The Wingham Times, 1897-06-04, Page 8M. H. IMMO i p1 IND JUBILEE Five hundred copies. 01 13eautiful iit•itain. The sceneries and splendors of the United Kingdom and cuts of Her Mejeety Queen Victoria and Royal family worth 30ets., will be given away until June 22 with every 2 00 purchase, tali and isispect. JUNE B! L5CAIN MONTH Sten and Bcya' Clothing and Hats in :abundance in the lat:eat style a/id edtade all at reduced prices. ELEG SCE IN DRESS GOODS Is hare in abundance. Com- plete satisfaction to all buyers of Drees Goods. Many odd lines and remnants at about one half price.SPEC S FON SATURDAY 50 pair Hose regular 10c., Sat- urday 5c. • 10 pieces Black and Cream Lace regular 20c. for 10c. 20 boys' Caps, regular 15e.. Saturday Se. 50 ladies' Collars and Cuffs, reg. 20c. Saturday 5c. 50 pieces Fancy Ribbon, regu- lar 3e. Saturday le. 50 pair ladies' Fire Kid. Shoes regular $1.75 for $1.25. 20 pair men's fine shoes, regular $2.50 for $1.75. These everyday specials are interesting and worthy of your attention, all through June. We pay 12e. for Batter and 10e. for.eggs. Store clo'es at 7 o'clock sharp. at . ellIDOO'S r1'[; RN Bh3RR 1. 'Mr. ar.d Mrs. Wylie arrived Dome Inst weer: from an extended and pleasant visit among friends in Static,y. Miss Mattie Merkley is visiting with her brother, Mr. Ezra Merkley. Mr. Anger Bickerstaff, of Toronto, is visiting at Itir. Iltontgoraery'e this geek, Mr, Will !Keogh intends having a 1- arm raihing on Thursday afternoon. Owlia to the absence of Mr, D. W. (enuoill rnd the inclemency of the weather, the picnic in. Mr. A. Gemmro ill's brash failed to materialize. 611. Chia:.. Sanborn has finished al,'hieliug lila house. Mr. Robert Andersod'ind the mis- formne to lose one of his horses last week? The Mitrses Scott of the tenth con- ecssion were the guests of Miss File- t Dougall last week. The losses Y"t i;lita entertained al , few of their friends at their home on Monday night. Mr. Peter Fraser is attending No, 9, preparatory to writing for hie Junior Leaving certificate, We wish Pete success Mr. John Hartley, teacher of the brick school house played with the Wir:ahem team c,n Saturday last against Atwood. TILE W N t ri +:31 TIMES, JUNE 4, 1.89 . WKS even for the tcajlf;tactiomof bas' ness. Gerrlmill-••-Crnickshanits--That Mr • McPherson be chairman. ---Carried. The following changes were made on the roll. Wm. Churchill assessed owner of S pt lot 10 eon 0, 50 acres, and N. J, Kerswell struck oft; .John Short, as- sessment reclosed $50; John •Putlantl assessed.. tenant lots 1, 2, 3, T) S Bluevale, and John McDonald struck off; Alen: Kelly, assessed for lots 32$ 327 328 324 and 325, W. T P., and Mrs. Morrison struck off; John .Ans- ley assessed for lot 24 W T P and R Currie struck off James Becket assessed fin• park lots, 08, 70, 71 72 77, and 79 at .$1100, Bari Robt. Ken- nedy stuck oil•: John Relph Assessed for lot 9 con 5 for 6200v and holt, Gemmill struck off; John Hastings assessed part owner of Iot, 10 and 11 con 8; Thos Finnen, assessed lot, 350 W T P at 630 and Athletic Co. stuck of: Thos. Groves assessed ten- ant lot V, W T P and L McLean struck off; John Mum, lot 11 con 6 assessed M. F.; Ed Leech, lot 31, eon 1 Biuevale, Assessed 11. F; Wtn. Morrow, lot 30 con C assessed M F Timothy. Ilewitt, lot , 7 D S Blue• tale assessed M F; Seth Langley, ht 7 Junctionville, assessed MF; Jars. ncluding an Iron Planer, Currie. assessed, MF and '1' int 15 Lathes etc. and is now prepar- i iV T P; Albert Green lot 340 W T ed to do a general line of re - P Wm. Groves lot 193 assessed M F i pairing. Engine and Mill Each of the following had ;t doh I Machinery repairing and pipe struck off : George Churchill. i ani I fitting a specialty. Powell, Peter Hodgson , Robert I Leathorn, Frank Wright, Peter All kinds of shafting, gear - Murdoch, Thomas Nctterfield. f tog, iron and wooden pulleys, Musgrove—. Copeland—That, the 16 brass and iron castings sup-1coart of Revision be now ekased and' (-flied on shortest notice. .� the assessment roll as now revised and corrected be the assessment roll i JOHN MUR R YY for 1897.—Carried. The council resumed regular 1- Messrs. Wan McPherson, Peter McDougall, Wm. and David Gemmill were among the delegates sent frora Turnberry to the Brussels conven- tion. ;Quite a number of Turnberry people attended the sport at Wrox- eter en Saturday last. Geo. E. ( Wilson, teacher of number 9, sue - I ceeded in taking first prize in the ' bicycle race. • IT PAYS TO CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE CHdTr M, 014 11% Iltlll oortinuee its eneeeestut neck of piacinr Stud• mote in choice positions, Between Jan, lei and flay 1st, four months +ke et our pupils Secured choice ettuatiohs re B wk)ispe•8 Stenographer and leaches in other Jiurolnres Col• ler es. Three *there has esoon red places, one tone nutonce next weetc, another the follonarg Seek and the third anent June 15.11 Here i' where gred•tatoe of this school hero a decided advantup.e aver %hese graduarotl From the average business college. If interacted write tqr catalogue and a complete list of where etndenteAtnve been pieced. For Catalogue, addreue, P. ttot.ACT1LAN ►• Q.o., Oka than, r rft,44..iii..,tre, FAZU Nast 15, When pinch sing your Summer Suit .of clothes remember G. Carr keeps :;. in stock the largest as- sortmcnt of tie`:v •'-v-:1gns ft in Canadian al,d tmpurted TWE. SDS .. - •C• SCOP,opt MR, JOHN MURRAY has opened out a new machine shop, thoroughly equipped with a New Outfit of ' iachinry WORSTEDS, �1J all."RGES, 4, Fancy t.' igtlt3yy_..J$., 47 Also the most 'up-to•=date 0 GENTS' t .FU 'y '.2 Fi21.1.IN rS We can give yo.t the Lest of Workmanship. til GEO. (f,)A`..J3,J1, t Opposite Qaaoss'es ;LIMA, Via ,l,rtm. llrebrr arq&Ev v = row ,4r -Aga ereaaaawanammeaoseeaseaaaaaaraa Are You R'TU If so it is your advantage t� cttll'ou Gordon & Co.'s Drug Store, \\'i ngll::tin. They tt9't; i;Flr: it �e'tit. i 'For the telttl!rayed Wetmore Truss. Aa'O 1 Ti.. !EI'Ma iF. !S TUE 1. 13eonnse i, i . d:tngerritas to he a neon r tat •A 11 eau elle. 2. It will re. ce rit.a, rand is conse- cluenrly (1nl'•+hlr, 3. A per.••r+u wearing as \\'tittne,rs:does not, tia.r1 1• a hr,tl,cr. ••\ e Nt111 ruarantce 10 hold in podtion nny rr^du'.ible rupture. 5. This t »+nite,t tfos, ibly move after a •• tmont, &. S ,me mar townspeople Ban t•e-41%*`r+ it #nrrii.3. 1'. Set isfeetion gnat arnteed' or money ref nnrlr-d. .1. G. I 3D YN �^-,�•r.�v'.v "•��`�Jr'�: u'-s."vp;r&:v C��.�^`tJs'P4^�tl f'�?/Ga+'�'v�'.�. •�+'Rb''�"�•i�i�s�' •'�y"•P3✓E :'� ti Minutes of Council and Court of Revision held in Puthtnd's Hotel, Eluevale, on Taesdar the 25th day ried. • oaf May, 1897. I Gemmill—Cruickshank--That Mr The members of Connell. all pres- Musgrove be instructed to let a job ent and the Reeve in the chair. II of gravelling 30 rods on 13 line The minutes of last meeting were opposite Mr. Pugh's lot, provided the read approved and signed. pathmaster gets the road graded Communications were read from Messrs. Garrow & Prondf.ot, re account, from C. A. Jones, -q., Tp. Engineer re account, from the Saw- er-Masse)- Co., from the Cockshutt Company, from the Austin Co. and from the county Clerk—AR filed. The reeve reported that Archie Patterson bad cut brush opposite his place, and that he be credited with three days statute labor for his work. The dep. reeve reported that E.Orvis had repaired culvert and had done business Gemmill—Musgrove — That the 'O tg . assessor's salary, $55 be paid.—Car- MORRIS. before gravelling is let—Carried. Gemtriill—Musgrove — That the reeve be instructed to procure two copies of the Ontario statutes for 1897 for the use of the council-- Carried. ouncil—Carried. The following Accounts were pass- ed: C. Jones, fees Bryce, Powell and Hastings drain 640.50; John Burg- ess, fees Bryce and Hastings drains $3; E. Orvis, 51.25, repairs Wawa nosh boundary; Lane & Lane, re- pairs Jobb's bridge $19; John Me / Donald, rent of hall, $3; ,John- S. '�/ On Friday last Margaret, wife of a small amount of gravelling on \Pa- McTavish, Assessor's salary, $55; W. John Cloakeypassed away at the wanosh boundary at $2,60. Turn Ea.gelson, watching Linton's bridge, age of 02 years. Deceased was a berry's share,:t 25 and recommended $1; John Gemmill, watching Gem 1 member of the Belerave Presbyter- it be paid. mill's bridge, 61. Ian church, a fairhfel wife and Mr.Copela.nd reported that a cul- Gemmill—Cruickshank--Thattbis� mother. and leaven,, four daughters vett on the 10th. sideline con. 11, had Council do now ad,j,urn to meet in and two sons to nloarn her loss.V fallen in and required repairs : also Patland's Hall, I3luevale on Monday On the evening of the Queen's that the piautking• on Jobb's bridge the 21st day of June next at 10 birthday a quiet wedding took place bad becu comehated by Lane & Lane o'clock a. m.—Carried. at tl1. rosidenoe of arra. Donald at $I9 and. ree mmanded payment, JOHN BURGESS, Clerk. Currie, 4th lines %Ogen her second also that a enl'Frt at. Porter's corn - daughter, Miss Jeanie anti N. Arnold e1•. co:twe :al 10 requires t 1 be open •of lIatnilton, were united in marriage ed out. The ceremony took place at8 o'clock Mr. manassovo reported that Mr. .and W88 cerfhrmed by Rev. John Sharpie w:lnts drain across the Rose, 13. All/The company was veru road. on 4th c.•+rceaeien nee, and re - small urll': the immediate relatives comencled that. lie bo allowed a reas- and feiende of the bride being pres- noble antoun% for it. tl SUITS Made in the LATEST STYLES Go to" '' 7 .Crit, lir. Mu1:av, Agent for the Massey - Sawyer Co., ,,ridreFssed the meeting, re the pnrch:i e of a road machine'. I ASx WAWANOSII. for township ase. The township declined to pnrehace at present. Gemmill—Urnickshanks--That the reeve be instneted to allow A. Patter son three days statute labor if he burns brush and cleans up side of road in front of his place, to the satisfaction of the reeve. Gemmill— Copeland — That the Wheeler, of Belgrave, is ill of typhoid reeve be instructed to write to the • fe er!a✓ council of -Morris askingthem to ap- - Last Thursday a valuable horse belonging tri ilia. Wm Martin of the 1 t th co eessiori,dropped dead in the field. V' \One day laat week a son of Mr. Robertson o - the 8th concessioti>i, '1 ' llir. James McCowna former resirient of the 10t,11 concession` .was killed in Chicago by a fall from a building. His remaius were brought home and interred in St. Agustine cemetery on Saturday morning,' lie l_e�ae a wife and family. 'V'Robbie Wheeler;': son of Frank Wm had his leg badly broken by falling from a wagon)/ Mr. John Bone of the Toronto University is home for the holidays. Mr. John McCallum of the 9th has purchased a lieW buggy and. cart.. members point one of their Mr. McPherson Bluevale on Jime 1st to arrange for expenditure on the bouridary Cruickshanks—Gemmill-That Mr. Copeland get a drain across the road with four inch tile opposite R, Wal - lace's lot, on con 10.—Carried. .Musgrove —Geminiill—That the clerk be instructed to notify Wrn. Gray to clean out his part of the goYernenent drain at once.—Carried. Gemtnill—Muagrove— That Mr. Cruickshank and, Mr. Porter be authorized to hire a road machine if one ea,n b got at a reasonable rate, to work one day ort the gravel road near R, Porter's place.—Car- ried Rev, B. F. Austin, for tbe past six- St.Thornas, bat; resigned, and Rev. R. Z. Warner, late proteseor of modern latiguagee, has bees appointed Prineipal 'The Lotion City Council /Amami a by-law proyidinn for the antexation to Tile poop's of tke will becomes united on December oessi , scribed tm the oath ox offieentne cOttet • � BEITE QUEEN'S BLOCK., WINGHAII �9I Gil AM Having pnreliased the above named property from Mr. A. M. Robinson, we are Trow prepared to supply a great variety of CI:Innings tVi in eagalialtaxammemaa Ireland & Button aro pntting in 0 nom Plete t', took et Furniture and Undertaking coneiiiting of BEDROOM SUMS, PARLOR SUITES, DINING SUITES, TABLES and CHAIRS of all kinds. SIDEBOARDS, LOUNGES, SPRING RED MATTRESSES, CURTAIN POLES, PICTURES, PICTURE , FRAMES, MOUNDINGS, MIRRORS, Ete., in fact everything that is kept in a FIRST- C LAS FURNITURE STORE A complete stock of Undertaking kept en hand and prices reason- / able. Eg'Resnerciber the place, Ireland's old store, opposite the Mac- donald. Block, (Residence opposite the foundry. aaanexemalacaraaaeaka • and to attinifi tO all manner of re -1 I pair work FACTORY MANAGERS—Come when your 'Mee/lines require repair and our 1.11 lie!" can put them right thus saving you trouble and annoyance. • BRIDGE BUILDERS—Come and I order your Iron from us, We order I direct from the Roiling Mills and can quote you pricve that are right. FARMERS—Come on Saturday and secure smile of our. argaine in Plough Repaire and Roller Castings which we sell cheap for cash on Sat. urday. Bring your east iron sera? IMPLEMENT MEN—Get your repairs hero instead of sending to distant points owl thus save money. WANTED—A limited quantity of Dry' 21;,- inch Reek Elm Plank and DrY M0.1)16. All kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats, including Beef, Veal, Lamb, Fresh Pork, CURED HAM, , BACON, BOLOGNA, SAUSAGE in season_ Central Butcher Shop, Winghe", ELTONS UMPS Will stand wear and tear for 3 ears. No better proof can be given of their durability than is shown by the fact that some of these pumpsi ptat in wells 25 years ago are still working. IRON mad FORCE PUMP'S Supplied to Order. Repairing proreptly attended to. Sitor—Diagon al St. opposite Bea,ttiess Cook's Cotton Root Compound le the only eafe, reliable tnonthly medicine on which. ladies can depend in the haw' and time of need, Ie prepared I n two degrees of istrength. No. 1 for ordi!aary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known —sold by druggists, one Dollar per boy. /1fo St for special. eases--io degrees stronger—sold by druggiste. inue box, Three Dollars ; two boxes, Pive Dollars. No. r, or No. a, mailed on receipt of rim mad two 3 -cent etampa. Wittiest., ilesterta, the —IN— E E KE -P 'We give special attention this week to___.0 Felt Hats from 1 to 2 dollars now 26 cents. Straw Hats from 15 to 20 cents A9w 10 eents. Straw Hats from 50 cents to a dollar now 25 cents. Boys and Girls' Sailors were 20 cents now for 10 cents. ' Boys and Girls' Sailors were from 36 to 50 cents now 20 cents. Printh from 7 to 10 cents now for Er cents • Prints from 10 to 12i cents now for Ladle& Tests now 6 for 25 eents. Lace Curtains at one half priee. Gents' Ties at your 01,11 price. Belt Buckles were 25 cents now for 15 cents. Silks nee yard 10 cents. 33L 1741 —LACES, —RIBBONS, —TWEEDS, —DRESS GOODS, —FANO! TRIMMINGS, and everything else kept in a Gen eral store, at prices to capture th trade. At less than wholesale price, by the pound or in the caddies. 13UTTER and EGGS sartne as cash. C4- M°I1s7T"."5E":14.) UkODOITA.LD BLOCK.