The Wingham Times, 1897-05-14, Page 4THE WIN( WINMIAMMMES, MAY 14, IbI7. S rira' NEWCOMERS FOR CANADA, P.F.I.GRAI'k:. The Immigration Department of Clara Coultes returned on Monday the Government has secured another from a visit to her sister, Miss. L. aren, Wrotham, installment of txalicfans for ManitobaManitobaPeCa:emore and Armstrong shipped and the Northwest. The steamship , a car load of hogs from here on Scotia recently brought 4135 of these I Friday last. people, incl the Areadia has since Jaynes Cunningham was at Toronto a'.1tarrived with 648 more These people last week on business. . Torn Fells has his village property CAMPHOR had drafts, ete., for $15,519 among g under crop ea,a tin, having got ot it sown I N S ECT _'I' ak ; \V 1) E ;; them, but is believed by those who last -week. MOTH CAMPHOR, CIILOR€i)E LI s E B L U E .I'O N (;u.tteeteed the very' 'eget read at the low •at prkce.t. \Ya 91r,. a.,11i..g reliable goods cheap. At COLIN A. CArdPB 3LLS', 2 des S. (.1' P. li. Winghttnl fittreUtiligljam taitt•�:�t. .ti.ti 14. rot+i Err Winuipeg that they possessed a good deal more, concerning which thev n efel•red to et' Beefing. These Galicians were more or less eekcted by one of their own country- men who had studied our Northwest, and being mostly young married couples with some means, and bent on farming, they are a very desire - able class. The department of the Interior may be congratulated on its success in this quarter. particularly as there is a fair prospect of farther arrivals of the same kind. EL)14)1-t1-1L: UTES.. ft: i:.s:ti goes like all the rest. LIirF.R.aLs gamed :, oat of the 6 seats in Montreal. Hos. F. G. MARCnAND will be the Premier of •Quebec. IIoN. Da. MoNTaeras has gone to the coast -for his health. WEST Heron Libe••a1 Convention at Dungannon, Friday, May 21. "AFTER me the dela' e," Sir John linhtl inn dises- accompanied them on their journey Frank 11, heeler is s y ed at present. Thos. Seaztdrett and C. McClelland LiVd $toelc bltu•kota Montreal May MIL -There were about 700 head of butchers' cattle 450 calves, 50 sheep, 120 spring lambs and 40 store hogs and pigs for sale at the east end abattoir to -day. The butchers were present in large numbers, but trade was rather slow for some time, as the butches s were holding back for a reduction in prices, and they succeeded to some extent in reducing the price on common stuff, but prime cattle sold at about the same rates as they did last week., About 50 cattle chiefly went fiahinh en the first, of May. I large fat cows were bought by ship- evIters at from 31c to 4c per lb. Calves -- 1 brought better prices to -day. Mr, CLINTON-.Bourassa bought 1.2 good calves at an average of $5 each. Common Last Saturday Mrs. S. Wilson calves sold at from $2.25 to $3.50 underwent a serious surgical opera- each. and small ones at from $1 to tion, the trouble being a very Bang- $1.75 each. Sheep sold at from 3.e erous abscess. Her many friends to 4?!•c per lb; and spring lambs at will be delighted to learn that the front $1.7510 $4 each. Fat hogs lady is doing well and there is good sell at from 5ie to 5,e per Ili. Store MAILIOT REPORTS. W INOMM. Winghtun, Hey 13th, 1897. Correoted by P. Deans, Produce Dealer. 'Flour per 100 lbs 1 50 to 00 Fall Wheat Spring Wheat Oa1.ts, new, Barley Peas Butter,,. Eggs per dozon Wood per corer Hay per ton, Potatoes, per bushel, Tallow, per lb Dried Apples, por lb Wool 11 'HITI:CHUItCII. On Thursday evening, May the 20th, the Cantata Daniel will be given in the Presbyterian Church here by a large chorus from Wing - ham, who have been trained by G. W. Cline. This Cantata we under- stand was given in Wingham a few weeks ago, and was well received. Those of our people who heard it speak in the highest terms of praise of the wonderful production. The proceeds are to be added to the Building Fund of the church. We trope a large audience will greetour prospects for recovery. hogs sell at from sea to w.7 each, and A part of a new sett of harness young pins at from $1.`25 to $2 each. owned by Wm. Moffat was stolen East Buffalo, N. Y., May 13th,- last Wednesday. Some time ego a Cattle -Receipts, 140 cars, fairly whole new sett was stolen from Lack good demand for good handy steers, Kennedy. An effort should be made and fat cows: and heifers, and prices to locate the thieves and incar•ceraty for these grades were all stronger them. by about 100 higher, but the medi- The Clinton cricketers are getting 'um to good grades of steer cattle, as in good shape for a most successful well as the heavier grades sold at season's play. The grounds `axe in about steady to firm prises; choice the best possible shape ee isidering finished smooth fat steers $4.80 to the weather. A number. of matches $5.15 ; coarse rough steers, $3.50 to have been arranged, but the schedule $4 ; choice smooth fat heifers $.85 to is not yet complete. The first match $4,25 ; fair to good mixed butchers' ill take lace with Forest in that tool: c `2. 83 to 53 .60 ; mixed lots 070 to 072 070 to 072 018 to 020 020 to 030 037 to 038 0 9 to 0 9 0 7 to 0 7 1 00 to 1 25 800 to 850 010 to 015 o 3 to 0 3 0 '2to02i la to 23 F ,n,n t t C0pL-�+,pppg,Eisniore 'paltable to li P,aQ�, �L 1 CItY tirofarmet•nowthan itis other cro',,y, Brown Taros Co., the most exten• sive uersere house in Canada, have a vacalleS in this seetku. Write them for their terms. B gal `., ' NURSERIES, 'r,rroato, ontarl0. W p s town on May 24tH. fair quality cows and heifers, $'2.40 The first annual meeting of the to $3.35; good well fattened' caws Huron Presbyterian Union of Young $3,40 to 3.G5. Stockers and feed- lliacdonald. It looks like it. 'll Peoples Societies was held in Willis' ers-The supply was fair -about `20 feed - friends from Wingham. Church, Clinton, Tuesday. The cars from Canada and ten to twelve IN the (; urbec Provincial . election � ]�,ev; �'ylu, I+7 Aiart}n in alae absence rollers of natives ; the market was FOR SALE OR REIT. FATIM rt 00 acres, /Unless township, Bruce Co„ 75 acres cleared; stream of spri. g water, two ;rood weals; new wind -mill, gond house, large bank barn, geed stables; two acre bearing orchard, 2 miles from SVltitcchurc•h station. 4 from Luckuow; an excellent opportunity to Joirg n profitable dairy business. Apply to firs. A. Stewart, Lucknow, 1I, A. Stewart St. Thomas or A. G. Stewart, Teuswater. t}Ie;lillerals captured 53 out of 74 of the president occupied the chair. fairly active .'W1 stre::ger for both 53;.ijtS BLYTH p � g There was a good representation of the light and good kind 6f steers, �1 is the naajorily the Liberals House cleaning is the order of the the young people of the presbytery, and some clt,icc yearlings sold at will have in the next Legislature in d beheld at Smith's Bill on arose out of the topics on the pro to $1.10 Canada stock steers ay and the heartiness with which they strong prices, good st,Jck Lulls firm ; • A Liberal -Conservative Con\yen- entered into the discussions which I native stock steers good to best,$3,95. ,. , . good Quebec. The Greeks throw up the Spunze and the Turks want 5,000,000 pounds sterling. PosATBLY sttrne of our Liberal friends are sighing for more Pro- vinces to conquer. By the way, who was it that said the Liberals would nut enjoy a year's tenure ut office? A WEAK tight is being put up by the opposition at Ottawa, Sir •Cbarles and Icon. U. E. Furter have all the work to do. I` Mrc- ATWATER, late Provincial Treasurer, will be somewhat at sea a now•, being the ugly Conservative elected in Montreal. ALL Britain is chuck}inn over the odd expressiou of Kruger, president of the Transvaal republic. The wily old Boer chief has apparently made up his mind that co-operation with Britain, already on the ground, is more to be desired than a quasi - alliance with Germany. This was his comment on the effect of the equipment of the British flying squad- ron, a year ago: •'The old woman just sneezed and Germany was nowhere to be seen." ,r. BUIL FOR SERVICE. Ice jL earn ;i ;yarn 11-21,i We make a specialty of &,Ice Cream, and are pre. pared to supply it, in N large or small quantities 1J and of any favor desired A. Thoroughbred D rhanu Bull from one of the best milking berds in the Dominion of Canada. TERMS -81 cash at time of service or 31.50, with privilege or returning if necessary, if booked. 5-7tf 1VIAItx CASSELS. tF lA 14 [1 ll C' 111 to families, pie.nicing [, parties or by the dish. ter 1 rt 14 We have a good fountain and Ca also supply Cream Soda of any , 1`1:71 flavor. C lir BANANAS, PINE APPLES and al ri Frult and Confectionary ofall kinds. ��IrGive us a trial and rte can Lli'please you. 'f`'I JAS. MCA.LPINE, Ill:1Central Restaurant.(rea �^L�T�'1�+(_'t�.L-,t-a•LJ.rL-�L��L:'L-��;L�'YL`'L1� YOUR SPARE TIME. Et Mon, women. to conduct business at home. j" Work is simple writing and copving Psts of P. 111_l addresses received from local advertising, to ff} be forwarded to ns dally. No canvassing. no �1) previous experience required, but plain 1.11 writers preferred. Permanent work to those LF, 1 content to earn $e or mos o weekly in spare r 13 time. Apply to WARREN Put, Co., London, QST ti ti -t `, `it "n --saes. 7e , flt� ant, {:,-., ,-Y,^rt-s,:--,rte:-7r.-7=�„`tr�i' URES VED AUCTION SALE. tion is to le r May 19th. gramme, showed that the young I to chaise, $3.85 to . 4 do. feeders Unreserved �uotioproperty will b: hog On Saturday the regular sitting of people are alive to all that concerns ( choice to prime $4• to $4.20 ; export on Thursday t' the 12th Division Court was held in the welfare of the church and the bulls $3.50 to $3.75. -Milk cows and o'clot,tt in the of - Industry Ilall before His Honor interest of Christ's kingdom. springers -Receipts 18 cars. There Judge Doyle, the principal case be was but little change in the market ing Barr and Cole, for damages1 strictly fancy_rnilkers, $36 to $45 ; which was tried by jury. Leuyers good to fans : springers, $34 to $43. Proudfoot for plaintiff and BIair for -Veils and calves -Receipts 450 defendent. After hearing the ease head; market steady ; good to choice On the Commission. The Canada Law Journal of April 17th says : "The act to provide for the consolidation o ceipts, 1`25 cars; fairly goad demand Ontario having passed, and theworkl , being well under way, we niay hope: for good loo mediumfr weights and d . pigs - that that at the end of the year we shall but sl sorts • good porkerso choice Yorkers have this helpful revision on our book 1 p shelves. We are glad to notice that I $4 to $4.02 ; mixed packers grades $4 to $4.05 ; medium weights $4 ; heavy bogs $3.05 to, $4; Roughs $3.25 to $3.50 .-Sheep and lambs - Receipts 77 cars ; fair demand' for a 3 1.40 to X34 65. -Ho s-lte- the jury retired. They brought in f the statutes of peals $ , g a verdict of $30 damages for the plaintiff. • ` ' On Monday evening, Rev. Mc- Kenzie, a missionary from China, addressed a meeting in St. Andrew's Church. Mrs. Corbett and daughter of Tees water have been spending a few days with her mother Mrs. Heffron Dinsley- street. -able lawyer with wide experience, t both sheep and lambs, with the sup - Mr. Will Mason joined the arge 11 ply of the latter fully equal to the army of benediets- "cone la J. T. Garrow of Goderich, was, on March 30th ult., added as a commis. sioner. No better appointment could have been made. He is an l day On Monday our bailiff disposed of ' the grocery stock of F. J. M'eCaug- hey which he 'has -ha in possession • Oa Wednesday of last week the for several days. Mr,, Will Diem- remains 'of the late Neil McKinnon mond was the purchaser. - Of wer•erinterred in Maitland cemetery, Mrs. Emigh aged Miss Alice, *Tit•Crept, Gibson, and Messrs. James Sunday, with friends in Leadlenry. Butth digin, R. R. Bellows, A. MoD. On Monday evening the ,,:regular- Allan, D. Stoddard and N,. Melvor, meting of the members ott14. 0. L. •being" the pall bearers, religions No. 963 was. held in the,�.Orange sbrvief Were held at the house and Hall, y and of a sound judgement, and wi • add strength to the commission. lest demand, if not more than se, while week. for good handy lots of sheep trading at.thegrave by Revs, J. A. Ander- THE WOOLLEN F AO'PORIES. On Tuesday evening the reehittr son' Joseph Edge, and W. Godwin. meeting of the C.,' 0. F':`Bras held 'in The late Neil McKinnon had lived The Monetary Times, a well- Watson's ball. ,'sac. '-''' only'a few months in Goderich, but known commercial authority, thus Our Band i5 soon eto appear on hisposition as market clerk made fwas fairly good and the prices firm. native latnbs choice to prime $5.30 to $5.40; good to choice, $5.10 to 05.20 common to good do. $4,50 to $5 culls and common $3.25 to wf fair to common mixed sheep, $4.25 at $4.50 export sheep, $.4,10 to $4.60 frame dwelli north side Town of Timm Haid t explains why many Canadian woollen the square to enliven our citizens, him widely know throughout . the manufactories have not prospered : with a few choice selections. "Antiquated machinery, inadequate capital, out -of date methods carried WR0 ETER with them the germ t.f fataltity; and The town has been run to death a liberal estimate of the permanent with drummers this week. Repre- survivors is not more than one in sentatives of most of the leading ten. The rest had become mori- houses of Toronto and Hamilton come bund under a tariff of 50 or 60 per sailing in wearing a smile and a sum - cent. The survival of the fittieet, mer hat but they go hence with a even here, may teach us what are frown -Business is no good the lines of woollen textilies in which Mr. C. W. Andrews was lucky we can make our way. At the first enough to catch a trout weighing 1?; international exhibition, Canadian lbs. on Friday last. blankets took the first prize. Here, The C. P. R. morning train is was a hint how to select one line of nearly an hour later, ROW being due goods in which we ought to be sae. at 0.45. cessfui. Halifax tweed which flour- The Gleaners did good work here ished in the absence of special tart, iti;3, last week and as a consequence the pointed another road to success. R. T. err. are in working condition This domestic manut'aeture, as it again. was in its primitive state, has mete- Mr. {Seo. Allen, C. P. R. agent, tically disappeere:d. In the develop- Proton, renewed old acquaintances Ment of local factories, which began here last week. by doing customers' work, there Mee. J. II. Stutt is very i11. have leen regrctohle features; many Mrs. R. J. Evans, of Tceswater, is of there have un1h tunately failed to visiting roiativcs here. pass into the modern factory, not Raving been in :t position to take In repay to ;lir Charles Tupper in the advantage of methods ,Mich else- Houee of Commons, Sir Richard Cart- wi,rre brew..ucel'-, •t'ti , uur'vivors wright premsga i an early statement of will cause, !keit• ;.tucec--s to their haviur• the (,overamen s pokey, with regard to g apposing exi ort duties on pulpwood and done se.," pane logs. at : •. ... a 01.11110. .. -t .mow, adjoining townships. G. T. Fulford, manufacturer of Dr. Williams Pink Pills, is now making a circuit of the world, in the interest of the business, and in the past four months has already tra- velled 16,000 miles. He told an in- terviewer lately, that Pink Pills are advertised in 30,000 newspapers all over the world, and that, :700,000 an increase of $100.000 over last year will be spent this year in adver tising. Last year four million boxes of pills were sold, and fifty million that don't seem to prosper. pamphlets were printed and distrib- You look at him a little uted. more thoughtfully than you do at the rest and say " He is not doing well." Failure to gain in weight in a child is a danger signal. Scott's Emulsion should be taken rious niet with an accident whereby at once. It puts on fat 000 of his thighs was erushes, and Nr a lop; time after the accident his where health demands it, life was despaired of, but his strong strengthening the digestion. constitution won the battle, and Ire1 g g g was finally eeablecl to move $,round l 3CCrr & BOeVTIL', acileviil,, Out' again. Salo of Town at Swart& Hotel 20th of May at 2 r, con. A •1?a storey g an lot No. 10 on the f Victo • Street, of the Ingham. OF SALE -20 pe � cent. to be the time of sale an the balance twenty days after day of sale. PETER DEANS, Auctioneer. Wing,ham, May 6th, 1897. 5-7b. VALUABLE WOODED FARM FOR SALE. TO THE PUBLIC The Wingham Planing Mills are now running again in fall blast -- Parties wishing to have Lumber Dressed or anything in the planing mill business such as - Lot Number 3, in the 8th Concession of Turnbnrry is for sale. The property is 7 miles from Wiugbam and about 1 from Wroxeter, splendidly wooded w ith Pine, Maple, Birch and Hemlock. There are 16 acres clr,ared,the remainder being first class timber. Application maybe made to J. A. MORTON, 5-7b Barrister, Wingham. One "shuulc," don't take our paper because he thinks it is politi- cal. We presume that if it were "religious" he would back uI, in the same fashion, but if it chronicled rntu'ders, mock marriages, runaways snake stories, seaserpert yarns, the latest electrocutions, stories of green goods hien, pugilistic encounters &c.&c, with greet gusto, he would consider us almost divine. -Pilot. There doesn't seem to be very much the matter with your child. He doesn't ac- tually lose weight, but there is no gain. He belongs to that large class of children Hugh Mc(irattan, one of the old residents of Goderich and vicinity, died at his residence, corner of Bay- field road, on Friday after a long illness. The deceased who was in his 01st year, five or six years pre - AUCTION SALE. -SASII, -DOORS, -BLINDS, -CASINGS, -MOULDINGS, can have them on short notice and at lowest possible prices. I have also added a number of ;new mach- ines which Will enable me to do work cheaper and better than ever. 5. BENNETT, Successor to WATT & SON OF VALBARL`t 'FARM PROPERTY IN TIUI •-TOWNSNIP OF MORRXS. ' The following broperty will be offered for sale by Public Auction, on Thursday the 27th day of May, at 12 o'clouk noon. at Dulmago'e Hotel in the Town of Wingham, under the power of sale con- tained in a c'rtain mortgage whie•b will then be produced. The north half Lot 3, in the 2nd Con- cession of the Township of Morris, con- taining 100' stores more or les., now or lately in the occupatiun of William Martin. - TERIIs-Ten per Bent. cash at time o sale. Liberal terms for payment of bal- ance will bo made known at time of sale. For further particulars and oonditions of sale apply to Ro1OINSON, BRIEN & GInson. Vendors' Solicitors, 5.70. 74 Church St., Toronto. NOTICE. Take uoti,!o that the Municipal Coun- cil of the Town of Wingham, intends to onantruct a grauolithir sidewalk :along the Fast side or Minnie Street, between Victoria and John Streets, and to assess the final costs thersof upon the proper- ties abutting thereon and to be ti,onetit- tod thereby, and that a statenneut show- ing the lands liable to pay the said as- sessment and the names of the owners thcreof,os far as they can be asoertaine,l from the last revised, assessment roll is now filed in the officio of the clerk of the muuioipality and is open for inspection - during caries hours. The eetisiated cost of the work is 5331.84. Perseus desiring to petition 11+e said Council against undertaking the said proposed work must do so ou or before the 14,th day of June next. A Court of Itetision will loo held in the Town Hall in the said Town of t\%inxha m on Monday the 24th duty of May 1b)7, at 11. o'clock in the forenoon for the purptesa of hunting complaints wl,ioli persons interested may desire to tnaako and whieb are by law cr:;gxiz.blo by use °Mart. . J. 13. 1!'i tearao.r, Clerk. Data at Wrligttaiae this lith day of Il ay' 13917, PELT0 NS UIVIP Vill stand wear and tear for. 3 ears. No better proof can "I be given of their durability than is shown by the fact that some of these pumps put in wells 25 years ago are still working. IRON and FORCE PUMPS Supplied to Order. Repairing promptly attended to, SHOP -Diagonal St. opposite Beattie's Liven•. JOHN PELTON, Wingham, Ont. eat Dl'if®� All kinds of Fresh and Cured Meats, including Beef, Veal, Lamb, Fresh Pork, CURED HAM, \ BACON, BOLOGNA, SAUSAGE in season T. WALKER, Central Butcher Shop, Winghau•, IT'S HOT € ECESSA Y... . To lay ce,Je your soil.4 or faded RUit'l or nvol•bortt^•, Lot Mire theta to the Wingham Clean ing and Dy fn r \\-o, ke, aad have theru clean- ed. dyed and repaired tlflook like now. J. W. k;xisr,L. Proprietor. Order your...., -FOM 711= MOWTIN DAIRY. .