The Wingham Times, 1897-05-14, Page 5"i. IIE WfIV GIIA 11 TIMES MAY 14, "1897. arpets and. Curtains At this Season CARPETS and CURTAINS Come to the Front' We have been preparing for sometime alas. are now e»in shape for shi.ng some good values in the above. Hemp Caa1°pet;=--- We 'would like to show a line of Hemp Carpettat 1242e; another at120e. and one at 25c. we Mel ,confident it will give yoga y�:s atieffaction. In TJnion Carpets we would like to show we can do at arse 40c •and 50e Prove, the merit of good's ,$ur„aparUla--post• rive, perfect, per,iiatnerat Cures. Cures ot scrofula in severest forms, like goitre, swelled necic,r-unnlug sores, liip disease, sores in the ryes, Cisres of Salt Iiheu'n, with: its intense itching and burning, scant heats, tetter, etc. Cures of Bolls, Pimples, ,and all other erup- tions due to impure blood. Cures of Dyspepsia anthother troubles where a good stomach ,ionic was needed. Cures of Rheumatism, Where patients were un able to work or walk for weeks. Cures of Catarrh by ea pelling the impurities whieh cause arta-sustain the disease. riCures of Nervousness,by properly toning and feeding the nerves upon pure blood. 'Cures or That Tired Feeling by restoring strength. Senator book of cures by -Wool Carpets— We'have an excellent line of Wool Carpe, at 60e 75c and JOc. Lace Curtains -- We make a hobby of *Lace Oarta.ms, During the past two weeks we have opened up 250 pairs, prices ranging from 25c :a pair to $7 a pair, The 25c line is 21r yds. long, the 500 line 3 yds. long, the 75e line Vs yds long and good width, the $1. line is 3?; yds. long and Winches wide. Different patterns. Special prices are also $1.35, $1.50, $1;75 and 42, You will find our Curtain Stock complete. M illi -Ire ery and Dress Goods -- "The Millinery and Dress Goods departments have been par- ticularly tansy. We would rather mise a sale than give alady a 'bonnet or hat that does not become her. Millinery seems lower this season, Competent 'judges tell us that the range ,of Dress Goods we are showing at We. is unsurpassed in the country. Never etas our trade been better' than thaseseason and the people keep on coming and buying in a way that indicates they appreciate our valuer n +..1 fl 3;3`'x'°® Oa rite t / Sarsaparilla THE BUDGET,, (cox-emus:0 snort a' W 7,) the eca. In that way, the Govern- ment hxe adopted a wise policy in extending the Intereolonial Railway to the city of Montreal, the seat centre of the trade of the we Sia', we promised to repeal the Franchise Act; one of the greate t iniquities ever placed upon the statute book of the country, Nothing soa,bominable in principle was ever 4srystallized into the law of this land. it was conceived in iniquity, and begotten in sin, and it was enacted have f'oreshaclotii eel in our resoluti,a,; no less than fifteen prengf:ie+ar thee we fora political purpose, Ill 1881„ but it is the same princi}'le, 11'e mach: to the people of this country, when the Conservative party met to were under deep obli►,*anon, to Great and t have proven to you that in caucus to talk over the effects of every case these prntni,aes have been their so-called National Policy for 'four or five years, Sir John Macdon• .ald was at their head, That astute statesman, that nun who in my opinion was one of the greatest leaders of men whoever appeared in a,` .. tive party asked for more advants before Canada would give anything to the mother land. `These are the men who call themselves loyal. In contradistinction to that, we had the Liberal party then showing trne loyalty. The present Minister of Marine and Fisheries (Mr, Davies) moved this as an amendment to Wu.resolution: Inasmuch as Great Britain ad,n,te the prcduets of Canada into her ports free of duty, this I Iouse is of the opinion that the present scale of duties exaicted on good mainly imported from Great Britain should . b t reduced Now this ie not exactly the policy we Montreal and Quebec last year, on+y six left in ballast; while during the same year there cadre into the, ports 1,414 vessels out of which 353 name in ballttt. Now, if we elle increase oar trade with the countries across the sea, some of those 353 will come back laden, Kid will be be better able to carry the pleeluets of Canada aer ss at lower rates than at present. Therefore, there 'will be 010re work far Canadian sin pliers and lower prices for (oluillian con- sumers. Ir, this way we shalt be benefited from both ,sdils. Now, I have plaeed befoi you Britain for allowing our goods free into her markets, and because of other advantages we have received from her during tetany years. Not• only ten months in power, no other withstanding that, the resulatitn of Government that ever existed in the Mr. Davies was voted (..Iowa by no country Gould. have done more or • t�� Ca^alias politics that assn who less than 911 Conservatives who noire better. Nor los there ever To a. I.Iroodits Ca.,,iroprtetors, Lowell, Mass. Conservative sat in this House,and not :t single been a CiUVe!'I,IOCIIt in t)11R country rue Eht: best after-dinner could take his Conservative friends one of them voted for preferential with a persoltimi vi' wore honor, '� `' ills ai d, estton. 15c. by the nose and lead them as easily trade with Great• 13ifor 'Yet then more integrity or more economy, Hoods I�iIL p , a g Id an _aminal to the mar - fairly and reasonably carried mot. Although this Government has been L L WS 18S yntl ket; he was astute enough to fear 'the coming elections, and out of his fertile brain lee 'evolved the Fran- i chise Act, hoping that the revising• • officers of his own pick and choice • U would so stuff the list as to return' I to this House. ,majority pledged to support him. Cur friends fought, that iniquitieus Act for six long months in this House, and I ani: •t.lmost sorry they dal, fur if it had, passed into law as introduced, the indignatiol, of the people would have been such dist it would have to be repealed >rvitlim a year. The Liberals promised as• soon as they got into power, that they would repeal Spell it any way you wish, either is correct a:td;the correct place to get a correct plow at a correct price is•at rb SUiIiN: aw o—o—o—o—o--as—o— 0 We are prepared to give you something nobby in Spring and Summer Suitings and of excellent Value. We turn out o1L1,y First-class Work. WANT YOIIR TRADE. c'.. - 'Give as call before purchasing. Irvin's old Stand. ��xs-lr�f.ti^-actt r� W. T. SULLIVAN. the ERT INIPLEDS :4! T that Act which legislated Conserve. no=,o,= I tive men,1at re, into this Meuse, in ; spite of the votes of thw. people, of T. H. Ross. They say times are Every person who has had his eyes very, very bard and no doubt they open during ,the last ten years knows are. I can make them a little easier as well as he knows he has a noseon for you if you •huy your Implemuents his face, that it was an Act for the here. I ha''e;a few slightly soiled purpose .ef legislating into, the plows I will sell for $10, payalble councils of the nation persons whom October '97. 'I have plows with the electorate refused to send here. We have introduced a Bill to repeal MOUL111BOA:RDS that Act, and by so doing we will rGUARA.NTEMD reduce the ;taxation on the people of American Soft Centre Cruciable this country. The Franchise Act best lawyers in the country, have Canada is the Koh• announced boldly and above -board colonies of Great Britain; and What Cast Steel, wa!teelean in any kind -of cost the treasury of the Dominican in this House, that it is not to be em- is More (cilia than that we should soil, which 1 will sell from now still $1,250,000 although we had onlytendo to Germany and Belgium. send theKoh•!•m�or of colonial states - 1st of June at erom $9.00 up. Come four revisions It has cost the people argd.that in their opinion the most men to represent; Canada in thegreat in and get one, of this country, both parties costals• favored nation clause does not apply Jubilee year of the Queen's eor•on- min at I have tons atrd'tons oto Did you hear that times are going to be better in Wingh am . :WITT St is on deck to help you out Large consignments ;Of Spring and Summer Goods in :all lines, at prices; never yet approached, and offers the greatest values to 'his customers andi the public generally itt DRESS GOODS, STAPLE AND FANCY consisting of CASHMERES, LUSTRES, SERGES, and PLAID GOODS in all qualities and colors, PM,;,INTS, GINGHAMS, ZEPHYRS, MUSLINS, DELAINES, etc. TABLE LINENS, NAPKINS & TOWELS tell us to -day that in bringingo this 'Utley are men whose characters are preferential policy we twee burrowed • •+.hove the least enepieioll, either hi their clt.thes. It is 00 snail thing. ' private or public life. Can thdse In 1892, the Conservatives wanted who sat on Lim Treasury benches a England to reduce her duties, or year or two -tgo make the sante claim, give some preference befur•e they Not at all And when I say that: would do anything for her, while at lour noble leader is the hest leader that day we offered her preferential • the Liberal party ever had, I du notetrade. I and proud to see today ; mean to disparage the great leader from the various communications I we had befure. The Hon, George, which come from the old land, that i Brown was a great man; the Iron_ both the Conservative and and Re. ' Alexander Mackenzie was a great, :'oral press there are united in laud- man. the Iron. Edward Blake was a, ing the Liberal party of Canada great man: yet in my huulhle judg- which has taken this beneticient ment we never had in this country step, not only in the interests of a lean with broader views, greater Great Britain, but alike in the inter- statesmanship or a better grasp of ests of Canada and the Empire. the affairs of Canada than the man Let me tell the House how this who now leads the grand and noble preferential resolution will beadvan-' Liberal party of Galindo; and I be- tageous to Canada, and probably I ' live when he goes to England in a will quote some figures that will as- few weeks to represent this great tonish hon. gentlemen opposite. I 'colony at the corning celebrate in of take no stock at all in the argument the Queen's .Jubilee; he will recei''e a that this preferential offer to Great greater ovation than any other man Britain is going to involve her in diffi- from any foreign country or British, culty with Germany and Belgium colony. As the Kohluoor is the, The Government after taking the brightestdiantond, and sparkles more whole matter into consideration, and brightly in the crown of the Queen after consulting probably the very than any other diamond in it, so ' of all the g least half a million more for in this ease. Even if it did, that is a arcus? Now, Sir, not one word of revision, sial .now this vast expense matter yet to be decided by the the praise 1 have given to the bon, will be wiped out as we promised highest court in the land. gentleman is flattery; out from what MR. Phlox. Did the hon. gentle- he has accomplished during the past man hear what the Minister of Trade ten months, with ;he aid of the Liber and Commerce (Sir Richard al party behind him and the wisdom Cart- wright) said in regard to that? of the men surrounding him in the MR. MACDONALD (Huron). Yes, 1 Government—men of ability, integ- rity and character—how could you did, and I heard what Mr. Laurier expect from him anything but what said this afternoon, that in the opin- and :;teat and noble, in the ion of the Government this privilege in crest of the country of which we was not to extend to Belgium and are all so proud? Germany. Now, that means just this, that after due consideration that I A large and varied stock of Tweeds of all kinds, suitable for Spring and Summer wear, at very low prices. Ready Made Clothing for men and boys, Cottonade, Denims, Flannels, Flannelettes, Cottons and Shirtings at all widths and prices. If you intend furnishing your house or a part of it this Spring, call and inspect our stock of CARPETS, LACE CURTAINS, C•HEIILLE CURTAINS, OIL CLOTHS AND STAIR CARPETS before purchasing, where yon will find a full and complete stock in these lines at prices that will save you looney every time. In addition to our immense stock of we have just received and passed into stock ten cases of the very latest sityles of Shoes and Rubbers at such prices as will insure a fit to your purse as well as year feet and our stock of plough boots and other heavy lines fur rough work is worthy of the closest inspection. Our Stock of GROCEILIES is always fresh and good, at as low prices as first class goods can be sold. Long experience in Seeds makes this store IIEADQUA RTERS PLOW REPAIRS made from Waken car wheels and canister, hard and tough and can tilt any plow. Witt sell them in lore of 6 or 12 for 35 cents spot cash. I still continue to lhr,ndle the BELL AND MORRIS PIANOS I can save you from $50 to $100 if you deal with me and give you ,gust as good as you can get from those city plug-hatdludes. Patronize your own town anehdon't forget your bumble servant T. H..[ OSS. P. ;S,—Good Organs, Sewing Mach- ines, Needles, OMs and Repairs always in stock and at right prices. T. H. R. for the SEED TRADE at lowest prices far first class home grown Seeds of all kinds, free from foul weeds such as foreign grown seeds often contain. Our seed list con sists of Blover at' all kinds, Mammoth, Red, Alsike, Luceane, Crimson, White and Senfoine, Chicago Lawn Grasses, Timothy Seed, 1.4 different varieties of Seed Corn carefully selected. Millett and Iiungarian, "Little Giant" Seeder at tnannfnctarers prices. Bear in mind, oar seeds are home grown and selected by ourselves with all the ear° that our experience of many year's in the trade convinces us to be necessary and von can rely upon getting,fresh, clean and reliabl! seeds at closest; possible prices if you bay from A 31., ''A t Chang of Business Having purchased from D. E. McDonald his Butchering I3usiness, I am now in a position to supply the public with CHOICE EATS s at lowest prices and earn- estly solicit a share of the patronage of this commun- ity. We. will always kee on hand the best mea that can be got for money D. J. GEDDEt'.S. McDonald's old stand. it should be, and our franchise will be placed upon a more egeitable basis, The Liberal party promised more than that. Q'1T.e promised preferential trade with estreat Britain and we are now carrying out that promise. The Conservative !party are very much meek and humble now, because they were obliged to eat humble pie by the electorate, but for years they claimed that they were the loyal party, that they were the men who had associations for the purpose of bringing around preferential trade with Great Britain. What a change has come over them. Today one speaker after another on the Con- servative side of the House rises in .his place to throw cold water upon this loyal and ,patrio`ic National Policy which oar Government has proposed. Let tine bring this matter in a more tangible form before hon. gentlemen. Let me point out that in 1892, the Liberal party foreshad- owed this policy of preferential trade with Great Britain. We offered this policy to the Conservative party by resolution, but the Conservatives would not accept it. Let ane show how loyal and how British these men opposite are. Why, the most British and most loyal man in this House— or at least he supposes he is—was the author of the following resolution. In April. 1892, Mr, McNeill moved: That if and when — - GLENANNAN. was the conclusion at which the , Mrs. Gilbert Stevens has been sick 'Government arrived; and, therefore, • with a complication•of troubles. She they are of the opinion that when had inflamation of the lungs, pleursy this matter is tested before the pro- ; and bilious fever. She is improving per tribunal, it will be found, that !nicely now and will soon be able to ,this offer made in the manner in . go about again. which it was made, does not violate " 's r, was reported some time ago in any way the favored -nation clause that Jas. Wallace had rented Mr. in the treaties of 1862 and 1865. i i3aintocg's farm, but it was a wrong Bat supposing it did, may not this ; report. Walter Carruthers has the policy bring shoat the final settle -1 I liainton farm. Mr. Wallace got a agent of this question more quickly :farm near Jamestown where he than if we had left it alone altogeth•! ]gloved to this week. er? Are we to be hampered in the Mr. and Mrs. John Huffman of making of our tariffs, by those treat- Lucknow, spent last Sunday Frith its, when England's opinion is that their son•in-law, Gilbert Stevens I wonder when that "when" would be. Thatif and wl,eu the Parliament of Great Britain and Ireland admit Canadian pro• clouts to the markets of the United Kin g. dom upon more favorables terms than is accorded to foreign countries; the P+trliat• inept of Canada will be prepared to accord corresponding advantages by a substantial reductio,, in the duties it imposes upon British mann fact urea goods. thefact1 we should be : eleased from the burden of them. if we are unties them, and when the most eminent statesmen of Englat.d have said time Mr. Geo. Harkness, of Culross, was the i"nt'st ',f 1'lr. Thos. :mall 1r,st innct:cv. They say George makes Nal -tent visit 111 twat vici- and again that if we find that these nity. treaties compromise our tariff policy, Mr. and Mrs, William Halliday, of they will take the first opportunity Winghten, spent Sunday last at Mr. ot denouncing them and letting us David Fadies. free in that respect? -And this de- The farmers are busy framing the parture may bring that question to a timber for James Weir's barn, which conclusion faster than that could be they intend to raise this week and done in any other way. the boys expect a big time We are told that this arrangement ,ilexes 1''ix intends to go to St. is going to be of no benefit. But I,Jgseph in about a week to work it those who have paid any attention to ; his made, atnu'in%a.nn, as business. is our shipping know that a large I going to boom in that town. So says number of our ships crossing the ocean ,11111. and carrying our produce come back in ballast. herefore, if we can in Conductor Snider, the. Grand ere..tse the trade between this country Trunk l.,engel'it, who has lived Lin r tandins that every' and the old country, we will give 'Toronto for the pest. tive years, en - precinct tier ut r ur country is pc►•initteii. � labor and profit to these ships and t :reel upon his new sphere Tuesday. ay. , to go into the English market with- thus bring about a reduction in the lila run has been from Toronto to out a single cent of duty bei hehteg transportation rates acrous the Atlan• t-tratford, but here after will be • charged anis notwithstanding the tie. 13ecause everybody knows that from London to Sarnia, Mr, Snider .1 it' a goes over loaded and come:. will shortly remove his family to fact that hi, 1 J . England gavettlpct ' ship g , ,� 1 Landon The change is at lotus t, tenant°ail trr'atnlent to nor cattle overs i back ballas, ase must charge big „ p' ' that which was accorded 1i the 1 transportiou rates than if she brotleh l I t ion for the popular conductor aid ITnItad Steles; in the face of all this, back goods, Out of 1,511 vessel:,. the many friends ot himself and es, the most loyal 1)1:ln in the Cznserva,• which left the ports of Halifax, timable wife and daughter regret bis removal from Turut,to,