The Wingham Times, 1897-04-09, Page 6* BLUI'#Vi1,LI;.
mtnIttguani iIUCS 9 jrre etre very glad to be able to
k"kiIDAY, APRIL il,1-,17 ,fol of tile recoo,er'y of Mrs, John PAM ADM SUI'1<T/,I1,I1‘TG
r1'IIE W.IMillAM 't'1Ml.'As, APRIL 9, 1897.
say that the doctor's are now hope- TZLL,S A t,T0113r OF 'YEARS QP
Bober tsonX
I Rev' Mr. McDonald of Kincardine,;Doctors r l utterly
Is pre�Rcbing in the Presbyterian resorted to-»13ecialnfa so wee.
jellies Ireland had a wood bee ell 1church, until Rev. Mr. West decides` could scarcely perform her
whether lee will accept the call to hold duties,
Jruihas I3;irvrnan h:atl a ivoocl•bee .. l , NapintO.
MGIlllttl• Alts, MalCo1n4 ot Knieardlno, isi AIi, and Airs, Pubt. Stoma have
;spending sone days at 111r, John been residents el the township of
neer. Sellars is visiting his broth 1 Pobertsoi s. 1 ,
els ill-lilry in Clinton on Tuesday. ,- , .l:t'xrestaevtl, about tall mile* east of
Mrs, A. hicEeten is still quite poor.; Napanee, for a period of about three
Jelin Nilson enol wife of Ent 11,
Pads for Farmers.. BANK of HAMILTON
The cheapest gain Is secured be � ,
fore the animal matures.
' Aa II bled
animal implied ono
p her with at good eofstitution. , Capital, 01,260,00o. Beat, $OG0,000
;AIR' ' flan now to make every paar`t Of, t'roeidunt-•Joi1N 1 ruAar..
hoesee the farm mance sometllirlg this vige•rro*(dent—A. U. itA�s•rs«
Ttre'r31'lit\', 131nevale o1' no•. 1''t'9tu the ncteccr
Quick matured stock pay a better`
'profit than those which mature slow.
No more sheep SIOUid be kept
than ean be sheltered without un-
necessary crowding..
I)o not bo in too big a burry to
sell feed. Wait until grass has made
at good strut.
The postures anti meadows avill be
i�' iliaueosh ~pent Sunday un£aer the } :years and 1u that tulle ti'er's gained 1
parapet rnc)f, *fir. George Alenzies of alalesworth the esteem a all Bleb. nese-la bora
„ .'
B Farrow this returned to 1Via► ton
v;stting at Mr. UeoigeMaeDanald's J For six years previous to this time
Z he Epworth League of theMethod they had lived in (a lcnwocd Springs,
after an t+xtetltled uisit with his i ist *harsh, is preparing an enter•`Colorado, and. it was du1•ing their
i [
par hts here.
Mrs. J. H. Sell:tl's,of the lard line
invited a few of her lady friends to
tamat t bee t
eh Monday.
Mi„ :3nnie Badd, has returned to
tainnrent, to be given m til:> clluleh residence there that Mrs. Stoma
an Easter. attacked with an illness that u
The sidewalks, not of New York her life miserable for
but of l3luevale are in a dreadful
reporter who recently= interview
berhome on the third Iiia after an istate, because they have just got her she told, the following story
through their` spring dose ot driving "During the early part of our res
ext ndad visit to friends et the Nile. lover them with horses and waggons.!deice in
•____Colorado, "l fi •
tvo will thrive better on good rich slop
Jens i'aooral,, 4+c,, lumen, WM Oeasov, 1', A. T.
woos, A. n. Las (Toronto).
Cashier -J. TURNBULL.
Savluge Bauir:• flours, loto. a: Saturdays, i0
I, Do11posit* of $1 and upwards received and ' terra;
Sp+solai Doposttel also received at curron'
raDraftaoir Amt.
on and the United Stater
bought and sold
E. . Tr, DICKINSON, Solioitor.
was i better next season if' the stock is '-
Lade . kept off them norV
ed It is an iters to.reduce the amount
GI fencing as much as possible. Now T
i• i3 tile time to plan to do this.
st As a general rule .rowing pigs L"
)it•UNIi lI
o at AIL WAY.
> , lily illness t
'This refers to the Walk between the came on At the outset every t
la ai
eked , than any hardKinrar
d ( ;;rain, asci usually at • dtna 11'10 0:80 ,
n ,r
AIi iI ' •' �'
oront.. aild. East 0:50 a M. 1:15
bner'ston Mixed 5:130 t'"in.-vie,.a.Clinton a
ondon and South 0:50 a.m. 11:10 "
„154p. . 8:00 pan.
a.m. •� a to
1:16 p in, WO p.m
8 " 6:130
Olt 1 So Tiro3. SE,rytiOn 'incl th l 11.
Many people are tired, worn out and
weary in spring time, when they could
eats 1s 1,e strong, rigorous and healthy
by rising Burdock Blood Bitters, which
rsrnves all morbid effete tuattor from
dist i,eatenh and restores rel, ist health
T are plain straightforward statmente of
1 or_ three weeks I worelcl be alta
pei1 osis rt lett is cry common.jit greatly lnereased in severity, an
this spring. - I at times was so bad that woul
A meeting of the sit • h l
th lax mill Companyd,:ctor was called. in, but the oni
1 �vCr received frUtte leis 11r1t fn by honest niers and women, and
11Ir. James Crawtord)%s down with , with a ,tin in Im eten1(teh, Lnterl t
tall less cost.
• g ale o dens of scream aloud with Inc pain.
e 13ltleuaic I''
IwilI be held on Saturday lOth benefit I
,1 . .1: MO. 3I1 t James Burgess who returned
from Manitoba a few weeks ago, is
Miss Mabel Kerr of Clinton wa learning butter -malting in the foe -
the guest of hiss .acidic Crisp less t4e,y,
week- V fir, and Mrs. Marsh, have return-
11Be,a ?Iitf'y Agnew of l3elgrave ed to their home in Woodstock, after
Is visiting her brother and sister here spending a few days with Mr, and
Mr. Lawson of Winghein was in Mrs. Robert Duncan, air's. Marsh's
town P ricl ly. parents.,'
Miss A Crisp has returned home Mr. IIarry Stowe of Godcrieh
after spending a coupleof weeks in attended the wedding of his sister
Brussels. last week,
Miss Mand Andrew:' returned On his i'eturd from Manitoba Mr.
home from Toronto on Tuesday. James Robertson get at mare froue
Rev. 11r. Sawyer of Tuckerslllitlr his uncle, Mr. McIntosh of Toronto.
preached in the alcthodist church It was one of the team of dray horses ret ,
here nn Sunda', Peva Mr. Andrews that took the first prize at the Tor
took his place in Tuckersmitll• onto Exhibition, three years in trefltlnelit was through the injac tion our number was an old trapper, who AT R1st�5Q A13.L2•a is,5'I,t,S
3I r• E. place
is on the statist succession aryl won the silver stip• at, of morphine int() may aril, as as result
was as keen 00 the sccrlr, of water as F.? Jo ,,ts c ord on mortga, es at6�} pet gantaitit
hiS ell+lily friCnda hope SUnll t0 See One Of pile 1101'Se Sh01vS, It lies been of whil;lr the pain 1i'O111d ,g,radualll' I Ia at 110nnCl 011 lite trail Uf a do>,e1•, prlrilraq of pay(nr utthc esti of any year, Nnlo
I 1+'many he paused at ata lace and and aoeounts cotreotud.
r ,
animal 111 its dills but now It a P 1aow, NioS^ UO.
d The People aro Convinced,
When they read .the testimonials of
y cures by hood's Saspartlla• They are
t'net, the people have confidence in Ito
Sarsaparilla because they know it no
ually and yermanently cures, even wits
other medicines fail.
• f a E. QIP' Fl t
I•Ioo»'s PILI,s cure nausea, sick lien
aches indigestion and biliousness. A
drugiiats 2tio.
rl» Aloneyadvanced on Farmers and -easiness lien on
11 endorsed notes and collateral.
aiouet's rmnittod by draft to all p pito of Caneds ,old
Notes i endsaccountsscollectetl on reasonable terms.
Water from a Planted Reed.
When people are suffering from
a ala sof
means to get writer, remarked
member ot a surveying expedi6ion
in an Indian Territory. For some
1'o Loan crl� Votes.
time we had been . without watt •
and were suffering greatly. t': OEs. S 1, j
g y Anlun,, S 3�rCfdl,, aG
thirst they will resort toall 1 d
him around again a fine 2nf1 ' 1 ' d pass away. The medicine which was
rrlppe is toe diner of the day is tiles Melrose Abbey, more beatttr• slightest� letle), t lanttlthed()etorcrraulel stooped• 'Boal�slr mock w•inaham, out
Isere Ifearly every tions* has fat vietvecl by moonlight. I think there's water here, if we ----------
-- •
could dig a well he observed. I ANTED—Fanners' _.__� • �__.-_�
+ r other t r ustilaie
pt•+som• of fait education to whom �e10
t the
-one or more eases of it. be greatly perplexed, and thereafter
epntir,tlally resorted to injections of
morphine whenever the attacks came
on. These attacks continued at in-
tervals until our return to Canada,
when they increased in frequency
and intenseness. The result was
that I grew very weak, and tns'
whole system appeared t,, be giving
out. My complexion turned a yel-
lowisb hue, and I hacl little ur no
appetite. Latte,1y I would be attack-
ed with fainting spells, preceded by
attacks of dizziness. 1 become utter-
ly unable to stand fatigue., .end could
with the greatest difficulty perform
DOWN ALL CLASSES. (2rE., sonans Tun- PRAISES or DR.
TfIE E3iII Trar. biATTF,rt IR TO E PRE'
PARED Fou ANY EMERGENCY. I :will be noticed by those who have
—• studied the testimonials for this wonder-
-:1t 'Is painful to pick up the daily :pap- fel remedy, that they aro thoroughly
e -s mud observe how many people of all uusectional in their character. Every.
Wallies ars being stricken clown with provineein the dominion, through its
apoplexy. One day it is the fanner in members of parliament, and most pro -
told, again the laborer carrying the hod . ininent citizens, pias told of the peculiar
or as this, week a prominent architect of 1 effectiveness of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal
O.•taw11. Perhaps it is not two strong , Powder- It is of such at -character that
a statement that 80 per cent. of the peo- overcomes any local or climatic condi•
plc of 0 to:til-t are afflicted with heart tion, and as with Mr. Carroll it is a most
disease to sotne-extent. What a bless- elective rotnedy for catrirrh., troutit
ail, it is then that there exists a medi. in whatever shape not ommitting hay• 1113' ti-
t duties. A doctor was
clue like Dr. Agnew's Cure for the fetor. where it works like a charm rind
heart ' • •
relief. Instantly the patient obtains: at t:hrsholeu's Drug Store.
, lvasrcb rase quid, In producing i in every case is speedy in effect. ' Sold
that ease that is so Ionged for when
the heart is afflicted. There is absolute-
)v no ease of heart disease that will not The Boycott at Ottawa.
help. And with few exceptions, will "Tell it not in Gatti, publish et not
nlo:latce a ratil,ml cure. Sold at *'his in the streets �isl? elon : lest the
house's Drug Store.
• daughter of the Philistines rejoice
lest the daughter of the uncircumcis-
ed triumph," 1, I, 1, I, Tupper : ale
and my son Charles—we the owners
• of the Tory party in Canada, and
therefore by divine right, the owners
of Canada --have made a decree, like
unto the law of the Medes and per-
Mr. W. fF. Strong C. 0. F. organ
tzar was home on a visit for a few
days last week.
The fi') wortlt of new books
recently pure -h 33C(1 by the Gort•ie
futile Library have arrived.
These wilt no doubt l e eagerly
seug".:t after.
.i?r'vl=A lir 4r>ykRar� c .r>a,left
�e�.•-a Here
on Ti ttar5,` Let 5 Af'fee they Prairie
I'r•3v n'le. Tib y te:ee, o, sed. to al
farmer free= neer 2,i:.:_vserth.
Mr. n rtell Tee ee trei tfmo ewe.
tract •,f she n. m feetie ne
Village ' k e
livered thew.,
Mrs.Re;v. Y' 11 n a :41 10.4 i'> ::stalls icf
Bradford €a t wee .
Mr. L. 3 rte er. 1 a >:n
learning plertegr :air. •� ° ._"
titer Jno., re-ina';i, :?d re !)!.5
Grapy towneh pLeet Vse r- >,
'Phe Maaitlalldl{'` 3,'1•
have resumed $1,1A f , �,?aJY r1
prolonged rest li'1�e" x4311 ?a>
the entire seass7 n.
Mr..i`'i-ank Poll eek i moi, teen ,. t
in Principal
rnei .'a ,
al Cra I 1 r
�i p 111, r,ai „i the
School la.tety,he being sinw j1.
Mrs. Richard Cowan eaf .I oils t,,
who has been Vi iti:'i•r, her .i,'lt t•; irr
Mrs. Failallay for several 'weeks hal
returned home.
Miss Davidson of Fordwieh, spent
a few days visiting friends in town
Inst week.
called in who treated me for some
time without benefitting me any.
Then he gave me what I now know
to be I)r. William's Pink Pills, and
after I had used two bottles I felt
somewhat better. I then purchased
the pills myself and continued the
treatment. I found that the pair,
was gradually elecrea•ting. I could
get rest and bleep at night, which
had hitherto been almost impossible.
I continued using DI'. William's
Pink Pills for • several months, and
the result is that they have erected
a complete p ate cure, and I slur now erl-
setns�wthich` alt ;retll not that his Joytng the hest of haetltt. I can
Excellency the flight Honorable Sir assure you it is a great relief to be
• John Galnpbeli Hamiiton•Gordon free from the trouble that made my
Sc Lai•1 of Aberdekn, (e. G. At, life miserable for many 'ears and
-r€., P. 0, F. S. A.: LL. 1)., and his have to thank Dr. William's Pink
wife, Iron. Isabel llama, cleughcer of Pills far succeeding when doctors
Leal Twerdfithuth. shall hencefcn'th hart fatiled.
receive the marble heart the dead Dr, 1ti iiliaam's Pink Pills act dir.
shake, the 0all est, the Tupper ectly upon tete blood and nerves,
turd down : that their invitations building them anew and thus ilriv-
eleill be returned unopened, that the in; disease from the system There
le;,rs of'at supper shall not go beneath is no trouble due to dither' of these
tilt% snahogany of any Aberdeen and causes whlleit Pink fills will not, cure
ti at the 'tapper uniform shall not and in hundreds of CAEe'3 thele/ have
f; n` , the receptions at Rirtean restored patients to health after ail
of .d �u it the last of the Aberdeens remedies ltad frtitf,C, Ask t',r Dr,
' J1
Luc departed. ()Id Sir William's rink. I'itt�s and t71 • • nothing
'tJ' lel 3 will not platy ill Aberdeen's elle. " l.f, ,7%'g en
play r Tile f;en.ufl).` are halsvaya en
yard, young Sir Charles will
diel* down Aberdeen's cellar
',Thee', the Trippers of the third gen•
e r .i=eori will not "holler" into the
• e3
4 a
Cr1 1' ,
Mill barrel.
she 1
a.n231f1r, rivalry, war, and all be-
ree es the Govet'nor•f eneraf would
a',14,e let Sir Charles make a lot of
;<tpeilitttrients, after the people had
'Ir eelded that his premiership of Surprise(t RIs hooter,
72 days. had Basted .too Ic1ng. - lilantii- "A little over. a ; ear ago ,f wfcsr Eft
ton Threes. with bronchitis," says Statlfy 0', t•3right
clerk, of Kingston. "My doe -toes hill
,y ,
came rt e
'O�r. and
altogether eta .'
arae tet
ire Cure& �K tri illness
ured cost me Snid, This fiat i had another
Dear Sirs, -I was troubled with ear. attack. I Carrie tscroset an ndvertisestient
ache for i long time, and could get s.o In n newspaper, for Dr. Ch tool, Sere p of
ease until I tried 'Llaggyarcl'd Yellnvw MI Linseed sad 'Turpentine for throat
I can truly say that it has made at own, troubles: I thought I would rink a
ptete cure. 1\liss KAttrI1A Ruoron, •matt) and try it, It cured ah!). Now
Central +`eofrolny', N. S, I lntencl tet tract icy own die."
W. J. Eatrngey, tansosial artist is
hoar* after spending a few weeks
' tit Cheeky friends.
The roads up this way, are in a
Very bad state at present.
cleseti in 1,f)x.e;.e tae; wrapper around
which fears the flat cads mark,
"Iir. William's Pink Pills for Pale
People." May 1,g had from all deal.
t B
f!f1t f
I 1 'ri l sff r eGF ipt or :,f3
ecnts a box or (I boxes for ,w.r,gr, by
addressing the De. Wilmrafrr!'ar 1(edi-
eine Co., I;roekville, that.
TED- L+urmera sc, s o l
But we can't I replied. a month,
No but we can do something else' would be an induco,ne+,t. I also oon,d ooaaue
few I adies t their
a tar avn haneq
he said. , T, H. LINSCOTT, Toronto,
With that he cut a reect tying
MOSS 011 the end•of it, Then he dug
into the earth, placed his reed in the
Hole and packed the earth around
IIe waited for a few moments.
Do you mean to say that you ca
suck water out of that thing? I ask
Yes there'fs water near the surfac
He drew at it with much sati
Good, he remarked, would ye
try it,
With little confidence in the re
suit, I sucked at the reed, with th
surprising result of getting plenty o
•elettr pare water. To my parch*
tongue, it seemed the very nectar o
the gods.
It's as clear as the water of a
spying, I said.
Yes, the Toss is our filter, be, re-
plied. D
We pursued our journey much
refreshed, and I never forgot the old
trapper's device.
Messrs. T. Milburn le CO. Toronto Ont.
Gen tidtnen,-Hanle two weeks ago I
obtained a box of your Heart and Nerve
Pills from our..pgpular' druggist, Mr. E.
Scarlett of Duillaa, and 1 can now un-
hesitatingly sayha� they have been
Very beneticnl Woe in relieving an ob-
stinate and dirt standing complaint af-
fecting my heart and nerves. I was
troubled with the will known heart and
nervi symptosis, su(sh as sleeplessness
dizziness,palpitation neuralgic and other
pains, for such a long time that 1 hag a1
most given up hope of acure, Now out
of gra, to to this remedy, and so
others may learn OC its virtues, I give
There iia no euro for heart and nerve
trouble tis Mr1burxl•'e Heart and Nerve
1']ila. This is my honest opinion, My
wife is taw rising this remedy, with
grant suceeee, for!!uttering of the heart
Signed, d, f�, l.olbertu,re Dunclima,C)at,
WANTED �kt.telli;:ent mat with gond
their posit:rni5, and wouldtihe contentwho anfor a t to better
it with -fi3O a',d expenses. u•rito ns. with descrlptinn
torrinow or the future. vvAlso lk need(1, ai07cl sauna
n for Australia, Write today, for we WO in a C urvy.
THE ,vA'IAG/at, 4:rRici mond 51, Kest, Toru+ro•.
WANTES P% llctrvlr oE1nnA til oenlpasirnptiu,'
S- ed the British En ph 0. E:ct1101 than' testimeniala
r copy rue, ,lfar nee of
Lorne says, "The hest; popular
Pont the great iron• send for i
have scan," Iter lisiesends �altlioid letter rofeapl
LT tt�reciattor,. Coat n mint of mane}', but largo
t ir-u
I,.tloti justifies tom retail 3. Lets of historic fila.
�trations. Large book—over all li a} }.
Sten a
14 number of gentlemen from
Walkerton, who was interested In
the Mildmay
I/idlilary r
Bank an
� i v
n f, l
st rt
(drove down there the other g day,
behind one of Mr. Meleans best
teams. Witch the examination was
over the hostler hitched up the team
fhj' them a little before they were
ready to start for home, and as they
didn't seem willing to stand the
hostler began to exercise them around
town y,
the process some
thing went wrong, the horses ran
away, and before they could be ea;p-
tared they had managed to do con-
siderable damage. A Mildmay out.
( ti o g�iij.l
- IS r't;1p1.1s1r1.1,
t is
Subsoriptloit price, $1 tier 5 c.fir, fr. adv • nee.
Space 1. 1 )'r. J btt:u, 1 5 n 0. 1 1 mo
One colleen 5tta clog • 5to 08 t 020 00 1! 130
dept 40 0U tri 00 12 000 1 1 Ot)
Quarter a' •La 00I 1- uCi
pini tnl•h h Ub It aO tO 1
Logat and ori or uusuul adrutIssmest
!o, a+•*t i1tsertt0n, auuNe, 71011 Inc tnruarhturssyu•tn
insertion. nt,ustartu key auupurcfl pcuIt,
Loral uotlece 1pc, per line tt 1 fu et Mumble/I, ant'
6u, per ihw Por tach surdas, eu
At4 t ,nsettie
dl ertisoments 0t Lust, lrour,d, St1ay ed Sitttf tfocs
and Rosiness Chances ea t anted, not exceeding g flue
nonpareil, 51 for drat mouth, 00e. each
stlbsequo4t mmnth,
houses a4d 11'al'1ua for Salc, not exuccdi4}C t8 lino*
S1 for fd et 10011th, bin, par tion._guant 4roath
Larger advart(sriatc,,ta in p'opm'tran.
Muse terms win bastrwtmy auhe•ed to
i91'IHer fl'rrates for larger �tdret•tfse/nom*, or
Adrertlsenrgnts and Ideal notices withoutepegIA
direetlons, WB1 be 1,'s1941.1.:4
uaortod till lorltld and ghat ed
a000rdh+giy, Tra, dit01,1• advctlanmu,,ts ulna
paid in +dvaneo
UhunHas for contract advertleeruent.s most be In,
the otbee by Wednesday noon, in order to appeta
that week
S. G. ltti013'tt,
- 1'k0F>lt?etl t ANL Penman%
Witten AM,
private Company funds to loan •+t lol:„et tare
iIlttlfeat• 1100Ommitl,•I10+l coaraeu. blomagte, town
and lana propurtJ honest and surd
00/.10E—Beaver Block WINO1AA1
J. A. b3O1tTUN,.
BARRAST,21t, ,z0,,
IVingheo., 0111,
"',• L. DI0$ri sa ,, ETC,
Office— LOAN.
Office—Meyer rslwek, II barbital.
0ltice-� IGITUar CU�VE1;\CCK, irr
Cob, , lleumtim utal-at. Andrew,streete
opposite Colborne Hulot.
J, 0" TISTIIT.-J. S. J t ttuS11:, ,,. 1i. a., It Ibt ae'-i
.A.J .y. l.,,,,uptnxadn7 irr Iliot•ctaaaopts of
TRC . • t"a,:, n.a'.neap ,. t1n,, J ,j,, , of ,code
it, t G t.y1„p,,lull, 1uau3 eiUuO Od
stall/, U'Gt,J VV ,. ,,oat 7412q J ins now
guRrantp:eu t Lr a. 1 b
r ' ..X . Sltl, tnehtl, OFFICE,: lit too bd..%•,
en el standing' to the emmm�mity ltrunauLeethhi,U ' Ueic, uglpu..te tit•
utaking 815 to ;N40 a wee'r, Exclusive tertitorv, a>
Bodin on time. !Prospectus free to canvassers, The
Bradley•O.trretson 00. 1.111. ,Toronto Oat.
It1 NO I
The Germicide Inhaler aures Catarrh and
Catan4tul Deofn:ss. 1t is prompt, pie4Hamt
and permanent. It is easy to use and easy 10
buy. You talo no chances h
Y c an
eesvri with
The ice is O3, t 1 be t this lien remedy,
p• paid only when the 1•
remedy is successful, not before Poot• or rich
can call on oar representative in IVing;ham,
blr. Campbell, and procure this grated remedy
without having to pay one cent in advance.
Apply without tehay, Those who cannot call
on our representative can have a Germicide
Inhaler, WWI vith tu)1 directions for use. seat to
their homes, by addressing the Medical In.
halation Co., Ltd.. Toronto, Ont. Just think
of being cared of 0 tarot for i 4 and that on `t
snob reasonable terms.
Y. P1 S. 0 E. -Meeting in bltsenlSnt of
Presbyterian church every Friday evening.
B. Y. P. U. -Meeting every Tuesday
evening in tho Baptist church.
.CIPNORTII LEAGUE -Meeting every
T11nreaay evening in the Methodist church.
rorTv; *sty seven Years
or Infant!, asci: Children,
this t'sa-
fit had to be obtained to brrligth;e, dolours
boys home.
4.11T11 1t J. 1111. IN, 0 t
Uoatur of Dant .1 ),n'7,a S id' Uta l'usns)it..ui-
i Dental Clause,,
Aui:;.-.1%It1 p:,.
r t:11\ It1Tl'r1,1.
11,:r.IN lilt.%f. ,r, • •.• •
rl'tvwi.tu, _
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IC1a�SPD At,(ui1V\E,Lt1 tilt, ,11E t'OUIly
Ut!' 110ift
Sales attended in any pa,•t u, the Co, (;tear, of
1 O.Hl CURRRIE, Wtsulr,tu, UNT:,
Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Lnpleineetr
:ill orders loft at the Totts wilco promptly aitebJ1,
ed to. Tori, roasonaWO.
WANTED,- inteli(;cut poen pith good educe
tato to 01101,1 OA 0.(10 and e: pen-
in tau hast y cut• w, hid he an induct went. Write
vlitt, foil ipnrtiettlat8. Tho Manua( 1, A., l(lChttiond
tit 77 plat, Toro:40, U, 1.
1 NGLt;0INO Beeks, ratnphlets, Posters, 811
1loads 'ir
C pular
tl Ate., am., '
t.xC • •
, t.0
ted in the
st1' the art,
J at atoll •
trate prices, and ou sham
satire. npph n). erdJress
. U 'sitorv,N,
Tpiss, critics, �vintrimm,
W6 are pl••aseti to announce that any Books
histamines left with t17 for Bihding, will have Otte
prompt attention. hides tor Binding in any 8171
will he givers on application e the Tit. Office.
rca t id estaWteiheti wljolesnle house
U Wants one or two Isonest an i ,
d a
est mad Ca
41 tit
ON section. do
Can• e,
it 01 oabout, 1 Itt. 00 a week to start with. Drawer
20, tlisantfol�i, (alt,
it J.
IV ITT s'1
int r,im
SOCIE'Y M E1fros.
C�,tumr1' Caltd'otl'1t > o, 46 Ioeq
0r e -"tills diel ,rid third iron a tag
moot h, is .1 t OtfY 1:'ellowg 314111.
tett Nelms* J, xterrttr, ChietV