 11,12COtitit •for sniflM ts he told the story, 'and 04,,
and owes them also sums toe work ,dently feels that h's Aetion was not. 4.t
40t efor vucient one,
Some young lads have been perpet,'
rating, deeds of desecretion in the Cade
olie. Church, Mitchell. They made ,an
entrance through the windows and -dis•
ordered inany 'of the deeorations; and
destroyed and carried off soared em-
blems mindother' things belonging to
the tam-and:ceremonial 0± tha church.
Seine. Of the things carried away ha've
been re.coll'ered. ,
The ladies of the W -C.T.U. through
out the Province :are, putting forth
stronotas efforts to make the rvatherieg
0± next Friday 00 the groniids of' tho
Canadian Chataqua, at IN iagara-en.the.
Lake an imposing one. Originaly it was
announced to be held on Aug 18th but
to* secure the attendance of rifted
ladies whose naraeS are a.nnotinced the
date has been fiXed for Friday the 12th
inst. The meetings:Will be held .in the
new: amphitheatre, whieh. by the way,
one of the finest buildings of its
kind in the Dominion,having d, seating
capacity '51;000. in the forenoon there
willbe o confereence of workers'and in
the aftereoon a mass meeting which .it
is hoped, will fill the spaeious
The, meetings . Will be addressed ' by
Mre Mary T Lathrop, Mrs. Letitia You-
mans, Miss Phelps and others, The
Chicora has been .especially chartered
for the day and the railroads all offer
reduced rates,
The Loildon,Fro PrtIss tells the fol-
lowing Story Geo: J3essant.
tespectablolooking old mari, Who ap-
pears to be a well-to-do farmer; hailing:
'from Goderich, was up at, the, G. T. R.
station. Saturday afternoon looking for.
Lightning Friday aftereoon stritc1s7
the bnilding of Mr. ,Tolin MaCalline,
Sinai; Basthope, and ia 4 few ininutoS
the. entire steadiog Ava,.$ ,enveloped io
flames and burned to the gietted. Most
of the.seasons crop has 4.04 housed,
land thus fell a prey te tito flames.
For Balance of 1887.
Rot! Hotter ! flattest ! I Don't
Don't get excited 7 try grid
jorce your way in ta boy one ti!
nor extra cheap hedroom setts,
'We have la ditforeat• ;StYleS in
:Wick to pick from, and Teo cp.0
,gct eoe iyQO only plgeep. cool.
Drizzly UT T/Tett4;unt 1 Divisible
eclipse of the moon I Work like
foil', or you'll never get through
in time to seeme one of those ex-
traordieery Largains, that we are
(aiming, Furniture of every de-
iptiuo et reclticed prices.
0 e tober,
Another spell of weather; War in
the east 1 Terrible catestroplie
in New verit 1 53 people 5110-
001111) to base ball fever, „E'olice
ordered out te keep beck the
erowd from oer Wa•rerooms ;
Several seriously jammed.
Look mit for snow. Fathers with
eligible daughters, oolong the
front gate, and buy one of Me
cosy sofas, warranted to bring
the most bashful young man in
the -equntry to time in Sibort
order Beds, Spring Alattrasses,
Loutiges, ete., etc., n 4nalless
e,eernb er
Change. in the moon, and 111QTe
lUtldroi•triaiistrx Our Stock (If vlitket4:, (34144, Robes and
TnIneninv, are uuen4,110. Reformed
, undertaisec,4, Rhiv. no ellqq4:41,,we u80 '
all alUce. (rirr prices we.zori!runtarselveg,
dird .18 nit porp!il knerx -they are very
mederste 3 33 understand,and make a
spedy oi this part ;tar busthee,,,
Lome -and see before you buy,. Oren ay
arid night,
Drew's old stand, --one door
north of Molson's Bank.
Rowe & Andrews.
And it seems to jingle a Trrerry
lieftrd by many affluent ear ;
I3ut harsh and ,grating it is to mine,
Because it always is so deal%
One end Blacli: Gros Grain worth Min5, to be sold be-
fore Stock -taking at $1.87,
Another worth tiV85, 'dropped dowo $1.1.2,
Do you wan 't a dress, then fool :for your purso and look
alive before they're gene.
A Couple Pieeesr of Ottaman Cord tud a rich Broac
we've left ; the price is down down, down.
Four Remnants. Chenille Fringes as well. A bargain
d'or any if the .cash they've got, or "tTado to pay,
Gents Ties, in Great Variety.
A bale a dime pays for two if you wish ; or, it talKes
for another pair nicer, to be S1.11'0, but tall and see
them, then von% know.
'-'4"t 4
. Shirts and 1,11-nderwear'•:-
Wo waft to sell tAemktall, ancl that right early, So down
.14tliebr go,.'itii".11eut they go, at:prices which please .
7 both: one and all who wan't to buy.
Then nOte the place, itS.
sh, —Fresh Eggs, Choice Butter in good de-
When out ,odmpetitorS talk about nsinoifting able t� sell
At low prices, we feel like sliouting
Wo know just what we can do and 80 d o our " ciustceners; if elley,
,did not we s,hoidd ncit.have, so many on our list. ' • *
* 4). * TALK. IS PrilEA r
• But if you will enly make up your mincistp- give aey "of ;bur goods in
, Groceries, °rookery; end Gltis.sWar'es a:trial you soon
• „,
'be reunion around toWnealliiig oti6 ' •
(GT..' • *
• -...
JEWELLERY!! v. • - •
• ". • '
• Ilut there i5 only onE-pliXdt.1-tt L1i coroliinatiotl of
Godd gooci-s at Lowpies" "
. 4 r
0%1) J'31.S.T IS Al
111611t, • r, r
4 -r ' '':77
n t.
To the people of, Ex'eter and
surroundin" countrS
• ,
.1 la now c ff the -Yoke Etc) long 1,4 'a :IN...ATILS, BothStec: .and Tion : P.UNTS
. ; 14az f(,)•.-iS and 1.
• , '
borne by you. oricier
01 LS.
your 'fyrapriietil • • z(
• " • 'ar e e erixiirite
Masted.' 1' ; tile=
' • t:;1
loth Prices• • • • • 'a •
wire F0,„,,. A,1re,,F.,„„),, and alvanizod
' •
Wire Peneing--All •hottglib before thd"teceOt ritl v a nee! in priilea,
' • -. I ; .1. ' i I ' abd. will bo'sold. at LOWEST PIGUltE8
- ,
.. ffr • .
Ariet not with fir freedom dem.= ' 't 1;" '.,...,., ''
..,, „,,,.,... .,-,
it "vrt7 neyta.--a on El& nal.,01.. '
/MI me T. will ket''')
. high prie,,,s evn
,,ei .,
in stibjecy'
4., el .
; .'„ I . -A ffent8 la
••' t1l.0 RAYMOND salving 3fitehme. ,
„ , . . ,
ly bonE.cht if yolt patron',
of). nD..t:tic?tii6neterif(f7ollt:;01"Z;eviill..: BirNSITT OTHti, Rt
[supply 8crlly8tri, zit rib°, (old • p
trullAittl STREET, — rXETE,Ra.
JV4T'JTh'S, asitnia•amomieras. rramnarorervroversr*Irrermeorrcrsermortorerairtrormrri.r,
SZLI:Ell 'FARE, ---- 'Try •
At Lowe 'zt Living Prices: For Plain. and Fancy
stftria opposite .1... Pickard's
1.11aiti St, ,P,N.etety
• • ,
Corner John and Main-sts,,