The Wingham Times, 1897-04-09, Page 8lr t• h1 p in se w 21 ra of Ise he' Wit Tull', lt' \ i' IJ.1 U.I lA T 1 tE, APIUL 9, 1897, •'Lia ter- ._. _� �- ' care melt about thinee us I'0�11,; e'Wf1 k" 2Jetra tea�-l^"'.Cs 'C.."t teee,4 avez _ �'", a r••±w�s !r•eor- .. and there le scarcely RR ugly print al )teens of head t;ea)c had ospreys to : I `' «, among them. Pnr'ascls, haveeven an Ghent. Some roses on a hat rtt the as she was selling hats and borvtnets, Il • • hand- les of silver end gold, ,ut 1 g , window were yellow with Clark ()nee told the that it gave her a good 11 ��' �N cd„cs , crt of ,lt asure. k<) tie raid by tie•th imitation rubies, lne ge s if they bed been browned curs shre, tovariz was lleasin �(`'' s hoes ate aluntt the saute its t;suttl. A• slit*litly= in tiro. Tiny borders of en til e pleasing Inice. pair of slip;;ers lire r,rnauaettt'd • blo$sutt►s are put arc)uncl the tops of suer euti5lac rely, Sn If aur, u>tzillirter o—o—o--o—o—o—' o S TiII�I;�: Y BARGAIN AI y " ` 1 with cut btecl buckles. Ut* bland Crawtrs, tl a base and around the t'irn n BkCS 11tits (a SULt yt•u! rnclivltlua1 1 1� t° be prized, "1`rvu ct titter calors of fl,,wers ora fry. slid improve }'our' Appearance, I [ We arc prepared to give you something nobby in ,,, Saturday we throw on the shoes are likely F ,ere Spring and Summer Suitings and of excellent Value, We Now that spring is here, everyone' often to be seen on one hat or bonnet ti praise her, it will cost you nothin iIi counters Great Bargains lath of t ai :lila it may helpher, Dress (roods, Silks, Linens, ; is interested in new furnishings, wall, and they look all right too. White Some milliners too sharp though; turn out ot<l• yirst,cltiss Work. �'� Staples, Dress Trftntt.ings, l+pulp paper etc. The book -stores have aif poppies with lilac!; hearts appeared Keep your eye on tem. I heard 't --- r=--WV.ZE WA11i'�' VOID T'1'1 .tDD. p' en one et two.r ttruidgry, tents' k urnishit)gs, , received large quuntitigs of wal)ilk"(; Give ns a call before purchasing. el re tunny ladies say thet the millinery Hosiery, (=loves, Lace Curtains paper of fine quality, window shades }USS walt.Aar the other evening was bard to re- .11 W. '�". SULLIVAN, 't' and Carpets. So buy now and window fietnres. Curtains cif i when you ha\c such chances as < tlae nicest ntuslins and 1'teo are to ho nits a large�evlttttiliebglarl flowers and lie in a,confusedis heap in ones�i brain Irvin's old Stand. i. Al. II. 11cItxloo is giving on seen in the dry gouda ,tures, while, ,a large , pall, lir ar.,_ told S, -, -„, , -- -sere Saturday. the easy chairs, reception chairs and i and btaetz tips. A hlaek sailor and cannot be brought out and de• r ; .�,r -F„�tic � ,�c. �ca-7 -�+ ,r, �,c,�.� �4 fi' I --gr a' ,�' , ALL • (;rRNA .' SHO.i- SALEmaasiq cabinets, we looked I by= rho had ribbon one side unci a targe fitted.war= of furniture, were really hand• bunch of vers naltural looking red A little buy .vith miler all over his ._. _..a.... some.rclover on the other. A stiff white etothes came into a store and asked Even the drug stores lend them- : chip hat with a tali crown was ad•for bdryg °, to the)ostorekeepershisiMoney- selves to this season of renovating.) mired by many. Three black eon in.Although Renew your complexion with Dr. feathers were put at the back, A. was busy he stopped to talk to the Campbell's Arsenic Wafers, endorsed wreath of purple flowers and green boy and gave him the box. It was by doctors throughout America and satin leaves encircled the crown. nice of him. The boy went out,witli sold in Wingham. They will bents, , This hat bad ribbons to tie under the joy shining right through the mud, lit your health and consequently im- chin, and le just the thing fora tall Even the nicest boys get their faces prove complexion. well dressed girl. When silo gets it ! dirty. We were sure tins was a nice I must speak now of the princi- she should get her photograph taken boy and surely he'll be good to his pal attraction of last Friday; the for the hat will be pretty and quaint pigeons. In this age or 'manias' why millinery openings. A large crowd long after fasion hacd pissed it by. doesn't somebody give a name to the was in town to witness then, people In the fancy work department Miss mania, Fontc eierkf arid merchants from the country, and neighboring Wallace shows some dainty five o' have of nearly pulling the clothes off towns as well as the townspeople. clock tea cloths. Special notice a body to get them to bay should be given the one embroidered Bow kindly the Wingham clerks with a design of sweet peas and inquire, you have commenced your mignonette, in silks. of natural colors spring ploughing yet, and we answer A centre piece for a dinner table is that ours was nearly all done in the also very .pretty. The silk is cut fall. and worked to represent cut jewels. "Say dill! Ileres a nice. hat That's A silk denim cover for a sofa pillow, got up— -• has :t wreath of sweet briar roses "Yes," said 13111, "It goti up in stamped npon it, to be worked in the morning. Roman floss. Driving home raede ns very sleepy • aims noYD'S. We slept soundly dreaming ell the while of the lovely hats and . bonnets and in the morning wakened, (as the p,tp.,rs say of a newly married pair just returned from their wedding trill) to Eettle down to the stern real- ities of life. A BLunw LE GIn b. 300 pair of ladies' Fine Kid 1 Slices, hand turned soles, laeced' and buttoned, Oxfords or Toe Slippers.. Black, Tan Or Ox - Blood regular $1.75, Saturday for $1.35. 150 pair Children's fancy :,hoes and slippers, Black and Tan, laced or buttoned, regular $1.10 for 80c, OTE DOLLAR. We are figuring on the big- gest Hat Day of the season and', will sell 50 Hard and Soft Hetet. Black and Colored, regular t $1,50 and ;1.75 for One Dollar t Saturday only. feCeRt .0 CO 50 Boy's 2 piece. Suits extra good quality, light or dark, regular ?3, $3,50 and $3.75, Saturday for ;2.50. I SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY. 18 Women's Capes, regular 75e. and for 90e for 6ae. 10 dozen Ladies' Kid Gloves, reg- ular $$1 for 13e. 10 dozen Handkerchiefs, plain or' ( fancy, regular 10e. for 5e. ' 10 dozen Gents' Linen Collars reg- ular20c. for 15c. 5 1)z)A U a)'al1t•,, r.i.altr $1..21 1. for 95e, 5 dozen Parasols, regular $1.50 for X31 20 6 pieces tine all wool Tweed,n,ade ‘ to order, regular $15, Satur- day your choice for $12.50 , 20 dozen children's Black Cotton -, Hose, biles 41z, 5, 6, regular ;� 12}1ce. Saturday 2 for 5c, ) Secure ooe of our $25 cards and have your photos taken free, Cab- inet siee. j If.. M. 11. McINDOO'S- MISS MCPHERSON'S. Near the door was a hat of pale straw, a very tall crown and rhn of rough colored straw ornament- ed with ribbon and lilacs, and is an artistic head dress for a young girl. A back and white affair had an open work rim that came over the face. The black was turned up to the crown, and a bunch of field daisies was sewed on to appear careless. It had a bow of black and white rib- bon. This shape is considered st, lish in the States. One little table was devoted to turbans and bonnets of mourning material. A rough white chip in the window had three white tips, some green grass and ribbon. Scarlet geraniums looked very effective on a black hat, There was a beautiful white legho.n trimmed with feathers and flowers, but the hat itself, a large crowned one, was so fine that it required but very little trimming. It looks simple, but simplicity costs. Bonnets I think are in the minoity. Those shown arc black, many of them vo- lleyed with red flowers. One turban was green with a tall • bow of pale blue at one side, and cowelipa spring ing out at the other. Beautiful flowers are here in abundance. There aro some tittle girls hats here, with wreaths of pink daisies, slightly withered one would think so closely do they resemple the natural flowers. Rosette of white and bite chiffon, help the daisies to adorn the ha':. A most charming hat for the tall girl again is composed of chiffon and fancy strew. Small buckles ' Whitechurch Butter Factory are fastened here and there, but the Amid all the financial depression chief ornament is a wire with four that prevails in the country at the frills of chiffon sewed to it. Four present time, it is rather cheering to colors of chiffor are used, green pink know that setnc of the agricultural V yellow and white, besides green and industries, at least, are not only hold- DEPARTMENTAL STORES purple flowers. Is must be seen to ing their own but are steadily ferg- be understood and :appreciated. Most ing ahead. Such is the case With of the shapes are large and made of the Wllitechureh Butter Factory. ARE NOT INIT � :I:�t�) lace or open straw. Several black This factory is operatk d by a Joint ��`` �� hats are shown. The new geranium Stock Company. composed of farmers L. .e when you want something choice in the 1 ins of shade of red is here also. Children s and managed by a President and 4 head-gea r receives considerable at- directors. The output of this, factory' tension in this shop. 1 had almost has always been of a high class but determined to ,(, one with cherries and the other with TOILET forgotten to mention the hats trimmed last fall the directors determinedmake a be'ter article for the English TS mignonette of very natural 4peaar- ina"ket and to that end they have ante. Miss Boyd and Miss itey• had an excellent cold storage, built We have a very fine lot of this line for you to choose from nolds Managed the crowd well and at their factory. Mr. George Cattle, o cr were attentive to all. 1Vhitechurch,is thecontraetor. They just now and we are letting them go at prices that have GL9\ERAL REM AR,cs. had put in between their ice house and cold storage 120 tons of ice. KNOCKED OUT A granolithie floor is being put in 1./ v the make room and arrangements are also being made to put another waggon on to accomodate all those a anything we have yet seen or heard of wishing to send their cream to this factory. The farmer's, after last summer, have found out that it does not pay to make butter at home, A new double cream vat and another CHINA SOUSE, - WGISa . churn is to be added. The engine is in Teeswater being thoroughly re- paired so now this factory will be F in tirst class order when the season opens. Idr. John Crow and 11 Me - Kay 'have the contract of delivering ' F011litiR all the cream to the factory where it will be manufactured into first class butter by Mr. M. G. Oliver, tee champion butter maker of Western Ontario. R, W. Simpson, a young farrier, is the secretary for the cos - pan 7. Mr. H. ' D, Henderson of Whitechurch, is the efficient and reliable Treasurer and salesman, who always sells the butter at the top of the market. The directors are: I'. henry and It. Pettypiece, Kinloss; J. Gillespie, Whitebureh; •Wm. Martin, East Wawanosh; and Gavin Wilson, Turnberry. Mr. I.. one machinist can put them Henryry fills the responsible position of rt and. t thus saving you trouble and President of the company. Although g last year was not favorable for annoyance. butter making the output of the BRIDGE BUILDERS --Come and factory amounted to nearly. $16,000, order your Iron from us, We order The butter this season will be put in direct from the Rolling Mills and can 56 lb. boxes so as to be in shape to quote you prices that are right. go through the cold storage to the FARMERS—Come on Saturday English ma icer. The future of this'and beeure some of our ergains in factory iPlough Repairs and Roller Castings fta.ctseems assured. It is out of which we sell Chea for cash on Sat• debt and is in a sound financial p condition with apparently a level urday. Bring your Cast iron scrap headed set of directors to Manage its along, y y Manage IDSI'I�h�DIJ'.ti7. D11+I1N.---Get your business. repairs hero instead of sending to do utatY~� A bigdistant points and thus save money. n ion visited Ottawa to WANTED—Al„ limited quantity of 'Trent Valley CaealtttMr. Lauriertptom. dry inch Rock Elm Plank and i.ed that the Government would pro. Dry Maple. teed with the work es feat ad the titian- oes of the country would allow. ,.-� — 'early all the hats are edged with ( ham rrough mottled green and blue straw The`rI ham Stoes1�tRp. amen in� A striking specimen in this shop was a tall crowned black chip hat, a "You'll laic' the high road fancy straw brim three green ostrich An' I'll tak' the railroad, feathers, and a bold bow of deep Springy millinery is so much mare An I'. be in Wingham before ye "--- pink adorned it. Another one was beatiful than falli millinery. The Revised Version. made of straw lace turned up at the flowers look theo fresh and pretry.Thhe back and covered with pink roses. male a young person look sweetery I took the railroad and got there One or two black hats were trimmed first, for I was there in the middle of with red tulle. A black helmet and brighten old people. Flowers the afternoon No birds were sing -crowned bonnet was relieved with are said to 1'e the stars of the earth, ing but the ditches and streams were red silk rosebuds, that will brighten and 'he next thing to natural ones is running blithely. The sun shone up a faded face wonderfully.Brown artificial ones. So load your head warmlydown upon m� the waves with the pretty things. P , was represented in a hat of fancy of heat 'trembled along the rail straw trimmed with shot ribbon and Don't be afraid to wear red, and fences,and the sky was exquisitively soft brown feathers. Some white dont think it vulgar, because so blue and clear, with clouds upon itmany vulgar people like it. So hats were of chiffon. One of there me as white and powdery as a bridal had a large crown, a brim turned shades of red possess great power veil. , to brighten and that is what the up very high at one side, feathers world needs, Very few people are I visited most of the stores in jewelled buckles and flowers upon it town and found most of them filledA unique hat was ofgopher' anew so rosy that they cant wear red. with beautiful and usefuloods of lied was the favorite color of that g material, I think. Mrs. Green makes tender poet Eugene, Field. all hinds. One window displayed all her own shapes, and later in the some very beautiful goods for even -season, you will be able to get as Mottled green and blue straws are ing wear,in pink green and heletrope good hats from her as you saw at to the front. In dress goods, rough materials areo ening. Green is the most fashionable out,. and the thick tweeds and spring p color, often contained with purple. suitings have a smooth surface. ffoi,tUTS & nowl.Es. Ilelitrope and mauve are close be Some of the tweeds have small The largest crowd in town was cheeks. Good black brocades are here. The music drew then, and if Roughbind. augh straw is in the fasnion. to be seen, and black with lines of one had any dancing blood in them 'Artificial flowers that are quite yellow. Green is the most fasion- it was hard sometimes to keep still. new in Wingham I think are, petun- able color, and many of the green Many b .ys and young men remain- las' dresses are spotted and figured with ed on the the sidewalk all evening Violets never go out. The purple blue. The silks for trimming these Might I be excused for thinking satin ones are lovely. goods are lovely, very new looking this the best dressed window in O°preys and wings are going out and shaded with dull blue, Dresden town* The hats and turbans are of style and there will be no more silks will also be used for trimming, just loaded with trimming,especially cruel butchering of birds, to put on heads. The greens -ire nearly all dark and Hollers, gauze ribbon, ospreys. ourThe tall girl is favored by nearly of Suet a shade as to be becoming to feathers fruit and gold and silver' .lmost every one. Green is one of beetles are used for decoration. Red: all the hats this year. the most beautiful colors restful to cherries are to be seen and even' Tite small girl Cannot drown her - the eye and cool -looking in hot a bench of leaves and at handful of self in a large hat, and so must be weather, These qualities should gooseberries, and all are shown in contentel l with a sailor or Turban. make it very popular. The newest the one window, varying from greenstony tit uthe way, a d dovris n crowns.broad. buttons are the old, o1d•fasioned'ones to dead ripe and looking sn natural Buy year dry goods and Millinery in again covered with plain and and eatable. You tnusn't eat them in Wit ha'tin, send don't depreciate fil ,figured silks and cloth. Shirt waists tliaugh. They'll make you sick. A your own roperty, by your are in every store, and the latest i,•eriy pretty small hat, is trimmed tone out aopecan to sendingies, when Material for making' theist, is dotted simply with dotted tulle,,a bow of the storekeepers at home tell you limen and other patterns. Dresden dotted ribbon, and just in front _a l that they will do as well for you. in Silks are imitated in most of the jewelled tarantula, or something lire 1 many cases, a3 the departmentals prints, and. it is surprising how rvat.it. Two lino white tints are trim • and what they have not instorit,they fed the Dresden designs are. Some lnec. with Mage bows of white satin will order for you. Avery business of' thein are very sweet and dainty, ribbon, feathers and flowers, sever like Milliner, Who I thought didn't Losi —ow.. MAIN STREET, WINGHAM Every day you do shopping unless you deal at the CHEAP CASH STORE Where your cash will buy your goods at Crash Prices and this enables us in turn to give you goods at less than the. ordinary profit. We are still clearing out our old stock at clearing prices. In our new goods we are showing many specialities.not found in other stocks. We give you quotations next week as a guarantee of our good faith. M0T1N—.1_^ MACDONALD BLACK. WING IlAl,l N.A. FARV.0 HARO S. WINGHAM -1 FOR,_ SPR t -OFF Made in the LAMS TSTYLE'S Having purchased the above o to'` r� named property from Mr. A_ M. G Robinson, we are now prepared to supply a great variety of Ca-tings ro and to attend to all manner of re- „1) B r rill':: -'1'9 ., , - ��`1 pair work . FACTORY :,IANAGEitS—Come when your Machines require repair QUEEN'S BLOCK., WINOI1ADt 'WOOD'S Pf3(y'.3a1E'I30113INM. 'rhe Great English ptcmedy. Six Packages tivarantcert t4' promptly and permanently euro all forms of .fierVala Weakness, Ensrssfons,Sper,n- atorrhea, Inspo:ency and all cheers of Abuse ar Excesses. Mental Worry, excessive nae 23eore suet A ter. of tobacco, Op&anter Stdmw- .f .f tants, wz i a suo,t 1c04 to In• ,trmtty, Insanity, Consumption and an tarty grave,. ins been prescribed over S9 roars in tltowlands eases; is the only lietiabae and Honest Medica known. Ask druggist for Wooit•s Pi.osehodlhe; IV t.ooffers some worthless medicine it► plaeo of this, inelose price 15 letter, and wo will send by ration mall. Price, ono paokage, el; six, g5. Ons seal lase, sero wittcure. Pamphlets free to ahy'rtddreef. The 'Wood Company, Wiedaor, Ont., Conchs, Sole. in Wingham and everywhere M. RENDALL & Co.. in Canada by all respcnsible druggists