The Wingham Times, 1897-05-28, Page 1VOL. XXVI.- ---",rreeemseere. eteti 1 NO. 1310. yor O. FRIDAY. MAY 28, 1897, NM A Nnt Marriage Lieeneel Issued by rums PATanson, No 23, Vie- , toria street, Winghato, that No witrigeses regumeci. WE SELL CHEAP We are paying 120. for Butterand 10c. for Eggs. -are InTfLinil left on Wednesday or New Oenveril3 0, where be hate obtalitlY ter% brothers; Mr. Ire, jareee 3.: wbod ED4 r ' - been in Ontario during the winter, r , on Thursday to Britinh ColuenbieW -The Toronto News containe e untie HEADS WIII IN BUSINESS of a marriage which occnrred et Wellaoe . 1 burg receutly which will i4fterest meny o oily readers; the coutraeting parties bele Jos. Salet and Una Fairfield, both, anti recently, ride, of Winghaeo. -The Junior La0r011E0 team, Map! ',safe, played Walkerton's Saugeen teem a Walkerton en Mendeyand were defeate 2-. Our bayonet/ to ocinapete against much older and more experienced team OUR MILLINERY TRADE for the past two months Inisexe.eeded our greatest ezpectations. We have never been so busy, there must be a reason for this, yes there is, never was the stock so large, never so choice and never as much in your favor in price as now. SPRING -Haase Cleaning is .ogain here and we have anticipated your Wants in Lee° Certain Nets, Art Muslins, - Carpets and OliclOths. Call and see our sok and get prices iwe will cat and mateh the carpet for you and save 7011 a world of trouble. See a line of Blouses we have got at 75e. they are well worth $1. OUR DRESS GOODS TRADE this season has been most satisfactory we never did as large a business. ORDERED CLOTHING AND Q-ENTS' FURNISHINGS is one . of . our hobbies, we keep the best goods ,tat the Iowe.st prices. BOOTS AND SHOES of the best kinds and prices lean your way all the time. WE SELL CHEAP. -110MUTH Sri BOWLES D. GORDON. i.0 ---SPECIALS THIS WEEK ---o • "."-- We are'. offering extra special prices in Lace Curtains this week. iiixamine the Nottingham Curtains at $1. a pair. They are 3.1in yards long. very fine net, and,PrettY 'designs the regular price of these.. curtains is $1.50. Oar curtains at $1.40 are equal to the regular $2 line, See the regular $3 Ca.rtains we are selling at $,2.25. . .- As usual we have the :prettiest and best made curtains in tOwn at 25e. a pair. Ladies' Fine Cotton Vests regular Trice 25e., special this / eek 2 for 25 ,cents. . '• . , ''See the beaatteu line of Vests .at 20 and 25 eents. • • Latch Pine Cotton qiibbed Hose special at :20 'ents. . ' Ladle3 Night Des'. very heavy cottqu'.' with linen line° trimming :regulhe price 75c. spial 50 cents. Ladle'' Fine Of A shoes, regular price i:11 25; special ;1, Men'. Dongola P.). os regular $2, special $1.65, Satupday night we will give a special discou t of 10 per cent, off M n's Hats. tiES. o— rlease note that r Teas in Blacks Young ttyson, d Spats at 25, 35, 40 an It3Oe a pound are unccput F d in value 0 We give2 lb best granulated .8ngar for $1, and 5 lbs good Coffee ugar for $1. We lead the VD for prodaee. D.M. in highest prices Imp otter. CENTRAL BUSINEgS COLLEGE, STRATFORD, - ONT. W43 fill heads with practical knowledge Tie leading commercial school in Can - oda to -day. Nine beat.tife I college rooms; excellent teacl2ers; itioderate rates; students assisted to good positions euloys splendid reputation for superior work; enter any time. Write kr par- ticulars. W. J. ELLIOTT, PrinCipal, CITY HESTURANT PINEAPPLES, CI STRAWBERRIES ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS 'Ice Cream and Cream Soda W. A. JOHNS, City Restaurant, Macdonald Block Telephone No. 35. New Ads. Canada Business College Thos. Stewart -Cow strayed. Colin A. Campbell -Toilet Soaps IV. IlIcIndao-Bargains in Shoes, &a. LOCAL NEWS, -Campbell's Heedaohe Wafers guaran- teed to cure headache. -W, T. Sullivan sang Lucknow con- cert INIonday night. • -The Wingham Choristers sang in Teeswitter Thursday night. -A. E. Simmons purchased the/Forgie property on Victoria t. for 020010! -D. M. Gordon ie moving into John Elder's house on Shuter Street, -Experimental spraying at Geo, Mof- fiat's on Friday June 4th at 2 p: m. 1 -Little Greeta Carson, who has 'been improving nicely. sick for some tiri4ts, we aro glad to say, -The Firemen were unsuccessfnl in their run at Chostey, being beaten by Wiarton and Paisley; --A flambee of the ledies employed in Mr. Olmentiam*e Glove:Factory took a day's outing on the 24th at Godericb.. -Master Dan Sheridan walked to Benesels on Monday, which is considered pod for a boy so young as Dan. --Miss ("Jerrie Cody's many friends will be sorry to learn of her illness whieheis so serious as to confine her to her beclif V -We are pleased to note that Mrs. H. Gordoe, who has been seffering from an ettaok of Typhoid Fever is Kahle to be around egainV -Brussels, Exeter Chesley, Limknow *lid Walkerton wore tbo'points of attrac- tion for many of our citizens on the Queen's Bitthday. -At a meeting of the Turf Club Associa- tion on Wednesday evenieg, the Beare earde privilege tyas seourod by H. 0. Bell Mid the booths by Jas. ItIcKelvie for the days of the races, ---The Woman's Christian Temperance Tinian will timer next Tuesday afternoon, June 1st, ut 3 d'elook in Oats Christian Workers Mission Halt. A hearty invita- tion to all women interested in the work:of the nnion is given. to" -We regret to !earn a the death of the little child of Mr. Geo. Roby of town. Ds - chased had been Buffeting from a co it tion of trouble foe about three weeks. r. and Ws ttaby have the sympathy of their many friends in thie their tad bereavement —mr. et conga E. 'Wilson, Teacher in Turnberry, 'securest second pisce in the bicycle races at Walkerton on Henday beating Sono+ and others. Ile would un- loubtedly have taken, first as he had the lead, had hetet lost hie pedals in the final heat, A. falling watmer lamp nearly tensed ft o Mitigation in the Tetriperance ou Friday night. Cool headedness and quick aetion in throwing the burning mass Mit of the windote Wart effeetiee iv controlling the Wats. No damage wits:pte heystil the dietrielit* af the letnp. ct a mid with these odds against ethein they did well to hold the elore clown as they did• -At the Range on the 24th tie ing is the score made by melt competitor : 200 yds. 400 yds W Vele 44345; ft,0; 24344, i7-47 Peerle 34434, 18; 033,45, 15-.43 P Leaver 45834, 10; 30034, 10-29 Carriok 88444, 1.8; 24434, 17-45 N Griffin 34444, 19; 02405. 1).--30 J Rogers 0(1084, 7; 30243„ 12--19 The Canacheftesiness College, Chat- ham, Ont., has for years held a high re- putation for thorough work and socoess- ful pupils, 'Pterough a report jest Oto Mud from the principal, wo learn *at forty of their students secured good positions between Jan. let wed May let, four months. This is ird exceptional record and a further assurance to those contemplating 'Such training, that thin schen' Jas no compeer in the Dominion, in the line of short hand and business training., W.A.IT POE IT, The Turn berry Agricultural Society bas completed arrangements to, run an excursion train to the Model Parte, Grelitheon Monday June 2Ist, Rood to return on the 22bel. The rates will be ex. ceediugly low. This will be an exoellent opportunity to visit the Riga' City and the Model Farm. Keep the date in inied and make arrangemehts to take, it in. A GOOD MOV. A.p effort is being put fa'rtle ley the Maybe add others. to serene Itt Local Cheese Fair for Winghain, to bo held here every alternate week during the eeason. Wing - hernia centrally situated and having ex. canton railway accomodation, woold no doubt be an excellent and convenient point tor swill a market. It is easy of aecess for a twee ty or thirty, cheese factories from which salesmen could come and return in day. As it now is,. with the fair at Listovrel, Kincardine and all points along the line from here to. Kincardine are practically shut off from the merket. otoOTBALL. The first game of football for the Maitland Leagne according to the revised schedule was played hereon Saturday even- ing last between. Wingliam sod Wroxeter. The home team seaceeded capturing two goals against one for the visiting team. Although the game was scarcely all that could be desired from a scientific point of view yet at times 401310 Very good ball was played. The cornbinatiou of the Wingtiam forwards was considerably broken by the defence game of their oppon• ents The second mace of the series will be played here on the pert; on Saturdey 't,) next at the usual hoer 5.30 . between the home team and Attwood. Attwood ennuis exceptionally well pedigreed. On Friday they defeated the Listowel teem by tl ecore of 2 to L Then again on the 24th in Brussels they defeated Brussels by a score ot 4 to 1, n, good record slimly. Untliribted- st ly Wingham Will meet their strongest opponents on Sittnedey and everyone should make it a point to be tip at the park to see a lintel: between tho only two teams iff the league that have not yet lust a game Every pevsne will be made wen emote tf51 A YEAR .LN ADVANCE: -On Friday night last end Tueeday it out the utter impossibility eie ungraded ouseeens, (3) het e. epoeiet vote of taeua4 section wee emoted by a severe frost, hieviug been formed on water steting eels. Grain j reported as being but li damaged, Pettit to some parts of the p ince suffered severely. ice Yes- ttle NURSINO TEG2 SICh. This is the tale of a most valuable 41 contise treatise on the art of mooing indiepoeed. Udell's with nierOiag at leo ventilation of the sick roorn, bathing t patient, arrainging the bed, eta. It a gives several receipts tor liquid and so foods, and tells the kind the t can be us for the different diseesee, It alto man ates the several clinettoes in which spec nersbag is a neceasity, and explains plain words the directions kr the perfor ance of these oflioes. Altogether the bo le very handsomely metten sp and illeetrated with s reprodnction from phot grepli of the Envoi Victoria Hoepit Montreal, on the cover, and interior vie of the hospitatin the body of the boo The peblishers; Veen% Davie & Lawren Co., Ltd., Montreal, will gladly mail th hook to anyone sending them a one con stamp. the me, he Ise lid eri er- in ial no. ectiouts of thorooguly teachleg eveiy literature selection fo the second and thirtf readers, teed the advisability of adoptive the plan of teaehlog only certain preeeribed seleotione for examination; this melletio seemed to be universally approved of by the teaehers present. On resuming work at 1.30 President Cameron, lienseele, in his very able speecti front the Cloth., atter his expression of gratitude for the oonfidenee of the teachers in electing hint to each a responsible posi- tioo, stated emphatically the indispeneable necessities and the very great benefits derived from Teachers' Cenventions. He pointed out that in all profeesions. there must be central organization and a einral. taueons working of their component arts; also the great power of unity and the ok inevitable lank costiergy in 10solation, He, ts,1 as well as the other teachers present, o- recognizes greet bevefits derived frcra al, preytous ooeventioue, and no glee can deny ws the fact that if a teacher wishes to keep. in k. vouch with the peofeseion, and keep. ont of ce is be toodered to Me. leheowright, who ee much persotiat incenveaiattee. Kee oreserst to introduce his subject on Teachirig e gen, aact the% niatOry. InDODONai0O it meg be wetly Bait! thala the people iii general of Wireeliato know how to vise their vitiate*, ee, 1 thee tho Publea School Illoerd mid the staff of erg ertruly belief; and entlem Mitch - At Home on Friday evening was one which *rill be long remembered he all tliobe who were fortunate enough to be present This being the jubilee year the olin ergyee of the pi toWn each gave a ten nnate address' oft the unparalleled reign of Queen Victoria. each of which was well removed; each address contained a nice eurnotery ef evente of importance. The addrese of el wcome of Mayor Merton abounded with valuable suggestione duly ea:wooed wita witticisrns, making the teeciieee feel thoroughly "at home" inepector Dearzie.se. Also gave an addrete which sneteieed the reputation eerned eorieg the dey. Tao town of Wingharn mese ale, bo-tst of ice hie own "rine," lie muse ahead the gem- f !musicians, as the vocal eeios, tieote, eta . s venttons wuere he can exchange ideas; ,owiertebaetxoeglrleainad, poeiratr tiore glaili ynt:songherefide4thm with hicolleagues. e The foreign talent of the convention was Maple Leaf," by ?Yr. Brawso- Prom( Oren — _ ....... _ Dearuess, of East Middlesex, and the seppliee in the pereen of Inspector tete----...-.....-,........e...........e.,,....eetetto,„ Wenn Huron Good Toroplars. manner in which ne bandied the various Londesboro,' May 25.-(Specia I )-- subjects committed to his ebarge proved; st West Huron. that this gentleman bad lost none of his . usefulness. The first subject treittect by At the meeting District Lodge af Good Tem Ware, Mr, Deerness was a very interesting. and one, vie , Reading throughheld here on the ,2 th the following' instructive resolution was paeri unanimously ; Parts land II in three menthe. Ile.poiet• ,,,,-,,We understand the. Dominion Gov - ed out that iu this, 0610 other lines,. cit.- ervaeat is preparing to take a, eurnstances and conditions altee cases, and plebiscite vote ori the question of the °lees, He is of opinion. that children depends a good deal upon the age • of the that success be carrying out this work t" o . rolubition of the liquor traffic, and well to get the parents to state the childreiel levying a direct tax on the people six 1114 nut ettend school- until they are.. seven, or at least ,ix ye as any other PI'" is for the purpose of raisingthe r ev ars.of age, that it is I V it being 'rumored that they intend on the mime clay, Post through a prohibition law, we hatnpering to the teacher. A. child beein- f recommend that this District Lodge. taught by sight Bey a score of words die - lung to learn words, he says,. tabou•ld be. endorse such action, believing it to similar in their lormationi. and. i4 i6a. great mistake to begin with noli, words. similar be in the best interests of the order in formenou, found in the first lessons in E the Fart 1. reader: this book or the tablet.1- that all such intentions shoald be he would not use until leseen, say; XVI, made known before the vote is taken,- Then after the quick recoguition, of the The runtaing of eleotric (tees an Stine above mentioned number of die -similar clay in Kingston will likely he take" ....____ words has been attainecli. be would. put a. Vse muds. It, is said the Lord'a Day .• number of key -words before the child end Aillanoe will necept the challenge sad see whether Buell enact is legal or not. PE RSOILVAIO• Mr, Alex Ritchie spent 24th at Stratford. Mr. R. C. Sperling weft in Lucan this nek, VAIrs. Jos. Cerro% ib visiting friends in Blyth. R. blamed spent the 24th in George. town, Mr. and Mrs. Bestede spent the holidays in Lititowel. Miss Genie Russell% visiting in Brus- seils this week. Mr. A. Roe spent the forepart of the we lc in Toronto.' Ret', Mr. KOnneasc,. of London, is visiting his son, Dr. Rennect:y1/ V. Nichol', baker, was ii London the first part of the week. so Mr. Sex, Kerit,of Sea theington„ is epend- tug a few dove itt home. Master Morris and Mee Nellie Ross spent the 24tii in Beneetield. Mrs. Jar. Mcfitelvie and eon are visiting at her old home in. Norwich. _miss Forsyth, of, (Trucefteld, is visiting her sistee, Mrs. T..11. Bess. Mr. Wesley Snell, of Grand Rapids. is visiting at his home. this week. Mrs. James Clempbell from the Coast is visiting at Mr, Dovid Campbell's. • J. Nicboll, of: the &Ink of Hamilton, Lseknow, was in, towa en Poesday. )(Dr. 3. S. Jerome spent Saturday end Seedily with Meson ni Tilsonbergoot Mist- Ida Reid, of East Wawanain's visiting her sister, Mrs. Thos. Aukl. Miss Ida Felton: attended the Baptist Conventions iteOtaroilton •and in Loudon, Mr. J, .1, Maxi of Teeswater, spent the 240 with hie brother Harry, in Wingbam, Use, W. A. Chapman attended the Baptist Cbavention in Hamilton last week. Mrs. Little, of Ingersoll, was the guest of the Missee Stewarts ou Sunday and Mon- day loot. County Councillor Stewart, was in town on Wednesday looking after the interests of this part of Ms division. Mr. Art Wade, of Kincardine, was the lest of his wide: Mr. J. E. Sevarts a nple of days this week. Mr. Frank Ballerd, of Grey; an old Lis. wet boy, was present at the meeting of le teachers* e.ssomation last week. 011ITECH N OTES Rev. Lowe and Miss Elle Cornyn attended the Animal Convention of S. S. Teachers and Church Workers at lilxeter, 'Wetineeclay and Thursday. Rev. Mr, Pocock, late pastor of the Hagersville Baptist Church has accepted an invitation to the pastorate of the Clin- ton Baptist Church and enters upon his duties at otaies, he has supplied for a few few Sundays and is greatly appreciated, says the New Erni This year the Huron County Christian Endeavor Union and the Huron County Sabbath School Aeseciation, will hold their annual conventions on Aug. 24th and 25th the first day being devoted to Sunday School work; the second to Christian En - cleaver. This nrrettgement was decided on at the convention held in Goderioli in Ailfe- net 1890, and as the leading workers are the seine in both these departroente, it Will, no doubt, Meet with the approval of those specially interested, The two Ex- enutive Committees met to arrange the programme and decided that OA convention be held Cotton ou the dates mentioned Arrangements are being merle to get two gentlemen from a diatance wini aro, epeci- atty active in there departments of olitiroli work and with the abundance of talent in the county we ore assured of the program being one of special interest. Let all 14In. delimiters and Sunday School 'iltlerkere mitten -thee' thodate it iterenge te ?tee. Met. Mrs. Lamson, sister of MM. Janne; Mc - ONO?, who heel been visaing ever Wood- ock hos returned to Wingbatn, Rev. D. Gordon. of Toemfo, opendipg a few deys with his son. It. Collate, prior going to Scotleaul for tile eminrier. Mr. W. J. Fvfe, teacher at Kincardine, wheehil to Wingliem on Saturday and spent the holidays with friends id Wing - ham and vieieity. EAST ITUR,0,70 TEACattlilS The animal meeting of the East linron Teachers' Associatioti was held In the Pub- lic School, Winghern, on Friday and Set- nedey last, Owing, to unsuitable railway connections the attendance at the opening and dosing i3essions nf the tneetitto, Wahl 1101 as large as 17 otherwise [MVO been, but the intervening meetings were Attended by 6, large assemblage nt Attentive listeners and adequate number of well prepared participants in the pregram. The first sitting woo opened by Scripture reading and ptayer, after which Plummer, the Secretary of the Aeleoeintion, read the minutes 01 1110 Mao. 18913, meeting at Seaforth, these being coufirmerl, end the general, resoletiori and reporting commit- tees appointed, Mr. Dodds, of Grey, introduced the subieet of English literat- ure. In his treatment of this enbject ninny impnrtant hints were thrown oat, vrhiall invoked profitable discussions; his method Of teaching the subject witeclearly outfitted by a blackboard eketeb: this, his opinion, forme one of the essential parts of taught literature lesson: deal* emphasis was ha on the fact that this enbjeet should be taught so as to teed the child to draft hie own him from the subject, mid thereby inculcate natural liking for the randy of earieme pampa. Brief comments item then given by Messrs, Cameron, Unsgrove iRil Intipeetor E,obb, bt which was pointed teach these by oral phonics, first. be syn. phonica,first by anedysis, them by synthesis. thesis, and then by analysis; then written (misty constables made a raid on a aileyalanir3tl.lis gyorde, frbi:lcd.sinottRithuoilexpresionstbio.r:Pgillvt 6,g Bung of cock-fightera in a ravine on conveyed by words. the Mains road, neer Waterdewne oap- 'e next paper was one by. Mr. \Tatters, lmriorr 32 game birds earl nettle. th ou Renee Week This Japer was valuable owes of a number of the men. in many aspects, and t ic diSerlaSiOna a0 - rived theretrom were very instrectire. Mr. Walters seems to fully believe that home work is neeessary, but thatit shon14 be of such a oharacter as to supplement the school work of the previous. day.. "Tem.' _•••••"-stsster---","--...ss-sre. s, -..-...s BUSINESS LOCALS. WANTED -A good general servant girl Apply at this office. Something new ilt 0y -Top Bede Mr. Cheewright's able remarks on the room suites at 112ELAND ct:BUTTON'g. 5-ldtf anach oppeeohtted, and teeny plans were , yearetitoo: subject, eflow to tench history" were 1 for cheap and stylish millinery. Go to Mrs, Green's, apposite Rank of ,no doubt eartied assey by the, tertchere, pine Appkt, to, 05017;Darsaitn8. chaiigua, Straw berries Tomatoes and Mr. Clieswright gave it very systematic .1 Lemmas, outline of his method of teecibing the ,,.,e,,,,bet,a, at j. mas.eines. subject, believing that the most effective i results at0. obtained by Best giving the , sTf";:ou doubt what your neighbors say pupils a frazo,,„1,k of the .,ht,le, "on 1 aboe t Ireland & Button'e prices jut; ,,,,,,4 an whiub to fill in dentile. Indeed the Asso- 1 and see for Yourself, 5 14ef dation istsauch indebted to Mr. Obeswright 1 I3ridge castings nerd bridge iron ofevery for his very valuable and suggestiye description at the Ontario Iron Vt ()rite treatise ou this important subject. 4.211 - .1. ‘fraitxr, Pcepristor The last, but not by' any moane the Always gond harlot es in millinery et least important topic of the first day was I Mre. Green', nopo=nto tease of 11 a re i iton that on physical culture by Miss Raid 011 Ireland & Button nag edgier{ a delivery Winghein Public; School staff. After oi wagon to their beeitiese mot will .1, ., et very creditable theoretical discussion on goods a reasonable distance. this braneh of echeol work, and a very i e '-For first-claes tailoring arta Self.4eItti4 vivid Piet"rt' (>f lh'l vast" inTcsrtmee of a setae' furnishings, try Webster & Go. well. disciplined body in order to have a i k !Itenietriber the plu,se, io feetee's bloelt. healthy tided, -dile ceiltured Young lad"( with Ii ev oleos, te eithstantiate her remarks ? Choice varieties 4)1 impoit,e1 early aced gave 0 practical exhibition of exercise on ' Potatoes, New Queee 71 Wilsoe's Ferel. the lawn whieli proved a delisht to all the (11b)h'e 81PeTer. DEAN'S i speotatore. 4-2311 • Mom: and Feed Store ir, Dearness' talk nn Composition, and A large and beautiful collection of his lecture. on :Stature Study, were emieent- iloweritie plouts now on eaoibnion In the, ly preetieste nit within the tetteli of every teltew Bleak. Don't fail to see it. Wilt teanher. so that none present could be but eontinne till further notice. benefittei. . A.44 to Mr. Mnegrove's paper on Jr. 8rd T. 0 GBAIIA:a, Ir0f1 BritdttoavrgertOweillZhati: arithmetic, this gentleman's tact ns an Norms: -I hereby give tondos that 1 aslI rcincetiormit k ton well known to need not be held reeponsibie for any dews con. comment here. In ids lecture ho ens- ',meted in the future by inv wif phaeized the importance of ciEdinite con- Imlay, Patna Innet ceptions, end the accurate and correct e Margaret _________ Statement of rules. Mr. Stewart, the delegate to the Pro - handsome /Features vincial Association, gave a very excellent SoMetitnes unsightly blotches, pimples report of the proceediegs of that body or *allow opaque skin. destroys the attreete at ire reeent meeting in Toronto, ironess of handsome feateree. In alt such The Primary Arithmetic paper of Miss onto Soott's Binulsien will build no the T 1 • degree, and sbowed deep stray and care - fol. peeparatiore this paper was !tech eii- jived by the teachers, and Inimeetor obb vouched for the practice in her school room ot the same methods trbioh were contained in the paper. The following are the officers elected:- President, Mr. J. T. Dodds, Grey; 1st V. P., Mr. T. N, Forsyth, Iiippen; 2nd V. P., Miss Taylor, Clinton; Sea. Treas., .A. H. PIntarner, 131vtin Vow. Messrs. tile& Wilson and Stewart, and Misses 13rown and raequharsen; Provincial Delegete, Mr.. 'Wm tewtorie. The resolution committee reported aft followe: (1) That the thauks of this A.seoel- titian be conveyed to the Wingham Publie Shoot Boer(' for the nee of their school building in which to held their meetings. () That wo tender our thauks to ell the member% nf this Astooiatieet Whe either read pig:tars or introduced stilljetits for din. ay ot, o Clime'', was excellent in every system an itnPagt /mimesis arid beauty., LOST AND 1'0U D. Would the par ty ind a plein gold bend ring in a pare& t at G. store on Seturd ay th please return, it and be rewarded, sage Iteirister. St4orday, rine AS- re will be sold b,poblic nuttiest at Pot lintel,Noes- vele.a !ivagon shop *17.11I t. For further particulars see ad on page Wotan I-Rggs 100. Winghout reerwit., ants are always to the front. We are ing a tOfitnd of 2c per dee in all -eggs bon fr Se during the pleat six Witaft. A.160 per IXAY:1'611 MI 9' butter. L 'sok ut>yr r bill and bring them in. We have. ft 60litX‘dt for 46 to 66 Tuba ersakIr choice itatoy butter. Price, Ito Cush, G. IL