The Wingham Times, 1897-06-18, Page 1E
VOL. XXVI.---NO. 1313.
-Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran.
teed to cure headache,
--Black Bass season came in W ednes-
CHEAP day.
A special counter of Boots and
Shoes. We will give you the ehoiee
of 150 pairs of Ladies' Slippers, But-
ton_and. laced Shoes, Misses Button
and laced Shoes in Dongola Kid and
•,Polished Calf for 75e., • titer were
never made for the looney.
Another lot of Ladies' Button and
Laced Boots Polished Calf and Don-
gola, your pick for $1, they are well
worth from $1.50 to $2.25, but they
must all go.
Ladies' full size well shaped Black
Cotton Hose at 5c. a pair, regular 10c
We have got the best Factory
Cotton,- 36 inches wide, in •1'1Tingham,
at:5e. a yard.
Special prices in Parasols and
Ladies' Blouses. '
A-line of boys' odd Tweed. Pants
for 50c., 55e. and 60e„ cheaper than
you can makethtm.
Mens Cotton FTaif Hose for 5e,.a
pair„regularly sold at 10e. • . .
•Mens black all wool Cashmere
half pose for 35e. regular price W.*.
A special line of Ties, i'`pur•in•harld
and Knots at 25c.
We will make to your order a
first class Tweed Suit for •'10 and
.$11, guaranteed toou, lease the
p you,
best Dias in 1'inghatlt:
Our Grocery counter has always
special attractions and prices. The
finest Tea you ever drank, 25e. a ib.
We are paying i'?c. for Butter and
lees. for Eggs.
Marriage Licenses
Issued by FRANK PATERSON, NO 23, Vic-
toria street, Wirighanl, Ont. No Witnesses
required. ems.
is`tbrough coursoe, superior instructeon,
Complete equipments and perfect facili-
ties should satisfy you, -
excels in every way. 'It is now •recog-
nissd as the best school of training in
Canada, Students highly recotnmend
it, and it is strongly endorsed by busi-
tress men. Remember this fact --you
will attend it buslnens school but once --
Why not attond the best? •
Write for partioulars.
W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal.
Prime Tomato
plants for sale at
and Cabbage
1 0115
elephone No.:;'.
City' R4staurant.
1,11,3dont`la Block
--Excursion to the Model h'arnt Monday
June 21. -
-Take in the excursion on the 21st
Monday next.
-The north ends of Josephine and
Frances streets are being graded tura
-An Exchange remarks that it is too
much to say that the scorcher must go but
he must go slow.
-The Independent Order of Foresters
will run their annual exoursion to Sarnia
and Detroit on July 8rd.
-0.50 is the time that the excursion
train will leave Wingham, Monday morn -
nV-for Guelph, Be on time.
-1irr..D, Sutherland has returned from
Dauphin and will prepare to move his
familywest as soon as possibleef
V ---Ott Saturday last the little daughter of
Mr. aid Mrs W. J deme died at the age of
1 year and 10 months. The funeral on
Monday was one of the largest that has
ever followed the remains of tie young a
child to its last resting place, ..Mr, Adams'
fellow employees of the Chair Factory
attended in a body a
eiteeeesetemseestoteereriewr• r, The funeral
services were conducted by Rev. II. E.
Mason, pastor of the Congregational
church. Much sympathy is expressed for
Mr, and Mrs. Adams in their bereavement
-The new time table aa the G. T, R.
came into force on Sunday 14th and will
make consdderable'difference at Wingharn.
The trains will now depart and arrive as
D>;rertr MITE
Toronto and East 0.50 a, m.2 40 p. m
Palmerston mixed, 8 55 a ne 2 40 p m
London and South 0 53 a m 11 10 a ni
330pm 800pm
Kincardine 11 10 a m 0 60 a m
2 55 p in 3 30 p m
,r 10 25 p m 8 30 a an
V We are pleased to see 11r. Sain French -Now is the time to hunt out your
back at work again in Mr, Geo. E. Icdu�'s curios. Mra,(Dr) Tamlyn has taken the lead
Pat -
store after an attack of Typhoid Feyer. l in this matter and has placed in Mr. Pat-
terson s window a partial package of pins,
-It has been announced that Court the balance of which was used by the
Tttrnberry No 22 will amalgamate with Queen on the day of her coronation. lifts.
Court Maitland No. 25 on Friday June `1'amlyn's father was a merchant at
25. , the time of the coronation and had sup -
We aro pleased to learn that the London plied the royal household with certain
T&union Co, have decided not to close their goods among which were these ingenuously
*orks here, and are advertising for a sup• inade pins. A part of the package had
ply of bark. been retained by him and given to his
-The Turnberry Agricultural Society saythatMrs. ghteens an
amlynm. It is tnhem
Y y prizes them very
have -their excursion on Monday next. highly.
Don't forget tue date, ,lune 2Ist. Tickets
el, good to return on Tuesday. i �A large contingent of rn ay es
drove or wl sled out to the gardeeparty
n party et
-If yon, have a long distance to Brine Mr. R. Letthorn's on Tuesday night w ere
Monday morning to , catch the excursion a mast enjoyable evening was spent.!/rhe
train, go to bed early 'Sunday night. 0,50 grounds were appropriately decorated and
is the time :that' the train leaves Wing- lighted with Chinese lanterns. Croquet,
ham. ' ; erokinole, swinging and football were in-
-Mr. Wm. Scliwaree who was employ- dulged in by those present until evening
ed in G. E. King's store daring the illness set in when Rev. Moss took the ehair and e,
of Mr. S french, has gone co ids home at ' program of considerable merit was render-
Benuriller suffering from an attack of ed, consisting of choruses by the choir,
typhoid fever also. - solos by Mr. Brown, instrnmeatal selections
-Saturdayois usually a poor day for a by the Gorrie Orcheitrial Club and read•
fogs hy Measra. Graney and Stewart. Ice
Friday bicycle trip and the experience • of cream and confections wore supplied by
one of our citizens last week was no a xcep. W. A. Johns, of Wingham. The old-fash-
teon to the rule. Walking is goad between ioned wood fires arrainged on the top of
hero aud,Wroxeter. poste added to the picturesqueness of the
-Teeswater Volunteers Co. No 32 took scene. Mr. and \Ins, Leithorn are to be
the train from here for the London Camp congratulated on the -success of the party.
• on Monday. Wingharu ,Co. No. 33 will go r V -It is again our sad duty to chronicle
on 20th. Capt. Williams is expected home the death of.another resident of Wa,wanosh
to,take charge of his company. 1 this, tdr a di n of the wife. Mr. .Jacob
V A. quiet wedding Wes. celebrated u,: yroolis, of Donebrook which took Ince
Tuesday at the residence of Mr, Wm. Hom- . on Thursday June 10th. p
Mr Brooks was
uth of Turnberry, when his daughter, Miss away from homeat the time, and In the
Marv, was united in mares a to Thos. T. evening.Mrs. Brooks, had attended to her
McDonald, of Wingham. Only the im- duties as usual. Towards night she was
Vm diate relatives were present. taken ill and sent the girl to a neighbors
11•deesrs. Bastedo. McLeod, Griffin and for help, and during the absence she gave
birth to a child,, Medical help was sum -
Olathe drove to Brussels •on Saturday to atoned as soori asposeible but at 11 o'olook
play a tennis match with theeelub of that her spirit passed away, leaving a husband
town and suffered defeatelThe Brussels. and six small children, the eldest of whamlie
Club played a return match here on Wed- only, 12 years old, to monrn their less. Mrs
nesday and again defeated our boys 1' Brooks fomerly ta::ght school in Wawenosh
-The fourth annual commencement and her large circle of friends will be great -
exercises of the Dental Depat tment of the ly shocked by her death*"
Detroit College of Medicine were held at -A general meeting of the shareholders
Ilnrmonie Hall on June 10th. At these of the Winghatn Flax Go. was held in the
exercises the silver medal was carried off Council Chamber on Monday for the pur-
by .0.r. J. 8, Hall, formerly of Delmore and poseof electing pertnanent directors and
whefor a number of years taught school transacting other business in connection
in Carrick. with the Company Tho directors elected
--Tho Tnbiiee issue of the Globe pub- were Wm. Clegg, Win. and Geo 1Ve
liebod :lno da
r s y is a
beautiful sample le
shanks, W.I.Wlktonders n and Alex.
of the printers and lithographic att. It A. by-law was passed fixing the rate that
deals largely with members of the Royal ' stockholders should receive on investments
family, ha, itlnscrations and descriptive and fixing rate per ton of first payment
matter of all the provinces and is a decide on flax delivered at mill. At a meeting of
edly creditable • tribute to the Globe's the directors held immediately after the
'enterprise. 1 other meeting the officers chosen were as
-We have bean favored with a program follows : Pree,, W. Clegg; Vice Pros., lVm,
and had.go for the Dominion Day spats to
be held in Dorhaui en Ds'nini•in Deer.
The attractions for the day consist of
horse racing, bicycle racing and lacrosse
match. The program committee consists
of names of protninsnt cdtizens and no
doubt a good time will be spent by alt who
-Tho Masonio Grand L3dge will this
year meet in Brantford on Ally 23rd. The
committee on general purposes convenes ort
the 21st, and prepares the business for the
Grand Lodge as a whole, which will open
on the Lard. The sessions will be held in
the opera horse. Between six and seven
hundred representatives will b3 in attena•
ante, and the gt.thering will b3 a note-
worthy one.
-The people of Canada are not sur•
prised that the Jubilee portrait of the
Queen, gotten out by the Montreal Star,
and the Star Jubilee Medal, of solid alnrn-
inom, are tarrying everythingbefero thoiti.
But the people of England aro now ad•
miring both of these souvenirs, and cable-
grams say the Star Souvenirs ate the best
out either in England or any of the colon.
ies eside Canada,
Mr. W. II. Wells retnrated home on
T allay night from Rat Portage e whore ho
has been looking after his interes - in
property in whish he has invested, Mr.
Wells says that the great need of that
country is capital, As yet few Americam
capitalists have gone in, and on accenunt of
the unsettled state of affairs in England
pending the settlement of the Eastern
Question, money is pretty -well tied up
A diamond drill will be pat to work on his
claim in a few days, and he will return to
Ttat Portage in a month or two.
Cruickehanke; Secretary, J. B. Ferguson;
Treas., Alex Young; Auditor, W. A Johns.
-The hon fire to be started nn Stewart's
hill cit Tuesday night by the Sons of
Sootland will be it "glaring" affair at any
rate and if efforts count for anything a i
moot interesting program will be provided,
and enjoyable evening participated in by
all who take advantage of the occasion. 1
Dr. Macdonald is expected to be home and
will speak; there are also other
speakers expected • from Lacknow,
Tees -eater and Soaforth and the bag pipes
will ho played by Archer Anderson, of
St. Ileteas,and aur own townsman. Dave
McDonald. Messrs G W Cline, S (x Brown,
and Mr. Gibson aro expected to take part,
The Camp will meet at their own hall at
8 o'clock and tnareh to the hill. The fire
will be started about 8.41. Come and bring
all your family..
Anyone who has hal & public school
education can win a prize if he or she win
only be careful enough." This is what The
Century Co., New York, publishers of the
Century ]ILagazine, say about a competition
they have organized. and the largest prize
is $500 and the smallest f10.•tVo incline to
think that a considerable number of public
school graduates will reveal Urge !rumps of
carefullness. The century people seem to
think tat the easiest questions in their
examination papers are likely to prove the
most insidious, because the -competitors
will try to
distribute the questions, without cherge, to
applicants who write for them,
The Wingham football club is the o
club that has done credit to the town so f
this season. On Saturday they played ti
return match with Wroxeter at Wroxeter
and again defeated that team the score
this time being 3.0. The first goal wire
made in 23 seconds. So far our boys have
not been defeated and stand at the head of
the league thus:
Wingham 3 0
Attwood 3 2
Wroxeter 2 2
Brussels 1 1
Listowel 0 4
About 75 of the Wingham sports went
over to Wroxeter to witness the game, 20
going by wheels. Next Saturday the
Listowel and Wingham teams will play on
the Wingham grounds. It is expeeted that
the game will be an interesting one for
thought Listowel has suffered defeat so far
yet, it has always been by a close score.
Here's the way three dollars and six
five cents catches me --Something lik
this --You have lost a dollar or msyb
blew it in, anyhow she is a goner, Wel
did you ever think how the ghost of the
little piece of ready -noose -clown wi
haunt you for a week or more? Who
a sight of profit that little piece of pope
would be to you. It would buy th
youngster shoes, pay the meat Lill for
week, keep you in tobacco for a month
or help to pay the rent due next day
That dollar would do a hundred cli l'eren
tY- ( A strong and emphetio resoiotiott -v„s
e r passed, regarding the question of I'rohfb-
e ition and the Plebiscite vote.
1, 1 'Theevening session of the second d '
t program ways conducted by . the ladies os -
11 ) the Wonee0's Home and Foreign Madget Circles. Mrs. Rev.J, A. Banton, Walkert
✓ ton, presiding. Tne crowded house on this
e occassion was a demonstration of the
• increasing popularity of the Women's
platform meeting. Mrs. Cook, Aft. Forest
bread an interesting and instructive paper
on Mission Bands, This was followed by
things and everywhere you turn it show
up. Well that's just the way with tha
three dollars and sixty -tire cents. It
ain't a big sight but it will likely li.. ure
high in the contest for Mayor next year
At will likely give us it new chief or if 1
on it'll make him earn his dough a lot
e harder. Its ga ing to make him see
s an eloquent address on Women's Work in
t the Home Land, by Mrs, MoAlaater, of
Tiverton. Miss Buchanan, Toronto, rep -
presented the women's werir ot1 the foreign.
field, Miss Ida Pelton, 'Wingham, the
t efficient and enthusiast -id ddreetor of t
Circles and Rands of the Association gi
rtn iuspiriug report of the work donee a
ing the past year.
All the sessions of this. annual gathering
were well attended rind marked by spiritual
earnestness and power from beginning to
Tire enviable reputation of the Listowel
friends for hospitality, was amply justifea
and the hearty vote of thanks which was
so cordially and unamionsdy given, Was
richly deserved.
Mr William Wightman of Belgrave, has
left at Ross' Beek Store, for inspection, a
copy of the Newcastle Chronicle, bearing
the date of July 7 1838, and containing a
hill report of the formal coronation of her
majesty whish took place on Thursday
June 28. On the 4th page is n • reproduc-
tion of a photograph of the youug Queen
seated on the throne. The paper is well
preserved and contains many articles and
notices of interest. Tickets of admission
to the abbey on Coronation day were
worth from 10 to 45 guineas. Those at
15 to 25 guineas sold readily and not n
few of the 45 guinea ones found pur-
chasers. Among the Queen's state
watermen who marched in the pro-
cession was an old man 91 years, of age
who hal takon-par+t enathe cotonatlon
of threeStitisifkings, Geo III and IV and
Wm IV. Another interesting column is
the •'Colonial News" in which is given an
account of. the arrival -of Lord Drtrham at
Quebec and of his oMeial acts. Of Lord
Durham it says: "The first act of his
lordship appears in the shape of a procla-
mation to the people signed by his secretary,
Mr. Charles Buller in which the following
motors; "The honest and conscientious
advocates of reform and of amelioration of
defecttvelinstitutious will receive from me,
without distinction of party, race, or
politics, that assistance and encouragement
which their petriotiarn has a rigbt to corn -
mann from all who desire to perpetuate
and bonsolidate the connection between the
parent state and these important colon•
les." " His second official act was the
issning a proclamation dismissing the
Executive Council. This column also
contains an account of the attack of British
officers at Detroit. The firing at an
American ship at Brockville and the
announcement of a reward of 1000£ for
fotir pirates who had d plundered a
ship in the t. • a
S Lttar.nce
In the
L market
column we notice that wheat was worth 71
Ste per quarter (8 bush.) and potatoes 8
shillings par ''bushel. And among the
advertisemer•t Wet aNew Coach anti four
had been put on the road between Alnriok
and Newcastle and extolling the fast time
and comfort afforded by this latest improv-
ed each.
"Well yes its mighty hot Mack" he re-
marked, as he sopped tho soap out of my
left ear with it towel, and I inwnrdty
thanied heaven that he didn't intend
to ehavo every part of my head that he
d Labe 1 with l.itdker. "Yes it's been
werfut hot" he repeated, "those last
w days and I'm afraid if it keeps up at
is gait, the bicyclers 'ill .have a hot
ne of it in the race next Thursday
Slit. Telt take the wind gat of some
the w..eola before they stilet; not, that
matters much though; w!:on it comes
wit to 23 or 33 minuten ermine that
took, Well its not racing at all; but then
has one good thine about it. A lot
these g'lu'ey follows, that always
akes big time when alone, and nobody
talk to, to hinder theta you snow,
oy'vo gat to got down to their knittin'
stop guliin' us, Now you see it was
ported, but 1: don't give it to you ° for
ad right, that one fellow wasn't in yet,
xt day. tt, may be right, but I think
it is he must have stopped at a farm
ruse to get n drink of buttermilk and
there was a girl in it. Ult, n0, not in
the buttermilk, but you know what I
inean. Well as yon say, t did hoar that
he belongs to the Sons of Rest, but that
wouldn't macro any difference in a ease
of this kind. It's funny howono's mind
will wander, but speaking of bicycling
makes mo think of a sudden of three
dollars and sixty lire cents. No as you
smuch there ain't unh connection at first
s'arht but if you doubt the connection
just ask Wadlie, next tame you see Bun,
The annual sermon in connection with 1 or
Gonet Maitland will be preached by Rev, re
Wm. Lowe on finnday June 27th. de
ltev, d
. Seoor of
Cott re anion 1 Cole
Montreal, will preach in the Congregation- 11°if
al chetah here next Sunday morntug. The h
pastor will ronduet the evening services.
Rev. De. Ferguson of Deaver, Col„
preached in the Preahyterntn church, Sun-
day in the Mimeo of Mr. Porde, Dr.
Ferguson was formerly in charge el tee
t3russela congregation and preached the
Iuduotion sermon when Rev. McQuarrie
was inducted at Wingham. A. nutnber of
his old friends here Were glad to meet hint
again. Dr, McDonald of Soaforth will
-vi11 occupy the pulpit next Sabbath,.
other fellows riding on the sidewalk and
searching on the streets, that ho hasn't
got his right optic, foeuss•e•J on yet.
That three dollars and sixty-tive cents is
going to supply a whole squad of private
detectives with stop watubes so that no
person can drive much faster than a
walk along Wingham streets. That will
oath some of thr farmers sure, for it was
only yesterday that I saw n farmer tear-
ing up street at a 39clip. I didn't know
what was the matter; for a while I
thought it was a run away . but I found
out afterwards that he had a load of
garden stole in the hind end of his rig
and had it covered with a sheet to
keep the sou olf and he wao trying to
get apast them follows theta huutin'
wool these days, Well good day Mack"
The tenth annual meeting of the Walk-
erton Association of the Baptist churches
was held with the Baptist church at Lis-
towel on June Oth and 10th. The first
session was opened by a season of prayer
and praise by the Rev. W, W. McMaster,
B. A., Tiverton. The annual sermon was
preached by Rev. Jas. Hamilton, Wing -
ham, text John 21; 15-17, theme: "Sup -
rents Love to Christ Essential to True
Service." • The following seed thoughts
were emphasized: 1,'Love to Christ stands
at the basis of all true servioe; 2 Lnye to
Christ is the pnaunia,tic tire of the Gospel
Chariot; Love to Christ is a test of char-
,act:;r; 4, -Love ta.Gi,rist4ercrfs e. eeeeisteney
in service. ••..J
The following officers were elected for
the ensuing year: Moderator, Rev. W. T.
Bunt, Listowel; Clerk, Rev. Jas. Hamil-
ton, Wingham; Committees, Prudential,
R. Tennis, L Mckinnon, IV Waiker and
brethren P Fisher, .1 Brownlee: Nomina-
tion, Revs. R Tennis and MOKinnon, and
brethren iUcLeliand, Bennett and lValker:
Resolution, Revs. W W '_,'c51aster and
D Brown and baetiiron ,7 JCook, W Hay-
ward and McDonald ; Assoeiational Secre-
taries: F or II M, Itev. J. Hamilton,.
Wingham; F M, Bev L McKinnon, Glam.
mis; Grand Ligne, Bev. W Pncook, 13 A,
Clinton; Manitoba, Rev. Banton, lValker-
Mr., S. Disbel, Mt. Forest was elected
associational representative for 13 Y P U
of Ontario and Quebec.
Kenilworth was chosen as the next place
of meeting, Rev. Tennie to preach the
annual sermon and Rev McKinnon to'
write the Circular letter.
The reports from the ohurrh letters
showed an decrease of 93 by Baptism dur-
ingthe ear,
8 churches are
in the
YAs -
ciatior, withme
a mUar l `
en 1•' '
p of 13b. The
The contributions to home and Foreign
Missions were 211010heing a falling off of
from the receipts of the previous year of
Prof H W Kechnie, of CVoodstojit Col-
lege, in a clear, concise and forcible man,
ner preseuted the educational deems of
the denominations as found in Woodstock
College, for young men, Moncton College,
Toronto, for young women and McMaster
University Toronto. The speaker laid
special stress on advantage of Woodstock
College as a preparatory school, which is
second to no other institution of the kind in
the P:oviuco, its special adventoges are its
manual training department and the
systematic study of the bible,
"Spiritual Power," was the stet -lent of an
adnnrabie address by Rev. McKinnon. The
source of this power, the conditions under
which it is manifest, and its operations in
the life of the individual and the church
were emphasized.
The evening address was devoted to
addresses on Home, Foreign and Graatdo
Ligne .Missions, rhe speakers were Revs
Brown, Kenilworth, W Walker, reeswater,
mud Rev. DXoKinnon,
On Thitrsdity horning, devotional ser-
vices were conducted by Rev Cnrrie, Luck-
uow, after which he presented tho ehergart-
er acid importance of the work in Manitoba
and the Northwest, where the Baptists
have missions among the Germans. Ice.
heelers, Scaudhtaviens end Indians as
well it es among the English sh s eakdug pn
"Pastoral Settlements," was the theme -
of an oxtellont paper by Rev. R. Lennie, 13
1)., Mt. Forest. 13v the request of this
Association title paper will be printed in
the minutes of the Association, and &leo
sent to the'Canadia'a Baptist' for pablioa•
tion. 1lliss"gentile and J J Coock, Mt.
Purest, sang a duct whish was vary much
Three admirable itddresses were given by _
Bova Moilfadter, Bunt, and Walker.
A solo by Mrs .l' 11. I3auton, Walkerton,
was heartily applauded.
ROTS:-Mcoo1 j(j
Tice residence of Mr. Darer
mick was the scene of one of 11
events on Wednesday, June 10th, eau
by the marriage of his. eldest daughter
Miss Catherine, to Mr. Wendell /loth,
14-ess-ronrfegated ut lier f'itber'a tdenote
at 1) o'clo k when the whelk y drove to
Teeswater`t tithe It. el. �_, here they
found it beautifullyeel orated, ' The bride
Was assisted by 1teteeleter, Mise 'Very, and
the groom by,.er9'i£r. Andel:me klcCormick.
The bride;leoked charniitglyi, ,, suite
of blueetteinirned w th chiffon., The - •;
waist -i•
u,. The Very Reverend Dean O'Connel
performed the marriage oeretnonyei
ieiti-to-firer- ivttheelse •
e vs • thieg was in waiting for the, poty
and t : r uumerons friends to peetti,itd'ef-
one of the et bountiful repasts the eye
could gaze up .`rhe bridals crake; tdmilt,":
we 'r �y
might say, t
R rte
0 c[ri�"
portict,s, was,m-liresenrhrad�e to her hy her
aunt,eeLteieleo Crowe, of bleat Forest.
Aster all were satessehodesgeth nittnr'ttxs crev
.l ge-tl1 rte,ereat tiotes itedraeu"t' wc«
1 eeedeh+t sing ci ag, The bride was
the raarpieni of nttmc-roes and costly pees-
eryts which showsthe high esteetn in whieh
s7ie is • held. SVo might. etneution that
\1r. Roth has secured one. of Bruoe's most
estimable young ladies and they carry with
them -to thiel h where they take up their;
residence tit best wishes of their many
4 Ball Croquet Se
WANTS]) --A _ od
Apply at this office.
Regular 41.50 wa
or 000 at.. Alex Ross'
neral servant girl
s for 21.25 at Alex
Something new in Canopy -Top Bed-
room suites at InELAND & BUTTON'S. 54411
Try a can of Heinz's Baked I3eans, they
are simply delicious, for
N. A. FatternAlisox's,
Envelopes, square te, worth 75e�now
600 per box at Ale o '.
Go to 11Irs. Green's, opposite Banked'
Hamilton, for cheap a d stylish millinery
Special value in mocks at Alex
Ross' for 111.40.
Pine Apples, 104 each ;Batranas, Oranges
Lemons, Strawberries, Tomatoes and
Cucumbers, at J. Mclielvies.
6 13a11 Croquet Setts i~1. , 8 Ball Crag -
net Setts 44.25 at Alex ss
If you doubt what your neighbore say
about Ireland &Button's prices just call in
and sec for yourself. 5 14tf
Always gond berg:tins in mii'inary at
Mrs.Gteen's, oepesit L3a.ek of Hamilton
Ireland tg Button has added a delivery
wagon to their business and will deliver
goods a reasonable distance, 5.14tf
-For firet•elass tailoring and cheap
gents' furnishings, try Webster & Co.
Remember the place, in Queen's block.
Strawberries, home gr•twn, will soon he
on the market and we will have their from
alta sane growers as heretofore. There are
none better and few that can equal them.
Leave yonr order early et,
N. A. Peutcrrnentiooee.
lt7Axrxn:--Eggs 1Oc. ilecaslr for choice
Tub Batter. I buy Batter. Eggs and
Woo'. highest prices cash or trade.
Not Crude Material
Scott's Emulsion is Cod Liver Oil pert
fected and is prepared upon be principle
of its digestion and assimilation in the
human system hence it is given-wtthotat
disturbing the stomach,
A large tont beautiful collection est
flowering planta now on exhibition iia tlitt
Shaw Block, Don't fail to see it, Will
continue till further notice.
T. C Gullies, Iron Bridge -Gruen Bairns
Lowvt r Wttaghi t