The Wingham Times, 1897-06-04, Page 4*lye us a trial and we can r rt - JAS. itebtALPINE, Central mat. 4 Just arrived at- �" ",i•''"r' CAMPBELL'S NOG STORE, ''.. IN 11AM MI S, JUNE 4, 189 1. engage le a, public work of any kind that ars not subjected to a storm of criticism from a Horde of critics or jeaiotts individuals, who lack either • brides or energy to do anything themselves, and when. Mack under- takes to champion the cause of fault - tinders, cynics and aristocratic loaf- ers he lends his trenchant pen for a most unworthy cause, Irow, CLARi E WALLACE is to be congratulated on his re -(.lection to tbo•position cf Grand Master of the Orange Grand Lode whicl, met at Windsor last week, By his re- election and the turning clown of the Birmington-Hughes faction, the lodge has litot only vindicated the p3sition he bas taken on the School Question, but also at the same time, administered a good slap in the face to those Orangemen who place political parties before protestant principles as enunciated by the constitution of that body. The Hon. Clarke Wallace is the one Orangeman who refused to fall into line at the crack of the party whip, relinquishing his Cabinet posi- tion and its emoluments rather than DDITOtt1AL NOTES. 'elf his priueipies. With Rev: W. fik, large lot of good TOliLET O 'Ps which we are selling at 10 CENTS A. BOX This soap has been selling at Io cents a cake. flail and get what you want 1 't:are it is all gone. COLIN A. CAI'IPBELL, Druggist. 2 doors S. of P. 0. 11'ingearx. f.,eittairtgair( Cuter. k'±UDAY, JUNE 4, 1807 Solr'ra Huaox REForai CoNVEN- rrov meets in Hensen, on Friday, June 11, Ttu Proviecial Univeteity has conferred the (levee of L. L. D. upon Dion Wilfred Laurier, Pre mier of Cavil le, Elea. i. H u'dr, Premier of Ontario, and Lord 'Lister and Lord Rayleige distinguished scien- tists. The seuate has 110LIO1'9d. itself in thus recognizing' the services to society of those well known citizens of the new and old wot Id. T. 0. CURaxI , grand vice-president of the Patrons, will in .future be out ot the political field. ' The present rather disorganized state of the Pat- ron party will be in no wise improe- ed by the removal of Md:r. Currie, who has received'from the Govern- ment the appointment of immigratiou agent at Sc. Paul, Minn, 11r. Currie has been one of tl>e strongest advo- cates of Patrouisiu, and much of its success was due to his indefatigable work. orga.uizing and stumping tate pun try .—Ex. ' EDMUND E, SHE 1'P eRi5, the fama>us "Diu" of Saturday Night and the big• S. of the Toronto Star, has been appointed a commissioner by the Diniinion LkorerutaJnt, to proceed to South America, to try and open up trade between Canada. and that country fir Sheppard's ap- pointmeutis very favorably spoken of by the press generally. Among his other qualifications for the posi- tion, is a thorough f;nowiedgeof thesis countries acquired by several veara' residence there and also his ability to speak the Spanish language wits great fluency. 1341 will make thv most of his opportunities anyway. F. Wilson as Grand Chaplain and the Birnninghams and the Hughes on the outside, the destiny of ttie ledge is in safe hands for another year. Wilson it will be remembered by some or our readers, is the reverend gentleman who on one occasion re- fused to act the part of a menial cut-throat and stab a man in the dark to please 'a political organiz- ation, The more then that c(ln be got into. any order of the Wallace and Wilson stamp, the better for the order. It is 'a credit to the Grand Lodge that these then had such an overwhelming following. Tam Titres, Loudon's great than - clever, in au editorial. on thaL:turier tariff, says:—"Tae scheme is simpl.a and ingenious, while its resemblance to the Davies' proposal of 159:1 proves brat it is nu hasty iuveutiou to dish the irate Conservatives. Without saying that all possible objections have beeu met. we do say that he has mado out a strong case for his prupuaale; o;t.d farm should they be defeated ou tho technical grounds, they will none the lessbave neeisted enimtnonsly 1 h ultimate solusiotl of the prohl,°m. Whatever their fate, they sunstitute by far the most important and effeeeive eontri• bution ever made to than commercial Unification of the Empire," "MACK" in Siturday night makes rather an ungracious criticism of Lady Aberdeen, in connection with the part she is taking in the Victorian Order, et Nurses. IIe says in effect that t iero is a suspicion abroad, that the active interest she has taken in the scheme, or for that niat:ter, in any work she hasinangurated sineecoming to (.tattit'tia, lin i'ra't, 'hr' -4 Stilt ot Sel• fisc, ❑totivess. 'I'l:tit. it. 1; t,1•1' desire t)al i41117t,i: 10 t,•: 4i00i • ••i.unnt"1" to 1000, ,y •, ,•.,t Sul •1"00•.,r,. -S, a1J a;,t• , , ,, . 0 0 , llir .6114411.111011 GLI+aNNNAN, THE Mi:, Geo. Fortune, si',, visited friends in McKillop last week. . • Mr. R. D. Fortune, V, S,, of Shel- borne. ie visiting his parents this week. Trl> Hamilton Spectator says: "Why can not Mr. Laurier remind the people that they already pay the $7,000,000 that is received as. cus- toms and excise on spirits. Why does he not add that they pay tenfold that sum annually to support tile traffic?" We do not know the reasons Mr. Laurier had for not ac- commodating our friend. Wo sup- pose, however, it was because he did not consider it necessary to "remind the people" of what they already know, But, it's prohibitory a®t is passed the people will not have to pay that seven millions of dollars of customs and excise on spirits, and consequehtly the Govern- ment will be deprived. of that much revenue if they do not make provis- iutet for the collection of itin some other way. Mr. Laurier did toll the people this, and he farther told them that the Government does not know Of any other way in which it can be collected except by direct tasati n. If the Templar knows of any better way why does it not give Mr. Laurier the benefit of its super- ior knowledge. It scenes to us that it duras not make ranch difference to the people whine: way it is. collected. If teey will save seventy millions, as toy Templar say they will, they can well aff'al d to pay seven millions even if it has to bo raised{ by direct taeatiiou,—Seaforth Expositor. .4 cot'; e Marshall' who was assist- , ing at Mr. Keefer s 'tarn raising, fell through the trop door and got a severe Sha king i- w.V Mrs. Thos. Aitl:ens and D. B.' Scott were delegates to the Reform convention at Brussels last l"i' da.y.. George. Harkness, of Culross, spent : last Sunday with his brother Robert of the nineth, Mr. wndrew Agar of Don Town- , ship is visiting at Rgbt Harkness this week. Jas. Weir's new barn is finished' and its snug appearance, gives much credit to theAlessi's, Abram's for their good work. MOST RENOWNED MANUFACTURERS IN ENGLAND UNITED STATES AND CANADA; UNIFORMLY USE THE_... z' Sunday School and Church. Work- ers' Assoc:atiou. The S. S. and Church Workers' convention. of the Deanery cf Huron opened in Trivitt Memorial church, 1 Exeter, on Wednesday; the delegates afterwards retired to the Sehool Llall Where an aaddresi of wel•:ome was delivered by the chairman, Rev. Mr. Bray: The reports of the various Sunday Schools were read by the T HE Seeretary, Miss Sweet, all of which . 6 showed that some earnest work had = - been done throughout the Deanery. Air. D. Dyer was appointed Secretary pro tem, in plica of H. Dennis, who bas removed. Rural Dean Hodgins, Senforth,took the chair, tn,id in his address advoca- ted that each annual convention the papers and from what parish to be furnished, should be decided upon at each preceding convention, he also suggested that the annual meet- ing of t e synod. He wos pleased '�'A Dalia'I6 • to mote that so many of the schools I had adopted the Institute leaflet I form in teaching, and suggested that I reports be made out for compel ison fi'onl year to year, Much discussion followed on the difficulties arising.' g from non attendance of children. A letter was read from Rev. Mr. Gunn, —PROVEN I3Y ACTUAL TESTS , , --AND LONG- EXPERIENCE , • --TO GENERATE LESS FRICTION, —MORE EASILY ADJUSTED, TO BE —TRUER AND REMAIN SO YEARS —LONGER THAN ANY OTHER . , —THIS IS WHY THE HONEST , —RIGH GRADES RUN EASY FOR —YEARS AFTER THE WWOULD•BE'S —HAVE LOST THEIR USEFULNESS EASILY WON THE COASTING AND HILL CLIMB1NG- CL VELAN regretting his inability to attend. The various papers were read. and discussion followed each. Miss 'Cornyli, Wingham, as a successful teacher, was probably the mi>3t eulo- gized. person in the convention. Much profit resulted • from the ad- dress of Mr. J. Ra>'sford, Clinton.,and also that of Miss S1r,alittcoinbe, Heusall. Owing to the absence of Miss Holmes, of Clinton, F>er paper on Mlissionery work was not read, but the subject brought out consider able profitable discussion. Next year the programme wii'l be made tip with. papers from Bayfield, GAderich, Goderich township and Exeter.The next annual convention will be held at Wingham, its per invitation frotna Rev. Mr. Lowe, of that parish. Election of officers insulted' as tol- lows:—Presicient, Rev, •,Mr. Lowe, Wirngitam; Vice President, ,Jahn. Ransford, Clinton; Secretary, Mrs. Foster, Wiugharn; Recording Secre- tary,°D, Dyer, Exeter. CULROSS. The continual chid and wet weather is damaging the crops on low land. The prospects tor fruit are pretty fait' and fall wheat is good. Farm- ers are planting corn pretty exten- idveiy this season. Mr. Geo. Falconer lost a valuable Horse last week, be will feel the loss severely as i, is one of his only team. Mr Wm. Caslick: had the misfor- tune to lose both snare and foal last week. Mr. and Mrs. D, McCormick went to Mt. Forest last week on a visit to relatives. Master Frank McDonald who got ilia ler broken is improving. Plias Kate McCorniicli is home r'ul'e,( Guelph on a visit to her par- ents, John Crowe our id:fatigable eream masa bats a daily route of 45 miles, who can beat it. ' There h; a good deal of sickness of a pulnlonerynature in the r_o;gh- eol'Itood. • .Miss Alliin' 7elel.ay was visite g :11 'I'k eiWaucr lac,t week. Dr, Baaavaia, w,t.1.1%erau u: Wolseley lia..•rrtek , dh-'df3W+k�aWA:ry and- dealy es S. rr.sult ot paiao,itug.. Mins Willis, ef iaaudon tnv,•Usli p, was ono agpti to utarry Err. Scale, taf aides- tows:,° .1uut b, ire the day u,uasd, for the wechlieg the young lady +hsappeared and it u.r,,v tort's out that a Portio' lover 11r° i3 ktulielor „t t:tatuiltou, kl':tr•i of the en(gar entent, telegraphed to the young lady and get her to marry hiai. ti . . CANADIAN CHAAlNIONSHIPS. C MODELS 22 & 23, $755 00 MODELS 27, 28,2e 44100 CO QUICK T PS (mzde byH. A. Lozier & Co.) $56. 00. ,6p J. GLEGG : GO.) AGENTS WINGHA s ONT._ .4511111111768 - MARKET REPORTS. WING:rers. Winghatn, Juno ird, 1897. Corrected by 1'. Deans, Produce Dealer. Flour per 100 lbs 3. 50 to 2 00 Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Oats,......, Barley .......... . . . Peas Butter, Eggs per dozen........ .. , . 0 7 to 0 8 Wood per cord.... ..... ..., 1 00 to 1 25 800 to 850 Potatoes, p bushel, 0 10 to 0 15 0 .3 to 0 3?i 0 2 to 0 2 to 008 to 070 0 68 to 0 70 018 to 020 0 20 to 030 037 to 038 0 9 to 0 10 Ray per ton per Tallow, per lb Dried'Apples, per lb Wool Scott's Emulsion is Cod.. liver Oil prepared as mood. At the same time, it is a blood maker, a nerve tonic and an up -builder. But principally 1t is a food for tired and weak digestions; for those who are not getting the fat they should from their ordinary food; for chil- dren whom nothing seems to nourish; for all who are fat -starved and thin. It is pleasant to take; at least, it is not unpleasant. Children like it and ask for more. Some drugggitis have a "jolt n5 good" kind, isn't the kk d all attic's try to egtrat good enough �oryolr 10 buy? BULL A Thoxougbb •d 1 •rhatn Bull from ono , of the best milking:herds in the Dominion of 0) -a• TEttvzs—S3 asli a me of service or $1.50, w . privilege of •returning if necess' y, if bookad. tf i CASSELS. STRAYED. } ritrayod from the. premises of the ,nuelereigned, on the 15th of May, a rod and white cow, no large spots of eithar color, star is forehead, 4 years old, horns rather straight, small sized, Any person giving information auto hot• whoreabeute will be suitably rewarded, Titos. STEWAU'r, Bluovale, Ont, VALUAULEOI QODED FARM FOR SALE. Lot Number 3,11n5tho 8th Concession of rl'urnberry is for sale. The property is 7 miles from Wiushaui and about 4 frotnWroxeter, splendidly wooded with Pine, Maple, Birch and Hemlock. There are 16 acres eleared.tlae remainder being brat class timber. Application miry be trade to J. A. Dttoirrorr, 5.7b- Barrister, Wingham. 1T'SNOT NECESSARY.... To lay aside:your soiled or faded suis or overcoat% but take there to:tho'Wingham °Cleaning and 73y ing 'orbs, and have there cleatn- ed, dyed and repaired to look like ]new. .1. W. SNEr.t. Proprietor. FRUIT CULTURE is moreprofitnb'o to the farmer ntw than his other crop;. Brown Pr Co., the moat oxten• sive .erser° house in Canada, hevo a vacancy in thin metiers, Write thcnr for their terms. show YC1}i+,tltta1 Terence Om tad*: FOR SALE •Pfi REF, P'Atim of 99 acres, Itinlnsa township, ilruc, C.., 75 sores cleared; stream of sprig water, tas geed wells; now wind -rill, goods hoose, largo hank barn, goo,' stables; two tor. bearing orchard, 9 miles 'rex Whitechurch station, 4 from. LUCk„nw; I14 oxooJani opportunity for doing a profitable dairy 'enflame. Apply to Mrs A. Stewart, Luoknow, FI, A, Stowart St. 'Thomas or A, 0. Stewart, Toeawater, WINGHA ¢F STEAM -PUMP ;`ORBS Having purchased the entire business froth dr. Daniel Showers, I atm now prepared to supply the public with Wood and lir on Force and Lift Pular, Brass and Iroaa Cylliaa4lers,G aania- ei1 Ikon Tubing, Ciister>sns, Water Troughs, Sinks, Baths and everything ih connoe- tion with water supplies. First class Windmills for power and pumping water and deep well pumps a specialty. All work guaranteed or no sale. C. MORNING STAR . Order your -AND -- -_ Fltt>,i Tit;-- EOLS'I'EIN DAIRY. Ice Cream' ril 1 We make a specialty of Tee Cream 'and a1'a pre- pared to supply it, in rLl. large or small quantities t and of any Haver desired to .families, pie (hieing• ' parties or by the dish. 5-- Wu hara-a good fountain and also supply Cream' Soda of any 0 BANANAS, PINE APPLES and Fruit and Confectionary of all kinds. pleas(' you. TO THE PJU The Wingham Planing Mills are now running again in full blast— Parties r. ishing to have Lut1lher Dressed or anything in the plaliing mill business such as- -SASH, —DOORS, —BLINDS, ---CASING'S, ---MOULDINGS, can have them on short notiee'lnd at lowest possible prices. L lave also added a number of new reach. Ines which will enable me to do work cheaper arid better than ever, u"_E N _i' ra.'T) Successor to WATT & SON