The Wingham Times, 1897-06-04, Page 1VOL. XXVI, ---NO. 1311. 901E1TB k ZO7LLI WE SELL CHEAP A special counter of Boots and Slices. We will give you the choice Act 150 pairs of Ladies' Slippers, But- ton and laced Shoes, Misses Button ,and laced Shoes in Dongola IKid and Polished Calf for 75e., they were ' :never made for the money. .Another lot of Ladies' Button and • 'Laced Boots Polished Calf and Don- .go1a,your pick tem $I, they are Ivell worth frons $1.50 to $2.25, but they must all go. Ladies' full size well shaped Black 'Cotton Hos at 5c. a pair, regular 10c We have got the best Factory Cotton, 86 inehc' wide, in Wingham, Tat 5e, a yard. Special prices in Parasols and Ladies' Blouses. A line of goys' odd Tweed Pants or 50e., 55e. and 60e„ cheaper than you can •rnake them. Mens `Cotton Half Hose for 5c, a pair; regularly sold at 10c. Mens black all wool Cashmere halti hose for 35e. regular price 5O3. 42.special line of Ties, Four-in-hand and Knots at 25c. We will make to Your order a, .first class Tweed Suit for $10 and .$11, guaranteed to please you, the 'hest value in Wingham. Cour Grocery counter has always spec' tal attractions and prices. The 'finest Tea you ever drank, 25e. a Ib. We are paying 12e. for Butter and •10e. for Eggs. WE SELL CHEAP. gOILUTEE & BOWLES enarriago Lieenstes Issued be FRAME PATMRSon,; No 23, Vic- toria street, Wingham, Ont. No witnesses required. .HEADS SIN IN BUSINESS. 'CUNIC ±L BUSINESS COLLEGE, STRATI±ORD, ONT. We tie meads with practical knowledge The Ieerline; cotnaneroial school la °ma- nda to due, Nine bent titel college rootue; excellent tegnchers; moderate rates; htudoi to assietatileeneod positions enjoys ttseloadid reputation for superior work; enter any time. _ Write ter par- ;ticulars. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. A:9TVA v`WBERRU S, TOMATOES 147 PINEAPPLES, ORANGES, c LI? M O.N S, 10. BANANAS Prime Tomato e,Y rt plants far gale at, 'Telephone No. :a; eeco to erase). ce a+ T WIN%rI1A ,, ONTARIO, FRIDAY. JUNE 4,1897. New Ada, llitiKinnon do (Jo -Wool • • M R;&tolndoo-The Diamond Jabiltio W A. Johns --Strawberries and Tomatoes C Morningstar-Wingham Steam Pump Works. LOCAL NEWS, -Campbell's Headache Wafers guaren• teed to oure heedaehe. -June. -Weddings. --Potato • bugs, --Green frult-boys-dootor bills, -Camp Caledonia Monday night.. Council meeting Monday night. 4-11iss. Geoown, who has been ill, is convalescing. -Dr. Jamieson, of Whitechurch leas sec seriously J. E. Swarts attended the IIamb urg raoss on Thursday. --Rev Wm Lowe will attend the synod in London on the 8th efMr John MoMann has taken a position i the Chesley factory.V V -Mr, D. Geddes has purchased from, J. Robinson the Tiling block. 1 -Mr. Jas. Sherrill, Frances Street, has been dangerously ill since Friday last*" -The proprietor of the 'Wingham Dye Works, has pot a new wagon on the road. 1 -Mr. Alex McGee, of Bluevale, and Mies Sophia Bell, Belgraye, were married on Wednesday.*" 't ---We are pleased to know that Mrs. Lionel Hanson, who has been seriously ill, is convalescent.el' -Rev. D, Perrie and Mr. G. McIntyre leave on Monday to attend the General 4ssemply in Wtnnipeg, Rev Wen Rowe, rector of St Faure and Itov J 0 McCracken of Chesley, exchanged pulpits last Sunday. -J., member • of young people from Wingham attended the Methodist social at Mi. Deacon's in Wawanosh, V Tho Martin farm in Morris, containing 80 acres was sold on Tbursday.last to Mr. Robert Bloomfield fon; V1675.' Rev Crawford will be ordained into the Teesw#Lter, xud Lakelet parish at the meet- ing of l3yned in London next week, --D. M. Clark, who has spent some time in Winghaa and vicinity in the intereste of the Roseland mining claims, returned to Rossland on Theeday. -Mr. John Chilton of the Huron Steam Laundry has brought Mrs. Chilton and child here from Barrie. Empty houses are filling up fast the sung nor, -The Dominion Government has pur• chased a new road machine from the Sawyer and Massey Co., to be used at the Experimental farm at Ottawa, -Walter Belden, who went out west with a,load of horses two months ago, has returned. 14 Yr. Belden spent 8 weeks in North Dakota, and rehires with favorable reports of the west, -Mr. J, S. Weir is inoving into Mr. Sherk's cottage and Mr. James McAlpine will move into the house and store in the Tamlyn block vacated by Mr. Weir. N/-Messrit. Bell and Musgrove were in Goderich on 'Ned_ sday es delegates to the County Couuei tl the matter of County Grouts to the Public School Continuation classes. -While ploughing in one of hia fields near Delhi, Levi Vansickle turned up a piece of atone which was dated 1501, A. D., and had a number of ancient pictures en• graved on it, -F. Richmond, the tramp sent down to Goderich, for stealing a pair of boots from Messrs. Homuth and Bowels came before the County Judge and was committed to the county jail for one month. -Parties moving out their stoyes to summer kitchens should remember that a by-law provides that no person shall run a pipe through a wooden roof or wall with- out having it properly anrroandod by a brick or concrete protection. -Miss Ella Cornyn, of Wingham, was last and this week visiting friends in town. The lady had been to Exeter attending the S. S. convention where she gave a val. cable paper on "How to retain young men in the Sunday School: --`News-Record. -The young people of the Epworth League Kava a sueuessfut Imolai at the parsonage 05 Pride*" evening last, Be- ireshments were served in abunddnee after which a short program was given. The weeds were in aid of the Nissen Fund. -Mr. Val Wenzel hes peurchased from J. Robinson the brick cottage on Centre St., now in the course erection.e, This will certainly melte revery cosy home for Mr. Wenzel's mother who is at present living Cabbage l iii Listowel. a'}; j r -Levers of the "bowling eiheamer-pane" rebuild visit the park dila cnida) ovening ,. • J j`$ to *Wiese the game of baseball between the i bachelors lend the benediets of the town. . vJr lostxarant. We will not vouch for the isolates of the genie bat we can assuro our readere that I .scdonald Block there 1* likely to ba lots of sport. -The Grandan t d the a z t t e R ane Course ;see nisei+ on Wednesday afternoon. It is 80 -et 60 and 21 foot poet. Thelraming was 4601e by T. Arrosttong and speaks well for hinti for the way in which the work was done. The whole frame was finished by Six o'olook without an accident of any de- scription, When finished it will seat about 800 comfortably, ---Mr; Dan Showers appeared before the Mayor on Monday for neglecting to pay his dog taxes and contributed one dollar and costs to the funds or the town. The Mayer stated tont the next case corning before him would get the full extent of the law. The rnatimumiiue is X10. Anyone not having paid hie dog tares should do re and save costs, -Mrs. Boole of Staten Island, New York. is expected to lecture here on the 15th inst.,under• the auspices of the W. 0. T. tJ, Mrs. Boole is an able advocate of home protection against the foe of iutetxi. perauco. She is on her way to lecture at different places in Bruce. She comes high- ly recommended. Don't fail to hear her. .-In its report of a concert in the Sepoy town on May 24th, the Luckuow Sentinel says of one of our townsmen; "The cloak - man then introduced to the audience, Mr. Sullivan, of Winglusm, whose deep and powerful voice was well brought out in the various numbers which he rendered. Mr. Sullivau will always be welcome to a Lncknow platform." -At the Baptist Convention just closed in London. Rev. W. T. Norton of Owen Sound objected to a. reeotution on the pro- pose.t plohisoite. I1e declared that if the probihitiou conviction was not strong enough to parry the plebiscite in the face of the direct taxation the sentimeut was so weak that prohibition would be inoperative if secured, and Mr. Norton is right, eso Ara -On Friday morning the body of Jas. McCourt, of Chioago, formerly of Wawa - nosh, arrived here on the morning express. Deceased met his death through •a falling scaffold. He was 40 years of age and leaves a widow and two small children. ' The funeral took place on Saturday from the residence of Isis brother-in-law, Thos. Cummings, West Wav{anosh to the St. Augustine cemetery. -The attention of bicyclists is called to the fact that the by-law prohibiting riding on the sidewalks, covers the back or real- , dont streets as well as the front street. A little girl was run ovor on Minnie street one evening recently but fortunately escaped serious injury. So many children play on the resident streets, there is great danger shontd this practice continue. The Cl ief is determined to stop it. -At 4 o'clock Tuesday morning Walter ,,: g t large m and planing tnill and hew i s la sew n t3 p e sash and door factory Lucknow, took fire and the fire brigade could do little but to save the neighboring furniture factory and other buildings. Mr. Stewart's loss will be between 912,000 and 015,000. All the seasons' work, men's tools and everything else was obwplstely consumed. The elect. ric light plant which was situated in the building is also a total loss. Noehesurance. How the fire started is unknown. --Chief. Vannorman was called to Blue- vale on Tuesday to arrest Wm, Ross, a young man who is mentally deranged. Moss was in the London Asylum for over ti year !and was allowed to return to his home at Bluevale about two months ago, in the hopes that lie would reoover bet instead he has gradually grown worse and on Monday night threatened to do serines injury to the other members of the fatuity. The chief brought him to town and the unfortunate young man wax taken to Lon- don Tuesday afternoon by 33. Patterson. -Through the breaking of a line, Dr. iieunedy's carriage team got away frotn him on the Bluevale road on Saturu'ay. The buggy wits overturned and the doctor and Win. Inglis, who was with him, were thrown into the fence. Mr. Inglis snstain- $1 A. YEAR £N AOV1 N Acemexes--The Tiara staff is one roan short this week owing t ester Newman Wellwood g41144eg his handl cut. He was lifting one of tite windows in the Metho- dist church on Sunday when his hand in some manner slipped thro the pane and causing a vary deep cut Vill Monk is carrying his hand ie a cling the result of getting his hand out with oris of the machines in the Union Factory t/ -The army worn is doing great damage to orchards iu Tnrnberry and Howick. Once tbey get at tree they do not leave e leaf on it. Prompt measures should be taken with this pest. The only way to overcome thein Dace they .have act into an orchard is to spray the treee. `preen moy be protected hyputting a wide strip of tar around the trunk; but trio only eure way is spraying, TILE NEW MINISTERS. The first draft of ettitioue by the station- ing committee of the London conference gives: Lucknew, I. 13 Wallevin 13 A ; Brussels, S 11 ADM, J H Herr, R Pant. W Norton superannuated, Tee+wator, :f Ward ;NE A,B D Pordwiob, Wesley Uosens, Gorrie•7ohn S Fisher , Wroxeter, A McKibben, B A ; Bluevale, D Rogers. Whitechurch, W W Leech ; Dungannon, B Fl Hutton ; Bel - grave, F J Oaten; Nile, J W Pring;. irOOTBALL. On Saturday afternoon last the Att- wood Football Club drove over to Wing- harn to play our home team. This was Lha second game for our boys on the League Sohodule. It was expected that the game would be one of considerable merit and those who went with that ex- pectation were not disappointed. Previous to this neither the Attwood nor the Wing - ham boys had been defeated In any of the League contests . so that this game was bound to be a record breaker. The play- ing on both sides was good and resulted in a score 4-2 in favor of the Wingham team, The Attwood boys are gentlemen and we would like to see them here again. Con- siderable interest will be taken in the return match • which will be played at Attwood on July let. Wingham playa the return with Wroxeter a 'week from Saturday. J 1' McCASNY DEAD The Cinncinati Commercial Tribune of May 2Otih contains the following notice; "Mr. 3,33'. McCassy, senior member of . the firm of tticCassy Bros., manufacurers of show rases and office fixtures in this city, died at his home at Fairmount, at 7 o'clock Met night, after an illness of two months of Bright's disease. Mr. MtCassy, who at the time of his death, was only 30 years old, came to Cincinnati about ten years ago, and commanded general respect as an uptight and snccessrul business man, Ile wee never married. - Ile will be laid to rest at St. Joseph's Cemetery, Price Hill, Mon- day forenoon." J. 1?. i1cCassy was a native of this county and a resident of this place until 1882, when hs gave up his occupation here as a stock drover and shipper and went to New York when he embarked in the wholesale Commission business, He was a very capable and successful business man and laid up quite a fortune, Hls parents and brothers; D. J., M. C. and Dr. E. G. of Cincinnati, and Dr. T. C. Mc- Cassy of Concord, Kansas, and Dr. 3, H. BicCaesy, of Dayton. Ohio, survive him. PERSONALS• Miss Kew, of Whitechurch is visiting in town-*"/ Itirs. Win. Grierson is isiting friends in Parkhill. Miss Lizzie Kerr, Waterloo, is visiting at Thos. Irvin's. Mies Whistler, of Cincinnati, ti visiting at T. A.. Mills. Mr. Geo. Williamson was in town a fere days tele week. ed a severe scalp wound and Dr. Mr, D. MeCormiek, Goderich, wan in Kennedy w:Ls stunned. but they were town on Monde*". fortunate onough in escaping more serious Rev.Tames Hamilton was in Woo:1,000k injury. The horses broke away from the during the week, carriage and ran to town and were stopped Mr. and Mre, Young, to neti, oro visit - ng friends in town. 'IyrMrs, John 'Wheeler and children spent Sunday in Bolgravellee ,dins May Dunoghne loft on Tuesday last for Virden, Matr, Miss Stuart of Brn•isols is the guott of the Misses Robertson. ' Miss Maggie Kennedy is in kit. Pored on a month's vacatiuti. Mrs. Jae, Liviteestong, of NeWtoti, is vi tine friends 10 town: t. Vanstone attended the Aesizcs in Escherich anti Waterton, V . Miss Mabel Burkholder will ripened a mouth in the Queen City. dr. n, L. 1>iolsinson attended the Assizes in Goderftli this week. and Mrs. Campbell are visiting with friends In Wellesley, County Waterloo. Mrs. M tntosli, of Aliendale, yisiterl her friend, Agra, G. eforntyro Inst geek. Miss Colvin and ;Bias nell, of Teeswater, wheeled over to Wingham on Saturday. aster Morton Morton, a bicycle en. t iusiaat, o£ Wingham, was in Blyth on just as they tt`ned on Josephine St. front Victoria Steil" -The Canadian publio aro in for a genuine surprise. A Jubilee portrait of Qnecu Victoria is corning out that puts thein all in theniurde, and a beautifully strnt•It Jubilee Medal of Canadian design, is malting those who have seen it ask "What's the matter with Canada?" Both the Jubilee portrait of Her Majesty and the Medal are being issued by the Mont- troeI Star. a pretty good guarantee that they will be well up to the mark and over it. -The lisiriston Tribune says; "On Monday eveutng there was a very pleasant Marty of ratetives and friends of Mr. and lure. Scare gathered at their home, Thom- r,s street, Harhiston, to witness the mar- riage of their daughter, Miss Ar'elia (Mitly). to Mr. Kenneth Moitae, of Wing - ham. The bride presented a Very,attraot- ivo appearance, dressed in cream and carrying a handsome bouquet of fiowete. She wax supported by her sister, Mist Cassie Scare. while the groom wee assisted by :lir. Eionrtov, of Garleriob. Rev. 3. A. 8aekson, of Harriston, performed the ceremony. The party there retired to rho Saturda Standard. dining room where a handsome supper 1 was partaken of by the guests, Mr. and Rev. G. A. Gifford, II' t. A. Ph. D., tend Mrs. Meatao depilated an the night 0. 1P.1 Rev, W. W. Leech, Whitechurch, are 11. train amidst a shower of rice and the attending Conference at London. beat wishes of all who knew then," h[r. it%Mr. Wm. Honderson, of Winglrani, spent lad Mrs. Mc13ae have token up bease• Sunday at the residen a of 142re. li'Col:lroy, kospieg on John Street, Dinsley street T3Iyth NEWS NOTES The preferential clausA of the terili teemed the House of Commons, The naw Japanese lean was aubacrtlre several timet over in London. Mr. J. H. R. 1vlole>:1u, President of the Molson's Bank, died at Montreal. The Brotherhood of Railway Train- men will meet in New Orleans in 1899. Five hundred homeless carriages will be placed on the streets of Paris early in July. Mr. D. Davidson is the choice of the Centre Sirncoe Liberals for the Legisla- tive Assembly. Reports from many of the southern and western States speak of.earthquako shocks being experienced Monday. The annual meeting of the Greed Lodge•of the Loyal True Blue Associ- ation opened at Bracebridge Tuesday. Assistant Chief Wilson of the Rana tl- ton tire brigarte died from his injuries received at the Gartehore foundry tiro. George Beggs, a Kingston man, em- ployed in a drug store at Syracuse, poie- odiscsrned himselfded because his sweetheart biro. The Diana sailed from Halifax, Wed- nesday, with the expedition sent oat to inquire into the possibilities of the Hud- son Bay route. James McKenzie, a tee -year old Dun- dee boy, is dead. He was bitten by a dog about ten days a;ean+d it is thought he died from rabies. Mr. Robert Woolley. Hamilton, n letter carrier, and his wife and child were poisoned by eating canned fish They recovered under doctor's care. The steamer Shickluna collided with the steamer Tecumseh about three miles off Lhntr Point in Lake Erie, The Shickluna stank. but her crew were res- cued. George & Whitney's furniture store. Darrah's barber shop. the Moobanies' Institute and the residence of Mr. Ir- vine, in the town of Alvinstou. wore destroyed by fire. JohnGennbart, aged 45. and Ethel Rockey. aged 15. of Waisingbam were arrested at London, an their way to Port Huron. The man is charged with ablueting the girl. A deputation of members of Parlia- ment waited on the Premier to asst that 520.000 be placed in tbo supplementary estimates for the Victorian Order of Nurses fund. The jury in the case of Mrs, Fisher of St. Cethnriues, who was found drowned in a cistern a eveet. ago, returned a ver- dict of fou ed drowned. Th e husband was discharged from custody. Elarry Hamilton, a fifteen year old son of Md. Hamilton of Guelph, wee pre- sented with a parchment certificate by the Royal Humane Association for bravery in saving the life of a lad named Peter Christie, tvho went through the Mr. Proctor, of K.inburn, is learn - ice. ing cheese making at the factory.• .nTikillT1116b l,OCULLS Welman-•-A grind general servaut gid Apply at this ofaace. Something new t* Canopy -Top Bed- room euftes at Brae um Bpxrox's. 5.144 Go to Airs. t reeih'rp opposite Bane of , Parniitmtt, for ohetp•as4d stylish millinery Pine Apples, leu each;Bsivanas, Changes Lemons, t)crawberrtes, ToinaLoes and tJgcurnbere, at J, atolfe1nes. If you ddebi what your neighbors say s• aboutlretaud dcBetton'prices jut=e cull zit toad see for yourself, ' 6-140 Bridge castings and bridge iron of every description et the Ontarto iron 4.5 f J, MtriiSAf, Prt,prietor Always gond bargains in mit+inery rt Kee. Green's, oppuatte.ttana of Amami tort Ireland & Buttoia has added a delivery wagon to their business and will de;ivec goods a reasonable. drstanee. 6 14tf -.For first-olass tailoring and :eap gents' furnishings, try Webeter Ji Go. itetnember the place, in Queen's block. 1 Choice varieties of imported early seed 'potatoes, New Queen and Wilsoi,'s kirst Choice at Paruhl Dime's 4-eetf Firer and,l"eed Store Rooms, imitable for o15i:ve. nr chambers in the Maccon.11o Block. U u be leased ou application se J. 4. hotter*, Barrister, A large anti beautifnt collection of flowering pleats now on exhibition in the thbaw Block. Don't fait to see it. Will eoutinue till further notice, Gilna.tx, Iron Bridge Green douseatra on: -I hereby ggti ower Wingh Inot Tbeiheld esponsible for any will- ! on - reacted in the future by my wife Margaret Tinley, Perse lamer In Reply to oft Repeated Questions It may be well to stats, Scott's Emil, cion acts as a food as well as a medicine, Wilding up the wastedtissues and restoring perteot health after wasting fever, ZV,k/axn :-Eggs 10e. W1nglam March. - ants are always to the front. We are giv- ing a refund of 2o per doe en all eggs "'night for 80 during the pest six weeks. Also 20 per pound nn alt 90 butter. Look :tp your bill mid bring them in. We tieve ,t contract for 41 to 51 Tubs eveek'y, of choice dairy butter. Price, llo Cash. G. E. Krea. BLUEVALE. Rev. W H. Moss is attending Con- ference. Mrs. C. R. Brinker is visiting- her parents rear Detroit. Mrs. Pickford is visiting her father Mr. Edward Leech. Ti8LM11Ti,E Mrs, H. P. Harrison is on the sick list but we trust she will soon recover. Tenders leave been sent away for the Wroxeter and Betmore mail service but there are no returns as yet, The ladles in the Japanese fan drill had their photos taken by Mr. Horace Hodgson of Wingham. We understand that Government In- spector Miller will inspect the .Belmore Cheese Factory once every month dur- ing the ReiliOn. There will be held a Japanese tea under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Chureb Beltnore, on June lfith. A very excellent program is being prepared consisting of Japanose fan -drill, readings, reoitatione, eto. end - rug up with n Good -night drill by the little tots. Tea will be served in real Jtteneese style from G to 8 o'clock, Ad- mission adults 15 cents children 10 cents. TeItOXIOTBR Miss Laura Ilotlgsna, of Wingham, is the, guest el Miss C. L. Laurie. ' lir, W. H. Herr and his estimable wife ere both on the sick list. Last Saturday's sports were such a surcess that the boys are in for another ,day and posters are out aneicunoingbicycle renes, football and the other sports for Saturday 3nee 5. The fleshless house of i'iilburn ter Me- Tavieh has ceased to exist in Wroxeter, the firtn'baving tnoved and amalgamated with Hilburn Brox,, of Bedell. Don't forgot Wroxeter Horse Fair on June 10th. John Hamilton shipped a car of cattle this meek. Mr. Thos. Saunders treuewed acquaint- ances with old friends in town this week. Woe of le. Hi,inetock's little ehildreitiell into the river and was nearly drowned on Tuesday evening. Me. A. Panlin's little girl gave the alarm aril Mr. Paulin came to the Ilene in time to save the ch:l.l.1100 Mr. Joseph *Vest, of Woodstock, is visiting his brother, Rev. W. J 'Meet. Bir. Peter Fowler is building a stone residence on his farm on the llluevale road.t" T he Misses Putland took part in =1'liss O'Connor's concert in 1't'.a4e1S on 'Tuesday last. Miss Mooney, of l3rtusols, spent.a few dal, s with her aunt, Mrs. John. Diluent, Ir. Sam French who was down with typhoid fever at the house of his sister, Mrs. John McNaughton, of Tnrnberry, is recovering4/ Ijt/Rev, J. Carlton McCracken, of CnesIey, and daughter, Mildred, were visiting at Mr. John McCrack- en's on the Bluevale roads this week.l ?' 1r, Arehibald Patterson is build- ing a stone foundation under the barn, on the farm in Tarnberry whish he purchased last fall. 01.r. Whitfield Jertnyn, of Turn- l;erry, wt:o was ill with pneumonia: anti was also threatened with typhoid Lover, is now reeovering,t/ Itlessrs. King Bros, are building a double brie, Rosin, on their ferrel north of ii.i lty r. George s Henry is the architect and carpenter and McGregor Bros. of Winghain, ,will Pio the brick work, aolttfe. V•r•i+r,r,Tnrt-. Is Turnl'*rry en May tiS the wife or Mr. Wna, Stapleton of twine song. *it ^tamer -Up Wednesditp by I. •:.' i :4,0ene, (leo, Hoist to Donbledee 401. 0