The Wingham Times, 1897-05-14, Page 8THE W13N U .H A. 9 TIMES, MAY 14, 189 i . IMO M0 We Erie out for quality be- fitu nt•• ,link t•f price. If our prices lo,•k t•Inrtli it isn't brettuse quelity tote been alighted. It is t,inul'iv ln•ceuse ere know lite beet p;nve to buy anti tu'e setts" tied pith Inteleet profits. Ata other tt' t n is, we always bny for case. Wheel you buy here you get, tl,e credit I f our cash discounts. We cell eff'urd to 1•e more lii„•rel new than ever be - .,l fore yew. good will counts for A eunsider;.l,lr in selling At tlwse priers. • Connell wet, read ttd arared time in his remembrance, Many A CALL TO ARMS. buildings are going up and carper BRLOVRD CoktRADISs,--In no year , . tors and mesons are in demand, in the history of temperance reform During his stay here Mr. Me1Iardy's has there been such a call for enthu•' callers were treated to generous pieces of real Scotch shortbread. Mr. Wallace returned to New York • on 1Vednesday, where be will re - 1 train until he goes home in time for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Cele• oration iu London. SATURDAY t Jarvis—Johnston---That Graham Cee:..*•P,;e1,1 j Scott be instructed to put in a sur- �`y� BARGAIN face drain on the 25 sideroad between lets 25 and 26, concession 14, as the DAY. .t road bed is stopping the water run. 20 pin, r. Fancy Dress Goodsl, work to be done as soon as 2F `" circumstances will permit.—Carried. regular 4 la. Saturday Geo. Johnston—Reid—That By-law No 10 pieces }lack Dress Goods t egtllar 75e. Saturday 50e. ' 8, being a by -lay for the purpose of 3 pieces Table Linen, regular repealing all by lays passed hereto - 50e. Saturday 35c. fore forthe purpose of forming 20 pieces Factory eteton, regu- lar 7e., Seturdtcy ie. 50 pith ladies bilk Gloves, regu- lar 40c. Saturday 25e. r zI 20 d,•z ladies hose, regular 1Se S:+tnrcla.y 121e. 20 chg. Children's Ifose, regular lUe., Saturday 2 for 5c. 10 doz. ladies' Handkerchiefs, regular i0c. Saturday 2 for10 20 Parasols, regular $1.25, Saturday 90e. 15 Remnants, Carpet, Brussels Tapestry and Wool at about half price. 20 pair Lace Curtains, regular $1.75, Saturday $1.25. 50 Boys' Suits just opened regu- $3.50 Saturday $2.75. BIG SHOE SALE. 500 pair Ladies' and Gents' Fine Shoes, J. D. Kings make, about to 3• less than regular price. 50 bags Potatoes extra ehoice ,• 25c per bag. Roll Butter 10e Eggs, 8c. Store closes every evening at 7 o'clock, sharp except SAtur- 4, days• at tl M. H. McINDOO'S. Sq siastic hard work and agitation as i 1867, this jubilee year, and no time i since the "crusade" has woman had CANADA BUSINESS C CHATHAM, ON T. IT PAYS TO such an opportunity of joining hands with God in wiping front the face Of the earth its greatest curse (this is ar`„Athe goat supply school for the hest huslncss particularly LO Of Canadian women) Student, graduating nt this school Aro sire ot and it is for us to summon our coin• Road paputR employe eat, Our last weeks "t, contains thu pinoiuo of tour aides to the realization of the value p ichurtuSince toesol+hehuaplatpk.iv,rpur and1 woman's work as a factor in solving Alhur6 tPullaue as assistant huolc.l:uuper with L. for the Dominion the great robletli tt'• Karn d, Co. Woodstock. i, p serail meGaw as book-: eeper with the Banner of destroying this arch destroyer of Fret'ting Uo. tohptah ae u'atcnoltruphcr next work In a feel] ct11Cl summoning in the glad day choico position, when there will be fewer SOMA'S and COLLEGE REOPENS AFTER EASTER VACATION ON IcSs OHMIC, because the paramount TUESDAY, 20th, cause fur such IIaS been put away For Catalogue, midi; srcLACIILAN " Co., forever. Chatham, o In aggressive work the W. 0. T. U. -,..,._---a.. -nRcr -as=.men^�r-^x must be in the front rank. For ag- - --- earnest wor'; there must be many NewM1CHINsHO?1 earnest souls and many active hands eugaged. And to this end, white rib- OLLECE boners must use all the fore, s at command ; earnest .oris must win MR. JOHN MURRA . 'diem to the tanks, who will be cairn has opened out a new machine est cowls in the great work. shop, thorou hly equipped The, general ()Mees herewith send with a Polling Sub Divisions in the Town an earnest message throughout tine � Outfit o Machinry ship. be now read a first, second and Dominion ranks that every sister be third time, passed, signed and sealed up Nlid doing. We have put the nclucling an Iron Planer, --Carried. Scott—Reid—That By-law No. 9, being a by-law for the purpose of remouelling the Polling Sub Divisions of the Township be given the usual reading and passed. The polling booths were formed as follows: No. 1 to be composed of lots 28 to 35 inclusive, concession s10 and 11; lots 23 to 35 inclusive, con. 12 and 13 and lots 32 to 35 inclusive con.14 and 15, polling booth to be at sehool house section No. 10. No. 2 to be composed of lots 6 to 27 con. 10 and 11, lot3 7 to 22, eon. 12 and 13 and lots 7 to 21, con. 14 and 15, polling booth to be at school house section No. 9. No. 3 to be composed of lots 1 to 5 con. 10 and 11, lots 1 to 6, con 12 and 1" 14 and 15 and lots 21 to 38 / BLUEVALE. y Rev. J. W. Westtwas- in Toronto last week, attending the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Phillips, who died very suddenly on Tuesday morning The children of Robert Shaw and Christopher Moffatt have had the 'scarlet fever, and Dr. Toole has or- dered ed their houses to be placarded. Mrs. Bruce and Miss Ci:'oss visited iia 13russels,on Tuesday. r:. 'VhileL'drt�c•••i;ag to Trowbridge one free day last ',elk,. Messrs Joseph and th Edward. Leeel§ happened with what • might have been a serious accident. There horse get frightened at a sheep and started to run' before they cou:d get the; top of the buggy down Mr. Jo:atoll Leech hung onto the lines untill his arm was hurt and the buggy overturned. ' The horse ran for some distance before it stopped, and the travellers gathered them- selves together, and proceeded on their w' v not much the worse for 130J110. V Miss Kate Anderson'1� started for New Denver 13. C. on Thursday, to re ide at that place with her brothet'!� PV Mr. John McDonaldof the Royal IIotel moved to Listowel last week to take charge of the Station Hotel there. Mr. Putland the New own - pants of the Royal hotel, moved in las week.V While Louis Duff and Will Grey>i( were wheeling from Wingham on Monday evening, the latter was frightened by a donkey, fell off his wheel and severely injured his arm Mr. and Mt's. Fred McCracken of membership Mark. at '20,000 tor Lathes etc. and is now prepar- Canada when the W. C. T. U. eon- ed to do a general line of re - sus are taken at the convention in . October next. This means that pal.ring. Engine and Mill every white ribboner must secure Machinery repairing and pipe one new member. Eae i new mem- fitting a specialty. ber secured meens a pledged tceto- All kinds of shafting, gear- teler, a helper by influence, money ing, iron and wooden pulleys, and work in the prohibition harvest. this year have the prtvelege of ex- dliecl on shortest notice. sup - Prospects are that Canada will brass and iron castings sup- pressing herself by popular vote of JOAN MURRAY. the people for or against prohibition of the liquor traffic. While we be - that right will prevail. God's work is many times retarded b r the Ti lack of vigilance on the part of His servant'. To win this battle for God and home and native land, and win it quickly, means hard honest o work and agitation, for Satan's host Made i conA, polling booth to be at For- in the cursed traffic will leave no SPRING SUITS mosa..stone outurned to snatch the prize No. 4 to be composed of all lots in from us, whose daily prayer is, "Thy cons. 7. 8 and 9 and lots 16 • to 20, concession A, polling booth to be at Goodfellow's House. No. 5 to be composed of all lots in cons. 4, 5 and 6 and lots 8 to 15,con. A, polling booth to be at school house section No. 4. No. 6 to be composed of lots 1 to 10, concessions, 1, 2 and 3 and lots 1 to 6 concession A, polling booth to be at school house section No. 10. No. 7 to be composed of lots 11 to 35 concessions 1. 2 and 3, polling booth to be at school house section No. 2 Reid--Jarvis—That By-law No. 7, being• a by-law far the purpose of giving permission to erect a snow • fence on the 20th sideroad, concession 6, be given the usual reading and passed—Carried. Johnston—Jarvis—That as an in- digent is now leiug sick at Mr. I3aunian's house and is not in a fit condition to be removed and has neither home nor money, tbat this council allow Mr. Bauman the sum of $7 for bis keep and trouble up to the first of June. Heid--Jarvis--that the Reeve. LATEST STYLES 113 SUMMER SUITS When purchasing your Summer Suit of clothes remember G. Carr keeps in stock the largest as- sortment of new designs in Canadian and imported TWEEDS, WORSTEDS, SERGES, Fancy Vestings, Also the most up-to-date GENTS' FURNISHINGS kingdom come." With sword in one hand and trowel in the other, and G.o to God as our strength, let us build. the ' walls. �l j�8 What does apart t increased mem- -t; -�--F- R ]3 S 1 A ' I 9 f5 bership mean apart from the inffu i ence of the lives of so many more pledged people 1 It means at least 5,000 more consecrated dollars in QUEEN'S BLOCK the work throughout the Dominion by local, county, provincial and Dominion unions, money to use in educating the people to realize more fully, the dauger that lurks in the unchained monster, to the individ- ual and the state. Added to this, it means that should the Membership be increased to double what was re- ported at last meeting, one generous . hearted gentleman in Montreal will donate the snug Little prize of $500 cash. Money is needed, and money and membership can be secured by the same stroke, the force that goes into the field to agitate and educate should eagerly, joyfully and earnest- ly "to help the Lord against the mighty", the legalized liquor traffic which annually puts in drunkards' WINGHAM let by contract the digging graves in Canada over 3,000 souls, of the ditch on the 8th Con. at lot three thousand blighted lives, three 11 to give an outlet for drain—Car- ried. Jarvis—Reid—That the Reeve employ a Solictor to draw up a By- law to open the Boundary line between Kinloss and Culross and have it for next meeting of Council Carried. Report of Treasurer. To the Reeve and Council, of the Township of Culross. Gentlemen as requested by you at your last meeting of Council, I hereby furnish you with eilumiA YEoluxs, M. D., Winnipeg, a statement showing the expense ot Vice -President. keeping the gravel road open in Emm.e It. ATICINSON*,Moncton, N.B. DUN We can give you the best of Workmanship. GEO. CARR, Opposite Queen's IIotel, Winglium. t.�it-Are You_'- -,1.. AtZtAt RUPTURED ? If so it is your advantage to call on Gordon & Co.'s Drug Store, Wingham. They are the agents for the celebrated Wetmore Truss, WHY THE WETrIAORE IS THE - OWE FOR YOU 1. Because it k dangerous to be a moment lvit'nout (Inc. 2. It will never rust and is conse- quently durable. 3. A person wearing a Wetmore does not find it a bother. 4. We will trnarantee to hold in posit'.' 1 a ny reducible rupture. 5. This truss cannot possibly move after mai uetmcnt, 6, Some of etre townspeople can testify 'o its merits. 7. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. GORDON tk CO t d E \\' Furniture) awl Undertakine two —IN— X" -. .74.1W Ireland Sr, Button are putting in a complete ratoek of Furniture and Undertaking consisting of BEDROOM SUITES, PARLOR SUITES, DINING SUITES, TABLES and CHAIRS of all kinds. SIDEBOARDS, LOUNGES, SPRING BED MATTRESSES, CURTAIN POLES, PICTURES, PICTURE FRAMES, MOUNDINGS, MIRRORS, Ete., in fact everything that is kept in a FIRST -CLAS FURNITURE STORE , A complete stock of Undertaking kept an hand and prices reason- able. gar Remember the place, Ireland's old store, opposite the Mac- donald Block; (Residence opposite the foundry. Having purchased the abov- named property from Mr. A. M,' Robinson, we are tow prepared to supply a great variety of Ca-tings and to attend to all manner of re- pair work FACTORY . ;,IANAGERS—Come when your Machines require repair aiid our machinist can put theta right. thus saving you trouble and annoyance. • BRIDGE BUILDERS—Come and order your Iron from us, We order direct from the Dolling Mills and can quote you prices that are right. FARMERS --Come on Satnrclay and secure some of our argains in Plough Repairs and. Roller Castings 'which we sell cheap for cash on Sat- urday. Tiring your cast iron scrap along. IMPLEMENT ME:v---Get your repairs here instead of sending to distant points and thus save money. WANTED --A limited quantity of ,Dry 2 inch Rock Elm Plank and Dry llnple. I . RENDALL & Co. thousand, of whom it is said in the Holy Writ, "No drunkard can enter the kingdom of Heaven," The present is ours.The opportuni- ity is ours. The incentives to Barn- es work are apparent. Let us double our diligence to double our member- i ship and secure the blessing which follows work done in His name. We are faithfully yours, ANNILI O. RUTFIIIRFQRD, Toronto President, winter during the years 1895, 1806 Corresponding -Secretary. and 1897 also showing the expendi- titre of some North and South of the `Village for these years. Cost of keeping road open in 1895 Brussels and Mr. Will Gardiner of 805.15 ; Cost of keeping road open Teeswater, Sundayed at Mr. John in 1896 :59.38 Cost of keeping road G ardiner's. open in 1837 546.82. Total expendi- like Jessie Gray of Winghatn tore for these years $200.85. spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs, Seymour Thornton. Miss Millie Moss, etecompaniod her sister, Mrs. McDonald to Chesley on two and a half and throe years" imprison Saturday. mtsnt, reopc. ticel'. Mr. Win. Wallace of Dundee Scotland WAS visiting his unele Mr. I The bell presented to the ehurch at Atlthe Criminal At,sizes in Toronto Judge McMahon sentenced Dr. Walter Hamilton and ex.policeman Bustard to Robert Mellardy this week. Mt. i Gatibeau Point by Lord aid Lady Abor '6Va.ilaee says that Dandeeand the , oC her 1 xee'llency'e rescue from drowning surrounding Country has not been cry h wad blessed recently. Lord Aberdeen t;otre'rot ,a as it is now at any others mode a 'very graceful speech. deen and Capt. Sinclair in commendation .p b .. _...r. wee-,._� ELtzA. W. McLAccnl.ret, Montreal Reeordin g• Secretary. ROBERTA 1!.i. TII.SON, Ottawa, Treasurer. J1101 tee. rwFtatan.'-In Wingleam on Saturday May 8th, the viteoE Councillor Rending; a aughter.V IRELA�r' BUTTON �, 'a2/Q�®ti's®�to•st, e",r�'O�Ii�O�'����nder� 1WM I Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the only safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in thk hour and time of ,seed. i VNiozior.r.---ln lV inghanl on Sunday Is preparedintwo degrees of No, 1 r ordinary cases May lid, tl wife of Mr. A. �7icholl; of a i ie by far the best dollar medicine known daugixtor..W j —sold by drtnggists, one Dater per box. MILLita--In Killion Mi on May tib, the 1 No. ;s, for special cases --do degree. �w Ce o Mr. James, Miller, a daughter. stronger --sold by druggists. One box, SToNnitousr:�•-In I3elgrave, on May 6th Three Dollars; two boxes, Five Dollars. the wife of Mr. Kobt Stonollohso, a son No. x, or No. 2, mailed os receipt of � tetaxtat ZI) �tZice and two 3 -cent stamps. 1fC;exacrxr.s-1(isssTON .in Winghtun, ; Tho Cook Company, on tho 12th fret, at the residence of Mr. ' WiedYor, bntarto. D. i)reaver, brother-in-law of tho bride, by the tier. G. A. Gifford ?h. D., Mr. Sold in Winchani and everywher3 Jas. dl Cummings to Mins Martha Bun-' in Canada by all responsible druggists stones, • stonier —IN— PRICES ct: 48".11AtAilv+twa —THIS— t V �I Ei E �• We give special attention this week to__,„<> cav. Felt Hats from 1 to 2 dollars now 25 cents. Straw Hats from .1.5' to 20 cents now 10 cents. ' Straw Hats from 50 cents to a dollar now 25 cents. Boys and Girls' Sailors were 20 cents now for 10 cents. Boys and Girls' Sailors were from 35 to 50 cents now 20 cents. Prints from 7 to 10 cents now for 5 cents. Prints from 10 to 121; cents, now for 7 cents. Ladies' Vests now 6 for 25 cents. Lasa Curtains at one half price. Gents' Ties at your own pric Bolt Buckles were 15 cents. 25 Cents Silks per yard 10 Cents. -►� —JETS —LACES, - RIBBONS, —TWEEDS, —CORSETS, —DRESS GOODS, —FANCY TRIMMINGS, and everything else kept in a Gen- eral store, at prices to capture the trade. 1 e. now for the pound or In I U TER and EGGS same 't'At�l'E" At less than wholesale price, by tho caddies. as cash. G. M'=N'TY:H,E l MACDONALD BLOCK. WINGI•IAid, ,rs