The Wingham Times, 1897-05-14, Page 3!' • .Ir r T�i. WING IAM TIMES, MAX 14, 1897 PHRENOLINE MEDICINES 'THE ONLY ArIsO;.,t7L'I L ' RELIT) Dix I'Itxiev i.AJI01's oY 'ane 'MARKET, Pleasant, Pure pI VIOLI1E Pheumahic $pacific and Healthful. Guaranteed to cure :Rheumatism, Sciatica, Lumbago, Gout mol Neuralgia. A sore cure for Reilanehe Dizziness Celantipittion, indi• P}� g „A , r1 gestion, Biliousness, R&1�3c7 " I3tight's Disease, Oi.,bates, Pete lysie, Couvnit,iou$, IIee:rt Disease, ate., etc Manufactured On iaa's'oe dt 8-eldsoil Merit. . PILL Sold in Wingha n, oily by Gln ".fo thec IiTad len roast Co. London, Ont. Gentimnen,-'l:'ogetquiiiker and better results from using Mrs.• Madden% Yeast than any other wo have used, and highly recommend it. BEAN Mos., Bakers THE MADDEN YEAST CO., London. fr 04, �• •�17•4T1,111, t -,„ �e M , �`x J } 1 I ! ,alt tr ; i .,, awe: J h. tm' y' ,�, G:: t. s 'L;::A1 ta .k ..: Y .y we: :'at ii.v';sty c''•.: r •WecMa Little u ! They re're 7 ciie o "e. a:'leech:). Dys; ells:a.; 1. £heli: •tlo ,.: el `.00(72 l f cr•y _ .tin ;. A per - feet :-c�n .cry ih: Dir-; i ' user., browse :nese, 13.:.. T:-: to i71 tie:.'.'rullt, Coated Tee ue Pale .a Sde, 1'•:)RNT '1IVI:.R. 'They Tie i t the ;vvri h , :: tirely I,' eta1)lc. a�`Dt't''. T. ,r,l:w V",'i4:"t•:n.r,{ uJ4Ji,�i',?q • irre .ra Substitution i.ao : and -of the clay. . : •/111 -' ct Carter's, -w,«'r1 arts •F,, and demand } c.. SKIN DISEASES! M Y 5 HAMILTON, GOQD WOR ItE rro naTroN. �a A Hamilton lady uudorgoes en expor fence and relates the history of a eovere trial. T BURDEN 2r1h, Jellied Graham, f th well• •n own north, liatllilton, wife of the lvell-kstvtrn grocer et that address, relates the fol• a lowing oireumstences. Mr; and Mrs. Graham have resided in Hamilton for the peetit years and are very well and Of Sickness and the Shadow of favorably known. Graver " .. Mrs. Graham sats: "During 'the sir ings tatanths prior to takiuy Mtiburp's heart ewe Nerve Pills I had as serious trouble arising from wrong action of the heart, BE R A - L, F i E One:oflie the y left was that I could �'�@ noG lie on any lett stile, for if I du/ bo !ny heart throbbed so violently as to give me great pain. The swallest noise or the 11roln thousands Of hOrassl fn Ssttn� slightest exertion would start my heart adel, palpitating terribly, It was impossible for me to go op a short flight of stairs Mr, George York ex -chief engieeer without stuppiug*to regnitt• my breath, Oegoodo Rills sled a resident of Toronto 1 woe excessively tiertulle tuns see liars for ever 30 yeareRye: "1 wee subject to would tremble as if w lto ague. My 11 bands feet we•a unnaturally r eun7a 'em f r t u er of t o and ae zcold, ti o r, number years 1, Physicians and re ediee did me no good and I eetTered from sharp pains in the Aty left limb was so stiff that I conte back of my head. The ellaructlirig of a scarcely get around;and in eseondeng the door would nearly set roe wile. Pre - stairs, I eotually had to drag wyuoif along. The pain was intense. Two small 'vials of biunyon's Rheumatic Cure gave me the greatest relief and I am now in spimedid health, and have not had an attack of the old, trouble since." elnnyon's, Rheumatism Cure seldom faltls;te relieve in one to three hours end cures in a few days. Price 25'c. Munyon's Dyspepsia Cure punitively cures all forms of indigestion. ared.stotn- ach trouble. Price die. Munyon's Cold Ouro prevents piton - mein iR andbreaks upa cold !n n ba few n: , hours. Price', ( . Mueyon's Cough Cure stops coug1ie, eight sweats, allays soreuese, and speodi• heals the lungs. Price, 25e. b1 unyon's Kidney Cure speedily curer!. gains in tree• bade, loins or groins and all forms of kidney disease. Price 25c. ilunyon's Headache Cure stops head- ache in three minutes. Price25e. liinllyon's Pile Ointment p sitively cures all forms of piles. Price, 2bo. Munyou's'I3ttood Cure eradicates ";til impurities of the blood. Price, `_'.5c. Munyon's Female Remedies are a t t "acnLoall vanet. 'i1 1 !n a Asthma.., raiz sills v 14 t 1 on t I s relieve in :. minutes and euro pertnaneutly. Price, w1, M unvon 's Catarrh RPmedlee never :ail. ii'he Catarrh Cure. -price 23c. -- n ntl'eata's the disease from the system, sulci the Catarrh 'Tablets -price e. - el* anee and heal the parts. Muuyun's Nerve Cure is a wouderfut c:.'rve Untie. • Price, 25c. •.1lunvon's'Vitalizer restores lest vigor Price 81. A separate cure for each disease. At all druggists, mostly 25e, a vie' Personal letters to Prof. alunyon, 11° Albert St•, 'Toronto, answered with tree modi,;al advice for any disease. • -As Narrow Iscape. On Saturday as some . fiat cars were being taken to the dock. at Goderich; the engine they were at tushed to seemiegly refused. • to act when reversed, and the rails- ;being wet and slippery. the train mad good time, As it passed the harbor saw- mill it was running rapidly, and just beyond it came in contact. with a number of cars some of Which were loaded, the consequence -beim; that the flat cars were badly dazl'iaged one of thein being broken across.'thte centre, The driver and guard saw that a' collision was inevitable, never - the -less they kept to their posts, and are deserving cotnwendation for such a strict adherence to their duty. The (r)ss to the G. T. will be considerable bat if the accident prevents future ones the lesson will be a cheap one. Perhaps the feature most deserving •of notice is the miraculous escape of Ross Bestial, who was .standing on the leading flat ear. Noticing; that 'something was wrong, he 'thought of jumping oft', but thinking that the, car alight turn over on him, refrain- ed. While he was thinking of other means of escape, the cars. cane to- gether and as they closed he jumped An eye7witness of the smash states that whim Ross jumped, the ear broke under him, and the broken pieces rising struek Mr. Rastall's feet and the force of the blow added to the force of the jump made hint rise some nine or ten feet, Strange to relate, Doss carie down on Itis feet and, was seemingly none the worse for his high jump. Ode Remedy WVhioh has Never Tailed -- Tried and Tested Ointment. Bet tune other alleged remedies for 'riles, scrotttln, eezentatic eruptions, staid head, chafing, black heads, salt rheum and skin dieeesee7 generally have proved useless, don't condemn Dr. ('hare's Ointment. It belle never been known to fail. For instp.nce, Nelson Simmons, pgeyerihittrg, Out., 'writes " I used Dr. Chase's Ointment for Itching Piles, and eau recommend it highly. Since using it I -have had perfect freedom from the disenne." Peter Irtieelren. L'Aunable, Que., had the eezent.a for three years. Tie tried three doctors, but received no benefit. Oneb ' ox of Dr. Chase's Ointment and e threer bores of Dr. Chases Pi11s cured stint completely. Lenge scale's covered hie leg and body, but 'the Ointment soon removed them. Ho will swear to these .festa. 'Chase's Ointment may bo had front .tiny dealer or from the nutnufacturere Z;dnnanson,, Bates Rc Co., 45 Lombard .tstreet, Teroeto. Price 00 cents. • gaibtlser'tt greatest remedy for Coughs, .Nerds, bronchicitnl and lung affections le Ok. Chaseet Syrup ., X.'tasced and Tor- i entina. The ensu' I a taste in wholly illegalised neither i• a l.:meant to take. :1Gwtyt'c1 bottle 26 et•u-d. , One limiest X9.11., Dr.An Przeoa,-Please inform your readers that if written to confidentially I will resit in a sealed letter , partfcutars;of a genuine, honest, home Duro, by which 1 wa n tl restored to health and s Per mueny manly vigor,years ears of offering erinh from nervous debility, sexual weakness, night leases and weak shrunken parts. 1 was •obbed and swindlers by the quacks untii X needy lost faith in mankind, bat thank heaven,atm now well, vigoroueend strong and wish to make this certain meads of cure known to others. I have nothing to «ell land want no money, bat being x firm believer in the ,pniversa1 brotherhoodd of anon, I as desirous of helping the unfer. unite to regent their health and happiness I premise on perfect secrecy, Address with stamp Wsr, '1' Mna roan, *gents' Supplies, P. 0. Box 59, St. Heed, 'Qne. quently I would wake up frightened and then was unable to get to sleep Rgah I lost flesh and because very weak and de- spoedent. 1 fort reitteral,.o in'mind and body. , For six mouths I have been constantly taking medicine, trusting that it would help me and for tithe's was wader the care of a physician, but aU the efforts 1 utade was of no uyeif, '.4.ry physician finally told any twelve era know there is no cure for lieu deeeltse," whieb made the more despondent than ever. Six weeks ago 1 was induced. to try Milkmen's Heart and Nerve Pills, and from that time my restoration to health datesee 1 have taken four boxes which I bought at Jelin ;a, Barr's Drug Store. These pills are the only medicine that hes done me any good. or given me re. lief, I. am happy to say that they prov- ed that the doctor was mistaken in say- ing twit heart (ilsealso could not be our - ed. Since Icowmen ced taking RMjibe rn'a Heart and Nerve Pills I bulve been daily getting Metter~•' I cue now go upstairs wethout trouble and attend to my duties without the slightest distress. I have gained inflesh, health h nd strength. t . My blood circulates more freely. Lying on my left side'CauRen mo no ia0Onve11IPnne or pain, and I enjoy health and restful sleep. My nerves are strong and vigor- oaa, and there has been such a radical change for the better in my condition that I an say that these wonderful pills -have preetically made a complete ewe, Irecoaunood them without the slight- est hesitatitw to all suferera .trom this or similar cemiaints. (Signti;�'i Mrs. Jas Graham, lltimilton Ont. TORTURED and HELPLESS. (ec+Y'1'Ieuxr) note MAGE 0.) country no less;; ban $54,00i a yea t' even paying t,4e increased bounty which the tiovernutent has promised to pay, It has been a Savin;:; t b the country of no- cess than $54,000 an the basis of that calculation. The Liberal party promised to reduce the duty on coal. all, It le said that some people ran their cam- paign on the eoal oil. I never did that, a.lthougir,,in this House I took an active part during two seesione in urging on the Goverment to a reduction of the duty, and 1 repeat- edly .told my constituents that it was an imposition to ark them to pay 100 per cent on any prodxets that could be manufactured here' 'at reasonable cost; and I also stated it was a heavy burden, and that we demanded from tlic'Conservative party a reduction 'I t .. Of i and that ut ttw ift. t , 4t ins into Yi to power we would reduce the duty. I never advoeated the placing of.,goat oil on the free list. I was accused the outer day of having stated Bur- in; trey speech, I think in 1892, that I advocated tree oil. I suppose few hon. nleinbei s ie this hon e e remem- ber the speech, and in order to re- fresh their memories T will read some quotations. The speech .was deliver- ed on 30th May, 1892, 1 said "1 aur not opposed `to the Nation- al Policy in respect'tO coal oil, bur I am opposed to the excessive duty of over 100 per cent in. favour of the coal oil interest, because this enables them to control the industry of relin- ing oil, Further on 1 said: Although I am fa.voura,ble to ex- tending to this industry a reasonable protection, it is• wrong, I think, in the interest of the consuming popula the interest of the consuming popula- tion of this country, to exteud to the refiners a protection of 100 or 12a per emit. Thin yeas the case at that time. I farther I slid r • 7 pronged forks, maths, farm of field rollers, post hole diggers, all reduced from 36 to 25 per cent. Barbed-wire and binder twine have been placed on the free list. horse powers, threshers, steam engines, separstore, feeder or feed cutter or machines, potato diggers', farm wagons, grain crusbersedanning mills, hay tedderr-, wind !mills, puipps, tic•, buee heed , reduced from 30 to 25 per cent.; Here are 2-I artielea which farnbere largely use, and en all these rrnport- ant reductions have been made, Another promise made by the' Liberal party has been fulfilled. We promised to do our very best for the people, not only for the farmers; ht t' for the whole people of the Dominion to secure reduced transportation rates. Although we cannot increase the prices of agricultural products in Lr gland by any legislation enact. ed here, we can adopt measures- to enable the farmers to get their pro- ducts to market as cheaply as pos- sible. The Government have adopted two or three methods by which to accomplish this result. One is to extend the Intereolonial Railway to Montreal. I believe this is a bold stroke of policy and one in the inter- est of the country, because when this extension is carried out, it will beeomc an active competitor of the Grand Trunk and Canadian Pacific Railway at the poiwt of reception of t 't p1• oil u s from theg real west atnd if a combination were entered into between those two great private interests, the Government railway would modify that combination by giving proper rates to people on• their products sent from the west to CONTINUED ON PAGE 5.. Undoubtedly the Best.• • GENTLEMEN, ---I wish to say that 1?r. Peeler's Extraet of Wild Streberry hos proved to be at wonderful remedy in. my family. We would not be without it for say it t4r r• sue its tCO. 1 s 1al the best (not p t O merely one of the hest but the beet) meelicioe ever brought before the pu'blie If the Government should reduce for Rummer complaint di•.rnccna, either the duty f'rt)ru7 1 -5th cents to, s.3:' in children or In adults. 5 cents a gallon, it would relieve the JolzN. WIDErRthc1 Taicense t.lomtnisciener Strathelair Man., people of at least one-third of the burdens which they are now obliged -"-- '-` to bear in this platter. 1 hope the Ery sieeiaa Cured. Government will. reconsider this CrEN•rLL;rev,--In the spring or 1533I . was t.utcen with erysipetau ill the face. question --not upon the basis of free mrinreh batt roe in r bad state of health, trade, because I Bohol contend that hitt hat•i:;g taken ore bottle of Burdock Coal 011 should he put on the free list Mood Fritters, 1 oan truly say that it fur•, so long ars we have the National etred ate. You are nt liberty to refer any 1S?iRrn. tTIsa11XAS TIOASDs or vi(vrItts AIrD I6 NO I)olicyen this country, it is only one' t0 me for further partlrulars, as re- rightsEsrNCxol: OF PRItRONB-SOU1'II A1IlURICA5t •' aarcts this wonderful ntt'+Ilirine. end just, and equitable than Jetsas S. Crio4;aaR ' BERT 1fATIC t:UItE n1cei,re We cam:Geese , AND IISSAL9 9110 'WOUNDS - Hr IsrrttT$- protection l;Iruu}d he given to the oil Scuta Farnington, Annapolis, N. S. sm.= zt six horns. pto(lacers, as well as to every other ____-- industry along the line of justice. I GoodProspeots in The West. Goo: 'W. Platt, Manager, World's News • trust that the tiovernInent i�itl, try Ter - pager Agency pronto, says : 'I amu ata tsl nitobit and the Northwest 'i'< r - loss for words to express Tay fleelings of s:n• to see their way e1 itr to reduce the i itc]rie slater upon this seatsani' with sere gratitude and thankfulness far whet duty upon earl oil to 5 cents a gal- particularly bright prospects, and South American rheumatics Core has done Ton' the agricultural people have special forme . AA a result of exposure I was `y p p p taken with a severe attack of rheumatic 1 was accused Tsere the other day reason to regard the out look All; fever which affected both my knees, I of or having preached free trade as hopeful and encouraging. Seeding is suffered pain almost beyond human endue- regards that article. The Govern- far advanced in all districts except. lance. Raving hoard of marvellous 'retires tm;r,t and the Liberal art have those in the Red River Vallee being affected by South American Rheum- atic.partylying Curo,1 gave i•t a trial. After taking fulfilled their promises to reduce the the overfiow of the river having throe donor, the pairs entirely left me, and daty on coal oil to 5 cents, and I somewhat delayed operations. All two bottles have made .a new man of The. Must say that I would not be sorry seeding; will Le Complete by the and In three days I left my Usti. Now to see the reduction carried a little middle of this mouth. Last year every tracoot the rheillnatiera has. d:r+ap- pearcd.-Sold at ChiahoInt's Drug Store. lower•, and in my opinion it would seeding was going on until the first be better in the interest of the con- and even the second week of June. sumer to have to have greater free- A harvest at least two orthree'n eeks dam in regard to the distribution of eaariier than the average season is coal oil in tank ears. 011 in tank now assured, and the excessive care can only be distributed. at 75 : moisture this season, if theexperience paints in the Dominion, 39 in On- I of the past inay be taken asacriterion is a guarantee of a bountiful crop, Indications now are that there will be quite a Iarge increase in the acreage under cultivations. Sonte districts report an itirsrease of 50 per The immigrations dine far this season has been heavier' than for tn'iny years, and during each week several special settlers' trains con- tinue to arrive. More bona fide set- tlers have already been brought in this to redia"e the duty on ageioultural year than since 1880, which was a implements. Icon. gentleman oppo- record year in itntnigration. The site say that we have riot fulfilled. great bulk of the settlers from Ont. that promise. There ,were a few ario and Eastern Canada this season :Agricultural implements en which have located in the Dauphin district and will treble its population before the season ends. Most of the foreign immigrants_choose farms in the Northwest erritories. The present year 1895 began on Friday and will end on Friday, and has fifty-three Fridays in it. Superstitious people believe that this 13 ominous, and are looking for .fill I taricr; 18 in Quebec, 10 in New sorts of things to occur. ! I rk nswiCk,. 7 in Nava Scotia, ' 5 in • I ATII D- 1 •'-HAND. • naAtva Ann 7rArzassso GC IIAttD-I:r•RAND- wrra 5To11AC1t ABO iCfirv1Ss ALL, otrr ar Mauitoba and the North-west Ter• ritories-and 4 in British Columbia,. 1 think the points at whieh _coal oil should he distributed in tank cars shottld be increased, so as to give eons, tttaALTmt AIM* wtrriassa ARE UN - the people ars opportunity t..: bring Icrta\t•a. the oil 1» as cheaply as possible ends B'rSnk A. Gadbois, Cornwall Ontario; OM stave at teat:;t One cent per says: "I oras for several years n great gallon. sufferer from indigestion, dyspepsia and The Liberal party also promised nervousness. I took many remedies without any relief. 7 saw South Areorioan Nervine advertised. 1 procured a hettle and can truthfully say it is the best medicine I ever used, and I strongly recommend it to any one wafering as I did, A fete noses wondertnly helped me, and two bottles made a new num of me." It cores by direct action on the nerves. ---Sold at Chisllolm's Drug Store. Bales Cured in 8 to Nights -Itch Ing Burning Skin Dinoases lis- slaved ltt One day. Dr. ,tgnew'e Ointment will caro all oases ,g .1 0six s1 htta ' hi piton in from three to n of ntC i s t.'n p One application brings comfort. I o1 blind and bleeding piles: it is peerlese. Also cores toter, salt rheum, eaz emu. barbers' telt, anti all eruptions of the skint, ltolioyesi in one dtty. 115 cents. bon. gentlemen opposite made a steep ent in 1891, and it was made for a. purpose --either 35 per cent. Was sin extortionate rate, or the rate was reduced to meet the demands of the people on the eve of an election. They made suet] a deep cut on eight articles that now, tinder a revenue; tariff, we find the e is a 1 i on i e duty to prxce revenue from tthAt partit'nt:u S0nree. Bat we constantly timed the feovernnuent at that time to reduce the duties on itlnnerons orther articles need by farmers Souris, Men.. Sept. 21'98 Liotowot Sept. 22 %A throughrint the Country. Let me s;ty Messrs, itdreenenn Bates tt Co. iebeenten Baton tic Co. Ctontloroan,- Ihtwe pleasure i(twring that muter this �nety Libel al tariff Mate sire, -I llrld rcti-,ttrltabty welt withyour ponds taking my teetommte and that Dr. Chase's Ointment, idle; Caterre,b "1t"e have reduced the duties rill tit's' a,ppnar to be giving every satitfeetlon , f ei i nil nest` s •e rsold Cern anti 1! n cad a 7 n nun a1 • u e e nthefA• o our tat C � ti to byt.G of p twenty.four ate• arelrles largely need bre es :,dace da f, . stalling *ell and ere giving every setts farmers, 'rheas a,131.1 ins aro :ts fol • rme ilaif gross of your Caste's Kidney faction Many of my easiomsrs have , } i.lvpr kills, erne daring the 'month el spoken highly its their praise. IOW \01 tic c tits o, re A}siti iookt., r Auglcat, .T. A.. 1t&'aue hey or maw knietew, hoes, 1•Rkee, L S. Suint, Sola'', Man, Iwtagyard's Yellow 1111. The great prin cure. Used external- ly. onroa Itheumetism, swellings, sprains bruises, n etiffnees and sin and soreness.: or any kind. Iuternelly used curet,t; croup, colds, sore throat, hoaroeness asthma, Bronchitis, (piney etc. Price 25c, all druggists. SA WL111u41411444444 f' j'" { tr• ot= a k OQf 4 Fess. '" 1.1,,.s• ,•,•n Pre. desiring to grm'tiy t 1,. -':.• • •1.•.+nbs ri lien list :makes the uliote,r14c great 11'• to thefa'•myrs and stoclignelt of an .g whereby *:ub- 'e.lrii,ctstoWe ;1yroe Pres- will get ,l Qsle Ye f's ti etFree. Fere ess� .1x,, to arrange. r 1 9`•17.+ emo 'V,11 the 171'' - ars, 'eie'I. M 1'nillishir.g 1,. for a n saber of cop ns o .s • boo � n •. 1 Vo t hail k "'1' 0 ) 1 n r• Saloom." h to ya y a a :It t ht: ..•e • x t• see . N l .,./. A f whi ,h f ( 3 TUF . i ....Ir. retro• and in pl :in bin7lle a 1„•. = ln,.; 1,1), raiit•,tse•1 i ncf. r satinet,* U mr.• U,- A•nnlals 0111 i'r tlitr: a'.wo • u11'.+ (illi!• +tui!dev.•ri IlonofJ'ledietue Inc: 11t 1';.:;.:`o tt.l,t eryfarmer can p i1 11i. own veterinary.' '• t':,•• 11'••a•k i}• Fret) Pro 1111 11)11)1 .i"- f nn„ i l,1 • • o yi.41' (Pt c'• 7J o 1irei .•.Y .1 Tb ,' ,''e1•va'1'F 0 • ii�1`iei' :• •,,rad it •% 'Il be 111 ii 1 1) ,+ 11 :141- ,1s.. 11•.0 1r......o.rp1. er T s e (•iicry ah• .,„t .,.. ,i,:. .•!1•,1.<. u _ _ ... : ,.• 111",• -!h•. -out'•,• ti.f .16..-1 (+,• . • . • rr.. •"+1161 it ttos a-. ..b •...i A. 1.. i-1ts•:It `'r,ihto s r.d 7 $.. 1 if.. 1 r. .. Or. i tir:-r,F r.•.•.1::car; 1v• ,or tu' •-1;'•.titals t.; tho (7:11111 t<•t,. ,,,"�. tlr •;r•c•tirtl . 4, 1, 1, 1. Rt-• t • 1 n +, ok i'•of- alt 1 PEE. 41411•ene g Prifitl'ni,7 Lando, , (Int • • r. ; ; ar;ZT9>,"y':?�'illiiTii'17tlPTf liF Cure.' REI,ii:R` G.tL. ,Ye'r ,iZ,>w'&i%wY. ., , a,..,. ,,,...,.:..tee SARSAPARILLA iT IS PROMPT RELIABLE AND NEVER FAiLS. IRTIZA •S• 1/11 r,..u4o441g, YOU Ask your Druggist or Dealer Ilk it •--•m>m.sstm,a• BRISTOL'S 8 301..1L x• R I•P•A•N•S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine: Cures the wassormacAs common every -day ills of Inmanity. TAe,P \Cramps, Colic, Curds, DTARZurosA, DirS2.v1maxtr, a:'d all .HOW.a.4 COIWZAI2V'1'S.•`lta, el Sure, Safe, Quick Cure for these troubles is r• A at a' . 7 a H p ,IYiT , rsed intern ly sxua ..txlters.ui;;y. w,7? - Iwo Sizes, Ole. awl BSc. bodies.. :1,1..„'` (pLlrtts nt, ns'.) ry ••.,,tr•. . f!(r, 97 ilJ Ifo. s 1 64 f.csSr,s © tleto's:omea l 'r•19.,"Ingt.v.i,e,n 1nP • of caaas 01 ae'Ua lgie wad swan:natic t ^4t end' �•�, •S , 1•,h p ia41 t(i(1 L: x. -�,,+ 1,1(1555t141095 Oita 1 1x,::.l,tcrl,h- e- :F t 17.. t:at i Ol'ntd, tIliek76.. I 111ve need Watts d MO OM Iu ravarii t l 1 a sat r1 onlaatt,m, , nil a' :t r a tl1liltraYen1m &l5-,lfit s.1 l ln»G.Lcb:7 rf. pi 1, t - �.+ it CatesStelatietryLambe r1.i.r•N)l- .nigia►, mills tri Bator or y.,1,e, t r any :$us0Wri.r i'airta. Pr! -e 0 -teeter lei Ila were:tee tt4 .,,'F-iid, 'tar, 1 �:,ot.• 1'1 ,I.Y18t(.rd, iV1O1t'1..t ,X,.