The Wingham Times, 1897-04-09, Page 51
Vo Some
TuE W N U 1IA.M um Es, APRIL 9,
.And see if we are not worthy of your patrenagel We do not ask your
custom on strength of friendship, on account of our looks 0r color
of oar eyes, but simply because we athink we can do you
good and save you money. We are told by
competent judges that we lllave one of
the Finest Ranges ,of
Ladies' Blouses or Shirt Waists
Iu the country, prices as follows:—
No. 1—Print Meuse in Black and White and Blue and White, cpeciai at
40 cents. 0
No. 2—Special litre neat Pattern Print in Blue and White Bair Stripes, 50e
No. 3—The range i3 simply magnificent in Print, Chambray, ete., in new-
est styles. Newest colors, laundred and well made in every respect
for 75 cents.
No. 4—The prettiest goods imaginable, in delicate shades, but remember
their fast colors --Lemon, Pink, Blue, etc., with White Detachable
Collar and Cuffs, $1. •
No. 5—A splendid line at same price is a linen effect, :ery neat and very
fashionable. Linen goods will be greatly worn this season and we
consider this Blouse is good value at $1.
No. 6—Dresden or Persian effects, pretty colorings and perfectly made, all
sizes $1.
No. 7—Is a Blouse or Shirit Waist in plain Batiste material colors plain
Linen, Black and Navy, with Border around collar and down front, of
narrow White Linen, a very neat effect, price $1.
Imnever done, and It is especially waning
and wearisome to those whose Woad is
11uura and unlit ro erly to tone,
tain, and renew the wasting of 71arVo
muesole and tissue. It is more becaa$e.o�
title condition of the blood that woman
areaun down,
Tired, Weak, Nervous,
Than because of the work heat. Beaty
phyefioian says so, and that the only rem-
edy fit in beitdilig up by taking a good
nerve (tonic, blood purifier and vitalizer
like Hood's Sarsaparilla. For the troubles
Peouliar to Women at change of season,
climate .or life, or resulting from bares
work, ,i<tervousness, and impure blood,
tbousan#?s have found relief and cure in
We have all the leading colors—White,
Orange Blue and Brown.
If you like a Becoming Ilat try our Millinery Department.
The One True Blood Purifier. gi per bottle'
Prepared only by(. I. Hood t/ co., Lowell, Mass.
aro the only piles to take
mood's ]?Ills with Hood's Sarsaparilla.
A. Story Showing the Sympathy and Slm•
'Welty of Professor Child.
Twenty year, ago the writer, with
her 8 -year-old child, was on lier way to
She 1',iade a luau mash sed the Gari/
"Literal children, Or, snore properly,
children who take your aiding literal-
ly, are holy telTors, " .relates a young
pian noted for his politeness to ladies.
"I wee in a herdic the other day which
was much, crowded, though no one was
standing at the time. .Presently a lady
and gentletnuu got in, and I gave my
seat to the lady, leaving the old gentle -
Juan standing. Iunnediately tk young
lady sitting . in one end of the Herdic
called to her little sister, a e1i,ild of 0
perhaps, who was sitting near the door
at the other end, to come to her and
give her seat to the elderly gentleman.
The ,child cause willingly enough, and
While the sister wasreading her a lesson
in -manners a passenger got out, and I
took a treat. "Never let me see you re-
main seated again when people older
than you are standing," closed the lec-
ture, and the child was crowded, half
sitting, Half standing, between the old-
er sister and the lady next to her. Two;
minutes later a pretty girl got in, and
of course, as the only gentleman in the
1)Rrclie, I gavo her my seat. No sooner
had I done so than that small terror was
on her feet,
"Oh, mister," she said in *tweet,
shrill accent(;, "you take my seat t You's
older than me." And everybody laugh-
ed, of course, trust a lot of giggling
girls for that, for the only place on earth
that 1 could have "taken a seat" was on
Washington in midwinter. Instead of,
the sister's lap, from which the child
reaching that beautiful city early in the hadslid. I didn't tuko the seat, but T
morning, as was expected, the train was did take to the street and walked five
stalled in the night by a terrible bliz- blocks in a drizzling rain to get away
front the giggle of those girls.—Wash-
zard. ;Mier the height of the storm was iu ton Star.
over it took home to dig away the homy ing
that buried lint only the rails, but
or a area Hadrian, in. A. D. 120, built a stone
and laboriously the locomotive crept on, 'wall from Bowness, near Ctrlisle, on
and we were still 200 miles from Nash- Solway frith, to the river .Tyne, near
ington when the church clock struck 8 Solway
sale. It was 80 miles long and
iu a village where we halted. time
Men Negarrisoned. by 10,000 troops. It was
jmnped up to see if there were time to from 12 to 20 feet high at various
get a eueof coffee; nervous and anxious points, 8 feet thick at the top and was
Green, Red, women (garnered ed for tea,Lucl I cried
t provided with a gallery in the rear,
with the rest, "Oh, if onlyI .could et
a glass of milk for niy little girl!" "Ira -
enabled its defenders to take
shoal -
possible, said the brakeman, who 'MIS
their stanch with only head and shoul-
p „ , > ders visible to the enemy. At every
passing through the car; "we shan't be quarter of n mile there was a castle
here hu a m heed minute,"
with a garrison of troop. Beacon lights
Paying no heed to his words, a gen- and siguals were used, and ou an at-
tleinaii of striking appearance, whose tack whether by day or by night, the
fine face and head I had been silently news was at once flashed up and down
studying, hurriedly left the car and dig -
,the wall from sea to sea.
appeared upon the snowy platform.
"He'll get left," sneered the brakeman. After the Elopement.
The trains proved on, feeling its way Artie—Darling, you have no idea how
through the huge white banks on both anxious I was while you were coming
sides. The gentleman had evidently town the rope ladder. I was so afraid
been traveling alone, for no one seemed you hacl not fastened it securely above.
anxious because he. did not come back.
--�-' 11
the wholo world psi tly Slowly i 7Iatlilana wall.
Colin I+:adios very low with a
severe attack, of pneumonia we hope
son to hear of his rapid recovery,V
NAlbert Aitken4,left on Thursday of
last week for Kent .county where be
i u •
work't his hole
Ilse engaged to with
James Glendenning.
Mr. and Mrs, James Wallace and
James Fox. left on Monday last for
Logan township in :search of a farm
'o rent. We wish them sUCCeSS its
they are hustlers.
Thos. Small left last Saturday .for
Culross where he is engagad with
Mr, George Pringle for the summer.
A young gentleman from town
paid S, S. No. 3 a visit on Tuesday of
last week and by his plesaant smiles
we would say lie was well pleased
with progress of the pupils.
Gilbert Stevens has engaged with
Mr, Jno. Robinson for the summer
1Ir. Robinson is to be conga -Pk -dated
on seeuring Gilbert
MeKinnon & Co,
Susie—You needn't have been alarm -
The cars were hardly n1 fn swing,
ed,dear. Papa tied the knot for me.—
however, when he jumped aboard, a lit•
Did you bear that times are going to be better tlo out of breath, (lusted with snow, but
self possessed and calor, holding care-
fully a tall glass of milk, which he gavo
in 11
Winghanl .
is on deck to help you out
Large consignments of Spring and Summer Goods in all lines, at prices
never yet approached, and offers the greatest values to his customers and
the public generally in
all qualities and colors, PRINTS, UINGIiAMS, ZEPIIYRS, MUSLINS
to the wee girl beside me. My stain1
'neva. thanks for such' unexpected kind-
ness from an unknown traveler he brush- ! LivaStock Markets
ed away with a wave of his hand. "But ! East 13uff,(lj, April 8.—Cattle—
the glass?" I insisted, kumviug it could Cars t•hruuah ;Herne 011 sale ; market
ensv reale steady : common to good,
dering onward. "Is yours, madam, he
A large and varied stock of Tweeds of all kinds, suitable for Spring and
Summer at veryprices.
Denims Flannels,. Ready Made Clothing fur men and boys, Cottonade, ,
Flannelettes, Cottons and Shirtings at all widths and prices.
If you intend furnishing your house or a part of it this Spring, call and
inspect our stock of
before purchasing, where you will find a full and complete stock in these
lines at prices that will save yon money every time.
In addition to our immense stock of
COT!: r�3o
we have just received and passed into stock ten cases of the very 1
styles of Shoes.and Rubbers at such prices as will insure a fit to your
'as well at your feet and our stock of plough boots and other heavy 1
for rough work is worthy of the closest inspection.
Our Stock of GROCEIIIES is always fresh and good, at as low prie
first class goods can be sold.
Long experience in Seeds makes this store
Detroit Free Press.
Only three weeks are required to de -
lop a perfect mosquito from the egg.
Her friends will all be pleased to
know that, although she is still very
weak, Mrs. John Robertson, keeps
Mrs. George McCurdy and sou, 1897, Providing funds for Municipal
Johnnie, of Henfryn, were visiting at pai.pezes be react three tithes and
passed. Cd.
Moved "..'y Mr, Gemtilill, seed by
Mr Mosgrot•c, that the Clerk be
instructed to put Aud1•ew Mitchell
Statute Labor all in his home division
The following accounts were passed
and orders on Tress issued : Wm.
Ifolmes, Repairing Scraper, $1 ; S.
Gracey, Funeral E. Farley,x„°•14.; F.
Irwin, Grave for E. 1"arley, $ 2
P. Hastings rep, Jobb's bridge, $1;
Moved by lir, Cruickshank seed by .
Mr. Uenitnill, that this meeting do
now adjourn to gleet fur regular
business oil Tuesday, May 25th at
10 o'clock• a. m. and as a court for
the lavision of the aassesrwewt roll at
III`,. SEASON is appre t ta-
ng when "that; Iliad feeling"
will assert itself and rnnlce us
' feel the need of something to
tone up the system and purify
the blood.
We have at all times alt the
(' Standard Patent Medicines in the
If you are in doubt as to
which one to use, consult us and
we will give you our very best
advice, At
Hiram Smith Pathmasters for this
Municipality be rel,cl three times and
Passed. ed.
Moved by Mr. Musgrove, seed .by
Mr.(3enlinill, that By -Lary No, 9.
not be returned, as we were now than -
replied, settling himself into his seat,
paying no more attention to us. But
later in the course of the dreary fore-
noon he motioned to the little lass to
come to hint, which site willingly did.
He lifted her to his side, and with his
arm round her she cuddled up against
hien, and for two hours he whispered
stories into her ear, so low that no one
else could hear, but the delight of which
`v �s refieeted in her dancing eyes and
sinning lips.
At Baltimore the stranger disappear -
Mr. Christopher Thornton's last
Mr, Joseph Pugh went to Hamil-
ton last Friday,/
Miss McIntosh, of Shakespeare, is
attending ben sister, Mrs. John Rob-
Mr. B. Gerry, of Brussels, was in
the village last week.
Mr. John Mitchel! shipped two
cars of maple rollers from here to
Li •crpool last week,
t iIr. Douglas Fraser, of Turnberry,
went to Niagara I!'alls last Friday,
where he will study to secure a first
Class certificate VAir. Eraser goes to
Niagara beeause his old - friend, 11r.
David Walker formerly of Wroxeter,
teaches in the High School there. 1 o'clock p. in. same day.
Mrs. A. McEwen is somewhat im- Joiix BURGESS, Clerk.
Miss Ethel King, of Wingham, -----
spent Saturday with her grand BRITISH. RCTLE IN EGYPT
mother, Mrs. Duncan. Ring.
-I Mrs. James Crawford;,avho was ill I
wish pneumonia,has recovered.V stn. 00LD1\'I\ SMITtt ANSWERS CRITI-
M r, Geld win Smith, of Toronto, at
present staying at Lakewood, N.
J., has the following letter in the .
Herald : "If Prince Henry of Orleans
$3. ® $4.50; extra, y'i C; $5 25.
Sheep and lambs -1 car on sale; 11
through; market steady, and nom-
inally unchanged. Hogs --10 cars on
sale 8 cars through ; market slow
and unchanged on all but pigs;
Yorkers mixed and mediums, $4.20 ,
pigs, lower, at $•150 ,L. $5.10.
Closing Report :—Cattle closed
nominally easy; no sale stock etre' ing
'stockers and feeders, supply fairly
liberal, including a. fair showing of
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C.King-'•,have
returned from their wedding trip to
Port Huron
ed, and a gentleman across the passage Canadians ; gond feeders steady;
from us leaned over and said, "Do you light stock steers. generally stronger.
know who has been entertaining your Slteep and lambs—Very little de.
child so charmingly, as indeed only o
could?" "I haven't the faintest idea." mend for the limited number on
. steady.
„' 1• >ut e
"Professor Francie J. Child. sale ;prices .i t( $ —
Soanany years have flown since then Market continues dull and slow at,
that t]ic little lass herself writes stories unchanged prices, with limited
now—perhaps faraway echoes of those receipts.
she heard t hat wintry day when Profess-
or Child made su ler in her heart,
but the tall, thiel: depot tumbler still ,
:tincts on the high shelf of the, cup- i Two little boys, named Oliver
board, too sacred ?dor any use, save as a Oouitlans and Tony Win feidt•r', tall
memento of the kindly chivalry of :L
great man to a littlo child.—Atlantic's 10 years of age, were playing
Contributors' Club. Corbett and 1''itz:iaumons at Walker-
alker- Daniel 1('rifogle John Gillespie Wm.
ton on Saturday, in the assemblage of Aitkens, Alex Cameron. Robt.
r- '�� embryo pugilists, w t,•' at the fifth I Jenkins David Holmes John uuuons knocked Corbett Me -
Kinnon Wm. Homuth Leo. Orvis,
Ralph Metcalf, Reuben Stokes, Thos.
Aitkins Wm. Robertson, Richard
Porter, Jos. Casemore, August
Homuth, John Willits, John Fortune,
sr. Peter Hastings, Wm. Haugh
Tutnberry council was held i, inclined w be severe on England,
in McDonalds hall on Monday, April Le ncline Ian embere sv that nke at
5th 1897. Members all present.might
The Reeve in the chair. The' least !wen' deemed worthy of :etrotd-
minutes of the last meeting were hag an 11. lural in misfortune to leis
read approved and signed.
fondly. Perhaps' he might renttln-
The Reeve reported that .Iobb's ber ,hat twice the house of Bourbon
bridge will require to be covered in owed its ae tc,rati'ln to the throw,
centre of roadway with short Tam- partly to her terms.
arack plank and recommend that -The Set col of British politics in
work be as done early as possible. which I was bred was not that of ter -
Moved by Mr. Cruicksnanks Secd rttoriaal of grendme:nent, but l believe
by Mr. Coupland that By -Law. No (i it may s -fray be said that British ad -
1897 appointing John Rutherford ministration of Egypt will bear the
Thos. Aitken John Robinson John inspection of the civilized world,
W. Walker James Elliott John From no quarter have more emphatic
McNaughton Robt Leathorne Peter tributes to its beneficence came than
Scott and WmHomuth Fence Viewers from intcligent and impartial Anlcri-
for this Municipality be read three cans. For thirty centuries the Pyre -
times and passed. ---Cd. Moved by raids have looked down on the miser
Mr. Coupland Seed by Mr. Gemmill able oppression of labor, of which
that By -Law No. 7. 1897 appointing they are themselves ptedigious morel -
John Little Geo. Bremner Geo. B. ments. Now, for the titst time. they
Scott. Thos. Gilmour, George look down on a reign of law and
James justice, in �1 irieh the poor peasant,
HenryWheeler, ,1
Michelson,Y• ,•
Stewart, Peter Scott, Win. Deyell freed from the lash of the extra morn';'
Wm. Netterfield, Robt King and may hope to eat the bread be tieirns•
Wm Maxwell Pound Keeper for this "France was pressed by Eiiglaa 1;d
Municipality be read three times and to take part in the settlement of
passed—Cd. Moved by Mr. Cruick- Egypt and refused,"
shank Secd by Mr. Coupland that -
By -Law No. 8. 1897 appointing
Scott's Emulsion makes found 11tzs1
atest 1hada regular ring, with seconds,
p the blood richer andInn-
down and b1 oke his arm. The lads
arse referee and time -keeper. Corbett's
ince the circulation. It
1 provesr('prescntautive wars named after Sir
increases the digestion and
g Olives Mowat, and is a son of John
nourishes the body. It cor- ' ()omens, proprietor of the Walker
y i Frank Carruthers Wm. Deans
OS as
rests diseased action and House. He is rather seriously inlufed.
Alex, Kelly, Chas. I•Iornutb, John
• strengthens the nervous sys- Ontario butter nig
bests •eaneevrr'om of snit: W it Bolt, muel Alex.
V i stone
\agot: . t,.
th having recently brought thei lueben Sauiburn, James Nicholl,
from• the body i•
ll the bestp highest price yet paid for colonial i James Elliott, 'rhos. Walker Geo.
at lowest prices for first class home growth Seeds of all kinds, free fir revelltin the Product, Sncariy as i►hgh as for best Yeo, Robt. Hamilton Wm. ,Douglass
1 d"
ERs for the L.Ti T) TRADE t tem. Ina word, it placesPet
HFAUtZU�.RT ossble 'r
foul weeds such as foreign grown seeds often contain. Our seed is con- con Iden c p
(rine of from I)atnfsh, s't'd s•liliingrs above best
stets of Iilover cf all kinds, Mammoth, Red, Alsike, Lueeano, Crimson, White ConsumptionAustralian. All the lactone -•-some
Chicago Lawn Grasses, Timothy Seed, 14 different varieties g continuingtheir ten torr twelve in nu beetohalve, made
and Cohn(, Cl ;
of Seed. Corn carefully selected. Millett and Hungarian, "Little Giant"beginning or,i nnftiernt article as to chlor, salting
Seeder at manufacturers prices. !work. In that one sentence and texture, just what. was demanded
Bear in mind, our seeds are home grown and selected by ourselves with is the whole secret. Book by the market to which it was ship -
of many years to the trade convinces us
b' veryed and all was put up hi the stien-
,Iohn McEwen, 'rhos. Pope, 1 et r
Scott, Chris Moffatt, Robt Black
Robt. Bing, Arch. Patterson, Henry
Diment Robt. Maxwell, John Case -
more, W. Jermyn N. J. Kerswell
Jos. Yeo, Geo. Moffatt Jos. Walker
care that our exp he subject John Mulvey, Bobs ltiielntisla Andrew
all the .�
to be necessary and you can rely upon getting
fresh, clean and reliable
covering t 30,000 oands ]tarn llecn j Divtd Moffat rhos. Netterfield seeds"at closest possible pedes if you bit thoroughly sent tree for the p ever been ! Saml Lockeridge
Some of the members ut the C. 0.
1?. attended the funeral of the late
Bro. John Huskings in Auburn on
On Wednesday last the fire alarm
was sounded, the chopping mill of
Alex. McCraight was on fire, but be-
fore the etlgine and apparatus got:
there it had been put out.
On Thursday the faneral of the
1atelJames Collotin, one of the oldest
residenters, took place from his late
residence, the remains being taken to
the Roman Catholic cemetery in
Morris for interment. The bereav-
ed ones have the entire sympathy
of the commnnity.
Mr. Robert Collotin of `''alkerville
was here attending the funeral of his
father; he left for home on Saturday.
The Canadian band may be heard
very distinctly every evening.
dant squire 56 -pound patekage. So 1(eintnill Wm Mitchell, Robt. Aliuer The Doherty Process Company of
fat' about •field John Hamilton hots sold the patent for mann-
asking whipped, and the ery has c er ,,ins cy
• Abram I teetering iron la Europe to an English
ii:t:1J:..1s •SCOTT Sc 13U1V.1, rletlevilt,Unt. f0i' more. Swlndcrhurst Janie: \ettereld Company for 1:100,000.